static const u8 sNoneDescription[] = _("No special ability."); static const u8 sStenchDescription[] = _("May cause a foe to flinch."); static const u8 sDrizzleDescription[] = _("Summons rain in battle."); static const u8 sSpeedBoostDescription[] = _("Gradually boosts Speed."); static const u8 sBattleArmorDescription[] = _("Blocks critical hits."); static const u8 sSturdyDescription[] = _("Negates 1-hit KO attacks."); static const u8 sDampDescription[] = _("Prevents self-destruction."); static const u8 sLimberDescription[] = _("Prevents paralysis."); static const u8 sSandVeilDescription[] = _("Ups evasion in a sandstorm."); static const u8 sStaticDescription[] = _("Paralyzes on contact."); static const u8 sVoltAbsorbDescription[] = _("Turns electricity into HP."); static const u8 sWaterAbsorbDescription[] = _("Changes water into HP."); static const u8 sObliviousDescription[] = _("Prevents attraction."); static const u8 sCloudNineDescription[] = _("Negates weather effects."); static const u8 sCompoundEyesDescription[] = _("Raises accuracy."); static const u8 sInsomniaDescription[] = _("Prevents sleep."); static const u8 sColorChangeDescription[] = _("Changes type to foe's move."); static const u8 sImmunityDescription[] = _("Prevents poisoning."); static const u8 sFlashFireDescription[] = _("Powers up if hit by fire."); static const u8 sShieldDustDescription[] = _("Prevents added effects."); static const u8 sOwnTempoDescription[] = _("Prevents confusion."); static const u8 sSuctionCupsDescription[] = _("Firmly anchors the body."); static const u8 sIntimidateDescription[] = _("Lowers the foe's Attack."); static const u8 sShadowTagDescription[] = _("Prevents the foe's escape."); static const u8 sRoughSkinDescription[] = _("Hurts to touch."); static const u8 sWonderGuardDescription[] = _("“Supereffective” hits."); static const u8 sLevitateDescription[] = _("Not hit by Ground attacks."); static const u8 sEffectSporeDescription[] = _("Leaves spores on contact."); static const u8 sSynchronizeDescription[] = _("Passes on status problems."); static const u8 sClearBodyDescription[] = _("Prevents ability reduction."); static const u8 sNaturalCureDescription[] = _("Heals upon switching out."); static const u8 sLightningRodDescription[] = _("Draws electrical moves."); static const u8 sSereneGraceDescription[] = _("Promotes added effects."); static const u8 sSwiftSwimDescription[] = _("Raises Speed in rain."); static const u8 sChlorophyllDescription[] = _("Raises Speed in sunshine."); static const u8 sIlluminateDescription[] = _("Encounter rate increases."); static const u8 sTraceDescription[] = _("Copies special ability."); static const u8 sHugePowerDescription[] = _("Raises Attack."); static const u8 sPoisonPointDescription[] = _("Poisons foe on contact."); static const u8 sInnerFocusDescription[] = _("Prevents flinching."); static const u8 sMagmaArmorDescription[] = _("Prevents freezing."); static const u8 sWaterVeilDescription[] = _("Prevents burns."); static const u8 sMagnetPullDescription[] = _("Traps Steel-type Pokémon."); static const u8 sSoundproofDescription[] = _("Avoids sound-based moves."); static const u8 sRainDishDescription[] = _("Slight HP recovery in rain."); static const u8 sSandStreamDescription[] = _("Summons a sandstorm."); static const u8 sPressureDescription[] = _("Raises foe's PP usage."); static const u8 sThickFatDescription[] = _("Heat-and-cold protection."); static const u8 sEarlyBirdDescription[] = _("Awakens quickly from sleep."); static const u8 sFlameBodyDescription[] = _("Burns the foe on contact."); static const u8 sRunAwayDescription[] = _("Makes escaping easier."); static const u8 sKeenEyeDescription[] = _("Prevents loss of accuracy."); static const u8 sHyperCutterDescription[] = _("Prevents Attack reduction."); static const u8 sPickupDescription[] = _("May pick up items."); static const u8 sTruantDescription[] = _("Moves only every two turns."); static const u8 sHustleDescription[] = _("Trades accuracy for power."); static const u8 sCuteCharmDescription[] = _("Infatuates on contact."); static const u8 sPlusDescription[] = _("Powers up with Minus."); static const u8 sMinusDescription[] = _("Powers up with Plus."); static const u8 sForecastDescription[] = _("Changes with the weather."); static const u8 sStickyHoldDescription[] = _("Prevents item theft."); static const u8 sShedSkinDescription[] = _("Heals the body by shedding."); static const u8 sGutsDescription[] = _("Ups Attack if suffering."); static const u8 sMarvelScaleDescription[] = _("Ups Defense if suffering."); static const u8 sLiquidOozeDescription[] = _("Draining causes injury."); static const u8 sOvergrowDescription[] = _("Ups Grass moves in a pinch."); static const u8 sBlazeDescription[] = _("Ups Fire moves in a pinch."); static const u8 sTorrentDescription[] = _("Ups Water moves in a pinch."); static const u8 sSwarmDescription[] = _("Ups Bug moves in a pinch."); static const u8 sRockHeadDescription[] = _("Prevents recoil damage."); static const u8 sDroughtDescription[] = _("Summons sunlight in battle."); static const u8 sArenaTrapDescription[] = _("Prevents fleeing."); static const u8 sVitalSpiritDescription[] = _("Prevents sleep."); static const u8 sWhiteSmokeDescription[] = _("Prevents ability reduction."); static const u8 sPurePowerDescription[] = _("Raises Attack."); static const u8 sShellArmorDescription[] = _("Blocks critical hits."); static const u8 sAirLockDescription[] = _("Negates weather effects."); static const u8 sTangledFeetDescription[] = _("Ups evasion if confused."); static const u8 sMotorDriveDescription[] = _("Electricity raises Speed."); static const u8 sRivalryDescription[] = _("Powers up against rivals."); static const u8 sSteadfastDescription[] = _("Flinching raises Speed."); static const u8 sSnowCloakDescription[] = _("Ups evasion in Hail."); static const u8 sGluttonyDescription[] = _("Eats Berries early."); static const u8 sAngerPointDescription[] = _("Critical hits raise Attack."); static const u8 sUnburdenDescription[] = _("Using a hold item ups Speed."); static const u8 sHeatproofDescription[] = _("Heat and burn protection."); static const u8 sSimpleDescription[] = _("Prone to wild stat changes."); static const u8 sDrySkinDescription[] = _("Prefers moisture to heat."); static const u8 sDownloadDescription[] = _("Adjusts power favorably."); static const u8 sIronFistDescription[] = _("Boosts punching moves."); static const u8 sPoisonHealDescription[] = _("Restores HP if poisoned."); static const u8 sAdaptabilityDescription[] = _("Boosts same type attacks."); static const u8 sSkillLinkDescription[] = _("Multi-hit moves hit 5 times."); static const u8 sHydrationDescription[] = _("Cures status in rain."); static const u8 sSolarPowerDescription[] = _("Powers up in sunshine."); static const u8 sQuickFeetDescription[] = _("Ups Speed if suffering."); static const u8 sNormalizeDescription[] = _("Moves become Normal-type."); static const u8 sSniperDescription[] = _("Boosts critical hits."); static const u8 sMagicGuardDescription[] = _("Only damaged by attacks."); static const u8 sNoGuardDescription[] = _("Ensures that all moves hit."); static const u8 sStallDescription[] = _("Always moves last."); static const u8 sTechnicianDescription[] = _("Boosts weaker moves."); static const u8 sLeafGuardDescription[] = _("Blocks