// Copyright(c) 2016 huderlem // // Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy // of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to deal // in the Software without restriction, including without limitation the rights // to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell // copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is // furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions: // // The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in // all copies or substantial portions of the Software. // // THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EXPRESS OR // IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY, // FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND NONINFRINGEMENT. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE // AUTHORS OR COPYRIGHT HOLDERS BE LIABLE FOR ANY CLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER // LIABILITY, WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, TORT OR OTHERWISE, ARISING FROM, // OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER DEALINGS IN // THE SOFTWARE. #include <stdio.h> #include <stdlib.h> #include <string.h> #include <stdbool.h> #include <stdint.h> #include <limits.h> /* extended.c */ void ieee754_write_extended (double, uint8_t*); double ieee754_read_extended (uint8_t*); #ifdef _MSC_VER #define FATAL_ERROR(format, ...) \ do \ { \ fprintf(stderr, format, __VA_ARGS__); \ exit(1); \ } while (0) #else #define FATAL_ERROR(format, ...) \ do \ { \ fprintf(stderr, format, ##__VA_ARGS__); \ exit(1); \ } while (0) #endif // _MSC_VER typedef struct { unsigned long num_samples; uint8_t *samples; uint8_t midi_note; bool has_loop; unsigned long loop_offset; double sample_rate; unsigned long real_num_samples; } AifData; struct Bytes { unsigned long length; uint8_t *data; }; struct Marker { unsigned short id; unsigned long position; // don't care about the name }; struct Bytes *read_bytearray(const char *filename) { struct Bytes *bytes = malloc(sizeof(struct Bytes)); FILE *f = fopen(filename, "rb"); if (!f) { FATAL_ERROR("Failed to open '%s' for reading!\n", filename); } fseek(f, 0, SEEK_END); bytes->length = ftell(f); fseek(f, 0, SEEK_SET); bytes->data = malloc(bytes->length); unsigned long read = fread(bytes->data, bytes->length, 1, f); fclose(f); if (read <= 0) { FATAL_ERROR("Failed to read data from '%s'!\n", filename); } return bytes; } void write_bytearray(const char *filename, struct Bytes *bytes) { FILE *f = fopen(filename, "wb"); if (!f) { FATAL_ERROR("Failed to open '%s' for writing!\n", filename); } fwrite(bytes->data, bytes->length, 1, f); fclose(f); } void free_bytearray(struct Bytes *bytes) { free(bytes->data); free(bytes); } char *get_file_extension(char *filename) { char *index = strrchr(filename, '.'); if (!index || index == filename) { return NULL; } return index + 1; } char *new_file_extension(char *filename, char *ext) { char *index = strrchr(filename, '.'); if (!index || index == filename) { index = filename + strlen(filename); } int length = index - filename; char *new_filename = malloc(length + 1 + strlen(ext) + 1); if (new_filename) { strcpy(new_filename, filename); new_filename[length] = '.'; strcpy(new_filename + length + 1, ext); } return new_filename; } void read_aif(struct Bytes *aif, AifData *aif_data) { aif_data->has_loop = false; aif_data->num_samples = 0; unsigned long pos = 0; char chunk_name[5]; chunk_name[4] = '\0'; char chunk_type[5]; chunk_type[4] = '\0'; // Check for FORM Chunk memcpy(chunk_name, &aif->data[pos], 4); pos += 4; if (strcmp(chunk_name, "FORM") != 0) { FATAL_ERROR("Input .aif file has invalid header Chunk '%s'!