Route120_MapScripts:: @ 81F53EC map_script 5, Route120_MapScript1_1F53FC map_script 3, Route120_MapScript1_1F54CD map_script 1, Route120_MapScript1_1F5474 .byte 0 Route120_MapScript1_1F53FC: @ 81F53FC checkflag FLAG_SYS_CTRL_OBJ_DELETE call_if 1, Route120_EventScript_1F5406 end Route120_EventScript_1F5406:: @ 81F5406 compare_var_to_value VAR_0x8009, 0 call_if 1, Route120_EventScript_1F5449 compare_var_to_value VAR_0x8009, 1 call_if 1, Route120_EventScript_1F5460 compare_var_to_value VAR_0x8009, 2 call_if 1, Route120_EventScript_1F5460 compare_var_to_value VAR_0x8009, 3 call_if 1, Route120_EventScript_1F5460 compare_var_to_value VAR_0x8009, 4 call_if 1, Route120_EventScript_1F5460 compare_var_to_value VAR_0x8009, 5 call_if 1, Route120_EventScript_1F5460 return Route120_EventScript_1F5449:: @ 81F5449 specialvar VAR_RESULT, sub_8138B80 compare_var_to_value VAR_RESULT, 7 goto_if 5, Route120_EventScript_27374E removeobject 30 removeobject 36 return Route120_EventScript_1F5460:: @ 81F5460 specialvar VAR_RESULT, sub_8138B80 compare_var_to_value VAR_RESULT, 7 goto_if 5, Route120_EventScript_27374E removeobject VAR_LAST_TALKED return Route120_MapScript1_1F5474: @ 81F5474 checkflag FLAG_0x0E4 call_if 0, Route120_EventScript_1F5490 checkflag FLAG_0x11D call_if 1, Route120_EventScript_1F54A3 checkflag FLAG_0x11D call_if 0, Route120_EventScript_1F54C8 end Route120_EventScript_1F5490:: @ 81F5490 setmetatile 7, 54, 124, 1 setmetatile 7, 55, 145, 1 return Route120_EventScript_1F54A3:: @ 81F54A3 setmetatile 13, 15, 663, 0 setmetatile 12, 16, 671, 0 setmetatile 12, 17, 161, 0 setmetatile 13, 17, 161, 0 return Route120_EventScript_1F54C8:: @ 81F54C8 setobjectmovementtype 36, 10 return Route120_MapScript1_1F54CD: @ 81F54CD call Route120_EventScript_28CCC7 call Route120_EventScript_1F54D8 end Route120_EventScript_1F54D8:: @ 81F54D8 getplayerxy VAR_0x4000, VAR_0x4001 compare_var_to_value VAR_0x4001, 14 goto_if 3, Route120_EventScript_1F5503 compare_var_to_value VAR_0x4001, 60 goto_if 3, Route120_EventScript_1F5507 compare_var_to_value VAR_0x4001, 61 goto_if 4, Route120_EventScript_1F54FF return Route120_EventScript_1F54FF:: @ 81F54FF setweather 1 return Route120_EventScript_1F5503:: @ 81F5503 setweather 2 return Route120_EventScript_1F5507:: @ 81F5507 compare_var_to_value VAR_0x4000, 7 goto_if 3, Route120_EventScript_1F5523 compare_var_to_value VAR_0x4000, 19 goto_if 3, Route120_EventScript_1F5503 goto Route120_EventScript_1F5523 end Route120_EventScript_1F5523:: @ 81F5523 setweather 3 return Route120_EventScript_1F5527:: @ 81F5527 lock faceplayer dodailyevents checkflag FLAG_0x92E goto_eq Route120_EventScript_1F5625 msgbox Route120_Text_2A70C7, 5 compare_var_to_value VAR_RESULT, 1 call_if 1, Route120_EventScript_1F562F compare_var_to_value VAR_RESULT, 0 call_if 1, Route120_EventScript_1F5638 specialvar VAR_RESULT, sub_8138AF0 switch VAR_RESULT case 0, Route120_EventScript_1F55CA case 5, Route120_EventScript_1F55CA case 1, Route120_EventScript_1F55D5 case 6, Route120_EventScript_1F55D5 