status in sunshine."); static const u8 sKlutzDescription[] = _("Can't use hold items."); static const u8 sMoldBreakerDescription[] = _("Moves hit through abilities."); static const u8 sSuperLuckDescription[] = _("Critical hits land often."); static const u8 sAftermathDescription[] = _("Fainting damages the foe."); static const u8 sAnticipationDescription[] = _("Senses dangerous moves."); static const u8 sForewarnDescription[] = _("Determines a foe's move."); static const u8 sUnawareDescription[] = _("Ignores stat changes."); static const u8 sTintedLensDescription[] = _("Ups “not very effective”."); static const u8 sFilterDescription[] = _("Weakens “supereffective”."); static const u8 sSlowStartDescription[] = _("Takes a while to get going."); static const u8 sScrappyDescription[] = _("Hits Ghost-type Pokémon."); static const u8 sStormDrainDescription[] = _("Draws in Water moves."); static const u8 sIceBodyDescription[] = _("Slight HP recovery in Hail."); static const u8 sSnowWarningDescription[] = _("Summons a hailstorm."); static const u8 sHoneyGatherDescription[] = _("May gather Honey."); static const u8 sFriskDescription[] = _("Checks a foe's item."); static const u8 sRecklessDescription[] = _("Boosts moves with recoil."); static const u8 sMultitypeDescription[] = _("Changes type to its Plate."); static const u8 sFlowerGiftDescription[] = _("Allies power up in sunshine."); static const u8 sBadDreamsDescription[] = _("Damages sleeping Pokémon."); static const u8 sPickpocketDescription[] = _("Steals the foe's held item."); static const u8 sSheerForceDescription[] = _("Trades effects for power."); static const u8 sContraryDescription[] = _("Inverts stat changes."); static const u8 sUnnerveDescription[] = _("Foes can't eat Berries."); static const u8 sDefiantDescription[] = _("Lowered stats up Attack."); static const u8 sDefeatistDescription[] = _("Gives up at half HP."); static const u8 sCursedBodyDescription[] = _("Disables moves on contact."); static const u8 sHealerDescription[] = _("Heals partner Pokémon."); static const u8 sFriendGuardDescription[] = _("Lowers damage to partner."); static const u8 sWeakArmorDescription[] = _("Its stats change when hit."); static const u8 sHeavyMetalDescription[] = _("Doubles weight."); static const u8 sLightMetalDescription[] = _("Halves weight."); static const u8 sMultiscaleDescription[] = _("Halves damage at full HP."); static const u8 sToxicBoostDescription[] = _("Ups Attack if poisoned."); static const u8 sFlareBoostDescription[] = _("Ups Sp. Atk if burned."); static const u8 sHarvestDescription[] = _("May recycle a used Berry."); static const u8 sTelepathyDescription[] = _("Can't be damaged by an ally."); static const u8 sMoodyDescription[] = _("Stats change gradually."); static const u8 sOvercoatDescription[] = _("Blocks weather and powder."); static const u8 sBigPecksDescription[] = _("Prevents Defense loss."); static const u8 sSandRushDescription[] = _("Ups Speed in a sandstorm."); static const u8 sWonderSkinDescription[] = _("May avoid status problems."); static const u8 sAnalyticDescription[] = _("Moving last boosts power."); static const u8 sIllusionDescription[] = _("Appears as a partner."); static const u8 sImposterDescription[] = _("Transforms into the foe."); static const u8 sInfiltratorDescription[] = _("Passes through barriers."); static const u8 sMummyDescription[] = _("Spreads with contact."); static const u8 sMoxieDescription[] = _("KOs raise Attack."); static const u8 sJustifiedDescription[] = _("Dark hits raise Attack."); static const u8 sRattledDescription[] = _("Raises Speed when scared."); static const u8 sMagicBounceDescription[] = _("Reflects status moves."); static const u8 sSapSipperDescription[] = _("Grass increases Attack."); static const u8 sPranksterDescription[] = _("Status moves go first."); static const u8 sSandForceDescription[] = _("Powers up in a sandstorm."); static const u8 sZenModeDescription[] = _("Transforms at half HP."); static const u8 sVictoryStarDescription[] = _("Raises party accuracy."); static const u8 sAromaVeilDescription[] = _("Prevents limiting of moves."); static const u8 sFlowerVeilDescription[] = _("Protects Grass-types."); static const u8 sCheekPouchDescription[] = _("Eating Berries restores HP."); static const u8 sProteanDescription[] = _("Changes type to used move."); static const u8 sFurCoatDescription[] = _("Raises Defense."); static const u8 sBulletproofDescription[] = _("Avoids some projectiles."); static const u8 sCompetitiveDescription[] = _("Lowered stats up Sp. Atk."); static const u8 sStrongJawDescription[] = _("Boosts biting moves."); static const u8 sRefrigerateDescription[] = _("Normal moves become Ice."); static const u8 sSweetVeilDescription[] = _("Prevents party from sleep."); static const u8 sStanceChangeDescription[] = _("Transforms as it battles."); static const u8 sGaleWingsDescription[] = _("Flying moves go first."); static const u8 sMegaLauncherDescription[] = _("Boosts pulse moves."); static const u8 sGrassPeltDescription[] = _("Ups Defense in grass."); static const u8 sSymbiosisDescription[] = _("Passes its item to an ally."); static const u8 sToughClawsDescription[] = _("Boosts contact moves."); static const u8 sPixilateDescription[] = _("Normal moves become Fairy."); static const u8 sGooeyDescription[] = _("Lowers Speed on contact."); static const u8 sAerilateDescription[] = _("Normal moves become Flying."); static const u8 sParentalBondDescription[] = _("Moves hit twice."); static const u8 sDarkAuraDescription[] = _("Boosts Dark moves."); static const u8 sFairyAuraDescription[] = _("Boosts Fairy moves."); static const u8 sAuraBreakDescription[] = _("Reverse aura abilities."); static const u8 sPrimordialSeaDescription[] = _("Summons heavy rain."); static const u8 sDesolateLandDescription[] = _("Summons intense sunlight."); static const u8 sDeltaStreamDescription[] = _("Summons strong winds."); static const u8 sStaminaDescription[] = _("Boosts Defense when hit."); static const u8 sWimpOutDescription[] = _("Flees at half HP."); static const u8 sWaterCompactionDescription[] = _("Water boosts Defense."); static const u8 sMercilessDescription[] = _("Criticals poisoned foes."); static const u8 sShieldsDownDescription[] = _("Shell breaks at half HP."); static const u8 sStakeoutDescription[] = _("Stronger as foes switch in."); static const u8 sWaterBubbleDescription[] = _("Guards from fire and burns."); static const u8 sSteelworkerDescription[] = _("Powers up Steel moves."); static const u8 sBerserkDescription[] = _("Boosts Sp. Atk at low HP."); static const u8 sSlushRushDescription[] = _("Raises Speed in hail."); static const u8 sLongReachDescription[] = _("Never makes contact."); static const u8 sLiquidVoiceDescription[] = _("Makes sound moves Water."); static const u8 sTriageDescription[] = _("Healing moves go first."); static const u8 sGalvanizeDescription[] = _("Normal moves turn Electric."); static const u8 sSurgeSurferDescription[] = _("Faster on electricity."); static const u8 sSchoolingDescription[] = _("Forms a school when strong."); static const u8 sDisguiseDescription[] = _("Decoy protects it once."); static const u8 sBattleBondDescription[] = _("Changes form after a KO."); static const u8 sPowerConstructDescription[] = _("Cells aid it when weakened."); static const u8 sCorrosionDescription[] = _("Poisons