#include "global.h" #include "gpu_regs.h" #include "multiboot.h" #include "malloc.h" #include "bg.h" #include "graphics.h" #include "main.h" #include "sprite.h" #include "task.h" #include "scanline_effect.h" #include "window.h" #include "text.h" #include "menu.h" #include "m4a.h" #include "constants/rgb.h" struct { u8 state; u8 curScene; u16 timer; struct MultiBootParam mb; } static * sBerryFix; static void BerryFix_Main(void); static void BerryFix_GpuSet(void); static int BerryFix_TrySetScene(int); static void BerryFix_SetScene(int); static void BerryFix_HideScene(void); static const u8 sText_BerryProgramUpdate[] = _("Berry Program Update"); static const u8 sText_RubySapphire[] = _("Ruby/Sapphire"); static const u8 sText_Emerald[] = _("Emerald"); static const u8 sText_BerryProgramWillBeUpdatedPressA[] = _("The Berry Program on your POKéMON\n" "Ruby/Sapphire Game Pak will be updated.\n" "{COLOR RED}{SHADOW LIGHT_RED}Press the A Button."); static const u8 sText_EnsureGBAConnectionMatches[] = _("Please ensure the connection of your\n" "Game Boy Advance system matches this.\n" "{COLOR RED}{SHADOW LIGHT_RED}YES: Press the A Button.\n" "NO: Turn off the power and try again."); static const u8 sText_TurnOffPowerHoldingStartSelect[] = _("Please turn on the power of POKéMON\n" "Ruby/Sapphire while holding START and\n" "SELECT simultaneously. Then, ensure\n" "the picture above appears."); static const u8 sText_TransmittingPleaseWait[] = _("Transmitting. Please wait.\n" "{COLOR RED}{SHADOW LIGHT_RED}Please do not turn off the power or\n" "unplug the Game Boy Advance Game\nLink Cable."); static const u8 sText_PleaseFollowInstructionsOnScreen[] = _("Please follow the instructions on your\n" "POKéMON Ruby/Sapphire screen."); static const u8 sText_TransmissionFailureTryAgain[] = _("Transmission failure.\n" "{COLOR RED}{SHADOW LIGHT_RED}Please try again."); static const struct BgTemplate sBerryFixBgTemplates[] = { { .bg = 0, .charBaseIndex = 0, .mapBaseIndex = 30, .screenSize = 0, .paletteMode = 0, .priority = 0, .baseTile = 0 }, { .bg = 1, .charBaseIndex = 1, .mapBaseIndex = 31, .screenSize = 0, .paletteMode = 0, .priority = 1, .baseTile = 0 } }; static const struct WindowTemplate sBerryFixWindowTemplates[] = { { .bg = 0, .tilemapLeft = 2, .tilemapTop = 4, .width = 26, .height = 2, .paletteNum = 15, .baseBlock = 1 }, { .bg = 0, .tilemapLeft = 1, .tilemapTop = 11, .width = 28, .height = 8, .paletteNum = 15, .baseBlock = 53 }, { .bg = 0, .tilemapLeft = 0, .tilemapTop = 8, .width = 30, .height = 2, .paletteNum = 15, .baseBlock = 277 }, { .bg = 0, .tilemapLeft = 8, .tilemapTop = 0, .width = 14, .height = 2, .paletteNum = 15, .baseBlock = 337 }, DUMMY_WIN_TEMPLATE }; static const u16 sBerryFixPalColors[] = { RGB_WHITE, RGB_WHITE, RGB(12, 12, 12), RGB(26, 26, 25), RGB(28, 1, 1), RGB(31, 23, 14), RGB(4, 19, 1), RGB(18, 30, 18), RGB(6, 10, 25), RGB(20, 24, 30), RGB_WHITE, RGB(12, 12, 12), RGB(26, 26, 25), RGB_BLACK, RGB_BLACK, RGB_BLACK }; static const u8 sBerryProgramTextColors[] = {TEXT_DYNAMIC_COLOR_1, TEXT_DYNAMIC_COLOR_2, TEXT_DYNAMIC_COLOR_3}; static const u8 sGameTitleTextColors[] = { TEXT_COLOR_TRANSPARENT, TEXT_DYNAMIC_COLOR_1, TEXT_DYNAMIC_COLOR_4}; enum { SCENE_ENSURE_CONNECT, SCENE_TURN_OFF_POWER, SCENE_TRANSMITTING, SCENE_FOLLOW_INSTRUCT, SCENE_TRANSMIT_FAILED, SCENE_BEGIN, SCENE_NONE }; static const u8 *const sBerryProgramTexts[] = { [SCENE_ENSURE_CONNECT] = sText_EnsureGBAConnectionMatches, [SCENE_TURN_OFF_POWER] = sText_TurnOffPowerHoldingStartSelect, [SCENE_TRANSMITTING] = sText_TransmittingPleaseWait, [SCENE_FOLLOW_INSTRUCT] = sText_PleaseFollowInstructionsOnScreen, [SCENE_TRANSMIT_FAILED] = sText_TransmissionFailureTryAgain, [SCENE_BEGIN] = sText_BerryProgramWillBeUpdatedPressA }; static const struct { const u32 *gfx; const u32 *tilemap; const u16 *palette; } sBerryFixGraphics[] = { [SCENE_ENSURE_CONNECT] = { gBerryFixGameboy_Gfx, gBerryFixGameboy_Tilemap, gBerryFixGameboy_Pal }, [SCENE_TURN_OFF_POWER] = { gBerryFixGameboyLogo_Gfx, gBerryFixGameboyLogo_Tilemap, gBerryFixGameboyLogo_Pal }, [SCENE_TRANSMITTING] = { gBerryFixGbaTransfer_Gfx, gBerryFixGbaTransfer_Tilemap, gBerryFixGbaTransfer_Pal }, [SCENE_FOLLOW_INSTRUCT] = { gBerryFixGbaTransferHighlight_Gfx, gBerryFixGbaTransferHighlight_Tilemap, gBerryFixGbaTransferHighlight_Pal }, [SCENE_TRANSMIT_FAILED] = { gBerryFixGbaTransferError_Gfx, gBerryFixGbaTransferError_Tilemap, gBerryFixGbaTransferError_Pal }, [SCENE_BEGIN] = { gBerryFixWindow_Gfx, gBerryFixWindow_Tilemap, gBerryFixWindow_Pal }, }; extern const u8 gMultiBootProgram_BerryGlitchFix_Start[0x3BF4]; extern const u8 gMultiBootProgram_BerryGlitchFix_End[]; enum { MAINSTATE_INIT, MAINSTATE_BEGIN, MAINSTATE_CONNECT, MAINSTATE_INIT_MULTIBOOT, MAINSTATE_MULTIBOOT, MAINSTATE_TRANSMIT, MAINSTATE_EXIT, MAINSTATE_FAILED, }; void CB2_InitBerryFixProgram(void) { DisableInterrupts(0xFFFF); // all EnableInterrupts(INTR_FLAG_VBLANK); m4aSoundVSyncOff(); SetVBlankCallback(NULL); ResetSpriteData(); ResetTasks(); ScanlineEffect_Stop(); SetGpuReg(REG_OFFSET_DISPCNT, 0); sBerryFix = AllocZeroed(sizeof(*sBerryFix)); sBerryFix->state = MAINSTATE_INIT; sBerryFix->curScene = SCENE_NONE; SetMainCallback2(BerryFix_Main); } #define TryScene(sceneNum) BerryFix_TrySetScene(sceneNum) == (sceneNum) static void BerryFix_Main(void) { switch (sBerryFix->state) { case MAINSTATE_INIT: BerryFix_GpuSet(); sBerryFix->state = MAINSTATE_BEGIN; break; case MAINSTATE_BEGIN: if (TryScene(SCENE_BEGIN) && (JOY_NEW(A_BUTTON))) sBerryFix->state = MAINSTATE_CONNECT; break; case MAINSTATE_CONNECT: if (TryScene(SCENE_ENSURE_CONNECT) && (JOY_NEW(A_BUTTON))) sBerryFix->state = MAINSTATE_INIT_MULTIBOOT; break; case MAINSTATE_INIT_MULTIBOOT: if (TryScene(SCENE_TURN_OFF_POWER)) { sBerryFix->mb.masterp = gMultiBootProgram_BerryGlitchFix_Start; sBerryFix->mb.server_type = 0; MultiBootInit(&sBerryFix->mb); sBerryFix->timer = 0; sBerryFix->state = MAINSTATE_MULTIBOOT; } break; case MAINSTATE_MULTIBOOT: MultiBootMain(&sBerryFix->mb); if (sBerryFix->mb.probe_count != 0 || (!(sBerryFix->mb.response_bit & 2) || !(sBerryFix->mb.client_bit & 2))) { sBerryFix->timer = 0; } else if (++sBerryFix->timer > 180) { MultiBootStartMaster(&sBerryFix->mb, gMultiBootProgram_BerryGlitchFix_Start + ROM_HEADER_SIZE, (u32)(gMultiBootProgram_BerryGlitchFix_End - (gMultiBootProgram_BerryGlitchFix_Start + ROM_HEADER_SIZE)), 4, 1); sBerryFix->state = MAINSTATE_TRANSMIT; } break; case MAINSTATE_TRANSMIT: if (TryScene(SCENE_TRANSMITTING)) { MultiBootMain(&sBerryFix->mb); if (MultiBootCheckComplete(&sBerryFix->mb)) sBerryFix->state = MAINSTATE_EXIT; else if (!