#ifndef GUARD_POKEMON_H #define GUARD_POKEMON_H #include "constants/pokemon.h" #include "sprite.h" #define MON_DATA_PERSONALITY 0 #define MON_DATA_OT_ID 1 #define MON_DATA_NICKNAME 2 #define MON_DATA_LANGUAGE 3 #define MON_DATA_SANITY_IS_BAD_EGG 4 #define MON_DATA_SANITY_HAS_SPECIES 5 #define MON_DATA_SANITY_IS_EGG 6 #define MON_DATA_OT_NAME 7 #define MON_DATA_MARKINGS 8 #define MON_DATA_CHECKSUM 9 #define MON_DATA_10 10 #define MON_DATA_SPECIES 11 #define MON_DATA_HELD_ITEM 12 #define MON_DATA_MOVE1 13 #define MON_DATA_MOVE2 14 #define MON_DATA_MOVE3 15 #define MON_DATA_MOVE4 16 #define MON_DATA_PP1 17 #define MON_DATA_PP2 18 #define MON_DATA_PP3 19 #define MON_DATA_PP4 20 #define MON_DATA_PP_BONUSES 21 #define MON_DATA_COOL 22 #define MON_DATA_BEAUTY 23 #define MON_DATA_CUTE 24 #define MON_DATA_EXP 25 #define MON_DATA_HP_EV 26 #define MON_DATA_ATK_EV 27 #define MON_DATA_DEF_EV 28 #define MON_DATA_SPEED_EV 29 #define MON_DATA_SPATK_EV 30 #define MON_DATA_SPDEF_EV 31 #define MON_DATA_FRIENDSHIP 32 #define MON_DATA_SMART 33 #define MON_DATA_POKERUS 34 #define MON_DATA_MET_LOCATION 35 #define MON_DATA_MET_LEVEL 36 #define MON_DATA_MET_GAME 37 #define MON_DATA_POKEBALL 38 #define MON_DATA_HP_IV 39 #define MON_DATA_ATK_IV 40 #define MON_DATA_DEF_IV 41 #define MON_DATA_SPEED_IV 42 #define MON_DATA_SPATK_IV 43 #define MON_DATA_SPDEF_IV 44 #define MON_DATA_IS_EGG 45 #define MON_DATA_ALT_ABILITY 46 #define MON_DATA_TOUGH 47 #define MON_DATA_SHEEN 48 #define MON_DATA_OT_GENDER 49 #define MON_DATA_COOL_RIBBON 50 #define MON_DATA_BEAUTY_RIBBON 51 #define MON_DATA_CUTE_RIBBON 52 #define MON_DATA_SMART_RIBBON 53 #define MON_DATA_TOUGH_RIBBON 54 #define MON_DATA_STATUS 55 #define MON_DATA_LEVEL 56 #define MON_DATA_HP 57 #define MON_DATA_MAX_HP 58 #define MON_DATA_ATK 59 #define MON_DATA_DEF 60 #define MON_DATA_SPEED 61 #define MON_DATA_SPATK 62 #define MON_DATA_SPDEF 63 #define MON_DATA_MAIL 64 #define MON_DATA_SPECIES2 65 #define MON_DATA_IVS 66 #define MON_DATA_CHAMPION_RIBBON 67 #define MON_DATA_WINNING_RIBBON 68 #define MON_DATA_VICTORY_RIBBON 69 #define MON_DATA_ARTIST_RIBBON 70 #define MON_DATA_EFFORT_RIBBON 71 #define MON_DATA_GIFT_RIBBON_1 72 #define MON_DATA_GIFT_RIBBON_2 73 #define MON_DATA_GIFT_RIBBON_3 74 #define MON_DATA_GIFT_RIBBON_4 75 #define MON_DATA_GIFT_RIBBON_5 76 #define MON_DATA_GIFT_RIBBON_6 77 #define MON_DATA_GIFT_RIBBON_7 78 #define MON_DATA_FATEFUL_ENCOUNTER 79 #define MON_DATA_OBEDIENCE 80 #define MON_DATA_KNOWN_MOVES 81 #define MON_DATA_RIBBON_COUNT 82 #define MON_DATA_RIBBONS 83 #define MON_DATA_ATK2 84 #define MON_DATA_DEF2 85 #define MON_DATA_SPEED2 86 #define MON_DATA_SPATK2 87 #define MON_DATA_SPDEF2 88 #define MAX_LEVEL 100 #define OT_ID_RANDOM_NO_SHINY 2 #define OT_ID_PRESET 1 #define OT_ID_PLAYER_ID 