BattleFrontier_BattleArenaLobby_MapScripts:: @ 8255C36 map_script 2, BattleFrontier_BattleArenaLobby_MapScript2_255C55 map_script 4, BattleFrontier_BattleArenaLobby_MapScript2_255C41 .byte 0 BattleFrontier_BattleArenaLobby_MapScript2_255C41: @ 8255C41 map_script_2 VAR_0x4001, 0, BattleFrontier_BattleArenaLobby_EventScript_255C4B .2byte 0 BattleFrontier_BattleArenaLobby_EventScript_255C4B:: @ 8255C4B setvar VAR_0x4001, 1 turnobject 255, 2 end BattleFrontier_BattleArenaLobby_MapScript2_255C55: @ 8255C55 map_script_2 VAR_0x4000, 0, BattleFrontier_BattleArenaLobby_EventScript_255C7F map_script_2 VAR_0x4000, 1, BattleFrontier_BattleArenaLobby_EventScript_255C88 map_script_2 VAR_0x4000, 2, BattleFrontier_BattleArenaLobby_EventScript_255DC0 map_script_2 VAR_0x4000, 3, BattleFrontier_BattleArenaLobby_EventScript_255CCF map_script_2 VAR_0x4000, 4, BattleFrontier_BattleArenaLobby_EventScript_255D2B .2byte 0 BattleFrontier_BattleArenaLobby_EventScript_255C7F:: @ 8255C7F setvar VAR_0x8004, 0 special sub_81A1780 end BattleFrontier_BattleArenaLobby_EventScript_255C88:: @ 8255C88 lockall msgbox BattleFrontier_BattleArenaLobby_Text_256811, 4 closemessage setvar VAR_0x8004, 2 setvar VAR_0x8005, 1 setvar VAR_0x8006, 0 special sub_81A5238 setvar VAR_0x8004, 2 setvar VAR_0x8005, 2 setvar VAR_0x8006, 0 special sub_81A5238 setvar VAR_0x8004, 2 setvar VAR_0x8005, 0 setvar VAR_0x8006, 0 special sub_81A1780 setvar VAR_0x4000, 255 releaseall end BattleFrontier_BattleArenaLobby_EventScript_255CCF:: @ 8255CCF lockall setvar VAR_0x8004, 10 special sub_81A1780 compare VAR_RESULT, 1 goto_eq BattleFrontier_BattleArenaLobby_EventScript_255CF0 msgbox BattleFrontier_BattleArenaLobby_Text_2568E7, 4 goto BattleFrontier_BattleArenaLobby_EventScript_255CF8 BattleFrontier_BattleArenaLobby_EventScript_255CF0:: @ 8255CF0 msgbox BattleFrontier_BattleArenaLobby_Text_2572D9, 4 BattleFrontier_BattleArenaLobby_EventScript_255CF8:: @ 8255CF8 msgbox BattleFrontier_BattleArenaLobby_Text_257353, 4 setvar VAR_0x8004, 11 special sub_81A1780 msgbox BattleFrontier_BattleArenaLobby_Text_241520, 9 message BattleFrontier_BattleArenaLobby_Text_256931 waitmessage call BattleFrontier_BattleArenaLobby_EventScript_255D59 msgbox BattleFrontier_BattleArenaLobby_Text_256A74, 4 closemessage setvar VAR_0x4000, 255 releaseall end BattleFrontier_BattleArenaLobby_EventScript_255D2B:: @ 8255D2B lockall message BattleFrontier_BattleArenaLobby_Text_256A2C waitmessage setvar VAR_0x8004, 2 setvar VAR_0x8005, 2 setvar VAR_0x8006, 0 special sub_81A5238 call BattleFrontier_BattleArenaLobby_EventScript_255D59 msgbox BattleFrontier_BattleArenaLobby_Text_256A74, 4 closemessage setvar VAR_0x4000, 255 releaseall end BattleFrontier_BattleArenaLobby_EventScript_255D59:: @ 8255D59 setvar VAR_0x8004, 8 special sub_81A1780 special LoadPlayerParty special HealPlayerParty setvar VAR_0x8004, 3 setvar VAR_0x8005, 0 special sub_81A5238 playse SE_SAVE waitse call BattleFrontier_BattleArenaLobby_EventScript_23E8E0 compare VAR_RESULT, 1 goto_eq BattleFrontier_BattleArenaLobby_EventScript_255DBF message BattleFrontier_BattleArenaLobby_Text_256B19 waitmessage multichoicedefault 20, 8, 94, 1, 0 switch VAR_RESULT case 1, BattleFrontier_BattleArenaLobby_EventScript_255DBF case 0, BattleFrontier_BattleArenaLobby_EventScript_255DBA case 127, BattleFrontier_BattleArenaLobby_EventScript_255DBF BattleFrontier_BattleArenaLobby_EventScript_255DBA:: @ 