#include "global.h" #include "malloc.h" #include "battle.h" #include "pokemon.h" #include "battle_controllers.h" #include "battle_interface.h" #include "graphics.h" #include "sprite.h" #include "window.h" #include "string_util.h" #include "text.h" #include "sound.h" #include "constants/songs.h" #include "decompress.h" #include "task.h" #include "util.h" #include "gpu_regs.h" #include "battle_message.h" #include "pokedex.h" #include "palette.h" #include "international_string_util.h" #include "safari_zone.h" #include "battle_anim.h" #include "constants/battle_anim.h" #include "constants/rgb.h" #include "battle_debug.h" #include "constants/battle_config.h" #include "data.h" #include "pokemon_summary_screen.h" #include "item_icon.h" #include "item_use.h" #include "item.h" #include "constants/items.h" enum { // Corresponds to gHealthboxElementsGfxTable (and the tables after it) in graphics.c // These are indexes into the tables, which are filled with 8x8 square pixel data. HEALTHBOX_GFX_0, //hp bar [black section] HEALTHBOX_GFX_1, //hp bar "H" HEALTHBOX_GFX_2, //hp bar "P" HEALTHBOX_GFX_HP_BAR_GREEN, //hp bar [0 pixels] HEALTHBOX_GFX_4, //hp bar [1 pixels] HEALTHBOX_GFX_5, //hp bar [2 pixels] HEALTHBOX_GFX_6, //hp bar [3 pixels] HEALTHBOX_GFX_7, //hp bar [4 pixels] HEALTHBOX_GFX_8, //hp bar [5 pixels] HEALTHBOX_GFX_9, //hp bar [6 pixels] HEALTHBOX_GFX_10, //hp bar [7 pixels] HEALTHBOX_GFX_11, //hp bar [8 pixels] HEALTHBOX_GFX_12, //exp bar [0 pixels] HEALTHBOX_GFX_13, //exp bar [1 pixels] HEALTHBOX_GFX_14, //exp bar [2 pixels] HEALTHBOX_GFX_15, //exp bar [3 pixels] HEALTHBOX_GFX_16, //exp bar [4 pixels] HEALTHBOX_GFX_17, //exp bar [5 pixels] HEALTHBOX_GFX_18, //exp bar [6 pixels] HEALTHBOX_GFX_19, //exp bar [7 pixels] HEALTHBOX_GFX_20, //exp bar [8 pixels] HEALTHBOX_GFX_STATUS_PSN_BATTLER0, //status psn "(P" HEALTHBOX_GFX_22, //status psn "SN" HEALTHBOX_GFX_23, //status psn "|)"" HEALTHBOX_GFX_STATUS_PRZ_BATTLER0, //status prz HEALTHBOX_GFX_25, HEALTHBOX_GFX_26, HEALTHBOX_GFX_STATUS_SLP_BATTLER0, //status slp HEALTHBOX_GFX_28, HEALTHBOX_GFX_29, HEALTHBOX_GFX_STATUS_FRZ_BATTLER0, //status frz HEALTHBOX_GFX_31, HEALTHBOX_GFX_32, HEALTHBOX_GFX_STATUS_BRN_BATTLER0, //status brn HEALTHBOX_GFX_34, HEALTHBOX_GFX_35, HEALTHBOX_GFX_36, //misc [Black section] HEALTHBOX_GFX_37, //misc [Black section] HEALTHBOX_GFX_38, //misc [Black section] HEALTHBOX_GFX_39, //misc [Blank Health Window?] HEALTHBOX_GFX_40, //misc [Blank Health Window?] HEALTHBOX_GFX_41, //misc [Blank Health Window?] HEALTHBOX_GFX_42, //misc [Blank Health Window?] HEALTHBOX_GFX_43, //misc [Top of Health Window?] HEALTHBOX_GFX_44, //misc [Top of Health Window?] HEALTHBOX_GFX_45, //misc [Top of Health Window?] HEALTHBOX_GFX_46, //misc [Blank Health Window?] HEALTHBOX_GFX_HP_BAR_YELLOW, //hp bar yellow [0 pixels] HEALTHBOX_GFX_48, //hp bar yellow [1 pixels] HEALTHBOX_GFX_49, //hp bar yellow [2 pixels] HEALTHBOX_GFX_50, //hp bar yellow [3 pixels] HEALTHBOX_GFX_51, //hp bar yellow [4 pixels] HEALTHBOX_GFX_52, //hp bar yellow [5 pixels] HEALTHBOX_GFX_53, //hp bar yellow [6 pixels] HEALTHBOX_GFX_54, //hp bar yellow [7 pixels] HEALTHBOX_GFX_55, //hp bar yellow [8 pixels] HEALTHBOX_GFX_HP_BAR_RED, //hp bar red [0 pixels] HEALTHBOX_GFX_57, //hp bar red [1 pixels] HEALTHBOX_GFX_58, //hp bar red [2 pixels] HEALTHBOX_GFX_59, //hp bar red [3 pixels] HEALTHBOX_GFX_60, //hp bar red [4 pixels] HEALTHBOX_GFX_61, //hp bar red [5 pixels] HEALTHBOX_GFX_62, //hp bar red [6 pixels] HEALTHBOX_GFX_63, //hp bar red [7 pixels] HEALTHBOX_GFX_64, //hp bar red [8 pixels] HEALTHBOX_GFX_65, //hp bar frame end HEALTHBOX_GFX_66, //status ball [full] HEALTHBOX_GFX_67, //status ball [empty] HEALTHBOX_GFX_68, //status ball [fainted] HEALTHBOX_GFX_69, //status ball [statused] HEALTHBOX_GFX_70, //status ball [unused extra] HEALTHBOX_GFX_STATUS_PSN_BATTLER1, //status2 "PSN" HEALTHBOX_GFX_72, HEALTHBOX_GFX_73, HEALTHBOX_GFX_STATUS_PRZ_BATTLER1, //status2 "PRZ" HEALTHBOX_GFX_75, HEALTHBOX_GFX_76, HEALTHBOX_GFX_STATUS_SLP_BATTLER1, //status2 "SLP" HEALTHBOX_GFX_78, HEALTHBOX_GFX_79, HEALTHBOX_GFX_STATUS_FRZ_BATTLER1, //status2 "FRZ" HEALTHBOX_GFX_81, HEALTHBOX_GFX_82, HEALTHBOX_GFX_STATUS_BRN_BATTLER1, //status2 "BRN" HEALTHBOX_GFX_84, HEALTHBOX_GFX_85, HEALTHBOX_GFX_STATUS_PSN_BATTLER2, //status3 "PSN" HEALTHBOX_GFX_87, HEALTHBOX_GFX_88, HEALTHBOX_GFX_STATUS_PRZ_BATTLER2, //status3 "PRZ" HEALTHBOX_GFX_90, HEALTHBOX_GFX_91, HEALTHBOX_GFX_STATUS_SLP_BATTLER2, //status3 "SLP" HEALTHBOX_GFX_93, HEALTHBOX_GFX_94, HEALTHBOX_GFX_STATUS_FRZ_BATTLER2, //status3 "FRZ" HEALTHBOX_GFX_96, HEALTHBOX_GFX_97, HEALTHBOX_GFX_STATUS_BRN_BATTLER2, //status3 "BRN" HEALTHBOX_GFX_99, HEALTHBOX_GFX_100, HEALTHBOX_GFX_STATUS_PSN_BATTLER3, //status4 "PSN" HEALTHBOX_GFX_102, HEALTHBOX_GFX_103, HEALTHBOX_GFX_STATUS_PRZ_BATTLER3, //status4 "PRZ" HEALTHBOX_GFX_105, HEALTHBOX_GFX_106, HEALTHBOX_GFX_STATUS_SLP_BATTLER3, //status4 "SLP" HEALTHBOX_GFX_108, HEALTHBOX_GFX_109, HEALTHBOX_GFX_STATUS_FRZ_BATTLER3, //status4 "FRZ" HEALTHBOX_GFX_111, HEALTHBOX_GFX_112, HEALTHBOX_GFX_STATUS_BRN_BATTLER3, //status4 "BRN" HEALTHBOX_GFX_114, HEALTHBOX_GFX_115, HEALTHBOX_GFX_116, //unknown_D12FEC HEALTHBOX_GFX_117, //unknown_D1300C }; // strings extern const u8 gText_Slash[]; extern const u8 gText_HighlightDarkGray[]; extern const u8 gText_DynColor2[]; extern const u8 gText_DynColor2Male[]; extern const u8 gText_DynColor1Female[]; // this file's functions static const u8 *GetHealthboxElementGfxPtr(u8 elementId); static u8* AddTextPrinterAndCreateWindowOnHealthbox(const u8 *str, u32 x, u32 y, u32 bgColor, u32 *windowId); static void RemoveWindowOnHealthbox(u32 windowId); static void UpdateHpTextInHealthboxInDoubles(u8 healthboxSpriteId, s16 value, u8 maxOrCurrent); static void UpdateStatusIconInHealthbox(u8 healthboxSpriteId); static void TextIntoHealthboxObject(void *dest, u8 *windowTileData, s32 windowWidth); static void SafariTextIntoHealthboxObject(void *dest, u8 *windowTileData, u32 windowWidth); static void HpTextIntoHealthboxObject(void *dest, u8 *windowTileData, u32 windowWidth); static void FillHealthboxObject(void *dest, u32 arg1, u32 arg2); static void sub_8073E08(u8 taskId); static void sub_8073F98(u8 taskId); static void sub_8073E64(u8 taskId); static void SpriteCB_HealthBoxOther(struct Sprite *sprite); static void SpriteCB_HealthBar(struct Sprite *sprite); static void sub_8074158(struct Sprite *sprite); static void sub_8074090(struct Sprite *sprite); static void SpriteCB_StatusSummaryBar(struct Sprite *sprite); static void SpriteCB_StatusSummaryBallsOnBattleStart(struct Sprite *sprite); static void SpriteCB_StatusSummaryBallsOnSwitchout(struct Sprite *sprite); static void SpriteCb_MegaTrigger(struct Sprite *sprite); static void SpriteCb_MegaIndicator(struct Sprite *sprite); static u8 GetStatusIconForBattlerId(u8 statusElementId, u8 battlerId); static s32 CalcNewBarValue(s32 maxValue, s32 currValue, s32 receivedValue, s32 *arg3, u8 arg4, u16 arg5); static u8 GetScaledExpFraction(s32 currValue, s32 receivedValue, s32 maxValue, u8 scale); static void MoveBattleBarGraphically(u8 battlerId, u8 whichBar); static u8 CalcBarFilledPixels(s32 maxValue, s32 oldValue, s32 receivedValue, s32 *currValue, u8 *arg4, u8 scale); static void SpriteCb_AbilityPopUp(struct Sprite *sprite); static void Task_FreeAbilityPopUpGfx(u8 taskId); static void SpriteCB_LastUsedBall(struct Sprite *sprite); static void SpriteCB_LastUsedBallWin(struct Sprite *sprite); // const rom data static const struct OamData sUnknown_0832C138 = { .y = 0, .affineMode = ST_OAM_AFFINE_OFF, .objMode = ST_OAM_OBJ_NORMAL, .mosaic = 0, .bpp = ST_OAM_4BPP, .shape = SPRITE_SHAPE(64x32), .x = 0, .matrixNum = 0, .size = SPRITE_SIZE(64x32), .tileNum = 0, .priority = 1, .paletteNum = 0, .affineParam = 0, }; static const struct SpriteTemplate sHealthboxPlayerSpriteTemplates[2] = { { .tileTag = TAG_HEALTHBOX_PLAYER1_TILE, .paletteTag = TAG_HEALTHBOX_PAL, .oam = &sUnknown_0832C138, .anims = gDummySpriteAnimTable, .images = NULL, .affineAnims = gDummySpriteAffineAnimTable, .callback = SpriteCallbackDummy }, { .tileTag = TAG_HEALTHBOX_PLAYER2_TILE, .paletteTag = TAG_HEALTHBOX_PAL, .oam = &sUnknown_0832C138, .anims = gDummySpriteAnimTable, .images = NULL, .affineAnims = gDummySpriteAffineAnimTable, .callback = SpriteCallbackDummy } }; static const struct SpriteTemplate sHealthboxOpponentSpriteTemplates[2] = { { .tileTag = TAG_HEALTHBOX_OPPONENT1_TILE, .paletteTag = TAG_HEALTHBOX_PAL, .oam = &sUnknown_0832C138, .anims = gDummySpriteAnimTable, .images = NULL, .affineAnims = gDummySpriteAffineAnimTable, .callback = SpriteCallbackDummy }, { .tileTag = TAG_HEALTHBOX_OPPONENT2_TILE, .paletteTag = TAG_HEALTHBOX_PAL, .oam = &sUnknown_0832C138, .anims = gDummySpriteAnimTable, .images = NULL, .affineAnims = gDummySpriteAffineAnimTable, .callback = SpriteCallbackDummy } }; static const struct SpriteTemplate sHealthboxSafariSpriteTemplate = { .tileTag = TAG_HEALTHBOX_SAFARI_TILE, .paletteTag = TAG_HEALTHBOX_PAL, .oam = &sUnknown_0832C138, .anims = gDummySpriteAnimTable, .images = NULL, .affineAnims = gDummySpriteAffineAnimTable, .callback = SpriteCallbackDummy }; static const struct OamData sOamData_Healthbar = { .y = 0, .affineMode = ST_OAM_AFFINE_OFF, .objMode = ST_OAM_OBJ_NORMAL, .mosaic = 0, .bpp = ST_OAM_4BPP, .shape = SPRITE_SHAPE(32x8), .x = 0, .matrixNum = 0, .size = SPRITE_SIZE(32x8), .tileNum = 0, .priority = 1, .paletteNum = 0, .affineParam = 0, }; static const struct SpriteTemplate sHealthbarSpriteTemplates[MAX_BATTLERS_COUNT] = { { .tileTag = TAG_HEALTHBAR_PLAYER1_TILE, .paletteTag = TAG_HEALTHBAR_PAL, .oam = &sOamData_Healthbar, .anims = gDummySpriteAnimTable, .images = NULL, .affineAnims = gDummySpriteAffineAnimTable, .callback = SpriteCB_HealthBar }, { .tileTag = TAG_HEALTHBAR_OPPONENT1_TILE, .paletteTag = TAG_HEALTHBAR_PAL, .oam = &sOamData_Healthbar, .anims = gDummySpriteAnimTable, .images = NULL, .affineAnims = gDummySpriteAffineAnimTable, .callback = SpriteCB_HealthBar }, { .tileTag = TAG_HEALTHBAR_PLAYER2_TILE, .paletteTag = TAG_HEALTHBAR_PAL, .oam = &sOamData_Healthbar, .anims = gDummySpriteAnimTable, .images = NULL, .affineAnims = gDummySpriteAffineAnimTable, .callback = SpriteCB_HealthBar }, { .tileTag = TAG_HEALTHBAR_OPPONENT2_TILE, .paletteTag = TAG_HEALTHBAR_PAL, .oam = &sOamData_Healthbar, .anims = gDummySpriteAnimTable, .images = NULL, .affineAnims = gDummySpriteAffineAnimTable, .callback = SpriteCB_HealthBar } }; static const struct Subsprite sUnknown_0832C258[] = { { .x = DISPLAY_WIDTH, .y = 0, .shape = SPRITE_SHAPE(32x8), .size = SPRITE_SIZE(32x8), .tileOffset = 0, .priority = 1 }, { .x = 16, .y = 0, .shape = SPRITE_SHAPE(32x8), .size = SPRITE_SIZE(32x8), .tileOffset = 4, .priority = 1 } }; static const struct Subsprite sUnknown_0832C260[] = { { .x = DISPLAY_WIDTH, .y = 0, .shape = SPRITE_SHAPE(32x8), .size = SPRITE_SIZE(32x8), .tileOffset = 0, .priority = 1 }, { .x = 16, .y = 0, .shape = SPRITE_SHAPE(32x8), .size = SPRITE_SIZE(32x8), .tileOffset = 4, .priority = 1 }, { .x = DISPLAY_WIDTH - 16, .y = 0, .shape = SPRITE_SHAPE(8x8), .size = SPRITE_SIZE(8x8), .tileOffset = 8, .priority = 1 } }; static const struct SubspriteTable sUnknown_0832C28C[] = { {ARRAY_COUNT(sUnknown_0832C258), sUnknown_0832C258}, {ARRAY_COUNT(sUnknown_0832C260), sUnknown_0832C260} }; static const struct Subsprite sStatusSummaryBar_Subsprites_0[] = { { .x = 160, .y = 0, .shape = SPRITE_SHAPE(32x8), .size = SPRITE_SIZE(32x8), .tileOffset = 0, .priority = 1 }, { .x = 192, .y = 0, .shape = SPRITE_SHAPE(32x8), .size = SPRITE_SIZE(32x8), .tileOffset = 4, .priority = 1 }, { .x = 224, .y = 0, .shape = SPRITE_SHAPE(32x8), .size = SPRITE_SIZE(32x8), .tileOffset = 8, .priority = 1 }, { .x = 0, .y = 0, .shape = SPRITE_SHAPE(32x8), .size = SPRITE_SIZE(32x8), .tileOffset = 12, .priority = 1 } }; static const struct Subsprite sUnknown_0832C2AC[] = { { .x = 160, .y = 0, .shape = SPRITE_SHAPE(32x8), .size = SPRITE_SIZE(32x8), .tileOffset = 0, .priority = 1 }, { .x = 192, .y = 0, .shape = SPRITE_SHAPE(32x8), .size = SPRITE_SIZE(32x8), .tileOffset = 4, .priority = 1 }, { .x = 224, .y = 0, .shape = SPRITE_SHAPE(32x8), .size = SPRITE_SIZE(32x8), .tileOffset = 8, .priority = 1 }, { .x = 0, .y = 0, .shape = SPRITE_SHAPE(32x8), .size = SPRITE_SIZE(32x8), .tileOffset = 8, .priority = 1 }, { .x = 32, .y = 0, .shape = SPRITE_SHAPE(32x8), .size = SPRITE_SIZE(32x8), .tileOffset = 8, .priority = 1 }, { .x = 64, .y = 0, .shape = SPRITE_SHAPE(32x8), .size = SPRITE_SIZE(32x8), .tileOffset = 12, .priority = 1 } }; static const struct SubspriteTable sStatusSummaryBar_SubspriteTable[] = { {ARRAY_COUNT(sStatusSummaryBar_Subsprites_0), sStatusSummaryBar_Subsprites_0} }; static const struct SubspriteTable sUnknown_0832C2CC[] = { {ARRAY_COUNT(sUnknown_0832C2AC), sUnknown_0832C2AC} }; static const struct CompressedSpriteSheet sStatusSummaryBarSpriteSheet = { gBattleInterface_BallStatusBarGfx, 0x200, TAG_STATUS_SUMMARY_BAR_TILE }; static const struct SpritePalette sStatusSummaryBarSpritePal = { gBattleInterface_BallStatusBarPal, TAG_STATUS_SUMMARY_BAR_PAL }; static const struct SpritePalette sStatusSummaryBallsSpritePal = { gBattleInterface_BallDisplayPal, TAG_STATUS_SUMMARY_BALLS_PAL }; static const struct SpriteSheet sStatusSummaryBallsSpriteSheet = { gBattleInterface_BallDisplayGfx, 0x80, TAG_STATUS_SUMMARY_BALLS_TILE }; static const struct OamData sOamData_StatusSummaryBalls = { .y = 0, .affineMode = ST_OAM_AFFINE_OFF, .objMode = ST_OAM_OBJ_NORMAL, .mosaic = 0, .bpp = ST_OAM_4BPP, .shape = SPRITE_SHAPE(8x8), .x = 0, .matrixNum = 0, .size = SPRITE_SIZE(8x8), .tileNum = 0, .priority = 1, .paletteNum = 0, .affineParam = 0, }; static const struct SpriteTemplate sStatusSummaryBarSpriteTemplates[2] = { { .tileTag = TAG_STATUS_SUMMARY_BAR_TILE, .paletteTag = TAG_STATUS_SUMMARY_BAR_PAL, .oam = &sUnknown_0832C138, .anims = gDummySpriteAnimTable, .images = NULL, .affineAnims = gDummySpriteAffineAnimTable, .callback = SpriteCB_StatusSummaryBar }, { .tileTag = TAG_STATUS_SUMMARY_BAR_TILE, .paletteTag = TAG_STATUS_SUMMARY_BAR_PAL, .oam = &sUnknown_0832C138, .anims = gDummySpriteAnimTable, .images = NULL, .affineAnims = gDummySpriteAffineAnimTable, .callback = SpriteCB_StatusSummaryBar } }; static const struct SpriteTemplate sStatusSummaryBallsSpriteTemplates[2] = { { .tileTag = TAG_STATUS_SUMMARY_BALLS_TILE, .paletteTag = TAG_STATUS_SUMMARY_BALLS_PAL, .oam = &sOamData_StatusSummaryBalls, .anims = gDummySpriteAnimTable, .images = NULL, .affineAnims = gDummySpriteAffineAnimTable, .callback = SpriteCB_StatusSummaryBallsOnBattleStart }, { .tileTag = TAG_STATUS_SUMMARY_BALLS_TILE, .paletteTag = TAG_STATUS_SUMMARY_BALLS_PAL, .oam = &sOamData_StatusSummaryBalls, .anims = gDummySpriteAnimTable, .images = NULL, .affineAnims = gDummySpriteAffineAnimTable, .callback = SpriteCB_StatusSummaryBallsOnBattleStart } }; // possibly text static const u8 sUnknown_0832C3C4[] = { 0xfc, 0x01, 0x01, 0xfc, 0x02, 0x02, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, }; // possibly text static const u8 sUnknown_0832C3D8[] = { 0xfc, 0x01, 0x01, 0xfc, 0x02, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, }; enum { PAL_STATUS_PSN, PAL_STATUS_PAR, PAL_STATUS_SLP, PAL_STATUS_FRZ, PAL_STATUS_BRN }; static const u16 sStatusIconColors[] = { [PAL_STATUS_PSN] = RGB(24, 12, 24), [PAL_STATUS_PAR] = RGB(23, 23, 3), [PAL_STATUS_SLP] = RGB(20, 20, 17), [PAL_STATUS_FRZ] = RGB(17, 22, 28), [PAL_STATUS_BRN] = RGB(28, 14, 10), }; static const struct WindowTemplate sHealthboxWindowTemplate = {0, 0, 0, 8, 2, 0, 0}; // width = 8, height = 2 static const u8 sMegaTriggerGfx[] = INCBIN_U8("graphics/battle_interface/mega_trigger.4bpp"); static const u16 sMegaTriggerPal[] = INCBIN_U16("graphics/battle_interface/mega_trigger.gbapal"); static const struct SpriteSheet sSpriteSheet_MegaTrigger = { sMegaTriggerGfx, sizeof(sMegaTriggerGfx), TAG_MEGA_TRIGGER_TILE }; static const struct SpritePalette sSpritePalette_MegaTrigger = { sMegaTriggerPal, TAG_MEGA_TRIGGER_PAL }; static const struct OamData sOamData_MegaTrigger = { .y = 0, .affineMode = 0, .objMode = 0, .mosaic = 0, .bpp = 0, .shape = ST_OAM_SQUARE, .x = 0, .matrixNum = 0, .size = 2, .tileNum = 0, .priority = 1, .paletteNum = 0, .affineParam = 0, }; static const union AnimCmd sSpriteAnim_MegaTriggerOff[] = { ANIMCMD_FRAME(0, 0), ANIMCMD_END }; static const union AnimCmd sSpriteAnim_MegaTriggerOn[] = { ANIMCMD_FRAME(16, 0), ANIMCMD_END }; static const union AnimCmd *const sSpriteAnimTable_MegaTrigger[] = { sSpriteAnim_MegaTriggerOff, sSpriteAnim_MegaTriggerOn, }; static const struct SpriteTemplate sSpriteTemplate_MegaTrigger = { .tileTag = TAG_MEGA_TRIGGER_TILE, .paletteTag = TAG_MEGA_TRIGGER_PAL, .oam = &sOamData_MegaTrigger, .anims = sSpriteAnimTable_MegaTrigger, .images = NULL, .affineAnims = gDummySpriteAffineAnimTable, .callback = SpriteCb_MegaTrigger }; static const u8 sMegaIndicatorGfx[] = INCBIN_U8("graphics/battle_interface/mega_indicator.4bpp"); static const u16 sMegaIndicatorPal[] = INCBIN_U16("graphics/battle_interface/mega_indicator.gbapal"); static const struct SpriteSheet sSpriteSheet_MegaIndicator = { sMegaIndicatorGfx, sizeof(sMegaIndicatorGfx), TAG_MEGA_INDICATOR_TILE }; static const struct SpritePalette sSpritePalette_MegaIndicator = { sMegaIndicatorPal, TAG_MEGA_INDICATOR_PAL }; static const u8 sAlphaIndicatorGfx[] = INCBIN_U8("graphics/battle_interface/alpha_indicator.4bpp"); static const u16 sAlphaIndicatorPal[] = INCBIN_U16("graphics/battle_interface/alpha_indicator.gbapal"); static const u8 sOmegaIndicatorGfx[] = INCBIN_U8("graphics/battle_interface/omega_indicator.4bpp"); static const u16 sOmegaIndicatorPal[] = INCBIN_U16("graphics/battle_interface/omega_indicator.gbapal"); static const struct SpriteSheet sSpriteSheet_AlphaIndicator = { sAlphaIndicatorGfx, sizeof(sAlphaIndicatorGfx), TAG_ALPHA_INDICATOR_TILE }; static const struct SpritePalette sSpritePalette_AlphaIndicator = { sAlphaIndicatorPal, TAG_ALPHA_INDICATOR_PAL }; static const struct SpriteSheet sSpriteSheet_OmegaIndicator = { sOmegaIndicatorGfx, sizeof(sOmegaIndicatorGfx), TAG_OMEGA_INDICATOR_TILE }; static const struct SpritePalette sSpritePalette_OmegaIndicator = { sOmegaIndicatorPal, TAG_OMEGA_INDICATOR_PAL }; static const struct OamData sOamData_MegaIndicator = { .y = 0, .affineMode = 0, .objMode = 0, .mosaic = 0, .bpp = 0, .shape = SPRITE_SHAPE(16x16), .x = 0, .matrixNum = 0, .size = SPRITE_SIZE(16x16), .tileNum = 0, .priority = 1, .paletteNum = 0, .affineParam = 0, }; static const struct SpriteTemplate sSpriteTemplate_MegaIndicator = { .tileTag = TAG_MEGA_INDICATOR_TILE, .paletteTag = TAG_MEGA_INDICATOR_PAL, .oam = &sOamData_MegaIndicator, .anims = gDummySpriteAnimTable, .images = NULL, .affineAnims = gDummySpriteAffineAnimTable, .callback = SpriteCb_MegaIndicator, }; static const struct SpriteTemplate sSpriteTemplate_AlphaIndicator = { .tileTag = TAG_ALPHA_INDICATOR_TILE, .paletteTag = TAG_ALPHA_INDICATOR_PAL, .oam = &sOamData_MegaIndicator, .anims = gDummySpriteAnimTable, .images = NULL, .affineAnims = gDummySpriteAffineAnimTable, .callback = SpriteCb_MegaIndicator, }; static const struct SpriteTemplate sSpriteTemplate_OmegaIndicator = { .tileTag = TAG_OMEGA_INDICATOR_TILE, .paletteTag = TAG_OMEGA_INDICATOR_PAL, .oam = &sOamData_MegaIndicator, .anims = gDummySpriteAnimTable, .images = NULL, .affineAnims = gDummySpriteAffineAnimTable, .callback = SpriteCb_MegaIndicator, }; // code // Because the healthbox is too large to fit into one sprite, it is divided into two sprites. // healthboxLeft or healthboxMain is the left part that is used as the 'main' sprite. // healthboxRight or healthboxOther is the right part of the healthbox. // There's also the third sprite under name of healthbarSprite that refers to the healthbar visible on the healtbox. // data fields for healthboxMain // oam.affineParam holds healthboxRight spriteId #define hMain_HealthBarSpriteId data[5] #define hMain_Battler data[6] #define hMain_Data7 data[7] // data fields for healthboxRight #define hOther_HealthBoxSpriteId data[5] #define hOther_IndicatorSpriteId data[6] // For Mega Evo // data fields for healthbar #define hBar_HealthBoxSpriteId data[5] #define hBar_Data6 data[6] u8 GetMegaIndicatorSpriteId(u32 healthboxSpriteId) { u8 spriteId = gSprites[healthboxSpriteId].oam.affineParam; if (spriteId >= MAX_SPRITES) return 0xFF; return gSprites[spriteId].hOther_IndicatorSpriteId; } static void InitLastUsedBallAssets(void) { gBattleStruct->ballSpriteIds[0] = MAX_SPRITES; gBattleStruct->ballSpriteIds[1] = MAX_SPRITES; } u8 CreateBattlerHealthboxSprites(u8 battlerId) { s16 data6 = 0; u8 healthboxLeftSpriteId, healthboxRightSpriteId; u8 healthbarSpriteId, megaIndicatorSpriteId; struct Sprite *healthBarSpritePtr; if (!IsDoubleBattle()) { if (GetBattlerSide(battlerId) == B_SIDE_PLAYER) { healthboxLeftSpriteId = CreateSprite(&sHealthboxPlayerSpriteTemplates[0], DISPLAY_WIDTH, DISPLAY_HEIGHT, 1); healthboxRightSpriteId = CreateSpriteAtEnd(&sHealthboxPlayerSpriteTemplates[0], DISPLAY_WIDTH, DISPLAY_HEIGHT, 1); gSprites[healthboxLeftSpriteId].oam.shape = ST_OAM_SQUARE; gSprites[healthboxRightSpriteId].oam.shape = ST_OAM_SQUARE; gSprites[healthboxRightSpriteId].oam.tileNum += 64; } else { healthboxLeftSpriteId = CreateSprite(&sHealthboxOpponentSpriteTemplates[0], DISPLAY_WIDTH, DISPLAY_HEIGHT, 1); healthboxRightSpriteId = CreateSpriteAtEnd(&sHealthboxOpponentSpriteTemplates[0], DISPLAY_WIDTH, DISPLAY_HEIGHT, 1); gSprites[healthboxRightSpriteId].oam.tileNum += 32; data6 = 2; } gSprites[healthboxLeftSpriteId].oam.affineParam = healthboxRightSpriteId; gSprites[healthboxRightSpriteId].hOther_HealthBoxSpriteId = healthboxLeftSpriteId; gSprites[healthboxRightSpriteId].callback = SpriteCB_HealthBoxOther; } else { if (GetBattlerSide(battlerId) == B_SIDE_PLAYER) { healthboxLeftSpriteId = CreateSprite(&sHealthboxPlayerSpriteTemplates[GetBattlerPosition(battlerId) / 2], DISPLAY_WIDTH, DISPLAY_HEIGHT, 1); healthboxRightSpriteId = CreateSpriteAtEnd(&sHealthboxPlayerSpriteTemplates[GetBattlerPosition(battlerId) / 2], DISPLAY_WIDTH, DISPLAY_HEIGHT, 1); gSprites[healthboxLeftSpriteId].oam.affineParam = healthboxRightSpriteId; gSprites[healthboxRightSpriteId].hOther_HealthBoxSpriteId = healthboxLeftSpriteId; gSprites[healthboxRightSpriteId].oam.tileNum += 32; gSprites[healthboxRightSpriteId].callback = SpriteCB_HealthBoxOther; data6 = 1; } else { healthboxLeftSpriteId = CreateSprite(&sHealthboxOpponentSpriteTemplates[GetBattlerPosition(battlerId) / 2], DISPLAY_WIDTH, DISPLAY_HEIGHT, 1); healthboxRightSpriteId = CreateSpriteAtEnd(&sHealthboxOpponentSpriteTemplates[GetBattlerPosition(battlerId) / 2], DISPLAY_WIDTH, DISPLAY_HEIGHT, 1); gSprites[healthboxLeftSpriteId].oam.affineParam = healthboxRightSpriteId; gSprites[healthboxRightSpriteId].hOther_HealthBoxSpriteId = healthboxLeftSpriteId; gSprites[healthboxRightSpriteId].oam.tileNum += 32; gSprites[healthboxRightSpriteId].callback = SpriteCB_HealthBoxOther; data6 = 2; } } healthbarSpriteId = CreateSpriteAtEnd(&sHealthbarSpriteTemplates[gBattlerPositions[battlerId]], 140, 60, 0); healthBarSpritePtr = &gSprites[healthbarSpriteId]; SetSubspriteTables(healthBarSpritePtr, &sUnknown_0832C28C[GetBattlerSide(battlerId)]); healthBarSpritePtr->subspriteMode = SUBSPRITES_IGNORE_PRIORITY; healthBarSpritePtr->oam.priority = 1; CpuCopy32(GetHealthboxElementGfxPtr(HEALTHBOX_GFX_1), (void*)(OBJ_VRAM0 + healthBarSpritePtr->oam.tileNum * TILE_SIZE_4BPP), 64); gSprites[healthboxLeftSpriteId].hMain_HealthBarSpriteId = healthbarSpriteId; gSprites[healthboxLeftSpriteId].hMain_Battler = battlerId; gSprites[healthboxLeftSpriteId].invisible = TRUE; gSprites[healthboxRightSpriteId].invisible = TRUE; gSprites[healthboxRightSpriteId].hOther_IndicatorSpriteId = 