RustboroCity_House1_MapScripts:: @ 821593E .byte 0 RustboroCity_House1_EventScript_21593F:: @ 821593F lock faceplayer goto_if_set FLAG_RUSTBORO_NPC_TRADE_COMPLETED, RustboroCity_House1_EventScript_2159D5 setvar VAR_0x8008, INGAME_TRADE_SEEDOT copyvar VAR_0x8004, VAR_0x8008 specialvar VAR_RESULT, GetInGameTradeSpeciesInfo copyvar VAR_0x8009, VAR_RESULT msgbox RustboroCity_House1_Text_2159E8, MSGBOX_YESNO compare VAR_RESULT, 0 goto_if_eq RustboroCity_House1_EventScript_2159BD special ChoosePartyMon waitstate copyvar VAR_0x800A, VAR_0x8004 compare VAR_0x8004, 255 goto_if_eq RustboroCity_House1_EventScript_2159BD copyvar VAR_0x8005, VAR_0x800A specialvar VAR_RESULT, GetTradeSpecies copyvar VAR_0x800B, VAR_RESULT compare VAR_RESULT, VAR_0x8009 goto_if_ne RustboroCity_House1_EventScript_2159C7 copyvar VAR_0x8004, VAR_0x8008 copyvar VAR_0x8005, VAR_0x800A special CreateInGameTradePokemon special DoInGameTradeScene waitstate msgbox RustboroCity_House1_Text_215A77, MSGBOX_DEFAULT setflag FLAG_RUSTBORO_NPC_TRADE_COMPLETED release end RustboroCity_House1_EventScript_2159BD:: @ 82159BD msgbox RustboroCity_House1_Text_215ACE, MSGBOX_DEFAULT release end RustboroCity_House1_EventScript_2159C7:: @ 82159C7 bufferspeciesname 0, VAR_0x8009 msgbox RustboroCity_House1_Text_215A9D, MSGBOX_DEFAULT release end RustboroCity_House1_EventScript_2159D5:: @ 82159D5 msgbox RustboroCity_House1_Text_215B17, MSGBOX_DEFAULT release end RustboroCity_House1_EventScript_2159DF:: @ 82159DF msgbox RustboroCity_House1_Text_215B57, MSGBOX_NPC end RustboroCity_House1_Text_2159E8: @ 82159E8 .string "Huh? My POKéMON is cute?\n" .string "Sure, I knew that.\p" .string "But if you really want, I'm willing\n" .string "to trade it to you.\p" .string "I'll trade you my {STR_VAR_2} for\n" .string "a {STR_VAR_1} if you want.$" RustboroCity_House1_Text_215A77: @ 8215A77 .string "Eheheh…\n" .string "Please be good to my POKéMON.$" RustboroCity_House1_Text_215A9D: @ 8215A9D .string "Huh? That doesn't look anything like\n" .string "a {STR_VAR_1} to me.$" RustboroCity_House1_Text_215ACE: @ 8215ACE .string "Oh, if you don't want to, that's okay.\n" .string "But my POKéMON is cute, you know…$" RustboroCity_House1_Text_215B17: @ 8215B17 .string "Any POKéMON can be cute if you raise\n" .string "it with care and kindness.$" RustboroCity_House1_Text_215B57: @ 8215B57 .string "In all sorts of places, there are all\n" .string "sorts of POKéMON and people.\p" .string "I find that fascinating, so I go to all\n" .string "sorts of places.$"