#ifndef GUARD_CONSTANTS_POKEMON_H #define GUARD_CONSTANTS_POKEMON_H // Pokemon types #define TYPE_NONE 255 #define TYPE_NORMAL 0 #define TYPE_FIGHTING 1 #define TYPE_FLYING 2 #define TYPE_POISON 3 #define TYPE_GROUND 4 #define TYPE_ROCK 5 #define TYPE_BUG 6 #define TYPE_GHOST 7 #define TYPE_STEEL 8 #define TYPE_MYSTERY 9 #define TYPE_FIRE 10 #define TYPE_WATER 11 #define TYPE_GRASS 12 #define TYPE_ELECTRIC 13 #define TYPE_PSYCHIC 14 #define TYPE_ICE 15 #define TYPE_DRAGON 16 #define TYPE_DARK 17 #define TYPE_FAIRY 18 #define NUMBER_OF_MON_TYPES 19 // Pokemon egg groups #define EGG_GROUP_NONE 0 #define EGG_GROUP_MONSTER 1 #define EGG_GROUP_WATER_1 2 #define EGG_GROUP_BUG 3 #define EGG_GROUP_FLYING 4 #define EGG_GROUP_FIELD 5 #define EGG_GROUP_FAIRY 6 #define EGG_GROUP_GRASS 7 #define EGG_GROUP_HUMAN_LIKE 8 #define EGG_GROUP_WATER_3 9 #define EGG_GROUP_MINERAL 10 #define EGG_GROUP_AMORPHOUS 11 #define EGG_GROUP_WATER_2 12 #define EGG_GROUP_DITTO 13 #define EGG_GROUP_DRAGON 14 #define EGG_GROUP_UNDISCOVERED 15 #define EGG_GROUPS_PER_MON 2 // Pokemon natures #define NATURE_HARDY 0 #define NATURE_LONELY 1 #define NATURE_BRAVE 2 #define NATURE_ADAMANT 3 #define NATURE_NAUGHTY 4 #define NATURE_BOLD 5 #define NATURE_DOCILE 6 #define NATURE_RELAXED 7 #define NATURE_IMPISH 8 #define NATURE_LAX 9 #define NATURE_TIMID 10 #define NATURE_HASTY 11 #define NATURE_SERIOUS 12 #define NATURE_JOLLY 13 #define NATURE_NAIVE 14 #define NATURE_MODEST 15 #define NATURE_MILD 16 #define NATURE_QUIET 17 #define NATURE_BASHFUL 18 #define NATURE_RASH 19 #define NATURE_CALM 20 #define NATURE_GENTLE 21 #define NATURE_SASSY 22 #define NATURE_CAREFUL 23 #define NATURE_QUIRKY 24 #define NUM_NATURES 25 // Pokemon Stats #define STAT_HP 0 #define STAT_ATK 1 #define STAT_DEF 2 #define STAT_SPEED 3 #define STAT_SPATK 4 #define STAT_SPDEF 5 #define NUM_STATS 6 #define STAT_ACC 6 // Only in battles. #define STAT_EVASION 7 // Only in battles. #define NUM_NATURE_STATS (NUM_STATS - 1) // excludes HP #define NUM_BATTLE_STATS (NUM_STATS + 2) // includes Accuracy and Evasion #define MIN_STAT_STAGE 0 #define DEFAULT_STAT_STAGE 6 #define MAX_STAT_STAGE 12 // Shiny odds #define SHINY_ODDS 8 // Actual probability is SHINY_ODDS/65536 // Ribbon IDs used by TV and Pokénav #define CHAMPION_RIBBON 0 #define COOL_RIBBON_NORMAL 1 #define COOL_RIBBON_SUPER 2 #define COOL_RIBBON_HYPER 3 #define COOL_RIBBON_MASTER 4 #define BEAUTY_RIBBON_NORMAL 5 #define BEAUTY_RIBBON_SUPER 6 #define BEAUTY_RIBBON_HYPER 7 #define BEAUTY_RIBBON_MASTER 8 #define CUTE_RIBBON_NORMAL 9 #define CUTE_RIBBON_SUPER 10 #define CUTE_RIBBON_HYPER 11 #define CUTE_RIBBON_MASTER 12 #define