#include "global.h" #include "malloc.h" #include "bg.h" #include "dodrio_berry_picking.h" #include "dynamic_placeholder_text_util.h" #include "event_data.h" #include "gpu_regs.h" #include "international_string_util.h" #include "item.h" #include "link.h" #include "link_rfu.h" #include "m4a.h" #include "main.h" #include "palette.h" #include "minigame_countdown.h" #include "random.h" #include "save.h" #include "script.h" #include "sound.h" #include "string_util.h" #include "strings.h" #include "task.h" #include "text_window.h" #include "window.h" #include "constants/items.h" #include "constants/songs.h" // Note that in this file 'Dodrio Berry Picking' is often // shortened to DodrioGame or just Game for convenience #define MAX_SCORE 999990 #define MAX_BERRIES 9999 // The minimum score needed to receive a prize #define PRIZE_SCORE 3000 // Difficulty increases as berries are eaten. The rate of new berries increases and the types of berries changes // When the max difficulty is reached it starts again from the beginning #define NUM_DIFFICULTIES 7 #define MAX_FALL_DIST 10 // The number of times a berry needs to fall before hitting the ground #define EAT_FALL_DIST 7 // The number of times a berry needs to fall to be available to eat enum { BG_INTERFACE, BG_TREE_LEFT, BG_TREE_RIGHT, BG_SCENERY }; enum { FUNC_INTRO, FUNC_INIT_COUNTDOWN, FUNC_COUNTDOWN, FUNC_WAIT_START, FUNC_PLAY_GAME, FUNC_INIT_RESULTS, FUNC_RESULTS, FUNC_ASK_PLAY_AGAIN, FUNC_END_LINK, FUNC_EXIT, FUNC_RESET_GAME, FUNC_WAIT_END_GAME, }; enum { GFXFUNC_LOAD, GFXFUNC_SHOW_NAMES, GFXFUNC_SHOW_RESULTS, GFXFUNC_MSG_PLAY_AGAIN, GFXFUNC_MSG_SAVING, GFXFUNC_MSG_COMM_STANDBY, GFXFUNC_ERASE_MSG, GFXFUNC_MSG_PLAYER_DROPPED, GFXFUNC_STOP, GFXFUNC_IDLE, }; enum { PACKET_READY_START = 1, PACKET_GAME_STATE, PACKET_PICK_STATE, PACKET_READY_END, }; enum { PLAY_AGAIN_NONE, PLAY_AGAIN_YES, PLAY_AGAIN_NO, PLAY_AGAIN_DROPPED = 5, }; enum { PICK_NONE, // Dodrio standing still PICK_RIGHT, // Dodrio reaching right PICK_MIDDLE, // Dodrio reaching up PICK_LEFT, // Dodrio reaching left PICK_DISABLED, // Dodrio down after game over }; enum { BERRY_BLUE, BERRY_GREEN, BERRY_GOLD, BERRY_MISSED, BERRY_PRIZE, BERRY_IN_ROW, NUM_BERRY_IDS }; #define NUM_BERRY_TYPES 4 // Blue, Green, Gold, and 'missed' // Eaten anim comes after the normal & missed versions of other berries #define ANIM_EATEN (BERRY_MISSED * 2) enum { BERRYSTATE_NONE, BERRYSTATE_PICKED, // Berry has been picked by a Dodrio, replaced with blue hit sprite (still falling) BERRYSTATE_EATEN, // Berry has been eaten (after being picked), berry is gone now BERRYSTATE_SQUISHED, // Berry has hit the ground }; enum { INPUTSTATE_NONE, INPUTSTATE_TRY_PICK, INPUTSTATE_PICKED, INPUTSTATE_ATE_BERRY, INPUTSTATE_BAD_MISS, }; // Colors for status bar squares // Colored gray when a berry is missed // Flash red when few yellow squares remain enum { STATUS_YELLOW, STATUS_GRAY, STATUS_RED, }; #define NUM_STATUS_SQUARES 10 // Berries fall in predefined columns. // A total of 10 are available, though fewer will be used with < 5 players // The 11th column is a repeat of the 1st column wrapped around, so only // the values 0-9 are unique 'valid' columns #define NUM_BERRY_COLUMNS 11 #define GFXTAG_DODRIO 0 #define GFXTAG_STATUS 1 #define GFXTAG_BERRIES 2 #define GFXTAG_CLOUD 5 #define GFXTAG_COUNTDOWN 7 #define PALTAG_DODRIO_NORMAL 0 #define PALTAG_DODRIO_SHINY 1 #define PALTAG_STATUS 2 #define PALTAG_BERRIES 3 #define PALTAG_CLOUD 6 #define PALTAG_COUNTDOWN 8 #define NUM_CLOUDS 2 #define PLAYER_NONE 0xFF struct DodrioGame_Gfx { u16 ALIGNED(4) tilemapBuffers[3][BG_SCREEN_SIZE]; bool32 finished; u8 ALIGNED(4) taskId; u8 ALIGNED(4) windowIds[MAX_RFU_PLAYERS + 5]; // The latter 5 are never used u8 ALIGNED(4) state; u8 ALIGNED(4) loadState; u16 ALIGNED(4) timer; u8 ALIGNED(4) cursorSelection; u8 ALIGNED(4) playAgainState; void (*func)(void); }; // size = 0x302C struct StatusBar { u8 unused[12]; bool8 entered[NUM_STATUS_SQUARES]; s16 yChange[NUM_STATUS_SQUARES]; u16 spriteIds[NUM_STATUS_SQUARES]; u16 flashTimer; }; // size = 0x40 struct DodrioGame_Berries { u8 ids[NUM_BERRY_COLUMNS]; u8 fallDist[NUM_BERRY_COLUMNS]; }; struct DodrioGame_PlayerCommData { u8 pickState; bool8 ALIGNED(4) ateBerry; bool8 ALIGNED(4) missedBerry; }; struct DodrioGame_Player { u8 name[16]; bool32 receivedGameStatePacket; // Never read struct DodrioGame_Berries berries; struct DodrioGame_PlayerCommData comm; u32 unused; }; // size = 0x3C // Because Dodrio is required for this minigame, // the only relevant information about the selected // Pokémon is whether or not it's shiny struct DodrioGame_MonInfo { bool8 isShiny; }; struct DodrioGame_ScoreResults { u8 ranking; u32 score; }; struct DodrioGame { /*0x0000*/ void (*exitCallback)(void); /*0x0004*/ u8 ALIGNED(4) taskId; /*0x0008*/ u8 ALIGNED(4) playersReceived; /*0x000C*/ u8 ALIGNED(4) startState; /*0x0010*/ u8 ALIGNED(4) state; /*0x0014*/ u8 ALIGNED(4) timer; /*0x0018*/ u8 ALIGNED(4) funcId; /*0x001C*/ u8 ALIGNED(4) prevFuncId; // Set, never read /*0x0020*/ bool8 ALIGNED(4) isLeader; /*0x0024*/ u8 ALIGNED(4) numPlayers; /*0x0028*/ u8 ALIGNED(4) multiplayerId; /*0x0029*/ u8 unused1[7]; /*0x0030*/ u8 ALIGNED(4) countdownEndDelay; /*0x0034*/ u8 ALIGNED(4) posToPlayerId[MAX_RFU_PLAYERS]; /*0x003C*/ u8 ALIGNED(4) unused2; // Set to 0, never read /*0x0040*/ u8 ALIGNED(4) numGraySquares; /*0x0044*/ u8 ALIGNED(4) berryColStart; /*0x0048*/ u8 ALIGNED(4) berryColEnd; /*0x004A*/ u16 berryResults[MAX_RFU_PLAYERS][NUM_BERRY_IDS]; /*0x0086*/ u16 berriesEaten[MAX_RFU_PLAYERS]; /*0x0090*/ u8 ALIGNED(4) difficulty[MAX_RFU_PLAYERS]; /*0x0098*/ u8 ALIGNED(4) pickStateQueue[4]; /*0x009C*/ u8 ALIGNED(4) eatTimer[NUM_BERRY_COLUMNS]; /*0x00A8*/ u8 ALIGNED(4) inputState[MAX_RFU_PLAYERS]; /*0x00B0*/ u8 ALIGNED(4) inputDelay[MAX_RFU_PLAYERS]; /*0x00B8*/ u8 ALIGNED(4) berryEatenBy[NUM_BERRY_COLUMNS]; /*0x00C4*/ u8 ALIGNED(4) berryState[NUM_BERRY_COLUMNS]; /*0x00D0*/ u8 ALIGNED(4) fallTimer[NUM_BERRY_COLUMNS]; /*0x00DC*/ u8 ALIGNED(4) newBerryTimer[NUM_BERRY_COLUMNS]; /*0x00E8*/ u8 ALIGNED(4) prevBerryIds[NUM_BERRY_COLUMNS]; /*0x00F4*/ u8 ALIGNED(4) playersAttemptingPick[NUM_BERRY_COLUMNS][2]; /*0x010C*/ u8 ALIGNED(4) playAgainStates[MAX_RFU_PLAYERS]; /*0x0112*/ u16 berriesPickedInRow; /*0x0114*/ u16 maxBerriesPickedInRow; /*0x0118*/ bool32 startCountdown; // Never read /*0x011C*/ bool32 startGame; /*0x0120*/ bool32 berriesFalling; /*0x0124*/ u8 ALIGNED(4) clearRecvCmdTimer; /*0x0128*/ bool8 ALIGNED(4) clearRecvCmds; /*0x012C*/ bool32 allReadyToEnd; /*0x0130*/ bool32 readyToEnd[MAX_RFU_PLAYERS]; /*0x0144*/ bool8 ALIGNED(4) playingPickSound; /*0x0148*/ bool8 ALIGNED(4) playingSquishSound[NUM_BERRY_COLUMNS]; /*0x0154*/ u8 ALIGNED(4) endSoundState; /*0x0158*/ bool8 ALIGNED(4) readyToStart[MAX_RFU_PLAYERS]; /*0x0160*/ struct DodrioGame_Gfx gfx; /*0x318C*/ struct DodrioGame_MonInfo monInfo[MAX_RFU_PLAYERS]; /*0x31A0*/ struct DodrioGame_Player players[MAX_RFU_PLAYERS]; /*0x32CC*/ struct DodrioGame_Player player; /*0x3308*/ struct DodrioGame_ScoreResults scoreResults[MAX_RFU_PLAYERS]; }; // size = 0x3330 EWRAM_DATA static struct DodrioGame * sGame = NULL; EWRAM_DATA static u16 * sDodrioSpriteIds[MAX_RFU_PLAYERS] = {NULL}; EWRAM_DATA static u16 * sCloudSpriteIds[NUM_CLOUDS] = {NULL}; EWRAM_DATA static u16 * sBerrySpriteIds[NUM_BERRY_COLUMNS] = {NULL}; EWRAM_DATA static u16 * sBerryIconSpriteIds[NUM_BERRY_TYPES] = {NULL}; EWRAM_DATA static struct StatusBar * sStatusBar = NULL; EWRAM_DATA static struct DodrioGame_Gfx * sGfx = NULL; static bool32 sExitingGame; static void ResetTasksAndSprites(void); static void InitDodrioGame(struct DodrioGame *); static void Task_StartDodrioGame(u8); static void DoGameIntro(void); static void InitCountdown(void); static void DoCountdown(void); static void WaitGameStart(void); static void PlayGame_Leader(void); static void PlayGame_Member(void); static void WaitEndGame_Leader(void); static void WaitEndGame_Member(void); static void InitResults_Leader(void); static void InitResults_Member(void); static void DoResults(void); static void AskPlayAgain(void); static void EndLink(void); static void ExitGame(void); static void ResetGame(void); static void Task_NewGameIntro(u8); static void Task_CommunicateMonInfo(u8); static void RecvLinkData_Leader(void); static void SendLinkData_Leader(void); static void RecvLinkData_Member(void); static void SendLinkData_Member(void); static void HandleSound_Leader(void); static void HandleSound_Member(void); static void CB2_DodrioGame(void); static void VBlankCB_DodrioGame(void); static void InitMonInfo(struct DodrioGame_MonInfo *, struct Pokemon *); static void CreateTask_(TaskFunc, u8); static void CreateDodrioGameTask(TaskFunc); static void SetGameFunc(u8); static bool32 SlideTreeBordersOut(void); static void InitFirstWaveOfBerries(void); static bool32 TryPickBerry(u8, u8, u8); static void UpdateFallingBerries(void); static void UpdateGame_Leader(void); static void UpdateGame_Member(void); static void GetActiveBerryColumns(u8, u8*, u8*); static bool32 AllPlayersReadyToStart(void); static void ResetReadyToStart(void); static bool32 ReadyToEndGame_Leader(void); static bool32 ReadyToEndGame_Member(void); static void TryIncrementDifficulty(u8); static u8 GetPlayerIdAtColumn(u8); static u8 GetNewBerryId(u8, u8); static void IncrementBerryResult(u8, u8, u8); static void UpdateBerriesPickedInRow(bool32); static void SetMaxBerriesPickedInRow(void); static void ResetForPlayAgainPrompt(void); static