Roulette_EventScript_Table1:: checkitem ITEM_COIN_CASE, 1 compare VAR_RESULT, FALSE goto_if_eq MauvilleCity_GameCorner_EventScript_NoCoinCase setvar VAR_0x8004, 0 getpricereduction POKENEWS_GAME_CORNER compare VAR_RESULT, FALSE goto_if_eq Roulette_EventScript_Play addvar VAR_0x8004, ROULETTE_SPECIAL_RATE goto Roulette_EventScript_Play end Roulette_EventScript_Table2:: checkitem ITEM_COIN_CASE, 1 compare VAR_RESULT, FALSE goto_if_eq MauvilleCity_GameCorner_EventScript_NoCoinCase setvar VAR_0x8004, 1 getpricereduction POKENEWS_GAME_CORNER compare VAR_RESULT, FALSE goto_if_eq Roulette_EventScript_Play addvar VAR_0x8004, ROULETTE_SPECIAL_RATE goto Roulette_EventScript_Play end Roulette_EventScript_Play:: special PlayRoulette waitstate end Roulette_Text_PlayMinimumWagerIsX:: .string "The minimum wager at this table\n" .string "is {STR_VAR_1}. Do you want to play?$" Roulette_Text_NotEnoughCoins:: .string "You don't have enough COINS.$" Roulette_Text_SpecialRateTable:: .string "Special rate table right now!$" Roulette_Text_ControlsInstruction:: .string "Place your wager with the + Control\n" .string "Pad, then press the A Button.$" Roulette_Text_ItsAHit:: .string "It's a hit!$" Roulette_Text_Jackpot:: .string "Jackpot!$" Roulette_Text_NothingDoing:: .string "Nothing doing!$" Roulette_Text_YouveWonXCoins:: .string "You've won {STR_VAR_1} COINS!$" Roulette_Text_NoCoinsLeft:: .string "No COINS left…$" Roulette_Text_KeepPlaying:: .string "Keep playing?$" Roulette_Text_BoardWillBeCleared:: .string "The ROULETTE board will be cleared.$" @ Unused Roulette_Text_YouDontHaveACoinCase:: .string "You don't have a COIN CASE.$" Roulette_Text_CoinCaseIsFull:: .string "Your COIN CASE is full!\n" .string "Coins can be exchanged for prizes.$"