Route119_MapScripts:: @ 81F4424 map_script 5, Route119_MapScript1_1F442F map_script 3, Route119_MapScript1_1F444D .byte 0 Route119_MapScript1_1F442F: @ 81F442F checkflag FLAG_SYS_CTRL_OBJ_DELETE call_if 1, Route119_EventScript_1F4439 end Route119_EventScript_1F4439:: @ 81F4439 specialvar VAR_RESULT, sub_8138B80 compare VAR_RESULT, 7 goto_if 5, Route119_EventScript_27374E removeobject VAR_LAST_TALKED return Route119_MapScript1_1F444D: @ 81F444D call Route119_EventScript_271ED7 call Route119_EventScript_271EFB compare VAR_WEATHER_INSTITUTE_STATE, 1 call_if 1, Route119_EventScript_1F4466 special SetRoute119Weather end Route119_EventScript_1F4466:: @ 81F4466 setflag FLAG_0x37D clearflag FLAG_0x37C setvar VAR_WEATHER_INSTITUTE_STATE, 2 return Route119_EventScript_1F4472:: @ 81F4472 setvar VAR_0x4001, 1 goto Route119_EventScript_1F4488 end Route119_EventScript_1F447D:: @ 81F447D setvar VAR_0x4001, 2 goto Route119_EventScript_1F4488 end Route119_EventScript_1F4488:: @ 81F4488 lockall addobject 25 checkplayergender compare VAR_RESULT, 0 call_if 1, Route119_EventScript_1F4501 compare VAR_RESULT, 1 call_if 1, Route119_EventScript_1F4506 delay 65 compare VAR_0x4001, 1 call_if 1, Route119_EventScript_1F46C6 compare VAR_0x4001, 2 call_if 1, Route119_EventScript_1F46D1 applymovement 255, Route119_Movement_2725AA waitmovement 0 delay 30 compare VAR_0x4001, 1 call_if 1, Route119_EventScript_1F4700 compare VAR_0x4001, 2 call_if 1, Route119_EventScript_1F470F removeobject 25 addobject 16 delay 30 checkplayergender compare VAR_RESULT, 0 goto_eq Route119_EventScript_1F450B compare VAR_RESULT, 1 goto_eq Route119_EventScript_1F4585 releaseall end Route119_EventScript_1F4501:: @ 81F4501 playbgm MUS_GIRL_SUP, 1 return Route119_EventScript_1F4506:: @ 81F4506 playbgm MUS_BOY_SUP, 1 return Route119_EventScript_1F450B:: @ 81F450B msgbox Route119_Text_1F49FD, 4 switch VAR_FIRST_POKE case 0, Route119_EventScript_1F453A case 1, Route119_EventScript_1F454A case 2, Route119_EventScript_1F455A end Route119_EventScript_1F453A:: @ 81F453A trainerbattle 3, TRAINER_MAY_6, 0, Route119_Text_1F4A98 goto Route119_EventScript_1F456A end Route119_EventScript_1F454A:: @ 81F454A trainerbattle 3, TRAINER_MAY_9, 0, Route119_Text_1F4A98 goto Route119_EventScript_1F456A end Route119_EventScript_1F455A:: @ 81F455A trainerbattle 3, TRAINER_MAY_3, 0, Route119_Text_1F4A98 goto Route119_EventScript_1F456A end Route119_EventScript_1F456A:: @ 81F456A msgbox Route119_Text_1F4AF3, 4 call Route119_EventScript_1F45FF msgbox Route119_Text_1F4B56, 4 goto Route119_EventScript_1F460F end Route119_EventScript_1F4585:: @ 81F4585 msgbox Route119_Text_1F4C9A, 4 switch VAR_FIRST_POKE case 0, Route119_EventScript_1F45B4 case 1, Route119_EventScript_1F45C4 case 2, Route119_EventScript_1F45D4 end Route119_EventScript_1F45B4:: @ 81F45B4 trainerbattle 3, TRAINER_BRENDAN_6, 0, Route119_Text_1F4D24 goto Route119_EventScript_1F45E4 end Route119_EventScript_1F45C4:: @ 81F45C4 trainerbattle 3, TRAINER_BRENDAN_9, 0, Route119_Text_1F4D24 goto Route119_EventScript_1F45E4 end