0 #define MON_GIVEN_TO_PARTY 0x0 #define MON_GIVEN_TO_PC 0x1 #define MON_CANT_GIVE 0x2 #define PLAYER_HAS_TWO_USABLE_MONS 0x0 #define PLAYER_HAS_ONE_MON 0x1 #define PLAYER_HAS_ONE_USABLE_MON 0x2 #define MON_MALE 0x00 #define MON_FEMALE 0xFE #define MON_GENDERLESS 0xFF #define FRIENDSHIP_EVENT_GROW_LEVEL 0x0 #define FRIENDSHIP_EVENT_VITAMIN 0x1 // unused #define FRIENDSHIP_EVENT_BATTLE_ITEM 0x2 // unused #define FRIENDSHIP_EVENT_LEAGUE_BATTLE 0x3 #define FRIENDSHIP_EVENT_LEARN_TMHM 0x4 #define FRIENDSHIP_EVENT_WALKING 0x5 #define FRIENDSHIP_EVENT_FAINT_SMALL 0x6 #define FRIENDSHIP_EVENT_FAINT_OUTSIDE_BATTLE 0x7 #define FRIENDSHIP_EVENT_FAINT_LARGE 0x8 #define STATUS_PRIMARY_NONE 0x0 #define STATUS_PRIMARY_POISON 0x1 #define STATUS_PRIMARY_PARALYSIS 0x2 #define STATUS_PRIMARY_SLEEP 0x3 #define STATUS_PRIMARY_FREEZE 0x4 #define STATUS_PRIMARY_BURN 0x5 #define STATUS_PRIMARY_POKERUS 0x6 #define STATUS_PRIMARY_FAINTED 0x7 #define MAX_TOTAL_EVS 510 #define UNOWN_FORM_COUNT 28 struct PokemonSubstruct0 { u16 species; u16 heldItem; u32 experience; u8 ppBonuses; u8 friendship; }; struct PokemonSubstruct1 { u16 moves[4]; u8 pp[4]; }; struct PokemonSubstruct2 { u8 hpEV; u8 attackEV; u8 defenseEV; u8 speedEV; u8 spAttackEV; u8 spDefenseEV; u8 cool; u8 beauty; u8 cute; u8 smart; u8 tough; u8 sheen; }; struct PokemonSubstruct3 { /* 0x00 */ u8 pokerus; /* 0x01 */ u8 metLocation; /* 0x02 */ u16 metLevel:7; /* 0x02 */ u16 metGame:4; /* 0x03 */ u16 pokeball:4; /* 0x03 */ u16 otGender:1; /* 0x04 */ u32 hpIV:5; /* 0x04 */ u32 attackIV:5; /* 0x05 */ u32 defenseIV:5; /* 0x05 */ u32 speedIV:5; /* 0x05 */ u32 spAttackIV:5; /* 0x06 */ u32 spDefenseIV:5; /* 0x07 */ u32 isEgg:1; /* 0x07 */ u32 altAbility:1; /* 0x08 */ u32 coolRibbon:3; /* 0x08 */ u32 beautyRibbon:3; /* 0x08 */ u32 cuteRibbon:3; /* 0x09 */ u32 smartRibbon:3; /* 0x09 */ u32 toughRibbon:3; /* 0x09 */ u32 championRibbon:1; /* 0x0A */ u32 winningRibbon:1; /* 0x0A */ u32 victoryRibbon:1; /* 0x0A */ u32 artistRibbon:1; /* 0x0A */ u32 effortRibbon:1; /* 0x0A */ u32 giftRibbon1:1; /* 0x0A */ u32 giftRibbon2:1; /* 0x0A */ u32 giftRibbon3:1; /* 0x0A */ u32 giftRibbon4:1; /* 0x0B */ u32 giftRibbon5:1; /* 0x0B */ u32 giftRibbon6:1; /* 0x0B */ u32 giftRibbon7:1; /* 0x0B */ u32 fatefulEncounter:4; /* 0x0B */ u32 obedient:1; }; union PokemonSubstruct { struct PokemonSubstruct0 type0; struct PokemonSubstruct1 type1; struct PokemonSubstruct2 type2; struct PokemonSubstruct3 type3; u16 raw[6]; }; struct BoxPokemon { u32 personality; u32 otId; u8 nickname[POKEMON_NAME_LENGTH]; u8 language; u8 isBadEgg:1; u8 hasSpecies:1; u8 isEgg:1; u8 unused:5; u8 otName[PLAYER_NAME_LENGTH]; u8 markings; u16 checksum; u16 unknown; union { u32 raw[12]; union PokemonSubstruct substructs[4]; } secure; }; struct