8255DBA call BattleFrontier_BattleArenaLobby_EventScript_23E8B4 BattleFrontier_BattleArenaLobby_EventScript_255DBF:: @ 8255DBF return BattleFrontier_BattleArenaLobby_EventScript_255DC0:: @ 8255DC0 lockall message BattleFrontier_BattleArenaLobby_Text_256AA1 waitmessage setvar VAR_0x8004, 3 setvar VAR_0x8005, 1 special sub_81A5238 playse SE_SAVE waitse setvar VAR_0x8004, 2 setvar VAR_0x8005, 3 setvar VAR_0x8006, 0 special sub_81A1780 setvar VAR_0x4000, 255 goto BattleFrontier_BattleArenaLobby_EventScript_255F54 BattleFrontier_BattleArenaLobby_EventScript_255DF4:: @ 8255DF4 lock faceplayer setvar VAR_FRONTIER_FACILITY, 3 setvar VAR_0x40CE, 0 special SavePlayerParty msgbox BattleFrontier_BattleArenaLobby_Text_256166, 4 BattleFrontier_BattleArenaLobby_EventScript_255E0B:: @ 8255E0B message BattleFrontier_BattleArenaLobby_Text_2561EA waitmessage multichoice 17, 6, 23, 0 switch VAR_RESULT case 0, BattleFrontier_BattleArenaLobby_EventScript_255E47 case 1, BattleFrontier_BattleArenaLobby_EventScript_255F9F case 2, BattleFrontier_BattleArenaLobby_EventScript_255FFB case 127, BattleFrontier_BattleArenaLobby_EventScript_255FFB BattleFrontier_BattleArenaLobby_EventScript_255E47:: @ 8255E47 message BattleFrontier_BattleArenaLobby_Text_256513 waitmessage multichoice 17, 6, 24, 0 switch VAR_RESULT case 2, BattleFrontier_BattleArenaLobby_EventScript_255FFB case 127, BattleFrontier_BattleArenaLobby_EventScript_255FFB setvar VAR_0x8004, 15 special sub_81A1780 compare VAR_0x8004, 1 goto_eq BattleFrontier_BattleArenaLobby_EventScript_255FAC setvar VAR_0x8004, 2 setvar VAR_0x8005, 1 copyvar VAR_0x8006, VAR_RESULT special sub_81A1780 msgbox BattleFrontier_BattleArenaLobby_Text_256573, 4 fadescreen 1 call BattleFrontier_BattleArenaLobby_EventScript_23F2B7 copyvar VAR_0x8004, VAR_RESULT setvar VAR_0x8005, 3 special sub_80F9490 waitstate compare VAR_RESULT, 0 goto_eq BattleFrontier_BattleArenaLobby_EventScript_255FF8 msgbox BattleFrontier_BattleArenaLobby_Text_2564CE, 5 switch VAR_RESULT case 0, BattleFrontier_BattleArenaLobby_EventScript_255FF8 case 1, BattleFrontier_BattleArenaLobby_EventScript_255EE8 case 127, BattleFrontier_BattleArenaLobby_EventScript_255FF8 BattleFrontier_BattleArenaLobby_EventScript_255EE8:: @ 8255EE8 setvar VAR_0x4000, 0 setvar VAR_0x8004, 2 setvar VAR_0x8005, 4 special sub_81A1780 setvar VAR_0x8004, 0 special sub_81A5238 setvar VAR_0x8004, 2 setvar VAR_0x8005, 2 setvar VAR_0x8006, 1 special sub_81A5238 setvar VAR_0x8004, 2 setvar VAR_0x8005, 0 setvar VAR_0x8006, 1 special sub_81A1780 setvar VAR_0x8004, 2 setvar VAR_0x8005, 3 setvar VAR_0x8006, 0 special sub_81A1780 special LoadPlayerParty closemessage delay 2 call BattleFrontier_BattleArenaLobby_EventScript_27134F setvar VAR_0x4000, 255 compare VAR_RESULT, 0 goto_eq BattleFrontier_BattleArenaLobby_EventScript_255FE1 BattleFrontier_BattleArenaLobby_EventScript_255F54:: @ 8255F54 special SavePlayerParty setvar VAR_0x8004, 3 setvar VAR_0x8005, 3 special sub_81A1780 msgbox BattleFrontier_BattleArenaLobby_Text_2567E6, 4 closemessage setvar VAR_0x8004, 1 setvar VAR_0x8005, 1 special sub_81A1780 compare VAR_RESULT, 0 call_if 1, BattleFrontier_BattleArenaLobby_EventScript_256005 compare VAR_RESULT, 1 call_if 1, BattleFrontier_BattleArenaLobby_EventScript_256050 warp BATTLE_FRONTIER_BATTLE_ARENA_CORRIDOR, 255, 9, 13 setvar VAR_0x4000, 0 waitstate end BattleFrontier_BattleArenaLobby_EventScript_255F9F:: @ 