#include "global.h" #include "battle.h" #include "battle_ai_script_commands.h" #include "battle_anim.h" #include "battle_controllers.h" #include "battle_setup.h" #include "pokemon.h" #include "random.h" #include "util.h" #include "constants/abilities.h" #include "constants/item_effects.h" #include "constants/items.h" #include "constants/moves.h" #include "constants/species.h" // this file's functions static bool8 HasSuperEffectiveMoveAgainstOpponents(bool8 noRng); static bool8 FindMonWithFlagsAndSuperEffective(u16 flags, u8 moduloPercent); static bool8 ShouldUseItem(void); void GetAIPartyIndexes(u32 battlerId, s32 *firstId, s32 *lastId) { if (BATTLE_TWO_VS_ONE_OPPONENT && (battlerId & BIT_SIDE) == B_SIDE_OPPONENT) { *firstId = 0, *lastId = 6; } else if (gBattleTypeFlags & (BATTLE_TYPE_TWO_OPPONENTS | BATTLE_TYPE_INGAME_PARTNER | BATTLE_TYPE_x800000)) { if ((battlerId & BIT_FLANK) == B_FLANK_LEFT) *firstId = 0, *lastId = 3; else *firstId = 3, *lastId = 6; } else { *firstId = 0, *lastId = 6; } } static bool8 ShouldSwitchIfAllBadMoves(void) { if (gBattleResources->ai->switchMon) { gBattleResources->ai->switchMon = 0; *(gBattleStruct->AI_monToSwitchIntoId + gActiveBattler) = PARTY_SIZE; BtlController_EmitTwoReturnValues(1, B_ACTION_SWITCH, 0); return TRUE; } else { return FALSE; } } static bool8 ShouldSwitchIfPerishSong(void) { if (gStatuses3[gActiveBattler] & STATUS3_PERISH_SONG && gDisableStructs[gActiveBattler].perishSongTimer == 0) { *(gBattleStruct->AI_monToSwitchIntoId + gActiveBattler) = PARTY_SIZE; BtlController_EmitTwoReturnValues(1, B_ACTION_SWITCH, 0); return TRUE; } else { return FALSE; } } static bool8 ShouldSwitchIfWonderGuard(void) { u8 opposingPosition; u8 opposingBattler; s32 i, j; s32 firstId; s32 lastId; // + 1 struct Pokemon *party = NULL; u16 move; if (gBattleTypeFlags & BATTLE_TYPE_DOUBLE) return FALSE; opposingPosition = BATTLE_OPPOSITE(GetBattlerPosition(gActiveBattler)); if (gBattleMons[GetBattlerAtPosition(opposingPosition)].ability != ABILITY_WONDER_GUARD) return FALSE; // Check if Pokemon has a super effective move. for (opposingBattler = GetBattlerAtPosition(opposingPosition), i = 0; i < MAX_MON_MOVES; i++) { move = gBattleMons[gActiveBattler].moves[i]; if (move != MOVE_NONE) { if (AI_GetTypeEffectiveness(move, gActiveBattler, opposingBattler) >= UQ_4_12(2.0)) return FALSE; } } // Get party information. GetAIPartyIndexes(gActiveBattler, &firstId, &lastId); if (GetBattlerSide(gActiveBattler) == B_SIDE_PLAYER) party = gPlayerParty; else party = gEnemyParty; // Find a Pokemon in the party that has a super effective move. for (i = firstId; i < lastId; i++) { if (GetMonData(&party[i], MON_DATA_HP) == 0) continue; if (GetMonData(&party[i], MON_DATA_SPECIES2) == SPECIES_NONE) continue; if (GetMonData(&party[i], MON_DATA_SPECIES2) == SPECIES_EGG) continue; if (i == gBattlerPartyIndexes[gActiveBattler]) continue; for (opposingBattler = GetBattlerAtPosition(opposingPosition), j = 0; j < MAX_MON_MOVES; j++) { move = GetMonData(&party[i], MON_DATA_MOVE1 + j); if (move != MOVE_NONE) { if (AI_GetTypeEffectiveness(move, gActiveBattler, opposingBattler) >= UQ_4_12(2.0) && Random() % 3 < 2) { // We found a mon. *(gBattleStruct->AI_monToSwitchIntoId + gActiveBattler) = i; BtlController_EmitTwoReturnValues(1, B_ACTION_SWITCH, 0); return TRUE; } } } } return FALSE; // There is not a single Pokemon in the party that has a super effective move against a mon with Wonder Guard. } static bool8 FindMonThatAbsorbsOpponentsMove(void) { u8 battlerIn1, battlerIn2; u8 absorbingTypeAbility; s32 firstId; s32 lastId; // + 1 struct Pokemon *party; s32 i; if (HasSuperEffectiveMoveAgainstOpponents(TRUE) && Random() % 3 != 0) return FALSE; if (gLastLandedMoves[gActiveBattler] == 0) return FALSE; if (gLastLandedMoves[gActiveBattler] == 0xFFFF) return FALSE; if (gBattleMoves[gLastLandedMoves[gActiveBattler]].power == 0) return FALSE; if (gBattleTypeFlags & BATTLE_TYPE_DOUBLE) { battlerIn1 = gActiveBattler; if (gAbsentBattlerFlags & gBitTable[GetBattlerAtPosition(BATTLE_PARTNER(GetBattlerPosition(gActiveBattler)))]) battlerIn2 = gActiveBattler; else battlerIn2 = GetBattlerAtPosition(BATTLE_PARTNER(GetBattlerPosition(gActiveBattler))); } else { battlerIn1 = gActiveBattler; battlerIn2 = gActiveBattler; } if (gBattleMoves[gLastLandedMoves[gActiveBattler]].type == TYPE_FIRE) absorbingTypeAbility = ABILITY_FLASH_FIRE; else if (gBattleMoves[gLastLandedMoves[gActiveBattler]].type == TYPE_WATER) absorbingTypeAbility = ABILITY_WATER_ABSORB; else if (gBattleMoves[gLastLandedMoves[gActiveBattler]].type == TYPE_ELECTRIC) absorbingTypeAbility = ABILITY_VOLT_ABSORB; else return FALSE; if (gBattleMons[gActiveBattler].ability == absorbingTypeAbility) return FALSE; GetAIPartyIndexes(gActiveBattler, &firstId, &lastId); if (GetBattlerSide(gActiveBattler) == B_SIDE_PLAYER) party = gPlayerParty; else party = gEnemyParty; for (i = firstId; i < lastId; i++) { u16 species; u8 monAbility; if (GetMonData(&party[i], MON_DATA_HP) == 0) continue; if (GetMonData(&party[i], MON_DATA_SPECIES2) == SPECIES_NONE) continue; if (GetMonData(&party[i], MON_DATA_SPECIES2) == SPECIES_EGG) continue; if (i == gBattlerPartyIndexes[battlerIn1]) continue; if (i == gBattlerPartyIndexes[battlerIn2]) continue; if (i == *(gBattleStruct->monToSwitchIntoId + battlerIn1)) continue; if (i == *(gBattleStruct->monToSwitchIntoId + battlerIn2)) continue; species = GetMonData(&party[i], MON_DATA_SPECIES); if (GetMonData(&party[i], MON_DATA_ABILITY_NUM) != 0) monAbility = gBaseStats[species].abilities[1]; else monAbility = gBaseStats[species].abilities[0]; if (absorbingTypeAbility == monAbility && Random() & 1) { // we found a mon. *(gBattleStruct->AI_monToSwitchIntoId + gActiveBattler) = i; BtlController_EmitTwoReturnValues(1, B_ACTION_SWITCH, 0); return TRUE; } } return FALSE; } static bool8 ShouldSwitchIfNaturalCure(void) { if (!