MossdeepCity_MapScripts:: @ 81E4A96 map_script 3, MossdeepCity_MapScript1_1E4A9C .byte 0 MossdeepCity_MapScript1_1E4A9C: @ 81E4A9C clearflag FLAG_0x064 clearflag FLAG_0x065 clearflag FLAG_0x066 clearflag FLAG_0x067 checkflag FLAG_SYS_WEATHER_CTRL call_if 1, MossdeepCity_EventScript_27207A end MossdeepCity_EventScript_1E4AB2:: @ 81E4AB2 lock faceplayer checkflag FLAG_0x07B goto_eq MossdeepCity_EventScript_1E4AC7 msgbox MossdeepCity_Text_1E4E90, 4 release end MossdeepCity_EventScript_1E4AC7:: @ 81E4AC7 msgbox MossdeepCity_Text_1E4F15, 4 release end MossdeepCity_EventScript_1E4AD1:: @ 81E4AD1 lock faceplayer checkflag FLAG_0x07B goto_eq MossdeepCity_EventScript_1E4AE6 msgbox MossdeepCity_Text_1E4F50, 4 release end MossdeepCity_EventScript_1E4AE6:: @ 81E4AE6 msgbox MossdeepCity_Text_1E5051, 4 release end MossdeepCity_EventScript_1E4AF0:: @ 81E4AF0 msgbox MossdeepCity_Text_1E4E22, 2 end MossdeepCity_EventScript_1E4AF9:: @ 81E4AF9 msgbox MossdeepCity_Text_1E5135, 2 end MossdeepCity_EventScript_1E4B02:: @ 81E4B02 msgbox MossdeepCity_Text_1E50D9, 2 end MossdeepCity_EventScript_1E4B0B:: @ 81E4B0B msgbox MossdeepCity_Text_1E529D, 2 end MossdeepCity_EventScript_1E4B14:: @ 81E4B14 msgbox MossdeepCity_Text_1E5396, 3 end MossdeepCity_EventScript_1E4B1D:: @ 81E4B1D msgbox MossdeepCity_Text_1E53A9, 3 end MossdeepCity_EventScript_1E4B26:: @ 81E4B26 msgbox MossdeepCity_Text_1E53F2, 3 end MossdeepCity_EventScript_1E4B2F:: @ 81E4B2F msgbox MossdeepCity_Text_1E541F, 3 end MossdeepCity_EventScript_1E4B38:: @ 81E4B38 setflag FLAG_VISITED_MOSSDEEP_CITY setvar VAR_TEMP_1, 1 end MossdeepCity_EventScript_1E4B41:: @ 81E4B41 lockall applymovement 14, MossdeepCity_Movement_1E4BAD waitmovement 0 applymovement 10, MossdeepCity_Movement_1E4BB7 applymovement 11, MossdeepCity_Movement_1E4BB7 applymovement 12, MossdeepCity_Movement_1E4BB7 applymovement 13, MossdeepCity_Movement_1E4BB7 waitmovement 0 applymovement 14, MossdeepCity_Movement_1E4BBC applymovement 10, MossdeepCity_Movement_1E4BCA applymovement 11, MossdeepCity_Movement_1E4BDD applymovement 12, MossdeepCity_Movement_1E4BEF applymovement 13, MossdeepCity_Movement_1E4C00 waitmovement 0 removeobject 14 removeobject 10 removeobject 11 removeobject 12 removeobject 13 delay 30 setvar VAR_0x405D, 2 setflag FLAG_0x337 releaseall end MossdeepCity_Movement_1E4BAD: @ 81E4BAD step_14 step_03 step_14 step_14 step_14 step_14 step_02 step_14 step_14 step_end MossdeepCity_Movement_1E4BB7: @ 81E4BB7 step_03 step_14 step_14 step_14 step_end MossdeepCity_Movement_1E4BBC: @ 81E4BBC step_down step_right step_right step_down step_down step_down step_right step_right step_right step_right step_right step_right step_right step_end MossdeepCity_Movement_1E4BCA: @ 81E4BCA step_14 step_13 step_down step_down step_down step_right step_right step_right step_down step_down step_down step_right step_right step_right step_right step_right step_right step_right step_end MossdeepCity_Movement_1E4BDD: @ 81E4BDD step_14 step_13 step_down step_down step_right step_right step_right step_down step_down step_down step_right step_right step_right step_right step_right step_right step_right step_end