\n", chunk_name); } // Read size of whole file. unsigned long whole_chunk_size = aif->data[pos++] << 24; whole_chunk_size |= (aif->data[pos++] << 16); whole_chunk_size |= (aif->data[pos++] << 8); whole_chunk_size |= (uint8_t)aif->data[pos++]; unsigned long expected_whole_chunk_size = aif->length - 8; if (whole_chunk_size != expected_whole_chunk_size) { FATAL_ERROR("FORM Chunk ckSize '%lu' doesn't match actual size '%lu'!\n", whole_chunk_size, expected_whole_chunk_size); } // Check for AIFF Form Type memcpy(chunk_type, &aif->data[pos], 4); pos += 4; if (strcmp(chunk_type, "AIFF") != 0) { FATAL_ERROR("FORM Type is '%s', but it must be AIFF!", chunk_type); } struct Marker *markers = NULL; unsigned short num_markers = 0, loop_start = 0, loop_end = 0; unsigned long num_sample_frames = 0; // Read all the Chunks to populate the AifData struct. while ((pos + 8) < aif->length) { // Read Chunk id memcpy(chunk_name, &aif->data[pos], 4); pos += 4; unsigned long chunk_size = (aif->data[pos++] << 24); chunk_size |= (aif->data[pos++] << 16); chunk_size |= (aif->data[pos++] << 8); chunk_size |= aif->data[pos++]; if ((pos + chunk_size) > aif->length) { FATAL_ERROR("%s chunk at 0x%lx reached end of file before finishing\n", chunk_name, pos); } if (strcmp(chunk_name, "COMM") == 0) { short num_channels = (aif->data[pos++] << 8); num_channels |= (uint8_t)aif->data[pos++]; if (num_channels != 1) { FATAL_ERROR("numChannels (%d) in the COMM Chunk must be 1!\n", num_channels); } num_sample_frames = (aif->data[pos++] << 24); num_sample_frames |= (aif->data[pos++] << 16); num_sample_frames |= (aif->data[pos++] << 8); num_sample_frames |= (uint8_t)aif->data[pos++]; short sample_size = (aif->data[pos++] << 8); sample_size |= (uint8_t)aif->data[pos++]; if (sample_size != 8) { FATAL_ERROR("sampleSize (%d) in the COMM Chunk must be 8!\n", sample_size); } double sample_rate = ieee754_read_extended((uint8_t*)(aif->data + pos)); pos += 10; aif_data->sample_rate = sample_rate; if (aif_data->num_samples == 0) { aif_data->num_samples = num_sample_frames; } } else if (strcmp(chunk_name, "MARK") == 0) { num_markers = (aif->data[pos++] << 8); num_markers |= (uint8_t)aif->data[pos++]; if (markers) { FATAL_ERROR("More than one MARK Chunk in file!\n"); } markers = calloc(num_markers, sizeof(struct Marker)); // Read each marker. for (int i = 0; i < num_markers; i++) { unsigned short marker_id = (aif->data[pos++] << 8); marker_id |= (uint8_t)aif->data[pos++]; unsigned long marker_position = (aif->data[pos++] << 24); marker_position |= (aif->data[pos++] << 16); marker_position |= (aif->data[pos++] << 8); marker_position |= (uint8_t)aif->data[pos++]; // Marker name is a Pascal-style string. uint8_t marker_name_size = aif->data[pos++]; // We don't actually need the marker name for anything anymore. /*char *marker_name = (char *)malloc((marker_name_size + 1) * sizeof(char)); memcpy(marker_name, &aif->data[pos], marker_name_size); marker_name[marker_name_size] = '\0';*/ pos += marker_name_size + !