8255F9F msgbox BattleFrontier_BattleArenaLobby_Text_25624C, 4 goto BattleFrontier_BattleArenaLobby_EventScript_255E0B BattleFrontier_BattleArenaLobby_EventScript_255FAC:: @ 8255FAC switch VAR_RESULT case 0, BattleFrontier_BattleArenaLobby_EventScript_255FC7 case 1, BattleFrontier_BattleArenaLobby_EventScript_255FD4 BattleFrontier_BattleArenaLobby_EventScript_255FC7:: @ 8255FC7 msgbox BattleFrontier_BattleArenaLobby_Text_2566A8, 4 goto BattleFrontier_BattleArenaLobby_EventScript_256003 BattleFrontier_BattleArenaLobby_EventScript_255FD4:: @ 8255FD4 msgbox BattleFrontier_BattleArenaLobby_Text_2565A5, 4 goto BattleFrontier_BattleArenaLobby_EventScript_256003 BattleFrontier_BattleArenaLobby_EventScript_255FE1:: @ 8255FE1 setvar VAR_0x8004, 2 setvar VAR_0x8005, 0 setvar VAR_0x8006, 0 special sub_81A1780 goto BattleFrontier_BattleArenaLobby_EventScript_255FFB BattleFrontier_BattleArenaLobby_EventScript_255FF8:: @ 8255FF8 special LoadPlayerParty BattleFrontier_BattleArenaLobby_EventScript_255FFB:: @ 8255FFB msgbox BattleFrontier_BattleArenaLobby_Text_25621F, 4 BattleFrontier_BattleArenaLobby_EventScript_256003:: @ 8256003 release end BattleFrontier_BattleArenaLobby_EventScript_256005:: @ 8256005 applymovement 1, BattleFrontier_BattleArenaLobby_Movement_256034 applymovement 255, BattleFrontier_BattleArenaLobby_Movement_256041 waitmovement 0 opendoor 2, 2 waitdooranim applymovement 1, BattleFrontier_BattleArenaLobby_Movement_25603E applymovement 255, BattleFrontier_BattleArenaLobby_Movement_25604C waitmovement 0 closedoor 2, 2 waitdooranim return BattleFrontier_BattleArenaLobby_Movement_256034: @ 8256034 step_up step_up step_up step_left step_left step_left step_left step_left step_up step_end BattleFrontier_BattleArenaLobby_Movement_25603E: @ 825603E step_up step_54 step_end BattleFrontier_BattleArenaLobby_Movement_256041: @ 8256041 step_up step_up step_up step_up step_left step_left step_left step_left step_left step_26 step_end BattleFrontier_BattleArenaLobby_Movement_25604C: @ 825604C step_up step_up step_54 step_end BattleFrontier_BattleArenaLobby_EventScript_256050:: @ 8256050 applymovement 1, BattleFrontier_BattleArenaLobby_Movement_25607F applymovement 255, BattleFrontier_BattleArenaLobby_Movement_256088 waitmovement 0 opendoor 11, 2 waitdooranim applymovement 1, BattleFrontier_BattleArenaLobby_Movement_25603E applymovement 255, BattleFrontier_BattleArenaLobby_Movement_25604C waitmovement 0 closedoor 11, 2 waitdooranim return BattleFrontier_BattleArenaLobby_Movement_25607F: @ 825607F step_up step_up step_up step_right step_right step_right step_right step_up step_end BattleFrontier_BattleArenaLobby_Movement_256088: @ 8256088 step_up step_up step_up step_up step_right step_right step_right step_right step_26 step_end BattleFrontier_BattleArenaLobby_EventScript_256092:: @ 8256092 lockall setvar VAR_0x8004, 7 setvar VAR_0x8005, 3 special sub_81A1780 waitbuttonpress special RemoveRecordsWindow releaseall end BattleFrontier_BattleArenaLobby_EventScript_2560A6:: @ 82560A6 msgbox BattleFrontier_BattleArenaLobby_Text_256B5C, 2 end BattleFrontier_BattleArenaLobby_EventScript_2560AF:: @ 82560AF msgbox BattleFrontier_BattleArenaLobby_Text_256BCB, 2 end BattleFrontier_BattleArenaLobby_EventScript_2560B8:: @ 82560B8 msgbox BattleFrontier_BattleArenaLobby_Text_256C19, 2 end BattleFrontier_BattleArenaLobby_EventScript_2560C1:: @ 82560C1 