MossdeepCity_Movement_1E4BEF: @ 81E4BEF step_14 step_13 step_down step_right step_right step_right step_down step_down step_down step_right step_right step_right step_right step_right step_right step_right step_end MossdeepCity_Movement_1E4C00: @ 81E4C00 step_14 step_13 step_right step_right step_right step_down step_down step_down step_right step_right step_right step_right step_right step_right step_right step_end MossdeepCity_EventScript_1E4C10:: @ 81E4C10 lock faceplayer msgbox MossdeepCity_Text_1E5213, 4 applymovement VAR_LAST_TALKED, MossdeepCity_Movement_2725A2 waitmovement 0 release end MossdeepCity_EventScript_1E4C26:: @ 81E4C26 lock faceplayer checkflag FLAG_0x114 goto_eq MossdeepCity_EventScript_1E4C68 msgbox MossdeepCity_Text_1E4CED, 5 compare VAR_RESULT, 0 goto_eq MossdeepCity_EventScript_1E4C72 msgbox MossdeepCity_Text_1E4D5B, 4 giveitem_std ITEM_KINGS_ROCK compare VAR_RESULT, 0 goto_eq MossdeepCity_EventScript_272054 setflag FLAG_0x114 release end MossdeepCity_EventScript_1E4C68:: @ 81E4C68 msgbox MossdeepCity_Text_1E4DB3, 4 release end MossdeepCity_EventScript_1E4C72:: @ 81E4C72 msgbox MossdeepCity_Text_1E4DD7, 4 release end MossdeepCity_EventScript_1E4C7C:: @ 81E4C7C msgbox MossdeepCity_Text_1E5581, 2 end MossdeepCity_EventScript_1E4C85:: @ 81E4C85 lock faceplayer msgbox MossdeepCity_Text_1E5453, 4 closemessage compare VAR_FACING, 2 call_if 1, MossdeepCity_EventScript_1E4CB0 compare VAR_FACING, 4 call_if 1, MossdeepCity_EventScript_1E4CC2 addvar VAR_0x40D1, 1 removeobject 16 release end MossdeepCity_EventScript_1E4CB0:: @ 81E4CB0 applymovement 255, MossdeepCity_Movement_1E4CD4 applymovement 16, MossdeepCity_Movement_1E4CD8 waitmovement 0 return MossdeepCity_EventScript_1E4CC2:: @ 81E4CC2 applymovement 255, MossdeepCity_Movement_1E4CD4 applymovement 16, MossdeepCity_Movement_1E4CE2 waitmovement 0 return MossdeepCity_Movement_1E4CD4: @ 81E4CD4 step_14 step_14 step_27 step_end MossdeepCity_Movement_1E4CD8: @ 81E4CD8 step_left step_left step_left step_left step_left step_left step_left step_left step_left step_end MossdeepCity_Movement_1E4CE2: @ 81E4CE2 step_down step_left step_left step_left step_left step_left step_left step_left step_left step_left step_end MossdeepCity_Text_1E4CED: @ 81E4CED .string "I got this from STEVEN, but I don’t\n" .string "know what it’s good for.\p" .string "I think it’s called KING’S ROCK.\n" .string "Do you want it?$" MossdeepCity_Text_1E4D5B: @ 81E4D5B .string "Why would you want it?\n" .string "You’re weird.\p" .string "You can keep it, but keep it a secret\n" .string "from STEVEN.$" MossdeepCity_Text_1E4DB3: @ 81E4DB3 .string "STEVEN’s house is right over there!$" MossdeepCity_Text_1E4DD7: @ 81E4DD7 .string "Yeah, you think so, too! What are you\n" .string "supposed to do with some weird rock?$" MossdeepCity_Text_1E4E22: @ 81E4E22 .string "Around MOSSDEEP, you can see wild\n" .string "WAILMER.\p" .string "It’s called, uh…\n" .string "What was it now…\p" .string "WAI, WAI, WAI…\p" .string "WAILMER watching!$" MossdeepCity_Text_1E4E90: @ 81E4E90 .string "The island’s SPACE CENTER has been\n" .string "launching huge rockets.