(sBerryFix->mb.client_bit & 2)) sBerryFix->state = MAINSTATE_FAILED; } break; case MAINSTATE_EXIT: if (TryScene(SCENE_FOLLOW_INSTRUCT) && JOY_NEW(A_BUTTON)) DoSoftReset(); break; case MAINSTATE_FAILED: if (TryScene(SCENE_TRANSMIT_FAILED) && JOY_NEW(A_BUTTON)) sBerryFix->state = MAINSTATE_BEGIN; break; } } static void BerryFix_GpuSet(void) { s32 width, left; SetGpuReg(REG_OFFSET_BG0CNT, 0); SetGpuReg(REG_OFFSET_BG1CNT, 0); SetGpuReg(REG_OFFSET_BG0HOFS, 0); SetGpuReg(REG_OFFSET_BG0VOFS, 0); SetGpuReg(REG_OFFSET_BG1HOFS, 0); SetGpuReg(REG_OFFSET_BG1VOFS, 0); SetGpuReg(REG_OFFSET_BLDCNT, 0); DmaFill32(3, 0, VRAM, VRAM_SIZE); DmaFill32(3, 0, OAM, OAM_SIZE); DmaFill32(3, 0, PLTT, PLTT_SIZE); ResetBgsAndClearDma3BusyFlags(0); InitBgsFromTemplates(0, sBerryFixBgTemplates, ARRAY_COUNT(sBerryFixBgTemplates)); ChangeBgX(0, 0, 0); ChangeBgY(0, 0, 0); ChangeBgX(1, 0, 0); ChangeBgY(1, 0, 0); InitWindows(sBerryFixWindowTemplates); DeactivateAllTextPrinters(); DmaCopy32(3, sBerryFixPalColors, BG_PLTT + 0x1E0, sizeof(sBerryFixPalColors)); SetGpuReg(REG_OFFSET_DISPCNT, DISPCNT_OBJ_1D_MAP); FillWindowPixelBuffer(2, PIXEL_FILL(0)); FillWindowPixelBuffer(3, PIXEL_FILL(0)); FillWindowPixelBuffer(0, PIXEL_FILL(10)); width = GetStringWidth(0, sText_Emerald, 0); left = (120 - width) / 2; AddTextPrinterParameterized3(2, 0, left, 3, sGameTitleTextColors, TEXT_SPEED_FF, sText_Emerald); width = GetStringWidth(0, sText_RubySapphire, 0); left = (120 - width) / 2 + 120; AddTextPrinterParameterized3(2, 0, left, 3, sGameTitleTextColors, TEXT_SPEED_FF, sText_RubySapphire); width = GetStringWidth(0, sText_RubySapphire, 0); left = (112 - width) / 2; AddTextPrinterParameterized3(3, 0, left, 0, sGameTitleTextColors, TEXT_SPEED_FF, sText_RubySapphire); width = GetStringWidth(1, sText_BerryProgramUpdate, 0); left = (208 - width) / 2; AddTextPrinterParameterized3(0, 1, left, 2, sBerryProgramTextColors, TEXT_SPEED_FF, sText_BerryProgramUpdate); CopyWindowToVram(2, 2); CopyWindowToVram(3, 2); CopyWindowToVram(0, 2); } static int BerryFix_TrySetScene(int scene) { if (sBerryFix->curScene == scene) return scene; if (sBerryFix->curScene == SCENE_NONE) { BerryFix_SetScene(scene); sBerryFix->curScene = scene; } else { BerryFix_HideScene(); sBerryFix->curScene = SCENE_NONE; } return sBerryFix->curScene; } static void BerryFix_SetScene(int scene) { FillBgTilemapBufferRect_Palette0(0, 0, 0, 0, 32, 32); FillWindowPixelBuffer(1, PIXEL_FILL(10)); AddTextPrinterParameterized3(1, 1, 0, 0, sBerryProgramTextColors, -1, sBerryProgramTexts[scene]); PutWindowTilemap(1); CopyWindowToVram(1, 2); switch (scene) { case SCENE_ENSURE_CONNECT: case SCENE_TRANSMITTING: case SCENE_FOLLOW_INSTRUCT: case SCENE_TRANSMIT_FAILED: PutWindowTilemap(2); break; case SCENE_TURN_OFF_POWER: PutWindowTilemap(3); break; case SCENE_BEGIN: PutWindowTilemap(0); break; } CopyBgTilemapBufferToVram(0); LZ77UnCompVram(sBerryFixGraphics[scene].gfx, (void *)BG_CHAR_ADDR(1)); LZ77UnCompVram(sBerryFixGraphics[scene].tilemap, (void *)BG_SCREEN_ADDR(31)); CpuCopy32(sBerryFixGraphics[scene].palette, (void *)BG_PLTT, 0x100); ShowBg(0); ShowBg(1); } static void BerryFix_HideScene(void) { HideBg(0); HideBg(1); }