#ifndef GUARD_GLOBAL_FIELDMAP_H #define GUARD_GLOBAL_FIELDMAP_H #define NUM_FIELD_OBJECTS 16 enum { CONNECTION_SOUTH = 1, CONNECTION_NORTH, CONNECTION_WEST, CONNECTION_EAST, CONNECTION_DIVE, CONNECTION_EMERGE }; // map types enum { MAP_TYPE_0, MAP_TYPE_TOWN, MAP_TYPE_CITY, MAP_TYPE_ROUTE, MAP_TYPE_UNDERGROUND, MAP_TYPE_UNDERWATER, MAP_TYPE_6, MAP_TYPE_7, MAP_TYPE_INDOOR, MAP_TYPE_SECRET_BASE }; // map battle scenes enum { MAP_BATTLE_SCENE_NORMAL, // 0 MAP_BATTLE_SCENE_GYM, // 1 MAP_BATTLE_SCENE_MAGMA, // 2 MAP_BATTLE_SCENE_AQUA, // 3 MAP_BATTLE_SCENE_SIDNEY, // 4 MAP_BATTLE_SCENE_PHOEBE, // 5 MAP_BATTLE_SCENE_GLACIA, // 6 MAP_BATTLE_SCENE_DRAKE, // 7 MAP_BATTLE_SCENE_FRONTIER, // 8 }; typedef void (*TilesetCB)(void); struct Tileset { /*0x00*/ bool8 isCompressed; /*0x01*/ bool8 isSecondary; /*0x04*/ void *tiles; /*0x08*/ void *palettes; /*0x0c*/ void *metatiles; /*0x10*/ void *metatileAttributes; /*0x14*/ TilesetCB callback; }; struct MapData { /*0x00*/ s32 width; /*0x04*/ s32 height; /*0x08*/ u16 *border; /*0x0c*/ u16 *map; /*0x10*/ struct Tileset *primaryTileset; /*0x14*/ struct Tileset *secondaryTileset; }; struct BackupMapData { s32 width; s32 height; u16 *map; }; struct MapObjectTemplate { /*0x00*/ u8 localId; /*0x01*/ u8 graphicsId; /*0x02*/ u8 unk2; /*0x04*/ s16 x; /*0x06*/ s16 y; /*0x08*/ u8 elevation; /*0x09*/ u8 movementType; /*0x0A*/ u8 unkA_0:4; u8 unkA_4:4; ///*0x0B*/ u8 fillerB[1]; /*0x0C*/ u16 unkC; /*0x0E*/ u16 unkE; /*0x10*/ const u8 *script; /*0x14*/ u16 flagId; /*0x16*/ u8 filler_16[2]; }; /*size = 0x18*/ struct WarpEvent { s16 x, y; s8 warpId; u8 mapGroup; u8 mapNum; u8 unk7; }; struct CoordEvent { s16 x, y; u8 unk4; u8 filler_5; u16 trigger; u16 index; u8 filler_A[0x2]; u8 *script; }; struct BgEvent { u16 x, y; u8 unk4; u8 kind; // 0x2 padding for the union beginning. union { // carried over from diego's FR/LG work, seems to be the same struct // in gen 3, "kind" (0x3 in BgEvent struct) determines the method to read the union. u8 *script; // hidden item type probably struct { u8 filler6[0x2]; u16 hiddenItemId; // flag offset to determine flag lookup } hiddenItem; // secret base type u32 secretBaseId; } bgUnion; }; struct MapEvents { u8 mapObjectCount; u8 warpCount; u8 coordEventCount; u8 bgEventCount; struct MapObjectTemplate *mapObjects; struct WarpEvent *warps; struct CoordEvent *coordEvents; struct BgEvent *bgEvents; }; struct MapConnection { /*0x00*/ u8 direction; /*0x01*/ u32 offset; /*0x05*/ u8 mapGroup; /*0x06*/ u8 mapNum; }; struct MapConnections { s32 count; struct MapConnection *connections; }; struct MapHeader { /* 0x00 */ struct MapData *mapData; /* 0x04 */ struct MapEvents *events; /* 0x08 */ u8 *mapScripts; /* 0x0C */ struct MapConnections *connections; /* 0x10 */ u16 music; /* 0x12 */ u16 mapDataId; /* 0x14 */ u8 regionMapSectionId; /* 0x15 */ u8 cave; /* 0x16 */ u8 weather; /* 0x17 */ u8 mapType; /* 0x18 */ u8 filler_18; /* 0x19 */ u8 escapeRope; /* 0x1A */ u8 flags; /* 0x1B */ u8 battleType; }; struct MapObject { /*0x00*/ u32 active:1; u32 mapobj_bit_1:1; u32 mapobj_bit_2:1; u32 mapobj_bit_3:1; u32 mapobj_bit_4:1; u32 mapobj_bit_5:1; u32 