Route119_EventScript_1F45D4:: @ 81F45D4 trainerbattle 3, TRAINER_BRENDAN_3, 0, Route119_Text_1F4D24 goto Route119_EventScript_1F45E4 end Route119_EventScript_1F45E4:: @ 81F45E4 msgbox Route119_Text_1F4D4B, 4 call Route119_EventScript_1F45FF msgbox Route119_Text_1F4DB5, 4 goto Route119_EventScript_1F460F end Route119_EventScript_1F45FF:: @ 81F45FF giveitem_std ITEM_HM02 setflag FLAG_0x06E return Route119_EventScript_1F460F:: @ 81F460F closemessage compare VAR_0x4001, 1 call_if 1, Route119_EventScript_1F4700 compare VAR_0x4001, 2 call_if 1, Route119_EventScript_1F470F removeobject 16 addobject 25 delay 30 compare VAR_0x4001, 1 call_if 1, Route119_EventScript_1F46DC compare VAR_0x4001, 2 call_if 1, Route119_EventScript_1F46EE removeobject 25 setvar VAR_0x4072, 1 savebgm MUS_DUMMY fadedefaultbgm delay 60 compare VAR_0x4001, 1 call_if 1, Route119_EventScript_1F46A0 compare VAR_0x4001, 2 call_if 1, Route119_EventScript_1F46A8 addobject 43 applymovement 43, Route119_Movement_1F4752 waitmovement 0 addvar VAR_0x40D1, 1 msgbox Route119_Text_1F4E60, 4 closemessage compare VAR_0x4001, 1 call_if 1, Route119_EventScript_1F46B0 compare VAR_0x4001, 2 call_if 1, Route119_EventScript_1F46BB removeobject 43 releaseall end Route119_EventScript_1F46A0:: @ 81F46A0 setobjectxyperm 43, 27, 25 return Route119_EventScript_1F46A8:: @ 81F46A8 setobjectxyperm 43, 28, 25 return Route119_EventScript_1F46B0:: @ 81F46B0 applymovement 43, Route119_Movement_1F475A waitmovement 0 return Route119_EventScript_1F46BB:: @ 81F46BB applymovement 43, Route119_Movement_1F4763 waitmovement 0 return Route119_EventScript_1F46C6:: @ 81F46C6 applymovement 25, Route119_Movement_1F4728 waitmovement 0 return Route119_EventScript_1F46D1:: @ 81F46D1 applymovement 25, Route119_Movement_1F4732 waitmovement 0 return Route119_EventScript_1F46DC:: @ 81F46DC applymovement 255, Route119_Movement_1F471E applymovement 25, Route119_Movement_1F473D waitmovement 0 return Route119_EventScript_1F46EE:: @ 81F46EE applymovement 255, Route119_Movement_1F4723 applymovement 25, Route119_Movement_1F4747 waitmovement 0 return Route119_EventScript_1F4700:: @ 81F4700 setobjectxyperm 16, 25, 32 setobjectxyperm 25, 25, 32 return Route119_EventScript_1F470F:: @ 81F470F setobjectxyperm 16, 26, 32 setobjectxyperm 25, 26, 32 return Route119_Movement_1F471E: @ 81F471E step_14 step_28 step_13 step_26 step_end Route119_Movement_1F4723: @ 81F4723 step_14 step_27 step_13 step_26 step_end Route119_Movement_1F4728: @ 81F4728 step_18 step_18 step_18 step_18 step_18 step_18 step_18 step_18 step_16 step_end Route119_Movement_1F4732: @ 81F4732 step_18 step_18 step_18 step_18 step_18 step_18 step_18 step_18 step_18 step_16 step_end Route119_Movement_1F473D: @ 81F473D step_18 step_16 step_16 step_16 step_18 step_16 step_16 step_16 step_16 step_end Route119_Movement_1F4747: @ 81F4747 step_17 step_16 step_16 step_16 step_18 step_18 step_16 step_16 step_16 step_16 step_end Route119_Movement_1F4752: @ 81F4752 step_down step_down step_down step_down step_left step_left step_down step_end