(marker_name_size & 1); markers[i].id = marker_id; markers[i].position = marker_position; } } else if (strcmp(chunk_name, "INST") == 0) { uint8_t midi_note = (uint8_t)aif->data[pos++]; aif_data->midi_note = midi_note; // Skip over data we don't need. pos += 7; unsigned short loop_type = (aif->data[pos++] << 8); loop_type |= (uint8_t)aif->data[pos++]; if (loop_type) { loop_start = (aif->data[pos++] << 8); loop_start |= (uint8_t)aif->data[pos++]; loop_end = (aif->data[pos++] << 8); loop_end |= (uint8_t)aif->data[pos++]; } else { // Skip NoLooping sustain loop. pos += 4; } // Skip release loop, we don't need it. pos += 6; } else if (strcmp(chunk_name, "SSND") == 0) { // Skip offset and blockSize pos += 8; unsigned long num_samples = chunk_size - 8; uint8_t *sample_data = (uint8_t *)malloc(num_samples * sizeof(uint8_t)); memcpy(sample_data, &aif->data[pos], num_samples); aif_data->samples = sample_data; aif_data->real_num_samples = num_samples; pos += chunk_size - 8; } else { // Skip over unsupported chunks. pos += chunk_size; } } if (markers) { // Resolve loop points. struct Marker *cur_marker = markers; // Grab loop start point. for (int i = 0; i < num_markers; i++, cur_marker++) { if (cur_marker->id == loop_start) { aif_data->loop_offset = cur_marker->position; aif_data->has_loop = true; break; } } cur_marker = markers; // Grab loop end point. for (int i = 0; i < num_markers; i++, cur_marker++) { if (cur_marker->id == loop_end) { if (cur_marker->position < aif_data->loop_offset) { aif_data->loop_offset = cur_marker->position; aif_data->has_loop = true; } aif_data->num_samples = cur_marker->position; break; } } free(markers); } } // This is a table of deltas between sample values in compressed PCM data. const int gDeltaEncodingTable[] = { 0, 1, 4, 9, 16, 25, 36, 49, -64, -49, -36, -25, -16, -9, -4, -1, }; struct Bytes *delta_decompress(struct Bytes *delta, unsigned int expected_length) { struct Bytes *pcm = malloc(sizeof(struct Bytes)); pcm->length = expected_length; pcm->data = malloc(pcm->length + 0x40); uint8_t hi, lo; unsigned int i = 0; unsigned int j = 0; int k; int8_t base; while (i < delta->length) { base = (int8_t)delta->data[i++]; pcm->data[j++] = (uint8_t)base; if (i >= delta->length) { break; } if (j >= pcm->length) { break; } lo = delta->data[i] & 0xf; base += gDeltaEncodingTable[lo]; pcm->data[j++] = base; i++; if (i >= delta->length) { break; } if (j >= pcm->length) { break; } for (k = 0; k < 31; k++) { hi = (delta->data[i] >> 4) & 0xf; base += gDeltaEncodingTable[hi]; pcm->data[j++] = base; if (j >= pcm->length) { break; } lo = delta->data[i] & 0xf; base += gDeltaEncodingTable[lo]; pcm->data[j++] = base; i++; if (i >= delta->length) { break; } if (j >= pcm->length) { break; } } if (j >= pcm->length) { break; } } pcm->length = j; return pcm; } int get_delta_index(uint8_t sample, uint8_t prev_sample) { int best_error = INT_MAX; int best_index = -1; for (int i = 0; i < 16; i++) { uint8_t new_sample = prev_sample + gDeltaEncodingTable[i]; int error = sample > new_sample ? sample - new_sample : new_sample - sample; if (error < best_error) { best_error = error; best_index = i; } } return best_index; } struct Bytes *delta_compress(struct Bytes *pcm) { struct Bytes *delta = malloc(sizeof(struct Bytes)); // estimate the length so we can malloc int num_blocks = pcm->length / 64; delta->length = num_blocks * 33; int extra = pcm->length % 64; if (extra) { delta->length += 1; extra -= 1; } if (extra) { delta->length += 1; extra -= 1; } if (extra) { delta->length += (extra + 1) / 2; } delta->data = malloc(delta->length + 33); unsigned int i = 0; unsigned int j = 0; int k; uint8_t base; int delta_index; while (i < pcm->length) { base = pcm->data[i++]; delta->data[j++] = base; if (i >= pcm->length) { break; } delta_index = get_delta_index(pcm->data[i++], base); base += gDeltaEncodingTable[delta_index]; delta->data[j++] = delta_index; for (k = 0; k < 31; k++) { if (i >= pcm->length) { break; } delta_index = get_delta_index(pcm->data[i++], base); base += gDeltaEncodingTable[delta_index]; delta->data[j] = (delta_index << 4); if (i >= pcm->length) { break; } delta_index = get_delta_index(pcm->data[i++], base); base += gDeltaEncodingTable[delta_index]; delta->data[j++] |= delta_index; } } delta->length = j; return delta; } #define STORE_U32_LE(dest, value) \ do { \ *(dest) = (value) & 0xff; \ *((dest) + 1) = ((value) >> 8) & 0xff; \ *((dest) + 2) = ((value) >> 16) & 0xff; \ *((dest) + 3) = ((value) >> 24) & 0xff; \ } while (0) #define LOAD_U32_LE(var, src) \ do { \ (var) = *(src); \ (var) |= (*((src) + 1) << 8); \ (var) |= (*((src) + 2) << 16); \ (var) |= (*((src) + 3) << 24); \ } while (0) // Reads an .aif file and produces a .pcm file containing an array of 8-bit samples. void aif2pcm(const char *aif_filename, const char *pcm_filename, bool compress) { struct Bytes *aif = read_bytearray(aif_filename); AifData aif_data = {0,0,0,0,0,0,0}; read_aif(aif, &aif_data); int header_size = 0x10; struct Bytes *pcm; struct Bytes output = {0,0}; if (compress) { struct Bytes *input = malloc(sizeof(struct Bytes)); input->data = aif_data.samples; input->length = aif_data.real_num_samples; pcm = delta_compress(input); free(input); } else { pcm = malloc(sizeof(struct Bytes)); pcm->data = aif_data.samples; pcm->length = aif_data.real_num_samples; } output.length = header_size + pcm->length; output.data = malloc(output.length); uint32_t pitch_adjust = (uint32_t)(aif_data.sample_rate * 1024); uint32_t loop_offset = (uint32_t)(aif_data.loop_offset); uint32_t adjusted_num_samples = (uint32_t)(aif_data.num_samples - 1); uint32_t flags = 0; if (aif_data.has_loop) flags |= 0x40000000; if (compress) flags |= 1; STORE_U32_LE(output.data + 0, flags); STORE_U32_LE(output.data + 4, pitch_adjust); STORE_U32_LE(output.data + 8, loop_offset); STORE_U32_LE(output.data + 12, adjusted_num_samples); memcpy(&output.data[header_size], pcm->data, pcm->length); write_bytearray(pcm_filename, &output); free(aif->data); free(aif); free(pcm); free(output.data); free(aif_data.samples); } // Reads a .pcm file containing an array of 8-bit samples and produces an .aif file. // See http://www-mmsp.ece.mcgill.ca/documents/audioformats/aiff/Docs/AIFF-1.3.pdf for .aif file specification. void pcm2aif(const char *pcm_filename, const char *aif_filename, uint32_t base_note) { struct Bytes *pcm = read_bytearray(pcm_filename); AifData *aif_data = malloc(sizeof(AifData)); uint32_t flags; LOAD_U32_LE(flags, pcm->data + 0); aif_data->has_loop = flags & 0x40000000; bool compressed = flags & 1; uint32_t pitch_adjust; LOAD_U32_LE(pitch_adjust, pcm->data + 4); aif_data->sample_rate = pitch_adjust / 1024.0; LOAD_U32_LE(aif_data->loop_offset, pcm->data + 8); LOAD_U32_LE(aif_data->num_samples, pcm->data + 12); aif_data->num_samples += 1; if (compressed) { struct