EverGrandeCity_ChampionsRoom_MapScripts:: @ 82289EF map_script 3, EverGrandeCity_ChampionsRoom_MapScript1_2289FF map_script 4, EverGrandeCity_ChampionsRoom_MapScript2_228A05 map_script 2, EverGrandeCity_ChampionsRoom_MapScript2_228A14 .byte 0 EverGrandeCity_ChampionsRoom_MapScript1_2289FF: @ 82289FF call EverGrandeCity_ChampionsRoom_EventScript_271ED7 end EverGrandeCity_ChampionsRoom_MapScript2_228A05: @ 8228A05 map_script_2 VAR_TEMP_1, 0, EverGrandeCity_ChampionsRoom_EventScript_228A0F .2byte 0 EverGrandeCity_ChampionsRoom_EventScript_228A0F:: @ 8228A0F turnobject 255, 2 end EverGrandeCity_ChampionsRoom_MapScript2_228A14: @ 8228A14 map_script_2 VAR_TEMP_1, 0, EverGrandeCity_ChampionsRoom_EventScript_228A1E .2byte 0 EverGrandeCity_ChampionsRoom_EventScript_228A1E:: @ 8228A1E lockall applymovement 255, EverGrandeCity_ChampionsRoom_Movement_2725C1 waitmovement 0 delay 40 applymovement 255, EverGrandeCity_ChampionsRoom_Movement_228A42 waitmovement 0 setvar VAR_TEMP_1, 1 goto EverGrandeCity_ChampionsRoom_EventScript_228A45 releaseall end EverGrandeCity_ChampionsRoom_Movement_228A42: @ 8228A42 step_up step_up step_end EverGrandeCity_ChampionsRoom_EventScript_228A45:: @ 8228A45 playbgm MUS_DAIGO, 0 msgbox EverGrandeCity_ChampionsRoom_Text_228C4C, 4 trainerbattle 3, TRAINER_WALLACE, 0, EverGrandeCity_ChampionsRoom_Text_228EAC goto EverGrandeCity_ChampionsRoom_EventScript_228A61 end EverGrandeCity_ChampionsRoom_EventScript_228A61:: @ 8228A61 playse SE_DOOR setmetatile 6, 1, 838, 0 setmetatile 6, 2, 839, 0 special DrawWholeMapView msgbox EverGrandeCity_ChampionsRoom_Text_228F66, 4 closemessage playse SE_DOOR checkplayergender compare VAR_RESULT, 0 call_if 1, EverGrandeCity_ChampionsRoom_EventScript_228ABC compare VAR_RESULT, 1 call_if 1, EverGrandeCity_ChampionsRoom_EventScript_228AC1 addobject 2 call EverGrandeCity_ChampionsRoom_EventScript_228BFD checkplayergender compare VAR_RESULT, 0 goto_eq EverGrandeCity_ChampionsRoom_EventScript_228AC6 compare VAR_RESULT, 1 goto_eq EverGrandeCity_ChampionsRoom_EventScript_228AFB end EverGrandeCity_ChampionsRoom_EventScript_228ABC:: @ 8228ABC playbgm MUS_GIRL_SUP, 0 return EverGrandeCity_ChampionsRoom_EventScript_228AC1:: @ 8228AC1 playbgm MUS_BOY_SUP, 0 return EverGrandeCity_ChampionsRoom_EventScript_228AC6:: @ 8228AC6 msgbox EverGrandeCity_ChampionsRoom_Text_2290CA, 4 delay 40 playse SE_PIN applymovement 2, EverGrandeCity_ChampionsRoom_Movement_272598 waitmovement 0 applymovement 2, EverGrandeCity_ChampionsRoom_Movement_27259A waitmovement 0 call EverGrandeCity_ChampionsRoom_EventScript_228C12 msgbox EverGrandeCity_ChampionsRoom_Text_22910B, 4 goto EverGrandeCity_ChampionsRoom_EventScript_228B30 end EverGrandeCity_ChampionsRoom_EventScript_228AFB:: @ 8228AFB msgbox EverGrandeCity_ChampionsRoom_Text_229152, 4 delay 40 playse SE_PIN applymovement 2, EverGrandeCity_ChampionsRoom_Movement_272598 waitmovement 0 applymovement 2, EverGrandeCity_ChampionsRoom_Movement_27259A waitmovement 0 call EverGrandeCity_ChampionsRoom_EventScript_228C12 msgbox EverGrandeCity_ChampionsRoom_Text_2291A2, 4 goto EverGrandeCity_ChampionsRoom_EventScript_228B30 end EverGrandeCity_ChampionsRoom_EventScript_228B30:: @ 8228B30 closemessage addobject 3 applymovement 3, EverGrandeCity_ChampionsRoom_Movement_228C43 waitmovement 0 applymovement 255, EverGrandeCity_ChampionsRoom_Movement_2725A8 waitmovement 0 msgbox EverGrandeCity_ChampionsRoom_Text_2291E6, 