(gBattleMons[gActiveBattler].status1 & STATUS1_SLEEP)) return FALSE; if (gBattleMons[gActiveBattler].ability != ABILITY_NATURAL_CURE) return FALSE; if (gBattleMons[gActiveBattler].hp < gBattleMons[gActiveBattler].maxHP / 2) return FALSE; if ((gLastLandedMoves[gActiveBattler] == 0 || gLastLandedMoves[gActiveBattler] == 0xFFFF) && Random() & 1) { *(gBattleStruct->AI_monToSwitchIntoId + gActiveBattler) = PARTY_SIZE; BtlController_EmitTwoReturnValues(1, B_ACTION_SWITCH, 0); return TRUE; } else if (gBattleMoves[gLastLandedMoves[gActiveBattler]].power == 0 && Random() & 1) { *(gBattleStruct->AI_monToSwitchIntoId + gActiveBattler) = PARTY_SIZE; BtlController_EmitTwoReturnValues(1, B_ACTION_SWITCH, 0); return TRUE; } if (FindMonWithFlagsAndSuperEffective(MOVE_RESULT_DOESNT_AFFECT_FOE, 1)) return TRUE; if (FindMonWithFlagsAndSuperEffective(MOVE_RESULT_NOT_VERY_EFFECTIVE, 1)) return TRUE; if (Random() & 1) { *(gBattleStruct->AI_monToSwitchIntoId + gActiveBattler) = PARTY_SIZE; BtlController_EmitTwoReturnValues(1, B_ACTION_SWITCH, 0); return TRUE; } return FALSE; } static bool8 HasSuperEffectiveMoveAgainstOpponents(bool8 noRng) { u8 opposingPosition; u8 opposingBattler; s32 i; u16 move; opposingPosition = BATTLE_OPPOSITE(GetBattlerPosition(gActiveBattler)); opposingBattler = GetBattlerAtPosition(opposingPosition); if (!(gAbsentBattlerFlags & gBitTable[opposingBattler])) { for (i = 0; i < MAX_MON_MOVES; i++) { move = gBattleMons[gActiveBattler].moves[i]; if (move == MOVE_NONE) continue; if (AI_GetTypeEffectiveness(move, gActiveBattler, opposingBattler) >= UQ_4_12(2.0)) { if (noRng) return TRUE; if (Random() % 10 != 0) return TRUE; } } } if (!(gBattleTypeFlags & BATTLE_TYPE_DOUBLE)) return FALSE; opposingBattler = GetBattlerAtPosition(BATTLE_PARTNER(opposingPosition)); if (!(gAbsentBattlerFlags & gBitTable[opposingBattler])) { for (i = 0; i < MAX_MON_MOVES; i++) { move = gBattleMons[gActiveBattler].moves[i]; if (move == MOVE_NONE) continue; if (AI_GetTypeEffectiveness(move, gActiveBattler, opposingBattler) >= UQ_4_12(2.0)) { if (noRng) return TRUE; if (Random() % 10 != 0) return TRUE; } } } return FALSE; } static bool8 AreStatsRaised(void) { u8 buffedStatsValue = 0; s32 i; for (i = 0; i < NUM_BATTLE_STATS; i++) { if (gBattleMons[gActiveBattler].statStages[i] > 6) buffedStatsValue += gBattleMons[gActiveBattler].statStages[i] - 6; } return (buffedStatsValue > 3); } static bool8 FindMonWithFlagsAndSuperEffective(u16 flags, u8 moduloPercent) { u8 battlerIn1, battlerIn2; s32 firstId; s32 lastId; // + 1 struct Pokemon *party; s32 i, j; u16 move; if (gLastLandedMoves[gActiveBattler] == 0) return FALSE; if (gLastLandedMoves[gActiveBattler] == 0xFFFF) return FALSE; if (gLastHitBy[gActiveBattler] == 0xFF) return FALSE; if (gBattleMoves[gLastLandedMoves[gActiveBattler]].power == 0) return FALSE; if (gBattleTypeFlags & BATTLE_TYPE_DOUBLE) { battlerIn1 = gActiveBattler; if (gAbsentBattlerFlags & gBitTable[GetBattlerAtPosition(BATTLE_PARTNER(GetBattlerPosition(gActiveBattler)))]) battlerIn2 = gActiveBattler; else battlerIn2 = GetBattlerAtPosition(BATTLE_PARTNER(GetBattlerPosition(gActiveBattler))); } else { battlerIn1 = gActiveBattler; battlerIn2 = gActiveBattler; } GetAIPartyIndexes(gActiveBattler, &firstId, &lastId); if (GetBattlerSide(gActiveBattler) == B_SIDE_PLAYER) party = gPlayerParty; else party = gEnemyParty; for (i = firstId; i < lastId; i++) { u16 species; u8 monAbility; if (GetMonData(&party[i], MON_DATA_HP) == 0) continue; if (GetMonData(&party[i], MON_DATA_SPECIES2) == SPECIES_NONE) continue; if (GetMonData(&party[i], MON_DATA_SPECIES2) == SPECIES_EGG) continue; if (i == gBattlerPartyIndexes[battlerIn1]) continue; if (i == gBattlerPartyIndexes[battlerIn2]) continue; if (i == *(gBattleStruct->monToSwitchIntoId + battlerIn1)) continue; if (i == *(gBattleStruct->monToSwitchIntoId + battlerIn2)) continue; species = GetMonData(&party[i], MON_DATA_SPECIES); if (GetMonData(&party[i], MON_DATA_ABILITY_NUM) != 0) monAbility = gBaseStats[species].abilities[1]; else monAbility = gBaseStats[species].abilities[0]; CalcPartyMonTypeEffectivenessMultiplier(gLastLandedMoves[gActiveBattler], species, monAbility); if (gMoveResultFlags & flags) { battlerIn1 = gLastHitBy[gActiveBattler]; for (j = 0; j < MAX_MON_MOVES; j++) { move = GetMonData(&party[i], MON_DATA_MOVE1 + j); if (move == 0) continue; if (AI_GetTypeEffectiveness(move, gActiveBattler, battlerIn1) >= UQ_4_12(2.0) && Random() % moduloPercent == 0) { *(gBattleStruct->AI_monToSwitchIntoId + gActiveBattler) = i; BtlController_EmitTwoReturnValues(1, B_ACTION_SWITCH, 0); return TRUE; } } } } return FALSE; } static bool8 ShouldSwitch(void) { u8 battlerIn1, battlerIn2; s32 firstId; s32 lastId; // + 1 struct Pokemon *party; s32 i; s32 availableToSwitch; if (gBattleMons[gActiveBattler].status2 & (STATUS2_WRAPPED | STATUS2_ESCAPE_PREVENTION)) return FALSE; if (gStatuses3[gActiveBattler] & STATUS3_ROOTED) return FALSE; if (IsAbilityPreventingEscape(gActiveBattler)) return FALSE; if (gBattleTypeFlags & BATTLE_TYPE_ARENA) return FALSE; availableToSwitch = 0; if (gBattleTypeFlags & BATTLE_TYPE_DOUBLE) { battlerIn1 = gActiveBattler; if (gAbsentBattlerFlags & gBitTable[GetBattlerAtPosition(GetBattlerPosition(gActiveBattler) ^ BIT_FLANK)]) battlerIn2 = gActiveBattler; else battlerIn2 = GetBattlerAtPosition(GetBattlerPosition(gActiveBattler) ^ BIT_FLANK); } else { battlerIn1 = gActiveBattler; battlerIn2 = gActiveBattler; } GetAIPartyIndexes(gActiveBattler, &firstId, &lastId); if (GetBattlerSide(gActiveBattler) == B_SIDE_PLAYER) party = gPlayerParty; else party = gEnemyParty; for (i = firstId; i < lastId; i++) { if (GetMonData(&party[i], MON_DATA_HP) == 0) continue; if (GetMonData(&party[i], MON_DATA_SPECIES2) == SPECIES_NONE) continue; if (GetMonData(&party[i], MON_DATA_SPECIES2) == SPECIES_EGG) continue; if (i == gBattlerPartyIndexes[battlerIn1]) continue; if (i == gBattlerPartyIndexes[battlerIn2]) continue; if (i == *(gBattleStruct->monToSwitchIntoId + battlerIn1)) continue; if (i == *(gBattleStruct->monToSwitchIntoId + battlerIn2)) continue; availableToSwitch++; } if (availableToSwitch == 0) return FALSE; if (ShouldSwitchIfAllBadMoves()) return TRUE; if (ShouldSwitchIfPerishSong()) return TRUE; if (ShouldSwitchIfWonderGuard()) return TRUE; if (FindMonThatAbsorbsOpponentsMove()) return TRUE; if (ShouldSwitchIfNaturalCure()) return TRUE; if (HasSuperEffectiveMoveAgainstOpponents(FALSE)) return FALSE; if (AreStatsRaised()) return FALSE; if (FindMonWithFlagsAndSuperEffective(MOVE_RESULT_DOESNT_AFFECT_FOE, 2) || FindMonWithFlagsAndSuperEffective(MOVE_RESULT_NOT_VERY_EFFECTIVE, 3)) return TRUE; return FALSE; } void AI_TrySwitchOrUseItem(void) { struct Pokemon *party; u8 battlerIn1, battlerIn2; s32 firstId; s32 lastId; // + 1 u8 battlerIdentity = GetBattlerPosition(gActiveBattler); if (GetBattlerSide(gActiveBattler) == B_SIDE_PLAYER) party = gPlayerParty; else party = gEnemyParty; if (gBattleTypeFlags & BATTLE_TYPE_TRAINER) { if (ShouldSwitch()) { if (*(gBattleStruct->AI_monToSwitchIntoId + gActiveBattler) == PARTY_SIZE) { s32 monToSwitchId = GetMostSuitableMonToSwitchInto(); if (monToSwitchId == PARTY_SIZE) { if (!(gBattleTypeFlags & BATTLE_TYPE_DOUBLE)) { battlerIn1 = GetBattlerAtPosition(battlerIdentity); battlerIn2 = battlerIn1; } else { battlerIn1 = GetBattlerAtPosition(battlerIdentity); battlerIn2 = GetBattlerAtPosition(battlerIdentity ^ BIT_FLANK); } GetAIPartyIndexes(gActiveBattler, &firstId, &lastId); for (monToSwitchId = firstId; monToSwitchId < lastId; monToSwitchId++) { if (GetMonData(&party[monToSwitchId], MON_DATA_HP) == 0) continue; if (monToSwitchId == gBattlerPartyIndexes[battlerIn1]) continue; if (monToSwitchId == gBattlerPartyIndexes[battlerIn2]) continue; if (monToSwitchId == *(gBattleStruct->monToSwitchIntoId + battlerIn1)) continue; if (monToSwitchId == *(gBattleStruct->monToSwitchIntoId + battlerIn2)) continue; break; } } *(gBattleStruct->AI_monToSwitchIntoId + gActiveBattler) = monToSwitchId; } *(gBattleStruct->monToSwitchIntoId + gActiveBattler) = *(gBattleStruct->AI_monToSwitchIntoId + gActiveBattler); return; } else if (ShouldUseItem()) { return; } } BtlController_EmitTwoReturnValues(1, B_ACTION_USE_MOVE, (gActiveBattler ^ BIT_SIDE) << 8); } // If there are two(or more) mons to choose from, always choose one that has baton pass // as most often it can't do much on its own. static u32 GetBestMonBatonPass(struct Pokemon *party, int firstId, int lastId, u8 invalidMons, int aliveCount) { int i, j, bits = 0; for (i = firstId; i < lastId; i++) { if (invalidMons & gBitTable[i]) continue; for (j = 0; j < MAX_MON_MOVES; j++) { if (GetMonData(&party[i], MON_DATA_MOVE1 + j, NULL) == MOVE_BATON_PASS) { bits |= gBitTable[i]; break; } } } if ((aliveCount == 2 || (aliveCount > 2 && Random() % 3 == 0)) && bits) { do { i = (Random() % (lastId - firstId)) + firstId; } while (!(bits & gBitTable[i])); return i; } return PARTY_SIZE; } static u32 GestBestMonOffensive(struct Pokemon *party, int firstId, int lastId, u8 invalidMons, u32 opposingBattler) { int i, bits = 0; while (bits != 0x3F) // All mons were checked. { int bestDmg = 0; int bestMonId = PARTY_SIZE; // Find the mon whose type is the most suitable offensively. for (i = firstId; i < lastId; i++) { if (!