Bytes *delta = pcm; uint8_t *pcm_data = pcm->data; delta->length -= 0x10; delta->data += 0x10; pcm = delta_decompress(delta, aif_data->num_samples); free(pcm_data); free(delta); } else { pcm->length -= 0x10; pcm->data += 0x10; } aif_data->samples = malloc(pcm->length); memcpy(aif_data->samples, pcm->data, pcm->length); struct Bytes *aif = malloc(sizeof(struct Bytes)); aif->length = 54 + 60 + pcm->length; aif->data = malloc(aif->length); long pos = 0; // First, write the FORM header chunk. // FORM Chunk ckID aif->data[pos++] = 'F'; aif->data[pos++] = 'O'; aif->data[pos++] = 'R'; aif->data[pos++] = 'M'; // FORM Chunk ckSize unsigned long form_size = pos; unsigned long data_size = aif->length - 8; aif->data[pos++] = ((data_size >> 24) & 0xFF); aif->data[pos++] = ((data_size >> 16) & 0xFF); aif->data[pos++] = ((data_size >> 8) & 0xFF); aif->data[pos++] = (data_size & 0xFF); // FORM Chunk formType aif->data[pos++] = 'A'; aif->data[pos++] = 'I'; aif->data[pos++] = 'F'; aif->data[pos++] = 'F'; // Next, write the Common Chunk // Common Chunk ckID aif->data[pos++] = 'C'; aif->data[pos++] = 'O'; aif->data[pos++] = 'M'; aif->data[pos++] = 'M'; // Common Chunk ckSize aif->data[pos++] = 0; aif->data[pos++] = 0; aif->data[pos++] = 0; aif->data[pos++] = 18; // Common Chunk numChannels aif->data[pos++] = 0; aif->data[pos++] = 1; // 1 channel // Common Chunk numSampleFrames aif->data[pos++] = ((aif_data->num_samples >> 24) & 0xFF); aif->data[pos++] = ((aif_data->num_samples >> 16) & 0xFF); aif->data[pos++] = ((aif_data->num_samples >> 8) & 0xFF); aif->data[pos++] = (aif_data->num_samples & 0xFF); // Common Chunk sampleSize aif->data[pos++] = 0; aif->data[pos++] = 8; // 8 bits per sample // Common Chunk sampleRate //double sample_rate = pitch_adjust / 1024.0; uint8_t sample_rate_buffer[10]; ieee754_write_extended(aif_data->sample_rate, sample_rate_buffer); for (int i = 0; i < 10; i++) { aif->data[pos++] = sample_rate_buffer[i]; } if (aif_data->has_loop) { // Marker Chunk ckID aif->data[pos++] = 'M'; aif->data[pos++] = 'A'; aif->data[pos++] = 'R'; aif->data[pos++] = 'K'; // Marker Chunk ckSize aif->data[pos++] = 0; aif->data[pos++] = 0; aif->data[pos++] = 0; aif->data[pos++] = 12 + (aif_data->has_loop ? 12 : 0); // Marker Chunk numMarkers aif->data[pos++] = 0; aif->data[pos++] = (aif_data->has_loop ? 2 : 1); // Marker loop start aif->data[pos++] = 0; aif->data[pos++] = 1; // id = 1 long loop_start = aif_data->loop_offset; aif->data[pos++] = ((loop_start >> 24) & 0xFF); aif->data[pos++] = ((loop_start >> 16) & 0xFF); aif->data[pos++] = ((loop_start >> 8) & 0xFF); aif->data[pos++] = (loop_start & 0xFF); // position aif->data[pos++] = 5; // pascal-style string length aif->data[pos++] = 'S'; aif->data[pos++] = 'T'; aif->data[pos++] = 'A'; aif->data[pos++] = 'R'; aif->data[pos++] = 'T'; // markerName // Marker loop end aif->data[pos++] = 0; aif->data[pos++] = (aif_data->has_loop ? 