Route119_Movement_1F475A: @ 81F475A step_up step_right step_right step_up step_up step_up step_up step_up step_end Route119_Movement_1F4763: @ 81F4763 step_up step_right step_up step_up step_up step_up step_up step_end Route119_EventScript_1F476B:: @ 81F476B msgbox Route119_Text_1F5261, 2 end Route119_EventScript_1F4774:: @ 81F4774 msgbox Route119_Text_1F530E, 3 end Route119_EventScript_1F477D:: @ 81F477D msgbox Route119_Text_1F5327, 3 end Route119_EventScript_1F4786:: @ 81F4786 trainerbattle 0, TRAINER_BRENT, 0, Route119_Text_29D8C2, Route119_Text_29D8F0 msgbox Route119_Text_29D902, 6 end Route119_EventScript_1F479D:: @ 81F479D trainerbattle 0, TRAINER_DONALD, 0, Route119_Text_29D941, Route119_Text_29D97C msgbox Route119_Text_29D993, 6 end Route119_EventScript_1F47B4:: @ 81F47B4 trainerbattle 0, TRAINER_TAYLOR, 0, Route119_Text_29D9CD, Route119_Text_29DA14 msgbox Route119_Text_29DA2C, 6 end Route119_EventScript_1F47CB:: @ 81F47CB trainerbattle 0, TRAINER_DOUG, 0, Route119_Text_29DA7D, Route119_Text_29DABC msgbox Route119_Text_29DADB, 6 end Route119_EventScript_1F47E2:: @ 81F47E2 trainerbattle 0, TRAINER_GREG, 0, Route119_Text_29DB17, Route119_Text_29DB66 msgbox Route119_Text_29DB7C, 6 end Route119_EventScript_1F47F9:: @ 81F47F9 trainerbattle 0, TRAINER_KENT, 0, Route119_Text_29DBC2, Route119_Text_29DC20 msgbox Route119_Text_29DC2B, 6 end Route119_EventScript_1F4810:: @ 81F4810 trainerbattle 2, TRAINER_JACKSON_1, 0, Route119_Text_29DC4C, Route119_Text_29DC9F, Route119_EventScript_1F483C specialvar VAR_RESULT, ShouldTryRematchBattle compare VAR_RESULT, 1 goto_eq Route119_EventScript_1F485B msgbox Route119_Text_29DCC6, 4 release end Route119_EventScript_1F483C:: @ 81F483C special sub_80B4808 waitmovement 0 msgbox Route119_Text_29DD1C, 4 setvar VAR_0x8004, 552 special SetMatchCallRegisteredFlag setorcopyvar VAR_0x8000, 552 callstd 8 release end Route119_EventScript_1F485B:: @ 81F485B trainerbattle 5, TRAINER_JACKSON_1, 0, Route119_Text_29DD62, Route119_Text_29DDA5 msgbox Route119_Text_29DDBD, 6 end Route119_EventScript_1F4872:: @ 81F4872 trainerbattle 2, TRAINER_CATHERINE_1, 0, Route119_Text_29DE0F, Route119_Text_29DE5D, Route119_EventScript_1F489E specialvar VAR_RESULT, ShouldTryRematchBattle compare VAR_RESULT, 1 goto_eq Route119_EventScript_1F48BD msgbox Route119_Text_29DE88, 4 release end Route119_EventScript_1F489E:: @ 81F489E special sub_80B4808 waitmovement 0 msgbox Route119_Text_29DEF7, 4 setvar VAR_0x8004, 559 special SetMatchCallRegisteredFlag setorcopyvar VAR_0x8000, 559 callstd 8 release end Route119_EventScript_1F48BD:: @ 81F48BD trainerbattle 5, TRAINER_CATHERINE_1, 0, Route119_Text_29DF6B, Route119_Text_29DF92 msgbox Route119_Text_29DFAF, 6 end Route119_EventScript_1F48D4:: @ 81F48D4 trainerbattle 0, TRAINER_HUGH, 0, Route119_Text_29E007, Route119_Text_29E063 msgbox Route119_Text_29E071, 6 end Route119_EventScript_1F48EB:: @ 81F48EB trainerbattle 0, TRAINER_PHIL, 0, Route119_Text_29E0A5, Route119_Text_29E0E1 msgbox Route119_Text_29E0F6, 6 end Route119_EventScript_1F4902:: @ 81F4902 