any type."); static const u8 sComatoseDescription[] = _("Always drowsing."); static const u8 sQueenlyMajestyDescription[] = _("Protects from priority."); static const u8 sInnardsOutDescription[] = _("Hurts foe when defeated."); static const u8 sDancerDescription[] = _("Dances along with others."); static const u8 sBatteryDescription[] = _("Boosts ally's Sp. Atk."); static const u8 sFluffyDescription[] = _("Tougher but flammable."); static const u8 sSoulHeartDescription[] = _("KOs raise Sp. Atk."); static const u8 sTanglingHairDescription[] = _("Contact lowers Speed."); static const u8 sReceiverDescription[] = _("Copies ally's ability."); static const u8 sBeastBoostDescription[] = _("KOs boost best stat."); static const u8 sRKSSystemDescription[] = _("Memories change its type."); static const u8 sElectricSurgeDescription[] = _("Field becomes Electric."); static const u8 sPsychicSurgeDescription[] = _("Field becomes weird."); static const u8 sMistySurgeDescription[] = _("Field becomes misty."); static const u8 sGrassySurgeDescription[] = _("Field becomes grassy."); static const u8 sFullMetalBodyDescription[] = _("Prevents stat reduction."); static const u8 sNeuroforceDescription[] = _("Ups “supereffective”."); static const u8 sIntrepidSwordDescription[] = _("Ups Attack on entry."); static const u8 sDauntlessShieldDescription[] = _("Ups Defense on entry."); static const u8 sLiberoDescription[] = _("Changes type to move's."); static const u8 sBallFetchDescription[] = _("Fetches failed Poké Ball."); static const u8 sCottonDownDescription[] = _("Lower Speed of all when hit."); static const u8 sPropellerTailDescription[] = _("Ignores foe's redirection."); static const u8 sMirrorArmorDescription[] = _("Reflect stat decreases."); static const u8 sGulpMissileDescription[] = _("If hit, spits prey from sea."); static const u8 sStalwartDescription[] = _("Ignores foe's redirection."); static const u8 sSteamEngineDescription[] = _("Fire or Water hits up Speed."); static const u8 sPunkRockDescription[] = _("Ups and resists sound."); static const u8 sSandSpitDescription[] = _("Creates a sandstorm if hit."); static const u8 sIceScalesDescription[] = _("Halves special damage."); static const u8 sRipenDescription[] = _("Doubles effect of Berries."); static const u8 sIceFaceDescription[] = _("Take a free hit. Hail renews."); static const u8 sPowerSpotDescription[] = _("Powers up ally moves."); static const u8 sMimicryDescription[] = _("Changes type on terrain."); static const u8 sScreenCleanerDescription[] = _("Removes walls of light."); static const u8 sSteelySpiritDescription[] = _("Boosts ally's Steel moves."); static const u8 sPerishBodyDescription[] = _("Foe faints in 3 turns if hit."); static const u8 sWanderingSpiritDescription[] = _("Trade abilities on contact."); static const u8 sGorillaTacticsDescription[] = _("Ups Attack and locks move."); static const u8 sNeutralizingGasDescription[] = _("All Abilities are nullified."); static const u8 sPastelVeilDescription[] = _("Protects team from poison."); static const u8 sHungerSwitchDescription[] = _("Changes form each turn.");; static const u8 sQuickDrawDescription[] = _("Moves first occasionally."); static const u8 sUnseenFistDescription[] = _("Contact evades protection."); static const u8 sCuriousMedicineDescription[] = _("Remove ally's stat changes."); static const u8 sTransistorDescription[] = _("Ups Electric-type moves."); static const u8 sDragonsMawDescription[] = _("Ups Dragon-type moves."); static const u8 sChillingNeighDescription[] = _("KOs boost Attack stat."); static const u8 sGrimNeighDescription[] = _("KOs boost Sp. Atk stat."); static const u8 sAsOneIceRiderDescription[] = _("Unnerve and Chilling Neigh."); static const u8 sAsOneShadowRiderDescription[] = _("Unnerve and Grim Neigh."); static const u8 sLingeringAromaDescription[] = _("Spreads with contact."); static const u8 sSeedSowerDescription[] = _("Affects terrain when hit."); static const u8 sThermalExchangeDescription[] = _("Fire hits up Attack."); static const u8 sAngerShellDescription[] = _("Gets angry at half HP."); static const u8 sPurifyingSaltDescription[] = _("Protected by pure salts."); static const u8 sWellBakedBodyDescription[] = _("Strengthened by Fire."); static const u8 sWindRiderDescription[] = _("Ups Attack if hit by wind."); static const u8 sGuardDogDescription[] = _("Cannot be intimidated."); static const u8 sRockyPayloadDescription[] = _("Powers up Rock moves."); static const u8 sWindPowerDescription[] = _("Gets charged by wind."); static const u8 sZeroToHeroDescription[] = _("Changes form on switch out."); static const u8 sCommanderDescription[] = _("Commands from Dondozo."); static const u8 sElectromorphosisDescription[] = _("Gets Charged on contact."); static const u8 sProtosynthesisDescription[] = _("Sun boosts best stat."); static const u8 sQuarkDriveDescription[] = _("Elec. field ups best stat."); static const u8 sGoodAsGoldDescription[] = _("Avoids status problems."); static const u8 sVesselOfRuinDescription[] = _("Lowers foes' sp. damage."); static const u8 sSwordOfRuinDescription[] = _("Lowers foes' defense."); static const u8 sTabletsOfRuinDescription[] = _("Lowers foes' damage."); static const u8 sBeadsOfRuinDescription[] = _("Lowers foes' sp. defense."); static const u8 sOrichalcumPulseDescription[] = _("Summons sunlight in battle."); static const u8 sHadronEngineDescription[] = _("Field becomes Electric."); static const u8 sOpportunistDescription[] = _("Copies foe's stat change."); static const u8 sCudChewDescription[] = _("Eats a used berry again."); static const u8 sSharpnessDescription[] = _("Strengthens cutting moves."); static const u8 sSupremeOverlordDescription[] = _("Inherits fallen's strength."); static const u8 sCostarDescription[] = _("Copies ally's stat changes."); static const u8 sToxicDebrisDescription[] = _("Throws poison spikes if hit."); static const u8 sArmorTailDescription[] = _("Protects from priority."); static const u8 sEarthEaterDescription[] = _("Eats ground to heal HP."); static const u8 sMyceliumMightDescription[] = _("Status moves never fail."); #if B_EXPANDED_ABILITY_NAMES == TRUE const u8 gAbilityNames[ABILITIES_COUNT][ABILITY_NAME_LENGTH + 1] = { [ABILITY_NONE] = _("-------"), [ABILITY_STENCH] = _("Stench"), [ABILITY_DRIZZLE] = _("Drizzle"), [ABILITY_SPEED_BOOST] = _("Speed Boost"), [ABILITY_BATTLE_ARMOR] = _("Battle Armor"), [ABILITY_STURDY] = _("Sturdy"), [ABILITY_DAMP] = _("Damp"), [ABILITY_LIMBER] = _("Limber"), [ABILITY_SAND_VEIL] = _("Sand Veil"), [ABILITY_STATIC] = _("Static"), [ABILITY_VOLT_ABSORB] = _("Volt Absorb"), [ABILITY_WATER_ABSORB] = _("Water Absorb"), [ABILITY_OBLIVIOUS] = _("Oblivious"), [ABILITY_CLOUD_NINE] = _("Cloud Nine"), [ABILITY_COMPOUND_EYES] = _("Compound Eyes"), [ABILITY_INSOMNIA] = _("Insomnia"), [ABILITY_COLOR_CHANGE] = _("Color Change"), [ABILITY_IMMUNITY] = _("Immunity"), [ABILITY_FLASH_FIRE] = _("Flash Fire"), [ABILITY_SHIELD_DUST] = _("Shield Dust"), [ABILITY_OWN_TEMPO] = _("Own Tempo"), [ABILITY_SUCTION_CUPS] = _("Suction Cups"), [ABILITY_INTIMIDATE] = _("Intimidate"), [ABILITY_SHADOW_TAG] = _("Shadow Tag"), [ABILITY_ROUGH_SKIN] = _("Rough Skin"), [ABILITY_WONDER_GUARD] = _("Wonder Guard"), [ABILITY_LEVITATE] = _("Levitate"), [ABILITY_EFFECT_SPORE] = _("Effect Spore"), [ABILITY_SYNCHRONIZE] = _("Synchronize"), [ABILITY_CLEAR_BODY] = _("Clear