case 2, Route120_EventScript_1F55E0 case 7, Route120_EventScript_1F55E0 case 3, Route120_EventScript_1F55EB case 8, Route120_EventScript_1F55EB case 4, Route120_EventScript_1F55F6 case 9, Route120_EventScript_1F55F6 end Route120_EventScript_1F55CA:: @ 81F55CA setvar VAR_0x8004, 143 goto Route120_EventScript_1F5601 end Route120_EventScript_1F55D5:: @ 81F55D5 setvar VAR_0x8004, 144 goto Route120_EventScript_1F5601 end Route120_EventScript_1F55E0:: @ 81F55E0 setvar VAR_0x8004, 145 goto Route120_EventScript_1F5601 end Route120_EventScript_1F55EB:: @ 81F55EB setvar VAR_0x8004, 146 goto Route120_EventScript_1F5601 end Route120_EventScript_1F55F6:: @ 81F55F6 setvar VAR_0x8004, 147 goto Route120_EventScript_1F5601 end Route120_EventScript_1F5601:: @ 81F5601 giveitem_std VAR_0x8004 compare_var_to_value VAR_RESULT, 0 goto_eq Route120_EventScript_272054 setflag FLAG_0x92E msgbox Route120_Text_2A71D5, 4 release end Route120_EventScript_1F5625:: @ 81F5625 msgbox Route120_Text_2A7217, 4 release end Route120_EventScript_1F562F:: @ 81F562F msgbox Route120_Text_2A7147, 4 return Route120_EventScript_1F5638:: @ 81F5638 msgbox Route120_Text_2A7183, 4 return Route120_EventScript_1F5641:: @ 81F5641 lock faceplayer checkflag FLAG_0x122 goto_eq Route120_EventScript_1F5672 msgbox Route120_Text_1F5998, 5 compare_var_to_value VAR_RESULT, 0 goto_eq Route120_EventScript_1F5665 goto Route120_EventScript_1F568B end Route120_EventScript_1F5665:: @ 81F5665 msgbox Route120_Text_1F5AAC, 4 setflag FLAG_0x122 release end Route120_EventScript_1F5672:: @ 81F5672 msgbox Route120_Text_1F5ADE, 5 compare_var_to_value VAR_RESULT, 0 goto_eq Route120_EventScript_1F5665 goto Route120_EventScript_1F568B end Route120_EventScript_1F568B:: @ 81F568B msgbox Route120_Text_1F5B0F, 4 closemessage compare_var_to_value VAR_FACING, 2 call_if 1, Route120_EventScript_1F57A3 compare_var_to_value VAR_FACING, 3 call_if 1, Route120_EventScript_1F57AE applymovement 31, Route120_Movement_2725A4 waitmovement 0 delay 20 msgbox Route120_Text_1F5B43, 4 closemessage applymovement 30, Route120_Movement_2725A8 waitmovement 0 applymovement 30, Route120_Movement_2723C7 waitmovement 0 waitse playmoncry SPECIES_KECLEON, 2 delay 40 waitmoncry setwildbattle SPECIES_KECLEON, 30, ITEM_NONE setvar VAR_0x8009, 0 setflag FLAG_SYS_CTRL_OBJ_DELETE dowildbattle clearflag FLAG_SYS_CTRL_OBJ_DELETE specialvar VAR_RESULT, sub_8138B80 compare_var_to_value VAR_RESULT, 1 goto_eq Route120_EventScript_1F571C compare_var_to_value VAR_RESULT, 4 goto_eq Route120_EventScript_1F571C compare_var_to_value VAR_RESULT, 5 goto_eq Route120_EventScript_1F571C goto Route120_EventScript_1F572C end Route120_EventScript_1F571C:: @ 81F571C fadescreenswapbuffers 1 removeobject 30 removeobject 36 fadescreenswapbuffers 0 goto Route120_EventScript_1F572C end Route120_EventScript_1F572C:: @ 81F572C applymovement 31, Route120_Movement_2725AA applymovement 255, Route120_Movement_2725A6 waitmovement 0 msgbox Route120_Text_1F5BAF, 4 giveitem_std ITEM_DEVON_SCOPE setflag