\p" .string "There’s been some kind of an uproar\n" .string "over a letter they received recently.$" MossdeepCity_Text_1E4F15: @ 81E4F15 .string "The island’s SPACE CENTER has been\n" .string "launching huge rockets.$" MossdeepCity_Text_1E4F50: @ 81E4F50 .string "I heard from a SAILOR buddy that\n" .string "TEAM AQUA set up shop in LILYCOVE.\p" .string "I also heard that someone came along\n" .string "and wiped the floor with them!\p" .string "But MOSSDEEP here’s been targeted\n" .string "by that TEAM MAGMA.\p" .string "If you want to know what they’re up to,\n" .string "go visit the SPACE CENTER.$" MossdeepCity_Text_1E5051: @ 81E5051 .string "I’m a SAILOR, so the sea’s obviously\n" .string "more important to me.\p" .string "But you know? When I get back on land\n" .string "after a long voyage, I do feel relief!$" MossdeepCity_Text_1E50D9: @ 81E50D9 .string "Wouldn’t it be nice?\p" .string "If the whole world was covered in\n" .string "plants and flowers like this island?$" MossdeepCity_Text_1E5135: @ 81E5135 .string "All life needs the sea to live, even\n" .string "though it makes its home on the land.\p" .string "Life, having run its course, becomes\n" .string "soil and returns to the land.\p" .string "And the sea is always connected to\n" .string "the land.\p" .string "Yes, like the very shoreline here.$" MossdeepCity_Text_1E5213: @ 81E5213 .string "A voyage on a ship is fine.\p" .string "But crossing the sea with POKéMON\n" .string "using SURF…\p" .string "Now that’s an exhilarating trip!\n" .string "Wouldn’t you agree, youngster?$" MossdeepCity_Text_1E529D: @ 81E529D .string "This rock has a special meaning to\n" .string "the people at the SPACE CENTER.\p" .string "They put it here as their wish for\n" .string "their rockets to fly safely.\p" .string "When you make a wish, what do you use?\n" .string "Do you wish upon a star?\p" .string "I use a wish tag to make it happen.\n" .string "That’s what I do.$" MossdeepCity_Text_1E5396: @ 81E5396 .string "It’s a white rock.$" MossdeepCity_Text_1E53A9: @ 81E53A9 .string "MOSSDEEP CITY POKéMON GYM\n" .string "LEADERS: LIZA & TATE\p" .string "“The mystic combination!”$" MossdeepCity_Text_1E53F2: @ 81E53F2 .string "MOSSDEEP CITY\n" .string "“Our slogan: Cherish POKéMON!”$" MossdeepCity_Text_1E541F: @ 81E541F .string "MOSSDEEP SPACE CENTER\n" .string "“The closest place to space.”$" MossdeepCity_Text_1E5453: @ 81E5453 .string "SCOTT: {PLAYER}{KUN}, feeling good?\n" .string "I’m doing great!\p" .string "I’d heard MOSSDEEP’s GYM LEADER is\n" .string "pretty strong, so I decided to come\l" .string "take a look-see for myself.\p" .string "But there’s something wrong about\n" .string "this town.\p" .string "People are going on about a warning\n" .string "letter and the SPACE CENTER…\p" .string "I don’t think it concerns me in any\n" .string "way, though.$" MossdeepCity_Text_1E5581: @ 81E5581 .string "Ahh… It feels great letting the waves\n" .string "wash over my feet…\p" .string "Speaking of the waves, you know that\n" .string "island city SOOTOPOLIS?\p" .string "I think the GYM there had a new\n" .string "LEADER come in.\p" .string "People tell me the new LEADER once\n" .string "mentored WALLACE.$"