LavaridgeTown_MapScripts:: @ 81EA4D3 map_script 3, LavaridgeTown_MapScript1_1EA4DE map_script 2, LavaridgeTown_MapScript2_1EA547 .byte 0 LavaridgeTown_MapScript1_1EA4DE: @ 81EA4DE setflag FLAG_VISITED_LAVARIDGE_TOWN checkflag FLAG_0x06C call_if 1, LavaridgeTown_EventScript_1EA514 checkflag FLAG_0x08B call_if 1, LavaridgeTown_EventScript_1EA53F call LavaridgeTown_EventScript_271ED7 call LavaridgeTown_EventScript_271EFB compare VAR_0x4053, 1 call_if 1, LavaridgeTown_EventScript_1EA518 compare VAR_0x4053, 1 call_if 1, LavaridgeTown_EventScript_1EA543 end LavaridgeTown_EventScript_1EA514:: @ 81EA514 clearflag FLAG_0x06C return LavaridgeTown_EventScript_1EA518:: @ 81EA518 getplayerxy VAR_0x8004, VAR_0x8005 compare VAR_0x8004, 9 goto_eq LavaridgeTown_EventScript_1EA529 return LavaridgeTown_EventScript_1EA529:: @ 81EA529 setobjectxyperm 8, 11, 9 setobjectxyperm 7, 9, 8 setobjectmovementtype 7, 7 clearflag FLAG_0x3A1 return LavaridgeTown_EventScript_1EA53F:: @ 81EA53F clearflag FLAG_0x36D return LavaridgeTown_EventScript_1EA543:: @ 81EA543 setflag FLAG_SPECIAL_FLAG_0x4000 return LavaridgeTown_MapScript2_1EA547: @ 81EA547 map_script_2 VAR_0x4053, 1, LavaridgeTown_EventScript_1EA551 .2byte 0 LavaridgeTown_EventScript_1EA551:: @ 81EA551 lockall getplayerxy VAR_0x8008, VAR_0x8009 compare VAR_0x8008, 9 call_if 1, LavaridgeTown_EventScript_1EA63A compare VAR_0x8008, 9 call_if 5, LavaridgeTown_EventScript_1EA65C delay 20 checkplayergender compare VAR_RESULT, 0 call_if 1, LavaridgeTown_EventScript_1EA630 compare VAR_RESULT, 1 call_if 1, LavaridgeTown_EventScript_1EA635 compare VAR_0x8008, 9 call_if 1, LavaridgeTown_EventScript_1EA6A1 compare VAR_0x8008, 9 call_if 5, LavaridgeTown_EventScript_1EA6AC checkplayergender compare VAR_RESULT, 0 goto_eq LavaridgeTown_EventScript_1EA5B5 compare VAR_RESULT, 1 goto_eq LavaridgeTown_EventScript_1EA5DA end LavaridgeTown_EventScript_1EA5B5:: @ 81EA5B5 msgbox LavaridgeTown_Text_1EA7C0, 4 giveitem_std ITEM_GO_GOGGLES setflag FLAG_0x0DD msgbox LavaridgeTown_Text_1EA897, 4 goto LavaridgeTown_EventScript_1EA5FF end LavaridgeTown_EventScript_1EA5DA:: @ 81EA5DA msgbox LavaridgeTown_Text_1EA9A2, 4 giveitem_std ITEM_GO_GOGGLES setflag FLAG_0x0DD msgbox LavaridgeTown_Text_1EAA2E, 4 goto LavaridgeTown_EventScript_1EA5FF end LavaridgeTown_EventScript_1EA5FF:: @ 81EA5FF closemessage removeobject 8 addobject 7 delay 30 compare VAR_0x8008, 9 call_if 1, LavaridgeTown_EventScript_1EA6B7 compare VAR_0x8008, 9 call_if 5, LavaridgeTown_EventScript_1EA6C9 removeobject 7 setvar VAR_0x4053, 2 clearflag FLAG_SPECIAL_FLAG_0x4000 savebgm MUS_DUMMY fadedefaultbgm releaseall end LavaridgeTown_EventScript_1EA630:: @ 81EA630 playbgm MUS_GIRL_SUP, 1 return LavaridgeTown_EventScript_1EA635:: @ 81EA635 playbgm MUS_BOY_SUP, 1 return LavaridgeTown_EventScript_1EA63A:: @ 81EA63A applymovement 8, LavaridgeTown_Movement_2725A6 waitmovement 0 playse SE_PIN applymovement 8, LavaridgeTown_Movement_272598 waitmovement 0 applymovement 8, LavaridgeTown_Movement_27259A waitmovement 0 return LavaridgeTown_EventScript_1EA65C:: @ 81EA65C opendoor 12, 15 waitdooranim addobject 8 applymovement 8, LavaridgeTown_Movement_1EA6F8 waitmovement 0 closedoor 12, 15 waitdooranim applymovement 8, LavaridgeTown_Movement_2725A4 waitmovement 0 playse SE_PIN applymovement 8, LavaridgeTown_Movement_272598 waitmovement 0 applymovement 8, LavaridgeTown_Movement_27259A waitmovement 0 applymovement 255, LavaridgeTown_Movement_2725A8 waitmovement 0 return LavaridgeTown_EventScript_1EA6A1:: @ 81EA6A1 applymovement 8, LavaridgeTown_Movement_1EA6F4 waitmovement 0 return