Body"), [ABILITY_NATURAL_CURE] = _("Natural Cure"), [ABILITY_LIGHTNING_ROD] = _("Lightning Rod"), [ABILITY_SERENE_GRACE] = _("Serene Grace"), [ABILITY_SWIFT_SWIM] = _("Swift Swim"), [ABILITY_CHLOROPHYLL] = _("Chlorophyll"), [ABILITY_ILLUMINATE] = _("Illuminate"), [ABILITY_TRACE] = _("Trace"), [ABILITY_HUGE_POWER] = _("Huge Power"), [ABILITY_POISON_POINT] = _("Poison Point"), [ABILITY_INNER_FOCUS] = _("Inner Focus"), [ABILITY_MAGMA_ARMOR] = _("Magma Armor"), [ABILITY_WATER_VEIL] = _("Water Veil"), [ABILITY_MAGNET_PULL] = _("Magnet Pull"), [ABILITY_SOUNDPROOF] = _("Soundproof"), [ABILITY_RAIN_DISH] = _("Rain Dish"), [ABILITY_SAND_STREAM] = _("Sand Stream"), [ABILITY_PRESSURE] = _("Pressure"), [ABILITY_THICK_FAT] = _("Thick Fat"), [ABILITY_EARLY_BIRD] = _("Early Bird"), [ABILITY_FLAME_BODY] = _("Flame Body"), [ABILITY_RUN_AWAY] = _("Run Away"), [ABILITY_KEEN_EYE] = _("Keen Eye"), [ABILITY_HYPER_CUTTER] = _("Hyper Cutter"), [ABILITY_PICKUP] = _("Pickup"), [ABILITY_TRUANT] = _("Truant"), [ABILITY_HUSTLE] = _("Hustle"), [ABILITY_CUTE_CHARM] = _("Cute Charm"), [ABILITY_PLUS] = _("Plus"), [ABILITY_MINUS] = _("Minus"), [ABILITY_FORECAST] = _("Forecast"), [ABILITY_STICKY_HOLD] = _("Sticky Hold"), [ABILITY_SHED_SKIN] = _("Shed Skin"), [ABILITY_GUTS] = _("Guts"), [ABILITY_MARVEL_SCALE] = _("Marvel Scale"), [ABILITY_LIQUID_OOZE] = _("Liquid Ooze"), [ABILITY_OVERGROW] = _("Overgrow"), [ABILITY_BLAZE] = _("Blaze"), [ABILITY_TORRENT] = _("Torrent"), [ABILITY_SWARM] = _("Swarm"), [ABILITY_ROCK_HEAD] = _("Rock Head"), [ABILITY_DROUGHT] = _("Drought"), [ABILITY_ARENA_TRAP] = _("Arena Trap"), [ABILITY_VITAL_SPIRIT] = _("Vital Spirit"), [ABILITY_WHITE_SMOKE] = _("White Smoke"), [ABILITY_PURE_POWER] = _("Pure Power"), [ABILITY_SHELL_ARMOR] = _("Shell Armor"), [ABILITY_AIR_LOCK] = _("Air Lock"), [ABILITY_TANGLED_FEET] = _("Tangled Feet"), [ABILITY_MOTOR_DRIVE] = _("Motor Drive"), [ABILITY_RIVALRY] = _("Rivalry"), [ABILITY_STEADFAST] = _("Steadfast"), [ABILITY_SNOW_CLOAK] = _("Snow Cloak"), [ABILITY_GLUTTONY] = _("Gluttony"), [ABILITY_ANGER_POINT] = _("Anger Point"), [ABILITY_UNBURDEN] = _("Unburden"), [ABILITY_HEATPROOF] = _("Heatproof"), [ABILITY_SIMPLE] = _("Simple"), [ABILITY_DRY_SKIN] = _("Dry Skin"), [ABILITY_DOWNLOAD] = _("Download"), [ABILITY_IRON_FIST] = _("Iron Fist"), [ABILITY_POISON_HEAL] = _("Poison Heal"), [ABILITY_ADAPTABILITY] = _("Adaptability"), [ABILITY_SKILL_LINK] = _("Skill Link"), [ABILITY_HYDRATION] = _("Hydration"), [ABILITY_SOLAR_POWER] = _("Solar Power"), [ABILITY_QUICK_FEET] = _("Quick Feet"), [ABILITY_NORMALIZE] = _("Normalize"), [ABILITY_SNIPER] = _("Sniper"), [ABILITY_MAGIC_GUARD] = _("Magic Guard"), [ABILITY_NO_GUARD] = _("No Guard"), [ABILITY_STALL] = _("Stall"), [ABILITY_TECHNICIAN] = _("Technician"), [ABILITY_LEAF_GUARD] = _("Leaf Guard"), [ABILITY_KLUTZ] = _("Klutz"), [ABILITY_MOLD_BREAKER] = _("Mold Breaker"), [ABILITY_SUPER_LUCK] = _("Super Luck"), [ABILITY_AFTERMATH] = _("Aftermath"), [ABILITY_ANTICIPATION] = _("Anticipation"), [ABILITY_FOREWARN] = _("Forewarn"), [ABILITY_UNAWARE] = _("Unaware"), [ABILITY_TINTED_LENS] = _("Tinted Lens"), [ABILITY_FILTER] = _("Filter"), [ABILITY_SLOW_START] = _("Slow Start"), [ABILITY_SCRAPPY] = _("Scrappy"), [ABILITY_STORM_DRAIN] = _("Storm Drain"), [ABILITY_ICE_BODY] = _("Ice Body"), [ABILITY_SOLID_ROCK] = _("Solid Rock"), [ABILITY_SNOW_WARNING] = _("Snow Warning"), [ABILITY_HONEY_GATHER] = _("Honey Gather"), [ABILITY_FRISK] = _("Frisk"), [ABILITY_RECKLESS] = _("Reckless"), [ABILITY_MULTITYPE] = _("Multitype"), [ABILITY_FLOWER_GIFT] = _("Flower Gift"), [ABILITY_BAD_DREAMS] = _("Bad Dreams"), [ABILITY_PICKPOCKET] = _("Pickpocket"), [ABILITY_SHEER_FORCE] = _("Sheer Force"), [ABILITY_CONTRARY] = _("Contrary"), [ABILITY_UNNERVE] = _("Unnerve"), [ABILITY_DEFIANT] = _("Defiant"), [ABILITY_DEFEATIST] = _("Defeatist"), [ABILITY_CURSED_BODY] = _("Cursed Body"), [ABILITY_HEALER] = _("Healer"), [ABILITY_FRIEND_GUARD] = _("Friend Guard"), [ABILITY_WEAK_ARMOR] = _("Weak Armor"), [ABILITY_HEAVY_METAL] = _("Heavy Metal"), [ABILITY_LIGHT_METAL] = _("Light Metal"), [ABILITY_MULTISCALE] = _("Multiscale"), [ABILITY_TOXIC_BOOST] = _("Toxic Boost"), [ABILITY_FLARE_BOOST] = _("Flare Boost"), [ABILITY_HARVEST] = _("Harvest"), [ABILITY_TELEPATHY] = _("Telepathy"), [ABILITY_MOODY] = _("Moody"), [ABILITY_OVERCOAT] = _("Overcoat"), [ABILITY_POISON_TOUCH] = _("Poison Touch"), [ABILITY_REGENERATOR] = _("Regenerator"), [ABILITY_BIG_PECKS] = _("Big Pecks"), [ABILITY_SAND_RUSH] = _("Sand Rush"), [ABILITY_WONDER_SKIN] = _("Wonder Skin"), [ABILITY_ANALYTIC] = _("Analytic"), [ABILITY_ILLUSION] = _("Illusion"), [ABILITY_IMPOSTER] = _("Imposter"), [ABILITY_INFILTRATOR] = _("Infiltrator"), [ABILITY_MUMMY] = _("Mummy"), [ABILITY_MOXIE] = _("Moxie"), [ABILITY_JUSTIFIED] = _("Justified"), [ABILITY_RATTLED] = _("Rattled"), [ABILITY_MAGIC_BOUNCE] = _("Magic Bounce"), [ABILITY_SAP_SIPPER] = _("Sap Sipper"), [ABILITY_PRANKSTER] = _("Prankster"), [ABILITY_SAND_FORCE] = _("Sand Force"), [ABILITY_IRON_BARBS] = _("Iron Barbs"), [ABILITY_ZEN_MODE] = _("Zen Mode"), [ABILITY_VICTORY_STAR] = _("Victory Star"), [ABILITY_TURBOBLAZE] = _("Turboblaze"), [ABILITY_TERAVOLT] = _("Teravolt"), [ABILITY_AROMA_VEIL] = _("Aroma Veil"), [ABILITY_FLOWER_VEIL] = _("Flower Veil"), [ABILITY_CHEEK_POUCH] = _("Cheek Pouch"), [ABILITY_PROTEAN] = _("Protean"), [ABILITY_FUR_COAT] = _("Fur Coat"), [ABILITY_MAGICIAN] = _("Magician"), [ABILITY_BULLETPROOF] = _("Bulletproof"), [ABILITY_COMPETITIVE] = _("Competitive"), [ABILITY_STRONG_JAW] = _("Strong Jaw"), [ABILITY_REFRIGERATE] = _("Refrigerate"), [ABILITY_SWEET_VEIL] = _("Sweet Veil"), [ABILITY_STANCE_CHANGE] = _("Stance Change"), [ABILITY_GALE_WINGS] = _("Gale Wings"), [ABILITY_MEGA_LAUNCHER] = _("Mega Launcher"), [ABILITY_GRASS_PELT] = _("Grass Pelt"), [ABILITY_SYMBIOSIS] = _("Symbiosis"), [ABILITY_TOUGH_CLAWS] = _("Tough Claws"), [ABILITY_PIXILATE] = _("Pixilate"), [ABILITY_GOOEY] = _("Gooey"), [ABILITY_AERILATE] = _("Aerilate"), [ABILITY_PARENTAL_BOND] = _("Parental Bond"), [ABILITY_DARK_AURA] = _("Dark Aura"), [ABILITY_FAIRY_AURA] = _("Fairy Aura"), [ABILITY_AURA_BREAK] = _("Aura Break"), [ABILITY_PRIMORDIAL_SEA] = _("Primordial Sea"), [ABILITY_DESOLATE_LAND] = _("Desolate Land"), [ABILITY_DELTA_STREAM] = _("Delta Stream"), [ABILITY_STAMINA] = _("Stamina"), [ABILITY_WIMP_OUT] = _("Wimp Out"), [ABILITY_EMERGENCY_EXIT] = _("Emergency Exit"), [ABILITY_WATER_COMPACTION] = _("Water Compaction"), [ABILITY_MERCILESS] = _("Merciless"), [ABILITY_SHIELDS_DOWN] = _("Shields Down"), [ABILITY_STAKEOUT] = _("Stakeout"), [ABILITY_WATER_BUBBLE] = _("Water Bubble"), [ABILITY_STEELWORKER] = _("Steelworker"), [ABILITY_BERSERK] = _("Berserk"), [ABILITY_SLUSH_RUSH] = _("Slush Rush"), [ABILITY_LONG_REACH] = _("Long Reach"), [ABILITY_LIQUID_VOICE] = _("Liquid Voice"), [ABILITY_TRIAGE] = _("Triage"), [ABILITY_GALVANIZE] = _("Galvanize"), [ABILITY_SURGE_SURFER] = _("Surge Surfer"), [ABILITY_SCHOOLING] = _("Schooling"), [ABILITY_DISGUISE] = _("Disguise"), [ABILITY_BATTLE_BOND] = _("Battle Bond"), [ABILITY_POWER_CONSTRUCT] = _("Power Construct"), [ABILITY_CORROSION] = _("Corrosion"), [ABILITY_COMATOSE] = _("Comatose"), [ABILITY_QUEENLY_MAJESTY] = _("Queenly Majesty"), [ABILITY_INNARDS_OUT] = _("Innards