FLAG_0x11D msgbox Route120_Text_1F5C7B, 4 closemessage applymovement 31, Route120_Movement_2725AA waitmovement 0 delay 50 setfieldeffectargument 0, 1 dofieldeffect 30 delay 15 removeobject 31 waitfieldeffect 30 setmetatile 13, 15, 663, 0 setmetatile 12, 16, 671, 0 setmetatile 12, 17, 161, 0 setmetatile 13, 17, 161, 0 special DrawWholeMapView release end Route120_EventScript_1F57A3:: @ 81F57A3 applymovement 255, Route120_Movement_2725A4 waitmovement 0 return Route120_EventScript_1F57AE:: @ 81F57AE applymovement 255, Route120_Movement_1F57B9 waitmovement 0 return Route120_Movement_1F57B9: @ 81F57B9 step_down step_left step_end Route120_EventScript_1F57BC:: @ 81F57BC msgbox Route120_Text_1F5D00, 2 end Route120_EventScript_1F57C5:: @ 81F57C5 msgbox Route120_Text_1F5DCB, 3 end Route120_EventScript_1F57CE:: @ 81F57CE msgbox Route120_Text_1F5DE4, 3 end Route120_EventScript_1F57D7:: @ 81F57D7 trainerbattle 0, TRAINER_COLIN, 0, Route120_Text_29E62D, Route120_Text_29E665 msgbox Route120_Text_29E67A, 6 end Route120_EventScript_1F57EE:: @ 81F57EE trainerbattle 2, TRAINER_ROBERT_1, 0, Route120_Text_29E6E3, Route120_Text_29E70A, Route120_EventScript_1F581A specialvar VAR_RESULT, ShouldTryRematchBattle compare_var_to_value VAR_RESULT, 1 goto_eq Route120_EventScript_1F5839 msgbox Route120_Text_29E726, 4 release end Route120_EventScript_1F581A:: @ 81F581A special sub_80B4808 waitmovement 0 msgbox Route120_Text_29E75D, 4 setvar VAR_0x8004, 406 special sub_81D1C20 setorcopyvar VAR_0x8000, 406 callstd 8 release end Route120_EventScript_1F5839:: @ 81F5839 trainerbattle 5, TRAINER_ROBERT_1, 0, Route120_Text_29E7AA, Route120_Text_29E7E1 msgbox Route120_Text_29E804, 6 end Route120_EventScript_1F5850:: @ 81F5850 trainerbattle 0, TRAINER_LORENZO, 0, Route120_Text_29E843, Route120_Text_29E884 msgbox Route120_Text_29E8C5, 6 end Route120_EventScript_1F5867:: @ 81F5867 trainerbattle 0, TRAINER_JENNA, 0, Route120_Text_29E91C, Route120_Text_29E980 msgbox Route120_Text_29E996, 6 end Route120_EventScript_1F587E:: @ 81F587E trainerbattle 2, TRAINER_JEFFREY_1, 0, Route120_Text_29E9D7, Route120_Text_29E9FF, Route120_EventScript_1F58AA specialvar VAR_RESULT, ShouldTryRematchBattle compare_var_to_value VAR_RESULT, 1 goto_eq Route120_EventScript_1F58C9 msgbox Route120_Text_29EA08, 4 release end Route120_EventScript_1F58AA:: @ 81F58AA special sub_80B4808 waitmovement 0 msgbox Route120_Text_29EA31, 4 setvar VAR_0x8004, 226 special sub_81D1C20 setorcopyvar VAR_0x8000, 226 callstd 8 release end Route120_EventScript_1F58C9:: @ 81F58C9 trainerbattle 5, TRAINER_JEFFREY_1, 0, Route120_Text_29EA61, Route120_Text_29EA8F msgbox Route120_Text_29EAA9, 6 end Route120_EventScript_1F58E0:: @ 81F58E0 trainerbattle 0, TRAINER_JENNIFER, 0, Route120_Text_29EAEF, Route120_Text_29EB53 msgbox Route120_Text_29EB6E, 6 end Route120_EventScript_1F58F7:: @ 81F58F7 trainerbattle 0, TRAINER_CHIP, 0, Route120_Text_29EBAF, Route120_Text_29EC25 msgbox Route120_Text_29EC41, 6 end Route120_EventScript_1F590E:: @ 81F590E trainerbattle 