LavaridgeTown_EventScript_1EA6AC:: @ 81EA6AC applymovement 8, LavaridgeTown_Movement_1EA6ED waitmovement 0 return LavaridgeTown_EventScript_1EA6B7:: @ 81EA6B7 applymovement 255, LavaridgeTown_Movement_1EA6DF applymovement 7, LavaridgeTown_Movement_1EA6E3 waitmovement 0 return LavaridgeTown_EventScript_1EA6C9:: @ 81EA6C9 applymovement 7, LavaridgeTown_Movement_1EA6D4 waitmovement 0 return LavaridgeTown_Movement_1EA6D4: @ 81EA6D4 step_18 step_18 step_18 step_16 step_16 step_16 step_16 step_16 step_16 step_16 step_end LavaridgeTown_Movement_1EA6DF: @ 81EA6DF step_14 step_13 step_28 step_end LavaridgeTown_Movement_1EA6E3: @ 81EA6E3 step_15 step_18 step_18 step_18 step_18 step_18 step_18 step_18 step_18 step_end LavaridgeTown_Movement_1EA6ED: @ 81EA6ED step_left step_left step_left step_left step_left step_left step_end LavaridgeTown_Movement_1EA6F4: @ 81EA6F4 step_left step_left step_up step_end LavaridgeTown_Movement_1EA6F8: @ 81EA6F8 step_down step_end LavaridgeTown_EventScript_1EA6FA:: @ 81EA6FA specialvar VAR_RESULT, player_get_direction_lower_nybble compare VAR_RESULT, 1 goto_eq LavaridgeTown_EventScript_1EA70B end LavaridgeTown_EventScript_1EA70B:: @ 81EA70B incrementgamestat 49 end LavaridgeTown_EventScript_1EA70E:: @ 81EA70E msgbox LavaridgeTown_Text_1EAE03, 2 end LavaridgeTown_EventScript_1EA717:: @ 81EA717 msgbox LavaridgeTown_Text_1EAEE1, 3 end LavaridgeTown_EventScript_1EA720:: @ 81EA720 msgbox LavaridgeTown_Text_1EAF9B, 2 end LavaridgeTown_EventScript_1EA729:: @ 81EA729 msgbox LavaridgeTown_Text_1EB003, 2 end LavaridgeTown_EventScript_1EA732:: @ 81EA732 msgbox LavaridgeTown_Text_1EB092, 2 end LavaridgeTown_EventScript_1EA73B:: @ 81EA73B msgbox LavaridgeTown_Text_1EAF4E, 2 end LavaridgeTown_EventScript_1EA744:: @ 81EA744 lock faceplayer checkflag FLAG_0x10A goto_eq LavaridgeTown_EventScript_1EA787 msgbox LavaridgeTown_Text_1EAB80, 5 compare VAR_RESULT, 0 goto_eq LavaridgeTown_EventScript_1EA79B getpartysize compare VAR_RESULT, 6 goto_eq LavaridgeTown_EventScript_1EA791 msgbox LavaridgeTown_Text_1EACC0, 4 setflag FLAG_0x10A playfanfare MUS_FANFA4 message LavaridgeTown_Text_1EACF4 waitfanfare giveegg SPECIES_WYNAUT release end LavaridgeTown_EventScript_1EA787:: @ 81EA787 msgbox LavaridgeTown_Text_1EAD9E, 4 release end LavaridgeTown_EventScript_1EA791:: @ 81EA791 msgbox LavaridgeTown_Text_1EAD09, 4 release end LavaridgeTown_EventScript_1EA79B:: @ 81EA79B msgbox LavaridgeTown_Text_1EAD44, 4 release end LavaridgeTown_EventScript_1EA7A5:: @ 81EA7A5 msgbox LavaridgeTown_Text_1EB12B, 3 end LavaridgeTown_EventScript_1EA7AE:: @ 81EA7AE msgbox LavaridgeTown_Text_1EB178, 3 end LavaridgeTown_EventScript_1EA7B7:: @ 81EA7B7 msgbox LavaridgeTown_Text_1EB1CB, 3 end LavaridgeTown_Text_1EA7C0: @ 81EA7C0 .string "MAY: {PLAYER}{KUN}! Long time no see!\p" .string "Oh? While I visited the hot springs,\n" .string "you got the LAVARIDGE GYM BADGE.\p" .string "You must have collected\n" .string "good POKéMON…\l" .string "No, I believe you raised some.\p" .string "I guess it would be okay for you to\n" .string "have this.$" LavaridgeTown_Text_1EA897: @ 81EA897 .string "MAY: With those GO-GOGGLES, you’ll\n" .string "have no trouble getting through the\l" .string "desert near ROUTE 111.\p" .string "But, wow, {PLAYER}{KUN}…\n" .string "Challenging GYMS…\p" .string "You’re trying hard because you don’t\n" .string "want to lose to me, I bet!\p" .string "{PLAYER}{KUN}, I think I should challenge\n" .string "your dad in PETALBURG GYM.\p" .string "See you again!$" LavaridgeTown_Text_1EA9A2: @ 81EA9A2 .string "BRENDAN: {PLAYER}, hey, it’s been a while.