Out"), [ABILITY_DANCER] = _("Dancer"), [ABILITY_BATTERY] = _("Battery"), [ABILITY_FLUFFY] = _("Fluffy"), [ABILITY_DAZZLING] = _("Dazzling"), [ABILITY_SOUL_HEART] = _("Soul-Heart"), [ABILITY_TANGLING_HAIR] = _("Tangling Hair"), [ABILITY_RECEIVER] = _("Receiver"), [ABILITY_POWER_OF_ALCHEMY] = _("Power Of Alchemy"), [ABILITY_BEAST_BOOST] = _("Beast Boost"), [ABILITY_RKS_SYSTEM] = _("RKS System"), [ABILITY_ELECTRIC_SURGE] = _("Electric Surge"), [ABILITY_PSYCHIC_SURGE] = _("Psychic Surge"), [ABILITY_MISTY_SURGE] = _("Misty Surge"), [ABILITY_GRASSY_SURGE] = _("Grassy Surge"), [ABILITY_FULL_METAL_BODY] = _("Full Metal Body"), [ABILITY_SHADOW_SHIELD] = _("Shadow Shield"), [ABILITY_PRISM_ARMOR] = _("Prism Armor"), [ABILITY_NEUROFORCE] = _("Neuroforce"), [ABILITY_INTREPID_SWORD] = _("Intrepid Sword"), [ABILITY_DAUNTLESS_SHIELD] = _("Dauntless Shield"), [ABILITY_LIBERO] = _("Libero"), [ABILITY_BALL_FETCH] = _("Ball Fetch"), [ABILITY_COTTON_DOWN] = _("Cotton Down"), [ABILITY_PROPELLER_TAIL] = _("Propeller Tail"), [ABILITY_MIRROR_ARMOR] = _("Mirror Armor"), [ABILITY_GULP_MISSILE] = _("Gulp Missile"), [ABILITY_STALWART] = _("Stalwart"), [ABILITY_STEAM_ENGINE] = _("Steam Engine"), [ABILITY_PUNK_ROCK] = _("Punk Rock"), [ABILITY_SAND_SPIT] = _("Sand Spit"), [ABILITY_ICE_SCALES] = _("Ice Scales"), [ABILITY_RIPEN] = _("Ripen"), [ABILITY_ICE_FACE] = _("Ice Face"), [ABILITY_POWER_SPOT] = _("Power Spot"), [ABILITY_MIMICRY] = _("Mimicry"), [ABILITY_SCREEN_CLEANER] = _("Screen Cleaner"), [ABILITY_STEELY_SPIRIT] = _("Steely Spirit"), [ABILITY_PERISH_BODY] = _("Perish Body"), [ABILITY_WANDERING_SPIRIT] = _("Wandering Spirit"), [ABILITY_GORILLA_TACTICS] = _("Gorilla Tactics"), [ABILITY_NEUTRALIZING_GAS] = _("Neutralizing Gas"), [ABILITY_PASTEL_VEIL] = _("Pastel Veil"), [ABILITY_HUNGER_SWITCH] = _("Hunger Switch"), [ABILITY_QUICK_DRAW] = _("Quick Draw"), [ABILITY_UNSEEN_FIST] = _("Unseen Fist"), [ABILITY_CURIOUS_MEDICINE] = _("Curious Medicine"), [ABILITY_TRANSISTOR] = _("Transistor"), [ABILITY_DRAGONS_MAW] = _("Dragon's Maw"), [ABILITY_CHILLING_NEIGH] = _("Chilling Neigh"), [ABILITY_GRIM_NEIGH] = _("Grim Neigh"), [ABILITY_AS_ONE_ICE_RIDER] = _("As One"), [ABILITY_AS_ONE_SHADOW_RIDER] = _("As One"), [ABILITY_LINGERING_AROMA] = _("Lingering Aroma"), [ABILITY_SEED_SOWER] = _("Seed Sower"), [ABILITY_THERMAL_EXCHANGE] = _("Thermal Exchange"), [ABILITY_ANGER_SHELL] = _("Anger Shell"), [ABILITY_PURIFYING_SALT] = _("Purifying Salt"), [ABILITY_WELL_BAKED_BODY] = _("Well-Baked Body"), [ABILITY_WIND_RIDER] = _("Wind Rider"), [ABILITY_GUARD_DOG] = _("Guard Dog"), [ABILITY_ROCKY_PAYLOAD] = _("Rocky Payload"), [ABILITY_WIND_POWER] = _("Wind Power"), [ABILITY_ZERO_TO_HERO] = _("Zero to Hero"), [ABILITY_COMMANDER] = _("Commander"), [ABILITY_ELECTROMORPHOSIS] = _("Electromorphosis"), [ABILITY_PROTOSYNTHESIS] = _("Protosynthesis"), [ABILITY_QUARK_DRIVE] = _("Quark Drive"), [ABILITY_GOOD_AS_GOLD] = _("Good as Gold"), [ABILITY_VESSEL_OF_RUIN] = _("Vessel of Ruin"), [ABILITY_SWORD_OF_RUIN] = _("Sword of Ruin"), [ABILITY_TABLETS_OF_RUIN] = _("Tablets of Ruin"), [ABILITY_BEADS_OF_RUIN] = _("Beads of Ruin"), [ABILITY_ORICHALCUM_PULSE] = _("Orichalcum Pulse"), [ABILITY_HADRON_ENGINE] = _("Hadron Engine"), [ABILITY_OPPORTUNIST] = _("Opportunist"), [ABILITY_CUD_CHEW] = _("Cud Chew"), [ABILITY_SHARPNESS] = _("Sharpness"), [ABILITY_SUPREME_OVERLORD] = _("Supreme Overlord"), [ABILITY_COSTAR] = _("Costar"), [ABILITY_TOXIC_DEBRIS] = _("Toxic Debris"), [ABILITY_ARMOR_TAIL] = _("Armor Tail"), [ABILITY_EARTH_EATER] = _("Earth Eater"), [ABILITY_MYCELIUM_MIGHT] = _("Mycelium Might"), }; #else // 12 characters const u8 gAbilityNames[ABILITIES_COUNT][ABILITY_NAME_LENGTH + 1] = { [ABILITY_NONE] = _("-------"), [ABILITY_STENCH] = _("Stench"), [ABILITY_DRIZZLE] = _("Drizzle"), [ABILITY_SPEED_BOOST] = _("Speed Boost"), [ABILITY_BATTLE_ARMOR] = _("Battle Armor"), [ABILITY_STURDY] = _("Sturdy"), [ABILITY_DAMP] = _("Damp"), [ABILITY_LIMBER] = _("Limber"), [ABILITY_SAND_VEIL] = _("Sand Veil"), [ABILITY_STATIC] = _("Static"), [ABILITY_VOLT_ABSORB] = _("Volt Absorb"), [ABILITY_WATER_ABSORB] = _("Water Absorb"), [ABILITY_OBLIVIOUS] = _("Oblivious"), [ABILITY_CLOUD_NINE] = _("Cloud Nine"), [ABILITY_COMPOUND_EYES] = _("CompoundEyes"), [ABILITY_INSOMNIA] = _("Insomnia"), [ABILITY_COLOR_CHANGE] = _("Color Change"), [ABILITY_IMMUNITY] = _("Immunity"), [ABILITY_FLASH_FIRE] = _("Flash Fire"), [ABILITY_SHIELD_DUST] = _("Shield Dust"), [ABILITY_OWN_TEMPO] = _("Own Tempo"), [ABILITY_SUCTION_CUPS] = _("Suction Cups"), [ABILITY_INTIMIDATE] = _("Intimidate"), [ABILITY_SHADOW_TAG] = _("Shadow Tag"), [ABILITY_ROUGH_SKIN] = _("Rough Skin"), [ABILITY_WONDER_GUARD] = _("Wonder Guard"), [ABILITY_LEVITATE] = _("Levitate"), [ABILITY_EFFECT_SPORE] = _("Effect Spore"), [ABILITY_SYNCHRONIZE] = _("Synchronize"), [ABILITY_CLEAR_BODY] = _("Clear Body"), [ABILITY_NATURAL_CURE] = _("Natural Cure"), [ABILITY_LIGHTNING_ROD] = _("LightningRod"), [ABILITY_SERENE_GRACE] = _("Serene Grace"), [ABILITY_SWIFT_SWIM] = _("Swift Swim"), [ABILITY_CHLOROPHYLL] = _("Chlorophyll"), [ABILITY_ILLUMINATE] = _("Illuminate"), [ABILITY_TRACE] = _("Trace"), [ABILITY_HUGE_POWER] = _("Huge Power"), [ABILITY_POISON_POINT] = _("Poison Point"), [ABILITY_INNER_FOCUS] = _("Inner Focus"), [ABILITY_MAGMA_ARMOR] = _("Magma Armor"), [ABILITY_WATER_VEIL] = _("Water Veil"), [ABILITY_MAGNET_PULL] = _("Magnet Pull"), [ABILITY_SOUNDPROOF] = _("Soundproof"), [ABILITY_RAIN_DISH] = _("Rain Dish"), [ABILITY_SAND_STREAM] = _("Sand Stream"), [ABILITY_PRESSURE] = _("Pressure"), [ABILITY_THICK_FAT] = _("Thick Fat"), [ABILITY_EARLY_BIRD] = _("Early Bird"), [ABILITY_FLAME_BODY] = _("Flame Body"), [ABILITY_RUN_AWAY] = _("Run Away"), [ABILITY_KEEN_EYE] = _("Keen Eye"), [ABILITY_HYPER_CUTTER] = _("Hyper Cutter"), [ABILITY_PICKUP] = _("Pickup"), [ABILITY_TRUANT] = _("Truant"), [ABILITY_HUSTLE] = _("Hustle"), [ABILITY_CUTE_CHARM] = _("Cute Charm"), [ABILITY_PLUS] = _("Plus"), [ABILITY_MINUS] = _("Minus"), [ABILITY_FORECAST] = _("Forecast"), [ABILITY_STICKY_HOLD] = _("Sticky Hold"), [ABILITY_SHED_SKIN] = _("Shed Skin"), [ABILITY_GUTS] = _("Guts"), [ABILITY_MARVEL_SCALE] = _("Marvel Scale"), [ABILITY_LIQUID_OOZE] = _("Liquid Ooze"), [ABILITY_OVERGROW] = _("Overgrow"), [ABILITY_BLAZE] = _("Blaze"), [ABILITY_TORRENT] = _("Torrent"), [ABILITY_SWARM] = _("Swarm"), [ABILITY_ROCK_HEAD] = _("Rock Head"), [ABILITY_DROUGHT] = _("Drought"), [ABILITY_ARENA_TRAP] = _("Arena Trap"), [ABILITY_VITAL_SPIRIT] = _("Vital Spirit"), [ABILITY_WHITE_SMOKE] = _("White Smoke"), [ABILITY_PURE_POWER] = _("Pure Power"), [ABILITY_SHELL_ARMOR] = _("Shell Armor"), [ABILITY_AIR_LOCK] = _("Air Lock"), [ABILITY_TANGLED_FEET] = _("Tangled Feet"), [ABILITY_MOTOR_DRIVE] = _("Motor Drive"), [ABILITY_RIVALRY] = _("Rivalry"), [ABILITY_STEADFAST] = _("Steadfast"), [ABILITY_SNOW_CLOAK] = _("Snow Cloak"), [ABILITY_GLUTTONY] = _("Gluttony"), [ABILITY_ANGER_POINT] = _("Anger Point"), [ABILITY_UNBURDEN] = _("Unburden"), [ABILITY_HEATPROOF] = _("Heatproof"), [ABILITY_SIMPLE] = _("Simple"), [ABILITY_DRY_SKIN] = _("Dry Skin"), [ABILITY_DOWNLOAD] = _("Download"), [ABILITY_IRON_FIST] = _("Iron Fist"), [ABILITY_POISON_HEAL] = _("Poison Heal"), [ABILITY_ADAPTABILITY] = _("Adaptability"), [ABILITY_SKILL_LINK] = _("Skill Link"), [ABILITY_HYDRATION] = _("Hydration"), [ABILITY_SOLAR_POWER] = _("Solar Power"), [ABILITY_QUICK_FEET] = _("Quick Feet"), [ABILITY_NORMALIZE] = _("Normalize"), [ABILITY_SNIPER] = _("Sniper"), [ABILITY_MAGIC_GUARD] = _("Magic