LavaridgeTown_House_MapScripts:: @ 81FF911 .byte 0 LavaridgeTown_House_EventScript_OldMan:: @ 81FF912 msgbox LavaridgeTown_House_Text_WifeWarmingEggInHotSprings, MSGBOX_NPC end LavaridgeTown_House_EventScript_Zigzagoon:: @ 81FF91B lock faceplayer waitse playmoncry SPECIES_ZIGZAGOON, 0 msgbox LavaridgeTown_House_Text_Zigzagoon, MSGBOX_DEFAULT waitmoncry release end LavaridgeTown_House_Text_WifeWarmingEggInHotSprings: @ 81FF92E .string "My wife's warming an EGG in the hot\n" .string "springs. This is what she told me.\p" .string "She left two POKéMON with the DAY CARE.\n" .string "And they discovered that EGG!$" LavaridgeTown_House_Text_Zigzagoon: @ 81FF9BB .string "ZIGZAGOON: Pshoo!$"