Route119_WeatherInstitute_1F_MapScripts:: @ 826FA86 map_script 3, Route119_WeatherInstitute_1F_MapScript1_26FA8C .byte 0 Route119_WeatherInstitute_1F_MapScript1_26FA8C: @ 826FA8C compare VAR_0x40B3, 0 call_if 1, Route119_WeatherInstitute_1F_EventScript_26FA98 end Route119_WeatherInstitute_1F_EventScript_26FA98:: @ 826FA98 setobjectxyperm 5, 0, 5 setobjectmovementtype 5, 10 return Route119_WeatherInstitute_1F_EventScript_26FAA4:: @ 826FAA4 lock faceplayer special GetPlayerBigGuyGirlString compare VAR_0x40B3, 0 goto_eq Route119_WeatherInstitute_1F_EventScript_26FABE msgbox Route119_WeatherInstitute_1F_Text_26FCE5, 4 release end Route119_WeatherInstitute_1F_EventScript_26FABE:: @ 826FABE msgbox Route119_WeatherInstitute_1F_Text_26FCB7, 4 release end Route119_WeatherInstitute_1F_EventScript_26FAC8:: @ 826FAC8 lock faceplayer checkflag FLAG_SYS_GAME_CLEAR goto_if 0, Route119_WeatherInstitute_1F_EventScript_26FB05 setvar VAR_0x8004, 0 checkflag FLAG_0x1BE call_if 1, Route119_WeatherInstitute_1F_EventScript_26FAFF checkflag FLAG_0x1BF call_if 1, Route119_WeatherInstitute_1F_EventScript_26FAFF compare VAR_0x8004, 2 goto_eq Route119_WeatherInstitute_1F_EventScript_26FB05 msgbox Route119_WeatherInstitute_1F_Text_26FDE8, 4 release end Route119_WeatherInstitute_1F_EventScript_26FAFF:: @ 826FAFF addvar VAR_0x8004, 1 return Route119_WeatherInstitute_1F_EventScript_26FB05:: @ 826FB05 msgbox Route119_WeatherInstitute_1F_Text_26FD2E, 4 release end Route119_WeatherInstitute_1F_EventScript_26FB0F:: @ 826FB0F msgbox Route119_WeatherInstitute_1F_Text_26FE94, 2 end Route119_WeatherInstitute_1F_EventScript_26FB18:: @ 826FB18 lockall msgbox Route119_WeatherInstitute_1F_Text_26FEFC, 4 closemessage call Route119_WeatherInstitute_1F_EventScript_272083 releaseall end Route119_WeatherInstitute_1F_EventScript_26FB29:: @ 826FB29 trainerbattle 0, TRAINER_GRUNT_11, 0, Route119_WeatherInstitute_1F_Text_26FB57, Route119_WeatherInstitute_1F_Text_26FBBB msgbox Route119_WeatherInstitute_1F_Text_26FBD7, 6 end Route119_WeatherInstitute_1F_EventScript_26FB40:: @ 826FB40 trainerbattle 0, TRAINER_GRUNT_20, 0, Route119_WeatherInstitute_1F_Text_26FC34, Route119_WeatherInstitute_1F_Text_26FC52 msgbox Route119_WeatherInstitute_1F_Text_26FC60, 6 end Route119_WeatherInstitute_1F_Text_26FB57: @ 826FB57 .string "The BOSS got interested in\n" .string "the research they have going here,\l" .string "so he sent us out.\p" .string "You quit meddling!$" Route119_WeatherInstitute_1F_Text_26FBBB: @ 826FBBB .string "Blast it…\n" .string "Blasted by a kid…$" Route119_WeatherInstitute_1F_Text_26FBD7: @ 826FBD7 .string "Our BOSS knows everything.\p" .string "But I’m just a GRUNT. What would I know\n" .string "about what he’s thinking?$" Route119_WeatherInstitute_1F_Text_26FC34: @ 826FC34 .string "Huh?\n" .string "What’s a kid doing here?$" Route119_WeatherInstitute_1F_Text_26FC52: @ 826FC52 .string "Huh?\n" .string "I lost?!$" Route119_WeatherInstitute_1F_Text_26FC60: @ 826FC60 .string "Oh, no…\n" .string "I’ll catch an earful for losing to a kid…\p" .string "I should just take a nap in the bed…$" Route119_WeatherInstitute_1F_Text_26FCB7: @ 826FCB7 .string "While I was sleeping, everyone went\n" .string "upstairs!$" Route119_WeatherInstitute_1F_Text_26FCE5: @ 826FCE5 .string "Wow, you’re really strong!\p" .string "I wish I could be a POKéMON TRAINER\n" .string "like you!$" Route119_WeatherInstitute_1F_Text_26FD2E: @ 826FD2E .string "The PROFESSOR loves rain.\n" .string "That’s a fact.\p" .string "But if it keeps raining, people will be in\n" .string "trouble. That’s another fact.\p" .string "And thus, the PROFESSOR is studying\n" .string "if the rain can be put to good use.$" Route119_WeatherInstitute_1F_Text_26FDE8: @ 826FDE8 .string "On the 2nd floor of the INSTITUTE,\n" .string "we study the weather patterns over\l" .string "the HOENN region.\p" .string "We’ve been noticing temporary and\n" .string "isolated cases of droughts and\l" .string "heavy rain lately…$" Route119_WeatherInstitute_1F_Text_26FE94: @ 826FE94 .string "Hello!\n" .string "We’ve been saved by your actions!\p" .string "What I don’t understand is what on\n" .string "earth the AQUAS were up to.$" Route119_WeatherInstitute_1F_Text_26FEFC: @ 826FEFC .string "There’s a bed…\n" .string "Let’s take a rest.$"