\n" .string "How’s it going?\p" .string "Hmm…\n" .string "That’s a decent collection of BADGES.\p" .string "All right, then.\n" .string "You may as well have this.$" LavaridgeTown_Text_1EAA2E: @ 81EAA2E .string "BRENDAN: Keep those with you if you’re\n" .string "planning on going into that desert near\l" .string "ROUTE 111.\p" .string "There should be some POKéMON that\n" .string "are exclusively desert-dwellers.\l" .string "You might look around for those.\p" .string "As for me…\n" .string "I’m considering challenging NORMAN,\l" .string "the GYM LEADER of PETALBURG.\p" .string "Unlike you, {PLAYER}, your dad looks like\n" .string "he really is tough.\p" .string "See you around!$" LavaridgeTown_Text_1EAB80: @ 81EAB80 .string "I have here an EGG.\p" .string "I’d hoped to hatch it by covering it in\n" .string "hot sand by the hot springs.\l" .string "But that doesn’t seem to be enough…\p" .string "I’ve heard it would be best if it were\n" .string "kept together with POKéMON and\l" .string "carried about.\p" .string "You are a TRAINER, yes?\n" .string "And your POKéMON radiate vitality.\p" .string "So, what say you?\n" .string "Will you take this EGG to hatch?$" LavaridgeTown_Text_1EACC0: @ 81EACC0 .string "Good! I hope you’ll walk plenty with\n" .string "this here EGG!$" LavaridgeTown_Text_1EACF4: @ 81EACF4 .string "{PLAYER} received the EGG.$" LavaridgeTown_Text_1EAD09: @ 81EAD09 .string "Oh? You’ve too many POKéMON.\n" .string "There’s no room for this EGG…$" LavaridgeTown_Text_1EAD44: @ 81EAD44 .string "As you wish, then…\p" .string "If you have a change of heart about\n" .string "hatching this EGG, I will be here.$" LavaridgeTown_Text_1EAD9E: @ 81EAD9E .string "Every so often, an EGG will be found at\n" .string "the POKéMON DAY CARE.\p" .string "Or at least that’s how the rumor goes.$" LavaridgeTown_Text_1EAE03: @ 81EAE03 .string "We draw as much hot water as we need,\n" .string "and yet the hot springs never run dry.\p" .string "Isn’t it magical?\p" .string "These hot springs appear near active\n" .string "volcanoes. Veins of water under the\l" .string "ground are heated by magma to well up\l" .string "as hot springs.$" LavaridgeTown_Text_1EAEE1: @ 81EAEE1 .string "Being buried in this hot sand is…\n" .string "Sigh…\p" .string "So warm and heavenly…\p" .string "Eh? Gyaah! Ouch!\p" .string "A POKéMON nipped my backside!$" LavaridgeTown_Text_1EAF4E: @ 81EAF4E .string "Oh, you like hot springs, do you?\p" .string "That’s surprising for one as young\n" .string "as you.$" LavaridgeTown_Text_1EAF9B: @ 81EAF9B .string "I bathe in the hot springs every day.\p" .string "I want to become a beautiful and strong\n" .string "GYM LEADER like FLANNERY.$" LavaridgeTown_Text_1EB003: @ 81EB003 .string "If people put POKéMON in hot springs,\n" .string "it might be seriously strange.\p" .string "Why, it might be an electric bath, or\n" .string "a bubble bath, or even a lava bath…$" LavaridgeTown_Text_1EB092: @ 81EB092 .string "They’re claiming that these hot springs\n" .string "are good for calming nervous tension,\l" .string "relieving aching muscles, solving\l" .string "romantic problems, and attracting\l" .string "money…$" LavaridgeTown_Text_1EB12B: @ 81EB12B .string "LAVARIDGE TOWN\p" .string "“POKéMON CENTER HOT SPRINGS\n" .string "An excellent place for relaxing!”$" LavaridgeTown_Text_1EB178: @ 81EB178 .string "LAVARIDGE TOWN POKéMON GYM\n" .string "LEADER: FLANNERY\l" .string "“One with a fiery passion that burns!”$" LavaridgeTown_Text_1EB1CB: @ 81EB1CB .string "POKéMON HERB SHOP\n" .string "“Bitter taste--better cure!”$"