Route114_FossilManiacsTunnel_MapScripts:: @ 822AF28 map_script MAP_SCRIPT_ON_TRANSITION, Route114_FossilManiacsTunnel_MapScript1_OnTransition map_script MAP_SCRIPT_ON_LOAD, Route114_FossilManiacsTunnel_MapScript1_22AF49 .byte 0 Route114_FossilManiacsTunnel_MapScript1_OnTransition: @ 822AF33 call_if_set FLAG_SYS_GAME_CLEAR, Route114_FossilManiacsTunnel_EventScript_22AF3D end Route114_FossilManiacsTunnel_EventScript_22AF3D:: @ 822AF3D setobjectxyperm 1, 6, 5 setobjectmovementtype 1, MOVEMENT_TYPE_FACE_DOWN return Route114_FossilManiacsTunnel_MapScript1_22AF49: @ 822AF49 call_if_unset FLAG_SYS_GAME_CLEAR, Route114_FossilManiacsTunnel_EventScript_22AF53 end Route114_FossilManiacsTunnel_EventScript_22AF53:: @ 822AF53 setmetatile 6, 1, 617, 1 setmetatile 6, 2, 617, 1 return Route114_FossilManiacsTunnel_EventScript_22AF66:: @ 822AF66 lockall applymovement 1, Common_Movement_WalkInPlaceUp applymovement EVENT_OBJ_ID_PLAYER, Common_Movement_WalkInPlaceDown waitmovement 0 msgbox Route114_FossilManiacsTunnel_Text_22B1F7, MSGBOX_DEFAULT setvar VAR_FOSSIL_MANIAC_STATE, 2 releaseall end Route114_FossilManiacsTunnel_EventScript_22AF87:: @ 822AF87 lock faceplayer goto_if_set FLAG_RECEIVED_REVIVED_FOSSIL_MON, Route114_FossilManiacsTunnel_EventScript_22AFC6 checkitem ITEM_ROOT_FOSSIL, 1 compare VAR_RESULT, 1 goto_if_eq Route114_FossilManiacsTunnel_EventScript_22AFBC checkitem ITEM_CLAW_FOSSIL, 1 compare VAR_RESULT, 1 goto_if_eq Route114_FossilManiacsTunnel_EventScript_22AFBC msgbox Route114_FossilManiacsTunnel_Text_22AFD0, MSGBOX_DEFAULT release end Route114_FossilManiacsTunnel_EventScript_22AFBC:: @ 822AFBC msgbox Route114_FossilManiacsTunnel_Text_22B0D6, MSGBOX_DEFAULT release end Route114_FossilManiacsTunnel_EventScript_22AFC6:: @ 822AFC6 msgbox Route114_FossilManiacsTunnel_Text_22B1CC, MSGBOX_DEFAULT release end Route114_FossilManiacsTunnel_Text_22AFD0: @ 822AFD0 .string "I'm the FOSSIL MANIAC…\n" .string "I'm a nice guy who loves FOSSILS…\p" .string "Do you want a FOSSIL?\p" .string "But the FOSSILS around these parts all\n" .string "belong to me… None for you…\p" .string "If you can't bear to go without\n" .string "a FOSSIL, look in a desert where there\l" .string "are boulders and sand that may hide\l" .string "FOSSILS…$" Route114_FossilManiacsTunnel_Text_22B0D6: @ 822B0D6 .string "You found a FOSSIL, didn't you?\n" .string "That's so nice… It's so dreamy…\p" .string "What are you going to do with that\n" .string "FOSSIL?\p" .string "From what I've heard, DEVON is doing\n" .string "research on reviving POKéMON from\l" .string "FOSSILS…\p" .string "I love my FOSSILS, so I would never\n" .string "do anything like that…$" Route114_FossilManiacsTunnel_Text_22B1CC: @ 822B1CC .string "FOSSILS are so… Wonderful…\n" .string "It's so dreamy…$" Route114_FossilManiacsTunnel_Text_22B1F7: @ 822B1F7 .string "Oh…\n" .string "It's not safe that way…\p" .string "I was digging away, you see…\n" .string "When the whole wall collapsed…\p" .string "I think there's a giant cavern\n" .string "underneath now…\p" .string "But I've left it alone because I don't\n" .string "think there are any FOSSILS there…$"