#include "global.h"
#include "lottery_corner.h"
#include "event_data.h"
#include "pokemon.h"
#include "constants/items.h"
#include "random.h"
#include "string_util.h"
#include "text.h"
#include "pokemon_storage_system.h"

static EWRAM_DATA u16 sWinNumberDigit = 0;
static EWRAM_DATA u16 sOtIdDigit = 0;

static const u16 sLotteryPrizes[] =

static u8 GetMatchingDigits(u16, u16);

void ResetLotteryCorner(void)
    u16 rand = Random();

    SetLotteryNumber((Random() << 16) | rand);

void SetRandomLotteryNumber(u16 i)
    u32 var = Random();

    while (--i != 0xFFFF)
        var = ISO_RANDOMIZE2(var);


void RetrieveLotteryNumber(void)
    u16 lottoNumber = GetLotteryNumber();
    gSpecialVar_Result = lottoNumber;

void PickLotteryCornerTicket(void)
    u16 i;
    u16 j;
    u32 box;
    u32 slot;

    gSpecialVar_0x8004 = 0;
    slot = 0;
    box = 0;
    for (i = 0; i < PARTY_SIZE; i++)
        struct Pokemon *mon = &gPlayerParty[i];

        if (GetMonData(mon, MON_DATA_SPECIES) != SPECIES_NONE)
            // do not calculate ticket values for eggs.
            if (!GetMonData(mon, MON_DATA_IS_EGG))
                u32 otId = GetMonData(mon, MON_DATA_OT_ID);
                u8 numMatchingDigits = GetMatchingDigits(gSpecialVar_Result, otId);

                if (numMatchingDigits > gSpecialVar_0x8004 && numMatchingDigits > 1)
                    gSpecialVar_0x8004 = numMatchingDigits - 1;
                    box = TOTAL_BOXES_COUNT;
                    slot = i;
        else // pokemon are always arranged from populated spots first to unpopulated, so the moment a NONE species is found, that's the end of the list.

    for (i = 0; i < TOTAL_BOXES_COUNT; i++)
        for (j = 0; j < IN_BOX_COUNT; j++)
            if (GetBoxMonData(&gPokemonStoragePtr->boxes[i][j], MON_DATA_SPECIES) != SPECIES_NONE &&
            !GetBoxMonData(&gPokemonStoragePtr->boxes[i][j], MON_DATA_IS_EGG))
                u32 otId = GetBoxMonData(&gPokemonStoragePtr->boxes[i][j], MON_DATA_OT_ID);
                u8 numMatchingDigits = GetMatchingDigits(gSpecialVar_Result, otId);

                if (numMatchingDigits > gSpecialVar_0x8004 && numMatchingDigits > 1)
                    gSpecialVar_0x8004 = numMatchingDigits - 1;
                    box = i;
                    slot = j;

    if (gSpecialVar_0x8004 != 0)
        gSpecialVar_0x8005 = sLotteryPrizes[gSpecialVar_0x8004 - 1];

        if (box == TOTAL_BOXES_COUNT)
            gSpecialVar_0x8006 = 0;
            GetMonData(&gPlayerParty[slot], MON_DATA_NICKNAME, gStringVar1);
            gSpecialVar_0x8006 = 1;
            GetBoxMonData(&gPokemonStoragePtr->boxes[box][slot], MON_DATA_NICKNAME, gStringVar1);

static u8 GetMatchingDigits(u16 winNumber, u16 otId)
    u8 i;
    u8 matchingDigits = 0;

    for (i = 0; i < 5; i++)
        sWinNumberDigit = winNumber % 10;
        sOtIdDigit = otId % 10;

        if (sWinNumberDigit == sOtIdDigit)
            winNumber = winNumber / 10;
            otId = otId / 10;
    return matchingDigits;

// lottery numbers go from 0 to 99999, not 65535 (0xFFFF). interestingly enough, the function that calls GetLotteryNumber shifts to u16, so it cant be anything above 65535 anyway.
void SetLotteryNumber(u32 lotteryNum)
    u16 lowNum = lotteryNum >> 16;
    u16 highNum = lotteryNum;

    VarSet(VAR_POKELOT_RND1, highNum);
    VarSet(VAR_POKELOT_RND2, lowNum);

u32 GetLotteryNumber(void)
    u16 highNum = VarGet(VAR_POKELOT_RND1);
    u16 lowNum = VarGet(VAR_POKELOT_RND2);

    return (lowNum << 16) | highNum;

// interestingly, this may have been the original lottery number set function, but GF tried to change it to 32-bit later but didnt finish changing all calls as one GetLotteryNumber still shifts to u16.
void SetLotteryNumber16_Unused(u16 lotteryNum)