Route103_MapScripts:: @ 81EC38E map_script 3, Route103_MapScript1_1EC399 map_script 1, Route103_MapScript1_1EC3A4 .byte 0 Route103_MapScript1_1EC399: @ 81EC399 call Route103_EventScript_271ED7 call Route103_EventScript_2720AD end Route103_MapScript1_1EC3A4: @ 81EC3A4 checkflag FLAG_SYS_GAME_CLEAR call_if 1, Route103_EventScript_1EC3AE end Route103_EventScript_1EC3AE:: @ 81EC3AE setmetatile 45, 5, 159, 1 setmetatile 45, 6, 167, 0 return Route103_EventScript_1EC3C1:: @ 81EC3C1 lockall checkplayergender compare VAR_RESULT, 0 goto_eq Route103_EventScript_1EC3DA compare VAR_RESULT, 1 goto_eq Route103_EventScript_1EC434 end Route103_EventScript_1EC3DA:: @ 81EC3DA msgbox Route103_Text_1EC7A6, 4 closemessage playbgm MUS_GIRL_SUP, 1 applymovement 2, Route103_Movement_27259E waitmovement 0 applymovement 2, Route103_Movement_272598 waitmovement 0 applymovement 2, Route103_Movement_27259A waitmovement 0 msgbox Route103_Text_1EC7DE, 4 switch VAR_FIRST_POKE case 0, Route103_EventScript_1EC48E case 1, Route103_EventScript_1EC49E case 2, Route103_EventScript_1EC4AE end Route103_EventScript_1EC434:: @ 81EC434 msgbox Route103_Text_1EC989, 4 closemessage playbgm MUS_BOY_SUP, 1 applymovement 2, Route103_Movement_27259E waitmovement 0 applymovement 2, Route103_Movement_272598 waitmovement 0 applymovement 2, Route103_Movement_27259A waitmovement 0 msgbox Route103_Text_1EC9CE, 4 switch VAR_FIRST_POKE case 0, Route103_EventScript_1EC4BE case 1, Route103_EventScript_1EC4CE case 2, Route103_EventScript_1EC4DE end Route103_EventScript_1EC48E:: @ 81EC48E trainerbattle 3, TRAINER_MAY_4, 0, Route103_Text_1EC881 goto Route103_EventScript_1EC4EE end Route103_EventScript_1EC49E:: @ 81EC49E trainerbattle 3, TRAINER_MAY_7, 0, Route103_Text_1EC881 goto Route103_EventScript_1EC4EE end Route103_EventScript_1EC4AE:: @ 81EC4AE trainerbattle 3, TRAINER_MAY_1, 0, Route103_Text_1EC881 goto Route103_EventScript_1EC4EE end Route103_EventScript_1EC4BE:: @ 81EC4BE trainerbattle 3, TRAINER_BRENDAN_4, 0, Route103_Text_1ECA59 goto Route103_EventScript_1EC4FC end Route103_EventScript_1EC4CE:: @ 81EC4CE trainerbattle 3, TRAINER_BRENDAN_7, 0, Route103_Text_1ECA59 goto Route103_EventScript_1EC4FC end Route103_EventScript_1EC4DE:: @ 81EC4DE trainerbattle 3, TRAINER_BRENDAN_1, 0, Route103_Text_1ECA59 goto Route103_EventScript_1EC4FC end Route103_EventScript_1EC4EE:: @ 81EC4EE msgbox Route103_Text_1EC8AE, 4 goto Route103_EventScript_1EC50A end Route103_EventScript_1EC4FC:: @ 81EC4FC msgbox Route103_Text_1ECA79, 4 goto Route103_EventScript_1EC50A end Route103_EventScript_1EC50A:: @ 81EC50A closemessage switch VAR_FACING case 1, Route103_EventScript_1EC585 case 2, Route103_EventScript_1EC53D case 3, Route103_EventScript_1EC561 case 4, Route103_EventScript_1EC561 end Route103_EventScript_1EC53D:: @ 81EC53D applymovement 255, Route103_Movement_1EC5C8 applymovement 2, Route103_Movement_1EC5BE waitmovement 0 playse SE_DANSA applymovement 2, Route103_Movement_1EC5C1 waitmovement 0 goto Route103_EventScript_1EC5A2 end Route103_EventScript_1EC561:: @ 81EC561 applymovement 255, Route103_Movement_1EC5D6 applymovement 2, Route103_Movement_1EC5CE