msgbox BattleFrontier_BattleArenaLobby_Text_256C9A, 2 end BattleFrontier_BattleArenaLobby_EventScript_2560CA:: @ 82560CA lockall msgbox BattleFrontier_BattleArenaLobby_Text_256DB8, 4 goto BattleFrontier_BattleArenaLobby_EventScript_2560D9 end BattleFrontier_BattleArenaLobby_EventScript_2560D9:: @ 82560D9 message BattleFrontier_BattleArenaLobby_Text_256DDF waitmessage multichoice 17, 2, 96, 0 switch VAR_RESULT case 0, BattleFrontier_BattleArenaLobby_EventScript_25612C case 1, BattleFrontier_BattleArenaLobby_EventScript_25613A case 2, BattleFrontier_BattleArenaLobby_EventScript_256148 case 3, BattleFrontier_BattleArenaLobby_EventScript_256156 case 4, BattleFrontier_BattleArenaLobby_EventScript_256164 case 127, BattleFrontier_BattleArenaLobby_EventScript_256164 end BattleFrontier_BattleArenaLobby_EventScript_25612C:: @ 825612C msgbox BattleFrontier_BattleArenaLobby_Text_256E02, 4 goto BattleFrontier_BattleArenaLobby_EventScript_2560D9 end BattleFrontier_BattleArenaLobby_EventScript_25613A:: @ 825613A msgbox BattleFrontier_BattleArenaLobby_Text_256F43, 4 goto BattleFrontier_BattleArenaLobby_EventScript_2560D9 end BattleFrontier_BattleArenaLobby_EventScript_256148:: @ 8256148 msgbox BattleFrontier_BattleArenaLobby_Text_256FF2, 4 goto BattleFrontier_BattleArenaLobby_EventScript_2560D9 end BattleFrontier_BattleArenaLobby_EventScript_256156:: @ 8256156 msgbox BattleFrontier_BattleArenaLobby_Text_257202, 4 goto BattleFrontier_BattleArenaLobby_EventScript_2560D9 end BattleFrontier_BattleArenaLobby_EventScript_256164:: @ 8256164 releaseall end BattleFrontier_BattleArenaLobby_Text_256166: @ 8256166 .string "Where the battling spirit of TRAINERS\n" .string "is put to the test!\p" .string "I welcome you to the BATTLE ARENA!\p" .string "I am your guide to the Set KO Tourney!$" BattleFrontier_BattleArenaLobby_Text_2561EA: @ 82561EA .string "Now, do you wish to take\n" .string "the BATTLE ARENA challenge?$" BattleFrontier_BattleArenaLobby_Text_25621F: @ 825621F .string "We await your challenge on\n" .string "another occasion!$" BattleFrontier_BattleArenaLobby_Text_25624C: @ 825624C .string "In the BATTLE ARENA, we undertake\n" .string "the Set KO Tourney.\p" .string "All participants enter with a team of\n" .string "three POKéMON.\p" .string "The three POKéMON must be lined up in\n" .string "the order in which they are to appear.\p" .string "During battle, the POKéMON will appear\n" .string "one at a time in the preset order.\p" .string "Once a POKéMON enters battle, it must\n" .string "remain out until the match is decided.\p" .string "If a match remains undecided in\n" .string "three turns, it goes to judging.\p" .string "If you wish to interrupt your challenge,\n" .string "please save the game.\p" .string "If you don’t save, you will not be able\n" .string "to continue with your challenge.\p" .string "If you pull off the feat of beating\n" .string "seven TRAINERS in succession,\l" .string "we will present you with Battle Points.$" BattleFrontier_BattleArenaLobby_Text_2564CE: @ 82564CE .string "Before showing you to the BATTLE\n" .string "ARENA, you must save. Is that okay?$" BattleFrontier_BattleArenaLobby_Text_256513: @ 8256513 .string "The BATTLE ARENA offers two levels\n" .string "of challenge, Level 50 and Open Level.\l" .string "Which is your choice?$" BattleFrontier_BattleArenaLobby_Text_256573: @ 8256573 .string "Very well, now select your\n" .string "three POKéMON, please.