SMART_RIBBON_NORMAL 13 #define SMART_RIBBON_SUPER 14 #define SMART_RIBBON_HYPER 15 #define SMART_RIBBON_MASTER 16 #define TOUGH_RIBBON_NORMAL 17 #define TOUGH_RIBBON_SUPER 18 #define TOUGH_RIBBON_HYPER 19 #define TOUGH_RIBBON_MASTER 20 #define WINNING_RIBBON 21 #define VICTORY_RIBBON 22 #define ARTIST_RIBBON 23 #define EFFORT_RIBBON 24 #define MARINE_RIBBON 25 #define LAND_RIBBON 26 #define SKY_RIBBON 27 #define COUNTRY_RIBBON 28 #define NATIONAL_RIBBON 29 #define EARTH_RIBBON 30 #define WORLD_RIBBON 31 #define FIRST_GIFT_RIBBON MARINE_RIBBON #define LAST_GIFT_RIBBON WORLD_RIBBON #define NUM_GIFT_RIBBONS (1 + LAST_GIFT_RIBBON - FIRST_GIFT_RIBBON) // The above gift ribbons (Marine - World) are // special distribution ribbons that correspond to // 1 bit each in the Pokémon struct. Gen 4 hard-codes // each of these to the given name. In Gen 3 they're // used to get an index into giftRibbons in the save block, // which can have a value 0-64 (0 is 'no ribbon') that // corresponds to one of the special ribbons listed // in gGiftRibbonDescriptionPointers. Most of these were // never distributed #define MAX_GIFT_RIBBON 64 #define MIN_LEVEL 1 #define MAX_LEVEL 100 #define OT_ID_PLAYER_ID 0 #define OT_ID_PRESET 1 #define OT_ID_RANDOM_NO_SHINY 2 #define MON_GIVEN_TO_PARTY 0 #define MON_GIVEN_TO_PC 1 #define MON_CANT_GIVE 2 #define PLAYER_HAS_TWO_USABLE_MONS 0 #define PLAYER_HAS_ONE_MON 1 #define PLAYER_HAS_ONE_USABLE_MON 2 #define MON_ALREADY_KNOWS_MOVE 0xFFFE #define MON_HAS_MAX_MOVES 0xFFFF #define LEVEL_UP_MOVE_ID 0x01FF #define LEVEL_UP_MOVE_LV 0xFE00 #define LEVEL_UP_END 0xFFFF #define MAX_LEVEL_UP_MOVES 20 #define MON_MALE 0x00 #define MON_FEMALE 0xFE #define MON_GENDERLESS 0xFF // Constants for AdjustFriendship #define FRIENDSHIP_EVENT_GROW_LEVEL 0 #define FRIENDSHIP_EVENT_VITAMIN 1 // unused, handled by PokemonUseItemEffects #define FRIENDSHIP_EVENT_BATTLE_ITEM 2 // unused, handled by PokemonUseItemEffects #define FRIENDSHIP_EVENT_LEAGUE_BATTLE 3 #define FRIENDSHIP_EVENT_LEARN_TMHM 4 #define FRIENDSHIP_EVENT_WALKING 5 #define FRIENDSHIP_EVENT_FAINT_SMALL 6 #define FRIENDSHIP_EVENT_FAINT_FIELD_PSN 7 #define FRIENDSHIP_EVENT_FAINT_LARGE 8 // If opponent was >= 30 levels higher. See AdjustFriendshipOnBattleFaint // Constants for GetLeadMonFriendshipScore #define FRIENDSHIP_NONE 0 #define FRIENDSHIP_1_TO_49 1 #define FRIENDSHIP_50_TO_99 2 #define FRIENDSHIP_100_TO_149 3 #define FRIENDSHIP_150_TO_199 4 #define FRIENDSHIP_200_TO_254 5 #define FRIENDSHIP_MAX 6 // Friendship value that the majority of species use. This was changed in Generation 8 to 50. #define STANDARD_FRIENDSHIP 70 #define MAX_FRIENDSHIP 