BattleFrontier_OutsideEast_MapScripts:: @ 8242C04 map_script MAP_SCRIPT_ON_RESUME, BattleFrontier_OutsideEast_MapScript1_242C0F map_script MAP_SCRIPT_ON_TRANSITION, BattleFrontier_OutsideEast_MapScript1_242C2D .byte 0 BattleFrontier_OutsideEast_MapScript1_242C0F: @ 8242C0F call_if_set FLAG_SYS_CTRL_OBJ_DELETE, BattleFrontier_OutsideEast_EventScript_242C19 end BattleFrontier_OutsideEast_EventScript_242C19:: @ 8242C19 specialvar VAR_RESULT, GetBattleOutcome compare VAR_RESULT, 7 goto_if_ne Common_EventScript_NopReturn removeobject VAR_LAST_TALKED return BattleFrontier_OutsideEast_MapScript1_242C2D: @ 8242C2D setvar VAR_BRAVO_TRAINER_BATTLE_TOWER_ON, 0 setflag FLAG_HIDE_BATTLE_TOWER_REPORTER call_if_unset FLAG_DEFEATED_SUDOWOODO, BattleFrontier_OutsideEast_EventScript_242C3F end BattleFrontier_OutsideEast_EventScript_242C3F:: @ 8242C3F clearflag FLAG_HIDE_BATTLE_FRONTIER_SUDOWOODO return BattleFrontier_OutsideEast_EventScript_242C43:: @ 8242C43 msgbox BattleFrontier_OutsideEast_Text_242E11, MSGBOX_SIGN end BattleFrontier_OutsideEast_EventScript_242C4C:: @ 8242C4C msgbox BattleFrontier_OutsideEast_Text_242E58, MSGBOX_SIGN end BattleFrontier_OutsideEast_EventScript_242C55:: @ 8242C55 msgbox BattleFrontier_OutsideEast_Text_242E96, MSGBOX_SIGN end BattleFrontier_OutsideEast_EventScript_242C5E:: @ 8242C5E msgbox BattleFrontier_OutsideEast_Text_242ECF, MSGBOX_SIGN end BattleFrontier_OutsideEast_EventScript_242C67:: @ 8242C67 msgbox BattleFrontier_OutsideEast_Text_242F8C, MSGBOX_NPC end BattleFrontier_OutsideEast_EventScript_242C70:: @ 8242C70 msgbox BattleFrontier_OutsideEast_Text_242FDC, MSGBOX_NPC end BattleFrontier_OutsideEast_EventScript_242C79:: @ 8242C79 msgbox BattleFrontier_OutsideEast_Text_24308C, MSGBOX_NPC end BattleFrontier_OutsideEast_EventScript_242C82:: @ 8242C82 msgbox BattleFrontier_OutsideEast_Text_243106, MSGBOX_NPC end BattleFrontier_OutsideEast_EventScript_242C8B:: @ 8242C8B msgbox BattleFrontier_OutsideEast_Text_2431A5, MSGBOX_NPC end BattleFrontier_OutsideEast_EventScript_242C94:: @ 8242C94 lock msgbox BattleFrontier_OutsideEast_Text_2432DD, MSGBOX_DEFAULT release end BattleFrontier_OutsideEast_EventScript_242C9F:: @ 8242C9F lock faceplayer waitse playmoncry SPECIES_ZIGZAGOON, 0 msgbox BattleFrontier_OutsideEast_Text_24334B, MSGBOX_DEFAULT waitmoncry release end BattleFrontier_OutsideEast_EventScript_242CB2:: @ 8242CB2 msgbox BattleFrontier_OutsideEast_Text_243363, MSGBOX_NPC end BattleFrontier_OutsideEast_EventScript_242CBB:: @ 8242CBB msgbox BattleFrontier_OutsideEast_Text_243425, MSGBOX_NPC end BattleFrontier_OutsideEast_EventScript_242CC4:: @ 8242CC4 msgbox BattleFrontier_OutsideEast_Text_2434A0, MSGBOX_NPC end BattleFrontier_OutsideEast_EventScript_242CCD:: @ 8242CCD msgbox BattleFrontier_OutsideEast_Text_243504, MSGBOX_NPC end BattleFrontier_OutsideEast_EventScript_242CD6:: @ 8242CD6 lock msgbox BattleFrontier_OutsideEast_Text_243529, MSGBOX_DEFAULT release end BattleFrontier_OutsideEast_EventScript_242CE1:: @ 8242CE1 msgbox BattleFrontier_OutsideEast_Text_243230, MSGBOX_NPC end BattleFrontier_OutsideEast_EventScript_242CEA:: @ 8242CEA lock faceplayer waitse playse 269 applymovement 14, BattleFrontier_OutsideEast_Movement_242D69 waitmovement 0 release end BattleFrontier_OutsideEast_EventScript_242CFC:: @ 8242CFC lock faceplayer special DoWateringBerryTreeAnim waitstate waitse playse 269 applymovement 