void SetRandomPrize(void); static void TryUpdateRecords(void); static u8 UpdatePickStateQueue(u8); static void HandleWaitPlayAgainInput(void); static void ResetPickState(void); static u32 GetHighestScore(void); static void SendPacket_ReadyToStart(bool32); static void SendPacket_GameState(struct DodrioGame_Player *, struct DodrioGame_PlayerCommData *, struct DodrioGame_PlayerCommData *, struct DodrioGame_PlayerCommData *, struct DodrioGame_PlayerCommData *, struct DodrioGame_PlayerCommData *, u8 , bool32 , bool32 ); static bool32 RecvPacket_GameState(u32, struct DodrioGame_Player *, struct DodrioGame_PlayerCommData *, struct DodrioGame_PlayerCommData *, struct DodrioGame_PlayerCommData *, struct DodrioGame_PlayerCommData *, struct DodrioGame_PlayerCommData *, u8 *, bool32 *, bool32 *); static void SendPacket_PickState(u8); static bool32 RecvPacket_PickState(u32, u8 *); static void SendPacket_ReadyToEnd(bool32); static bool32 RecvPacket_ReadyToEnd(u32); static void LoadDodrioGfx(void); static void CreateDodrioSprite(struct DodrioGame_MonInfo *, u8, u8, u8); static void StartDodrioMissedAnim(u8); static void StartDodrioIntroAnim(u8); static void FreeDodrioSprites(u8); static void SetAllDodrioInvisibility(bool8, u8); static void CreateStatusBarSprites(void); static void FreeStatusBar(void); static void SetStatusBarInvisibility(bool8); static void InitStatusBarPos(void); static bool32 DoStatusBarIntro(void); static void LoadBerryGfx(void); static void CreateBerrySprites(void); static void FreeBerrySprites(void); static void CreateCloudSprites(void); static void ResetCloudPos(void); static void StartCloudMovement(void); static void FreeCloudSprites(void); static void SetCloudInvisibility(bool8); static void ResetBerryAndStatusBarSprites(void); static void ResetGfxState(void); static void InitGameGfx(struct DodrioGame_Gfx *); static void SetGfxFuncById(u8); static bool32 IsGfxFuncActive(void); static u8 GetPlayAgainState(void); static void SetBerryInvisibility(u8, bool8); static void SetBerryIconsInvisibility(bool8); static void SetBerryAnim(u16, u8); static void SetBerryYPos(u8, u8); static void SetDodrioAnim(u8, u8); static u8 GetNewBerryIdByDifficulty(u8, u8); static void UpdateStatusBarAnim(u8); static u32 RecvPacket_ReadyToStart(u32); static u32 IncrementWithLimit(u32, u32); static u32 Min(u32, u32); static u32 GetScore(u8); static void Task_ShowDodrioBerryPickingRecords(u8); static void Task_TryRunGfxFunc(u8); static void PrintRecordsText(u8, s32); static void SpriteCB_Status(struct Sprite *); static void SpriteCB_Dodrio(struct Sprite *); static u32 DoDodrioMissedAnim(struct Sprite *); static u32 DoDodrioIntroAnim(struct Sprite *); static s16 GetDodrioXPos(u8, u8); static void SetDodrioInvisibility(bool8, u8); static void LoadGfx(void); static bool32 LoadBgGfx(void); static void InitBgs(void); static void SetGfxFunc(void (*func)(void)); static void (*GetGfxFunc(void))(void); static void ShowNames(void); static void ShowResults(void); static void Msg_WantToPlayAgain(void); static void Msg_SavingDontTurnOff(void); static void Msg_CommunicationStandby(void); static void EraseMessage(void); static void Msg_SomeoneDroppedOut(void); static void StopGfxFuncs(void); static void GfxIdle(void); // For each player, the array is a list of all the columns starting with the column to their left // Only the range of active columns is read from the array (dependent on the number of players), // so the arrays are spaced such that the numbers in the center are where the data that's read starts and end. static const u8 sActiveColumnMap[MAX_RFU_PLAYERS][MAX_RFU_PLAYERS][NUM_BERRY_COLUMNS] = { { // 1 player (never used), columns 4-6. // Sometimes read to get default order regardless of the current number of players {0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 0}, }, { // 2 players (never used), columns 3-6 {0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 3, 8, 9, 0}, {0, 1, 2, 5, 6, 3, 4, 5, 8, 9, 0}, }, { // 3 players, columns 2-7 {0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 2, 9, 0}, {0, 1, 4, 5, 6, 7, 2, 3, 4, 9, 0}, {0, 1, 6, 7, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 9, 0}, }, { // 4 players, columns 1-8 {0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 1, 0}, {0, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 1, 2, 3, 0}, {0, 5, 6, 7, 8, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 0}, {0, 7, 8, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 0}, }, { // 5 players, all columns (0-9) { 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 0 }, { 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 0, 1, 2 }, { 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 0, 1, 2, 3, 4 }, { 6, 7, 8, 9, 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6 }, { 8, 9, 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8 }, }, }; // A table for which falling berry column corresponds to which Dodrio head for each player // The numbers in each array are the column number for each head, {left, middle, right} // Dependent on the number of players static const u8 sDodrioHeadToColumnMap[MAX_RFU_PLAYERS][MAX_RFU_PLAYERS][3] = { { // 1 player (never used) {4, 5, 6}, }, { // 2 players (never used) {3, 4, 5}, {5, 6, 3}, }, { // 3 players {4, 5, 6}, {6, 7, 2}, {2, 3, 4}, }, { // 4 players {3, 4, 5}, {5, 6, 7}, {7, 8, 1}, {1, 2, 3}, }, { // 5 players {4, 5, 6}, {6, 7, 8}, {8, 9, 0}, {0, 1, 2}, {2, 3, 4}, }, }; // A table of player ids and their neighbor, dependent on the total number of players // {L, M, R}, where M is the player in question, L is their neighbor to the left, and R is their neighbor to the right static const u8 sDodrioNeighborMap[MAX_RFU_PLAYERS][MAX_RFU_PLAYERS][3] = { { // 1 player (never used) {1, 0, 1}, }, { // 2 players (never used) {1, 0, 1}, {0, 1, 0}, }, { // 3 players {2, 0, 1}, {0, 1, 2}, {1, 2, 0}, }, { // 4 players {3, 0, 1}, {0, 1, 2}, {1, 2, 3}, {2, 3, 0}, }, { // 5 players {4, 0, 1}, {0, 1, 2}, {1, 2, 3}, {2, 3, 4}, {3, 4, 0}, }, }; #define x 9 // No player at this column. This may go out of bounds if this is returned // Takes the number of players and a column and returns the player id at that column. // Note that the assignment is somewhat arbitrary as players share neighboring columns. ALIGNED(4) static const u8 sPlayerIdAtColumn[MAX_RFU_PLAYERS][NUM_BERRY_COLUMNS] = { {x, x, x, x, 1, 1, 1, x, x, x, x}, // 1 player {x, x, x, 0, 0, 1, 1, 0, x, x, x}, // 2 players {x, x, 2, 2, 0, 0, 1, 1, 1, x, x}, // 3 players {x, 3, 3, 0, 0, 1, 1, 2, 2, 3, x}, // 4 players {3, 3, 4, 4, 0, 0, 1, 1, 2, 2, 3}, // 5 players }; #undef x // Each array contains the columns that belong solely to one player, dependent on the number of players // When determing how difficult the berries in a column should be, the highest // difficulty of the players sharing that column is used. // This table is used to skip that check, and instead automatically use the // difficulty of the only player who can use the column. static const u8 sUnsharedColumns[MAX_RFU_PLAYERS][MAX_RFU_PLAYERS] = { {5}, {4, 6}, {3, 5, 7}, {2, 4, 6, 8}, #ifndef BUGFIX {1, 3, 5, 6, 9}, // BUG: Column 6 is shared, 7 is not. As a result, the player in column 7 will have their difficulty influenced by their neighbors #else {1, 3, 5, 7, 9}, #endif }; // Duplicate and unused gfx. Feel free to remove. static const u32 sDuplicateGfx[] = INCBIN_U32("graphics/dodrio_berry_picking/bg.gbapal", "graphics/dodrio_berry_picking/tree_border.gbapal", "graphics/dodrio_berry_picking/dodrio.gbapal", "graphics/dodrio_berry_picking/shiny.gbapal", "graphics/dodrio_berry_picking/status.gbapal", "graphics/dodrio_berry_picking/berries.gbapal", "graphics/dodrio_berry_picking/berries.4bpp.lz", "graphics/dodrio_berry_picking/cloud.gbapal", "graphics/dodrio_berry_picking/bg.4bpp.lz", "graphics/dodrio_berry_picking/tree_border.4bpp.lz", "graphics/dodrio_berry_picking/status.4bpp.lz", "graphics/dodrio_berry_picking/cloud.4bpp.lz", "graphics/dodrio_berry_picking/dodrio.4bpp.lz", "graphics/dodrio_berry_picking/bg.bin.lz", "graphics/dodrio_berry_picking/tree_border_right.bin.lz", "graphics/dodrio_berry_picking/tree_border_left.bin.lz"); static const u8 sBerryFallDelays[][3] = { { [BERRY_BLUE] = 40, [BERRY_GREEN] = 24, [BERRY_GOLD] = 13 }, { [BERRY_BLUE] = 32, [BERRY_GREEN] = 19, [BERRY_GOLD] = 10 }, { [BERRY_BLUE] = 22, [BERRY_GREEN] = 13, [BERRY_GOLD] = 7 }, }; // How far the outer tree borders should slide to reveal the game screen. // Dependent on how many players are playing. // Curiously the 2-player screen is narrower than the 1-player, though neither // gets used as there's a 3 player minimum ALIGNED(4) static const u8 sTreeBorderXPos[MAX_RFU_PLAYERS] = {8, 5, 8, 11, 15}; // The number of berries eaten needed to progress to the next difficulty ALIGNED(4) static const u8 sDifficultyThresholds[NUM_DIFFICULTIES] = {5, 10, 20, 30, 50, 70, 100}; ALIGNED(4) static const u8 sPrizeBerryIds[][10] = { { // Possible prizes with 3 players ITEM_TO_BERRY(ITEM_RAZZ_BERRY) - 1, ITEM_TO_BERRY(ITEM_BLUK_BERRY) - 1, ITEM_TO_BERRY(ITEM_NANAB_BERRY) - 1, ITEM_TO_BERRY(ITEM_WEPEAR_BERRY) - 1, ITEM_TO_BERRY(ITEM_PINAP_BERRY) - 1, ITEM_TO_BERRY(ITEM_PINAP_BERRY) - 1, ITEM_TO_BERRY(ITEM_WEPEAR_BERRY) - 1, ITEM_TO_BERRY(ITEM_NANAB_BERRY) - 1, ITEM_TO_BERRY(ITEM_BLUK_BERRY) - 1, ITEM_TO_BERRY(ITEM_RAZZ_BERRY) - 1 }, { // Possible prizes with 4 players ITEM_TO_BERRY(ITEM_POMEG_BERRY) - 1, ITEM_TO_BERRY(ITEM_KELPSY_BERRY) - 1, ITEM_TO_BERRY(ITEM_QUALOT_BERRY) - 