Pokemon { struct BoxPokemon box; u32 status; u8 level; u8 mail; u16 hp; u16 maxHP; u16 attack; u16 defense; u16 speed; u16 spAttack; u16 spDefense; }; struct Unknown_806F160_Struct { u8 field_0_0:4; u8 field_0_1:4; u8 field_1; u8 magic; u8 field_3_0:4; u8 field_3_1:4; void *bytes; u8 **byteArrays; struct SpriteTemplate *templates; struct SpriteFrameImage *frameImages; }; struct BattlePokemon { /*0x00*/ u16 species; /*0x02*/ u16 attack; /*0x04*/ u16 defense; /*0x06*/ u16 speed; /*0x08*/ u16 spAttack; /*0x0A*/ u16 spDefense; /*0x0C*/ u16 moves[4]; /*0x14*/ u32 hpIV:5; /*0x14*/ u32 attackIV:5; /*0x15*/ u32 defenseIV:5; /*0x15*/ u32 speedIV:5; /*0x16*/ u32 spAttackIV:5; /*0x17*/ u32 spDefenseIV:5; /*0x17*/ u32 isEgg:1; /*0x17*/ u32 altAbility:1; /*0x18*/ s8 statStages[NUM_BATTLE_STATS]; /*0x20*/ u8 ability; /*0x21*/ u8 type1; /*0x22*/ u8 type2; /*0x23*/ u8 unknown; /*0x24*/ u8 pp[4]; /*0x28*/ u16 hp; /*0x2A*/ u8 level; /*0x2B*/ u8 friendship; /*0x2C*/ u16 maxHP; /*0x2E*/ u16 item; /*0x30*/ u8 nickname[POKEMON_NAME_LENGTH + 1]; /*0x3B*/ u8 ppBonuses; /*0x3C*/ u8 otName[8]; /*0x44*/ u32 experience; /*0x48*/ u32 personality; /*0x4C*/ u32 status1; /*0x50*/ u32 status2; /*0x54*/ u32 otId; }; struct BaseStats { /* 0x00 */ u8 baseHP; /* 0x01 */ u8 baseAttack; /* 0x02 */ u8 baseDefense; /* 0x03 */ u8 baseSpeed; /* 0x04 */ u8 baseSpAttack; /* 0x05 */ u8 baseSpDefense; /* 0x06 */ u8 type1; /* 0x07 */ u8 type2; /* 0x08 */ u8 catchRate; /* 0x09 */ u8 expYield; /* 0x0A */ u16 evYield_HP:2; /* 0x0A */ u16 evYield_Attack:2; /* 0x0A */ u16 evYield_Defense:2; /* 0x0A */ u16 evYield_Speed:2; /* 0x0B */ u16 evYield_SpAttack:2; /* 0x0B */ u16 evYield_SpDefense:2; /* 0x0C */ u16 item1; /* 0x0E */ u16 item2; /* 0x10 */ u8 genderRatio; /* 0x11 */ u8 eggCycles; /* 0x12 */ u8 friendship; /* 0x13 */ u8 growthRate; /* 0x14 */ u8 eggGroup1; /* 0x15 */ u8 eggGroup2; /* 0x16 */ u8 ability1; /* 0x17 */ u8 ability2; /* 0x18 */ u8 safariZoneFleeRate; /* 0x19 */ u8 bodyColor : 7; u8 noFlip : 1; }; struct BattleMove { u8 effect; u8 power; u8 type; u8 accuracy; u8 pp; u8 secondaryEffectChance; u8 target; s8 priority; u8 flags; }; #define FLAG_MAKES_CONTACT 0x1 #define FLAG_PROTECT_AFFECTED 0x2 #define FLAG_MAGICCOAT_AFFECTED 0x4 #define FLAG_SNATCH_AFFECTED 0x8 #define FLAG_MIRROR_MOVE_AFFECTED 0x10 #define FLAG_KINGSROCK_AFFECTED 0x20 struct SpindaSpot { u8 x, y; u16 image[16]; }; struct __attribute__((packed)) LevelUpMove { u16 move:9; u16 level:7; }; enum { GROWTH_MEDIUM_FAST, GROWTH_ERRATIC, GROWTH_FLUCTUATING, GROWTH_MEDIUM_SLOW, GROWTH_FAST, GROWTH_SLOW }; enum { BODY_COLOR_RED, BODY_COLOR_BLUE, BODY_COLOR_YELLOW, BODY_COLOR_GREEN, BODY_COLOR_BLACK, BODY_COLOR_BROWN, BODY_COLOR_PURPLE, BODY_COLOR_GRAY, BODY_COLOR_WHITE, BODY_COLOR_PINK }; #define