14, BattleFrontier_OutsideEast_Movement_242D69 waitmovement 0 msgbox gText_Sudowoodo_Attacked, MSGBOX_DEFAULT closemessage waitse playmoncry SPECIES_SUDOWOODO, 2 delay 40 waitmoncry setvar VAR_LAST_TALKED, 14 setwildbattle SPECIES_SUDOWOODO, 40, ITEM_NONE setflag FLAG_SYS_CTRL_OBJ_DELETE dowildbattle clearflag FLAG_SYS_CTRL_OBJ_DELETE specialvar VAR_RESULT, GetBattleOutcome compare VAR_RESULT, 1 goto_if_eq BattleFrontier_OutsideEast_EventScript_242D60 compare VAR_RESULT, 4 goto_if_eq BattleFrontier_OutsideEast_EventScript_242D60 compare VAR_RESULT, 5 goto_if_eq BattleFrontier_OutsideEast_EventScript_242D60 setflag FLAG_DEFEATED_SUDOWOODO release end BattleFrontier_OutsideEast_EventScript_242D60:: @ 8242D60 setflag FLAG_DEFEATED_SUDOWOODO goto Common_EventScript_RemoveStaticPokemon end BattleFrontier_OutsideEast_Movement_242D69: @ 8242D69 face_right delay_8 face_down delay_8 face_left delay_8 face_down delay_8 face_right delay_8 face_down delay_8 face_left delay_8 face_down step_end BattleFrontier_OutsideEast_EventScript_242D79:: @ 8242D79 msgbox BattleFrontier_OutsideEast_Text_243598, MSGBOX_NPC end BattleFrontier_OutsideEast_EventScript_242D82:: @ 8242D82 msgbox BattleFrontier_OutsideEast_Text_243668, MSGBOX_NPC end BattleFrontier_OutsideEast_EventScript_242D8B:: @ 8242D8B msgbox BattleFrontier_OutsideEast_Text_2436F2, MSGBOX_NPC end BattleFrontier_OutsideEast_EventScript_242D94:: @ 8242D94 msgbox BattleFrontier_OutsideEast_Text_243809, MSGBOX_NPC end BattleFrontier_OutsideEast_EventScript_242D9D:: @ 8242D9D msgbox BattleFrontier_OutsideEast_Text_243895, MSGBOX_NPC end BattleFrontier_OutsideEast_EventScript_242DA6:: @ 8242DA6 msgbox BattleFrontier_OutsideEast_Text_243943, MSGBOX_NPC end BattleFrontier_OutsideEast_EventScript_242DAF:: @ 8242DAF msgbox BattleFrontier_OutsideEast_Text_2439A0, MSGBOX_NPC end BattleFrontier_OutsideEast_EventScript_242DB8:: @ 8242DB8 lock msgbox BattleFrontier_OutsideEast_Text_243A2B, MSGBOX_DEFAULT release end BattleFrontier_OutsideEast_EventScript_242DC3:: @ 8242DC3 lock msgbox BattleFrontier_OutsideEast_Text_243A53, MSGBOX_DEFAULT release end BattleFrontier_OutsideEast_EventScript_242DCE:: @ 8242DCE msgbox BattleFrontier_OutsideEast_Text_242F0D, MSGBOX_SIGN end BattleFrontier_OutsideEast_EventScript_242DD7:: @ 8242DD7 msgbox BattleFrontier_OutsideEast_Text_242F4A, MSGBOX_SIGN end BattleFrontier_OutsideEast_EventScript_242DE0:: @ 8242DE0 msgbox BattleFrontier_OutsideEast_Text_243B68, MSGBOX_NPC end BattleFrontier_OutsideEast_EventScript_242DE9:: @ 8242DE9 lock faceplayer goto_if_set FLAG_DEFEATED_SUDOWOODO, BattleFrontier_OutsideEast_EventScript_242DFE msgbox BattleFrontier_OutsideEast_Text_243C2C, MSGBOX_DEFAULT release end BattleFrontier_OutsideEast_EventScript_242DFE:: @ 8242DFE msgbox BattleFrontier_OutsideEast_Text_243CA3, MSGBOX_DEFAULT release end BattleFrontier_OutsideEast_EventScript_242E08:: @ 8242E08 msgbox BattleFrontier_OutsideEast_Text_243D0B, MSGBOX_NPC end BattleFrontier_OutsideEast_Text_242E11: @ 8242E11 .string "This is the BATTLE TOWER!\n" .string "Keep the win streak as the toughest\l" .string "TRAINER!$" BattleFrontier_OutsideEast_Text_242E58: @ 8242E58 .string "This is the BATTLE PALACE!\n" .string "Keep your eyes on POKéMON battles!$" BattleFrontier_OutsideEast_Text_242E96: @ 8242E96 .string "This is the BATTLE ARENA!\n" .string "Let the toughest teams gather!