0xFF; healthBarSpritePtr->hBar_HealthBoxSpriteId = healthboxLeftSpriteId; healthBarSpritePtr->hBar_Data6 = data6; healthBarSpritePtr->invisible = TRUE; // Create mega indicator sprite if is a mega evolved or a primal reverted mon. if (gBattleStruct->mega.evolvedPartyIds[GetBattlerSide(battlerId)] & gBitTable[gBattlerPartyIndexes[battlerId]] || gBattleStruct->mega.primalRevertedPartyIds[GetBattlerSide(battlerId)] & gBitTable[gBattlerPartyIndexes[battlerId]]) { megaIndicatorSpriteId = CreateMegaIndicatorSprite(battlerId, 0); gSprites[megaIndicatorSpriteId].invisible = TRUE; } gBattleStruct->ballSpriteIds[0] = MAX_SPRITES; gBattleStruct->ballSpriteIds[1] = MAX_SPRITES; return healthboxLeftSpriteId; } u8 CreateSafariPlayerHealthboxSprites(void) { u8 healthboxLeftSpriteId, healthboxRightSpriteId; healthboxLeftSpriteId = CreateSprite(&sHealthboxSafariSpriteTemplate, DISPLAY_WIDTH, DISPLAY_HEIGHT, 1); healthboxRightSpriteId = CreateSpriteAtEnd(&sHealthboxSafariSpriteTemplate, DISPLAY_WIDTH, DISPLAY_HEIGHT, 1); gSprites[healthboxLeftSpriteId].oam.shape = ST_OAM_SQUARE; gSprites[healthboxRightSpriteId].oam.shape = ST_OAM_SQUARE; gSprites[healthboxRightSpriteId].oam.tileNum += 64; gSprites[healthboxLeftSpriteId].oam.affineParam = healthboxRightSpriteId; gSprites[healthboxRightSpriteId].hOther_HealthBoxSpriteId = healthboxLeftSpriteId; gSprites[healthboxRightSpriteId].hOther_IndicatorSpriteId = 0xFF; gSprites[healthboxRightSpriteId].callback = SpriteCB_HealthBoxOther; return healthboxLeftSpriteId; } static const u8 *GetHealthboxElementGfxPtr(u8 elementId) { return gHealthboxElementsGfxTable[elementId]; } // Syncs the position of healthbar accordingly with the healthbox. static void SpriteCB_HealthBar(struct Sprite *sprite) { u8 healthboxSpriteId = sprite->hBar_HealthBoxSpriteId; switch (sprite->hBar_Data6) { case 0: sprite->x = gSprites[healthboxSpriteId].x + 16; sprite->y = gSprites[healthboxSpriteId].y; break; case 1: sprite->x = gSprites[healthboxSpriteId].x + 16; sprite->y = gSprites[healthboxSpriteId].y; break; case 2: default: sprite->x = gSprites[healthboxSpriteId].x + 8; sprite->y = gSprites[healthboxSpriteId].y; break; } sprite->x2 = gSprites[healthboxSpriteId].x2; sprite->y2 = gSprites[healthboxSpriteId].y2; } static void SpriteCB_HealthBoxOther(struct Sprite *sprite) { u8 healthboxMainSpriteId = sprite->hOther_HealthBoxSpriteId; u8 megaSpriteId = sprite->hOther_IndicatorSpriteId; sprite->x = gSprites[healthboxMainSpriteId].x + 64; sprite->y = gSprites[healthboxMainSpriteId].y; sprite->x2 = gSprites[healthboxMainSpriteId].x2; sprite->y2 = gSprites[healthboxMainSpriteId].y2; if (megaSpriteId != 0xFF) { gSprites[megaSpriteId].x2 = sprite->x2; gSprites[megaSpriteId].y2 = sprite->y2; } } void SetBattleBarStruct(u8 battlerId, u8 healthboxSpriteId, s32 maxVal, s32 oldVal, s32 receivedValue) { gBattleSpritesDataPtr->battleBars[battlerId].healthboxSpriteId = healthboxSpriteId; gBattleSpritesDataPtr->battleBars[battlerId].maxValue = maxVal; gBattleSpritesDataPtr->battleBars[battlerId].oldValue = oldVal; gBattleSpritesDataPtr->battleBars[battlerId].receivedValue = receivedValue; gBattleSpritesDataPtr->battleBars[battlerId].currValue = -32768; } void SetHealthboxSpriteInvisible(u8 healthboxSpriteId) { DestroyMegaIndicatorSprite(healthboxSpriteId); gSprites[healthboxSpriteId].invisible = TRUE; gSprites[gSprites[healthboxSpriteId].hMain_HealthBarSpriteId].invisible = TRUE; gSprites[gSprites[healthboxSpriteId].oam.affineParam].invisible = TRUE; } void SetHealthboxSpriteVisible(u8 healthboxSpriteId) { u8 battlerId = gSprites[healthboxSpriteId].hMain_Battler; gSprites[healthboxSpriteId].invisible = FALSE; gSprites[gSprites[healthboxSpriteId].hMain_HealthBarSpriteId].invisible = FALSE; gSprites[gSprites[healthboxSpriteId].oam.affineParam].invisible = FALSE; if (gBattleStruct->mega.evolvedPartyIds[GetBattlerSide(battlerId)] & gBitTable[gBattlerPartyIndexes[battlerId]] || gBattleStruct->mega.primalRevertedPartyIds[GetBattlerSide(battlerId)] & gBitTable[gBattlerPartyIndexes[battlerId]]) { u8 spriteId = GetMegaIndicatorSpriteId(healthboxSpriteId); if (spriteId != 0xFF) gSprites[spriteId].invisible = FALSE; else CreateMegaIndicatorSprite(battlerId, 0); } } static void UpdateSpritePos(u8 spriteId, s16 x, s16 y) { gSprites[spriteId].x = x; gSprites[spriteId].y = y; } void DestoryHealthboxSprite(u8 healthboxSpriteId) { DestroyMegaIndicatorSprite(healthboxSpriteId); DestroySprite(&gSprites[gSprites[healthboxSpriteId].oam.affineParam]); DestroySprite(&gSprites[gSprites[healthboxSpriteId].hMain_HealthBarSpriteId]); DestroySprite(&gSprites[healthboxSpriteId]); } void DummyBattleInterfaceFunc(u8 healthboxSpriteId, bool8 isDoubleBattleBattlerOnly) { } static void TryToggleHealboxVisibility(u8 priority, u8 healthboxLeftSpriteId, u8 healthboxRightSpriteId, u8 healthbarSpriteId, u8 indicatorSpriteId) { u8 spriteIds[4] = {healthboxLeftSpriteId, healthboxRightSpriteId, healthbarSpriteId, indicatorSpriteId}; int i; for (i = 0; i < NELEMS(spriteIds); i++) { if (spriteIds[i] == 0xFF) continue; switch (priority) { case 0: //start of anim -> make invisible gSprites[spriteIds[i]].invisible = TRUE; break; case 1: //end of anim -> make visible gSprites[spriteIds[i]].invisible = FALSE; break; } } } void UpdateOamPriorityInAllHealthboxes(u8 priority, bool32 hideHPBoxes) { s32 i; for (i = 0; i < gBattlersCount; i++) { u8 healthboxLeftSpriteId = gHealthboxSpriteIds[i]; u8 healthboxRightSpriteId = gSprites[gHealthboxSpriteIds[i]].oam.affineParam; u8 healthbarSpriteId = gSprites[gHealthboxSpriteIds[i]].hMain_HealthBarSpriteId; u8 indicatorSpriteId = GetMegaIndicatorSpriteId(healthboxLeftSpriteId); gSprites[healthboxLeftSpriteId].oam.priority = priority; gSprites[healthboxRightSpriteId].oam.priority = priority; gSprites[healthbarSpriteId].oam.priority = priority; if (indicatorSpriteId != 0xFF) gSprites[indicatorSpriteId].oam.priority = priority; #if B_HIDE_HEALTHBOX_IN_ANIMS if (hideHPBoxes && IsBattlerAlive(i)) TryToggleHealboxVisibility(priority, healthboxLeftSpriteId, healthboxRightSpriteId, healthbarSpriteId, indicatorSpriteId); #endif } } void GetBattlerHealthboxCoords(u8 battler, s16 *x, s16 *y) { *x = 0, *y = 0; if (!IsDoubleBattle()) { if (GetBattlerSide(battler) != B_SIDE_PLAYER) *x = 44, *y = 30; else *x = 158, *y = 88; } else { switch (GetBattlerPosition(battler)) { case B_POSITION_PLAYER_LEFT: *x = 159, *y = 76; break; case B_POSITION_PLAYER_RIGHT: *x = 171, *y = 101; break; case B_POSITION_OPPONENT_LEFT: *x = 44, *y = 19; break; case B_POSITION_OPPONENT_RIGHT: *x = 32, *y = 44; break; } } } void InitBattlerHealthboxCoords(u8 battler) { s16 x, y; GetBattlerHealthboxCoords(battler, &x, &y); UpdateSpritePos(gHealthboxSpriteIds[battler], x, y); } static void UpdateLvlInHealthbox(u8 healthboxSpriteId, u8 lvl) { u32 windowId, spriteTileNum; u8 *windowTileData; u8 text[16]; u32 xPos; u8 *objVram; u8 battler = gSprites[healthboxSpriteId].hMain_Battler; // Don't print Lv char if mon is mega evolved or primal reverted. if (gBattleStruct->mega.evolvedPartyIds[GetBattlerSide(battler)] & gBitTable[gBattlerPartyIndexes[battler]] || gBattleStruct->mega.primalRevertedPartyIds[GetBattlerSide(battler)] & gBitTable[gBattlerPartyIndexes[battler]]) { objVram = ConvertIntToDecimalStringN(text, lvl, STR_CONV_MODE_LEFT_ALIGN, 3); xPos = 5 * (3 - (objVram - (text + 2))) - 1; } else { text[0] = CHAR_EXTRA_SYMBOL; text[1] = CHAR_LV_2; objVram = ConvertIntToDecimalStringN(text + 2, lvl, STR_CONV_MODE_LEFT_ALIGN, 3); xPos = 5 * (3 - (objVram - (text + 2))); } xPos = 5 * (3 - (objVram - (text + 2))); windowTileData = AddTextPrinterAndCreateWindowOnHealthbox(text, xPos, 3, 2, &windowId); spriteTileNum = gSprites[healthboxSpriteId].oam.tileNum * TILE_SIZE_4BPP; if (GetBattlerSide(battler) == B_SIDE_PLAYER) { objVram = (void*)(OBJ_VRAM0); if (!IsDoubleBattle()) objVram += spriteTileNum + 0x820; else objVram += spriteTileNum + 0x420; } else { objVram = (void*)(OBJ_VRAM0); objVram += spriteTileNum + 0x400; } TextIntoHealthboxObject(objVram, windowTileData, 3); RemoveWindowOnHealthbox(windowId); } void UpdateHpTextInHealthbox(u8 healthboxSpriteId, s16 value, u8 maxOrCurrent) { u32 windowId, spriteTileNum; u8 *windowTileData; u8 text[32]; void *objVram; if (GetBattlerSide(gSprites[healthboxSpriteId].hMain_Battler) == B_SIDE_PLAYER && !IsDoubleBattle()) { spriteTileNum = gSprites[healthboxSpriteId].oam.tileNum * TILE_SIZE_4BPP; if (maxOrCurrent != HP_CURRENT) // singles, max { ConvertIntToDecimalStringN(text, value, STR_CONV_MODE_RIGHT_ALIGN, 3); windowTileData = AddTextPrinterAndCreateWindowOnHealthbox(text, 0, 5, 2, &windowId); objVram = (void*)(OBJ_VRAM0); objVram += spriteTileNum + 0xB40; HpTextIntoHealthboxObject(objVram, windowTileData, 2); RemoveWindowOnHealthbox(windowId); } else // singles, current { ConvertIntToDecimalStringN(text, value, STR_CONV_MODE_RIGHT_ALIGN, 3); text[3] = CHAR_SLASH; text[4] = EOS; windowTileData = AddTextPrinterAndCreateWindowOnHealthbox(text, 4, 5, 2, &windowId); objVram = (void*)(OBJ_VRAM0); objVram += spriteTileNum + 0x3E0; HpTextIntoHealthboxObject(objVram, windowTileData, 1); objVram = (void*)(OBJ_VRAM0); objVram += spriteTileNum + 0xB00; HpTextIntoHealthboxObject(objVram, windowTileData + 0x20, 2); RemoveWindowOnHealthbox(windowId); } } else { u8 battler; memcpy(text, sUnknown_0832C3C4, sizeof(sUnknown_0832C3C4)); battler = gSprites[healthboxSpriteId].hMain_Battler; if (IsDoubleBattle() == TRUE) { UpdateHpTextInHealthboxInDoubles(healthboxSpriteId, value, maxOrCurrent); } else if (gBattleSpritesDataPtr->battlerData[battler].hpNumbersNoBars) // don't print text if only bars are visible { u32 var; u8 i; if (GetBattlerSide(gSprites[healthboxSpriteId].data[6]) == B_SIDE_PLAYER) { if (maxOrCurrent == HP_CURRENT) var = 29; else var = 89; } else { if (maxOrCurrent == HP_CURRENT) var = 21; else var = 49; } ConvertIntToDecimalStringN(text + 6, value, STR_CONV_MODE_LEADING_ZEROS, 3); RenderTextFont9(gMonSpritesGfxPtr->barFontGfx, 9, text); for (i = 0; i < 3; i++) { CpuCopy32(&gMonSpritesGfxPtr->barFontGfx[i * 64 + 32], (void*)((OBJ_VRAM0) + TILE_SIZE_4BPP * (gSprites[healthboxSpriteId].oam.tileNum + var + i)), 0x20); } } } } static void UpdateHpTextInHealthboxInDoubles(u8 healthboxSpriteId, s16 value, u8 maxOrCurrent) { u32 windowId, spriteTileNum; u8 *windowTileData; u8 text[32]; void *objVram; if (GetBattlerSide(gSprites[healthboxSpriteId].hMain_Battler) == B_SIDE_PLAYER) { if (gBattleSpritesDataPtr->battlerData[gSprites[healthboxSpriteId].data[6]].hpNumbersNoBars) // don't print text if only bars are visible { spriteTileNum = gSprites[gSprites[healthboxSpriteId].data[5]].oam.tileNum * TILE_SIZE_4BPP; objVram = (void*)(OBJ_VRAM0) + spriteTileNum; if (maxOrCurrent != HP_CURRENT) // doubles, max hp { ConvertIntToDecimalStringN(text, value, STR_CONV_MODE_RIGHT_ALIGN, 3); windowTileData = AddTextPrinterAndCreateWindowOnHealthbox(text, 0, 5, 0, &windowId); HpTextIntoHealthboxObject((void*)(OBJ_VRAM0) + spriteTileNum + 0xC0, windowTileData, 2); RemoveWindowOnHealthbox(windowId); CpuCopy32(GetHealthboxElementGfxPtr(HEALTHBOX_GFX_116), (void*)(OBJ_VRAM0 + 0x680) + (gSprites[healthboxSpriteId].oam.tileNum * TILE_SIZE_4BPP), 0x20); } else { ConvertIntToDecimalStringN(text, value, STR_CONV_MODE_RIGHT_ALIGN, 3); text[3] = CHAR_SLASH; text[4] = EOS; windowTileData = AddTextPrinterAndCreateWindowOnHealthbox(text, 4, 5, 0, &windowId); FillHealthboxObject(objVram, 0, 3); // Erases HP bar leftover. HpTextIntoHealthboxObject((void*)(OBJ_VRAM0 + 0x60) + spriteTileNum, windowTileData, 3); RemoveWindowOnHealthbox(windowId); } } } else { u8 battlerId; memcpy(text, sUnknown_0832C3D8, sizeof(sUnknown_0832C3D8)); battlerId = gSprites[healthboxSpriteId].hMain_Battler; if (gBattleSpritesDataPtr->battlerData[battlerId].hpNumbersNoBars) // don't print text if only bars are visible { u8 var = 4; u8 r7; u8 *txtPtr; u8 