PacifidlogTown_House4_MapScripts:: @ 8203F4B .byte 0 PacifidlogTown_House4_EventScript_203F4C:: @ 8203F4C msgbox PacifidlogTown_House4_Text_204017, MSGBOX_NPC end PacifidlogTown_House4_EventScript_203F55:: @ 8203F55 msgbox PacifidlogTown_House4_Text_203F93, MSGBOX_NPC end PacifidlogTown_House4_EventScript_203F5E:: @ 8203F5E lock faceplayer msgbox PacifidlogTown_House4_Text_204035, MSGBOX_YESNO compare VAR_RESULT, 1 goto_eq PacifidlogTown_House4_EventScript_203F7F compare VAR_RESULT, 0 goto_eq PacifidlogTown_House4_EventScript_203F89 end PacifidlogTown_House4_EventScript_203F7F:: @ 8203F7F msgbox PacifidlogTown_House4_Text_20404E, MSGBOX_DEFAULT release end PacifidlogTown_House4_EventScript_203F89:: @ 8203F89 msgbox PacifidlogTown_House4_Text_204084, MSGBOX_DEFAULT release end PacifidlogTown_House4_Text_203F93: @ 8203F93 .string "People were saying they saw a POKéMON\n" .string "flying high above HOENN.\p" .string "Is it flying around all the time?\n" .string "Doesn’t it need to rest somewhere?$" PacifidlogTown_House4_Text_204017: @ 8204017 .string "A sky POKéMON!\n" .string "A sky POKéMON!$" PacifidlogTown_House4_Text_204035: @ 8204035 .string "Where did you come from?$" PacifidlogTown_House4_Text_20404E: @ 820404E .string "Yes?\n" .string "YES TOWN?\p" .string "I’ve never heard of a place like that.$" PacifidlogTown_House4_Text_204084: @ 8204084 .string "No? That doesn’t make any sense.\n" .string "You have to come from somewhere.\p" .string "Oh! Wait! You’re not going to say you\n" .string "were born at the bottom of the sea?$"