4 call EverGrandeCity_ChampionsRoom_EventScript_272184 msgbox EverGrandeCity_ChampionsRoom_Text_22934D, 4 applymovement 1, EverGrandeCity_ChampionsRoom_Movement_2725A6 waitmovement 0 delay 20 applymovement 1, EverGrandeCity_ChampionsRoom_Movement_2725AA waitmovement 0 msgbox EverGrandeCity_ChampionsRoom_Text_229399, 4 closemessage delay 30 applymovement 1, EverGrandeCity_ChampionsRoom_Movement_228C3B applymovement 255, EverGrandeCity_ChampionsRoom_Movement_228C1D applymovement 3, EverGrandeCity_ChampionsRoom_Movement_2725A6 applymovement 2, EverGrandeCity_ChampionsRoom_Movement_228C38 waitmovement 0 delay 20 applymovement 255, EverGrandeCity_ChampionsRoom_Movement_2725AA waitmovement 0 msgbox EverGrandeCity_ChampionsRoom_Text_2293EB, 4 checkplayergender compare VAR_RESULT, 0 call_if 1, EverGrandeCity_ChampionsRoom_EventScript_228BEB compare VAR_RESULT, 1 call_if 1, EverGrandeCity_ChampionsRoom_EventScript_228BF4 closemessage applymovement 1, EverGrandeCity_ChampionsRoom_Movement_228C3F applymovement 255, EverGrandeCity_ChampionsRoom_Movement_228C20 waitmovement 0 setflag FLAG_0x30D warp EVER_GRANDE_CITY_HALL_OF_FAME, 255, 7, 16 waitstate releaseall end EverGrandeCity_ChampionsRoom_EventScript_228BEB:: @ 8228BEB msgbox EverGrandeCity_ChampionsRoom_Text_229479, 4 return EverGrandeCity_ChampionsRoom_EventScript_228BF4:: @ 8228BF4 msgbox EverGrandeCity_ChampionsRoom_Text_2294F5, 4 return EverGrandeCity_ChampionsRoom_EventScript_228BFD:: @ 8228BFD applymovement 2, EverGrandeCity_ChampionsRoom_Movement_228C26 waitmovement 0 applymovement 255, EverGrandeCity_ChampionsRoom_Movement_2725A4 waitmovement 0 return EverGrandeCity_ChampionsRoom_EventScript_228C12:: @ 8228C12 applymovement 2, EverGrandeCity_ChampionsRoom_Movement_228C2F waitmovement 0 return EverGrandeCity_ChampionsRoom_Movement_228C1D: @ 8228C1D step_up step_up step_end EverGrandeCity_ChampionsRoom_Movement_228C20: @ 8228C20 step_up step_14 step_up step_13 step_54 step_end EverGrandeCity_ChampionsRoom_Movement_228C26: @ 8228C26 step_up step_up step_up step_up step_up step_left step_up step_28 step_end EverGrandeCity_ChampionsRoom_Movement_228C2F: @ 8228C2F step_26 step_14 step_28 step_14 step_26 step_13 step_28 step_14 step_end EverGrandeCity_ChampionsRoom_Movement_228C38: @ 8228C38 step_right step_up step_end EverGrandeCity_ChampionsRoom_Movement_228C3B: @ 8228C3B step_up step_up step_25 step_end EverGrandeCity_ChampionsRoom_Movement_228C3F: @ 8228C3F step_up step_13 step_54 step_end EverGrandeCity_ChampionsRoom_Movement_228C43: @ 8228C43 step_up step_up step_up step_up step_up step_right step_up step_27 step_end EverGrandeCity_ChampionsRoom_Text_228C4C: @ 8228C4C .string "WALLACE: Welcome, {PLAYER}{KUN}.\p" .string "That incident in SOOTOPOLIS CITY…\n" .string "That was superb work, putting an end\l" .string "to that crisis all by yourself.\p" .string "Oops!\p" .string "It wouldn’t be fair to say that you\n" .string "alone ended the crisis.\p" .string "You overcame that difficult situation\n" .string "by working as one with your POKéMON.\p" .string "We TRAINERS raise POKéMON by giving\n" .string "them items and by teaching them new\l" .string "techniques for battle.\p" .string "But we ourselves also learn many\n" .string "things from POKéMON.\p" .string "And this is where your achievements\n" .string "are put to the test against what\l" .string "others like you have achieved.\p" .string "Now!