i; if (maxOrCurrent == HP_CURRENT) var = 0; r7 = gSprites[healthboxSpriteId].data[5]; txtPtr = ConvertIntToDecimalStringN(text + 6, value, STR_CONV_MODE_RIGHT_ALIGN, 3); if (!maxOrCurrent) StringCopy(txtPtr, gText_Slash); RenderTextFont9(gMonSpritesGfxPtr->barFontGfx, 9, text); for (i = var; i < var + 3; i++) { if (i < 3) { CpuCopy32(&gMonSpritesGfxPtr->barFontGfx[((i - var) * 64) + 32], (void*)((OBJ_VRAM0) + 32 * (1 + gSprites[r7].oam.tileNum + i)), 0x20); } else { CpuCopy32(&gMonSpritesGfxPtr->barFontGfx[((i - var) * 64) + 32], (void*)((OBJ_VRAM0 + 0x20) + 32 * (i + gSprites[r7].oam.tileNum)), 0x20); } } if (maxOrCurrent == HP_CURRENT) { CpuCopy32(&gMonSpritesGfxPtr->barFontGfx[224], (void*)((OBJ_VRAM0) + ((gSprites[r7].oam.tileNum + 4) * TILE_SIZE_4BPP)), 0x20); CpuFill32(0, (void*)((OBJ_VRAM0) + (gSprites[r7].oam.tileNum * TILE_SIZE_4BPP)), 0x20); } else { if (GetBattlerSide(battlerId) == B_SIDE_PLAYER) // Impossible to reach part, because the battlerId is from the opponent's side. { CpuCopy32(GetHealthboxElementGfxPtr(HEALTHBOX_GFX_116), (void*)(OBJ_VRAM0) + ((gSprites[healthboxSpriteId].oam.tileNum + 52) * TILE_SIZE_4BPP), 0x20); } } } } } // Prints mon's nature, catch and flee rate. Probably used to test pokeblock-related features. static void PrintSafariMonInfo(u8 healthboxSpriteId, struct Pokemon *mon) { u8 text[20]; s32 j, spriteTileNum; u8 *barFontGfx; u8 i, var, nature, healthBarSpriteId; memcpy(text, sUnknown_0832C3C4, sizeof(sUnknown_0832C3C4)); barFontGfx = &gMonSpritesGfxPtr->barFontGfx[0x520 + (GetBattlerPosition(gSprites[healthboxSpriteId].hMain_Battler) * 384)]; var = 5; nature = GetNature(mon); StringCopy(text + 6, gNatureNamePointers[nature]); RenderTextFont9(barFontGfx, 9, text); for (j = 6, i = 0; i < var; i++, j++) { u8 elementId; if ((text[j] >= 55 && text[j] <= 74) || (text[j] >= 135 && text[j] <= 154)) elementId = 44; else if ((text[j] >= 75 && text[j] <= 79) || (text[j] >= 155 && text[j] <= 159)) elementId = 45; else elementId = 43; CpuCopy32(GetHealthboxElementGfxPtr(elementId), barFontGfx + (i * 64), 0x20); } for (j = 1; j < var + 1; j++) { spriteTileNum = (gSprites[healthboxSpriteId].oam.tileNum + (j - (j / 8 * 8)) + (j / 8 * 64)) * TILE_SIZE_4BPP; CpuCopy32(barFontGfx, (void*)(OBJ_VRAM0) + (spriteTileNum), 0x20); barFontGfx += 0x20; spriteTileNum = (8 + gSprites[healthboxSpriteId].oam.tileNum + (j - (j / 8 * 8)) + (j / 8 * 64)) * TILE_SIZE_4BPP; CpuCopy32(barFontGfx, (void*)(OBJ_VRAM0) + (spriteTileNum), 0x20); barFontGfx += 0x20; } healthBarSpriteId = gSprites[healthboxSpriteId].hMain_HealthBarSpriteId; ConvertIntToDecimalStringN(text + 6, gBattleStruct->safariCatchFactor, STR_CONV_MODE_RIGHT_ALIGN, 2); ConvertIntToDecimalStringN(text + 9, gBattleStruct->safariEscapeFactor, STR_CONV_MODE_RIGHT_ALIGN, 2); text[5] = CHAR_SPACE; text[8] = CHAR_SLASH; RenderTextFont9(gMonSpritesGfxPtr->barFontGfx, 9, text); j = healthBarSpriteId; // Needed to match for some reason. for (j = 0; j < 5; j++) { if (j <= 1) { CpuCopy32(&gMonSpritesGfxPtr->barFontGfx[0x40 * j + 0x20], (void*)(OBJ_VRAM0) + (gSprites[healthBarSpriteId].oam.tileNum + 2 + j) * TILE_SIZE_4BPP, 32); } else { CpuCopy32(&gMonSpritesGfxPtr->barFontGfx[0x40 * j + 0x20], (void*)(OBJ_VRAM0 + 0xC0) + (j + gSprites[healthBarSpriteId].oam.tileNum) * TILE_SIZE_4BPP, 32); } } } void SwapHpBarsWithHpText(void) { s32 i; u8 healthBarSpriteId; for (i = 0; i < gBattlersCount; i++) { if (gSprites[gHealthboxSpriteIds[i]].callback == SpriteCallbackDummy && GetBattlerSide(i) != B_SIDE_OPPONENT && (IsDoubleBattle() || GetBattlerSide(i) != B_SIDE_PLAYER)) { bool8 noBars; gBattleSpritesDataPtr->battlerData[i].hpNumbersNoBars ^= 1; noBars = gBattleSpritesDataPtr->battlerData[i].hpNumbersNoBars; if (GetBattlerSide(i) == B_SIDE_PLAYER) { if (!IsDoubleBattle()) continue; if (gBattleTypeFlags & BATTLE_TYPE_SAFARI) continue; if (noBars == TRUE) // bars to text { healthBarSpriteId = gSprites[gHealthboxSpriteIds[i]].hMain_HealthBarSpriteId; CpuFill32(0, (void*)(OBJ_VRAM0 + gSprites[healthBarSpriteId].oam.tileNum * TILE_SIZE_4BPP), 0x100); UpdateHpTextInHealthboxInDoubles(gHealthboxSpriteIds[i], GetMonData(&gPlayerParty[gBattlerPartyIndexes[i]], MON_DATA_HP), HP_CURRENT); UpdateHpTextInHealthboxInDoubles(gHealthboxSpriteIds[i], GetMonData(&gPlayerParty[gBattlerPartyIndexes[i]], MON_DATA_MAX_HP), HP_MAX); } else // text to bars { UpdateStatusIconInHealthbox(gHealthboxSpriteIds[i]); UpdateHealthboxAttribute(gHealthboxSpriteIds[i], &gPlayerParty[gBattlerPartyIndexes[i]], HEALTHBOX_HEALTH_BAR); CpuCopy32(GetHealthboxElementGfxPtr(HEALTHBOX_GFX_117), (void*)(OBJ_VRAM0 + 0x680 + gSprites[gHealthboxSpriteIds[i]].oam.tileNum * TILE_SIZE_4BPP), 32); } } else { if (noBars == TRUE) // bars to text { if (gBattleTypeFlags & BATTLE_TYPE_SAFARI) { // Most likely a debug function. PrintSafariMonInfo(gHealthboxSpriteIds[i], &gEnemyParty[gBattlerPartyIndexes[i]]); } else { healthBarSpriteId = gSprites[gHealthboxSpriteIds[i]].hMain_HealthBarSpriteId; CpuFill32(0, (void *)(OBJ_VRAM0 + gSprites[healthBarSpriteId].oam.tileNum * 32), 0x100); UpdateHpTextInHealthboxInDoubles(gHealthboxSpriteIds[i], GetMonData(&gEnemyParty[gBattlerPartyIndexes[i]], MON_DATA_HP), HP_CURRENT); UpdateHpTextInHealthboxInDoubles(gHealthboxSpriteIds[i], GetMonData(&gEnemyParty[gBattlerPartyIndexes[i]], MON_DATA_MAX_HP), HP_MAX); } } else // text to bars { UpdateStatusIconInHealthbox(gHealthboxSpriteIds[i]); UpdateHealthboxAttribute(gHealthboxSpriteIds[i], &gEnemyParty[gBattlerPartyIndexes[i]], HEALTHBOX_HEALTH_BAR); if (gBattleTypeFlags & BATTLE_TYPE_SAFARI) UpdateHealthboxAttribute(gHealthboxSpriteIds[i], &gEnemyParty[gBattlerPartyIndexes[i]], HEALTHBOX_NICK); } } gSprites[gHealthboxSpriteIds[i]].hMain_Data7 ^= 1; } } } // Mega Evolution gfx functions. void ChangeMegaTriggerSprite(u8 spriteId, u8 animId) { StartSpriteAnim(&gSprites[spriteId], animId); } #define SINGLES_MEGA_TRIGGER_POS_X_OPTIMAL (30) #define SINGLES_MEGA_TRIGGER_POS_X_PRIORITY (31) #define SINGLES_MEGA_TRIGGER_POS_X_SLIDE (15) #define SINGLES_MEGA_TRIGGER_POS_Y_DIFF (-11) #define DOUBLES_MEGA_TRIGGER_POS_X_OPTIMAL (30) #define DOUBLES_MEGA_TRIGGER_POS_X_PRIORITY (31) #define DOUBLES_MEGA_TRIGGER_POS_X_SLIDE (15) #define DOUBLES_MEGA_TRIGGER_POS_Y_DIFF (-4) #define tBattler data[0] #define tHide data[1] void CreateMegaTriggerSprite(u8 battlerId, u8 palId) { LoadSpritePalette(&sSpritePalette_MegaTrigger); if (GetSpriteTileStartByTag(TAG_MEGA_TRIGGER_TILE) == 0xFFFF) LoadSpriteSheet(&sSpriteSheet_MegaTrigger); if (gBattleStruct->mega.triggerSpriteId == 0xFF) { if (gBattleTypeFlags & BATTLE_TYPE_DOUBLE) gBattleStruct->mega.triggerSpriteId = CreateSprite(&sSpriteTemplate_MegaTrigger, gSprites[gHealthboxSpriteIds[battlerId]].x - DOUBLES_MEGA_TRIGGER_POS_X_SLIDE, gSprites[gHealthboxSpriteIds[battlerId]].y - DOUBLES_MEGA_TRIGGER_POS_Y_DIFF, 0); else gBattleStruct->mega.triggerSpriteId = CreateSprite(&sSpriteTemplate_MegaTrigger, gSprites[gHealthboxSpriteIds[battlerId]].x - SINGLES_MEGA_TRIGGER_POS_X_SLIDE, gSprites[gHealthboxSpriteIds[battlerId]].y - SINGLES_MEGA_TRIGGER_POS_Y_DIFF, 0); } gSprites[gBattleStruct->mega.triggerSpriteId].tBattler = battlerId; gSprites[gBattleStruct->mega.triggerSpriteId].tHide = FALSE; ChangeMegaTriggerSprite(gBattleStruct->mega.triggerSpriteId, palId); } static void SpriteCb_MegaTrigger(struct Sprite *sprite) { s32 xSlide, xPriority, xOptimal; s32 yDiff; if (gBattleTypeFlags & BATTLE_TYPE_DOUBLE) { xSlide = DOUBLES_MEGA_TRIGGER_POS_X_SLIDE; xPriority = DOUBLES_MEGA_TRIGGER_POS_X_PRIORITY; xOptimal = DOUBLES_MEGA_TRIGGER_POS_X_OPTIMAL; yDiff = DOUBLES_MEGA_TRIGGER_POS_Y_DIFF; } else { xSlide = SINGLES_MEGA_TRIGGER_POS_X_SLIDE; xPriority = SINGLES_MEGA_TRIGGER_POS_X_PRIORITY; xOptimal = SINGLES_MEGA_TRIGGER_POS_X_OPTIMAL; yDiff = SINGLES_MEGA_TRIGGER_POS_Y_DIFF; } if (sprite->tHide) { if (sprite->x != gSprites[gHealthboxSpriteIds[sprite->tBattler]].x - xSlide) sprite->x++; if (sprite->x >= gSprites[gHealthboxSpriteIds[sprite->tBattler]].x - xPriority) sprite->oam.priority = 2; else sprite->oam.priority = 1; sprite->y = gSprites[gHealthboxSpriteIds[sprite->tBattler]].y - yDiff; sprite->y2 = gSprites[gHealthboxSpriteIds[sprite->tBattler]].y2 - yDiff; if (sprite->x == gSprites[gHealthboxSpriteIds[sprite->tBattler]].x - xSlide) DestroyMegaTriggerSprite(); } else { if (sprite->x != gSprites[gHealthboxSpriteIds[sprite->tBattler]].x - xOptimal) sprite->x--; if (sprite->x >= gSprites[gHealthboxSpriteIds[sprite->tBattler]].x - xPriority) sprite->oam.priority = 2; else sprite->oam.priority = 1; sprite->y = gSprites[gHealthboxSpriteIds[sprite->tBattler]].y - yDiff; sprite->y2 = gSprites[gHealthboxSpriteIds[sprite->tBattler]].y2 - yDiff; } } bool32 IsMegaTriggerSpriteActive(void) { if (GetSpriteTileStartByTag(TAG_MEGA_TRIGGER_TILE) == 0xFFFF) return FALSE; else if (IndexOfSpritePaletteTag(TAG_MEGA_TRIGGER_PAL) != 0xFF) return TRUE; else return FALSE; } void HideMegaTriggerSprite(void) { if (gBattleStruct->mega.triggerSpriteId != 0xFF) { ChangeMegaTriggerSprite(gBattleStruct->mega.triggerSpriteId, 0); gSprites[gBattleStruct->mega.triggerSpriteId].tHide = TRUE; } } void DestroyMegaTriggerSprite(void) { FreeSpritePaletteByTag(TAG_MEGA_TRIGGER_PAL); FreeSpriteTilesByTag(TAG_MEGA_TRIGGER_TILE); if (gBattleStruct->mega.triggerSpriteId != 0xFF) DestroySprite(&gSprites[gBattleStruct->mega.triggerSpriteId]); gBattleStruct->mega.triggerSpriteId = 0xFF; } static const s8 sIndicatorPositions[][2] = { [B_POSITION_PLAYER_LEFT] = {52, -9}, [B_POSITION_OPPONENT_LEFT] = {44, -9}, [B_POSITION_PLAYER_RIGHT] = {52, -9}, [B_POSITION_OPPONENT_RIGHT] = {44, -9}, }; u32 CreateMegaIndicatorSprite(u32 battlerId, u32 which) { u32 spriteId, position; s16 x, y; if (gBattleStruct->mega.evolvedPartyIds[GetBattlerSide(battlerId)] & gBitTable[gBattlerPartyIndexes[battlerId]]) { LoadSpritePalette(&sSpritePalette_MegaIndicator); LoadSpriteSheet(&sSpriteSheet_MegaIndicator); } else if (gBattleStruct->mega.primalRevertedPartyIds[GetBattlerSide(battlerId)] & gBitTable[gBattlerPartyIndexes[battlerId]]) { if (GET_BASE_SPECIES_ID(gBattleMons[battlerId].species) == SPECIES_GROUDON) { LoadSpritePalette(&sSpritePalette_OmegaIndicator); LoadSpriteSheet(&sSpriteSheet_OmegaIndicator); } else if (GET_BASE_SPECIES_ID(gBattleMons[battlerId].species) == SPECIES_KYOGRE) { LoadSpritePalette(&sSpritePalette_AlphaIndicator); LoadSpriteSheet(&sSpriteSheet_AlphaIndicator); } } position = GetBattlerPosition(battlerId); GetBattlerHealthboxCoords(battlerId, &x, &y); x += sIndicatorPositions[position][0]; y += sIndicatorPositions[position][1]; if (gBattleMons[battlerId].level >= 100) x -= 4; else if (gBattleMons[battlerId].level < 10) x += 5; if (gBattleStruct->mega.evolvedPartyIds[GetBattlerSide(battlerId)] & gBitTable[gBattlerPartyIndexes[battlerId]]) { spriteId = CreateSpriteAtEnd(&sSpriteTemplate_MegaIndicator, x, y, 0); } else if (gBattleStruct->mega.primalRevertedPartyIds[GetBattlerSide(battlerId)] & gBitTable[gBattlerPartyIndexes[battlerId]]) { if (GET_BASE_SPECIES_ID(gBattleMons[battlerId].species) == SPECIES_GROUDON) spriteId = CreateSpriteAtEnd(&sSpriteTemplate_OmegaIndicator, x, y, 0); else if (GET_BASE_SPECIES_ID(gBattleMons[battlerId].species) == SPECIES_KYOGRE) spriteId = CreateSpriteAtEnd(&sSpriteTemplate_AlphaIndicator, x, y, 0); } gSprites[gSprites[gHealthboxSpriteIds[battlerId]].oam.affineParam].hOther_IndicatorSpriteId = spriteId; gSprites[spriteId].tBattler = battlerId; return spriteId; } void DestroyMegaIndicatorSprite(u32 healthboxSpriteId) { u32 i; s16 *spriteId = &gSprites[gSprites[healthboxSpriteId].oam.affineParam].hOther_IndicatorSpriteId; if (*spriteId != 0xFF) { DestroySprite(&gSprites[*spriteId]); *spriteId = 0xFF; } for (i = 0; i < MAX_BATTLERS_COUNT; i++) { if (gSprites[gSprites[gHealthboxSpriteIds[i]].oam.affineParam].hOther_IndicatorSpriteId != 0xFF) break; } // Free Sprite pal/tiles