Guard"), [ABILITY_NO_GUARD] = _("No Guard"), [ABILITY_STALL] = _("Stall"), [ABILITY_TECHNICIAN] = _("Technician"), [ABILITY_LEAF_GUARD] = _("Leaf Guard"), [ABILITY_KLUTZ] = _("Klutz"), [ABILITY_MOLD_BREAKER] = _("Mold Breaker"), [ABILITY_SUPER_LUCK] = _("Super Luck"), [ABILITY_AFTERMATH] = _("Aftermath"), [ABILITY_ANTICIPATION] = _("Anticipation"), [ABILITY_FOREWARN] = _("Forewarn"), [ABILITY_UNAWARE] = _("Unaware"), [ABILITY_TINTED_LENS] = _("Tinted Lens"), [ABILITY_FILTER] = _("Filter"), [ABILITY_SLOW_START] = _("Slow Start"), [ABILITY_SCRAPPY] = _("Scrappy"), [ABILITY_STORM_DRAIN] = _("Storm Drain"), [ABILITY_ICE_BODY] = _("Ice Body"), [ABILITY_SOLID_ROCK] = _("Solid Rock"), [ABILITY_SNOW_WARNING] = _("Snow Warning"), [ABILITY_HONEY_GATHER] = _("Honey Gather"), [ABILITY_FRISK] = _("Frisk"), [ABILITY_RECKLESS] = _("Reckless"), [ABILITY_MULTITYPE] = _("Multitype"), [ABILITY_FLOWER_GIFT] = _("Flower Gift"), [ABILITY_BAD_DREAMS] = _("Bad Dreams"), [ABILITY_PICKPOCKET] = _("Pickpocket"), [ABILITY_SHEER_FORCE] = _("Sheer Force"), [ABILITY_CONTRARY] = _("Contrary"), [ABILITY_UNNERVE] = _("Unnerve"), [ABILITY_DEFIANT] = _("Defiant"), [ABILITY_DEFEATIST] = _("Defeatist"), [ABILITY_CURSED_BODY] = _("Cursed Body"), [ABILITY_HEALER] = _("Healer"), [ABILITY_FRIEND_GUARD] = _("Friend Guard"), [ABILITY_WEAK_ARMOR] = _("Weak Armor"), [ABILITY_HEAVY_METAL] = _("Heavy Metal"), [ABILITY_LIGHT_METAL] = _("Light Metal"), [ABILITY_MULTISCALE] = _("Multiscale"), [ABILITY_TOXIC_BOOST] = _("Toxic Boost"), [ABILITY_FLARE_BOOST] = _("Flare Boost"), [ABILITY_HARVEST] = _("Harvest"), [ABILITY_TELEPATHY] = _("Telepathy"), [ABILITY_MOODY] = _("Moody"), [ABILITY_OVERCOAT] = _("Overcoat"), [ABILITY_POISON_TOUCH] = _("Poison Touch"), [ABILITY_REGENERATOR] = _("Regenerator"), [ABILITY_BIG_PECKS] = _("Big Pecks"), [ABILITY_SAND_RUSH] = _("Sand Rush"), [ABILITY_WONDER_SKIN] = _("Wonder Skin"), [ABILITY_ANALYTIC] = _("Analytic"), [ABILITY_ILLUSION] = _("Illusion"), [ABILITY_IMPOSTER] = _("Imposter"), [ABILITY_INFILTRATOR] = _("Infiltrator"), [ABILITY_MUMMY] = _("Mummy"), [ABILITY_MOXIE] = _("Moxie"), [ABILITY_JUSTIFIED] = _("Justified"), [ABILITY_RATTLED] = _("Rattled"), [ABILITY_MAGIC_BOUNCE] = _("Magic Bounce"), [ABILITY_SAP_SIPPER] = _("Sap Sipper"), [ABILITY_PRANKSTER] = _("Prankster"), [ABILITY_SAND_FORCE] = _("Sand Force"), [ABILITY_IRON_BARBS] = _("Iron Barbs"), [ABILITY_ZEN_MODE] = _("Zen Mode"), [ABILITY_VICTORY_STAR] = _("Victory Star"), [ABILITY_TURBOBLAZE] = _("Turboblaze"), [ABILITY_TERAVOLT] = _("Teravolt"), [ABILITY_AROMA_VEIL] = _("Aroma Veil"), [ABILITY_FLOWER_VEIL] = _("Flower Veil"), [ABILITY_CHEEK_POUCH] = _("Cheek Pouch"), [ABILITY_PROTEAN] = _("Protean"), [ABILITY_FUR_COAT] = _("Fur Coat"), [ABILITY_MAGICIAN] = _("Magician"), [ABILITY_BULLETPROOF] = _("Bulletproof"), [ABILITY_COMPETITIVE] = _("Competitive"), [ABILITY_STRONG_JAW] = _("Strong Jaw"), [ABILITY_REFRIGERATE] = _("Refrigerate"), [ABILITY_SWEET_VEIL] = _("Sweet Veil"), [ABILITY_STANCE_CHANGE] = _("StanceChange"), [ABILITY_GALE_WINGS] = _("Gale Wings"), [ABILITY_MEGA_LAUNCHER] = _("MegaLauncher"), [ABILITY_GRASS_PELT] = _("Grass Pelt"), [ABILITY_SYMBIOSIS] = _("Symbiosis"), [ABILITY_TOUGH_CLAWS] = _("Tough Claws"), [ABILITY_PIXILATE] = _("Pixilate"), [ABILITY_GOOEY] = _("Gooey"), [ABILITY_AERILATE] = _("Aerilate"), [ABILITY_PARENTAL_BOND] = _("ParentalBond"), [ABILITY_DARK_AURA] = _("Dark Aura"), [ABILITY_FAIRY_AURA] = _("Fairy Aura"), [ABILITY_AURA_BREAK] = _("Aura Break"), [ABILITY_PRIMORDIAL_SEA] = _("PrimrdialSea"), [ABILITY_DESOLATE_LAND] = _("DesolateLand"), [ABILITY_DELTA_STREAM] = _("Delta Stream"), [ABILITY_STAMINA] = _("Stamina"), [ABILITY_WIMP_OUT] = _("Wimp Out"), [ABILITY_EMERGENCY_EXIT] = _("EmergncyExit"), [ABILITY_WATER_COMPACTION] = _("WtrCmpaction"), [ABILITY_MERCILESS] = _("Merciless"), [ABILITY_SHIELDS_DOWN] = _("Shields Down"), [ABILITY_STAKEOUT] = _("Stakeout"), [ABILITY_WATER_BUBBLE] = _("Water Bubble"), [ABILITY_STEELWORKER] = _("Steelworker"), [ABILITY_BERSERK] = _("Berserk"), [ABILITY_SLUSH_RUSH] = _("Slush Rush"), [ABILITY_LONG_REACH] = _("Long Reach"), [ABILITY_LIQUID_VOICE] = _("Liquid Voice"), [ABILITY_TRIAGE] = _("Triage"), [ABILITY_GALVANIZE] = _("Galvanize"), [ABILITY_SURGE_SURFER] = _("Surge Surfer"), [ABILITY_SCHOOLING] = _("Schooling"), [ABILITY_DISGUISE] = _("Disguise"), [ABILITY_BATTLE_BOND] = _("Battle Bond"), [ABILITY_POWER_CONSTRUCT] = _("PwrConstruct"), [ABILITY_CORROSION] = _("Corrosion"), [ABILITY_COMATOSE] = _("Comatose"), [ABILITY_QUEENLY_MAJESTY] = _("QueenlyMjsty"), [ABILITY_INNARDS_OUT] = _("Innards Out"), [ABILITY_DANCER] = _("Dancer"), [ABILITY_BATTERY] = _("Battery"), [ABILITY_FLUFFY] = _("Fluffy"), [ABILITY_DAZZLING] = _("Dazzling"), [ABILITY_SOUL_HEART] = _("Soul-Heart"), [ABILITY_TANGLING_HAIR] = _("TanglingHair"), [ABILITY_RECEIVER] = _("Receiver"), [ABILITY_POWER_OF_ALCHEMY] = _("PwrOfAlchemy"), [ABILITY_BEAST_BOOST] = _("Beast Boost"), [ABILITY_RKS_SYSTEM] = _("RKS System"), [ABILITY_ELECTRIC_SURGE] = _("ElectrcSurge"), [ABILITY_PSYCHIC_SURGE] = _("PsychicSurge"), [ABILITY_MISTY_SURGE] = _("Misty Surge"), [ABILITY_GRASSY_SURGE] = _("Grassy Surge"), [ABILITY_FULL_METAL_BODY] = _("FullMetalBdy"), [ABILITY_SHADOW_SHIELD] = _("ShadowShield"), [ABILITY_PRISM_ARMOR] = _("Prism Armor"), [ABILITY_NEUROFORCE] = _("Neuroforce"), [ABILITY_INTREPID_SWORD] = _("IntrepidSwrd"), [ABILITY_DAUNTLESS_SHIELD] = _("DauntlssShld"), [ABILITY_LIBERO] = _("Libero"), [ABILITY_BALL_FETCH] = _("Ball Fetch"), [ABILITY_COTTON_DOWN] = _("Cotton Down"), [ABILITY_PROPELLER_TAIL] = _("PropellrTail"), [ABILITY_MIRROR_ARMOR] = _("Mirror Armor"), [ABILITY_GULP_MISSILE] = _("Gulp Missile"), [ABILITY_STALWART] = _("Stalwart"), [ABILITY_STEAM_ENGINE] = _("Steam Engine"), [ABILITY_PUNK_ROCK] = _("Punk Rock"), [ABILITY_SAND_SPIT] = _("Sand Spit"), [ABILITY_ICE_SCALES] = _("Ice Scales"), [ABILITY_RIPEN] = _("Ripen"), [ABILITY_ICE_FACE] = _("Ice Face"), [ABILITY_POWER_SPOT] = _("Power Spot"), [ABILITY_MIMICRY] = _("Mimicry"), [ABILITY_SCREEN_CLEANER] = _("ScreenCleanr"), [ABILITY_STEELY_SPIRIT] = _("SteelySpirit"), [ABILITY_PERISH_BODY] = _("Perish Body"), [ABILITY_WANDERING_SPIRIT] = _("WandrngSprit"), [ABILITY_GORILLA_TACTICS] = _("GorillaTacti"), [ABILITY_NEUTRALIZING_GAS] = _("NeutrlzngGas"), [ABILITY_PASTEL_VEIL] = _("Pastel Veil"), [ABILITY_HUNGER_SWITCH] = _("HungerSwitch"), [ABILITY_QUICK_DRAW] = _("Quick Draw"), [ABILITY_UNSEEN_FIST] = _("Unseen Fist"), [ABILITY_CURIOUS_MEDICINE] = _("CuriusMedicn"), [ABILITY_TRANSISTOR] = _("Transistor"), [ABILITY_DRAGONS_MAW] = _("Dragon's Maw"), [ABILITY_CHILLING_NEIGH] = _("ChillngNeigh"), [ABILITY_GRIM_NEIGH] = _("Grim Neigh"), [ABILITY_AS_ONE_ICE_RIDER] = _("As One"), [ABILITY_AS_ONE_SHADOW_RIDER] = _("As One"), [ABILITY_LINGERING_AROMA] = _("LngerngAroma"), [ABILITY_SEED_SOWER] = _("Seed Sower"), [ABILITY_THERMAL_EXCHANGE] = _("ThrmlExchnge"), [ABILITY_ANGER_SHELL] = _("Anger Shell"), [ABILITY_PURIFYING_SALT] = _("PurfyingSalt"), [ABILITY_WELL_BAKED_BODY] = _("WellBakedBdy"), [ABILITY_WIND_RIDER] = _("Wind Rider"), [ABILITY_GUARD_DOG] = _("Guard Dog"), [ABILITY_ROCKY_PAYLOAD] = _("RockyPayload"), [ABILITY_WIND_POWER] = _("Wind Power"), [ABILITY_ZERO_TO_HERO] = _("Zero to Hero"), [ABILITY_COMMANDER] = _("Commander"), [ABILITY_ELECTROMORPHOSIS] = _("Elecmrphosis"), [ABILITY_PROTOSYNTHESIS] = _("Protosnthsis"), [ABILITY_QUARK_DRIVE] = _("Quark