1, ITEM_TO_BERRY(ITEM_HONDEW_BERRY) - 1, ITEM_TO_BERRY(ITEM_GREPA_BERRY) - 1, ITEM_TO_BERRY(ITEM_TAMATO_BERRY) - 1, ITEM_TO_BERRY(ITEM_CORNN_BERRY) - 1, ITEM_TO_BERRY(ITEM_MAGOST_BERRY) - 1, ITEM_TO_BERRY(ITEM_RABUTA_BERRY) - 1, ITEM_TO_BERRY(ITEM_NOMEL_BERRY) - 1 }, { // Possible prizes with 5 players ITEM_TO_BERRY(ITEM_SPELON_BERRY) - 1, ITEM_TO_BERRY(ITEM_PAMTRE_BERRY) - 1, ITEM_TO_BERRY(ITEM_WATMEL_BERRY) - 1, ITEM_TO_BERRY(ITEM_DURIN_BERRY) - 1, ITEM_TO_BERRY(ITEM_BELUE_BERRY) - 1, ITEM_TO_BERRY(ITEM_BELUE_BERRY) - 1, ITEM_TO_BERRY(ITEM_DURIN_BERRY) - 1, ITEM_TO_BERRY(ITEM_WATMEL_BERRY) - 1, ITEM_TO_BERRY(ITEM_PAMTRE_BERRY) - 1, ITEM_TO_BERRY(ITEM_SPELON_BERRY) - 1 }, }; static void (*const sLeaderFuncs[])(void) = { [FUNC_INTRO] = DoGameIntro, [FUNC_INIT_COUNTDOWN] = InitCountdown, [FUNC_COUNTDOWN] = DoCountdown, [FUNC_WAIT_START] = WaitGameStart, [FUNC_PLAY_GAME] = PlayGame_Leader, [FUNC_INIT_RESULTS] = InitResults_Leader, [FUNC_RESULTS] = DoResults, [FUNC_ASK_PLAY_AGAIN] = AskPlayAgain, [FUNC_END_LINK] = EndLink, [FUNC_EXIT] = ExitGame, [FUNC_RESET_GAME] = ResetGame, [FUNC_WAIT_END_GAME] = WaitEndGame_Leader }; static void (*const sMemberFuncs[])(void) = { [FUNC_INTRO] = DoGameIntro, [FUNC_INIT_COUNTDOWN] = InitCountdown, [FUNC_COUNTDOWN] = DoCountdown, [FUNC_WAIT_START] = WaitGameStart, [FUNC_PLAY_GAME] = PlayGame_Member, [FUNC_INIT_RESULTS] = InitResults_Member, [FUNC_RESULTS] = DoResults, [FUNC_ASK_PLAY_AGAIN] = AskPlayAgain, [FUNC_END_LINK] = EndLink, [FUNC_EXIT] = ExitGame, [FUNC_RESET_GAME] = ResetGame, [FUNC_WAIT_END_GAME] = WaitEndGame_Member }; void StartDodrioBerryPicking(u16 partyId, void (*exitCallback)(void)) { sExitingGame = FALSE; if (gReceivedRemoteLinkPlayers != 0 && (sGame = AllocZeroed(sizeof(*sGame)))) { ResetTasksAndSprites(); InitDodrioGame(sGame); sGame->exitCallback = exitCallback; sGame->multiplayerId = GetMultiplayerId(); sGame->player = sGame->players[sGame->multiplayerId]; InitMonInfo(&sGame->monInfo[sGame->multiplayerId], &gPlayerParty[partyId]); CreateTask(Task_StartDodrioGame, 1); SetMainCallback2(CB2_DodrioGame); SetRandomPrize(); GetActiveBerryColumns(sGame->numPlayers, &sGame->berryColStart, &sGame->berryColEnd); StopMapMusic(); PlayNewMapMusic(MUS_RG_BERRY_PICK); } else { // Exit - Alloc failed, or players not connected SetMainCallback2(exitCallback); return; } } static void ResetTasksAndSprites(void) { ResetTasks(); ResetSpriteData(); FreeAllSpritePalettes(); } static void InitDodrioGame(struct DodrioGame * game) { u8 i; game->startState = 0; game->state = 0; game->timer = 0; game->funcId = FUNC_INTRO; game->prevFuncId = FUNC_INTRO; game->startGame = FALSE; game->berriesFalling = FALSE; game->countdownEndDelay = 0; game->numGraySquares = 0; game->unused2 = 0; game->allReadyToEnd = FALSE; for (i = 0; i < ARRAY_COUNT(game->pickStateQueue); i++) game->pickStateQueue[i] = PICK_NONE; for (i = 0; i < MAX_RFU_PLAYERS; i++) { game->inputState[i] = INPUTSTATE_NONE; game->inputDelay[i] = 0; game->berryResults[i][BERRY_BLUE] = 0; game->berryResults[i][BERRY_GREEN] = 0; game->berryResults[i][BERRY_GOLD] = 0; game->berryResults[i][BERRY_MISSED] = 0; game->berryResults[i][BERRY_IN_ROW] = 0; game->playAgainStates[i] = PLAY_AGAIN_NONE; game->readyToEnd[i] = FALSE; } for (i = 0; i < NUM_BERRY_COLUMNS; i++) { game->fallTimer[i] = 0; game->newBerryTimer[i] = 0; game->berryState[i] = BERRYSTATE_NONE; game->playersAttemptingPick[i][0] = PLAYER_NONE; game->playersAttemptingPick[i][1] = PLAYER_NONE; } game->isLeader = GetMultiplayerId() == 0 ? TRUE : FALSE; game->numPlayers = GetLinkPlayerCount(); game->posToPlayerId[0] = GetMultiplayerId(); for (i = 1; i < game->numPlayers; i++) { game->posToPlayerId[i] = game->posToPlayerId[i - 1] + 1; if (game->posToPlayerId[i] > game->numPlayers - 1) game->posToPlayerId[i] %= game->numPlayers; } } static void Task_StartDodrioGame(u8 taskId) { u8 i, numPlayers; switch (sGame->startState) { case 0: SetVBlankCallback(NULL); CreateTask_(Task_CommunicateMonInfo, 4); sGame->startState++; break; case 1: if (!FuncIsActiveTask(Task_CommunicateMonInfo)) { InitGameGfx(&sGame->gfx); sGame->startState++; } break; case 2: if (!IsGfxFuncActive()) { Rfu_SetLinkStandbyCallback(); sGame->startState++; } break; case 3: if (IsLinkTaskFinished()) { if (gReceivedRemoteLinkPlayers != 0) { LoadWirelessStatusIndicatorSpriteGfx(); CreateWirelessStatusIndicatorSprite(0, 0); } sGame->startState++; } break; case 4: numPlayers = sGame->numPlayers; LoadDodrioGfx(); for (i = 0; i < numPlayers; i++) CreateDodrioSprite(&sGame->monInfo[sGame->posToPlayerId[i]], i, sGame->posToPlayerId[i], sGame->numPlayers); SetAllDodrioInvisibility(FALSE, sGame->numPlayers); sGame->startState++; break; case 5: LoadBerryGfx(); CreateBerrySprites(); CreateCloudSprites(); CreateStatusBarSprites(); sGame->startState++; break; case 6: BlendPalettes(PALETTES_ALL, 0x10, 0x00); BeginNormalPaletteFade(PALETTES_ALL, 0, 16, 0, 0); SetVBlankCallback(VBlankCB_DodrioGame); sGame->startState++; break; case 7: UpdatePaletteFade(); if (!gPaletteFade.active) sGame->startState++; break; default: DestroyTask(taskId); CreateDodrioGameTask(Task_NewGameIntro); break; } } static void Task_DodrioGame_Leader(u8 taskId) { RecvLinkData_Leader(); sLeaderFuncs[sGame->funcId](); if (!sExitingGame) UpdateGame_Leader(); SendLinkData_Leader(); } static void Task_DodrioGame_Member(u8 taskId) { RecvLinkData_Member(); sMemberFuncs[sGame->funcId](); if (!sExitingGame) UpdateGame_Member(); SendLinkData_Member(); } static void DoGameIntro(void) { switch (sGame->state) { case 0: StartDodrioIntroAnim(1); SetGfxFuncById(GFXFUNC_SHOW_NAMES); sGame->state++; break; case 1: if (!IsGfxFuncActive()) SetGameFunc(FUNC_INIT_COUNTDOWN); break; } } static void InitCountdown(void) { switch (sGame->state) { case 0: InitFirstWaveOfBerries(); sGame->state++; break; default: sGame->startCountdown = TRUE; SetGameFunc(FUNC_COUNTDOWN); break; } } static void DoCountdown(void) { switch (sGame->state) { case 0: StartMinigameCountdown(GFXTAG_COUNTDOWN, PALTAG_COUNTDOWN, 120, 80, 0); sGame->state++; break; case 1: Rfu_SetLinkStandbyCallback(); sGame->state++; break; case 2: if (IsLinkTaskFinished()) { sGame->state++; sGame->countdownEndDelay = 0; } break; case 3: if (!IsMinigameCountdownRunning()) sGame->state++; break; case 4: if (++sGame->countdownEndDelay > 5) { Rfu_SetLinkStandbyCallback(); sGame->state++; } break; case 5: if (IsLinkTaskFinished()) SetGameFunc(FUNC_WAIT_START); break; } } static void WaitGameStart(void) { switch (sGame->state) { case 0: if (sGame->startGame) SetGameFunc(FUNC_PLAY_GAME); break; } } static void PlayGame_Leader(void) { switch (sGame->state) { case 0: if (sGame->numGraySquares < NUM_STATUS_SQUARES) { if (sGame->inputState[0] == INPUTSTATE_NONE) { if (JOY_NEW(DPAD_UP)) { if (sGame->players[0].comm.pickState == PICK_NONE) { sGame->players[0].comm.ateBerry = FALSE; sGame->players[0].comm.pickState = UpdatePickStateQueue(PICK_MIDDLE); } } else if (JOY_NEW(DPAD_RIGHT)) { if (sGame->players[0].comm.pickState == PICK_NONE) { sGame->players[0].comm.ateBerry = FALSE; sGame->players[0].comm.pickState = UpdatePickStateQueue(PICK_RIGHT); } } else if (JOY_NEW(DPAD_LEFT)) { if (sGame->players[0].comm.pickState == PICK_NONE) { sGame->players[0].comm.ateBerry = FALSE; sGame->players[0].comm.pickState = UpdatePickStateQueue(PICK_LEFT); } } else { sGame->players[0].comm.pickState = UpdatePickStateQueue(PICK_NONE); } } } else { SetGameFunc(FUNC_WAIT_END_GAME); } UpdateFallingBerries(); HandleSound_Leader(); break; } } static void PlayGame_Member(void) { if (sGame->numGraySquares < NUM_STATUS_SQUARES) { if (JOY_NEW(DPAD_UP)) { if (sGame->players[sGame->multiplayerId].comm.pickState == PICK_NONE) { sGame->player.comm.pickState = PICK_MIDDLE; } } else if (JOY_NEW(DPAD_RIGHT)) { if (sGame->players[sGame->multiplayerId].comm.pickState == PICK_NONE) { sGame->player.comm.pickState = PICK_RIGHT; } } else if (JOY_NEW(DPAD_LEFT)) { if (sGame->players[sGame->multiplayerId].comm.pickState == PICK_NONE) { sGame->player.comm.pickState = PICK_LEFT; } } else { sGame->player.comm.pickState = PICK_NONE; } } else { SetGameFunc(FUNC_WAIT_END_GAME); } HandleSound_Member(); } static void WaitEndGame_Leader(void) { u8 i; UpdateFallingBerries(); HandleSound_Leader(); if (ReadyToEndGame_Leader() == TRUE) { SetMaxBerriesPickedInRow(); SetGameFunc(FUNC_INIT_RESULTS); } else { sGame->allReadyToEnd = TRUE; for (i = 1; i < sGame->numPlayers; i++) { if (sGame->readyToEnd[i] != TRUE) { sGame->allReadyToEnd = FALSE; break; } } } } static void WaitEndGame_Member(void) { HandleSound_Member(); if (ReadyToEndGame_Member() == TRUE) SetGameFunc(FUNC_INIT_RESULTS); } static bool32 AllLinkBlocksReceived(void) { u8 recvStatus = GetBlockReceivedStatus(); u8 playerFlags = GetLinkPlayerCountAsBitFlags(); if (recvStatus == playerFlags) { ResetBlockReceivedFlags(); return TRUE; } else { return FALSE; } } static void InitResults_Leader(void) { switch (sGame->state) { case 0: if (SendBlock(0, sGame->berryResults, sizeof(sGame->berryResults))) { sGame->playersReceived = 0; sGame->state++; } break; case 1: if (IsLinkTaskFinished()) { sGame->state++; } break; case 2: if (AllLinkBlocksReceived()) { sGame->playersReceived = sGame->numPlayers; } if (sGame->playersReceived >= sGame->numPlayers) { sGame->timer++; sGame->state++; } break; default: if (WaitFanfare(TRUE)) { SetGameFunc(FUNC_RESULTS); FadeOutAndPlayNewMapMusic(MUS_RG_VICTORY_WILD, 4); } break; } } static void