only if no indicator sprite is active for all battlers. if (i == MAX_BATTLERS_COUNT) { FreeSpritePaletteByTag(TAG_MEGA_INDICATOR_PAL); FreeSpriteTilesByTag(TAG_MEGA_INDICATOR_TILE); } } static void SpriteCb_MegaIndicator(struct Sprite *sprite) { } #undef tBattler #undef tHide #define tBattler data[0] #define tSummaryBarSpriteId data[1] #define tBallIconSpriteId(n) data[3 + n] #define tIsBattleStart data[10] #define tData15 data[15] u8 CreatePartyStatusSummarySprites(u8 battlerId, struct HpAndStatus *partyInfo, u8 arg2, bool8 isBattleStart) { bool8 isOpponent; s16 bar_X, bar_Y, bar_pos2_X, bar_data0; s32 i, j, var; u8 summaryBarSpriteId; u8 ballIconSpritesIds[PARTY_SIZE]; u8 taskId; if (!arg2 || GetBattlerPosition(battlerId) != B_POSITION_OPPONENT_RIGHT) { if (GetBattlerSide(battlerId) == B_SIDE_PLAYER) { isOpponent = FALSE; bar_X = 136, bar_Y = 96; bar_pos2_X = 100; bar_data0 = -5; } else { isOpponent = TRUE; if (!arg2 || !IsDoubleBattle()) bar_X = 104, bar_Y = 40; else bar_X = 104, bar_Y = 16; bar_pos2_X = -100; bar_data0 = 5; } } else { isOpponent = TRUE; bar_X = 104, bar_Y = 40; bar_pos2_X = -100; bar_data0 = 5; } LoadCompressedSpriteSheetUsingHeap(&sStatusSummaryBarSpriteSheet); LoadSpriteSheet(&sStatusSummaryBallsSpriteSheet); LoadSpritePalette(&sStatusSummaryBarSpritePal); LoadSpritePalette(&sStatusSummaryBallsSpritePal); summaryBarSpriteId = CreateSprite(&sStatusSummaryBarSpriteTemplates[isOpponent], bar_X, bar_Y, 10); SetSubspriteTables(&gSprites[summaryBarSpriteId], sStatusSummaryBar_SubspriteTable); gSprites[summaryBarSpriteId].x2 = bar_pos2_X; gSprites[summaryBarSpriteId].data[0] = bar_data0; if (isOpponent) { gSprites[summaryBarSpriteId].x -= 96; gSprites[summaryBarSpriteId].oam.matrixNum = ST_OAM_HFLIP; } else { gSprites[summaryBarSpriteId].x += 96; } for (i = 0; i < PARTY_SIZE; i++) { ballIconSpritesIds[i] = CreateSpriteAtEnd(&sStatusSummaryBallsSpriteTemplates[isOpponent], bar_X, bar_Y - 4, 9); if (!isBattleStart) gSprites[ballIconSpritesIds[i]].callback = SpriteCB_StatusSummaryBallsOnSwitchout; if (!isOpponent) { gSprites[ballIconSpritesIds[i]].x2 = 0; gSprites[ballIconSpritesIds[i]].y2 = 0; } gSprites[ballIconSpritesIds[i]].data[0] = summaryBarSpriteId; if (!isOpponent) { gSprites[ballIconSpritesIds[i]].x += 10 * i + 24; gSprites[ballIconSpritesIds[i]].data[1] = i * 7 + 10; gSprites[ballIconSpritesIds[i]].x2 = 120; } else { gSprites[ballIconSpritesIds[i]].x -= 10 * (5 - i) + 24; gSprites[ballIconSpritesIds[i]].data[1] = (6 - i) * 7 + 10; gSprites[ballIconSpritesIds[i]].x2 = -120; } gSprites[ballIconSpritesIds[i]].data[2] = isOpponent; } if (GetBattlerSide(battlerId) == B_SIDE_PLAYER) { if (gBattleTypeFlags & BATTLE_TYPE_MULTI) { for (i = 0; i < PARTY_SIZE; i++) { if (partyInfo[i].hp == 0xFFFF) // empty slot or an egg { gSprites[ballIconSpritesIds[i]].oam.tileNum += 1; gSprites[ballIconSpritesIds[i]].data[7] = 1; } else if (partyInfo[i].hp == 0) // fainted mon { gSprites[ballIconSpritesIds[i]].oam.tileNum += 3; } else if (partyInfo[i].status != 0) // mon with major status { gSprites[ballIconSpritesIds[i]].oam.tileNum += 2; } } } else { for (i = 0, var = 5, j = 0; j < PARTY_SIZE; j++) { if (partyInfo[j].hp == 0xFFFF) // empty slot or an egg { gSprites[ballIconSpritesIds[var]].oam.tileNum += 1; gSprites[ballIconSpritesIds[var]].data[7] = 1; var--; continue; } else if (partyInfo[j].hp == 0) // fainted mon { gSprites[ballIconSpritesIds[i]].oam.tileNum += 3; } else if (gBattleTypeFlags & BATTLE_TYPE_ARENA && gBattleStruct->arenaLostPlayerMons & gBitTable[j]) { gSprites[ballIconSpritesIds[i]].oam.tileNum += 3; } else if (partyInfo[j].status != 0) // mon with major status { gSprites[ballIconSpritesIds[i]].oam.tileNum += 2; } i++; } } } else { if (gBattleTypeFlags & (BATTLE_TYPE_MULTI | BATTLE_TYPE_TWO_OPPONENTS)) { for (var = 5, i = 0; i < PARTY_SIZE; i++) { if (partyInfo[i].hp == 0xFFFF) // empty slot or an egg { gSprites[ballIconSpritesIds[var]].oam.tileNum += 1; gSprites[ballIconSpritesIds[var]].data[7] = 1; } else if (partyInfo[i].hp == 0) // fainted mon { gSprites[ballIconSpritesIds[var]].oam.tileNum += 3; } else if (partyInfo[i].status != 0) // mon with major status { gSprites[ballIconSpritesIds[var]].oam.tileNum += 2; } var--; } } else { for (var = 0, i = 0, j = 0; j < PARTY_SIZE; j++) { if (partyInfo[j].hp == 0xFFFF) // empty slot or an egg { gSprites[ballIconSpritesIds[i]].oam.tileNum += 1; gSprites[ballIconSpritesIds[i]].data[7] = 1; i++; continue; } else if (partyInfo[j].hp == 0) // fainted mon { gSprites[ballIconSpritesIds[5 - var]].oam.tileNum += 3; } else if (gBattleTypeFlags & BATTLE_TYPE_ARENA && gBattleStruct->arenaLostOpponentMons & gBitTable[j]) // hmm...? { gSprites[ballIconSpritesIds[5 - var]].oam.tileNum += 3; } else if (partyInfo[j].status != 0) // mon with major status { gSprites[ballIconSpritesIds[5 - var]].oam.tileNum += 2; } var++; } } } taskId = CreateTask(TaskDummy, 5); gTasks[taskId].tBattler = battlerId; gTasks[taskId].tSummaryBarSpriteId = summaryBarSpriteId; for (i = 0; i < PARTY_SIZE; i++) gTasks[taskId].tBallIconSpriteId(i) = ballIconSpritesIds[i]; gTasks[taskId].tIsBattleStart = isBattleStart; if (isBattleStart) { gBattleSpritesDataPtr->animationData->field_9_x1C++; } PlaySE12WithPanning(SE_BALL_TRAY_ENTER, 0); return taskId; } void Task_HidePartyStatusSummary(u8 taskId) { u8 ballIconSpriteIds[PARTY_SIZE]; bool8 isBattleStart; u8 summaryBarSpriteId; u8 battlerId; s32 i; isBattleStart = gTasks[taskId].tIsBattleStart; summaryBarSpriteId = gTasks[taskId].tSummaryBarSpriteId; battlerId = gTasks[taskId].tBattler; for (i = 0; i < PARTY_SIZE; i++) ballIconSpriteIds[i] = gTasks[taskId].tBallIconSpriteId(i); SetGpuReg(REG_OFFSET_BLDCNT, BLDCNT_TGT2_ALL | BLDCNT_EFFECT_BLEND); SetGpuReg(REG_OFFSET_BLDALPHA, BLDALPHA_BLEND(16, 0)); gTasks[taskId].tData15 = 16; for (i = 0; i < PARTY_SIZE; i++) gSprites[ballIconSpriteIds[i]].oam.objMode = ST_OAM_OBJ_BLEND; gSprites[summaryBarSpriteId].oam.objMode = ST_OAM_OBJ_BLEND; if (isBattleStart) { for (i = 0; i < PARTY_SIZE; i++) { if (GetBattlerSide(battlerId) != B_SIDE_PLAYER) { gSprites[ballIconSpriteIds[5 - i]].data[1] = 7 * i; gSprites[ballIconSpriteIds[5 - i]].data[3] = 0; gSprites[ballIconSpriteIds[5 - i]].data[4] = 0; gSprites[ballIconSpriteIds[5 - i]].callback = sub_8074158; } else { gSprites[ballIconSpriteIds[i]].data[1] = 7 * i; gSprites[ballIconSpriteIds[i]].data[3] = 0; gSprites[ballIconSpriteIds[i]].data[4] = 0; gSprites[ballIconSpriteIds[i]].callback = sub_8074158; } } gSprites[summaryBarSpriteId].data[0] /= 2; gSprites[summaryBarSpriteId].data[1] = 0; gSprites[summaryBarSpriteId].callback = sub_8074090; SetSubspriteTables(&gSprites[summaryBarSpriteId], sUnknown_0832C2CC); gTasks[taskId].func = sub_8073E08; } else { gTasks[taskId].func = sub_8073F98; } } static void sub_8073E08(u8 taskId) { if ((gTasks[taskId].data[11]++ % 2) == 0) { if (--gTasks[taskId].tData15 < 0) return; SetGpuReg(REG_OFFSET_BLDALPHA, BLDALPHA_BLEND(gTasks[taskId].data[15], 16 - gTasks[taskId].data[15])); } if (gTasks[taskId].tData15 == 0) gTasks[taskId].func = sub_8073E64; } static void sub_8073E64(u8 taskId) { u8 ballIconSpriteIds[PARTY_SIZE]; s32 i; u8 battlerId = gTasks[taskId].tBattler; if (--gTasks[taskId].tData15 == -1) { u8 summaryBarSpriteId = gTasks[taskId].tSummaryBarSpriteId; for (i = 0; i < PARTY_SIZE; i++) ballIconSpriteIds[i] = gTasks[taskId].tBallIconSpriteId(i); gBattleSpritesDataPtr->animationData->field_9_x1C--; if (gBattleSpritesDataPtr->animationData->field_9_x1C == 0) { DestroySpriteAndFreeResources(&gSprites[summaryBarSpriteId]); DestroySpriteAndFreeResources(&gSprites[ballIconSpriteIds[0]]); } else { FreeSpriteOamMatrix(&gSprites[summaryBarSpriteId]); DestroySprite(&gSprites[summaryBarSpriteId]); FreeSpriteOamMatrix(&gSprites[ballIconSpriteIds[0]]); DestroySprite(&gSprites[ballIconSpriteIds[0]]); } for (i = 1; i < PARTY_SIZE; i++) DestroySprite(&gSprites[ballIconSpriteIds[i]]); } else if (gTasks[taskId].tData15 == -3) { gBattleSpritesDataPtr->healthBoxesData[battlerId].partyStatusSummaryShown = 0; SetGpuReg(REG_OFFSET_BLDCNT, 0); SetGpuReg(REG_OFFSET_BLDALPHA, 0); DestroyTask(taskId); } } static void sub_8073F98(u8 taskId) { u8 ballIconSpriteIds[PARTY_SIZE]; s32 i; u8 battlerId = gTasks[taskId].tBattler; if (--gTasks[taskId].tData15 >= 0) { SetGpuReg(REG_OFFSET_BLDALPHA, BLDALPHA_BLEND(gTasks[taskId].data[15], 16 - gTasks[taskId].data[15])); } else if (gTasks[taskId].tData15 == -1) { u8 summaryBarSpriteId = gTasks[taskId].tSummaryBarSpriteId; for (i = 0; i < PARTY_SIZE; i++) ballIconSpriteIds[i] = gTasks[taskId].tBallIconSpriteId(i); DestroySpriteAndFreeResources(&gSprites[summaryBarSpriteId]); DestroySpriteAndFreeResources(&gSprites[ballIconSpriteIds[0]]); for (i = 1; i < PARTY_SIZE; i++) DestroySprite(&gSprites[ballIconSpriteIds[i]]); } else if (gTasks[taskId].tData15 == -3) { gBattleSpritesDataPtr->healthBoxesData[battlerId].partyStatusSummaryShown = 0; SetGpuReg(REG_OFFSET_BLDCNT, 0); SetGpuReg(REG_OFFSET_BLDALPHA, 0); DestroyTask(taskId); } } #undef tBattler #undef tSummaryBarSpriteId #undef tBallIconSpriteId #undef tIsBattleStart #undef tData15 static void SpriteCB_StatusSummaryBar(struct Sprite *sprite) { if (sprite->x2 != 0) sprite->x2 += sprite->data[0]; } static void sub_8074090(struct Sprite *sprite) { sprite->data[1] += 32; if (sprite->data[0] > 0) sprite->x2 += sprite->data[1] >> 4; else sprite->x2 -= sprite->data[1] >> 4; sprite->data[1] &= 0xF; } static void SpriteCB_StatusSummaryBallsOnBattleStart(struct Sprite *sprite) { u8 var1; u16 var2; s8 pan; if (sprite->data[1] > 0) { sprite->data[1]--; return; } var1 = sprite->data[2]; var2 = sprite->data[3]; var2 += 56; sprite->data[3] = var2 & 0xFFF0; if (var1 != 0) { sprite->x2 += var2 >> 4; if (sprite->x2 > 0) sprite->x2 = 0; } else { sprite->x2 -= var2 >> 4; if (sprite->x2 < 0) sprite->x2 = 0; } if (sprite->x2 == 0) { pan = SOUND_PAN_TARGET; if (var1 != 0) pan = SOUND_PAN_ATTACKER; if (sprite->data[7] != 0) PlaySE2WithPanning(SE_BALL_TRAY_EXIT, pan); else PlaySE1WithPanning(SE_BALL_TRAY_BALL, pan); sprite->callback = SpriteCallbackDummy; } } static void sub_8074158(struct Sprite *sprite) { u8 var1; u16 var2; if (sprite->data[1] > 0) { sprite->data[1]--; return; } var1 = sprite->data[2]; var2 = sprite->data[3]; var2 += 56; sprite->data[3] = var2 & 0xFFF0; if (var1 != 0) sprite->x2 += var2 >> 4; else sprite->x2 -= var2 >> 4; if (sprite->x2 + sprite->x > 248 || sprite->x2 + sprite->x < -8) { sprite->invisible = TRUE; sprite->callback = SpriteCallbackDummy; } } static void SpriteCB_StatusSummaryBallsOnSwitchout(struct Sprite *sprite) { u8 barSpriteId = sprite->data[0]; sprite->x2 = gSprites[barSpriteId].x2; sprite->y2 = gSprites[barSpriteId].y2; } static void UpdateNickInHealthbox(u8 healthboxSpriteId, struct Pokemon *mon) { u8 nickname[POKEMON_NAME_LENGTH + 1]; void *ptr; u32 windowId, spriteTileNum, species; u8 *windowTileData; u8 gender; struct Pokemon *illusionMon = GetIllusionMonPtr(gSprites[healthboxSpriteId].hMain_Battler); if (illusionMon != NULL) mon = illusionMon; StringCopy(gDisplayedStringBattle, gText_HighlightDarkGray); GetMonData(mon, MON_DATA_NICKNAME, nickname); StringGetEnd10(nickname); ptr = StringAppend(gDisplayedStringBattle, nickname); gender = GetMonGender(mon); species = GetMonData(mon, MON_DATA_SPECIES); if ((species == SPECIES_NIDORAN_F || species == SPECIES_NIDORAN_M) && StringCompare(nickname, gSpeciesNames[species]) == 0) gender = 100; // AddTextPrinterAndCreateWindowOnHealthbox's arguments are the same in all 3 cases. // It's possible they may have been different in early development phases. switch (gender) { default: StringCopy(ptr, gText_DynColor2); windowTileData = AddTextPrinterAndCreateWindowOnHealthbox(gDisplayedStringBattle, 0, 3, 2, &windowId); break; case MON_MALE: StringCopy(ptr, gText_DynColor2Male); windowTileData = AddTextPrinterAndCreateWindowOnHealthbox(gDisplayedStringBattle, 