0, TRAINER_CLARISSA, 0, Route120_Text_29ECA6, Route120_Text_29ECEF msgbox Route120_Text_29ED19, 6 end Route120_EventScript_1F5925:: @ 81F5925 trainerbattle 0, TRAINER_ANGELICA, 0, Route120_Text_29ED71, Route120_Text_29EDD3 msgbox Route120_Text_29EDF7, 6 end Route120_EventScript_1F593C:: @ 81F593C trainerbattle 0, TRAINER_KEIGO, 0, Route120_Text_29EE50, Route120_Text_29EE97 msgbox Route120_Text_29EED4, 6 end Route120_EventScript_1F5953:: @ 81F5953 trainerbattle 0, TRAINER_RILEY, 0, Route120_Text_29EF08, Route120_Text_29EF63 msgbox Route120_Text_29EF89, 6 end Route120_EventScript_1F596A:: @ 81F596A trainerbattle 0, TRAINER_LEONEL, 0, Route120_Text_29F04F, Route120_Text_29F080 msgbox Route120_Text_29F0A1, 6 end Route120_EventScript_1F5981:: @ 81F5981 trainerbattle 0, TRAINER_CALLIE, 0, Route120_Text_29EFB1, Route120_Text_29EFE1 msgbox Route120_Text_29F002, 6 end Route120_Text_1F5998: @ 81F5998 .string "STEVEN: Hm? {PLAYER}{KUN}, hi.\n" .string "It’s been a while.\p" .string "There’s something here that you can’t\n" .string "see, right?\p" .string "Now, if I were to use this device on\n" .string "the invisible obstacle…\p" .string "No, no. Rather than describing it,\n" .string "I should just show you.\l" .string "That would be more fun.\p" .string "{PLAYER}{KUN}, are your POKéMON ready for\n" .string "battle?$" Route120_Text_1F5AAC: @ 81F5AAC .string "STEVEN: No?\p" .string "I’ll wait here, so you can get ready.$" Route120_Text_1F5ADE: @ 81F5ADE .string "STEVEN: {PLAYER}{KUN}, are your POKéMON\n" .string "ready for battle?$" Route120_Text_1F5B0F: @ 81F5B0F .string "STEVEN: {PLAYER}{KUN}, show me your true\n" .string "power as a TRAINER!$" Route120_Text_1F5B43: @ 81F5B43 .string "STEVEN used the DEVON SCOPE.\p" .string "An invisible POKéMON became completely\n" .string "visible!\p" .string "The startled POKéMON attacked!$" Route120_Text_1F5BAF: @ 81F5BAF .string "STEVEN: I see…\n" .string "Your battle style is intriguing.\p" .string "Your POKéMON have obviously grown\n" .string "since I first met you in DEWFORD.\p" .string "I’d like you to have this\n" .string "DEVON SCOPE.\p" .string "Who knows, there may be other\n" .string "concealed POKéMON.$" Route120_Text_1F5C7B: @ 81F5C7B .string "STEVEN: {PLAYER}{KUN}.\p" .string "I enjoy seeing POKéMON and TRAINERS\n" .string "who strive together.\p" .string "I think you’re doing great.\p" .string "Well, let’s meet again somewhere.$" Route119_Text_1F5D00: @ 81F5D00 Route120_Text_1F5D00: @ 81F5D00 .string "Something unseeable is in the way.$" Route119_Text_1F5D23: @ 81F5D23 .string "Something unseeable is in the way.\p" .string "Want to use the DEVON SCOPE?$" Route119_Text_1F5D63: @ 81F5D63 .string "{PLAYER} used the DEVON SCOPE.\p" .string "An invisible POKéMON became completely\n" .string "visible!\p" .string "The startled POKéMON attacked!$" Route120_Text_1F5DCB: @ 81F5DCB .string "ROUTE 120\n" .string "{0x7B} FORTREE CITY$" Route120_Text_1F5DE4: @ 81F5DE4 .string "{0x7C} ROUTE 121\n" .string "{0x7B} ROUTE 120$"