#ifndef GUARD_GLOBAL_FIELDMAP_H #define GUARD_GLOBAL_FIELDMAP_H #define METATILE_BEHAVIOR_MASK 0x00FF #define METATILE_COLLISION_MASK 0x0C00 #define METATILE_ID_MASK 0x03FF #define METATILE_ID_UNDEFINED 0x03FF #define METATILE_ELEVATION_SHIFT 12 #define METATILE_COLLISION_SHIFT 10 #define METATILE_ELEVATION_MASK 0xF000 #define METATILE_ID(tileset, name) (METATILE_##tileset##_##name) // Rows of metatiles do not actually have a strict width. // This constant is used for calculations for finding the next row of metatiles // for constructing large tiles, such as the Battle Pike's curtain tile. #define METATILE_ROW_WIDTH 8 enum { CONNECTION_INVALID = -1, CONNECTION_NONE, CONNECTION_SOUTH, CONNECTION_NORTH, CONNECTION_WEST, CONNECTION_EAST, CONNECTION_DIVE, CONNECTION_EMERGE }; typedef void (*TilesetCB)(void); struct Tileset { /*0x00*/ bool8 isCompressed; /*0x01*/ bool8 isSecondary; /*0x04*/ void *tiles; /*0x08*/ void *palettes; /*0x0c*/ u16 *metatiles; /*0x10*/ u16 *metatileAttributes; /*0x14*/ TilesetCB callback; }; struct MapLayout { /*0x00*/ s32 width; /*0x04*/ s32 height; /*0x08*/ u16 *border; /*0x0c*/ u16 *map; /*0x10*/ struct Tileset *primaryTileset; /*0x14*/ struct Tileset *secondaryTileset; }; struct BackupMapLayout { s32 width; s32 height; u16 *map; }; struct ObjectEventTemplate { /*0x00*/ u8 localId; /*0x01*/ u8 graphicsId; /*0x02*/ u8 inConnection; // Leftover from FRLG /*0x04*/ s16 x; /*0x06*/ s16 y; /*0x08*/ u8 elevation; /*0x09*/ u8 movementType; /*0x0A*/ u16 movementRangeX:4; u16 movementRangeY:4; /*0x0C*/ u16 trainerType; /*0x0E*/ u16 trainerRange_berryTreeId; /*0x10*/ const u8 *script; /*0x14*/ u16 flagId; }; struct WarpEvent { s16 x, y; u8 elevation; u8 warpId; u8 mapNum; u8 mapGroup; }; struct CoordEvent { s16 x, y; u8 elevation; u16 trigger; u16 index; u8 *script; }; struct BgEvent { u16 x, y; u8 elevation; u8 kind; // The "kind" field determines how to access bgUnion union below. union { u8 *script; struct { u16 item; u16 hiddenItemId; } hiddenItem; u32 secretBaseId; } bgUnion; }; struct MapEvents { u8 objectEventCount; u8 warpCount; u8 coordEventCount; u8 bgEventCount; struct ObjectEventTemplate *objectEvents; struct WarpEvent *warps; struct CoordEvent *coordEvents; struct BgEvent *bgEvents; }; struct MapConnection { u8 direction; u32 offset; u8 mapGroup; u8 mapNum; }; struct MapConnections { s32 count; struct MapConnection *connections; }; struct MapHeader { /* 0x00 */ const struct MapLayout *mapLayout; /* 0x04 */ const struct MapEvents *events; /* 0x08 */ const u8 *mapScripts; /* 0x0C */ const struct MapConnections *connections; /* 0x10 */ u16 music; /* 0x12 */ u16 mapLayoutId; /* 0x14 */ u8 regionMapSectionId; /* 0x15 */ u8 cave; /* 0x16 */ u8 weather; /* 0x17 */ u8 mapType; /* 0x18 */ u8 filler_18[2]; // fields correspond to the arguments in the map_header_flags macro /* 0x1A */ bool8 allowCycling:1; bool8 allowEscaping:1; // Escape