BattleFrontier_Lounge8_MapScripts:: @ 82676C9
	.byte 0

BattleFrontier_Lounge8_EventScript_2676CA:: @ 82676CA
	msgbox BattleFrontier_Lounge8_Text_2676E5, 2

BattleFrontier_Lounge8_EventScript_2676D3:: @ 82676D3
	msgbox BattleFrontier_Lounge8_Text_26779C, 2

BattleFrontier_Lounge8_EventScript_2676DC:: @ 82676DC
	msgbox BattleFrontier_Lounge8_Text_26782C, 2

BattleFrontier_Lounge8_Text_2676E5: @ 82676E5
	.string "What a TRAINER needs…\p"
	.string "Knowledge…\n"
	.string "Strategy…\l"
	.string "Luck…\l"
	.string "Guts…\l"
	.string "Spirit…\l"
	.string "Bravery…\l"
	.string "And ability…\p"
	.string "Well, I’m all set in every way!\n"
	.string "I’ll be unstoppable at every building!\p"
	.string "Huh? POKéMON?\n"
	.string "What’s that?$"

BattleFrontier_Lounge8_Text_26779C: @ 826779C
	.string "Do you know about the FRONTIER\n"
	.string "BRAINS?\p"
	.string "That’s what SCOTT calls the seven\n"
	.string "special TRAINERS that run the seven\l"
	.string "facilities in the BATTLE FRONTIER.$"

BattleFrontier_Lounge8_Text_26782C: @ 826782C
	.string "At the BATTLE TOWER, an older girl\n"
	.string "told me that I have a lot of talent\l"
	.string "for battling!\p"
	.string "I like POKéMON CONTESTS more!\p"
	.string "But I’m no good at CONTESTS!\p"
	.string "I guess having talent and liking\n"
	.string "something aren’t the same.$"