waitmovement 0 playse SE_DANSA applymovement 2, Route103_Movement_1EC5D0 waitmovement 0 goto Route103_EventScript_1EC5A2 end Route103_EventScript_1EC585:: @ 81EC585 applymovement 2, Route103_Movement_1EC5CE waitmovement 0 playse SE_DANSA applymovement 2, Route103_Movement_1EC5D0 waitmovement 0 goto Route103_EventScript_1EC5A2 end Route103_EventScript_1EC5A2:: @ 81EC5A2 removeobject 2 setvar VAR_0x4084, 4 clearflag FLAG_0x379 setflag FLAG_0x082 setvar VAR_0x40C7, 1 clearflag FLAG_0x3D3 savebgm MUS_DUMMY fadedefaultbgm releaseall end Route103_Movement_1EC5BE: @ 81EC5BE step_left step_down step_end Route103_Movement_1EC5C1: @ 81EC5C1 fast_step_down step_14 step_down step_down step_down step_down step_end Route103_Movement_1EC5C8: @ 81EC5C8 step_14 step_12 step_27 step_14 step_25 step_end Route103_Movement_1EC5CE: @ 81EC5CE step_down step_end Route103_Movement_1EC5D0: @ 81EC5D0 fast_step_down step_14 step_down step_down step_down step_end Route103_Movement_1EC5D6: @ 81EC5D6 step_14 step_25 step_end Route103_EventScript_1EC5D9:: @ 81EC5D9 msgbox Route103_Text_1ECB73, 2 end Route103_EventScript_1EC5E2:: @ 81EC5E2 msgbox Route103_Text_1ECBB5, 2 end Route103_EventScript_1EC5EB:: @ 81EC5EB msgbox Route103_Text_1ECC1A, 3 end Route103_EventScript_1EC5F4:: @ 81EC5F4 trainerbattle 0, TRAINER_DAISY, 0, Route103_Text_29495A, Route103_Text_29498F msgbox Route103_Text_2949B4, 6 end Route103_EventScript_1EC60B:: @ 81EC60B trainerbattle 6, TRAINER_AMY_AND_LIV_1, 0, Route103_Text_2949F9, Route103_Text_294A3D, Route103_Text_294AAE, Route103_EventScript_1EC63A specialvar VAR_RESULT, ShouldTryRematchBattle compare VAR_RESULT, 1 goto_eq Route103_EventScript_1EC653 msgbox Route103_Text_294A52, 6 end Route103_EventScript_1EC63A:: @ 81EC63A msgbox Route103_Text_294B8A, 4 setvar VAR_0x8004, 481 special SetMatchCallRegisteredFlag setorcopyvar VAR_0x8000, 481 callstd 8 release end Route103_EventScript_1EC653:: @ 81EC653 trainerbattle 7, TRAINER_AMY_AND_LIV_1, 0, Route103_Text_294C29, Route103_Text_294C6D, Route103_Text_294CEF msgbox Route103_Text_294C93, 6 end Route103_EventScript_1EC66E:: @ 81EC66E trainerbattle 6, TRAINER_AMY_AND_LIV_1, 0, Route103_Text_294AFD, Route103_Text_294B22, Route103_Text_294BD0, Route103_EventScript_1EC69D specialvar VAR_RESULT, ShouldTryRematchBattle compare VAR_RESULT, 1 goto_eq Route103_EventScript_1EC6B6 msgbox Route103_Text_294B40, 6 end Route103_EventScript_1EC69D:: @ 81EC69D msgbox Route103_Text_294B8A, 4 setvar VAR_0x8004, 481 special SetMatchCallRegisteredFlag setorcopyvar VAR_0x8000, 481 callstd 8 release end Route103_EventScript_1EC6B6:: @ 81EC6B6 trainerbattle 7, TRAINER_AMY_AND_LIV_1, 0, Route103_Text_294D3E, Route103_Text_294D63, Route103_Text_294DDB msgbox Route103_Text_294D89, 6 end Route103_EventScript_1EC6D1:: @ 81EC6D1 trainerbattle 0, TRAINER_ANDREW, 0, Route103_Text_294E34, Route103_Text_294E92 msgbox Route103_Text_294EBB, 6 end Route103_EventScript_1EC6E8:: @ 81EC6E8 trainerbattle 2, TRAINER_MIGUEL_1, 0, Route103_Text_294EDF, Route103_Text_294F21, Route103_EventScript_1EC714 specialvar VAR_RESULT, ShouldTryRematchBattle compare VAR_RESULT, 1 