InitResults_Member(void) { u8 i; switch (sGame->state) { case 0: if (SendBlock(0, sGame->berryResults[sGame->timer], sizeof(sGame->berryResults))) { sGame->playersReceived = 0; sGame->state++; } break; case 1: if (IsLinkTaskFinished()) { sGame->state++; } break; case 2: if (AllLinkBlocksReceived()) { for (i = 0; i < sGame->numPlayers; i++) { memcpy(sGame->berryResults, gBlockRecvBuffer, sizeof(sGame->berryResults)); sGame->playersReceived = sGame->numPlayers; } } if (sGame->playersReceived >= sGame->numPlayers) { sGame->timer++; sGame->state++; } break; default: if (WaitFanfare(TRUE)) { sGame->maxBerriesPickedInRow = sGame->berryResults[sGame->multiplayerId][BERRY_IN_ROW]; SetGameFunc(FUNC_RESULTS); FadeOutAndPlayNewMapMusic(MUS_RG_VICTORY_WILD, 4); } break; } } static void DoResults(void) { u8 playAgainState = PLAY_AGAIN_YES; u8 i; switch (sGame->state) { case 0: TryUpdateRecords(); SetStatusBarInvisibility(TRUE); ResetCloudPos(); SetCloudInvisibility(TRUE); SetGfxFuncById(GFXFUNC_SHOW_RESULTS); sGame->state++; break; case 1: if (!IsGfxFuncActive()) { SetGfxFuncById(GFXFUNC_MSG_COMM_STANDBY); sGame->state++; } break; case 2: playAgainState = GetPlayAgainState(); if (SendBlock(0, &playAgainState, sizeof(playAgainState))) sGame->state++; break; case 3: if (IsLinkTaskFinished()) { sGame->state++; sGame->playersReceived = 0; } break; case 4: if (AllLinkBlocksReceived()) { for (i = 0; i < sGame->numPlayers; i++) { *(&sGame->playAgainStates[i]) = *(u8 *)gBlockRecvBuffer[i]; sGame->playersReceived = sGame->numPlayers; } } if (sGame->playersReceived >= sGame->numPlayers) { if (++sGame->timer >= 120) { SetGfxFuncById(GFXFUNC_ERASE_MSG); sGame->state++; } } break; default: if (!IsGfxFuncActive()) SetGameFunc(FUNC_ASK_PLAY_AGAIN); break; } } static void AskPlayAgain(void) { u8 playAgainState; u8 i; switch (sGame->state) { case 0: if (GetHighestScore() >= PRIZE_SCORE) { SetGfxFuncById(GFXFUNC_MSG_SAVING); } sGame->state++; break; case 1: if (!IsGfxFuncActive()) { SetGfxFuncById(GFXFUNC_MSG_PLAY_AGAIN); sGame->state++; } break; case 2: ResetBerryAndStatusBarSprites(); ResetForPlayAgainPrompt(); sGame->state++; break; case 3: if ((playAgainState = GetPlayAgainState()) != PLAY_AGAIN_NONE) { sGame->state++; } break; case 4: if (!IsGfxFuncActive()) { SetGfxFuncById(GFXFUNC_MSG_COMM_STANDBY); sGame->state++; } break; case 5: playAgainState = GetPlayAgainState(); if (SendBlock(0, &playAgainState, sizeof(playAgainState))) { sGame->playersReceived = 0; sGame->state++; } break; case 6: if (IsLinkTaskFinished()) sGame->state++; break; case 7: if (AllLinkBlocksReceived()) { for (i = 0; i < sGame->numPlayers; i++) { *(&sGame->playAgainStates[i]) = *(u8 *)gBlockRecvBuffer[i]; sGame->playersReceived = sGame->numPlayers; } } if (sGame->playersReceived >= sGame->numPlayers) { if (++sGame->timer >= 120) { ResetPickState(); SetGfxFuncById(GFXFUNC_ERASE_MSG); sGame->state++; } } else { HandleWaitPlayAgainInput(); } break; default: if (!IsGfxFuncActive()) { for (i = 0; i < sGame->numPlayers; i++) { if (sGame->playAgainStates[i] == PLAY_AGAIN_NO) { SetGameFunc(FUNC_END_LINK); return; } } SetGameFunc(FUNC_RESET_GAME); } break; } } static void EndLink(void) { switch (sGame->state) { case 0: SetCloseLinkCallback(); SetGfxFuncById(GFXFUNC_MSG_PLAYER_DROPPED); sGame->state++; break; case 1: if (!IsGfxFuncActive()) sGame->state++; break; case 2: if (GetPlayAgainState() == PLAY_AGAIN_DROPPED) sGame->state++; break; default: if (gReceivedRemoteLinkPlayers == 0) { SetGameFunc(FUNC_EXIT); } break; } } static void ExitGame(void) { switch (sGame->state) { case 0: BeginNormalPaletteFade(PALETTES_ALL, 0, 0, 16, 0); sGame->state++; break; case 1: UpdatePaletteFade(); if (!gPaletteFade.active) sGame->state++; break; case 2: FreeBerrySprites(); FreeStatusBar(); FreeDodrioSprites(sGame->numPlayers); FreeCloudSprites(); sExitingGame = TRUE; SetGfxFuncById(GFXFUNC_STOP); sGame->state++; break; default: if (!IsGfxFuncActive()) { SetMainCallback2(sGame->exitCallback); DestroyTask(sGame->taskId); Free(sGame); FreeAllWindowBuffers(); } break; } } static void ResetGame(void) { switch (sGame->state) { case 0: SetGfxFuncById(GFXFUNC_IDLE); BeginNormalPaletteFade(PALETTES_ALL, 0, 0, 16, 0); sGame->state++; break; case 1: UpdatePaletteFade(); if (!gPaletteFade.active) { sGame->state++; } break; case 2: ChangeBgX(0, 0, 0); ChangeBgY(0, 0, 0); ChangeBgX(1, 0, 0); ChangeBgY(1, 0, 0); ChangeBgX(2, 0, 0); ChangeBgY(2, 0, 0); ChangeBgX(3, 0, 0); ChangeBgY(3, 0, 0); sGame->state++; break; case 3: StopMapMusic(); sGame->state++; break; case 4: PlayNewMapMusic(MUS_RG_BERRY_PICK); StartCloudMovement(); sGame->state++; break; case 5: BlendPalettes(PALETTES_ALL, 16, 0); BeginNormalPaletteFade(PALETTES_ALL, 0, 16, 0, 0); sGame->state++; break; case 6: UpdatePaletteFade(); if (!gPaletteFade.active) sGame->state++; break; default: DestroyTask(sGame->taskId); CreateDodrioGameTask(Task_NewGameIntro); ResetGfxState(); InitDodrioGame(sGame); if (gReceivedRemoteLinkPlayers == 0) sGame->numPlayers = 1; SetRandomPrize(); SetCloudInvisibility(FALSE); break; } } static void Task_NewGameIntro(u8 taskId) { switch (sGame->state) { case 0: if (SlideTreeBordersOut() == TRUE) sGame->state++; break; case 1: InitStatusBarPos(); sGame->state++; break; case 2: if (DoStatusBarIntro() == TRUE) sGame->state++; break; default: if (sGame->isLeader) CreateDodrioGameTask(Task_DodrioGame_Leader); else CreateDodrioGameTask(Task_DodrioGame_Member); DestroyTask(taskId); break; } } #define tState data[0] static void Task_CommunicateMonInfo(u8 taskId) { s16 * data = gTasks[taskId].data; u8 i; switch (tState) { case 0: if (SendBlock(0, &sGame->monInfo[sGame->multiplayerId].isShiny, sizeof(sGame->monInfo[sGame->multiplayerId].isShiny))) { sGame->playersReceived = 0; tState++; } break; case 1: if (IsLinkTaskFinished()) tState++; break; case 2: if (AllLinkBlocksReceived()) { for (i = 0; i < sGame->numPlayers; i++) { *(u8 *)&sGame->monInfo[i] = *(u8 *)gBlockRecvBuffer[i]; sGame->playersReceived = sGame->numPlayers; } } if (sGame->playersReceived >= sGame->numPlayers) { DestroyTask(taskId); SetGfxFuncById(GFXFUNC_ERASE_MSG); sGame->state++; } break; } } #undef tState static void RecvLinkData_Gameplay(void) { u8 i; u8 numPlayers = sGame->numPlayers; sGame->players[0].receivedGameStatePacket = RecvPacket_GameState(0, &sGame->players[0], &sGame->players[0].comm, &sGame->players[1].comm, &sGame->players[2].comm, &sGame->players[3].comm, &sGame->players[4].comm, &sGame->numGraySquares, &sGame->berriesFalling, &sGame->allReadyToEnd); sGame->clearRecvCmds = TRUE; for (i = 1; i < numPlayers; i++) { if (sGame->inputState[i] == INPUTSTATE_NONE && !RecvPacket_PickState(i, &sGame->players[i].comm.pickState)) { sGame->players[i].comm.pickState = PICK_NONE; sGame->clearRecvCmds = FALSE; } } if (++sGame->clearRecvCmdTimer >= 60) { if (sGame->clearRecvCmds) { ClearRecvCommands(); sGame->clearRecvCmdTimer = 0; } else if (sGame->clearRecvCmdTimer > 70) { ClearRecvCommands(); sGame->clearRecvCmdTimer = 0; } } for (i = 0; i < numPlayers; i++) { if (sGame->players[i].comm.pickState != PICK_NONE && sGame->inputState[i] == INPUTSTATE_NONE) { sGame->inputState[i] = INPUTSTATE_TRY_PICK; } switch (sGame->inputState[i]) { case INPUTSTATE_NONE: default: break; case INPUTSTATE_TRY_PICK: case INPUTSTATE_PICKED: case INPUTSTATE_ATE_BERRY: if (++sGame->inputDelay[i] >= 6) { sGame->inputDelay[i] = 0; sGame->inputState[i] = INPUTSTATE_NONE; sGame->players[i].comm.pickState = PICK_NONE; sGame->players[i].comm.ateBerry = FALSE; sGame->players[i].comm.missedBerry = FALSE; } break; case INPUTSTATE_BAD_MISS: // Tried to pick with no berry in range, long delay until next input if (++sGame->inputDelay[i] >= 40) { sGame->inputDelay[i] = 0; sGame->inputState[i] = INPUTSTATE_NONE; sGame->players[i].comm.pickState = PICK_NONE; sGame->players[i].comm.ateBerry = FALSE; sGame->players[i].comm.missedBerry = FALSE; } break; } } } static void RecvLinkData_ReadyToEnd(void) { u8 i; u8 numPlayers = sGame->numPlayers; sGame->players[0].receivedGameStatePacket = RecvPacket_GameState(0, &sGame->players[0], &sGame->players[0].comm, &sGame->players[1].comm, &sGame->players[2].comm, &sGame->players[3].comm, &sGame->players[4].comm, &sGame->numGraySquares, &sGame->berriesFalling, &sGame->allReadyToEnd); sGame->clearRecvCmds = TRUE; for (i = 1; i < numPlayers; i++) { if (RecvPacket_ReadyToEnd(i)) { sGame->readyToEnd[i] = TRUE; sGame->clearRecvCmds = FALSE; } } if (++sGame->clearRecvCmdTimer >= 60) { if (sGame->clearRecvCmds) { ClearRecvCommands(); sGame->clearRecvCmdTimer = 0; } else if (sGame->clearRecvCmdTimer > 70) { ClearRecvCommands(); sGame->clearRecvCmdTimer = 0; } } } static void RecvLinkData_Leader(void) { switch (sGame->funcId) { case FUNC_WAIT_START: if (AllPlayersReadyToStart() == TRUE) { ResetReadyToStart(); sGame->startGame = TRUE; } break; case FUNC_PLAY_GAME: RecvLinkData_Gameplay(); break; case FUNC_WAIT_END_GAME: RecvLinkData_ReadyToEnd(); break; } } static void SendLinkData_Leader(void) { switch (sGame->funcId) { case FUNC_PLAY_GAME: SendPacket_GameState(&sGame->player, &sGame->players[0].comm, &sGame->players[1].comm, &sGame->players[2].comm, &sGame->players[3].comm, &sGame->players[4].comm, sGame->numGraySquares, sGame->berriesFalling, sGame->allReadyToEnd); break; case FUNC_WAIT_END_GAME: SendPacket_GameState(&sGame->player, &sGame->players[0].comm, &sGame->players[1].comm, &sGame->players[2].comm, &sGame->players[3].comm, &sGame->players[4].comm, sGame->numGraySquares, sGame->berriesFalling, sGame->allReadyToEnd); break; } } static