#ifndef GUARD_TEXT_H
#define GUARD_TEXT_H

#define CHAR_SPACE          0x00
#define CHAR_PLUS           0x2E
#define CHAR_0              0xA1
#define CHAR_1              0xA2
#define CHAR_2              0xA3
#define CHAR_3              0xA4
#define CHAR_4              0xA5
#define CHAR_5              0xA6
#define CHAR_6              0xA7
#define CHAR_7              0xA8
#define CHAR_8              0xA9
#define CHAR_9              0xAA
#define CHAR_EXCL_MARK      0xAB
#define CHAR_PERIOD         0xAD
#define CHAR_HYPHEN         0xAE
#define CHAR_ELLIPSIS       0xB0
#define CHAR_DBL_QUOT_LEFT  0xB1
#define CHAR_SGL_QUOT_LEFT  0xB3
#define CHAR_MALE           0xB5
#define CHAR_FEMALE         0xB6
#define CHAR_CURRENCY       0xB7
#define CHAR_COMMA          0xB8
#define CHAR_MULT_SIGN      0xB9
#define CHAR_SLASH          0xBA
#define CHAR_A              0xBB
#define CHAR_B              0xBC
#define CHAR_C              0xBD
#define CHAR_D              0xBE
#define CHAR_E              0xBF
#define CHAR_F              0xC0
#define CHAR_G              0xC1
#define CHAR_H              0xC2
#define CHAR_I              0xC3
#define CHAR_J              0xC4
#define CHAR_K              0xC5
#define CHAR_L              0xC6
#define CHAR_M              0xC7
#define CHAR_N              0xC8
#define CHAR_O              0xC9
#define CHAR_P              0xCA
#define CHAR_Q              0xCB
#define CHAR_R              0xCC
#define CHAR_S              0xCD
#define CHAR_T              0xCE
#define CHAR_U              0xCF
#define CHAR_V              0xD0
#define CHAR_W              0xD1
#define CHAR_X              0xD2
#define CHAR_Y              0xD3
#define CHAR_Z              0xD4
#define CHAR_a              0xD5
#define CHAR_b              0xD6
#define CHAR_c              0xD7
#define CHAR_d              0xD8
#define CHAR_e              0xD9
#define CHAR_f              0xDA
#define CHAR_g              0xDB
#define CHAR_h              0xDC
#define CHAR_i              0xDD
#define CHAR_j              0xDE
#define CHAR_k              0xDF
#define CHAR_l              0xE0
#define CHAR_m              0xE1
#define CHAR_n              0xE2
#define CHAR_o              0xE3
#define CHAR_p              0xE4
#define CHAR_q              0xE5
#define CHAR_r              0xE6
#define CHAR_s              0xE7
#define CHAR_t              0xE8
#define CHAR_u              0xE9
#define CHAR_v              0xEA
#define CHAR_w              0xEB
#define CHAR_x              0xEC
#define CHAR_y              0xED
#define CHAR_z              0xEE
#define CHAR_SPECIAL_F7     0xF7
#define CHAR_SPECIAL_F8     0xF8
#define CHAR_SPECIAL_F9     0xF9
#define CHAR_COLON          0xF0
#define CHAR_PROMPT_SCROLL  0xFA // waits for button press and scrolls dialog
#define CHAR_PROMPT_CLEAR   0xFB // waits for button press and clears dialog
#define EXT_CTRL_CODE_BEGIN 0xFC // extended control code
#define PLACEHOLDER_BEGIN   0xFD // string placeholder
#define CHAR_NEWLINE        0xFE
#define EOS                 0xFF // end of string

#define EXT_CTRL_CODE_COLOR     0x1
#define EXT_CTRL_CODE_SHADOW    0x3
#define EXT_CTRL_CODE_CLEAR     0x11
#define EXT_CTRL_CODE_CLEAR_TO  0x13
#define EXT_CTRL_CODE_JPN       0x15
#define EXT_CTRL_CODE_ENG       0x16

#define TEXT_COLOR_WHITE        0x1
#define TEXT_COLOR_DARK_GREY    0x2
//                              0x3
#define TEXT_COLOR_RED          0x4
//                              0x5
#define TEXT_COLOR_GREEN        0x6
//                              0x7
#define TEXT_COLOR_BLUE         0x8

// battle placeholders are located in battle_message.h


#define TEXT_SPEED_FF 0xFF

    FONTATTR_UNKNOWN,   // dunno what this is yet

struct TextPrinterSubStruct
    u8 glyphId:4;  // 0x14
    bool8 hasPrintBeenSpedUp:1;
    u8 unk:3;
    u8 downArrowDelay:5;
    u8 downArrowYPosIdx:2;
    bool8 hasGlyphIdBeenSet:1;
    u8 autoScrollDelay;

struct TextPrinterTemplate
    const u8* currentChar;
    u8 windowId;
    u8 fontId;
    u8 x;
    u8 y;
    u8 currentX;        // 0x8
    u8 currentY;
    u8 letterSpacing;
    u8 lineSpacing;
    u8 unk:4;   // 0xC
    u8 fgColor:4;
    u8 bgColor:4;
    u8 shadowColor:4;

struct TextPrinter
    struct TextPrinterTemplate printerTemplate;

    void (*callback)(struct TextPrinterTemplate *, u16); // 0x10

        struct TextPrinterSubStruct sub;
        u8 fields[7];
    } subUnion;

    u8 active;
    u8 state;       // 0x1C
    u8 textSpeed;
    u8 delayCounter;
    u8 scrollDistance;
    u8 minLetterSpacing;  // 0x20
    u8 japanese;