2 : 1); // id = 2 long loop_end = aif_data->num_samples; aif->data[pos++] = ((loop_end >> 24) & 0xFF); aif->data[pos++] = ((loop_end >> 16) & 0xFF); aif->data[pos++] = ((loop_end >> 8) & 0xFF); aif->data[pos++] = (loop_end & 0xFF); // position aif->data[pos++] = 3; // pascal-style string length aif->data[pos++] = 'E'; aif->data[pos++] = 'N'; aif->data[pos++] = 'D'; } // Instrument Chunk ckID aif->data[pos++] = 'I'; aif->data[pos++] = 'N'; aif->data[pos++] = 'S'; aif->data[pos++] = 'T'; // Instrument Chunk ckSize aif->data[pos++] = 0; aif->data[pos++] = 0; aif->data[pos++] = 0; aif->data[pos++] = 20; aif->data[pos++] = base_note; // baseNote aif->data[pos++] = 0; // detune aif->data[pos++] = 0; // lowNote aif->data[pos++] = 127; // highNote aif->data[pos++] = 1; // lowVelocity aif->data[pos++] = 127; // highVelocity aif->data[pos++] = 0; // gain (hi) aif->data[pos++] = 0; // gain (lo) // Instrument Chunk sustainLoop aif->data[pos++] = 0; aif->data[pos++] = 1; // playMode = ForwardLooping aif->data[pos++] = 0; aif->data[pos++] = 1; // beginLoop marker id aif->data[pos++] = 0; aif->data[pos++] = 2; // endLoop marker id // Instrument Chunk releaseLoop aif->data[pos++] = 0; aif->data[pos++] = 1; // playMode = ForwardLooping aif->data[pos++] = 0; aif->data[pos++] = 1; // beginLoop marker id aif->data[pos++] = 0; aif->data[pos++] = 2; // endLoop marker id // Finally, write the Sound Data Chunk // Sound Data Chunk ckID aif->data[pos++] = 'S'; aif->data[pos++] = 'S'; aif->data[pos++] = 'N'; aif->data[pos++] = 'D'; // Sound Data Chunk ckSize unsigned long sound_data_size = pcm->length + 8; aif->data[pos++] = ((sound_data_size >> 24) & 0xFF); aif->data[pos++] = ((sound_data_size >> 16) & 0xFF); aif->data[pos++] = ((sound_data_size >> 8) & 0xFF); aif->data[pos++] = (sound_data_size & 0xFF); // Sound Data Chunk offset aif->data[pos++] = 0; aif->data[pos++] = 0; aif->data[pos++] = 0; aif->data[pos++] = 0; // Sound Data Chunk blockSize aif->data[pos++] = 0; aif->data[pos++] = 0; aif->data[pos++] = 0; aif->data[pos++] = 0; // Sound Data Chunk soundData for (unsigned int i = 0; i < aif_data->loop_offset; i++) { aif->data[pos++] = aif_data->samples[i]; } int j = 0; for (unsigned int i = aif_data->loop_offset; i < pcm->length; i++) { int pcm_index = aif_data->loop_offset + (j++ % (pcm->length - aif_data->loop_offset)); aif->data[pos++] = aif_data->samples[pcm_index]; } aif->length = pos; // Go back and rewrite ckSize data_size = aif->length - 8; aif->data[form_size + 0] = ((data_size >> 24) & 0xFF); aif->data[form_size + 1] = ((data_size >> 16) & 0xFF); aif->data[form_size + 2] = ((data_size >> 8) & 0xFF); aif->data[form_size + 3] = (data_size & 0xFF); write_bytearray(aif_filename, aif); free(aif->data); free(aif); } void usage(void) { fprintf(stderr, "Usage: aif2pcm bin_file [aif_file]\n"); fprintf(stderr, " aif2pcm aif_file [bin_file] [--compress]\n"); } int main(int argc, char **argv) { if (argc < 2) { usage(); exit(1); } char *input_file = argv[1]; char *extension = get_file_extension(input_file); char *output_file; bool compressed = false; if (argc > 3) { for (int i = 3; i < argc; i++) { if (strcmp(argv[i], "--compress") == 0) { compressed = true; } } } if (strcmp(extension, "aif") == 0 || strcmp(extension, "aiff") == 0) { if (argc >= 3) { output_file = argv[2]; aif2pcm(input_file, output_file, compressed); } else { output_file = new_file_extension(input_file, "bin"); aif2pcm(input_file, output_file, compressed); free(output_file); } } else if (strcmp(extension, "bin") == 0) { if (argc >= 3) { output_file = argv[2]; pcm2aif(input_file, output_file, 60); } else { output_file = new_file_extension(input_file, "aif"); pcm2aif(input_file, output_file, 60); free(output_file); } } else { FATAL_ERROR("Input file must be .aif or .bin: '%s'\n", input_file); } return 0; }