0, 3, 2, &windowId); break; case MON_FEMALE: StringCopy(ptr, gText_DynColor1Female); windowTileData = AddTextPrinterAndCreateWindowOnHealthbox(gDisplayedStringBattle, 0, 3, 2, &windowId); break; } spriteTileNum = gSprites[healthboxSpriteId].oam.tileNum * TILE_SIZE_4BPP; if (GetBattlerSide(gSprites[healthboxSpriteId].data[6]) == B_SIDE_PLAYER) { TextIntoHealthboxObject((void*)(OBJ_VRAM0 + 0x40 + spriteTileNum), windowTileData, 6); ptr = (void*)(OBJ_VRAM0); if (!IsDoubleBattle()) ptr += spriteTileNum + 0x800; else ptr += spriteTileNum + 0x400; TextIntoHealthboxObject(ptr, windowTileData + 0xC0, 1); } else { TextIntoHealthboxObject((void*)(OBJ_VRAM0 + 0x20 + spriteTileNum), windowTileData, 7); } RemoveWindowOnHealthbox(windowId); } static void TryAddPokeballIconToHealthbox(u8 healthboxSpriteId, bool8 noStatus) { u8 battlerId, healthBarSpriteId; if (gBattleTypeFlags & BATTLE_TYPE_WALLY_TUTORIAL) return; if (gBattleTypeFlags & BATTLE_TYPE_TRAINER) return; battlerId = gSprites[healthboxSpriteId].hMain_Battler; if (GetBattlerSide(battlerId) == B_SIDE_PLAYER) return; if (!GetSetPokedexFlag(SpeciesToNationalPokedexNum(GetMonData(&gEnemyParty[gBattlerPartyIndexes[battlerId]], MON_DATA_SPECIES)), FLAG_GET_CAUGHT)) return; healthBarSpriteId = gSprites[healthboxSpriteId].hMain_HealthBarSpriteId; if (noStatus) CpuCopy32(GetHealthboxElementGfxPtr(HEALTHBOX_GFX_70), (void*)(OBJ_VRAM0 + (gSprites[healthBarSpriteId].oam.tileNum + 8) * TILE_SIZE_4BPP), 32); else CpuFill32(0, (void*)(OBJ_VRAM0 + (gSprites[healthBarSpriteId].oam.tileNum + 8) * TILE_SIZE_4BPP), 32); } static void UpdateStatusIconInHealthbox(u8 healthboxSpriteId) { s32 i; u8 battlerId, healthBarSpriteId; u32 status, pltAdder; const u8 *statusGfxPtr; s16 tileNumAdder; u8 statusPalId; battlerId = gSprites[healthboxSpriteId].hMain_Battler; healthBarSpriteId = gSprites[healthboxSpriteId].hMain_HealthBarSpriteId; if (GetBattlerSide(battlerId) == B_SIDE_PLAYER) { status = GetMonData(&gPlayerParty[gBattlerPartyIndexes[battlerId]], MON_DATA_STATUS); if (!IsDoubleBattle()) tileNumAdder = 0x1A; else tileNumAdder = 0x12; } else { status = GetMonData(&gEnemyParty[gBattlerPartyIndexes[battlerId]], MON_DATA_STATUS); tileNumAdder = 0x11; } if (status & STATUS1_SLEEP) { statusGfxPtr = GetHealthboxElementGfxPtr(GetStatusIconForBattlerId(HEALTHBOX_GFX_STATUS_SLP_BATTLER0, battlerId)); statusPalId = PAL_STATUS_SLP; } else if (status & STATUS1_PSN_ANY) { statusGfxPtr = GetHealthboxElementGfxPtr(GetStatusIconForBattlerId(HEALTHBOX_GFX_STATUS_PSN_BATTLER0, battlerId)); statusPalId = PAL_STATUS_PSN; } else if (status & STATUS1_BURN) { statusGfxPtr = GetHealthboxElementGfxPtr(GetStatusIconForBattlerId(HEALTHBOX_GFX_STATUS_BRN_BATTLER0, battlerId)); statusPalId = PAL_STATUS_BRN; } else if (status & STATUS1_FREEZE) { statusGfxPtr = GetHealthboxElementGfxPtr(GetStatusIconForBattlerId(HEALTHBOX_GFX_STATUS_FRZ_BATTLER0, battlerId)); statusPalId = PAL_STATUS_FRZ; } else if (status & STATUS1_PARALYSIS) { statusGfxPtr = GetHealthboxElementGfxPtr(GetStatusIconForBattlerId(HEALTHBOX_GFX_STATUS_PRZ_BATTLER0, battlerId)); statusPalId = PAL_STATUS_PAR; } else { statusGfxPtr = GetHealthboxElementGfxPtr(HEALTHBOX_GFX_39); for (i = 0; i < 3; i++) CpuCopy32(statusGfxPtr, (void*)(OBJ_VRAM0 + (gSprites[healthboxSpriteId].oam.tileNum + tileNumAdder + i) * TILE_SIZE_4BPP), 32); if (!gBattleSpritesDataPtr->battlerData[battlerId].hpNumbersNoBars) CpuCopy32(GetHealthboxElementGfxPtr(HEALTHBOX_GFX_1), (void *)(OBJ_VRAM0 + gSprites[healthBarSpriteId].oam.tileNum * TILE_SIZE_4BPP), 64); TryAddPokeballIconToHealthbox(healthboxSpriteId, TRUE); return; } pltAdder = gSprites[healthboxSpriteId].oam.paletteNum * 16; pltAdder += battlerId + 12; FillPalette(sStatusIconColors[statusPalId], pltAdder + 0x100, 2); CpuCopy16(gPlttBufferUnfaded + 0x100 + pltAdder, (void*)(OBJ_PLTT + pltAdder * 2), 2); CpuCopy32(statusGfxPtr, (void*)(OBJ_VRAM0 + (gSprites[healthboxSpriteId].oam.tileNum + tileNumAdder) * TILE_SIZE_4BPP), 96); if (IsDoubleBattle() == TRUE || GetBattlerSide(battlerId) == B_SIDE_OPPONENT) { if (!gBattleSpritesDataPtr->battlerData[battlerId].hpNumbersNoBars) { CpuCopy32(GetHealthboxElementGfxPtr(HEALTHBOX_GFX_0), (void*)(OBJ_VRAM0 + gSprites[healthBarSpriteId].oam.tileNum * TILE_SIZE_4BPP), 32); CpuCopy32(GetHealthboxElementGfxPtr(HEALTHBOX_GFX_65), (void*)(OBJ_VRAM0 + (gSprites[healthBarSpriteId].oam.tileNum + 1) * TILE_SIZE_4BPP), 32); } } TryAddPokeballIconToHealthbox(healthboxSpriteId, FALSE); } static u8 GetStatusIconForBattlerId(u8 statusElementId, u8 battlerId) { u8 ret = statusElementId; switch (statusElementId) { case HEALTHBOX_GFX_STATUS_PSN_BATTLER0: if (battlerId == 0) ret = HEALTHBOX_GFX_STATUS_PSN_BATTLER0; else if (battlerId == 1) ret = HEALTHBOX_GFX_STATUS_PSN_BATTLER1; else if (battlerId == 2) ret = HEALTHBOX_GFX_STATUS_PSN_BATTLER2; else ret = HEALTHBOX_GFX_STATUS_PSN_BATTLER3; break; case HEALTHBOX_GFX_STATUS_PRZ_BATTLER0: if (battlerId == 0) ret = HEALTHBOX_GFX_STATUS_PRZ_BATTLER0; else if (battlerId == 1) ret = HEALTHBOX_GFX_STATUS_PRZ_BATTLER1; else if (battlerId == 2) ret = HEALTHBOX_GFX_STATUS_PRZ_BATTLER2; else ret = HEALTHBOX_GFX_STATUS_PRZ_BATTLER3; break; case HEALTHBOX_GFX_STATUS_SLP_BATTLER0: if (battlerId == 0) ret = HEALTHBOX_GFX_STATUS_SLP_BATTLER0; else if (battlerId == 1) ret = HEALTHBOX_GFX_STATUS_SLP_BATTLER1; else if (battlerId == 2) ret = HEALTHBOX_GFX_STATUS_SLP_BATTLER2; else ret = HEALTHBOX_GFX_STATUS_SLP_BATTLER3; break; case HEALTHBOX_GFX_STATUS_FRZ_BATTLER0: if (battlerId == 0) ret = HEALTHBOX_GFX_STATUS_FRZ_BATTLER0; else if (battlerId == 1) ret = HEALTHBOX_GFX_STATUS_FRZ_BATTLER1; else if (battlerId == 2) ret = HEALTHBOX_GFX_STATUS_FRZ_BATTLER2; else ret = HEALTHBOX_GFX_STATUS_FRZ_BATTLER3; break; case HEALTHBOX_GFX_STATUS_BRN_BATTLER0: if (battlerId == 0) ret = HEALTHBOX_GFX_STATUS_BRN_BATTLER0; else if (battlerId == 1) ret = HEALTHBOX_GFX_STATUS_BRN_BATTLER1; else if (battlerId == 2) ret = HEALTHBOX_GFX_STATUS_BRN_BATTLER2; else ret = HEALTHBOX_GFX_STATUS_BRN_BATTLER3; break; } return ret; } static void UpdateSafariBallsTextOnHealthbox(u8 healthboxSpriteId) { u32 windowId, spriteTileNum; u8 *windowTileData; windowTileData = AddTextPrinterAndCreateWindowOnHealthbox(gText_SafariBalls, 0, 3, 2, &windowId); spriteTileNum = gSprites[healthboxSpriteId].oam.tileNum * TILE_SIZE_4BPP; TextIntoHealthboxObject((void*)(OBJ_VRAM0 + 0x40) + spriteTileNum, windowTileData, 6); TextIntoHealthboxObject((void*)(OBJ_VRAM0 + 0x800) + spriteTileNum, windowTileData + 0xC0, 2); RemoveWindowOnHealthbox(windowId); } static void UpdateLeftNoOfBallsTextOnHealthbox(u8 healthboxSpriteId) { u8 text[16]; u8 *txtPtr; u32 windowId, spriteTileNum; u8 *windowTileData; txtPtr = StringCopy(text, gText_SafariBallLeft); ConvertIntToDecimalStringN(txtPtr, gNumSafariBalls, STR_CONV_MODE_LEFT_ALIGN, 2); windowTileData = AddTextPrinterAndCreateWindowOnHealthbox(text, GetStringRightAlignXOffset(0, text, 0x2F), 3, 2, &windowId); spriteTileNum = gSprites[healthboxSpriteId].oam.tileNum * TILE_SIZE_4BPP; SafariTextIntoHealthboxObject((void*)(OBJ_VRAM0 + 0x2C0) + spriteTileNum, windowTileData, 2); SafariTextIntoHealthboxObject((void*)(OBJ_VRAM0 + 0xA00) + spriteTileNum, windowTileData + 0x40, 4); RemoveWindowOnHealthbox(windowId); } void UpdateHealthboxAttribute(u8 healthboxSpriteId, struct Pokemon *mon, u8 elementId) { s32 maxHp, currHp; u8 battlerId = gSprites[healthboxSpriteId].hMain_Battler; if (GetBattlerSide(gSprites[healthboxSpriteId].hMain_Battler) == B_SIDE_PLAYER) { u8 isDoubles; if (elementId == HEALTHBOX_LEVEL || elementId == HEALTHBOX_ALL) UpdateLvlInHealthbox(healthboxSpriteId, GetMonData(mon, MON_DATA_LEVEL)); if (elementId == HEALTHBOX_CURRENT_HP || elementId == HEALTHBOX_ALL) UpdateHpTextInHealthbox(healthboxSpriteId, GetMonData(mon, MON_DATA_HP), HP_CURRENT); if (elementId == HEALTHBOX_MAX_HP || elementId == HEALTHBOX_ALL) UpdateHpTextInHealthbox(healthboxSpriteId, GetMonData(mon, MON_DATA_MAX_HP), HP_MAX); if (elementId == HEALTHBOX_HEALTH_BAR || elementId == HEALTHBOX_ALL) { LoadBattleBarGfx(0); maxHp = GetMonData(mon, MON_DATA_MAX_HP); currHp = GetMonData(mon, MON_DATA_HP); SetBattleBarStruct(battlerId, healthboxSpriteId, maxHp, currHp, 0); MoveBattleBar(battlerId, healthboxSpriteId, HEALTH_BAR, 0); } isDoubles = IsDoubleBattle(); if (!isDoubles && (elementId == HEALTHBOX_EXP_BAR || elementId == HEALTHBOX_ALL)) { u16 species; u32 exp, currLevelExp; s32 currExpBarValue, maxExpBarValue; u8 level; LoadBattleBarGfx(3); species = GetMonData(mon, MON_DATA_SPECIES); level = GetMonData(mon, MON_DATA_LEVEL); exp = GetMonData(mon, MON_DATA_EXP); currLevelExp = gExperienceTables[gBaseStats[species].growthRate][level]; currExpBarValue = exp - currLevelExp; maxExpBarValue = gExperienceTables[gBaseStats[species].growthRate][level + 1] - currLevelExp; SetBattleBarStruct(battlerId, healthboxSpriteId, maxExpBarValue, currExpBarValue, isDoubles); MoveBattleBar(battlerId, healthboxSpriteId, EXP_BAR, 0); } if (elementId == HEALTHBOX_NICK || elementId == HEALTHBOX_ALL) UpdateNickInHealthbox(healthboxSpriteId, mon); if (elementId == HEALTHBOX_STATUS_ICON || elementId == HEALTHBOX_ALL) UpdateStatusIconInHealthbox(healthboxSpriteId); if (elementId == HEALTHBOX_SAFARI_ALL_TEXT) UpdateSafariBallsTextOnHealthbox(healthboxSpriteId); if (elementId == HEALTHBOX_SAFARI_ALL_TEXT || elementId == HEALTHBOX_SAFARI_BALLS_TEXT) UpdateLeftNoOfBallsTextOnHealthbox(healthboxSpriteId); } else { if (elementId == HEALTHBOX_LEVEL || elementId == HEALTHBOX_ALL) UpdateLvlInHealthbox(healthboxSpriteId, GetMonData(mon, MON_DATA_LEVEL)); if (gBattleSpritesDataPtr->battlerData[battlerId].hpNumbersNoBars && (elementId == HEALTHBOX_CURRENT_HP || elementId == HEALTHBOX_ALL)) UpdateHpTextInHealthbox(healthboxSpriteId, GetMonData(mon, MON_DATA_HP), HP_CURRENT); if (gBattleSpritesDataPtr->battlerData[battlerId].hpNumbersNoBars && (elementId == HEALTHBOX_MAX_HP || elementId == HEALTHBOX_ALL)) UpdateHpTextInHealthbox(healthboxSpriteId, GetMonData(mon, MON_DATA_MAX_HP), HP_MAX); if (elementId == HEALTHBOX_HEALTH_BAR || elementId == HEALTHBOX_ALL) { LoadBattleBarGfx(0); maxHp = GetMonData(mon, MON_DATA_MAX_HP); currHp = GetMonData(mon, MON_DATA_HP); SetBattleBarStruct(battlerId, healthboxSpriteId, maxHp, currHp, 0); MoveBattleBar(battlerId, healthboxSpriteId, HEALTH_BAR, 0); } if (elementId == HEALTHBOX_NICK || elementId == HEALTHBOX_ALL) UpdateNickInHealthbox(healthboxSpriteId, mon); if (elementId == HEALTHBOX_STATUS_ICON || elementId == HEALTHBOX_ALL) UpdateStatusIconInHealthbox(healthboxSpriteId); } } #define B_EXPBAR_PIXELS 64 #define B_HEALTHBAR_PIXELS 48 s32 MoveBattleBar(u8 battlerId, u8 healthboxSpriteId, u8 whichBar, u8 unused) { s32 currentBarValue; if (whichBar == HEALTH_BAR) // health bar { currentBarValue = CalcNewBarValue(gBattleSpritesDataPtr->battleBars[battlerId].maxValue, gBattleSpritesDataPtr->battleBars[battlerId].oldValue, gBattleSpritesDataPtr->battleBars[battlerId].receivedValue, &gBattleSpritesDataPtr->battleBars[battlerId].currValue, B_HEALTHBAR_PIXELS / 8, 1); } else // exp bar { u16 expFraction = GetScaledExpFraction(gBattleSpritesDataPtr->battleBars[battlerId].oldValue, gBattleSpritesDataPtr->battleBars[battlerId].receivedValue, gBattleSpritesDataPtr->battleBars[battlerId].maxValue, 8); if (expFraction == 0) expFraction = 1; expFraction = abs(gBattleSpritesDataPtr->battleBars[battlerId].receivedValue / expFraction); currentBarValue = CalcNewBarValue(gBattleSpritesDataPtr->battleBars[battlerId].maxValue, gBattleSpritesDataPtr->battleBars[battlerId].oldValue, gBattleSpritesDataPtr->battleBars[battlerId].receivedValue, &gBattleSpritesDataPtr->battleBars[battlerId].currValue, B_EXPBAR_PIXELS / 8, expFraction); } if (whichBar == EXP_BAR || (whichBar == HEALTH_BAR && !gBattleSpritesDataPtr->battlerData[battlerId].hpNumbersNoBars)) MoveBattleBarGraphically(battlerId, whichBar); if (currentBarValue == -1) gBattleSpritesDataPtr->battleBars[battlerId].currValue = 0; return currentBarValue; } static void MoveBattleBarGraphically(u8 battlerId, u8 whichBar) { u8 array[8]; u8 filledPixelsCount, level; u8 barElementId; u8 i; switch (whichBar) { case HEALTH_BAR: filledPixelsCount = CalcBarFilledPixels(gBattleSpritesDataPtr->battleBars[battlerId].maxValue, gBattleSpritesDataPtr->battleBars[battlerId].oldValue, gBattleSpritesDataPtr->battleBars[battlerId].receivedValue, &gBattleSpritesDataPtr->battleBars[battlerId].currValue, array, B_HEALTHBAR_PIXELS / 8); if (filledPixelsCount > (B_HEALTHBAR_PIXELS * 50 / 100)) // more than 50 % hp barElementId = HEALTHBOX_GFX_HP_BAR_GREEN; else if (filledPixelsCount > (B_HEALTHBAR_PIXELS * 20 / 100)) // more than 20% hp barElementId = HEALTHBOX_GFX_HP_BAR_YELLOW; else barElementId = HEALTHBOX_GFX_HP_BAR_RED; // 20 % or less for (i = 0; i < 6; i++) { u8 healthbarSpriteId = gSprites[gBattleSpritesDataPtr->battleBars[battlerId].healthboxSpriteId].hMain_HealthBarSpriteId; if (i < 2) CpuCopy32(GetHealthboxElementGfxPtr(barElementId) + array[i] * 32, (void*)(OBJ_VRAM0 + (gSprites[healthbarSpriteId].oam.tileNum + 2 + i) * TILE_SIZE_4BPP), 32); else CpuCopy32(GetHealthboxElementGfxPtr(barElementId) + array[i] * 32, (void*)(OBJ_VRAM0 + 64 + (i + gSprites[healthbarSpriteId].oam.tileNum) * TILE_SIZE_4BPP), 32); } break; case EXP_BAR: CalcBarFilledPixels(gBattleSpritesDataPtr->battleBars[battlerId].maxValue, gBattleSpritesDataPtr->battleBars[battlerId].oldValue, gBattleSpritesDataPtr->battleBars[battlerId].receivedValue, &gBattleSpritesDataPtr->battleBars[battlerId].currValue, array, B_EXPBAR_PIXELS / 8); level = GetMonData(&gPlayerParty[gBattlerPartyIndexes[battlerId]], MON_DATA_LEVEL); if (level == MAX_LEVEL) { for (i = 0; i < 8; i++) array[i] = 0; } for (i = 0; i < 8; i++) { if (i < 4) CpuCopy32(GetHealthboxElementGfxPtr(HEALTHBOX_GFX_12) + array[i] * 32, (void*)(OBJ_VRAM0 + (gSprites[gBattleSpritesDataPtr->battleBars[battlerId].healthboxSpriteId].oam.tileNum + 0x24 + i) * TILE_SIZE_4BPP), 32); else CpuCopy32(GetHealthboxElementGfxPtr(HEALTHBOX_GFX_12) + array[i] * 32, (void*)(OBJ_VRAM0 + 0xB80 + (i + gSprites[gBattleSpritesDataPtr->battleBars[battlerId].healthboxSpriteId].oam.tileNum) * TILE_SIZE_4BPP), 32); } break; } } static s32 CalcNewBarValue(s32 maxValue, s32 oldValue, s32 receivedValue, s32 *currValue, u8 scale, u16 toAdd) { s32 ret, newValue; scale *= 8; if (*currValue == -32768) // first function call { if (maxValue < scale) *currValue = Q_24_8(oldValue); else *currValue = oldValue; } newValue = oldValue - receivedValue; if (newValue < 0) newValue = 0; else if (newValue > maxValue) newValue = maxValue; if (maxValue < scale) { if (newValue == Q_24_8_TO_INT(*currValue) && (*currValue & 0xFF) == 0) return -1; } else { if (newValue == *currValue) // we're done, the bar's value has been updated return -1; } if (maxValue < scale) // handle cases of max var having less pixels than the whole bar { s32 toAdd = Q_24_8(maxValue) / scale; if (receivedValue < 0) // fill bar right { *currValue += toAdd; ret = Q_24_8_TO_INT(*currValue); if (ret >= newValue) { *currValue = Q_24_8(newValue); ret = newValue; } } else // move bar left { *currValue -= toAdd; ret = Q_24_8_TO_INT(*currValue); // try round up if ((*currValue & 0xFF) > 0) ret++; if (ret <= newValue) { *currValue = Q_24_8(newValue); ret = newValue; } } } else { if (receivedValue < 0) // fill bar right { *currValue += toAdd; if (*currValue > newValue) *currValue = newValue; ret = *currValue; } else // move bar left { *currValue -= toAdd; if (*currValue < newValue) *currValue = newValue; ret = *currValue; } } return ret; } static u8 CalcBarFilledPixels(s32 maxValue, s32 oldValue, s32 receivedValue, s32 *currValue, u8 *arg4, u8 scale) { u8 pixels, filledPixels, totalPixels; u8 i; s32 newValue = oldValue - receivedValue; if (newValue < 0) newValue = 0; else if (newValue > maxValue) newValue = maxValue; totalPixels = scale * 8; for (i = 0; i < scale; i++) arg4[i] = 0; if (maxValue < totalPixels) pixels = (*currValue * totalPixels / maxValue) >> 8; else pixels = *currValue * totalPixels / maxValue; filledPixels = pixels; if (filledPixels == 0 && newValue > 0) { arg4[0] = 1; filledPixels = 1; } else { for (i = 0; i < scale; i++) { if (pixels >= 8) { arg4[i] = 8; } else { arg4[i] = pixels; break; } pixels -= 8; } } return filledPixels; } static u8 GetScaledExpFraction(s32 oldValue, s32 receivedValue, s32 maxValue, u8 scale) { s32 newVal, result; s8 oldToMax, newToMax; scale *= 8; newVal = oldValue - receivedValue; if (newVal < 0) newVal = 0; else if (newVal > maxValue) newVal = maxValue; oldToMax = oldValue * scale / maxValue; newToMax = newVal * scale / maxValue; result = oldToMax - newToMax; return abs(result); } u8 GetScaledHPFraction(s16 hp, s16 maxhp, u8 scale) { u8 result = hp * scale / maxhp; if (result == 0 && hp > 0) return 1; return result; } u8 GetHPBarLevel(s16 hp, s16 maxhp) { u8 result; if (hp == maxhp) { result = HP_BAR_FULL; } else { u8 fraction = GetScaledHPFraction(hp, maxhp, B_HEALTHBAR_PIXELS); if (fraction > (B_HEALTHBAR_PIXELS * 50 / 100)) // more than 50 % hp result = HP_BAR_GREEN; else if (fraction > (B_HEALTHBAR_PIXELS * 20 / 100)) // more than 20% hp result = HP_BAR_YELLOW; else if (fraction > 0) result = HP_BAR_RED; else result = HP_BAR_EMPTY; } return result; } static u8* AddTextPrinterAndCreateWindowOnHealthbox(const u8 *str, u32 x, u32 y, u32 bgColor, u32 *windowId) { u16 winId; u8 color[3]; struct WindowTemplate winTemplate = sHealthboxWindowTemplate; winId = AddWindow(&winTemplate); FillWindowPixelBuffer(winId, PIXEL_FILL(bgColor)); color[0] = bgColor; color[1] = 1; color[2] = 3; AddTextPrinterParameterized4(winId, 0, x, y, 0, 0, color, -1, str); *windowId = winId; return (u8*)(GetWindowAttribute(winId, WINDOW_TILE_DATA)); } static void RemoveWindowOnHealthbox(u32 windowId) { RemoveWindow(windowId); } static void FillHealthboxObject(void *dest, u32 arg1, u32 arg2) { CpuFill32(0x11111111 * arg1, dest, arg2 * TILE_SIZE_4BPP); } static void HpTextIntoHealthboxObject(void *dest, u8 *windowTileData, u32 windowWidth) { CpuCopy32(windowTileData + 256, dest, windowWidth * TILE_SIZE_4BPP); } static void TextIntoHealthboxObject(void *dest, u8 *windowTileData, s32 windowWidth) { CpuCopy32(windowTileData + 256, dest + 256, windowWidth * TILE_SIZE_4BPP); // + 256 as that prevents the top 4 blank rows of sHealthboxWindowTemplate from being copied if (windowWidth > 0) { do { CpuCopy32(windowTileData + 20, dest + 20, 12); dest += 32, windowTileData += 32; windowWidth--; } while (windowWidth != 0); } } static void SafariTextIntoHealthboxObject(void *dest, u8 *windowTileData, u32 windowWidth) { CpuCopy32(windowTileData, dest, windowWidth * TILE_SIZE_4BPP); CpuCopy32(windowTileData + 256, dest + 256, windowWidth * TILE_SIZE_4BPP); } #define ABILITY_POP_UP_TAG 0xD720 // for sprite #define tOriginalX data[0] #define tHide data[1] #define tFrames data[2] #define tRightToLeft data[3] #define tBattlerId data[4] #define tIsMain data[5] // for task #define tSpriteId1 data[6] #define tSpriteId2 data[7] static const u8 sAbilityPopUpGfx[] = INCBIN_U8("graphics/battle_interface/ability_pop_up.4bpp"); static const u16 sAbilityPopUpPalette[] = INCBIN_U16("graphics/battle_interface/ability_pop_up.gbapal"); static const struct SpriteSheet sSpriteSheet_AbilityPopUp = { sAbilityPopUpGfx, sizeof(sAbilityPopUpGfx), ABILITY_POP_UP_TAG }; static const struct SpritePalette sSpritePalette_AbilityPopUp = { sAbilityPopUpPalette, ABILITY_POP_UP_TAG }; static const struct OamData sOamData_AbilityPopUp = { .y = 0, .affineMode = 0, .objMode = 0, .mosaic = 0, .bpp = 0, .shape = ST_OAM_H_RECTANGLE, .x = 0, .matrixNum = 0, .size = 3, .tileNum = 0, .priority = 0, .paletteNum = 0, .affineParam = 0, }; static const union AnimCmd sSpriteAnim_AbilityPopUp1[] = { ANIMCMD_FRAME(0, 0), ANIMCMD_END }; static const union AnimCmd *const sSpriteAnimTable_AbilityPopUp1[] = { sSpriteAnim_AbilityPopUp1 }; static const struct SpriteTemplate sSpriteTemplate_AbilityPopUp1 = { .tileTag = ABILITY_POP_UP_TAG, .paletteTag = ABILITY_POP_UP_TAG, .oam = &sOamData_AbilityPopUp, .anims = sSpriteAnimTable_AbilityPopUp1, .images = NULL, .affineAnims = gDummySpriteAffineAnimTable, .callback = SpriteCb_AbilityPopUp }; static const union AnimCmd sSpriteAnim_AbilityPopUp2[] = { ANIMCMD_FRAME(32, 0), ANIMCMD_END }; static const union AnimCmd *const sSpriteAnimTable_AbilityPopUp2[] = { sSpriteAnim_AbilityPopUp2 }; static const struct SpriteTemplate sSpriteTemplate_AbilityPopUp2 = { .tileTag = ABILITY_POP_UP_TAG, .paletteTag = ABILITY_POP_UP_TAG, .oam = &sOamData_AbilityPopUp, .anims = sSpriteAnimTable_AbilityPopUp2, .images = NULL, .affineAnims = gDummySpriteAffineAnimTable, .callback = SpriteCb_AbilityPopUp }; #define ABILITY_POP_UP_POS_X_DIFF 64 #define ABILITY_POP_UP_POS_X_SLIDE 68 static const s16 sAbilityPopUpCoordsDoubles[MAX_BATTLERS_COUNT][2] = { {29, 80}, // player left {204, 19}, // opponent left {29, 97}, // player right {204, 36}, // opponent right }; static const s16 sAbilityPopUpCoordsSingles[MAX_BATTLERS_COUNT][2] = { {29, 93}, // player {204, 23}, // opponent }; static u8* AddTextPrinterAndCreateWindowOnAbilityPopUp(const u8 *str, u32 x, u32 y, u32 color1, u32 color2, u32 color3, u32 *windowId) { u8 color[3] = {color1, color2, color3}; struct WindowTemplate winTemplate = {0}; winTemplate.width = 8; winTemplate.height = 2; *windowId = AddWindow(&winTemplate); FillWindowPixelBuffer(*windowId, (color1 << 4) | (color1)); AddTextPrinterParameterized4(*windowId, 0, x, y, 0, 0, color, -1, str); return (u8*)(GetWindowAttribute(*windowId, WINDOW_TILE_DATA)); } static void TextIntoAbilityPopUp(void *dest, u8 *windowTileData, s32 arg2, bool32 arg3) { CpuCopy32(windowTileData + 256, dest + 256, arg2 * 32); if (arg2 > 0) { do { if (arg3) CpuCopy32(windowTileData + 16, dest + 16, 16); else CpuCopy32(windowTileData + 20, dest + 20, 12); dest += 32, windowTileData += 32; arg2--; } while (arg2 != 0); } } #define MAX_CHARS_PRINTED 12 static void PrintOnAbilityPopUp(const u8 *str, u8 *spriteTileData1, u8 *spriteTileData2, u32 x1, u32 x2, u32 y, u32 color1, u32 color2, u32 color3) { u32 windowId, i; u8 *windowTileData; u8 text1[MAX_CHARS_PRINTED + 2]; u8 text2[MAX_CHARS_PRINTED + 2]; for (i = 0; i < MAX_CHARS_PRINTED + 1; i++) { text1[i] = str[i]; if (text1[i] == EOS) break; } text1[i] = EOS; windowTileData = AddTextPrinterAndCreateWindowOnAbilityPopUp(text1, x1, y, color1, color2, color3, &windowId); TextIntoAbilityPopUp(spriteTileData1, windowTileData, 8, (y == 0)); RemoveWindow(windowId); if (i == MAX_CHARS_PRINTED + 1) { for (i = 0; i < MAX_CHARS_PRINTED; i++) { text2[i] = str[MAX_CHARS_PRINTED + i]; if (text2[i] == EOS) break; } text2[i] = EOS; windowTileData = AddTextPrinterAndCreateWindowOnAbilityPopUp(text2, x2, y, color1, color2, color3, &windowId); TextIntoAbilityPopUp(spriteTileData2, windowTileData, 1, (y == 0)); RemoveWindow(windowId); } } static void PrintBattlerOnAbilityPopUp(u8 battlerId, u8 spriteId1, u8 spriteId2) { int i; u8 lastChar; u8* name; u8 monName[POKEMON_NAME_LENGTH + 3] = {0}; u8* nick = gBattleMons[battlerId].nickname; for (i = 0; i < POKEMON_NAME_LENGTH; ++i) { monName[i] = nick[i]; if (nick[i] == EOS || i + 1 == POKEMON_NAME_LENGTH) break; } name = monName + i + 1; if (*(name - 1) == EOS) name--; lastChar = *(name - 1); name[0] = CHAR_SGL_QUOT_RIGHT; // apostraphe name++; if (lastChar != CHAR_S && lastChar != CHAR_s) { name[0] = CHAR_s; name++; } name[0] = EOS; PrintOnAbilityPopUp((const u8 *)monName, (void*)(OBJ_VRAM0) + (gSprites[spriteId1].oam.tileNum * 32), (void*)(OBJ_VRAM0) + (gSprites[spriteId2].oam.tileNum * 32), 7, 0, 0, 2, 7, 1); } static void PrintAbilityOnAbilityPopUp(u32 ability, u8 spriteId1, u8 