OldaleTown_PokemonCenter_1F_MapScripts:: @ 81FC006 map_script 3, OldaleTown_PokemonCenter_1F_MapScript1_1FC011 map_script 5, OldaleTown_PokemonCenter_1F_MapScript1_277C30 .byte 0 OldaleTown_PokemonCenter_1F_MapScript1_1FC011: @ 81FC011 setrespawn HEAL_LOCATION_OLDALE_TOWN call OldaleTown_PokemonCenter_1F_EventScript_2718DE end OldaleTown_PokemonCenter_1F_EventScript_1FC01A:: @ 81FC01A setvar VAR_0x800B, 1 call OldaleTown_PokemonCenter_1F_EventScript_27191E waitmessage waitbuttonpress release end OldaleTown_PokemonCenter_1F_EventScript_1FC028:: @ 81FC028 msgbox OldaleTown_PokemonCenter_1F_Text_1FC059, 2 end OldaleTown_PokemonCenter_1F_EventScript_1FC031:: @ 81FC031 msgbox OldaleTown_PokemonCenter_1F_Text_1FC0CD, 2 end OldaleTown_PokemonCenter_1F_EventScript_1FC03A:: @ 81FC03A lock faceplayer checkflag FLAG_SYS_POKEDEX_GET goto_eq OldaleTown_PokemonCenter_1F_EventScript_1FC04F msgbox OldaleTown_PokemonCenter_1F_Text_1FC148, 4 release end OldaleTown_PokemonCenter_1F_EventScript_1FC04F:: @ 81FC04F msgbox OldaleTown_PokemonCenter_1F_Text_1FC1B9, 4 release end OldaleTown_PokemonCenter_1F_Text_1FC059: @ 81FC059 .string "That PC in the corner there is\n" .string "for any POKéMON TRAINER to use.\p" .string "Naturally, that means you’re welcome\n" .string "to use it, too.$" OldaleTown_PokemonCenter_1F_Text_1FC0CD: @ 81FC0CD .string "POKéMON CENTERS are great!\p" .string "You can use their services as much\n" .string "as you like, and it’s all for free.\l" .string "You never have to worry!$" OldaleTown_PokemonCenter_1F_Text_1FC148: @ 81FC148 .string "The POKéMON WIRELESS CLUB on\n" .string "the second floor was built recently.\p" .string "But they say they’re still making\n" .string "adjustments.$" OldaleTown_PokemonCenter_1F_Text_1FC1B9: @ 81FC1B9 .string "The POKéMON WIRELESS CLUB on\n" .string "the second floor was built recently.\p" .string "I traded POKéMON right away.$"