EVO_FRIENDSHIP 0x0001 // Pokémon levels up with friendship ≥ 220 #define EVO_FRIENDSHIP_DAY 0x0002 // Pokémon levels up during the day with friendship ≥ 220 #define EVO_FRIENDSHIP_NIGHT 0x0003 // Pokémon levels up at night with friendship ≥ 220 #define EVO_LEVEL 0x0004 // Pokémon reaches the specified level #define EVO_TRADE 0x0005 // Pokémon is traded #define EVO_TRADE_ITEM 0x0006 // Pokémon is traded while it's holding the specified item #define EVO_ITEM 0x0007 // specified item is used on Pokémon #define EVO_LEVEL_ATK_GT_DEF 0x0008 // Pokémon reaches the specified level with attack > defense #define EVO_LEVEL_ATK_EQ_DEF 0x0009 // Pokémon reaches the specified level with attack = defense #define EVO_LEVEL_ATK_LT_DEF 0x000a // Pokémon reaches the specified level with attack < defense #define EVO_LEVEL_SILCOON 0x000b // Pokémon reaches the specified level with a Silcoon personality value #define EVO_LEVEL_CASCOON 0x000c // Pokémon reaches the specified level with a Cascoon personality value #define EVO_LEVEL_NINJASK 0x000d // Pokémon reaches the specified level (special value for Ninjask) #define EVO_LEVEL_SHEDINJA 0x000e // Pokémon reaches the specified level (special value for Shedinja) #define EVO_BEAUTY 0x000f // Pokémon levels up with beauty ≥ specified value struct Evolution { u16 method; u16 param; u16 targetSpecies; }; #define EVOS_PER_MON 5 extern u8 gPlayerPartyCount; extern struct Pokemon gPlayerParty[PARTY_SIZE]; extern u8 gEnemyPartyCount; extern struct Pokemon gEnemyParty[PARTY_SIZE]; extern struct SpriteTemplate gMultiuseSpriteTemplate; extern const struct BattleMove gBattleMoves[]; extern const u8 gFacilityClassToPicIndex[]; extern const u8 gFacilityClassToTrainerClass[]; extern const struct BaseStats gBaseStats[]; extern const u8 *const gItemEffectTable[]; extern const struct Evolution gEvolutionTable[][EVOS_PER_MON]; extern const u32 gExperienceTables[][MAX_LEVEL + 1]; extern const u16 *const gLevelUpLearnsets[]; extern const u8 gPPUpGetMask[]; extern const u8 gPPUpSetMask[]; extern const u8 gPPUpAddMask[]; extern const u8 gStatStageRatios[][2]; extern const u16 gUnknown_08329D54[]; extern const struct SpriteTemplate gUnknown_08329D98[]; extern const s8 gNatureStatTable[][5]; void ZeroBoxMonData(struct BoxPokemon *boxMon); void ZeroMonData(struct Pokemon *mon); void ZeroPlayerPartyMons(void); void ZeroEnemyPartyMons(void); void CreateMon(struct Pokemon *mon, u16 species, u8 level, u8 fixedIV, u8 hasFixedPersonality, u32 fixedPersonality, u8 otIdType, u32 fixedOtId); void CreateBoxMon(struct BoxPokemon *boxMon, u16 species, u8 level, u8 fixedIV, u8 hasFixedPersonality, u32 fixedPersonality, u8 otIdType, u32 fixedOtId); void CreateMonWithNature(struct Pokemon *mon, u16 species, u8 level, u8 fixedIV, u8 