Rope and Dig bool8 allowRunning:1; bool8 showMapName:5; // the last 4 bits are unused // but the 5 bit sized bitfield is required to match /* 0x1B */ u8 battleType; }; struct ObjectEvent { /*0x00*/ u32 active:1; u32 singleMovementActive:1; u32 triggerGroundEffectsOnMove:1; u32 triggerGroundEffectsOnStop:1; u32 disableCoveringGroundEffects:1; u32 landingJump:1; u32 heldMovementActive:1; u32 heldMovementFinished:1; /*0x01*/ u32 frozen:1; u32 facingDirectionLocked:1; u32 disableAnim:1; u32 enableAnim:1; u32 inanimate:1; u32 invisible:1; u32 offScreen:1; u32 trackedByCamera:1; /*0x02*/ u32 isPlayer:1; u32 hasReflection:1; u32 inShortGrass:1; u32 inShallowFlowingWater:1; u32 inSandPile:1; u32 inHotSprings:1; u32 hasShadow:1; u32 spriteAnimPausedBackup:1; /*0x03*/ u32 spriteAffineAnimPausedBackup:1; u32 disableJumpLandingGroundEffect:1; u32 fixedPriority:1; u32 hideReflection:1; /*0x04*/ u8 spriteId; /*0x05*/ u8 graphicsId; /*0x06*/ u8 movementType; /*0x07*/ u8 trainerType; /*0x08*/ u8 localId; /*0x09*/ u8 mapNum; /*0x0A*/ u8 mapGroup; /*0x0B*/ u8 currentElevation:4; u8 previousElevation:4; /*0x0C*/ struct Coords16 initialCoords; /*0x10*/ struct Coords16 currentCoords; /*0x14*/ struct Coords16 previousCoords; /*0x18*/ u16 facingDirection:4; // current direction? u16 movementDirection:4; u16 rangeX:4; u16 rangeY:4; /*0x1A*/ u8 fieldEffectSpriteId; /*0x1B*/ u8 warpArrowSpriteId; /*0x1C*/ u8 movementActionId; /*0x1D*/ u8 trainerRange_berryTreeId; /*0x1E*/ u8 currentMetatileBehavior; /*0x1F*/ u8 previousMetatileBehavior; /*0x20*/ u8 previousMovementDirection:4; u8 directionOverwrite:4; /*0x21*/ u8 directionSequenceIndex; /*0x22*/ u8 playerCopyableMovement; // COPY_MOVE_* /*size = 0x24*/ }; struct ObjectEventGraphicsInfo { /*0x00*/ u16 tileTag; /*0x02*/ u16 paletteTag; /*0x04*/ u16 reflectionPaletteTag; /*0x06*/ u16 size; /*0x08*/ s16 width; /*0x0A*/ s16 height; /*0x0C*/ u8 paletteSlot:4; u8 shadowSize:2; u8 inanimate:1; u8 disableReflectionPaletteLoad:1; /*0x0D*/ u8 tracks; /*0x10*/ const struct OamData *oam; /*0x14*/ const struct SubspriteTable *subspriteTables; /*0x18*/ const union AnimCmd *const *anims; /*0x1C*/ const struct SpriteFrameImage *images; /*0x20*/ const union AffineAnimCmd *const *affineAnims; }; enum { PLAYER_AVATAR_STATE_NORMAL, PLAYER_AVATAR_STATE_MACH_BIKE, PLAYER_AVATAR_STATE_ACRO_BIKE, PLAYER_AVATAR_STATE_SURFING, PLAYER_AVATAR_STATE_UNDERWATER, PLAYER_AVATAR_STATE_FIELD_MOVE, PLAYER_AVATAR_STATE_FISHING, PLAYER_AVATAR_STATE_WATERING, }; #define PLAYER_AVATAR_FLAG_ON_FOOT (1 << 0) #define PLAYER_AVATAR_FLAG_MACH_BIKE (1 << 1) #define PLAYER_AVATAR_FLAG_ACRO_BIKE (1 << 2) #define PLAYER_AVATAR_FLAG_SURFING (1 << 3) #define PLAYER_AVATAR_FLAG_UNDERWATER (1 << 4) #define PLAYER_AVATAR_FLAG_CONTROLLABLE (1 << 5) #define PLAYER_AVATAR_FLAG_FORCED_MOVE (1 << 6) #define PLAYER_AVATAR_FLAG_DASH (1 << 7) enum { ACRO_BIKE_NORMAL, ACRO_BIKE_TURNING, ACRO_BIKE_WHEELIE_STANDING, ACRO_BIKE_BUNNY_HOP, ACRO_BIKE_WHEELIE_MOVING, ACRO_BIKE_STATE5, ACRO_BIKE_STATE6, }; enum { COLLISION_NONE, COLLISION_OUTSIDE_RANGE, COLLISION_IMPASSABLE, COLLISION_ELEVATION_MISMATCH, COLLISION_OBJECT_EVENT, COLLISION_STOP_SURFING, COLLISION_LEDGE_JUMP, COLLISION_PUSHED_BOULDER, COLLISION_ROTATING_GATE, COLLISION_WHEELIE_HOP, COLLISION_ISOLATED_VERTICAL_RAIL, COLLISION_ISOLATED_HORIZONTAL_RAIL, COLLISION_VERTICAL_RAIL, COLLISION_HORIZONTAL_RAIL, //sideways_stairs COLLISION_SIDEWAYS_STAIRS_TO_RIGHT, COLLISION_SIDEWAYS_STAIRS_TO_LEFT }; // player running states enum { NOT_MOVING, TURN_DIRECTION, // not the same as turning! turns your avatar without moving. also known as a turn frame in some circles MOVING, }; // player tile transition states enum { T_NOT_MOVING, T_TILE_TRANSITION, T_TILE_CENTER, // player is on a frame in which they are centered on a tile during which the player either stops or keeps their momentum and keeps going, changing direction if necessary. }; struct PlayerAvatar { /*0x00*/ u8 flags; /*0x01*/ u8 transitionFlags; // used to be named bike, but its definitely not that. seems to be some transition flags /*0x02*/ u8 runningState; // this is a static running state. 00 is not moving, 01 is turn direction, 02 is moving. /*0x03*/ u8 tileTransitionState; // this is a transition running state: 00 is not moving, 01 is transition between tiles, 02 means you are on the frame in which you have centered on a tile but are about to keep moving, even if changing directions. 2 is also used for a ledge hop, since you are transitioning. /*0x04*/ u8 spriteId; /*0x05*/ u8 objectEventId; /*0x06*/ bool8 preventStep; /*0x07*/ u8 gender; /*0x08*/ u8 acroBikeState; // 00 is normal, 01 is turning, 02 is standing wheelie, 03 is hopping wheelie /*0x09*/ u8 newDirBackup; // during bike movement, the new direction as opposed to player's direction is backed up here. /*0x0A*/ u8 bikeFrameCounter; // on the mach bike, when this value is 1, the bike is moving but not accelerating yet for 1 tile. on the acro bike, this acts as a timer for acro bike. /*0x0B*/ u8 bikeSpeed; // acro bike only /*0x0C*/ u32 directionHistory; // up/down/left/right history is stored in each nybble, but using the field directions and not the io inputs. /*0x10*/ u32 abStartSelectHistory; // same as above but for A + B + start + select only // these two are timer history arrays which [0] is the active timer for acro bike. every element is backed up to the next element upon update. /*0x14*/ u8 dirTimerHistory[8]; /*0x1C*/ u8 abStartSelectTimerHistory[8]; }; struct Camera { bool8 active:1; s32 x; s32 y; }; extern struct ObjectEvent gObjectEvents[OBJECT_EVENTS_COUNT]; extern u8 gSelectedObjectEvent; extern struct MapHeader gMapHeader; extern struct PlayerAvatar gPlayerAvatar; extern struct Camera gCamera; #endif // GUARD_GLOBAL_FIELDMAP_H