$" BattleFrontier_BattleArenaLobby_Text_2565A5: @ 82565A5 .string "My dear challenger!\p" .string "You do not have the three POKéMON\n" .string "required for entry.\p" .string "To qualify, you must bring three\n" .string "different kinds of POKéMON.\p" .string "They also must not hold the same\n" .string "kinds of items.\p" .string "EGGS{STR_VAR_1} ineligible.\p" .string "When you have made your preparations,\n" .string "please do return.$" BattleFrontier_BattleArenaLobby_Text_2566A8: @ 82566A8 .string "My dear challenger!\p" .string "You do not have the three POKéMON\n" .string "required for entry.\p" .string "To qualify, you must bring three\n" .string "different kinds of POKéMON.\p" .string "The three different POKéMON\n" .string "must all be Level 50 or lower.\p" .string "They also must not hold the same\n" .string "kinds of items.\p" .string "EGGS{STR_VAR_1} ineligible.\p" .string "When you have made your preparations,\n" .string "please do return.$" BattleFrontier_BattleArenaLobby_Text_2567E6: @ 82567E6 .string "I shall now guide you to\n" .string "the BATTLE ARENA.$" BattleFrontier_BattleArenaLobby_Text_256811: @ 8256811 .string "My dear challenger!\p" .string "You did not save the game before\n" .string "shutting down, did you?\p" .string "It is unfortunate, but that has\n" .string "resulted in your disqualification\l" .string "from your challenge.\p" .string "You may, of course, start with a fresh\n" .string "challenge.$" BattleFrontier_BattleArenaLobby_Text_2568E7: @ 82568E7 .string "We congratulate you for your splendid\n" .string "string of wins over seven TRAINERS!$" BattleFrontier_BattleArenaLobby_Text_256931: @ 8256931 .string "Your achievement will be recorded.\n" .string "Please wait while I save the game.$" BattleFrontier_BattleArenaLobby_Text_256977: @ 8256977 .string "In commemoration of your 7-win streak,\n" .string "we present you with this prize.$" BattleFrontier_BattleArenaLobby_Text_2569BE: @ 82569BE .string "{PLAYER} received the prize\n" .string "{STR_VAR_1}.$" BattleFrontier_BattleArenaLobby_Text_2569D8: @ 82569D8 .string "Oh?\n" .string "Your BAG seems to be full.\p" .string "I urge you to clear space and\n" .string "return for your prize.$" BattleFrontier_BattleArenaLobby_Text_256A2C: @ 8256A2C .string "Thank you so much for participating!\p" .string "Please wait while I save the game.$" BattleFrontier_BattleArenaLobby_Text_256A74: @ 8256A74 .string "We await your challenge on\n" .string "another occasion!$" BattleFrontier_BattleArenaLobby_Text_256AA1: @ 8256AA1 .string "We have been looking forward to\n" .string "your arrival.\p" .string "Before I show you to the BATTLE\n" .string "ARENA, I must save the game.\l" .string "Please wait.$" BattleFrontier_BattleArenaLobby_Text_256B19: @ 8256B19 .string "Shall I record your last BATTLE ARENA\n" .string "match on your FRONTIER PASS?$" BattleFrontier_BattleArenaLobby_Text_256B5C: @ 8256B5C .string "I lost on the REFEREE’s decision…\p" .string "I don’t think it was a good idea to only\n" .string "use defensive moves and not attack…$" BattleFrontier_BattleArenaLobby_Text_256BCB: @ 8256BCB .string "I won in judging!\p" .string "Landing hits consistently on\n" .string "the opponent’s POKéMON worked!$" BattleFrontier_BattleArenaLobby_Text_256C19: @ 8256C19 .string "Our match was declared a draw.