$" BattleFrontier_OutsideEast_Text_242ECF: @ 8242ECF .string "This is the BATTLE PYRAMID!\n" .string "Advance through the Battle Quest!$" BattleFrontier_OutsideEast_Text_242F0D: @ 8242F0D .string "BATTLE FRONTIER RANKING HALL\n" .string "Set your sights on new records!$" BattleFrontier_OutsideEast_Text_242F4A: @ 8242F4A .string "BATTLE POINT EXCHANGE SERVICE CORNER\n" .string "Exchange your Battle Points!$" BattleFrontier_OutsideEast_Text_242F8C: @ 8242F8C .string "Wow!\n" .string "It's huge!\p" .string "The BATTLE TOWER feels special.\n" .string "It's different from the others.$" BattleFrontier_OutsideEast_Text_242FDC: @ 8242FDC .string "My grand ambition is to conquer both\n" .string "the BATTLE FRONTIER and the POKéMON\l" .string "LEAGUE.\p" .string "And if my dream comes true…\p" .string "I… I'm going to ask MIMI next door\n" .string "if she will be friends with me!$" BattleFrontier_OutsideEast_Text_24308C: @ 824308C .string "The BATTLE PYRAMID's too harsh!\n" .string "I just can't make it to the top!\p" .string "Since I'm out of options, maybe I can\n" .string "climb the outside…$" BattleFrontier_OutsideEast_Text_243106: @ 8243106 .string "I thrive in darkness…\n" .string "Yes… What is worthy of me?\l" .string "None other than the BATTLE PYRAMID…\p" .string "What say you to wandering in darkness\n" .string "and in utter and total desperation?$" BattleFrontier_OutsideEast_Text_2431A5: @ 82431A5 .string "I didn't sleep for a week, but then\n" .string "I put together the ultimate team!\p" .string "I can't see myself losing, no joke.\n" .string "We're storming the BATTLE ARENA!$" BattleFrontier_OutsideEast_Text_243230: @ 8243230 .string "Did SCOTT bring you here, too?\n" .string "What is it with that guy?\p" .string "It sounds like he really does know\n" .string "how to spot talented TRAINERS, but…\p" .string "I've never seen him battling in person\n" .string "ever.$" BattleFrontier_OutsideEast_Text_2432DD: @ 82432DD .string "ZIGG!\n" .string "I believe in you, little buddy!\p" .string "I'll make my little ZIGG any favorite\n" .string "tasty treats you like if you win!$" BattleFrontier_OutsideEast_Text_24334B: @ 824334B .string "ZIGZAGOON looks vacant…$" BattleFrontier_OutsideEast_Text_243363: @ 8243363 .string "People call me a busybody,\n" .string "but I can't help it.\p" .string "Your hat's on crooked!\n" .string "Oh, no, trash on the ground!\l" .string "Oops, it's almost dinnertime!\p" .string "I don't know if I can stand to just\n" .string "watch at the BATTLE PALACE…$" BattleFrontier_OutsideEast_Text_243425: @ 8243425 .string "I may not look that impressive now,\n" .string "but I once beat a GYM LEADER.\p" .string "Who knows, maybe I should give it\n" .string "another shot at glory.$" BattleFrontier_OutsideEast_Text_2434A0: @ 82434A0 .string "I'm fast on my BIKE, and that goes for\n" .string "the way I battle, too.\p" .string "I win matches in the blink of\n" .string "an eye!$" BattleFrontier_OutsideEast_Text_243504: @ 8243504 .string "I'm better than my daddy\n" .string "at POKéMON.$" BattleFrontier_OutsideEast_Text_243529: @ 8243529 .string "Go on, my baby sweetie!\n" .string "Go rack up some wins for Daddy!\p" .string "You're just like your mother,\n" .string "so you'll be dominating!$" BattleFrontier_OutsideEast_Text_243598: @ 8243598 .string "It wasn't easy getting here,\n" .string "but I'd heard about this knockout\l" .string "pretty girl at the BATTLE ARENA.