nature); void CreateMonWithGenderNatureLetter(struct Pokemon *mon, u16 species, u8 level, u8 fixedIV, u8 gender, u8 nature, u8 unownLetter); void CreateMaleMon(struct Pokemon *mon, u16 species, u8 level); void CreateMonWithIVsPersonality(struct Pokemon *mon, u16 species, u8 level, u32 ivs, u32 personality); void CreateMonWithIVsOTID(struct Pokemon *mon, u16 species, u8 level, u8 *ivs, u32 otId); void CreateMonWithEVSpread(struct Pokemon *mon, u16 species, u8 level, u8 fixedIV, u8 evSpread); void CreateBattleTowerMon(struct Pokemon *mon, struct BattleTowerPokemon *src); void CreateBattleTowerMon2(struct Pokemon *mon, struct BattleTowerPokemon *src, bool8 lvl50); void CreateApprenticeMon(struct Pokemon *mon, const struct Apprentice *src, u8 monId); void CreateMonWithEVSpreadNatureOTID(struct Pokemon *mon, u16 species, u8 level, u8 nature, u8 fixedIV, u8 evSpread, u32 otId); void sub_80686FC(struct Pokemon *mon, struct BattleTowerPokemon *dest); void CreateObedientMon(struct Pokemon *mon, u16 species, u8 level, u8 fixedIV, u8 hasFixedPersonality, u32 fixedPersonality, u8 otIdType, u32 fixedOtId); bool8 sub_80688F8(u8 caseId, u8 battlerId); void SetDeoxysStats(void); u16 sub_8068B48(void); u16 sub_8068BB0(void); void CreateObedientEnemyMon(void); void CalculateMonStats(struct Pokemon *mon); void BoxMonToMon(const struct BoxPokemon *src, struct Pokemon *dest); u8 GetLevelFromMonExp(struct Pokemon *mon); u8 GetLevelFromBoxMonExp(struct BoxPokemon *boxMon); u16 GiveMoveToMon(struct Pokemon *mon, u16 move); u16 GiveMoveToBoxMon(struct BoxPokemon *boxMon, u16 move); u16 GiveMoveToBattleMon(struct BattlePokemon *mon, u16 move); void SetMonMoveSlot(struct Pokemon *mon, u16 move, u8 slot); void SetBattleMonMoveSlot(struct BattlePokemon *mon, u16 move, u8 slot); void GiveMonInitialMoveset(struct Pokemon *mon); void GiveBoxMonInitialMoveset(struct BoxPokemon *boxMon); u16 MonTryLearningNewMove(struct Pokemon *mon, bool8 firstMove); void DeleteFirstMoveAndGiveMoveToMon(struct Pokemon *mon, u16 move); void DeleteFirstMoveAndGiveMoveToBoxMon(struct BoxPokemon *boxMon, u16 move); s32 CalculateBaseDamage(struct BattlePokemon *attacker, struct BattlePokemon *defender, u32 move, u16 sideStatus, u16 powerOverride, u8 typeOverride, u8 bankAtk, u8 bankDef); u8 CountAliveMonsInBattle(u8 caseId); #define BATTLE_ALIVE_EXCEPT_ACTIVE 0 #define BATTLE_ALIVE_ATK_SIDE 1 #define BATTLE_ALIVE_DEF_SIDE 2 u8 GetDefaultMoveTarget(u8 battlerId); u8 GetMonGender(struct Pokemon *mon); u8 GetBoxMonGender(struct BoxPokemon *boxMon); u8 GetGenderFromSpeciesAndPersonality(u16 species, u32 personality); void SetMultiuseSpriteTemplateToPokemon(u16 speciesTag, u8 battlerPosition); void SetMultiuseSpriteTemplateToTrainerBack(u16 trainerSpriteId, u8 