void RecvLinkData_Member(void) { switch (sGame->funcId) { case FUNC_PLAY_GAME: RecvPacket_GameState(sGame->multiplayerId, &sGame->players[sGame->multiplayerId], &sGame->players[0].comm, &sGame->players[1].comm, &sGame->players[2].comm, &sGame->players[3].comm, &sGame->players[4].comm, &sGame->numGraySquares, &sGame->berriesFalling, &sGame->allReadyToEnd); break; case FUNC_WAIT_END_GAME: RecvPacket_GameState(sGame->multiplayerId, &sGame->players[sGame->multiplayerId], &sGame->players[0].comm, &sGame->players[1].comm, &sGame->players[2].comm, &sGame->players[3].comm, &sGame->players[4].comm, &sGame->numGraySquares, &sGame->berriesFalling, &sGame->allReadyToEnd); break; } } static void SendLinkData_Member(void) { switch (sGame->funcId) { case FUNC_WAIT_START: SendPacket_ReadyToStart(TRUE); sGame->startGame = TRUE; break; case FUNC_PLAY_GAME: if (sGame->player.comm.pickState != PICK_NONE) { SendPacket_PickState(sGame->player.comm.pickState); } break; case FUNC_WAIT_END_GAME: if (!sGame->berriesFalling && !sGame->allReadyToEnd) SendPacket_ReadyToEnd(TRUE); break; } } static void HandleSound_Leader(void) { if (sGame->players[sGame->multiplayerId].comm.pickState == PICK_NONE) { if (!IsSEPlaying()) sGame->playingPickSound = FALSE; } else if (sGame->players[sGame->multiplayerId].comm.ateBerry == TRUE) { if (!sGame->playingPickSound) { m4aSongNumStop(SE_SUCCESS); PlaySE(SE_SUCCESS); sGame->playingPickSound = TRUE; } } else if (sGame->players[sGame->multiplayerId].comm.missedBerry == TRUE) { if (!sGame->playingPickSound && !IsSEPlaying()) { PlaySE(SE_BOO); StartDodrioMissedAnim(1); sGame->playingPickSound = TRUE; } } if (sGame->endSoundState == 0 && sGame->numGraySquares >= NUM_STATUS_SQUARES) { // Ready to play game over sound StopMapMusic(); sGame->endSoundState = 1; } else if (sGame->endSoundState == 1) { // Play game over sound PlayFanfareByFanfareNum(FANFARE_TOO_BAD); sGame->endSoundState = 2; } } static void HandleSound_Member(void) { u8 berryStart = sGame->berryColStart; u8 berryEnd = sGame->berryColEnd; u8 i; if (sGame->players[sGame->multiplayerId].comm.pickState == PICK_NONE) { if (sGame->players[sGame->multiplayerId].comm.ateBerry != TRUE && sGame->players[sGame->multiplayerId].comm.missedBerry != TRUE) sGame->playingPickSound = 0; } else if (sGame->players[sGame->multiplayerId].comm.ateBerry == TRUE) { if (!sGame->playingPickSound) { m4aSongNumStop(SE_SUCCESS); PlaySE(SE_SUCCESS); sGame->playingPickSound = TRUE; } } else if (sGame->players[sGame->multiplayerId].comm.missedBerry == TRUE) { if (!sGame->playingPickSound && !IsSEPlaying()) { PlaySE(SE_BOO); StartDodrioMissedAnim(1); sGame->playingPickSound = TRUE; } } for (i = berryStart; i < berryEnd; i++) { struct DodrioGame_Berries * berries = &sGame->players[sGame->multiplayerId].berries; if (berries->fallDist[i] >= MAX_FALL_DIST) { if (!sGame->playingSquishSound[i]) { PlaySE(SE_BALLOON_RED + berries->ids[i]); sGame->playingSquishSound[i] = TRUE; } } else { sGame->playingSquishSound[i] = FALSE; } } if (sGame->endSoundState == 0 && sGame->numGraySquares >= NUM_STATUS_SQUARES) { // Ready to play game over sound StopMapMusic(); sGame->endSoundState = 1; } else if (sGame->endSoundState == 1) { // Play game over sound PlayFanfareByFanfareNum(FANFARE_TOO_BAD); sGame->endSoundState = 2; } } static void CB2_DodrioGame(void) { RunTasks(); AnimateSprites(); BuildOamBuffer(); UpdatePaletteFade(); } static void VBlankCB_DodrioGame(void) { TransferPlttBuffer(); LoadOam(); ProcessSpriteCopyRequests(); } static void InitMonInfo(struct DodrioGame_MonInfo * monInfo, struct Pokemon * mon) { monInfo->isShiny = IsMonShiny(mon); } static void CreateTask_(TaskFunc func, u8 priority) { CreateTask(func, priority); } static void CreateDodrioGameTask(TaskFunc func) { sGame->taskId = CreateTask(func, 1); sGame->state = 0; sGame->startState = 0; sGame->timer = 0; } static void SetGameFunc(u8 funcId) { sGame->prevFuncId = sGame->funcId; sGame->funcId = funcId; sGame->state = 0; sGame->timer = 0; } static bool32 SlideTreeBordersOut(void) { u8 x = sGame->timer / 4; sGame->timer++; if (x != 0 && sGame->timer % 4 == 0) { if (x < sTreeBorderXPos[sGame->numPlayers - 1]) { // Update position SetGpuReg(REG_OFFSET_BG1HOFS, (x * 8)); // BG_TREE_LEFT SetGpuReg(REG_OFFSET_BG2HOFS, -(x * 8)); // BG_TREE_RIGHT return FALSE; } else { // Animation finished return TRUE; } } else { return FALSE; } } static void InitFirstWaveOfBerries(void) { u8 i; u8 berryStart = sGame->berryColStart; u8 berryEnd = sGame->berryColEnd; for (i = berryStart; i < berryEnd; i++) { struct DodrioGame_Berries * berries = &sGame->player.berries; berries->fallDist[i] = (i % 2 == 0) ? 1 : 0; berries->ids[i] = BERRY_BLUE; } } // This function checks every berry and resolves if it should be eaten or not. // It's run in a loop that handles moving each individual berry, which means // that every time any berry moves, every single berry is checked. static void HandlePickBerries(void) { u8 berryStart = sGame->berryColStart; u8 berryEnd = sGame->berryColEnd; u8 numPlayers = sGame->numPlayers; u8 i, j, k, column; // Game is already over if (sGame->numGraySquares >= NUM_STATUS_SQUARES) return; for (i = 0; i < numPlayers; i++) { u8 *pickState = &sGame->players[i].comm.pickState; if (*pickState != PICK_NONE && sGame->inputState[i] == INPUTSTATE_TRY_PICK) { // Player is attempting to pick a berry for (j = berryStart; j < berryEnd; j++) { column = sActiveColumnMap[0][0][j]; // Attempt has already been checked if (sGame->playersAttemptingPick[column][0] == i || sGame->playersAttemptingPick[column][1] == i) break; // Check berry pick attempt if (TryPickBerry(i, *pickState, column) == TRUE) { // Attempt was successful for (k = 0; k < ARRAY_COUNT(sGame->playersAttemptingPick[0]); k++) { if (sGame->playersAttemptingPick[column][k] == PLAYER_NONE) { sGame->playersAttemptingPick[column][k] = i; sGame->inputState[i] = INPUTSTATE_PICKED; sGame->berryState[column] = BERRYSTATE_PICKED; break; } } break; } if (sGame->players[i].comm.missedBerry == TRUE) break; } } } for (j = berryStart; j < berryEnd; j++) { u8 playerIdMissed = PLAYER_NONE; column = sActiveColumnMap[0][0][j]; if (sGame->berryState[column] == BERRYSTATE_PICKED) { s32 delayRemaining; u8 playerIdPicked, delayStage = sGame->difficulty[GetPlayerIdAtColumn(column)] / NUM_DIFFICULTIES; if (delayStage >= ARRAY_COUNT(sBerryFallDelays) - 1) delayStage = ARRAY_COUNT(sBerryFallDelays) - 1; delayRemaining = sBerryFallDelays[delayStage][sGame->players[0].berries.ids[column]] - sGame->fallTimer[column]; if (delayRemaining < 6) sGame->eatTimer[column] += delayRemaining; if (++sGame->eatTimer[column] >= 6) { sGame->eatTimer[column] = 0; if (sGame->playersAttemptingPick[column][0] == PLAYER_NONE && sGame->playersAttemptingPick[column][1] == PLAYER_NONE) { // No players attempting to pick this berry continue; } else if (sGame->playersAttemptingPick[column][0] != PLAYER_NONE && sGame->playersAttemptingPick[column][1] == PLAYER_NONE) { // One player attempting to pick this berry playerIdPicked = sGame->playersAttemptingPick[column][0]; } else { // Two players attempting to pick this berry // Randomly give it to one of them u8 playerId1 = sGame->playersAttemptingPick[column][0]; i = sGame->playersAttemptingPick[column][1]; // playerId2. Have to re-use the variable to match. if (!(Random() & 1)) { playerIdPicked = playerId1; playerIdMissed = i; } else { playerIdPicked = i; playerIdMissed = playerId1; } } // Eat berry sGame->player.berries.fallDist[column] = EAT_FALL_DIST; sGame->berryState[column] = BERRYSTATE_EATEN; sGame->inputState[playerIdPicked] = INPUTSTATE_ATE_BERRY; sGame->berryEatenBy[column] = playerIdPicked; sGame->players[playerIdPicked].comm.ateBerry = TRUE; #ifdef UBFIX if (playerIdMissed != PLAYER_NONE) #endif sGame->players[playerIdMissed].comm.missedBerry = TRUE; // UB: playerIdMissed can be PLAYER_NONE here, which is out of bounds sGame->berriesEaten[playerIdPicked]++; IncrementBerryResult(0, column, playerIdPicked); UpdateBerriesPickedInRow(TRUE); TryIncrementDifficulty(playerIdPicked); sGame->prevBerryIds[column] = sGame->player.berries.ids[column]; sGame->player.berries.ids[column] = BERRY_MISSED; // Just to clear berry id, wasn't actually missed sGame->playersAttemptingPick[column][0] = PLAYER_NONE; sGame->playersAttemptingPick[column][1] = PLAYER_NONE; } } } } static bool32 TryPickBerry(u8 playerId, u8 pickState, u8 column) { s32 pick = 0; u8 numPlayersIdx = sGame->numPlayers - 1; struct DodrioGame_Berries * berries = &sGame->player.berries; switch (pickState) { case PICK_LEFT: default: pick = 0; break; case PICK_MIDDLE: pick = 1; break; case PICK_RIGHT: pick = 2; break; } // Check if berry is within range to be picked if (berries->fallDist[column] == EAT_FALL_DIST - 1 || berries->fallDist[column] == EAT_FALL_DIST) { // Check if this berry is the one the player is trying to pick if (column == sDodrioHeadToColumnMap[numPlayersIdx][playerId][pick]) { // Check if berry has been picked/eaten by another player if (sGame->berryState[column] == BERRYSTATE_PICKED || sGame->berryState[column] == BERRYSTATE_EATEN) { // Missed berry, picked by someone else sGame->players[playerId].comm.missedBerry = TRUE; return FALSE; } else { // Successfully picked berry return TRUE; } } } else { // Check if this berry is the one the player is trying to pick if (column == sDodrioHeadToColumnMap[numPlayersIdx][playerId][pick]) { // Missed