Drive"), [ABILITY_GOOD_AS_GOLD] = _("Good as Gold"), [ABILITY_VESSEL_OF_RUIN] = _("VesselOfRuin"), [ABILITY_SWORD_OF_RUIN] = _("SwordOfRuin"), [ABILITY_TABLETS_OF_RUIN] = _("TabltsOfRuin"), [ABILITY_BEADS_OF_RUIN] = _("BeadsOfRuin"), [ABILITY_ORICHALCUM_PULSE] = _("OrchlcumPlse"), [ABILITY_HADRON_ENGINE] = _("HadronEngine"), [ABILITY_OPPORTUNIST] = _("Opportunist"), [ABILITY_CUD_CHEW] = _("Cud Chew"), [ABILITY_SHARPNESS] = _("Sharpness"), [ABILITY_SUPREME_OVERLORD] = _("SuprmeOvrlrd"), [ABILITY_COSTAR] = _("Costar"), [ABILITY_TOXIC_DEBRIS] = _("Toxic Debris"), [ABILITY_ARMOR_TAIL] = _("Armor Tail"), [ABILITY_EARTH_EATER] = _("Earth Eater"), [ABILITY_MYCELIUM_MIGHT] = _("MceliumMight"), }; #endif const u8 *const gAbilityDescriptionPointers[ABILITIES_COUNT] = { [ABILITY_NONE] = sNoneDescription, [ABILITY_STENCH] = sStenchDescription, [ABILITY_DRIZZLE] = sDrizzleDescription, [ABILITY_SPEED_BOOST] = sSpeedBoostDescription, [ABILITY_BATTLE_ARMOR] = sBattleArmorDescription, [ABILITY_STURDY] = sSturdyDescription, [ABILITY_DAMP] = sDampDescription, [ABILITY_LIMBER] = sLimberDescription, [ABILITY_SAND_VEIL] = sSandVeilDescription, [ABILITY_STATIC] = sStaticDescription, [ABILITY_VOLT_ABSORB] = sVoltAbsorbDescription, [ABILITY_WATER_ABSORB] = sWaterAbsorbDescription, [ABILITY_OBLIVIOUS] = sObliviousDescription, [ABILITY_CLOUD_NINE] = sCloudNineDescription, [ABILITY_COMPOUND_EYES] = sCompoundEyesDescription, [ABILITY_INSOMNIA] = sInsomniaDescription, [ABILITY_COLOR_CHANGE] = sColorChangeDescription, [ABILITY_IMMUNITY] = sImmunityDescription, [ABILITY_FLASH_FIRE] = sFlashFireDescription, [ABILITY_SHIELD_DUST] = sShieldDustDescription, [ABILITY_OWN_TEMPO] = sOwnTempoDescription, [ABILITY_SUCTION_CUPS] = sSuctionCupsDescription, [ABILITY_INTIMIDATE] = sIntimidateDescription, [ABILITY_SHADOW_TAG] = sShadowTagDescription, [ABILITY_ROUGH_SKIN] = sRoughSkinDescription, [ABILITY_WONDER_GUARD] = sWonderGuardDescription, [ABILITY_LEVITATE] = sLevitateDescription, [ABILITY_EFFECT_SPORE] = sEffectSporeDescription, [ABILITY_SYNCHRONIZE] = sSynchronizeDescription, [ABILITY_CLEAR_BODY] = sClearBodyDescription, [ABILITY_NATURAL_CURE] = sNaturalCureDescription, [ABILITY_LIGHTNING_ROD] = sLightningRodDescription, [ABILITY_SERENE_GRACE] = sSereneGraceDescription, [ABILITY_SWIFT_SWIM] = sSwiftSwimDescription, [ABILITY_CHLOROPHYLL] = sChlorophyllDescription, [ABILITY_ILLUMINATE] = sIlluminateDescription, [ABILITY_TRACE] = sTraceDescription, [ABILITY_HUGE_POWER] = sHugePowerDescription, [ABILITY_POISON_POINT] = sPoisonPointDescription, [ABILITY_INNER_FOCUS] = sInnerFocusDescription, [ABILITY_MAGMA_ARMOR] = sMagmaArmorDescription, [ABILITY_WATER_VEIL] = sWaterVeilDescription, [ABILITY_MAGNET_PULL] = sMagnetPullDescription, [ABILITY_SOUNDPROOF] = sSoundproofDescription, [ABILITY_RAIN_DISH] = sRainDishDescription, [ABILITY_SAND_STREAM] = sSandStreamDescription, [ABILITY_PRESSURE] = sPressureDescription, [ABILITY_THICK_FAT] = sThickFatDescription, [ABILITY_EARLY_BIRD] = sEarlyBirdDescription, [ABILITY_FLAME_BODY] = sFlameBodyDescription, [ABILITY_RUN_AWAY] = sRunAwayDescription, [ABILITY_KEEN_EYE] = sKeenEyeDescription, [ABILITY_HYPER_CUTTER] = sHyperCutterDescription, [ABILITY_PICKUP] = sPickupDescription, [ABILITY_TRUANT] = sTruantDescription, [ABILITY_HUSTLE] = sHustleDescription, [ABILITY_CUTE_CHARM] = sCuteCharmDescription, [ABILITY_PLUS] = sPlusDescription, [ABILITY_MINUS] = sMinusDescription, [ABILITY_FORECAST] = sForecastDescription, [ABILITY_STICKY_HOLD] = sStickyHoldDescription, [ABILITY_SHED_SKIN] = sShedSkinDescription, [ABILITY_GUTS] = sGutsDescription, [ABILITY_MARVEL_SCALE] = sMarvelScaleDescription, [ABILITY_LIQUID_OOZE] = sLiquidOozeDescription, [ABILITY_OVERGROW] = sOvergrowDescription, [ABILITY_BLAZE] = sBlazeDescription, [ABILITY_TORRENT] = sTorrentDescription, [ABILITY_SWARM] = sSwarmDescription, [ABILITY_ROCK_HEAD] = sRockHeadDescription, [ABILITY_DROUGHT] = sDroughtDescription, [ABILITY_ARENA_TRAP] = sArenaTrapDescription, [ABILITY_VITAL_SPIRIT] = sVitalSpiritDescription, [ABILITY_WHITE_SMOKE] = sWhiteSmokeDescription, [ABILITY_PURE_POWER] = sPurePowerDescription, [ABILITY_SHELL_ARMOR] = sShellArmorDescription, [ABILITY_AIR_LOCK] = sAirLockDescription, [ABILITY_TANGLED_FEET] = sTangledFeetDescription, [ABILITY_MOTOR_DRIVE] = sMotorDriveDescription, [ABILITY_RIVALRY] = sRivalryDescription, [ABILITY_STEADFAST] = sSteadfastDescription, [ABILITY_SNOW_CLOAK] = sSnowCloakDescription, [ABILITY_GLUTTONY] = sGluttonyDescription, [ABILITY_ANGER_POINT] = sAngerPointDescription, [ABILITY_UNBURDEN] = sUnburdenDescription, [ABILITY_HEATPROOF] = sHeatproofDescription, [ABILITY_SIMPLE] = sSimpleDescription, [ABILITY_DRY_SKIN] = sDrySkinDescription, [ABILITY_DOWNLOAD] = sDownloadDescription, [ABILITY_IRON_FIST] = sIronFistDescription, [ABILITY_POISON_HEAL] = sPoisonHealDescription, [ABILITY_ADAPTABILITY] = sAdaptabilityDescription, [ABILITY_SKILL_LINK] = sSkillLinkDescription, [ABILITY_HYDRATION] = sHydrationDescription, [ABILITY_SOLAR_POWER] = sSolarPowerDescription, [ABILITY_QUICK_FEET] = sQuickFeetDescription, [ABILITY_NORMALIZE] = sNormalizeDescription, [ABILITY_SNIPER] = sSniperDescription, [ABILITY_MAGIC_GUARD] = sMagicGuardDescription, [ABILITY_NO_GUARD] = sNoGuardDescription, [ABILITY_STALL] = sStallDescription, [ABILITY_TECHNICIAN] = sTechnicianDescription, [ABILITY_LEAF_GUARD] = sLeafGuardDescription, [ABILITY_KLUTZ] = sKlutzDescription, [ABILITY_MOLD_BREAKER] = sMoldBreakerDescription, [ABILITY_SUPER_LUCK] = sSuperLuckDescription, [ABILITY_AFTERMATH] = sAftermathDescription, [ABILITY_ANTICIPATION] = sAnticipationDescription, [ABILITY_FOREWARN] = sForewarnDescription, [ABILITY_UNAWARE] = sUnawareDescription, [ABILITY_TINTED_LENS] = sTintedLensDescription, [ABILITY_FILTER] = sFilterDescription, [ABILITY_SLOW_START] = sSlowStartDescription, [ABILITY_SCRAPPY] = sScrappyDescription, [ABILITY_STORM_DRAIN] = sStormDrainDescription, [ABILITY_ICE_BODY] = sIceBodyDescription, [ABILITY_SOLID_ROCK] = sFilterDescription, [ABILITY_SNOW_WARNING] = sSnowWarningDescription, [ABILITY_HONEY_GATHER] = sHoneyGatherDescription, [ABILITY_FRISK] = sFriskDescription, [ABILITY_RECKLESS] = sRecklessDescription, [ABILITY_MULTITYPE] = sMultitypeDescription, [ABILITY_FLOWER_GIFT] = sFlowerGiftDescription, [ABILITY_BAD_DREAMS] = sBadDreamsDescription, [ABILITY_PICKPOCKET] = sPickpocketDescription, [ABILITY_SHEER_FORCE] = sSheerForceDescription, [ABILITY_CONTRARY] = sContraryDescription, [ABILITY_UNNERVE] = sUnnerveDescription, [ABILITY_DEFIANT] = sDefiantDescription, [ABILITY_DEFEATIST] = sDefeatistDescription, [ABILITY_CURSED_BODY] = sCursedBodyDescription, [ABILITY_HEALER] = sHealerDescription, [ABILITY_FRIEND_GUARD] = sFriendGuardDescription, [ABILITY_WEAK_ARMOR] = sWeakArmorDescription, [ABILITY_HEAVY_METAL] = sHeavyMetalDescription, [ABILITY_LIGHT_METAL] = sLightMetalDescription, [ABILITY_MULTISCALE] = sMultiscaleDescription, [ABILITY_TOXIC_BOOST] = sToxicBoostDescription, [ABILITY_FLARE_BOOST] = sFlareBoostDescription, [ABILITY_HARVEST] = sHarvestDescription, [ABILITY_TELEPATHY] = sTelepathyDescription, [ABILITY_MOODY] = sMoodyDescription, [ABILITY_OVERCOAT] = sOvercoatDescription, [ABILITY_POISON_TOUCH] = sPoisonPointDescription, [ABILITY_REGENERATOR] = sNaturalCureDescription, [ABILITY_BIG_PECKS] = sBigPecksDescription, [ABILITY_SAND_RUSH] = sSandRushDescription, [ABILITY_WONDER_SKIN] = sWonderSkinDescription, [ABILITY_ANALYTIC] = sAnalyticDescription, [ABILITY_ILLUSION] = sIllusionDescription, [ABILITY_IMPOSTER] = sImposterDescription, [ABILITY_INFILTRATOR] = sInfiltratorDescription, [ABILITY_MUMMY] = sMummyDescription, [ABILITY_MOXIE] = sMoxieDescription, [ABILITY_JUSTIFIED] = sJustifiedDescription, [ABILITY_RATTLED] = sRattledDescription, [ABILITY_MAGIC_BOUNCE] = sMagicBounceDescription, [ABILITY_SAP_SIPPER] = sSapSipperDescription, [ABILITY_PRANKSTER] = sPranksterDescription, [ABILITY_SAND_FORCE] = sSandForceDescription, [ABILITY_IRON_BARBS] = sRoughSkinDescription, [ABILITY_ZEN_MODE] = sZenModeDescription, [ABILITY_VICTORY_STAR] = sVictoryStarDescription, [ABILITY_TURBOBLAZE] = sMoldBreakerDescription, [ABILITY_TERAVOLT] = sMoldBreakerDescription, [ABILITY_AROMA_VEIL] = sAromaVeilDescription, [ABILITY_FLOWER_VEIL] = sFlowerVeilDescription, [ABILITY_CHEEK_POUCH] = sCheekPouchDescription, [ABILITY_PROTEAN] = sProteanDescription, [ABILITY_FUR_COAT] = sFurCoatDescription, [ABILITY_MAGICIAN] = sPickpocketDescription, [ABILITY_BULLETPROOF] = sBulletproofDescription, [ABILITY_COMPETITIVE] = sCompetitiveDescription, [ABILITY_STRONG_JAW] = sStrongJawDescription, [ABILITY_REFRIGERATE] = sRefrigerateDescription, [ABILITY_SWEET_VEIL] = sSweetVeilDescription, [ABILITY_STANCE_CHANGE] = sStanceChangeDescription, [ABILITY_GALE_WINGS] = sGaleWingsDescription, [ABILITY_MEGA_LAUNCHER] = sMegaLauncherDescription, [ABILITY_GRASS_PELT] = sGrassPeltDescription, [ABILITY_SYMBIOSIS] = sSymbiosisDescription, [ABILITY_TOUGH_CLAWS] = sToughClawsDescription, [ABILITY_PIXILATE] = sPixilateDescription, [ABILITY_GOOEY] = sGooeyDescription, [ABILITY_AERILATE] = sAerilateDescription, [ABILITY_PARENTAL_BOND] = sParentalBondDescription, [ABILITY_DARK_AURA] = sDarkAuraDescription, [ABILITY_FAIRY_AURA] = sFairyAuraDescription, [ABILITY_AURA_BREAK] = sAuraBreakDescription, [ABILITY_PRIMORDIAL_SEA] = sPrimordialSeaDescription, [ABILITY_DESOLATE_LAND] = sDesolateLandDescription, [ABILITY_DELTA_STREAM] = sDeltaStreamDescription, [ABILITY_STAMINA] = sStaminaDescription, [ABILITY_WIMP_OUT] = sWimpOutDescription, [ABILITY_EMERGENCY_EXIT] = sWimpOutDescription, [ABILITY_WATER_COMPACTION] = sWaterCompactionDescription, [ABILITY_MERCILESS] = sMercilessDescription, [ABILITY_SHIELDS_DOWN] = sShieldsDownDescription, [ABILITY_STAKEOUT] = sStakeoutDescription, [ABILITY_WATER_BUBBLE] = sWaterBubbleDescription, [ABILITY_STEELWORKER] = sSteelworkerDescription, [ABILITY_BERSERK] = sBerserkDescription, [ABILITY_SLUSH_RUSH] = sSlushRushDescription, [ABILITY_LONG_REACH] = sLongReachDescription, [ABILITY_LIQUID_VOICE] = sLiquidVoiceDescription, [ABILITY_TRIAGE] = sTriageDescription, [ABILITY_GALVANIZE] = sGalvanizeDescription, [ABILITY_SURGE_SURFER] = sSurgeSurferDescription, [ABILITY_SCHOOLING] = sSchoolingDescription, [ABILITY_DISGUISE] = sDisguiseDescription, [ABILITY_BATTLE_BOND] = sBattleBondDescription, [ABILITY_POWER_CONSTRUCT] = sPowerConstructDescription, [ABILITY_CORROSION] = sCorrosionDescription, [ABILITY_COMATOSE] = sComatoseDescription, [ABILITY_QUEENLY_MAJESTY] = sQueenlyMajestyDescription, [ABILITY_INNARDS_OUT] = sInnardsOutDescription, [ABILITY_DANCER] = sDancerDescription, [ABILITY_BATTERY] = sBatteryDescription, [ABILITY_FLUFFY] = sFluffyDescription, [ABILITY_DAZZLING] = sQueenlyMajestyDescription, [ABILITY_SOUL_HEART] = sSoulHeartDescription, [ABILITY_TANGLING_HAIR] = sGooeyDescription, [ABILITY_RECEIVER] = sReceiverDescription, [ABILITY_POWER_OF_ALCHEMY] = sReceiverDescription, [ABILITY_BEAST_BOOST] = sBeastBoostDescription, [ABILITY_RKS_SYSTEM] = sRKSSystemDescription, [ABILITY_ELECTRIC_SURGE] = sElectricSurgeDescription, [ABILITY_PSYCHIC_SURGE] = sPsychicSurgeDescription, [ABILITY_MISTY_SURGE] = sMistySurgeDescription, [ABILITY_GRASSY_SURGE] = sGrassySurgeDescription, [ABILITY_FULL_METAL_BODY] = sFullMetalBodyDescription, [ABILITY_SHADOW_SHIELD] = sMultiscaleDescription, [ABILITY_PRISM_ARMOR] = sFilterDescription, [ABILITY_NEUROFORCE] = sNeuroforceDescription, [ABILITY_INTREPID_SWORD] = sIntrepidSwordDescription, [ABILITY_DAUNTLESS_SHIELD] = sDauntlessShieldDescription, [ABILITY_LIBERO] = sLiberoDescription, [ABILITY_BALL_FETCH] = sBallFetchDescription, [ABILITY_COTTON_DOWN] = sCottonDownDescription, [ABILITY_PROPELLER_TAIL] = sPropellerTailDescription, [ABILITY_MIRROR_ARMOR] = sMirrorArmorDescription, [ABILITY_GULP_MISSILE] = sGulpMissileDescription, [ABILITY_STALWART] = sStalwartDescription, [ABILITY_STEAM_ENGINE] = sSteamEngineDescription, [ABILITY_PUNK_ROCK] = sPunkRockDescription, [ABILITY_SAND_SPIT] = sSandSpitDescription, [ABILITY_ICE_SCALES] = sIceScalesDescription, [ABILITY_RIPEN] = sRipenDescription, [ABILITY_ICE_FACE] = sIceFaceDescription, [ABILITY_POWER_SPOT] = sPowerSpotDescription, [ABILITY_MIMICRY] = sMimicryDescription, [ABILITY_SCREEN_CLEANER] = sScreenCleanerDescription, [ABILITY_STEELY_SPIRIT] = sSteelySpiritDescription, [ABILITY_PERISH_BODY] = sPerishBodyDescription, [ABILITY_WANDERING_SPIRIT] = sWanderingSpiritDescription, [ABILITY_GORILLA_TACTICS] = sGorillaTacticsDescription, [ABILITY_NEUTRALIZING_GAS] = sNeutralizingGasDescription, [ABILITY_PASTEL_VEIL] = sPastelVeilDescription, [ABILITY_HUNGER_SWITCH] = sHungerSwitchDescription, [ABILITY_QUICK_DRAW] = sQuickDrawDescription, [ABILITY_UNSEEN_FIST] = sUnseenFistDescription, [ABILITY_CURIOUS_MEDICINE] = sCuriousMedicineDescription, [ABILITY_TRANSISTOR] = sTransistorDescription, [ABILITY_DRAGONS_MAW] = sDragonsMawDescription, [ABILITY_CHILLING_NEIGH] = sChillingNeighDescription, [ABILITY_GRIM_NEIGH] = sGrimNeighDescription, [ABILITY_AS_ONE_ICE_RIDER] = sAsOneIceRiderDescription, [ABILITY_AS_ONE_SHADOW_RIDER] = sAsOneShadowRiderDescription, [ABILITY_LINGERING_AROMA] = sLingeringAromaDescription, [ABILITY_SEED_SOWER] = sSeedSowerDescription, [ABILITY_THERMAL_EXCHANGE] = sThermalExchangeDescription, [ABILITY_ANGER_SHELL] = sAngerShellDescription, [ABILITY_PURIFYING_SALT] = sPurifyingSaltDescription, [ABILITY_WELL_BAKED_BODY] = sWellBakedBodyDescription, [ABILITY_WIND_RIDER] = sWindRiderDescription, [ABILITY_GUARD_DOG] = sGuardDogDescription, [ABILITY_ROCKY_PAYLOAD] = sRockyPayloadDescription, [ABILITY_WIND_POWER] = sWindPowerDescription, [ABILITY_ZERO_TO_HERO] = sZeroToHeroDescription, [ABILITY_COMMANDER] = sCommanderDescription, [ABILITY_ELECTROMORPHOSIS] = sElectromorphosisDescription, [ABILITY_PROTOSYNTHESIS] = sProtosynthesisDescription, [ABILITY_QUARK_DRIVE] = sQuarkDriveDescription, [ABILITY_GOOD_AS_GOLD] = sGoodAsGoldDescription, [ABILITY_VESSEL_OF_RUIN] = sVesselOfRuinDescription, [ABILITY_SWORD_OF_RUIN] = sSwordOfRuinDescription, [ABILITY_TABLETS_OF_RUIN] = sTabletsOfRuinDescription, [ABILITY_BEADS_OF_RUIN] = sBeadsOfRuinDescription, [ABILITY_ORICHALCUM_PULSE] = sOrichalcumPulseDescription, [ABILITY_HADRON_ENGINE] = sHadronEngineDescription, [ABILITY_OPPORTUNIST] = sOpportunistDescription, [ABILITY_CUD_CHEW] = sCudChewDescription, [ABILITY_SHARPNESS] = sSharpnessDescription, [ABILITY_SUPREME_OVERLORD] = sSupremeOverlordDescription, [ABILITY_COSTAR] = sCostarDescription, [ABILITY_TOXIC_DEBRIS] = sToxicDebrisDescription, [ABILITY_ARMOR_TAIL] = sArmorTailDescription, [ABILITY_EARTH_EATER] = sEarthEaterDescription, [ABILITY_MYCELIUM_MIGHT] = sMyceliumMightDescription, };