\p" .string "Who can most elegantly dance with\n" .string "their POKéMON in HOENN?\p" .string "Show me right here and now!$" EverGrandeCity_ChampionsRoom_Text_228EAC: @ 8228EAC .string "I, the CHAMPION, fall in defeat…\p" .string "That was wonderful work.\n" .string "You were elegant, infuriatingly so.\l" .string "And yet it was utterly glorious!\p" .string "Kudos to you, {PLAYER}{KUN}!\p" .string "You are a truly noble POKéMON\n" .string "TRAINER!$" EverGrandeCity_ChampionsRoom_Text_228F66: @ 8228F66 .string "WALLACE: The POKéMON you sent into\n" .string "battle…\p" .string "At times they danced like a spring\n" .string "breeze, and at times they struck\l" .string "like lightning.\p" .string "It was with light, yet surefooted,\n" .string "elegance that you led your POKéMON.\p" .string "Even I felt bedazzled by your\n" .string "masterful performance!\p" .string "You now stand at the glorious peak\n" .string "of the POKéMON LEAGUE.\p" .string "I now proclaim you to be the new\n" .string "HOENN region…$" EverGrandeCity_ChampionsRoom_Text_2290CA: @ 82290CA .string "MAY: {PLAYER}{KUN}!\p" .string "Here’s some advice before you challenge\n" .string "the CHAMPION…$" EverGrandeCity_ChampionsRoom_Text_22910B: @ 822910B .string "MAY: Huh?\n" .string "What, what, what?\p" .string "{PLAYER}{KUN}…\n" .string "Could it be that…\l" .string "It’s already over?$" EverGrandeCity_ChampionsRoom_Text_229152: @ 8229152 .string "BRENDAN: {PLAYER}!\p" .string "How would you like some advice before\n" .string "you challenge the CHAMPION?…$" EverGrandeCity_ChampionsRoom_Text_2291A2: @ 82291A2 .string "BRENDAN: {PLAYER}…\p" .string "Are you trying to tell me…\n" .string "You’ve beaten the CHAMPION?$" EverGrandeCity_ChampionsRoom_Text_2291E6: @ 82291E6 .string "PROF. BIRCH: See?\n" .string "What did I tell you, {RIVAL}?\p" .string "Didn’t I tell you that you don’t need\n" .string "to worry about {PLAYER}{KUN}?\p" .string "… … … … … … … …\n" .string "{PLAYER}{KUN}, you’ve finally done it.\p" .string "When I heard that you defeated your\n" .string "own father at the PETALBURG GYM,\l" .string "I thought perhaps you had a chance…\p" .string "But to think you’ve actually become\n" .string "the CHAMPION!\p" .string "Ah, yes!\p" .string "What became of your POKéDEX?\n" .string "Here, let me see.$" EverGrandeCity_ChampionsRoom_Text_22934D: @ 822934D .string "PROF. BIRCH: Anyways,\n" .string "congratulations!\p" .string "Now, go proudly into the final room!$" EverGrandeCity_ChampionsRoom_Text_229399: @ 8229399 .string "WALLACE: {PLAYER}{KUN}…\p" .string "No, let me rephrase that properly.\p" .string "The new CHAMPION!\p" .string "Come with me.$" EverGrandeCity_ChampionsRoom_Text_2293EB: @ 82293EB .string "WALLACE: I’m sorry, but…\p" .string "From here on, only those TRAINERS who\n" .string "have become CHAMPIONS may enter.\p" .string "You’ll have to wait outside with\n" .string "PROF. BIRCH.$" EverGrandeCity_ChampionsRoom_Text_229479: @ 8229479 .string "MAY: Groan…\p" .string "… … … … … … … …\n" .string "… … … … … … … …\p" .string "I’m just joking! That’s okay!\n" .string "That’s the rule!\p" .string "{PLAYER}{KUN}!\n" .string "Honestly, congratulations!$" EverGrandeCity_ChampionsRoom_Text_2294F5: @ 82294F5 .string "BRENDAN: Whaaaat?! … … … … …\n" .string "… … … … … … … …\p" .string "It can’t be helped if that’s the rule.\p" .string "{PLAYER}, way to go!\n" .string "Congratulations!$"