#include "global.h" #include "test_runner.h" __attribute__((weak)) const bool8 gTestRunnerEnabled = FALSE; // The Makefile patches gTestRunnerHeadless as part of make test. // This allows us to open the ROM in an mgba with a UI and see the // animations and messages play, which helps when debugging a test. const bool8 gTestRunnerHeadless = FALSE; const bool8 gTestRunnerSkipIsFail = FALSE; __attribute__((weak)) void TestRunner_Battle_RecordAbilityPopUp(u32 battlerId, u32 ability) { } __attribute__((weak)) void TestRunner_Battle_RecordAnimation(u32 animType, u32 animId) { } __attribute__((weak)) void TestRunner_Battle_RecordHP(u32 battlerId, u32 oldHP, u32 newHP) { } __attribute__((weak)) void TestRunner_Battle_RecordMessage(const u8 *string) { } __attribute__((weak)) void TestRunner_Battle_RecordStatus1(u32 battlerId, u32 status1) { } __attribute__((weak)) void TestRunner_Battle_AfterLastTurn(void) { } __attribute__((weak)) void BattleTest_CheckBattleRecordActionType(u32 battlerId, u32 recordIndex, u32 actionType) { }