FortreeCity_House5_MapScripts:: .byte 0 FortreeCity_House5_EventScript_PokefanF:: msgbox FortreeCity_House5_Text_TreeHousesAreGreat, MSGBOX_NPC end FortreeCity_House5_EventScript_Man:: msgbox FortreeCity_House5_Text_AdaptedToNature, MSGBOX_NPC end FortreeCity_House5_EventScript_Zigzagoon:: lock faceplayer waitse playmoncry SPECIES_ZIGZAGOON, 0 msgbox FortreeCity_House5_Text_Zigzagoon, MSGBOX_DEFAULT waitmoncry release end FortreeCity_House5_Text_TreeHousesAreGreat: .string "The tree houses of FORTREE are great!\p" .string "I think it's the number one town for\n" .string "living together with POKéMON.$" FortreeCity_House5_Text_AdaptedToNature: .string "POKéMON and people have adapted to\n" .string "nature for survival.\p" .string "There's no need to make nature\n" .string "conform to the way we want to live.$" FortreeCity_House5_Text_Zigzagoon: .string "ZIGZAGOON: Bufuu!$"