255 #define MAX_SHEEN 255 #define MAX_CONDITION 255 #define MAX_PER_STAT_IVS 31 #define MAX_IV_MASK 31 #define USE_RANDOM_IVS (MAX_PER_STAT_IVS + 1) #define MAX_PER_STAT_EVS 255 #define MAX_TOTAL_EVS 510 #if I_VITAMIN_EV_CAP >= GEN_8 #define EV_ITEM_RAISE_LIMIT MAX_PER_STAT_EVS #else #define EV_ITEM_RAISE_LIMIT 100 #endif // Battle move flags #define FLAG_MAKES_CONTACT (1 << 0) #define FLAG_PROTECT_AFFECTED (1 << 1) #define FLAG_MAGIC_COAT_AFFECTED (1 << 2) #define FLAG_SNATCH_AFFECTED (1 << 3) #define FLAG_MIRROR_MOVE_AFFECTED (1 << 4) #define FLAG_KINGS_ROCK_AFFECTED (1 << 5) #define FLAG_HIGH_CRIT (1 << 6) #define FLAG_RECKLESS_BOOST (1 << 7) #define FLAG_IRON_FIST_BOOST (1 << 8) #define FLAG_SHEER_FORCE_BOOST (1 << 9) #define FLAG_STRONG_JAW_BOOST (1 << 10) #define FLAG_MEGA_LAUNCHER_BOOST (1 << 11) #define FLAG_STAT_STAGES_IGNORED (1 << 12) #define FLAG_DMG_MINIMIZE (1 << 13) #define FLAG_DMG_UNDERGROUND (1 << 14) #define FLAG_DMG_UNDERWATER (1 << 15) #define FLAG_SOUND (1 << 16) #define FLAG_BALLISTIC (1 << 17) #define FLAG_PROTECTION_MOVE (1 << 18) #define FLAG_POWDER (1 << 19) #define FLAG_TARGET_ABILITY_IGNORED (1 << 20) #define FLAG_DANCE (1 << 21) #define FLAG_DMG_2X_IN_AIR (1 << 22) // If target is in the air, can hit and deal double damage. #define FLAG_DMG_IN_AIR (1 << 23) // If target is in the air, can hit. #define FLAG_DMG_UNGROUNDED_IGNORE_TYPE_IF_FLYING (1 << 24) // Makes a Ground type move do 1x damage to flying and levitating targets #define FLAG_THAW_USER (1 << 25) #define FLAG_HIT_IN_SUBSTITUTE (1 << 26) // Hyperspace Fury #define FLAG_TWO_STRIKES (1 << 27) // A move with this flag will strike twice, and may apply its effect on each hit #define FLAG_WIND_MOVE (1 << 28) #define FLAG_SLICING_MOVE (1 << 29) // Split defines. #define SPLIT_PHYSICAL 0x0 #define SPLIT_SPECIAL 0x1 #define SPLIT_STATUS 0x2 // Growth rates #define GROWTH_MEDIUM_FAST 0 #define GROWTH_ERRATIC 1 #define GROWTH_FLUCTUATING 2 #define GROWTH_MEDIUM_SLOW 3 #define GROWTH_FAST 4 #define GROWTH_SLOW 5 // Body colors for pokedex search #define BODY_COLOR_RED 0 #define BODY_COLOR_BLUE 1 #define BODY_COLOR_YELLOW 2 #define BODY_COLOR_GREEN 3 #define BODY_COLOR_BLACK 4 #define BODY_COLOR_BROWN 5 #define BODY_COLOR_PURPLE 6 #define BODY_COLOR_GRAY 7 #define BODY_COLOR_WHITE 8 #define BODY_COLOR_PINK 9 #define F_SUMMARY_SCREEN_FLIP_SPRITE 0x80 // Evolution types #define EVO_MEGA_EVOLUTION 0xffff // Not an actual evolution, used to temporarily mega evolve in battle. #define EVO_MOVE_MEGA_EVOLUTION 0xfffe // Mega Evolution that checks for a move instead of held item. #define EVO_PRIMAL_REVERSION 0xfffd // Not an actual