berry, out of range sGame->inputState[playerId] = INPUTSTATE_BAD_MISS; sGame->players[playerId].comm.missedBerry = TRUE; } } return FALSE; } static void UpdateFallingBerries(void) { u8 berryStart = sGame->berryColStart; u8 berryEnd = sGame->berryColEnd; u8 delayStage = 0; u8 otherBerryMissed = 0; u8 i; sGame->berriesFalling = FALSE; for (i = berryStart; i < berryEnd - 1; i++) { struct DodrioGame *game = sGame; if (sGame->berryState[i] == BERRYSTATE_NONE || sGame->berryState[i] == BERRYSTATE_PICKED) { sGame->berriesFalling = TRUE; if (game->player.berries.fallDist[i] >= MAX_FALL_DIST) { // Berry hit the ground game->player.berries.fallDist[i] = MAX_FALL_DIST; sGame->berryState[i] = BERRYSTATE_SQUISHED; if (!sGame->playingSquishSound[i]) { sGame->playingSquishSound[i] = TRUE; PlaySE(SE_BALLOON_RED + game->player.berries.ids[i]); } if (sGame->numGraySquares < NUM_STATUS_SQUARES || otherBerryMissed == TRUE) { otherBerryMissed = TRUE; sGame->playingSquishSound[i] = FALSE; if (sGame->numGraySquares < NUM_STATUS_SQUARES) sGame->numGraySquares++; IncrementBerryResult(BERRY_MISSED, i, 0); UpdateBerriesPickedInRow(FALSE); } } else { // Berry is still falling u8 delay; delayStage = sGame->difficulty[GetPlayerIdAtColumn(i)] / NUM_DIFFICULTIES; if (delayStage >= ARRAY_COUNT(sBerryFallDelays) - 1) delayStage = ARRAY_COUNT(sBerryFallDelays) - 1; delay = sBerryFallDelays[delayStage][game->player.berries.ids[i]]; if (++sGame->fallTimer[i] >= delay) { game->player.berries.fallDist[i]++; sGame->fallTimer[i] = 0; } HandlePickBerries(); } } else if (sGame->berryState[i] == BERRYSTATE_EATEN) { // Berry has been eaten, wait and create a new berry sGame->berriesFalling = TRUE; if (++sGame->newBerryTimer[i] >= 20) { sGame->players[sGame->berryEatenBy[i]].comm.ateBerry = FALSE; sGame->newBerryTimer[i] = 0; sGame->fallTimer[i] = 0; sGame->berryState[i] = BERRYSTATE_NONE; game->player.berries.fallDist[i] = 1; game->player.berries.ids[i] = GetNewBerryId(GetPlayerIdAtColumn(i), i); } } else if (sGame->berryState[i] == BERRYSTATE_SQUISHED) { // Berry has already hit the ground, wait and create a new berry if (++sGame->newBerryTimer[i] >= 20) { if (sGame->numGraySquares < NUM_STATUS_SQUARES) { sGame->newBerryTimer[i] = 0; sGame->fallTimer[i] = 0; sGame->berryState[i] = BERRYSTATE_NONE; game->player.berries.fallDist[i] = 1; sGame->prevBerryIds[i] = game->player.berries.ids[i]; game->player.berries.ids[i] = GetNewBerryId(GetPlayerIdAtColumn(i), i); } } } } } static void UpdateBerrySprites(void) { u8 i; u8 berryStart = sGame->berryColStart; u8 berryEnd = sGame->berryColEnd; for (i = berryStart; i < berryEnd; i++) { struct DodrioGame_Player *player = &sGame->players[sGame->multiplayerId]; u8 column = sActiveColumnMap[sGame->numPlayers - 1][sGame->multiplayerId][i]; if (player->berries.fallDist[column] != 0) SetBerryInvisibility(i, FALSE); else SetBerryInvisibility(i, TRUE); if (player->berries.fallDist[column] >= MAX_FALL_DIST) { // Berry was missed, set squished anim SetBerryAnim(i, player->berries.ids[column] + BERRY_MISSED); SetBerryYPos(i, player->berries.fallDist[column] * 2 - 1); } else if (player->berries.ids[column] == 3) { // Berry was picked, set eaten anim player->berries.fallDist[column] = EAT_FALL_DIST; SetBerryAnim(i, ANIM_EATEN); SetBerryYPos(i, player->berries.fallDist[column] * 2 - 1); } else { // Berry is still falling SetBerryAnim(i, player->berries.ids[column]); SetBerryYPos(i, player->berries.fallDist[column] * 2); } } } static void UpdateAllDodrioAnims(void) { u8 i, numPlayers; numPlayers = sGame->numPlayers; for (i = 0; i < numPlayers; i++) { struct DodrioGame_Player *player = &sGame->players[i]; SetDodrioAnim(i, player->comm.pickState); } } static void SetAllDodrioDisabled(void) { u8 i, numPlayers; numPlayers = sGame->numPlayers; for (i = 0; i < numPlayers; i++) SetDodrioAnim(i, PICK_DISABLED); } static void UpdateGame_Leader(void) { UpdateBerrySprites(); if (sGame->numGraySquares >= NUM_STATUS_SQUARES) SetAllDodrioDisabled(); else UpdateAllDodrioAnims(); UpdateStatusBarAnim(sGame->numGraySquares); } // Identical to UpdateGame_Leader static void UpdateGame_Member(void) { UpdateBerrySprites(); if (sGame->numGraySquares >= NUM_STATUS_SQUARES) SetAllDodrioDisabled(); else UpdateAllDodrioAnims(); UpdateStatusBarAnim(sGame->numGraySquares); } static void GetActiveBerryColumns(u8 numPlayers, u8 *start, u8 *end) { switch (numPlayers) { case 1: *start = 4, *end = 7; break; case 2: *start = 3, *end = 8; break; case 3: *start = 2, *end = 9; break; case 4: *start = 1, *end = 10; break; case 5: *start = 0, *end = 11; break; } } static bool32 AllPlayersReadyToStart(void) { u8 i, numPlayers; numPlayers = sGame->numPlayers; for (i = 1; i < numPlayers; i++) { if (sGame->readyToStart[i] == FALSE) sGame->readyToStart[i] = RecvPacket_ReadyToStart(i); } numPlayers = numPlayers; // Needed to force compiler to keep loop below #ifdef BUGFIX i = 1; // i isn't reset, loop below never runs. As a result, game can begin before all players ready #endif for (; i < numPlayers; i++) { if (sGame->readyToStart[i] == FALSE) return FALSE; } return TRUE; } static void ResetReadyToStart(void) { u8 i; for (i = 0; i < MAX_RFU_PLAYERS; i++) sGame->readyToStart[i] = FALSE; } static bool32 ReadyToEndGame_Leader(void) { if (sGame->numGraySquares >= NUM_STATUS_SQUARES && !sGame->berriesFalling) { sGame->numGraySquares = NUM_STATUS_SQUARES; if (sGame->allReadyToEnd) return TRUE; } return FALSE; } static bool32 ReadyToEndGame_Member(void) { u8 i, berryStart, berryEnd; if (sGame->numGraySquares >= NUM_STATUS_SQUARES) { berryStart = sGame->berryColStart; berryEnd = sGame->berryColEnd; sGame->numGraySquares = NUM_STATUS_SQUARES; if (sGame->allReadyToEnd) { for (i = berryStart; i < berryEnd; i++) { struct DodrioGame_Player *player = &sGame->players[sGame->multiplayerId]; u8 column = sActiveColumnMap[sGame->numPlayers - 1][sGame->multiplayerId][i]; if (player->berries.fallDist[column] != MAX_FALL_DIST) return FALSE; } return TRUE; } } return FALSE; } static void TryIncrementDifficulty(u8 playerId) { u8 threshold = sDifficultyThresholds[sGame->difficulty[playerId] % NUM_DIFFICULTIES] + (sGame->difficulty[playerId] / NUM_DIFFICULTIES) * 100; if (sGame->berriesEaten[playerId] >= threshold) sGame->difficulty[playerId]++; } static u8 GetPlayerIdAtColumn(u8 column) { return sPlayerIdAtColumn[sGame->numPlayers - 1][column]; } // Get a berry id for when a new falling berry is created. // What type of berry it is depends on the current difficulty // level of players who can pick berries from that column. static u8 GetNewBerryId(u8 playerId, u8 column) { u8 i, highestDifficulty; u8 numPlayersIdx = sGame->numPlayers - 1; u8 leftPlayer = sDodrioNeighborMap[numPlayersIdx][playerId][0]; u8 middlePlayer = sDodrioNeighborMap[numPlayersIdx][playerId][1]; u8 rightPlayer = sDodrioNeighborMap[numPlayersIdx][playerId][2]; for (i = 0; sUnsharedColumns[numPlayersIdx][i] != 0; i++) { // If only one player can use this column, just use their difficulty if (column == sUnsharedColumns[numPlayersIdx][i]) return GetNewBerryIdByDifficulty(sGame->difficulty[middlePlayer], column); } // This column is shared, get the highest difficulty of adjacent players if (sGame->difficulty[leftPlayer] > sGame->difficulty[middlePlayer]) highestDifficulty = sGame->difficulty[leftPlayer]; else highestDifficulty = sGame->difficulty[middlePlayer]; if (sGame->difficulty[rightPlayer] > highestDifficulty) highestDifficulty = sGame->difficulty[rightPlayer]; return GetNewBerryIdByDifficulty(highestDifficulty, column); } // The berry types cycle through different distributions depending on the difficulty static u8 GetNewBerryIdByDifficulty(u8 difficulty, u8 column) { u8 prevBerryId = sGame->prevBerryIds[column]; switch (difficulty % NUM_DIFFICULTIES) { default: return BERRY_BLUE; case 0: return BERRY_BLUE; case 1: return BERRY_GREEN; case 2: return BERRY_GOLD; case 3: if (prevBerryId == BERRY_BLUE) return BERRY_GREEN; else return BERRY_BLUE; case 4: if (prevBerryId == BERRY_BLUE) return BERRY_GOLD; else return BERRY_BLUE; case 5: if (prevBerryId == BERRY_GOLD) return BERRY_GREEN; else return BERRY_GOLD; case 6: if (prevBerryId == BERRY_BLUE) return BERRY_GREEN; else if (prevBerryId == BERRY_GREEN) return BERRY_GOLD; else return BERRY_BLUE; } } static bool32 IsTotalBerriesMissedOver10(u16 berryResults[MAX_RFU_PLAYERS][NUM_BERRY_IDS]) { int missed = 0, i = 0; for (; i < GetLinkPlayerCount(); missed += berryResults[i][BERRY_MISSED], i++) ; if (missed > 10) return TRUE; else return FALSE; } // Despite being set up to take a berry id as an argument, this // function is only ever given BERRY_BLUE or BERRY_MISSED. // It reads the actual berry id (if necessary) from ids static void IncrementBerryResult(u8 berryIdArg, u8 column, u8 playerId) { u8 berryId; u8 numPlayers = sGame->numPlayers; switch (berryIdArg) { case BERRY_BLUE: case BERRY_GREEN: case BERRY_GOLD: berryId = sGame->players[0].berries.ids[column]; sGame->berryResults[playerId][berryId] = IncrementWithLimit(sGame->berryResults[playerId][berryId], 20000); break; case BERRY_MISSED: if (IsTotalBerriesMissedOver10(sGame->berryResults)) break; switch (numPlayers) { case 5: switch (column) { case 0: sGame->berryResults[2][BERRY_MISSED]++; sGame->berryResults[3][BERRY_MISSED]++; break; case 1: sGame->berryResults[3][BERRY_MISSED]++; break; case 2: sGame->berryResults[3][BERRY_MISSED]++; sGame->berryResults[4][BERRY_MISSED]++; break; case 