\p" .string "When we ran out of time, both my\n" .string "POKéMON and the opponent’s had about\l" .string "the same amount of HP left.$" BattleFrontier_BattleArenaLobby_Text_256C9A: @ 8256C9A .string "In the BATTLE ARENA, the order of\n" .string "POKéMON is totally important.\p" .string "For example, if your first POKéMON\n" .string "has certain type disadvantages,\l" .string "try making your second POKéMON one\l" .string "with moves that are super effective\l" .string "against the first one.\p" .string "I think that will be a good way of\n" .string "making an effective team.$" BattleFrontier_BattleArenaLobby_Text_256DB8: @ 8256DB8 FallarborTown_BattleTentLobby_Text_256DB8: @ 8256DB8 .string "The Set KO Tourney’s rules are listed.$" BattleFrontier_BattleArenaLobby_Text_256DDF: @ 8256DDF FallarborTown_BattleTentLobby_Text_256DDF: @ 8256DDF .string "Which heading do you want to read?$" BattleFrontier_BattleArenaLobby_Text_256E02: @ 8256E02 FallarborTown_BattleTentLobby_Text_256E02: @ 8256E02 .string "The Set KO Tourney has special rules,\n" .string "unlike standard battles.\p" .string "First, one battle lasts only\n" .string "three turns.\p" .string "If the outcome is not decided after\n" .string "three turns, it goes to judging.\p" .string "The REFEREE will choose the winner\n" .string "based on how the POKéMON battled.\p" .string "Also, a POKéMON cannot be switched out\n" .string "until its battle’s outcome is decided.$" BattleFrontier_BattleArenaLobby_Text_256F43: @ 8256F43 FallarborTown_BattleTentLobby_Text_256F43: @ 8256F43 .string "The first judging factor is “Mind.”\n" .string "This factor evaluates how aggressive\l" .string "the battlers were.\p" .string "The judging is based on how often\n" .string "the TRAINERS ordered the use of\l" .string "offensive moves.$" BattleFrontier_BattleArenaLobby_Text_256FF2: @ 8256FF2 FallarborTown_BattleTentLobby_Text_256FF2: @ 8256FF2 .string "The second judging factor is “Skill.”\n" .string "This factor evaluates how effectively\l" .string "POKéMON moves were used.\p" .string "If a move worked successfully,\n" .string "the Skill rating goes up.\p" .string "If a move failed, the Skill rating\n" .string "is lowered.\p" .string "If it was an offensive move, the Skill\n" .string "rating goes up if the move was “super\l" .string "effective” and goes down if it was\l" .string "“not very effective.”\p" .string "The Skill rating will not go up for\n" .string "moves such as PROTECT and DETECT.\p" .string "If the opponent used PROTECT or\n" .string "DETECT, and your POKéMON failed to\l" .string "hit with a move, its Skill rating will not\l" .string "go down.$" BattleFrontier_BattleArenaLobby_Text_257202: @ 8257202 FallarborTown_BattleTentLobby_Text_257202: @ 8257202 .string "The third judging factor is “Body.”\n" .string "This factor is based on how much HP\l" .string "remained at the end of a battle.\p" .string "The rating takes into account how much\n" .string "HP a POKéMON had at the start of\l" .string "battle, and what remained at the end.$" BattleFrontier_BattleArenaLobby_Text_2572D9: @ 82572D9 .string "A victory snatched from the ARENA\n" .string "TYCOON, and a seven-TRAINER sweep!\p" .string "We congratulate you on your most\n" .string "splendid challenge!$" BattleFrontier_BattleArenaLobby_Text_257353: @ 8257353 .string "My dear challenger, in recognition of\n" .string "your indefatigable spirit, please\l" .string "accept these Battle Point(s).$"