Route114_FossilManiacsHouse_MapScripts:: @ 822AD30 map_script 3, Route114_FossilManiacsHouse_MapScript1_22AD36 .byte 0 Route114_FossilManiacsHouse_MapScript1_22AD36: @ 822AD36 setflag FLAG_LANDMARK_FOSSIL_MANIACS_HOUSE end Route114_FossilManiacsHouse_EventScript_22AD3A:: @ 822AD3A lock faceplayer goto_if_set FLAG_RECEIVED_TM28, Route114_FossilManiacsHouse_EventScript_22AD69 msgbox Route114_FossilManiacsHouse_Text_22AD85, MSGBOX_DEFAULT giveitem_std ITEM_TM28 compare VAR_RESULT, 0 goto_if_eq Common_EventScript_ShowBagIsFull setflag FLAG_RECEIVED_TM28 release end Route114_FossilManiacsHouse_EventScript_22AD69:: @ 822AD69 msgbox Route114_FossilManiacsHouse_Text_22AE48, MSGBOX_DEFAULT release end Route114_FossilManiacsHouse_EventScript_22AD73:: @ 822AD73 msgbox Route114_FossilManiacsHouse_Text_22AE92, MSGBOX_SIGN end Route114_FossilManiacsHouse_EventScript_22AD7C:: @ 822AD7C msgbox Route114_FossilManiacsHouse_Text_22AEC2, MSGBOX_SIGN end Route114_FossilManiacsHouse_Text_22AD85: @ 822AD85 .string "My big brother's the FOSSIL MANIAC…\n" .string "He's a nice guy who loves FOSSILS…\p" .string "He loves digging holes, too…\n" .string "He dug this hole by himself…\p" .string "You can have this, so you can DIG\n" .string "holes just like my big brother…$" Route114_FossilManiacsHouse_Text_22AE48: @ 822AE48 .string "If you make a POKéMON DIG inside a\n" .string "cave, you're returned to the entrance…$" Route114_FossilManiacsHouse_Text_22AE92: @ 822AE92 .string "Rocks in peculiar shapes fill\n" .string "the display case…$" Route114_FossilManiacsHouse_Text_22AEC2: @ 822AEC2 .string "THE COMPOSITION OF STRATA…\n" .string "HOW RAIN SHAPES THE LAND…\l" .string "STONES, SOIL, AND ROCK…\p" .string "It's crammed with books.$"