battlerPosition); void SetMultiuseSpriteTemplateToTrainerFront(u16 arg0, u8 battlerPosition); // These are full type signatures for GetMonData() and GetBoxMonData(), // but they are not used since some code erroneously omits the third arg. // u32 GetMonData(struct Pokemon *mon, s32 field, u8 *data); // u32 GetBoxMonData(struct BoxPokemon *boxMon, s32 field, u8 *data); u32 GetMonData(); u32 GetBoxMonData(); void SetMonData(struct Pokemon *mon, s32 field, const void *dataArg); void SetBoxMonData(struct BoxPokemon *boxMon, s32 field, const void *dataArg); void CopyMon(void *dest, void *src, size_t size); u8 GiveMonToPlayer(struct Pokemon *mon); u8 SendMonToPC(struct Pokemon* mon); u8 CalculatePlayerPartyCount(void); u8 CalculateEnemyPartyCount(void); u8 GetMonsStateToDoubles(void); u8 GetMonsStateToDoubles_2(void); u8 GetAbilityBySpecies(u16 species, bool8 altAbility); u8 GetMonAbility(struct Pokemon *mon); void CreateSecretBaseEnemyParty(struct SecretBaseRecord *secretBaseRecord); u8 GetSecretBaseTrainerPicIndex(void); u8 GetSecretBaseTrainerClass(void); bool8 IsPlayerPartyAndPokemonStorageFull(void); bool8 IsPokemonStorageFull(void); void GetSpeciesName(u8 *name, u16 species); u8 CalculatePPWithBonus(u16 move, u8 ppBonuses, u8 moveIndex); void RemoveMonPPBonus(struct Pokemon *mon, u8 moveIndex); void RemoveBattleMonPPBonus(struct BattlePokemon *mon, u8 moveIndex); void CopyPlayerPartyMonToBattleData(u8 battlerId, u8 partyIndex); bool8 ExecuteTableBasedItemEffect(struct Pokemon *mon, u16 item, u8 partyIndex, u8 moveIndex); bool8 PokemonUseItemEffects(struct Pokemon *mon, u16 item, u8 partyIndex, u8 moveIndex, u8 e); bool8 HealStatusConditions(struct Pokemon *mon, u32 battlePartyId, u32 healMask, u8 battlerId); u8 GetItemEffectParamOffset(u16 itemId, u8 effectByte, u8 effectBit); u8 *sub_806CF78(u16 itemId); u8 GetNature(struct Pokemon *mon); u8 GetNatureFromPersonality(u32 personality); u16 GetEvolutionTargetSpecies(struct Pokemon *mon, u8 type, u16 evolutionItem); u16 HoennPokedexNumToSpecies(u16 hoennNum); u16 NationalPokedexNumToSpecies(u16 nationalNum); u16 NationalToHoennOrder(u16 nationalNum); u16 SpeciesToNationalPokedexNum(u16 species); u16 SpeciesToHoennPokedexNum(u16 species); u16 HoennToNationalOrder(u16 hoennNum); u16 SpeciesToCryId(u16 species); void sub_806D544(u16 species, u32 personality, u8 *dest); void DrawSpindaSpots(u16 species, u32 personality, u8 *dest, u8 a4); void EvolutionRenameMon(struct Pokemon *mon, u16 oldSpecies, u16 newSpecies); bool8 sub_806D7EC(void); bool16 GetLinkTrainerFlankId(u8 id); s32 GetBattlerMultiplayerId(u16 a1); u8 GetTrainerEncounterMusicId(u16 trainerOpponentId); u16 ModifyStatByNature(u8 nature, u16 n, u8 statIndex); void AdjustFriendship(struct Pokemon *mon, u8 event); void