SeafloorCavern_Entrance_MapScripts:: @ 823446E map_script MAP_SCRIPT_ON_RESUME, SeafloorCavern_Entrance_OnResume .byte 0 SeafloorCavern_Entrance_OnResume: @ 8234474 setdivewarp MAP_UNDERWATER_SEAFLOOR_CAVERN, 255, 6, 5 setescapewarp MAP_UNDERWATER_SEAFLOOR_CAVERN, 255, 6, 5 end SeafloorCavern_Entrance_EventScript_Grunt:: @ 8234485 lockall compare VAR_HAS_TALKED_TO_SEAFLOOR_CAVERN_ENTRANCE_GRUNT, 1 goto_if_eq SeafloorCavern_Entrance_EventScript_GruntSpeechShort waitse playse SE_PIN applymovement 1, Common_Movement_ExclamationMark waitmovement 0 applymovement 1, Common_Movement_Delay48 waitmovement 0 delay 20 compare VAR_FACING, DIR_WEST call_if_eq SeafloorCavern_Entrance_EventScript_GruntFacePlayerWest compare VAR_FACING, DIR_EAST call_if_eq SeafloorCavern_Entrance_EventScript_GruntFacePlayerEast compare VAR_FACING, DIR_NORTH call_if_eq SeafloorCavern_Entrance_EventScript_GruntFacePlayerNorth delay 30 setvar VAR_HAS_TALKED_TO_SEAFLOOR_CAVERN_ENTRANCE_GRUNT, 1 copyobjectxytoperm 1 msgbox SeafloorCavern_Entrance_Text_HearMagmaNearMossdeep, MSGBOX_DEFAULT closemessage applymovement 1, Common_Movement_WalkInPlaceFastestUp waitmovement 0 releaseall end SeafloorCavern_Entrance_EventScript_GruntSpeechShort:: @ 82344ED compare VAR_FACING, DIR_WEST call_if_eq SeafloorCavern_Entrance_EventScript_GruntFacePlayerWest compare VAR_FACING, DIR_EAST call_if_eq SeafloorCavern_Entrance_EventScript_GruntFacePlayerEast compare VAR_FACING, DIR_NORTH call_if_eq SeafloorCavern_Entrance_EventScript_GruntFacePlayerNorth msgbox SeafloorCavern_Entrance_Text_HearMagmaNearMossdeepShort, MSGBOX_DEFAULT closemessage applymovement 1, Common_Movement_WalkInPlaceFastestUp waitmovement 0 releaseall end SeafloorCavern_Entrance_EventScript_GruntFacePlayerEast:: @ 8234523 applymovement 1, Common_Movement_WalkInPlaceFastestLeft waitmovement 0 return SeafloorCavern_Entrance_EventScript_GruntFacePlayerWest:: @ 823452E applymovement 1, Common_Movement_WalkInPlaceFastestRight waitmovement 0 return SeafloorCavern_Entrance_EventScript_GruntFacePlayerNorth:: @ 8234539 applymovement 1, Common_Movement_WalkInPlaceFastestDown waitmovement 0 return SeafloorCavern_Entrance_Text_HearMagmaNearMossdeep: @ 8234544 .string "Hey!\n" .string "I remember your face!\p" .string "If you're here, it must mean that\n" .string "you're about to mess with us again!\p" .string "A punk like you, do you really think\n" .string "you can take on TEAM AQUA?\p" .string "I'd say you're too early by about\n" .string "a trillion years!\p" .string "You're a perfect fit for the likes of\n" .string "TEAM MAGMA!\p" .string "Speaking of TEAM MAGMA, I hear they\n" .string "were spotted near MOSSDEEP.\p" .string "That bunch of goons, they sure don't\n" .string "look good near the sea!$" SeafloorCavern_Entrance_Text_HearMagmaNearMossdeepShort: @ 82346C8 .string "A punk like you, do you really think\n" .string "you can take on TEAM AQUA?\p" .string "I'd say you're too early by about\n" .string "a trillion years!\p" .string "You're a perfect fit for the likes of\n" .string "TEAM MAGMA!\p" .string "Speaking of TEAM MAGMA, I hear they\n" .string "were spotted near MOSSDEEP.\p" .string "That bunch of goons, they sure don't\n" .string "look good near the sea!$"