mapobj_bit_6:1; u32 mapobj_bit_7:1; /*0x01*/ u32 mapobj_bit_8:1; u32 mapobj_bit_9:1; u32 mapobj_bit_10:1; u32 mapobj_bit_11:1; u32 mapobj_bit_12:1; u32 mapobj_bit_13:1; u32 mapobj_bit_14:1; u32 mapobj_bit_15:1; /*0x02*/ u32 mapobj_bit_16:1; u32 mapobj_bit_17:1; u32 mapobj_bit_18:1; u32 mapobj_bit_19:1; u32 mapobj_bit_20:1; u32 mapobj_bit_21:1; u32 mapobj_bit_22:1; u32 mapobj_bit_23:1; /*0x03*/ u32 mapobj_bit_24:1; u32 mapobj_bit_25:1; u32 mapobj_bit_26:1; u32 mapobj_bit_27:1; u32 mapobj_bit_28:1; u32 mapobj_bit_29:1; u32 mapobj_bit_30:1; u32 mapobj_bit_31:1; /*0x04*/ u8 spriteId; /*0x05*/ u8 graphicsId; /*0x06*/ u8 animPattern; /*0x07*/ u8 trainerType; /*0x08*/ u8 localId; /*0x09*/ u8 mapNum; /*0x0A*/ u8 mapGroup; /*0x0B*/ u8 mapobj_unk_0B_0:4; u8 elevation:4; /*0x0C*/ struct Coords16 coords1; /*0x10*/ struct Coords16 coords2; /*0x14*/ struct Coords16 coords3; /*0x18*/ u8 mapobj_unk_18:4; //current direction? /*0x18*/ u8 placeholder18:4; /*0x19*/ union __attribute__((packed)) { u8 as_byte; struct __attribute__((packed)) { u8 x:4; u8 y:4; } __attribute__((aligned (1))) as_nybbles; } __attribute__((aligned (1))) range; /*0x1A*/ u8 mapobj_unk_1A; /*0x1B*/ u8 mapobj_unk_1B; /*0x1C*/ u8 mapobj_unk_1C; /*0x1D*/ u8 trainerRange_berryTreeId; /*0x1E*/ u8 mapobj_unk_1E; /*0x1F*/ u8 mapobj_unk_1F; /*0x20*/ u8 mapobj_unk_20; /*0x21*/ u8 mapobj_unk_21; /*0x22*/ u8 animId; /*size = 0x24*/ }; struct MapObjectGraphicsInfo { /*0x00*/ u16 tileTag; /*0x02*/ u16 paletteTag1; /*0x04*/ u16 paletteTag2; /*0x06*/ u16 size; /*0x08*/ s16 width; /*0x0A*/ s16 height; /*0x0C*/ u8 paletteSlot:4; u8 shadowSize:2; u8 inanimate:1; u8 disableReflectionPaletteLoad:1; /*0x0D*/ u8 tracks; /*0x10*/ const struct OamData *oam; /*0x14*/ const struct SubspriteTable *subspriteTables; /*0x18*/ const union AnimCmd *const *anims; /*0x1C*/ const struct SpriteFrameImage *images; /*0x20*/ const union AffineAnimCmd *const *affineAnims; }; #define PLAYER_AVATAR_FLAG_ON_FOOT (1 << 0) #define PLAYER_AVATAR_FLAG_MACH_BIKE (1 << 1) #define PLAYER_AVATAR_FLAG_ACRO_BIKE (1 << 2) #define PLAYER_AVATAR_FLAG_SURFING (1 << 3) #define PLAYER_AVATAR_FLAG_4 (1 << 4) #define PLAYER_AVATAR_FLAG_5 (1 << 5) #define PLAYER_AVATAR_FLAG_6 (1 << 6) #define PLAYER_AVATAR_FLAG_DASH (1 << 7) enum { ACRO_BIKE_NORMAL, ACRO_BIKE_TURNING, ACRO_BIKE_WHEELIE_STANDING, ACRO_BIKE_BUNNY_HOP, ACRO_BIKE_WHEELIE_MOVING, ACRO_BIKE_STATE5, ACRO_BIKE_STATE6, }; enum { DIR_NONE, DIR_SOUTH, DIR_NORTH, DIR_WEST, DIR_EAST, }; enum { COLLISION_LEDGE_JUMP = 6 }; struct PlayerAvatar /* 0x202E858 */ { /*0x00*/ u8 flags; /*0x01*/ u8 bike; /*0x02*/ u8 running2; /*0x03*/ u8 running1; /*0x04*/ u8 spriteId; /*0x05*/ u8 mapObjectId; /*0x06*/ u8 unk6; /*0x07*/ u8 gender; u8 acroBikeState; u8 unk9; u8 bikeFrameCounter; u8 unkB; u32 unkC; u32 unk10; u8 unk14[8]; u8 unk1C[8]; // TODO: rest of struct }; struct Camera { bool8 active:1; s32 x; s32 y; }; extern struct MapObject gMapObjects[NUM_FIELD_OBJECTS]; extern u8 gSelectedMapObject; extern struct MapHeader gMapHeader; extern struct PlayerAvatar gPlayerAvatar; extern struct Camera gCamera; #endif // GUARD_GLOBAL_FIELDMAP_H