FortreeCity_PokemonCenter_1F_MapScripts:: @ 82173D8 map_script MAP_SCRIPT_ON_TRANSITION, FortreeCity_PokemonCenter_1F_OnTransition map_script MAP_SCRIPT_ON_RESUME, FortreeCity_PokemonCenter_1F_MapScript1_277C30 .byte 0 FortreeCity_PokemonCenter_1F_OnTransition: @ 82173E3 setrespawn HEAL_LOCATION_FORTREE_CITY end FortreeCity_PokemonCenter_1F_EventScript_2173E7:: @ 82173E7 setvar VAR_0x800B, 1 call Common_EventScript_PkmnCenterNurse waitmessage waitbuttonpress release end FortreeCity_PokemonCenter_1F_EventScript_2173F5:: @ 82173F5 msgbox FortreeCity_PokemonCenter_1F_Text_217410, MSGBOX_NPC end FortreeCity_PokemonCenter_1F_EventScript_2173FE:: @ 82173FE msgbox FortreeCity_PokemonCenter_1F_Text_21746D, MSGBOX_NPC end FortreeCity_PokemonCenter_1F_EventScript_217407:: @ 8217407 msgbox FortreeCity_PokemonCenter_1F_Text_21751F, MSGBOX_NPC end FortreeCity_PokemonCenter_1F_Text_217410: @ 8217410 .string "Listen, kid, are you working\n" .string "on a POKéDEX?\p" .string "Hmm… Go to the SAFARI ZONE.\n" .string "That's my suggestion.$" FortreeCity_PokemonCenter_1F_Text_21746D: @ 821746D .string "Have you done anything at\n" .string "the RECORD CORNER?\p" .string "It's pretty neat. It mixes and matches\n" .string "the records of TRAINERS.\p" .string "I don't know quite how it works,\n" .string "but it's cool. It's exciting, even!$" FortreeCity_PokemonCenter_1F_Text_21751F: @ 821751F .string "Oh, wow, you have a POKéNAV!\n" .string "And it's just like mine!\p" .string "Do you know about POKéNAV's\n" .string "MATCH CALL system?\p" .string "Access it, and you can chat with\n" .string "registered TRAINERS anytime.\p" .string "It also shows you which TRAINERS\n" .string "want a rematch with you.\p" .string "It's really nifty! Those DEVON guys\n" .string "sure know what they're doing!$"