spriteId2) { PrintOnAbilityPopUp(gAbilityNames[ability], (void*)(OBJ_VRAM0) + (gSprites[spriteId1].oam.tileNum * 32) + 256, (void*)(OBJ_VRAM0) + (gSprites[spriteId2].oam.tileNum * 32) + 256, 7, 1, 4, 7, 9, 1); } #define PIXEL_COORDS_TO_OFFSET(x, y)( \ /*Add tiles by X*/ \ ((y / 8) * 32 * 8) \ /*Add tiles by X*/ \ + ((x / 8) * 32) \ /*Add pixels by Y*/ \ + ((((y) - ((y / 8) * 8))) * 4) \ /*Add pixels by X*/ \ + ((((x) - ((x / 8) * 8)) / 2))) static const u16 sOverwrittenPixelsTable[][2] = { {PIXEL_COORDS_TO_OFFSET(0, 0), 5}, {PIXEL_COORDS_TO_OFFSET(0, 1), 5}, {PIXEL_COORDS_TO_OFFSET(0, 2), 5}, {PIXEL_COORDS_TO_OFFSET(0, 3), 5}, {PIXEL_COORDS_TO_OFFSET(0, 4), 5}, {PIXEL_COORDS_TO_OFFSET(0, 5), 5}, {PIXEL_COORDS_TO_OFFSET(0, 6), 5}, {PIXEL_COORDS_TO_OFFSET(0, 7), 3}, {PIXEL_COORDS_TO_OFFSET(0, 8), 3}, {PIXEL_COORDS_TO_OFFSET(0, 9), 3}, {PIXEL_COORDS_TO_OFFSET(0, 10), 3}, {PIXEL_COORDS_TO_OFFSET(0, 11), 3}, {PIXEL_COORDS_TO_OFFSET(0, 12), 3}, {PIXEL_COORDS_TO_OFFSET(0, 13), 8}, {PIXEL_COORDS_TO_OFFSET(8, 13), 8}, {PIXEL_COORDS_TO_OFFSET(16, 13), 8}, {PIXEL_COORDS_TO_OFFSET(24, 13), 8}, {PIXEL_COORDS_TO_OFFSET(32, 13), 8}, {PIXEL_COORDS_TO_OFFSET(40, 13), 8}, {PIXEL_COORDS_TO_OFFSET(48, 13), 8}, {PIXEL_COORDS_TO_OFFSET(56, 13), 8}, {PIXEL_COORDS_TO_OFFSET(0, 14), 8}, {PIXEL_COORDS_TO_OFFSET(8, 14), 8}, {PIXEL_COORDS_TO_OFFSET(16, 14), 8}, {PIXEL_COORDS_TO_OFFSET(24, 14), 8}, {PIXEL_COORDS_TO_OFFSET(32, 14), 8}, {PIXEL_COORDS_TO_OFFSET(40, 14), 8}, {PIXEL_COORDS_TO_OFFSET(48, 14), 8}, {PIXEL_COORDS_TO_OFFSET(56, 14), 8}, {PIXEL_COORDS_TO_OFFSET(0, 15), 3}, {PIXEL_COORDS_TO_OFFSET(0, 16), 3}, {PIXEL_COORDS_TO_OFFSET(0, 17), 3}, {PIXEL_COORDS_TO_OFFSET(0, 18), 3}, {PIXEL_COORDS_TO_OFFSET(0, 19), 3}, {PIXEL_COORDS_TO_OFFSET(0, 20), 3}, {PIXEL_COORDS_TO_OFFSET(0, 21), 3}, {PIXEL_COORDS_TO_OFFSET(0, 22), 3}, {PIXEL_COORDS_TO_OFFSET(0, 23), 3}, {PIXEL_COORDS_TO_OFFSET(0, 24), 3}, {PIXEL_COORDS_TO_OFFSET(0, 25), 3}, {PIXEL_COORDS_TO_OFFSET(0, 26), 3}, }; static inline void CopyPixels(u8 *dest, const u8 *src, u32 pixelCount) { u32 i = 0; if (pixelCount & 1) { while (pixelCount != 0) { dest[i] &= ~(0xF); dest[i] |= (src[i] & 0xF); if (--pixelCount != 0) { dest[i] &= ~(0xF0); dest[i] |= (src[i] & 0xF0); pixelCount--; } i++; } } else { for (i = 0; i < pixelCount / 2; i++) dest[i] = src[i]; } } static void RestoreOverwrittenPixels(u8 *tiles) { u32 i; u8 *buffer = Alloc(sizeof(sAbilityPopUpGfx) * 2); CpuCopy32(tiles, buffer, sizeof(sAbilityPopUpGfx)); for (i = 0; i < ARRAY_COUNT(sOverwrittenPixelsTable); i++) { CopyPixels(buffer + sOverwrittenPixelsTable[i][0], sAbilityPopUpGfx + sOverwrittenPixelsTable[i][0], sOverwrittenPixelsTable[i][1]); } CpuCopy32(buffer, tiles, sizeof(sAbilityPopUpGfx)); Free(buffer); } void CreateAbilityPopUp(u8 battlerId, u32 ability, bool32 isDoubleBattle) { const s16 (*coords)[2]; u8 spriteId1, spriteId2, battlerPosition, taskId; if (!B_ABILITY_POP_UP) return; if (gBattleScripting.abilityPopupOverwrite != 0) ability = gBattleScripting.abilityPopupOverwrite; if (!gBattleStruct->activeAbilityPopUps) { LoadSpriteSheet(&sSpriteSheet_AbilityPopUp); LoadSpritePalette(&sSpritePalette_AbilityPopUp); } gBattleStruct->activeAbilityPopUps |= gBitTable[battlerId]; battlerPosition = GetBattlerPosition(battlerId); if (isDoubleBattle) coords = sAbilityPopUpCoordsDoubles; else coords = sAbilityPopUpCoordsSingles; if ((battlerPosition & BIT_SIDE) == B_SIDE_PLAYER) { spriteId1 = CreateSprite(&sSpriteTemplate_AbilityPopUp1, coords[battlerPosition][0] - ABILITY_POP_UP_POS_X_SLIDE, coords[battlerPosition][1], 0); spriteId2 = CreateSprite(&sSpriteTemplate_AbilityPopUp2, coords[battlerPosition][0] - ABILITY_POP_UP_POS_X_SLIDE + ABILITY_POP_UP_POS_X_DIFF, coords[battlerPosition][1], 0); gSprites[spriteId1].tOriginalX = coords[battlerPosition][0]; gSprites[spriteId2].tOriginalX = coords[battlerPosition][0] + ABILITY_POP_UP_POS_X_DIFF; gSprites[spriteId1].tRightToLeft = TRUE; gSprites[spriteId2].tRightToLeft = TRUE; } else { spriteId1 = CreateSprite(&sSpriteTemplate_AbilityPopUp1, coords[battlerPosition][0] + ABILITY_POP_UP_POS_X_SLIDE, coords[battlerPosition][1], 0); spriteId2 = CreateSprite(&sSpriteTemplate_AbilityPopUp2, coords[battlerPosition][0] + ABILITY_POP_UP_POS_X_SLIDE + ABILITY_POP_UP_POS_X_DIFF, coords[battlerPosition][1], 0); gSprites[spriteId1].tOriginalX = coords[battlerPosition][0]; gSprites[spriteId2].tOriginalX = coords[battlerPosition][0] + ABILITY_POP_UP_POS_X_DIFF; gSprites[spriteId1].tRightToLeft = FALSE; gSprites[spriteId2].tRightToLeft = FALSE; } gBattleStruct->abilityPopUpSpriteIds[battlerId][0] = spriteId1; gBattleStruct->abilityPopUpSpriteIds[battlerId][1] = spriteId2; taskId = CreateTask(Task_FreeAbilityPopUpGfx, 5); gTasks[taskId].tSpriteId1 = spriteId1; gTasks[taskId].tSpriteId2 = spriteId2; gSprites[spriteId1].tIsMain = TRUE; gSprites[spriteId1].tBattlerId = battlerId; gSprites[spriteId2].tBattlerId = battlerId; StartSpriteAnim(&gSprites[spriteId1], 0); StartSpriteAnim(&gSprites[spriteId2], 0); PrintBattlerOnAbilityPopUp(battlerId, spriteId1, spriteId2); PrintAbilityOnAbilityPopUp(ability, spriteId1, spriteId2); RestoreOverwrittenPixels((void*)(OBJ_VRAM0) + (gSprites[spriteId1].oam.tileNum * 32)); } void UpdateAbilityPopup(u8 battlerId) { u8 spriteId1 = gBattleStruct->abilityPopUpSpriteIds[battlerId][0]; u8 spriteId2 = gBattleStruct->abilityPopUpSpriteIds[battlerId][1]; u16 ability = (gBattleScripting.abilityPopupOverwrite != 0) ? gBattleScripting.abilityPopupOverwrite : gBattleMons[battlerId].ability; PrintAbilityOnAbilityPopUp(ability, spriteId1, spriteId2); RestoreOverwrittenPixels((void*)(OBJ_VRAM0) + (gSprites[spriteId1].oam.tileNum * 32)); } #define FRAMES_TO_WAIT 48 static void SpriteCb_AbilityPopUp(struct Sprite *sprite) { if (!sprite->tHide) // Show { if (sprite->tIsMain && ++sprite->tFrames == 4) PlaySE(SE_BALL_TRAY_ENTER); if ((!sprite->tRightToLeft && (sprite->x -= 4) <= sprite->tOriginalX) || (sprite->tRightToLeft && (sprite->x += 4) >= sprite->tOriginalX) ) { sprite->x = sprite->tOriginalX; sprite->tHide = TRUE; sprite->tFrames = FRAMES_TO_WAIT; } } else // Hide { if (sprite->tFrames == 0) { if ((!sprite->tRightToLeft && (sprite->x += 4) >= sprite->tOriginalX + ABILITY_POP_UP_POS_X_SLIDE) ||(sprite->tRightToLeft && (sprite->x -= 4) <= sprite->tOriginalX - ABILITY_POP_UP_POS_X_SLIDE) ) { gBattleStruct->activeAbilityPopUps &= ~(gBitTable[sprite->tBattlerId]); DestroySprite(sprite); } } else { if (!gBattleScripting.fixedPopup) sprite->tFrames--; } } } void DestroyAbilityPopUp(u8 battlerId) { gSprites[gBattleStruct->abilityPopUpSpriteIds[battlerId][0]].tFrames = 0; gSprites[gBattleStruct->abilityPopUpSpriteIds[battlerId][1]].tFrames = 0; gBattleScripting.fixedPopup = FALSE; } static void Task_FreeAbilityPopUpGfx(u8 taskId) { if (!gSprites[gTasks[taskId].tSpriteId1].inUse && !gSprites[gTasks[taskId].tSpriteId2].inUse && !gBattleStruct->activeAbilityPopUps) { FreeSpriteTilesByTag(ABILITY_POP_UP_TAG); FreeSpritePaletteByTag(ABILITY_POP_UP_TAG); DestroyTask(taskId); } } // last used ball #define LAST_BALL_WINDOW_TAG 0xD721 static const struct OamData sOamData_LastUsedBall = { .y = 0, .affineMode = 0, .objMode = 0, .mosaic = 0, .bpp = 0, .shape = SPRITE_SHAPE(32x32), .x = 0, .matrixNum = 0, .size = SPRITE_SIZE(32x32), .tileNum = 0, .priority = 1, .paletteNum = 0, .affineParam = 0, }; static const struct SpriteTemplate sSpriteTemplate_LastUsedBallWindow = { .tileTag = LAST_BALL_WINDOW_TAG, .paletteTag = ABILITY_POP_UP_TAG, .oam = &sOamData_LastUsedBall, .anims = gDummySpriteAnimTable, .images = NULL, .affineAnims = gDummySpriteAffineAnimTable, .callback = SpriteCB_LastUsedBallWin }; #if B_LAST_USED_BALL_BUTTON == R_BUTTON static const u8 sLastUsedBallWindowGfx[] = INCBIN_U8("graphics/battle_interface/last_used_ball_r.4bpp"); #else static const u8 sLastUsedBallWindowGfx[] = INCBIN_U8("graphics/battle_interface/last_used_ball_l.4bpp"); #endif static const struct SpriteSheet sSpriteSheet_LastUsedBallWindow = { sLastUsedBallWindowGfx, sizeof(sLastUsedBallWindowGfx), LAST_BALL_WINDOW_TAG }; #define LAST_USED_BALL_X_F 15 #define LAST_USED_BALL_X_0 -15 #define LAST_USED_BALL_Y ((IsDoubleBattle()) ? 78 : 68) #define LAST_BALL_WIN_X_F (LAST_USED_BALL_X_F - 1) #define LAST_BALL_WIN_X_0 (LAST_USED_BALL_X_0 - 0) #define LAST_USED_WIN_Y (LAST_USED_BALL_Y - 8) #define sHide data[0] bool32 CanThrowLastUsedBall(void) { #if B_LAST_USED_BALL == FALSE return FALSE; #else return (!(CanThrowBall() != 0 || (gBattleTypeFlags & BATTLE_TYPE_TRAINER) || !CheckBagHasItem(gLastThrownBall, 1))); #endif } void TryAddLastUsedBallItemSprites(void) { #if B_LAST_USED_BALL == TRUE if (gLastThrownBall == 0 || (gLastThrownBall != 0 && !CheckBagHasItem(gLastThrownBall, 1))) { // we're out of the last used ball, so just set it to the first ball in the bag // we have to compact the bag first bc it is typically only compacted when you open it CompactItemsInBagPocket(&gBagPockets[BALLS_POCKET]); gLastThrownBall = gBagPockets[BALLS_POCKET].itemSlots[0].itemId; } if (CanThrowBall() != 0 || (gBattleTypeFlags & BATTLE_TYPE_TRAINER) || !CheckBagHasItem(gLastThrownBall, 1)) return; // ball if (gBattleStruct->ballSpriteIds[0] == MAX_SPRITES) { gBattleStruct->ballSpriteIds[0] = AddItemIconSprite(102, 102, gLastThrownBall); gSprites[gBattleStruct->ballSpriteIds[0]].x = LAST_USED_BALL_X_0; gSprites[gBattleStruct->ballSpriteIds[0]].y = LAST_USED_BALL_Y; gSprites[gBattleStruct->ballSpriteIds[0]].sHide = FALSE; // restore gSprites[gBattleStruct->ballSpriteIds[0]].callback = SpriteCB_LastUsedBall; } // window LoadSpritePalette(&sSpritePalette_AbilityPopUp); if (GetSpriteTileStartByTag(LAST_BALL_WINDOW_TAG) == 0xFFFF) LoadSpriteSheet(&sSpriteSheet_LastUsedBallWindow); if (gBattleStruct->ballSpriteIds[1] == MAX_SPRITES) { gBattleStruct->ballSpriteIds[1] = CreateSprite(&sSpriteTemplate_LastUsedBallWindow, LAST_BALL_WIN_X_0, LAST_USED_WIN_Y, 5); gSprites[gBattleStruct->ballSpriteIds[0]].sHide = FALSE; // restore } #endif } static void DestroyLastUsedBallWinGfx(struct Sprite *sprite) { FreeSpriteTilesByTag(LAST_BALL_WINDOW_TAG); FreeSpritePaletteByTag(ABILITY_POP_UP_TAG); DestroySprite(sprite); gBattleStruct->ballSpriteIds[1] = MAX_SPRITES; } static void DestroyLastUsedBallGfx(struct Sprite *sprite) { FreeSpriteTilesByTag(102); FreeSpritePaletteByTag(102); DestroySprite(sprite); gBattleStruct->ballSpriteIds[0] = MAX_SPRITES; } static void SpriteCB_LastUsedBallWin(struct Sprite *sprite) { if (sprite->sHide) { if (sprite->x != LAST_BALL_WIN_X_0) sprite->x--; if (sprite->x == LAST_BALL_WIN_X_0) DestroyLastUsedBallWinGfx(sprite); } else { if (sprite->x != LAST_BALL_WIN_X_F) sprite->x++; } } static void SpriteCB_LastUsedBall(struct Sprite *sprite) { if (sprite->sHide) { if (sprite->x != LAST_USED_BALL_X_0) sprite->x--; if (sprite->x == LAST_USED_BALL_X_0) DestroyLastUsedBallGfx(sprite); } else { if (sprite->x != LAST_USED_BALL_X_F) sprite->x++; } } static void TryHideOrRestoreLastUsedBall(u8 caseId) { #if B_LAST_USED_BALL == TRUE if (gBattleStruct->ballSpriteIds[0] == MAX_SPRITES) return; switch (caseId) { case 0: // hide if (gBattleStruct->ballSpriteIds[0] != MAX_SPRITES) gSprites[gBattleStruct->ballSpriteIds[0]].sHide = TRUE; // hide if (gBattleStruct->ballSpriteIds[1] != MAX_SPRITES) gSprites[gBattleStruct->ballSpriteIds[1]].sHide = TRUE; // hide break; case 1: // restore if (gBattleStruct->ballSpriteIds[0] != MAX_SPRITES) gSprites[gBattleStruct->ballSpriteIds[0]].sHide = FALSE; // restore if (gBattleStruct->ballSpriteIds[1] != MAX_SPRITES) gSprites[gBattleStruct->ballSpriteIds[1]].sHide = FALSE; // restore break; } #endif } void TryHideLastUsedBall(void) { #if B_LAST_USED_BALL == TRUE TryHideOrRestoreLastUsedBall(0); #endif } void TryRestoreLastUsedBall(void) { #if B_LAST_USED_BALL == TRUE if (gBattleStruct->ballSpriteIds[0] != MAX_SPRITES) TryHideOrRestoreLastUsedBall(1); else TryAddLastUsedBallItemSprites(); #endif }