struct FontInfo
    u16 (*fontFunction)(struct TextPrinter *x);
    u8 maxLetterWidth;
    u8 maxLetterHeight;
    u8 letterSpacing;
    u8 lineSpacing;
    u8 unk:4;
    u8 fgColor:4;
    u8 bgColor:4;
    u8 shadowColor:4;

extern const struct FontInfo *gFonts;

struct GlyphWidthFunc
    u32 fontId;
    u32 (*func)(u16 glyphId, bool32 isJapanese);

struct KeypadIcon
    u16 tileOffset;
    u8 width;
    u8 height;

typedef struct {
    bool8 canABSpeedUpPrint:1;
    bool8 useAlternateDownArrow:1;
    bool8 autoScroll:1;
    bool8 forceMidTextSpeed:1;
} TextFlags;

struct Struct_03002F90
    u32 unk0[8];
    u32 unk20[8];
    u32 unk40[8];
    u32 unk60[8];
    u8 unk80;
    u8 unk81;

extern TextFlags gTextFlags;

extern u8 gUnknown_03002F84;
extern struct Struct_03002F90 gUnknown_03002F90;

void SetFontsPointer(const struct FontInfo *fonts);
void DeactivateAllTextPrinters(void);
u16 AddTextPrinterParameterized(u8 windowId, u8 fontId, const u8 *str, u8 x, u8 y, u8 speed, void (*callback)(struct TextPrinterTemplate *, u16));
bool16 AddTextPrinter(struct TextPrinterTemplate *template, u8 speed, void (*callback)(struct TextPrinterTemplate *, u16));
void RunTextPrinters(void);
bool16 IsTextPrinterActive(u8 id);
u32 RenderFont(struct TextPrinter *textPrinter);
void GenerateFontHalfRowLookupTable(u8 fgColor, u8 bgColor, u8 shadowColor);
void SaveTextColors(u8 *fgColor, u8 *bgColor, u8 *shadowColor);
void RestoreTextColors(u8 *fgColor, u8 *bgColor, u8 *shadowColor);
void DecompressGlyphTile(const void *src_, void *dest_);
u8 GetLastTextColor(u8 colorType);
void CopyGlyphToWindow(struct TextPrinter *x);
void ClearTextSpan(struct TextPrinter *textPrinter, u32 width);
u8 GetMenuCursorDimensionByFont(u8, u8);

u16 Font0Func(struct TextPrinter *textPrinter);
u16 Font1Func(struct TextPrinter *textPrinter);
u16 Font2Func(struct TextPrinter *textPrinter);
u16 Font3Func(struct TextPrinter *textPrinter);
u16 Font4Func(struct TextPrinter *textPrinter);
u16 Font5Func(struct TextPrinter *textPrinter);
u16 Font7Func(struct TextPrinter *textPrinter);
u16 Font8Func(struct TextPrinter *textPrinter);

void TextPrinterInitDownArrowCounters(struct TextPrinter *textPrinter);
void TextPrinterDrawDownArrow(struct TextPrinter *textPrinter);
void TextPrinterClearDownArrow(struct TextPrinter *textPrinter);
bool8 TextPrinterWaitAutoMode(struct TextPrinter *textPrinter);
bool16 TextPrinterWaitWithDownArrow(struct TextPrinter *textPrinter);
bool16 TextPrinterWait(struct TextPrinter *textPrinter);
void DrawDownArrow(u8 windowId, u16 x, u16 y, u8 bgColor, bool8 drawArrow, u8 *counter, u8 *yCoordIndex);
u16 RenderText(struct TextPrinter *textPrinter);
u32 GetStringWidthFixedWidthFont(const u8 *str, u8 fontId, u8 letterSpacing);
u32 (*GetFontWidthFunc(u8 glyphId))(u16, bool32);
s32 GetStringWidth(u8 fontId, const u8 *str, s16 letterSpacing);
u8 RenderTextFont9(u8 *pixels, u8 fontId, u8 *str);
u8 DrawKeypadIcon(u8 windowId, u8 keypadIconId, u16 x, u16 y);
u8 GetKeypadIconTileOffset(u8 keypadIconId);
u8 GetKeypadIconWidth(u8 keypadIconId);
u8 GetKeypadIconHeight(u8 keypadIconId);
void SetDefaultFontsPointer(void);
u8 GetFontAttribute(u8 fontId, u8 attributeId);
u8 GetMenuCursorDimensionByFont(u8 fontId, u8 whichDimension);
void DecompressGlyphFont0(u16 glyphId, bool32 isJapanese);
u32 GetGlyphWidthFont0(u16 glyphId, bool32 isJapanese);
void DecompressGlyphFont7(u16 glyphId, bool32 isJapanese);
u32 GetGlyphWidthFont7(u16 glyphId, bool32 isJapanese);
void DecompressGlyphFont8(u16 glyphId, bool32 isJapanese);
u32 GetGlyphWidthFont8(u16 glyphId, bool32 isJapanese);
void DecompressGlyphFont2(u16 glyphId, bool32 isJapanese);
u32 GetGlyphWidthFont2(u16 glyphId, bool32 isJapanese);
void DecompressGlyphFont1(u16 glyphId, bool32 isJapanese);
u32 GetGlyphWidthFont1(u16 glyphId, bool32 isJapanese);
void DecompressGlyphFont9(u16 glyphId);

// unk_text_util_2.c
u16 Font6Func(struct TextPrinter *textPrinter);
u32 GetGlyphWidthFont6(u16 glyphId, bool32 isJapanese);

#endif // GUARD_TEXT_H