SlateportCity_PokemonCenter_1F_MapScripts:: @ 820DABF map_script 3, SlateportCity_PokemonCenter_1F_MapScript1_20DACA map_script 5, SlateportCity_PokemonCenter_1F_MapScript1_277C30 .byte 0 SlateportCity_PokemonCenter_1F_MapScript1_20DACA: @ 820DACA setrespawn HEAL_LOCATION_SLATEPORT_CITY call SlateportCity_PokemonCenter_1F_EventScript_2718DE end SlateportCity_PokemonCenter_1F_EventScript_20DAD3:: @ 820DAD3 setvar VAR_0x800B, 1 call SlateportCity_PokemonCenter_1F_EventScript_27191E waitmessage waitbuttonpress release end SlateportCity_PokemonCenter_1F_EventScript_20DAE1:: @ 820DAE1 msgbox SlateportCity_PokemonCenter_1F_Text_20DAF3, MSGBOX_NPC end SlateportCity_PokemonCenter_1F_EventScript_20DAEA:: @ 820DAEA msgbox SlateportCity_PokemonCenter_1F_Text_20DBBC, MSGBOX_NPC end SlateportCity_PokemonCenter_1F_Text_20DAF3: @ 820DAF3 .string "Want a tip for battling?\p" .string "I’d say it’s raising different kinds\n" .string "of POKéMON in a balanced manner.\p" .string "It’s no good to make just one\n" .string "POKéMON strong.\p" .string "If it has a type disadvantage,\n" .string "it might not stand a chance.$" SlateportCity_PokemonCenter_1F_Text_20DBBC: @ 820DBBC .string "I trade POKéMON with my friends.\p" .string "If a traded POKéMON is holding an\n" .string "item, it makes me twice as happy!$"