goto_eq Route103_EventScript_1EC733 msgbox Route103_Text_294F42, 4 release end Route103_EventScript_1EC714:: @ 81EC714 special sub_80B4808 waitmovement 0 msgbox Route103_Text_294F7E, 4 setvar VAR_0x8004, 293 special SetMatchCallRegisteredFlag setorcopyvar VAR_0x8000, 293 callstd 8 release end Route103_EventScript_1EC733:: @ 81EC733 trainerbattle 5, TRAINER_MIGUEL_1, 0, Route103_Text_294FC3, Route103_Text_295006 msgbox Route103_Text_29501E, 6 end Route103_EventScript_1EC74A:: @ 81EC74A trainerbattle 0, TRAINER_MARCOS, 0, Route103_Text_295206, Route103_Text_29522B msgbox Route103_Text_295246, 6 end Route103_EventScript_1EC761:: @ 81EC761 trainerbattle 0, TRAINER_RHETT, 0, Route103_Text_295199, Route103_Text_2951C6 msgbox Route103_Text_2951DE, 6 end Route103_EventScript_1EC778:: @ 81EC778 trainerbattle 0, TRAINER_PETE, 0, Route103_Text_295063, Route103_Text_295093 msgbox Route103_Text_2950AA, 6 end Route103_EventScript_1EC78F:: @ 81EC78F trainerbattle 0, TRAINER_ISABELLE, 0, Route103_Text_295116, Route103_Text_295146 msgbox Route103_Text_29514D, 6 end Route103_Text_1EC7A6: @ 81EC7A6 .string "MAY: Let’s see… The POKéMON found\n" .string "on ROUTE 103 include…$" Route103_Text_1EC7DE: @ 81EC7DE .string "Oh, hi, {PLAYER}{KUN}!\p" .string "…Oh, I see, my dad gave you\n" .string "a POKéMON as a gift.\p" .string "Since we’re here, let’s have a quick\n" .string "battle!\p" .string "I’ll give you a taste of what being\n" .string "a TRAINER is like.$" Route103_Text_1EC881: @ 81EC881 .string "Wow! That’s great!\n" .string "{PLAYER}{KUN}, you’re pretty good!$" Route103_Text_1EC8AE: @ 81EC8AE .string "MAY: I think I know why my dad has\n" .string "an eye out for you now.\p" .string "I mean, you just got that POKéMON,\n" .string "but it already likes you.\p" .string "You might be able to befriend any\n" .string "kind of POKéMON easily.\p" .string "Well, it’s time to head back to\n" .string "the LAB.$" Route103_Text_1EC989: @ 81EC989 .string "BRENDAN: Okay, so it’s this one and\n" .string "that one that live on ROUTE 103…$" Route103_Text_1EC9CE: @ 81EC9CE .string "Hey, it’s {PLAYER}!\p" .string "…Oh, yeah, Dad gave you a POKéMON.\p" .string "Since we’re here, how about a little\n" .string "battle?\p" .string "I’ll teach you what being a TRAINER’s\n" .string "about!$" Route103_Text_1ECA59: @ 81ECA59 .string "Huh, {PLAYER}, you’re not too shabby.$" Route103_Text_1ECA79: @ 81ECA79 .string "BRENDAN: I think I get it.\n" .string "I think I know why my dad has his eye\l" .string "out for you now.\p" .string "Look, your POKéMON already likes you,\n" .string "even though you just got it.\p" .string "{PLAYER}, I get the feeling that you\n" .string "could befriend any POKéMON with ease.\p" .string "We should head back to the LAB.$" Route103_Text_1ECB73: @ 81ECB73 .string "My POKéMON is staggeringly tired…\n" .string "I should have brought a POTION…$" Route103_Text_1ECBB5: @ 81ECBB5 .string "If you cross the sea from here,\n" .string "it’ll be a shortcut to OLDALE TOWN.\p" .string "Fufufu, that’s useful, isn’t it?$" Route103_Text_1ECC1A: @ 81ECC1A .string "ROUTE 103\n" .string "{0x7A} OLDALE TOWN$"