\p" .string "Instead of her, do you know what\n" .string "I found?\p" .string "A whole teeming mob of sweaty,\n" .string "stinky, and primitive martial artists!$" BattleFrontier_OutsideEast_Text_243668: @ 8243668 .string "I sometimes see this really important-\n" .string "looking old man going in there.\p" .string "He has these really awesome POKéMON.\n" .string "He seems really nice, though.$" BattleFrontier_OutsideEast_Text_2436F2: @ 82436F2 .string "Do you know it?\n" .string "The legend of the BATTLE PYRAMID?\p" .string "When there comes a confident TRAINER\n" .string "reaching for the golden pinnacle,\l" .string "there shall appear a man among men.\p" .string "Don't know that legend?\n" .string "Well, of course not!\l" .string "I just made it up!\p" .string "What's it supposed to mean?\n" .string "That, my friend, I can't say!$" BattleFrontier_OutsideEast_Text_243809: @ 8243809 .string "Man! Oh man!\n" .string "I've never lost once before!\p" .string "But I got wiped out with no saving\n" .string "grace at all!\p" .string "And then I'm told I don't have any\n" .string "talent?! Man!$" BattleFrontier_OutsideEast_Text_243895: @ 8243895 .string "This guy ran into a horribly tough\n" .string "TRAINER while he was on the BATTLE\l" .string "TOWER challenge.\p" .string "Now look at him…\p" .string "You need to be cautious if you ever\n" .string "decide to go to the BATTLE TOWER.$" BattleFrontier_OutsideEast_Text_243943: @ 8243943 .string "Yes!\n" .string "I've finally got enough Battle Points!\p" .string "I guess I'll trade for another giant\n" .string "plush DOLL!$" BattleFrontier_OutsideEast_Text_2439A0: @ 82439A0 .string "Oh, yeah, okay!\n" .string "So this is the RANKING HALL!\p" .string "I'd like to go down in history as\n" .string "a super champ and have my name\l" .string "recorded here for posterity.$" BattleFrontier_OutsideEast_Text_243A2B: @ 8243A2B .string "With you by my side, I can do anything.$" BattleFrontier_OutsideEast_Text_243A53: @ 8243A53 .string "Ooh, darling, you are so wonderful!\p" .string "Ooh, I just can't wait anymore!\p" .string "Let's go to a MULTI BATTLE ROOM\n" .string "right this instant!\p" .string "If we get together in the BATTLE SALON,\n" .string "the power of our love will overcome\l" .string "everyone we meet.\p" .string "Why, before us, darling, everything\n" .string "will topple like dominoes!$" BattleFrontier_OutsideEast_Text_243B68: @ 8243B68 .string "The BATTLE FRONTIER isn't exclusively\n" .string "for tough TRAINERS.\p" .string "Many people with special abilities\n" .string "have been invited, it seems.\p" .string "That man SCOTT…\p" .string "He may have built this place to serve\n" .string "a bigger objective…$" BattleFrontier_OutsideEast_Text_243C2C: @ 8243C2C .string "Excuse me, young one.\n" .string "Have you good eyesight?\p" .string "There is an odd tree past here, and to\n" .string "my tired eyes it seems to wiggle.$" BattleFrontier_OutsideEast_Text_243CA3: @ 8243CA3 .string "Excuse me, young one.\n" .string "Have you a good memory?\p" .string "I have this feeling there once was\n" .string "an odd tree past here.$" BattleFrontier_OutsideEast_Text_243D0B: @ 8243D0B .string "I…\n" .string "I saw it!\p" .string "There was a sticky sort of a POKéMON\n" .string "with a long tail up ahead!\p" .string "It was hiding under a boulder, and\n" .string "it kept staring at me!$"