evolution, used to undergo primal reversion in battle. #define EVO_FRIENDSHIP 1 // Pokémon levels up with friendship ≥ 220 #define EVO_FRIENDSHIP_DAY 2 // Pokémon levels up during the day with friendship ≥ 220 #define EVO_FRIENDSHIP_NIGHT 3 // Pokémon levels up at night with friendship ≥ 220 #define EVO_LEVEL 4 // Pokémon reaches the specified level #define EVO_TRADE 5 // Pokémon is traded #define EVO_TRADE_ITEM 6 // Pokémon is traded while it's holding the specified item #define EVO_ITEM 7 // specified item is used on Pokémon #define EVO_LEVEL_ATK_GT_DEF 8 // Pokémon reaches the specified level with attack > defense #define EVO_LEVEL_ATK_EQ_DEF 9 // Pokémon reaches the specified level with attack = defense #define EVO_LEVEL_ATK_LT_DEF 10 // Pokémon reaches the specified level with attack < defense #define EVO_LEVEL_SILCOON 11 // Pokémon reaches the specified level with a Silcoon personality value #define EVO_LEVEL_CASCOON 12 // Pokémon reaches the specified level with a Cascoon personality value #define EVO_LEVEL_NINJASK 13 // Pokémon reaches the specified level (special value for Ninjask) #define EVO_LEVEL_SHEDINJA 14 // Pokémon reaches the specified level (special value for Shedinja) #define EVO_BEAUTY 15 // Pokémon levels up with beauty ≥ specified value #define EVO_LEVEL_FEMALE 16 // Pokémon reaches the specified level, is female #define EVO_LEVEL_MALE 17 // Pokémon reaches the specified level, is male #define EVO_LEVEL_NIGHT 18 // Pokémon reaches the specified level, is night #define EVO_LEVEL_DAY 19 // Pokémon reaches the specified level, is day #define EVO_LEVEL_DUSK 20 // Pokémon reaches the specified level, is dusk (5-6 P.M) #define EVO_ITEM_HOLD_DAY 21 // Pokémon levels up, holds specified item at day #define EVO_ITEM_HOLD_NIGHT 22 // Pokémon levels up, holds specified item at night #define EVO_MOVE 23 // Pokémon levels up, knows specified move #define EVO_MOVE_TYPE 24 // Pokémon levels up, knows move with specified type #define EVO_MAPSEC 25 // Pokémon levels up on specified mapsec #define EVO_ITEM_MALE 26 // specified item is used on a male Pokémon #define EVO_ITEM_FEMALE 27 // specified item is used on a female Pokémon #define EVO_LEVEL_RAIN 28 // Pokémon reaches the specified level while it's raining #define EVO_SPECIFIC_MON_IN_PARTY 29 // Pokémon levels up with a specified Pokémon in party #define EVO_LEVEL_DARK_TYPE_MON_IN_PARTY 30 // Pokémon reaches the specified level with a Dark Type Pokémon in party #define EVO_TRADE_SPECIFIC_MON 31 // Pokémon is traded for a specified Pokémon #define EVO_SPECIFIC_MAP 32 // Pokémon levels up on specified map #define EVO_LEVEL_NATURE_AMPED 