trainerbattle 0, TRAINER_YASU, 0, Route119_Text_29E134, Route119_Text_29E18D msgbox Route119_Text_29E19D, 6 end Route119_EventScript_1F4919:: @ 81F4919 trainerbattle 0, TRAINER_TAKASHI, 0, Route119_Text_29E1F5, Route119_Text_29E22B msgbox Route119_Text_29E245, 6 end Route119_EventScript_1F4930:: @ 81F4930 trainerbattle 0, TRAINER_HIDEO, 0, Route119_Text_29E26A, Route119_Text_29E288 msgbox Route119_Text_29E2A3, 6 end Route119_EventScript_1F4947:: @ 81F4947 trainerbattle 0, TRAINER_CHRIS, 0, Route119_Text_29E30D, Route119_Text_29E372 msgbox Route119_Text_29E3A2, 6 end Route119_EventScript_1F495E:: @ 81F495E trainerbattle 0, TRAINER_FABIAN, 0, Route119_Text_29E3FF, Route119_Text_29E44F msgbox Route119_Text_29E492, 6 end Route119_EventScript_1F4975:: @ 81F4975 trainerbattle 0, TRAINER_DAYTON, 0, Route119_Text_29E4DF, Route119_Text_29E513 msgbox Route119_Text_29E532, 6 end Route119_EventScript_1F498C:: @ 81F498C trainerbattle 0, TRAINER_RACHEL, 0, Route119_Text_29E56F, Route119_Text_29E5B1 msgbox Route119_Text_29E5CB, 6 end Route119_EventScript_1F49A3:: @ 81F49A3 lock faceplayer msgbox Route119_Text_1F50EB, 4 closemessage applymovement VAR_LAST_TALKED, Route119_Movement_2725A2 waitmovement 0 release end Route119_EventScript_1F49BA:: @ 81F49BA lock faceplayer msgbox Route119_Text_1F5147, 4 closemessage applymovement VAR_LAST_TALKED, Route119_Movement_2725A2 waitmovement 0 release end Route119_EventScript_1F49D1:: @ 81F49D1 msgbox Route119_Text_1F51A2, 2 end Route119_EventScript_1F49DA:: @ 81F49DA msgbox Route119_Text_1F52B9, 2 end Route119_EventScript_1F49E3:: @ 81F49E3 msgbox Route119_Text_1F5339, 3 end Route119_EventScript_1F49EC:: @ 81F49EC lockall pokenavcall Route119_Text_1F4FBA waitmessage clearflag FLAG_0x08A addvar VAR_0x40D1, 1 releaseall end Route119_Text_1F49FD: @ 81F49FD .string "MAY: {PLAYER}{KUN}!\n" .string "Where were you? I was looking for you!\p" .string "How much stronger have you gotten?\n" .string "Let me check for you!\p" .string "Ready with your POKéMON?\n" .string "Of course you are! Go!$" Route119_Text_1F4A98: @ 81F4A98 .string "Achah!\n" .string "{PLAYER}{KUN}, you’re strong!\p" .string "I was worried that you might be\n" .string "struggling with your training.$" Route119_Text_1F4AF3: @ 81F4AF3 .string "MAY: But I had absolutely nothing to\n" .string "worry about! Keep it up!\p" .string "And, here! I have a present for you.$" Route119_Text_1F4B56: @ 81F4B56 .string "MAY: Use FLY, and your POKéMON will\n" .string "instantly carry you to any town you’ve\l" .string "already visited.\p" .string "But, to use FLY, you have to get\n" .string "the GYM BADGE from FORTREE CITY.\l" .string "That’s important, so don’t forget.\p" .string "You should FLY home and visit\n" .string "LITTLEROOT for a change.\p" .string "I bet your mom’s worried about you,\n" .string "{PLAYER}{KUN}.\p" .string "Well, let’s meet again somewhere!$" Route119_Text_1F4C9A: @ 81F4C9A .string "BRENDAN: {PLAYER}! So this is where\n" .string "you’ve been looking for POKéMON?\p" .string "Let me see how good you got.