#include "global.h" #include "dewford_trend.h" #include "easy_chat.h" #include "event_data.h" #include "link.h" #include "malloc.h" #include "random.h" #include "text.h" #include "tv.h" #include "string_util.h" #include "constants/easy_chat.h" /* ## Overview ## This file handles the "Dewford Trend", a pair of Easy Chat words repeated by NPCs around Dewford Hall. The NPC outside Dewford Hall will ask what the player thinks of the current trendy phrase, and the player may submit a new pair of words. If the NPC thinks the submitted phrase is "trendier" than the current one (see TrySetTrendyPhrase), it becomes the new phrase. ## struct DewfordTrend ## Information about a Dewford trend is stored in a struct DewfordTrend. In addition to the two easy chat words that make up the trend's phrase, each trend has a few randomly generated values associated with it. - rand: This is a 16 bit value generated once when the phrase is created. It's used in calculations for Feebas tiles, Slot Machines, and Match Call. - trendiness / maxTrendiness: Initialized as a random value between 30-127 inclusive. This is used to compare how trendy one phrase is vs another. If a submitted phrase is less trendy than the current one it won't be accepted. If the trend is "boring" (see below) it will lose trendiness over time until it reaches 0, at which point it will stop being boring and gain trendiness until it reaches maxTrendiness (then it becomes boring again and the cycle repeats). - gainingTrendiness: This is a flag that determines whether a phrase should be gaining or losing trendiness. An NPC in Dewford Hall will comment on whether the current phrase is "boring" or not, and if it is gaining trendiness (or if it is still trendier than the last phrase) it is not boring. This field will always be TRUE for any new phrase submitted after the 1st submission. ## Saving trends ## Each time a potential trendy phrase is submitted, it is saved in gSaveBlock1Ptr->dewfordTrends[]. Up to SAVED_TRENDS_COUNT (5) trends may be saved at one time. The trends in this array are kept in sorted order from most trendy to least trendy. The current trendy phrase is always at gSaveBlock1Ptr->dewfordTrends[0]. If the player mixes records with another player, their own trends are replaced with their mixing partner's, unless the phrase is the same, in which case the version with a higher trendiness value is used (see ReceiveDewfordTrendData). ## TV Show ## If a submitted phrase is only trendier than 1 or none of the saved trends, it may trigger a TV Show called Trend Watcher (see TryPutTrendWatcherOnAir) that, ironically, spends the show talking about how the submitted phrase was not trendy. */ enum { SORT_MODE_NORMAL, SORT_MODE_MAX_FIRST, SORT_MODE_FULL, }; static void SortTrends(struct DewfordTrend *, u16, u8); static bool8 CompareTrends(struct DewfordTrend *, struct DewfordTrend *, u8); static void SeedTrendRng(struct DewfordTrend *); static bool8 IsPhraseInSavedTrends(u16 *); static bool8 IsEasyChatPairEqual(u16 *, u16 *); static s16 GetSavedTrendIndex(struct DewfordTrend *, struct DewfordTrend *, u16); void InitDewfordTrend(void) { u16 i; for (i = 0; i < SAVED_TRENDS_COUNT; i++) { gSaveBlock1Ptr->dewfordTrends[i].words[0] = GetRandomEasyChatWordFromGroup(EC_GROUP_CONDITIONS); if (Random() & 1) gSaveBlock1Ptr->dewfordTrends[i].words[1] = GetRandomEasyChatWordFromGroup(EC_GROUP_LIFESTYLE); else gSaveBlock1Ptr->dewfordTrends[i].words[1] = GetRandomEasyChatWordFromGroup(EC_GROUP_HOBBIES); gSaveBlock1Ptr->dewfordTrends[i].gainingTrendiness = Random() & 1; SeedTrendRng(&(gSaveBlock1Ptr->dewfordTrends[i])); } SortTrends(gSaveBlock1Ptr->dewfordTrends, SAVED_TRENDS_COUNT, SORT_MODE_NORMAL); } void UpdateDewfordTrendPerDay(u16 days) { u16 i; if (days != 0) { u32 clockRand = days * 5; for (i = 0; i < SAVED_TRENDS_COUNT; i++) { u32 trendiness; u32 rand = clockRand; struct DewfordTrend *trend = &gSaveBlock1Ptr->dewfordTrends[i]; if (!trend->gainingTrendiness) { // This trend is "boring" // Lose trendiness until it becomes 0 if (trend->trendiness >= (u16)rand) { trend->trendiness -= rand; if (trend->trendiness == 0) trend->gainingTrendiness = TRUE; continue; } rand -= trend->trendiness; trend->trendiness = 0; trend->gainingTrendiness = TRUE; } trendiness = trend->trendiness + rand; if ((u16)trendiness > trend->maxTrendiness) { // Reached limit, reset trendiness u32 newTrendiness = trendiness % trend->maxTrendiness; trendiness = trendiness / trend->maxTrendiness; trend->gainingTrendiness = trendiness ^ 1; if (trend->gainingTrendiness) trend->trendiness = newTrendiness; else trend->trendiness = trend->maxTrendiness - newTrendiness; } else { // Increase trendiness trend->trendiness = trendiness; // Trend has reached its max, becoming "boring" and start losing trendiness if (trend->trendiness == trend->maxTrendiness) trend->gainingTrendiness = FALSE; } } SortTrends(gSaveBlock1Ptr->dewfordTrends, SAVED_TRENDS_COUNT, SORT_MODE_NORMAL); } } // Returns TRUE if the current trendy phrase was successfully changed to the given phrase // Returns FALSE otherwise // Regardless of whether or not the current trendy phrase was changed, the submitted // phrase is always saved in gSaveBlock1Ptr->dewfordTrends bool8 TrySetTrendyPhrase(u16 *phrase) { struct DewfordTrend trend = {0}; u16 i; if (!IsPhraseInSavedTrends(phrase)) { if (!FlagGet(FLAG_SYS_CHANGED_DEWFORD_TREND)) { FlagSet(FLAG_SYS_CHANGED_DEWFORD_TREND); // Make sure player couldn't have received this phrase by mixing records if (!FlagGet(FLAG_SYS_MIX_RECORD)) { // This is the first time submitting a phrase // No need to check saved phrases or reset rng, just set the new words gSaveBlock1Ptr->dewfordTrends[0].words[0] = phrase[0]; gSaveBlock1Ptr->dewfordTrends[0].words[1] = phrase[1]; return TRUE; } } // Initialize DewfordTrend using given phrase trend.words[0] = phrase[0]; trend.words[1] = phrase[1]; trend.gainingTrendiness = TRUE; SeedTrendRng(&trend); for (i = 0; i < SAVED_TRENDS_COUNT; i++) { if (CompareTrends(&trend, &(gSaveBlock1Ptr->dewfordTrends[i]), SORT_MODE_NORMAL)) { // New trend is "trendier" than dewfordTrend[i] // Shift other trends back to insert new trend u16 j = SAVED_TRENDS_COUNT - 1; while (j > i) { gSaveBlock1Ptr->dewfordTrends[j] = gSaveBlock1Ptr->dewfordTrends[j - 1]; j--; } gSaveBlock1Ptr->dewfordTrends[i] = trend; if (i == SAVED_TRENDS_COUNT - 1) TryPutTrendWatcherOnAir(phrase); // If i is 0, the given phrase is the new current phrase return (i == 0); } } // New trend is less "trendy" than all other saved trends, put it in last gSaveBlock1Ptr->dewfordTrends[SAVED_TRENDS_COUNT - 1] = trend; TryPutTrendWatcherOnAir(phrase); } return FALSE; } static void SortTrends(struct DewfordTrend *trends, u16 numTrends, u8 mode) { u16 i; for (i = 0; i < numTrends; i++) { u16 j; for (j = i + 1; j < numTrends; j++) { if (CompareTrends(&trends[j], &trends[i], mode)) { struct DewfordTrend temp; SWAP(trends[j], trends[i], temp); } } } } #define SAVED_TRENDS_SIZE (sizeof(struct DewfordTrend) * SAVED_TRENDS_COUNT) #define BUFFER_SIZE (SAVED_TRENDS_SIZE * MAX_LINK_PLAYERS > 0x100 ? SAVED_TRENDS_SIZE * MAX_LINK_PLAYERS : 0x100) // More space was allocated than needed void ReceiveDewfordTrendData(struct DewfordTrend *linkedTrends, size_t size, u8 unused) { u16 i, j, numTrends, players; struct DewfordTrend *linkedTrendsBuffer, *savedTrendsBuffer, *src, *dst, *temp; // Exit if alloc fails if (!(linkedTrendsBuffer = Alloc(BUFFER_SIZE))) return; // Exit if alloc fails if (!(savedTrendsBuffer = Alloc(BUFFER_SIZE))) { Free(linkedTrendsBuffer); return; } // Buffer the new trends being received via Record Mixing players = GetLinkPlayerCount(); for (i = 0; i < players; i++) memcpy(&linkedTrendsBuffer[i * SAVED_TRENDS_COUNT], (u8 *)linkedTrends + i * size, SAVED_TRENDS_SIZE); // Determine which of the received trends should be saved. // savedTrendsBuffer starts empty, and when finished will contain // which of the linked trends to save in the saveblock. src = linkedTrendsBuffer; dst = savedTrendsBuffer; numTrends = 0; for (i = 0; i < players; i++) { for (j = 0; j < SAVED_TRENDS_COUNT; j++) { s16 idx = GetSavedTrendIndex(savedTrendsBuffer, src, numTrends); if (idx < 0) { // This phrase is not a currently saved trend, save it *(dst++) = *src; numTrends++; } else { // This phrase already exists as a saved phrase // Only overwrrite it if it's "trendier" temp = &savedTrendsBuffer[idx]; if (temp->trendiness < src->trendiness) { *temp = *src; } } src++; } } SortTrends(savedTrendsBuffer, numTrends, SORT_MODE_FULL); // Overwrite current saved trends with new saved trends src = savedTrendsBuffer; dst = gSaveBlock1Ptr->dewfordTrends; for (i = 0; i < SAVED_TRENDS_COUNT; i++) *(dst++) = *(src++); Free(linkedTrendsBuffer); Free(savedTrendsBuffer); } void BufferTrendyPhraseString(void) { struct DewfordTrend *trend = &gSaveBlock1Ptr->dewfordTrends[gSpecialVar_0x8004]; ConvertEasyChatWordsToString(gStringVar1, trend->words, 2, 1); } // Returns TRUE if the current trendy phrase is "boring", FALSE otherwise // This only influences the comment of an NPC inside the Dewford Town Hall void IsTrendyPhraseBoring(void) { bool16 result = FALSE; do { if (gSaveBlock1Ptr->dewfordTrends[0].trendiness - gSaveBlock1Ptr->dewfordTrends[1].trendiness > 1) break; if (gSaveBlock1Ptr->dewfordTrends[0].gainingTrendiness) break; if (!gSaveBlock1Ptr->dewfordTrends[1].gainingTrendiness) break; result = TRUE; } while (0); gSpecialVar_Result = result; } // A painting hangs on the wall of the Dewford Hall // When interacted with it says "{trendy phrase}'S {name} is the title" // {name} is one of 8 pre-set words, depending on the current phrase // See DewfordTown_Hall_EventScript_Painting void GetDewfordHallPaintingNameIndex(void) { gSpecialVar_Result = (gSaveBlock1Ptr->dewfordTrends[0].words[0] + gSaveBlock1Ptr->dewfordTrends[0].words[1]) & 7; } // Returns TRUE if a > b (a is "trendier" than b), FALSE if a < b (b is "trendier" than a) // How one trend is compared to the other depends on the mode // In SORT_MODE_FULL if the trends are equal then TRUE is always returned, otherwise TRUE or FALSE is returned randomly static bool8 CompareTrends(struct DewfordTrend *a, struct DewfordTrend *b, u8 mode) { switch (mode) { case SORT_MODE_NORMAL: if (a->trendiness > b->trendiness) return TRUE; if (a->trendiness < b->trendiness) return FALSE; if (a->maxTrendiness > b->maxTrendiness) return TRUE; if (a->maxTrendiness < b->maxTrendiness) return FALSE; break; case SORT_MODE_MAX_FIRST: // Unused if (a->maxTrendiness > b->maxTrendiness) return TRUE; if (a->maxTrendiness < b->maxTrendiness) return FALSE; if (a->trendiness > b->trendiness) return TRUE; if (a->trendiness < b->trendiness) return FALSE; break; case SORT_MODE_FULL: if (a->trendiness > b->trendiness) return TRUE; if (a->trendiness < b->trendiness) return FALSE; if (a->maxTrendiness > b->maxTrendiness) return TRUE; if (a->maxTrendiness < b->maxTrendiness) return FALSE; if (a->rand > b->rand) return TRUE; if (a->rand < b->rand) return FALSE; if (a->words[0] > b->words[0]) return TRUE; if (a->words[0] < b->words[0]) return FALSE; if (a->words[1] > b->words[1]) return TRUE; if (a->words[1] < b->words[1]) return FALSE; return TRUE; } // Invalid mode given, or trends are equal in SORT_MODE_NORMAL or SORT_MODE_MAX_FIRST // Randomly pick one of the phrases return Random() & 1; } static void SeedTrendRng(struct DewfordTrend *trend) { u16 rand; rand = Random() % 98; if (rand > 50) { rand = Random() % 98; if (rand > 80) rand = Random() % 98; } trend->maxTrendiness = rand + 30; trend->trendiness = (Random() % (rand + 1)) + 30; trend->rand = Random(); } static bool8 IsPhraseInSavedTrends(u16 *phrase) { u16 i; for (i = 0; i < SAVED_TRENDS_COUNT; i++) { if (IsEasyChatPairEqual(phrase, gSaveBlock1Ptr->dewfordTrends[i].words)) return TRUE; } return FALSE; } static bool8 IsEasyChatPairEqual(u16 *words1, u16 *words2) { u16 i; for (i = 0; i < 2; i++) { if (*(words1++) != *(words2++)) return FALSE; } return TRUE; } static s16 GetSavedTrendIndex(struct DewfordTrend *savedTrends, struct DewfordTrend *trend, u16 numSaved) { s16 i; for (i = 0; i < numSaved; i++) { if (IsEasyChatPairEqual(trend->words, savedTrends->words)) return i; savedTrends++; } return -1; }