MonGainEVs(struct Pokemon *mon, u16 defeatedSpecies); u16 GetMonEVCount(struct Pokemon *mon); void RandomlyGivePartyPokerus(struct Pokemon *party); u8 CheckPartyPokerus(struct Pokemon *party, u8 selection); u8 CheckPartyHasHadPokerus(struct Pokemon *party, u8 selection); void UpdatePartyPokerusTime(u16 days); void PartySpreadPokerus(struct Pokemon *party); bool8 TryIncrementMonLevel(struct Pokemon *mon); u32 CanMonLearnTMHM(struct Pokemon *mon, u8 tm); u32 CanSpeciesLearnTMHM(u16 species, u8 tm); u8 GetMoveRelearnerMoves(struct Pokemon *mon, u16 *moves); u8 GetLevelUpMovesBySpecies(u16 species, u16 *moves); u8 GetNumberOfRelearnableMoves(struct Pokemon *mon); u16 SpeciesToPokedexNum(u16 species); bool32 IsSpeciesInHoennDex(u16 species); void ClearBattleMonForms(void); u16 GetBattleBGM(void); void PlayBattleBGM(void); void PlayMapChosenOrBattleBGM(u16 songId); void sub_806E694(u16 songId); const u32 *GetMonFrontSpritePal(struct Pokemon *mon); const u32 *GetFrontSpritePalFromSpeciesAndPersonality(u16 species, u32 otId, u32 personality); const struct CompressedSpritePalette *GetMonSpritePalStruct(struct Pokemon *mon); const struct CompressedSpritePalette *GetMonSpritePalStructFromOtIdPersonality(u16 species, u32 otId , u32 personality); bool32 IsHMMove2(u16 move); bool8 IsMonSpriteNotFlipped(u16 species); s8 GetMonFlavorRelation(struct Pokemon *mon, u8 flavor); s8 GetFlavorRelationByPersonality(u32 personality, u8 flavor); bool8 IsTradedMon(struct Pokemon *mon); bool8 IsOtherTrainer(u32 otId, u8 *otName); void MonRestorePP(struct Pokemon *mon); void BoxMonRestorePP(struct BoxPokemon *boxMon); void SetMonPreventsSwitchingString(void); void SetWildMonHeldItem(void); bool8 IsMonShiny(struct Pokemon *mon); bool8 IsShinyOtIdPersonality(u32 otId, u32 personality); const u8 *GetTrainerPartnerName(void); void BattleAnimateFrontSprite(struct Sprite* sprite, u16 species, bool8 noCry, u8 arg3); void DoMonFrontSpriteAnimation(struct Sprite* sprite, u16 species, bool8 noCry, u8 arg3); void PokemonSummaryDoMonAnimation(struct Sprite* sprite, u16 species, bool8 oneFrame); void StopPokemonAnimationDelayTask(void); void BattleAnimateBackSprite(struct Sprite* sprite, u16 species); u8 sub_806EF08(u8 arg0); u8 sub_806EF84(u8 arg0, u8 arg1); u16 sub_806EFF0(u16 arg0); u16 FacilityClassToPicIndex(u16 facilityClass); u16 PlayerGenderToFrontTrainerPicId(u8 playerGender); void HandleSetPokedexFlag(u16 nationalNum, u8 caseId, u32 personality); const u8 *GetTrainerClassNameFromId(u16 trainerId); const u8 *GetTrainerNameFromId(u16 trainerId); bool8 HasTwoFramesAnimation(u16 species); bool8 sub_806F104(void); struct Unknown_806F160_Struct *sub_806F2AC(u8 id, u8 arg1); void sub_806F47C(u8 id); u8 *sub_806F4F8(u8 id, u8 arg1); #endif // GUARD_POKEMON_H