33 // Pokémon reaches the specified level, it has a Hardy, Brave, Adamant, Naughty, Docile, Impish, Lax, Hasty, Jolly, Naive, Rash, Sassy, or Quirky nature. #define EVO_LEVEL_NATURE_LOW_KEY 34 // Pokémon reaches the specified level, it has a Lonely, Bold, Relaxed, Timid, Serious, Modest, Mild, Quiet, Bashful, Calm, Gentle, or Careful nature. #define EVO_CRITICAL_HITS 35 // Pokémon performs specified number of critical hits in one battle #define EVO_SCRIPT_TRIGGER_DMG 36 // Pokémon has specified HP below max, then player interacts trigger #define EVO_DARK_SCROLL 37 // interacts with Scroll of Darkness #define EVO_WATER_SCROLL 38 // interacts with Scroll of Waters #define EVO_ITEM_NIGHT 39 // specified item is used on Pokémon at night #define EVOS_PER_MON 10 // Evolution 'modes,' for GetEvolutionTargetSpecies #define EVO_MODE_NORMAL 0 #define EVO_MODE_TRADE 1 #define EVO_MODE_ITEM_USE 2 #define EVO_MODE_ITEM_CHECK 3 // If an Everstone is being held, still want to show that the stone *could* be used on that Pokémon to evolve #define EVO_MODE_BATTLE_SPECIAL 4 #define EVO_MODE_OVERWORLD_SPECIAL 5 // Form change types #define FORM_CHANGE_END 0 #define FORM_ITEM_HOLD 1 #define FORM_ITEM_USE 2 #define FORM_MOVE 3 #define FORM_WITHDRAW 4 #define FORM_BATTLE_BEGIN 5 #define FORM_BATTLE_END 6 #define MON_PIC_WIDTH 64 #define MON_PIC_HEIGHT 64 #define MON_PIC_SIZE (MON_PIC_WIDTH * MON_PIC_HEIGHT / 2) // Most pokemon have 2 frames (a default and an alternate for their animation). // There are 4 exceptions: // - Castform has 4 frames, 1 for each form // - Deoxys has 2 frames, 1 for each form // - Spinda has 1 frame, presumably to avoid the work of animating its spots // - Unown has 1 frame, presumably to avoid the work of animating all 28 of its forms #define MAX_MON_PIC_FRAMES 4 #define BATTLE_ALIVE_EXCEPT_ACTIVE 0 #define BATTLE_ALIVE_ATK_SIDE 1 #define BATTLE_ALIVE_DEF_SIDE 2 #define BATTLE_ALIVE_EXCEPT_ATTACKER 3 #define SKIP_FRONT_ANIM (1 << 7) #define NUM_ABILITY_SLOTS (NUM_NORMAL_ABILITY_SLOTS + NUM_HIDDEN_ABILITY_SLOTS) #define NUM_NORMAL_ABILITY_SLOTS 2 #define NUM_HIDDEN_ABILITY_SLOTS 1 // Species Flags #define SPECIES_FLAG_LEGENDARY (1 << 0) #define SPECIES_FLAG_MYTHICAL (1 << 1) #define SPECIES_FLAG_MEGA_EVOLUTION (1 << 2) #define SPECIES_FLAG_ULTRA_BEAST (1 << 3) #define SPECIES_FLAG_ALOLAN_FORM (1 << 4) #define SPECIES_FLAG_GALARIAN_FORM (1 << 5) #define SPECIES_FLAG_HISUIAN_FORM (1 << 6) #define SPECIES_FLAG_GENDER_DIFFERENCE (1 << 7) #define SPECIES_FLAG_ALL_PERFECT_IVS (1 << 8) #define SPECIES_FLAG_CANNOT_BE_TRADED (1 << 9) #define LEGENDARY_PERFECT_IV_COUNT 3 #endif // GUARD_CONSTANTS_POKEMON_H