(gBitTable[i] & invalidMons) && !(gBitTable[i] & bits)) { u16 species = GetMonData(&party[i], MON_DATA_SPECIES); u32 typeDmg = UQ_4_12(1.0); u8 atkType1 = gBaseStats[species].type1; u8 atkType2 = gBaseStats[species].type2; u8 defType1 = gBattleMons[opposingBattler].type1; u8 defType2 = gBattleMons[opposingBattler].type2; typeDmg *= GetTypeModifier(atkType1, defType1); if (atkType2 != atkType1) typeDmg *= GetTypeModifier(atkType2, defType1); if (defType2 != defType1) { typeDmg *= GetTypeModifier(atkType1, defType2); if (atkType2 != atkType1) typeDmg *= GetTypeModifier(atkType2, defType2); } if (bestDmg < typeDmg) { bestDmg = typeDmg; bestMonId = i; } } } // Ok, we know the mon has the right typing but does it have at least one super effective move? if (bestMonId != PARTY_SIZE) { for (i = 0; i < MAX_MON_MOVES; i++) { u32 move = GetMonData(&party[bestMonId], MON_DATA_MOVE1 + i); if (move != MOVE_NONE && AI_GetTypeEffectiveness(move, gActiveBattler, opposingBattler) >= UQ_4_12(2.0)) break; } if (i != MAX_MON_MOVES) return bestMonId; // Has both the typing and at least one super effective move. bits |= gBitTable[bestMonId]; // Sorry buddy, we want something better. } else { bits = 0x3F; // No viable mon to switch. } } return PARTY_SIZE; } static u32 GetBestMonDmg(struct Pokemon *party, int firstId, int lastId, u8 invalidMons, u32 opposingBattler) { int i, j; int bestDmg = 0; int bestMonId = PARTY_SIZE; gMoveResultFlags = 0; // If we couldn't find the best mon in terms of typing, find the one that deals most damage. for (i = firstId; i < lastId; i++) { if (gBitTable[i] & invalidMons) continue; for (j = 0; j < MAX_MON_MOVES; j++) { u32 move = GetMonData(&party[i], MON_DATA_MOVE1 + j); if (move != MOVE_NONE && gBattleMoves[move].power != 0) { s32 dmg = AI_CalcPartyMonDamage(move, gActiveBattler, opposingBattler, &party[i]); if (bestDmg < dmg) { bestDmg = dmg; bestMonId = i; } } } } return bestMonId; } u8 GetMostSuitableMonToSwitchInto(void) { u32 opposingBattler = 0; u32 bestDmg = 0; u32 bestMonId = 0; u8 battlerIn1 = 0, battlerIn2 = 0; s32 firstId = 0; s32 lastId = 0; // + 1 struct Pokemon *party; s32 i, j, aliveCount = 0; u8 invalidMons = 0; if (*(gBattleStruct->monToSwitchIntoId + gActiveBattler) != PARTY_SIZE) return *(gBattleStruct->monToSwitchIntoId + gActiveBattler); if (gBattleTypeFlags & BATTLE_TYPE_ARENA) return gBattlerPartyIndexes[gActiveBattler] + 1; if (gBattleTypeFlags & BATTLE_TYPE_DOUBLE) { battlerIn1 = gActiveBattler; if (gAbsentBattlerFlags & gBitTable[GetBattlerAtPosition(GetBattlerPosition(gActiveBattler) ^ BIT_FLANK)]) battlerIn2 = gActiveBattler; else battlerIn2 = GetBattlerAtPosition(GetBattlerPosition(gActiveBattler) ^ BIT_FLANK); opposingBattler = BATTLE_OPPOSITE(battlerIn1); if (gAbsentBattlerFlags & gBitTable[opposingBattler]) opposingBattler ^= BIT_FLANK; } else { opposingBattler = GetBattlerAtPosition(GetBattlerPosition(gActiveBattler) ^ BIT_SIDE); battlerIn1 = gActiveBattler; battlerIn2 = gActiveBattler; } GetAIPartyIndexes(gActiveBattler, &firstId, &lastId); if (GetBattlerSide(gActiveBattler) == B_SIDE_PLAYER) party = gPlayerParty; else party = gEnemyParty; // Get invalid slots ids. for (i = firstId; i < lastId; i++) { if (GetMonData(&party[i], MON_DATA_SPECIES) == SPECIES_NONE || GetMonData(&party[i], MON_DATA_HP) == 0 || gBattlerPartyIndexes[battlerIn1] == i || gBattlerPartyIndexes[battlerIn2] == i || i == *(gBattleStruct->monToSwitchIntoId + battlerIn1) || i == *(gBattleStruct->monToSwitchIntoId + battlerIn2) || (GetMonAbility(&party[i]) == ABILITY_TRUANT && IsTruantMonVulnerable(gActiveBattler, opposingBattler))) // While not really invalid per say, not really wise to switch into this mon. invalidMons |= gBitTable[i]; else aliveCount++; } bestMonId = GetBestMonBatonPass(party, firstId, lastId, invalidMons, aliveCount); if (bestMonId != PARTY_SIZE) return bestMonId; bestMonId = GestBestMonOffensive(party, firstId, lastId, invalidMons, opposingBattler); if (bestMonId != PARTY_SIZE) return bestMonId; bestMonId = GetBestMonDmg(party, firstId, lastId, invalidMons, opposingBattler); if (bestMonId != PARTY_SIZE) return bestMonId; return PARTY_SIZE; } static u8 GetAI_ItemType(u16 itemId, const u8 *itemEffect) { if (itemId == ITEM_FULL_RESTORE) return AI_ITEM_FULL_RESTORE; else if (itemEffect[4] & ITEM4_HEAL_HP) return AI_ITEM_HEAL_HP; else if (itemEffect[3] & ITEM3_STATUS_ALL) return AI_ITEM_CURE_CONDITION; else if (itemEffect[0] & (ITEM0_DIRE_HIT | ITEM0_X_ATTACK) || itemEffect[1] != 0 || itemEffect[2] != 0) return AI_ITEM_X_STAT; else if (itemEffect[3] & ITEM3_GUARD_SPEC) return AI_ITEM_GUARD_SPECS; else return AI_ITEM_NOT_RECOGNIZABLE; } static bool8 ShouldUseItem(void) { struct Pokemon *party; s32 i; u8 validMons = 0; bool8 shouldUse = FALSE; if (gBattleTypeFlags & BATTLE_TYPE_INGAME_PARTNER && GetBattlerPosition(gActiveBattler) == B_POSITION_PLAYER_RIGHT) return FALSE; if (GetBattlerSide(gActiveBattler) == B_SIDE_PLAYER) party = gPlayerParty; else party = gEnemyParty; for (i = 0; i < PARTY_SIZE; i++) { if (GetMonData(&party[i], MON_DATA_HP) != 0 && GetMonData(&party[i], MON_DATA_SPECIES2) != SPECIES_NONE && GetMonData(&party[i], MON_DATA_SPECIES2) != SPECIES_EGG) { validMons++; } } for (i = 0; i < MAX_TRAINER_ITEMS; i++) { u16 item; const u8 *itemEffects; u8 paramOffset; u8 battlerSide; if (i != 0 && validMons > (gBattleResources->battleHistory->itemsNo - i) + 1) continue; item = gBattleResources->battleHistory->trainerItems[i]; if (item == ITEM_NONE) continue; if (gItemEffectTable[item - ITEM_POTION] == NULL) continue; if (item == ITEM_ENIGMA_BERRY) itemEffects = gSaveBlock1Ptr->enigmaBerry.itemEffect; else itemEffects = gItemEffectTable[item - ITEM_POTION]; *(gBattleStruct->AI_itemType + gActiveBattler / 2) = GetAI_ItemType(item, itemEffects); switch (*(gBattleStruct->AI_itemType + gActiveBattler / 2)) { case AI_ITEM_FULL_RESTORE: if (gBattleMons[gActiveBattler].hp >= gBattleMons[gActiveBattler].maxHP / 4) break; if (gBattleMons[gActiveBattler].hp == 0) break; shouldUse = TRUE; break; case AI_ITEM_HEAL_HP: paramOffset = GetItemEffectParamOffset(item, 4, 4); if (paramOffset == 0) break; if (gBattleMons[gActiveBattler].hp == 0) break; if (gBattleMons[gActiveBattler].hp < gBattleMons[gActiveBattler].maxHP / 4 || gBattleMons[gActiveBattler].maxHP - gBattleMons[gActiveBattler].hp > itemEffects[paramOffset]) shouldUse = TRUE; break; case AI_ITEM_CURE_CONDITION: *(gBattleStruct->AI_itemFlags + gActiveBattler / 2) = 0; if (itemEffects[3] & ITEM3_SLEEP && gBattleMons[gActiveBattler].status1 & STATUS1_SLEEP) { *(gBattleStruct->AI_itemFlags + gActiveBattler / 2) |= 0x20; shouldUse = TRUE; } if (itemEffects[3] & ITEM3_POISON && (gBattleMons[gActiveBattler].status1 & STATUS1_POISON || gBattleMons[gActiveBattler].status1 & STATUS1_TOXIC_POISON)) { *(gBattleStruct->AI_itemFlags + gActiveBattler / 2) |= 0x10; shouldUse = TRUE; } if (itemEffects[3] & ITEM3_BURN && gBattleMons[gActiveBattler].status1 & STATUS1_BURN) { *(gBattleStruct->AI_itemFlags + gActiveBattler / 2) |= 0x8; shouldUse = TRUE; } if (itemEffects[3] & ITEM3_FREEZE && gBattleMons[gActiveBattler].status1 & STATUS1_FREEZE) { *(gBattleStruct->AI_itemFlags + gActiveBattler / 2) |= 0x4; shouldUse = TRUE; } if (itemEffects[3] & ITEM3_PARALYSIS && gBattleMons[gActiveBattler].status1 & STATUS1_PARALYSIS) { *(gBattleStruct->AI_itemFlags + gActiveBattler / 2) |= 0x2; shouldUse = TRUE; } if (itemEffects[3] & ITEM3_CONFUSION && gBattleMons[gActiveBattler].status2 & STATUS2_CONFUSION) { *(gBattleStruct->AI_itemFlags + gActiveBattler / 2) |= 0x1; shouldUse = TRUE; } break; case AI_ITEM_X_STAT: *(gBattleStruct->AI_itemFlags + gActiveBattler / 2) = 0; if (gDisableStructs[gActiveBattler].isFirstTurn == 0) break; if (itemEffects[0] & ITEM0_X_ATTACK) *(gBattleStruct->AI_itemFlags + gActiveBattler / 2) |= 0x1; if (itemEffects[1] & ITEM1_X_DEFEND) *(gBattleStruct->AI_itemFlags + gActiveBattler / 2) |= 0x2; if (itemEffects[1] & ITEM1_X_SPEED) *(gBattleStruct->AI_itemFlags + gActiveBattler / 2) |= 0x4; if (itemEffects[2] & ITEM2_X_SPATK) *(gBattleStruct->AI_itemFlags + gActiveBattler / 2) |= 0x8; if (itemEffects[2] & ITEM2_X_ACCURACY) *(gBattleStruct->AI_itemFlags + gActiveBattler / 2) |= 0x20; if (itemEffects[0] & ITEM0_DIRE_HIT) *(gBattleStruct->AI_itemFlags + gActiveBattler / 2) |= 0x80; shouldUse = TRUE; break; case AI_ITEM_GUARD_SPECS: battlerSide = GetBattlerSide(gActiveBattler); if (gDisableStructs[gActiveBattler].isFirstTurn != 0 && gSideTimers[battlerSide].mistTimer == 0) shouldUse = TRUE; break; case AI_ITEM_NOT_RECOGNIZABLE: return FALSE; } if (shouldUse) { BtlController_EmitTwoReturnValues(1, B_ACTION_USE_ITEM, 0); *(gBattleStruct->chosenItem + (gActiveBattler / 2) * 2) = item; gBattleResources->battleHistory->trainerItems[i] = 0; return shouldUse; } } return FALSE; }