\n" .string "I’ll test you!\p" .string "Now!\n" .string "It’s a battle, so battle!$" Route119_Text_1F4D24: @ 81F4D24 .string "Hmm…\n" .string "You’ve gotten pretty darn decent.$" Route119_Text_1F4D4B: @ 81F4D4B .string "BRENDAN: I’d say you’re good enough\n" .string "to search for POKéMON anywhere.\p" .string "Here, I’ll give you this.\n" .string "Try it out.$" Route119_Text_1F4DB5: @ 81F4DB5 .string "BRENDAN: Use FLY, and your POKéMON\n" .string "instantly carries you to any town\l" .string "you’ve already visited.\p" .string "But you need the FORTREE GYM BADGE \n" .string "to do that.\p" .string "Anyway, I have to move along.$" Route119_Text_1F4E60: @ 81F4E60 .string "SCOTT: Hahahah!\n" .string "Way to go, {PLAYER}{KUN}!\p" .string "I just passed by a TRAINER riding\n" .string "a BIKE.\p" .string "You just beat that TRAINER, didn’t you?\n" .string "It was pretty obvious that you did.\p" .string "The kid looked really upset with\n" .string "a face all red from anger.\p" .string "I sure seem to run into you often.\n" .string "Are you off to FORTREE GYM next?\p" .string "I expect that you’ll do well at the GYM.\n" .string "Well, I’ll be seeing you!$" Route119_Text_1F4FBA: @ 81F4FBA .string "… … … … … …\n" .string "… … … … … Beep!\p" .string "SCOTT: Hiya, {PLAYER}{KUN}, it’s me!\p" .string "Just as I thought, you won at\n" .string "the FORTREE GYM.\p" .string "Your strength…\n" .string "Perhaps you really are the TRAINER\l" .string "that I’ve been searching for.\p" .string "Remember, you have a fan in me.\n" .string "I’ll be cheering from the sidelines.\l" .string "Keep up the great work!\p" .string "… … … … … …\n" .string "… … … … … Click!$" Route119_Text_1F50EB: @ 81F50EB .string "We’re standing lookout here.\p" .string "Hey, you! Stay away from the WEATHER\n" .string "INSTITUTE. It’s not safe.$" Route119_Text_1F5147: @ 81F5147 .string "Lookout duty is surprisingly boring.\p" .string "Hey, you! Please don’t go near the\n" .string "WEATHER INSTITUTE.$" Route119_Text_1F51A2: @ 81F51A2 .string "I thought you FLY by catching a whole\n" .string "flock of BIRD POKéMON, and then\l" .string "hanging on to them somehow.\p" .string "But it turns out there’s an HM move\n" .string "called FLY!\p" .string "I wish I’d known about that a long\n" .string "time ago…$" Route119_Text_1F5261: @ 81F5261 .string "Tch…\n" .string "It’s a no-go…\p" .string "The tall grass snares BIKE tires.\n" .string "There’s no way you can cycle here.$" Route119_Text_1F52B9: @ 81F52B9 .string "Can your POKéMON use its SECRET POWER\n" .string "on a big pile of grass and make a\l" .string "SECRET BASE?$" Route119_Text_1F530E: @ 81F530E .string "ROUTE 119\n" .string "{0x7C} FORTREE CITY$" Route119_Text_1F5327: @ 81F5327 .string "WEATHER INSTITUTE$" Route119_Text_1F5339: @ 81F5339 .string "TRAINER TIPS\p" .string "Up to sixteen decorations and\n" .string "furniture items can be placed in\l" .string "a SECRET BASE.\p" .string "Pick your favorite items and create\n" .string "your very own SECRET BASE exactly the\l" .string "way you want.$"