3: sGame->berryResults[4][BERRY_MISSED]++; break; case 4: sGame->berryResults[4][BERRY_MISSED]++; sGame->berryResults[0][BERRY_MISSED]++; break; case 5: sGame->berryResults[0][BERRY_MISSED]++; break; case 6: sGame->berryResults[0][BERRY_MISSED]++; sGame->berryResults[1][BERRY_MISSED]++; break; case 7: sGame->berryResults[1][BERRY_MISSED]++; break; case 8: sGame->berryResults[1][BERRY_MISSED]++; sGame->berryResults[2][BERRY_MISSED]++; break; case 9: sGame->berryResults[2][BERRY_MISSED]++; break; } break; case 4: switch (column) { case 1: sGame->berryResults[2][BERRY_MISSED]++; sGame->berryResults[3][BERRY_MISSED]++; break; case 2: sGame->berryResults[3][BERRY_MISSED]++; break; case 3: sGame->berryResults[3][BERRY_MISSED]++; sGame->berryResults[0][BERRY_MISSED]++; break; case 4: sGame->berryResults[0][BERRY_MISSED]++; break; case 5: sGame->berryResults[0][BERRY_MISSED]++; sGame->berryResults[1][BERRY_MISSED]++; break; case 6: sGame->berryResults[1][BERRY_MISSED]++; break; case 7: sGame->berryResults[1][BERRY_MISSED]++; sGame->berryResults[2][BERRY_MISSED]++; break; case 8: sGame->berryResults[2][BERRY_MISSED]++; break; } break; case 3: switch (column) { case 2: sGame->berryResults[1][BERRY_MISSED]++; sGame->berryResults[2][BERRY_MISSED]++; break; case 3: sGame->berryResults[2][BERRY_MISSED]++; break; case 4: sGame->berryResults[2][BERRY_MISSED]++; sGame->berryResults[0][BERRY_MISSED]++; break; case 5: sGame->berryResults[0][BERRY_MISSED]++; break; case 6: sGame->berryResults[0][BERRY_MISSED]++; sGame->berryResults[1][BERRY_MISSED]++; break; case 7: sGame->berryResults[1][BERRY_MISSED]++; break; } break; case 2: switch (column) { case 3: sGame->berryResults[0][BERRY_MISSED]++; sGame->berryResults[1][BERRY_MISSED]++; break; case 4: sGame->berryResults[0][BERRY_MISSED]++; break; case 5: sGame->berryResults[0][BERRY_MISSED]++; sGame->berryResults[1][BERRY_MISSED]++; break; case 6: sGame->berryResults[1][BERRY_MISSED]++; break; } break; } break; } } static void UpdateBerriesPickedInRow(bool32 picked) { // The 'berries picked in row' stat is only // counted for games with all 5 players if (sGame->numPlayers != MAX_RFU_PLAYERS) return; if (picked == TRUE) { if (++sGame->berriesPickedInRow > sGame->maxBerriesPickedInRow) sGame->maxBerriesPickedInRow = sGame->berriesPickedInRow; if (sGame->berriesPickedInRow > MAX_BERRIES) sGame->berriesPickedInRow = MAX_BERRIES; } else // missed { if (sGame->berriesPickedInRow > sGame->maxBerriesPickedInRow) sGame->maxBerriesPickedInRow = sGame->berriesPickedInRow; sGame->berriesPickedInRow = 0; } } static void SetMaxBerriesPickedInRow(void) { u8 i; for (i = 0; i < sGame->numPlayers; i++) sGame->berryResults[i][BERRY_IN_ROW] = sGame->maxBerriesPickedInRow; } static void ResetForPlayAgainPrompt(void) { u8 i, j; for (i = 0; i < MAX_RFU_PLAYERS; i++) { for (j = 0; j < NUM_BERRY_COLUMNS; j++) sGame->players[i].berries.fallDist[j] = 0; sGame->players[i].comm.pickState = PICK_NONE; sGame->players[i].comm.ateBerry = FALSE; sGame->difficulty[i] = 0; sGame->berriesEaten[i] = 0; sGame->scoreResults[i].ranking = 0; sGame->scoreResults[i].score = 0; sGame->berryResults[i][BERRY_BLUE] = 0; sGame->berryResults[i][BERRY_GREEN] = 0; sGame->berryResults[i][BERRY_GOLD] = 0; sGame->berryResults[i][BERRY_MISSED] = 0; sGame->berryResults[i][BERRY_PRIZE] = 0; sGame->berryResults[i][BERRY_IN_ROW] = 0; } sGame->endSoundState = 0; sGame->berriesPickedInRow = 0; sGame->numGraySquares = 0; UpdateAllDodrioAnims(); UpdateBerrySprites(); } static const s16 sBerryScoreMultipliers[] = { [BERRY_BLUE] = 10, [BERRY_GREEN] = 30, [BERRY_GOLD] = 50, [BERRY_MISSED] = 50 // Subtracted }; static void SetRandomPrize(void) { u8 i, prizeSet = 0, prizeIdx = 0; switch (sGame->numPlayers) { case 4: prizeSet = 1; break; case 5: prizeSet = 2; break; } prizeIdx = Random() % ARRAY_COUNT(sPrizeBerryIds[0]); for (i = 0; i < MAX_RFU_PLAYERS; i++) sGame->berryResults[i][BERRY_PRIZE] = sPrizeBerryIds[prizeSet][prizeIdx]; } static u32 GetBerriesPicked(u8 playerId) { u32 sum = sGame->berryResults[playerId][BERRY_BLUE] + sGame->berryResults[playerId][BERRY_GREEN] + sGame->berryResults[playerId][BERRY_GOLD]; return min(sum, MAX_BERRIES); } static void TryUpdateRecords(void) { u32 berriesPicked = Min(GetBerriesPicked(sGame->multiplayerId), MAX_BERRIES); // Min here is redundant u32 score = Min(GetScore(sGame->multiplayerId), MAX_SCORE); if (gSaveBlock2Ptr->berryPick.bestScore < score) gSaveBlock2Ptr->berryPick.bestScore = score; if (gSaveBlock2Ptr->berryPick.berriesPicked < berriesPicked) gSaveBlock2Ptr->berryPick.berriesPicked = berriesPicked; if (gSaveBlock2Ptr->berryPick.berriesPickedInRow < sGame->maxBerriesPickedInRow) gSaveBlock2Ptr->berryPick.berriesPickedInRow = sGame->maxBerriesPickedInRow; } // Enqueue the given state, and dequeue and return // the state that should be used next static u8 UpdatePickStateQueue(u8 pickState) { u8 i, nextState; nextState = sGame->pickStateQueue[ARRAY_COUNT(sGame->pickStateQueue) - 1]; for (i = ARRAY_COUNT(sGame->pickStateQueue) - 1; i != 0; i--) sGame->pickStateQueue[i] = sGame->pickStateQueue[i - 1]; sGame->pickStateQueue[0] = pickState; return nextState; } // The player may extend their Dodrio's heads while they wait for // other players to respond to the "Play again?" prompt static void HandleWaitPlayAgainInput(void) { if (sGame->inputDelay[sGame->multiplayerId] == 0) { if (JOY_NEW(DPAD_UP)) { sGame->players[sGame->multiplayerId].comm.pickState = PICK_MIDDLE; sGame->inputDelay[sGame->multiplayerId] = 6; PlaySE(SE_M_CHARM); } else if (JOY_NEW(DPAD_LEFT)) { sGame->players[sGame->multiplayerId].comm.pickState = PICK_LEFT; sGame->inputDelay[sGame->multiplayerId] = 6; PlaySE(SE_M_CHARM); } else if (JOY_NEW(DPAD_RIGHT)) { sGame->players[sGame->multiplayerId].comm.pickState = PICK_RIGHT; sGame->inputDelay[sGame->multiplayerId] = 6; PlaySE(SE_M_CHARM); } else { sGame->players[sGame->multiplayerId].comm.pickState = PICK_NONE; } } else { sGame->inputDelay[sGame->multiplayerId]--; } } static void ResetPickState(void) { sGame->players[sGame->multiplayerId].comm.pickState = PICK_NONE; } static u16 GetPrizeItemId(void) { return sGame->berryResults[sGame->multiplayerId][BERRY_PRIZE] + FIRST_BERRY_INDEX; } static u8 GetNumPlayers(void) { return sGame->numPlayers; } static u8 *GetPlayerName(u8 id) { if (gReceivedRemoteLinkPlayers) return gLinkPlayers[id].name; else return sGame->players[id].name; } static u16 GetBerryResult(u8 playerId, u8 berryId) { return sGame->berryResults[playerId][berryId]; } static u32 GetScore(u8 playerId) { u8 i; u32 scoreLost, score = 0; // Sum up points for berries picked for (i = 0; i < BERRY_MISSED; i++) score += sGame->berryResults[playerId][i] * sBerryScoreMultipliers[i]; // Get points lost for berries missed scoreLost = sGame->berryResults[playerId][BERRY_MISSED] * sBerryScoreMultipliers[BERRY_MISSED]; if (score <= scoreLost) return 0; else return score - scoreLost; } static u32 GetHighestScore(void) { u8 i, numPlayers = sGame->numPlayers; u32 maxScore = GetScore(0); for (i = 1; i < numPlayers; i++) { u32 score = GetScore(i); if (score > maxScore) maxScore = score; } return Min(maxScore, MAX_SCORE); } static u32 GetHighestBerryResult(u8 berryId) { u8 i, numPlayers = sGame->numPlayers; u16 maxScore = sGame->berryResults[0][berryId]; for (i = 0; i < numPlayers; i++) { u16 score = sGame->berryResults[i][berryId]; if (score > maxScore) maxScore = score; } return maxScore; } static u32 GetScoreByRanking(u8 ranking) { u32 scores[MAX_RFU_PLAYERS], temp; s16 unsorted = TRUE; u8 i; u8 numPlayers = sGame->numPlayers; for (i = 0; i < numPlayers; i++) scores[i] = temp = GetScore(i); // Sort the scores in the array highest to lowest while (unsorted) { unsorted = FALSE; for (i = 0; i < numPlayers - 1; i++) { if (scores[i] < scores[i + 1]) { SWAP(scores[i], scores[i + 1], temp); unsorted = TRUE; } } } return scores[ranking]; } static u32 SetScoreResults(void) { u8 i, ranking = 0, nextRanking = 0, playersRanked = 0; u8 numPlayers = sGame->numPlayers; GetHighestScore(); // Useless call if (GetHighestScore() == 0) { // No one scored any points, put everyone in last place with a score of 0. // Presumably this was supposed to then return, as the assignments in this // loop are then overwritten by the rest of the function for (i = 0; i < numPlayers; i++) { sGame->scoreResults[i].ranking = MAX_RFU_PLAYERS - 1; sGame->scoreResults[i].score = 0; } } // Set scores for (i = 0; i < numPlayers; i++) sGame->scoreResults[i].score = Min(GetScore(i), MAX_SCORE); // Set rankings do { u32 score = GetScoreByRanking(ranking); u8 curRanking = nextRanking; // Find all players with the score for this ranking. // Increment nextRanking but not curRanking to allow // for ties for (i = 0; i < numPlayers; i++) { if (score == sGame->scoreResults[i].score) { sGame->scoreResults[i].ranking = curRanking; nextRanking++; playersRanked++; } } ranking = nextRanking; } while (playersRanked < numPlayers); return 0; } static void GetScoreResults(struct DodrioGame_ScoreResults *dst, u8 playerId) { *dst = sGame->scoreResults[playerId]; } // Unused // Returns where the specified player's score ranks, 0 being first (highest score) static u8 GetScoreRanking(u8 playerId) { u8 i, ranking = 0; u8 numPlayers = sGame->numPlayers; u32 playersScore; u32 scores[MAX_RFU_PLAYERS] = {0}; for (i = 0; i < numPlayers; i++) scores[i] = GetScore(i); playersScore = scores[playerId]; for (i = 0; i < MAX_RFU_PLAYERS; i++) { if (i != playerId && playersScore < scores[i]) ranking++; } return ranking; } enum { PRIZE_RECEIVED, PRIZE_FILLED_BAG, PRIZE_NO_ROOM, NO_PRIZE, }; static u8 TryGivePrize(void) { u8 multiplayerId = sGame->multiplayerId; u16 itemId = GetPrizeItemId(); if (GetScore(multiplayerId) != GetHighestScore()) return NO_PRIZE; if (!CheckBagHasSpace(itemId, 1)) return PRIZE_NO_ROOM; AddBagItem(itemId, 1); if (!CheckBagHasSpace(itemId, 1)) return PRIZE_FILLED_BAG; return PRIZE_RECEIVED; } static u32 IncrementWithLimit(u32 a, u32 max) { if (a < max) return a + 1; else return max; } static u32 Min(u32 a, u32 b) { if (a < b) return a; else return b; } static u8 GetPlayerIdByPos(u8 id) { return sGame->posToPlayerId[id]; } void IsDodrioInParty(void) { int i; for (i = 0; i < PARTY_SIZE; i++) { if (GetMonData(&gPlayerParty[i], MON_DATA_SANITY_HAS_SPECIES) && GetMonData(&gPlayerParty[i], MON_DATA_SPECIES2) == SPECIES_DODRIO) { gSpecialVar_Result = TRUE; return; } } gSpecialVar_Result = FALSE; } #define NUM_RECORD_TYPES 3 void ShowDodrioBerryPickingRecords(void) { u8 taskId = CreateTask(Task_ShowDodrioBerryPickingRecords, 0); Task_ShowDodrioBerryPickingRecords(taskId); } static const struct WindowTemplate sWindowTemplates_Records = { .bg = 0, .tilemapLeft = 5, .tilemapTop = 1, .width = 20, .height = 11, .paletteNum = 15, .baseBlock = 0x1, }; static const u8 *const sRecordsTexts[NUM_RECORD_TYPES] = {gText_BerriesPicked, gText_BestScore, gText_BerriesInRowFivePlayers}; static const u8 sRecordNumMaxDigits[NUM_RECORD_TYPES] = {4, 7, 4}; ALIGNED(4) static const u8 sRecordTextYCoords[NUM_RECORD_TYPES][2] = {{25}, {41}, {57}}; static const u8 sRecordNumYCoords[NUM_RECORD_TYPES][2] = {{25}, {41}, {73}}; #define tState data[0] #define tWindowId data[1] static void Task_ShowDodrioBerryPickingRecords(u8 taskId) { struct WindowTemplate window; s32 i, width, widthCurr; s16 *data = gTasks[taskId].data; switch (tState) { case 0: window = sWindowTemplates_Records; width = GetStringWidth(1, gText_BerryPickingRecords, 0); for (i = 0; i < ARRAY_COUNT(sRecordsTexts); i++) { widthCurr = GetStringWidth(1, sRecordsTexts[i], 0) + 50; if (widthCurr > width) width = widthCurr; } width = (width + 7) / 8; if (width & 1) width++; window.tilemapLeft = (30 - width) / 2; window.width = width; tWindowId = AddWindow(&window); PrintRecordsText(tWindowId, width); CopyWindowToVram(tWindowId, 3); tState++; break; case 1: if (!IsDma3ManagerBusyWithBgCopy()) tState++; break; case 2: if (JOY_NEW(A_BUTTON | B_BUTTON)) { rbox_fill_rectangle(tWindowId); CopyWindowToVram(tWindowId, 1); tState++; } break; case 3: if (!IsDma3ManagerBusyWithBgCopy()) { RemoveWindow(tWindowId); DestroyTask(taskId); EnableBothScriptContexts(); } break; } } #undef tState #undef tWindowId static void PrintRecordsText(u8 windowId, s32 width) { s32 i, x, numWidth; s32 recordNums[NUM_RECORD_TYPES]; recordNums[0] = gSaveBlock2Ptr->berryPick.berriesPicked; recordNums[1] = gSaveBlock2Ptr->berryPick.bestScore; recordNums[2] = gSaveBlock2Ptr->berryPick.berriesPickedInRow; LoadUserWindowBorderGfx_(windowId, 0x21D, 0xD0); DrawTextBorderOuter(windowId, 0x21D, 0xD); FillWindowPixelBuffer(windowId, PIXEL_FILL(1)); AddTextPrinterParameterized(windowId, 1, gText_BerryPickingRecords, GetStringCenterAlignXOffset(1, gText_BerryPickingRecords, width * 8), 1, TEXT_SPEED_FF, NULL); for (i = 0; i < NUM_RECORD_TYPES; i++) { ConvertIntToDecimalStringN(gStringVar1, recordNums[i], STR_CONV_MODE_LEFT_ALIGN, sRecordNumMaxDigits[i]); numWidth = GetStringWidth(1, gStringVar1, -1); AddTextPrinterParameterized(windowId, 1, sRecordsTexts[i], 0, sRecordTextYCoords[i][0], TEXT_SPEED_FF, NULL); x = (width * 8) - numWidth; AddTextPrinterParameterized(windowId, 1, gStringVar1, x, sRecordNumYCoords[i][0], TEXT_SPEED_FF, NULL); } PutWindowTilemap(windowId); } // Debug functions? static const u16 sDebug_BerryResults[MAX_RFU_PLAYERS][4] = { { [BERRY_BLUE] = MAX_BERRIES, [BERRY_GREEN] = 0, [BERRY_GOLD] = 90, [BERRY_MISSED] = MAX_BERRIES }, { [BERRY_BLUE] = MAX_BERRIES, [BERRY_GREEN] = MAX_BERRIES, [BERRY_GOLD] = 70, [BERRY_MISSED] = MAX_BERRIES }, { [BERRY_BLUE] = MAX_BERRIES, [BERRY_GREEN] = 0, [BERRY_GOLD] = MAX_BERRIES, [BERRY_MISSED] = 0 }, { [BERRY_BLUE] = MAX_BERRIES, [BERRY_GREEN] = MAX_BERRIES, [BERRY_GOLD] = 60, [BERRY_MISSED] = 0 }, { [BERRY_BLUE] = MAX_BERRIES, [BERRY_GREEN] = MAX_BERRIES, [BERRY_GOLD] = MAX_BERRIES, [BERRY_MISSED] = 0 }, }; static const u8 sJPText_Vowels[] = _("あいうえおかき"); static const u8 sText_ABCDEFG[] = _("ABCDEFG"); static const u8 sText_0123456[] = _("0123456"); static const u8 *const sDebug_PlayerNames[] = { sJPText_Vowels, sJPText_Vowels, sJPText_Vowels, sText_ABCDEFG, sText_0123456 }; static void Debug_UpdateNumPlayers(void) { sGame->numPlayers = GetLinkPlayerCount(); } static void Debug_SetPlayerNamesAndResults(void) { u8 i, playerId; for (playerId = sGame->numPlayers; playerId < ARRAY_COUNT(sDebug_PlayerNames); playerId++) StringCopy(gLinkPlayers[playerId].name, sDebug_PlayerNames[playerId]); sGame->numPlayers = MAX_RFU_PLAYERS; for (i = 0; i < NUM_BERRY_TYPES; i++) { for (playerId = 0; playerId < sGame->numPlayers; playerId++) sGame->berryResults[playerId][i] = sDebug_BerryResults[playerId][i]; } } struct ReadyToStartPacket { u8 id; bool8 ALIGNED(4) ready; }; static void SendPacket_ReadyToStart(bool32 ready) { struct ReadyToStartPacket packet; packet.id = PACKET_READY_START; packet.ready = ready; Rfu_SendPacket(&packet); } static u32 RecvPacket_ReadyToStart(u32 playerId) { struct ReadyToStartPacket *packet; if ((gRecvCmds[0][0] & 0xFF00) != RFUCMD_SEND_PACKET) return FALSE; packet = (void *)&gRecvCmds[playerId][1]; if (packet->id == PACKET_READY_START) return packet->ready; return FALSE; } struct GameStatePacket { u8 id; u8 fallDist_Col0:4; u8 fallDist_Col1:4; u16 fallDist_Col2:4; u16 fallDist_Col3:4; u16 fallDist_Col4:4; u16 fallDist_Col5:4; u16 fallDist_Col6:4; u16 fallDist_Col7:4; u16 fallDist_Col8:4; u16 fallDist_Col9:4; u16 berryId_Col0:2; u16 berryId_Col1:2; u16 berryId_Col2:2; u16 berryId_Col3:2; u16 berryId_Col4:2; u16 berryId_Col5:2; u16 berryId_Col6:2; u16 berryId_Col7:2; u8 berryId_Col8:2; u8 berryId_Col9:2; u8 pickState_Player1:2; u8 pickState_Player2:2; u8 pickState_Player3:2; u8 pickState_Player4:2; u8 pickState_Player5:2; bool8 ateBerry_Player1:1; bool8 ateBerry_Player2:1; bool8 ateBerry_Player3:1; bool8 ateBerry_Player4:1; bool8 ateBerry_Player5:1; u8 numGraySquares:5; bool8 allReadyToEnd:1; bool8 berriesFalling:1; bool8 missedBerry_Player1:1; bool8 missedBerry_Player2:1; bool8 missedBerry_Player3:1; bool8 missedBerry_Player4:1; bool8 missedBerry_Player5:1; }; static void SendPacket_GameState(struct DodrioGame_Player *player, struct DodrioGame_PlayerCommData *player1, struct DodrioGame_PlayerCommData *player2, struct DodrioGame_PlayerCommData *player3, struct DodrioGame_PlayerCommData *player4, struct DodrioGame_PlayerCommData *player5, u8 numGraySquares, bool32 berriesFalling, bool32 allReadyToEnd) { struct GameStatePacket packet; struct DodrioGame_Berries *berries = &player->berries; packet.id = PACKET_GAME_STATE; packet.fallDist_Col0 = berries->fallDist[0]; packet.fallDist_Col1 = berries->fallDist[1]; packet.fallDist_Col2 = berries->fallDist[2]; packet.fallDist_Col3 = berries->fallDist[3]; packet.fallDist_Col4 = berries->fallDist[4]; packet.fallDist_Col5 = berries->fallDist[5]; packet.fallDist_Col6 = berries->fallDist[6]; packet.fallDist_Col7 = berries->fallDist[7]; packet.fallDist_Col8 = berries->fallDist[8]; packet.fallDist_Col9 = berries->fallDist[9]; packet.berryId_Col0 = berries->ids[0]; packet.berryId_Col1 = berries->ids[1]; packet.berryId_Col2 = berries->ids[2]; packet.berryId_Col3 = berries->ids[3]; packet.berryId_Col4 = berries->ids[4]; packet.berryId_Col5 = berries->ids[5]; packet.berryId_Col6 = berries->ids[6]; packet.berryId_Col7 = berries->ids[7]; packet.berryId_Col8 = berries->ids[8]; packet.berryId_Col9 = berries->ids[9]; packet.pickState_Player1 = player1->pickState; packet.pickState_Player2 = player2->pickState; packet.pickState_Player3 = player3->pickState; packet.pickState_Player4 = player4->pickState; packet.pickState_Player5 = player5->pickState; packet.ateBerry_Player1 = player1->ateBerry; packet.ateBerry_Player2 = player2->ateBerry; packet.ateBerry_Player3 = player3->ateBerry; packet.ateBerry_Player4 = player4->ateBerry; packet.ateBerry_Player5 = player5->ateBerry; packet.missedBerry_Player1 = player1->missedBerry; packet.missedBerry_Player2 = player2->missedBerry; packet.missedBerry_Player3 = player3->missedBerry; packet.missedBerry_Player4 = player4->missedBerry; packet.missedBerry_Player5 = player5->missedBerry; packet.numGraySquares = numGraySquares; packet.berriesFalling = berriesFalling; packet.allReadyToEnd = allReadyToEnd; Rfu_SendPacket(&packet); } static bool32 RecvPacket_GameState(u32 playerId, struct DodrioGame_Player *player, struct DodrioGame_PlayerCommData *player1, struct DodrioGame_PlayerCommData *player2, struct DodrioGame_PlayerCommData *player3, struct DodrioGame_PlayerCommData *player4, struct DodrioGame_PlayerCommData *player5, u8 *numGraySquares, bool32 *berriesFalling, bool32 *allReadyToEnd) { struct GameStatePacket *packet; struct DodrioGame_Berries *berries = &player->berries; if ((gRecvCmds[0][0] & 0xFF00) != RFUCMD_SEND_PACKET) return FALSE; packet = (void *)&gRecvCmds[0][1]; if (packet->id == PACKET_GAME_STATE) { berries->fallDist[0] = packet->fallDist_Col0; berries->fallDist[1] = packet->fallDist_Col1; berries->fallDist[2] = packet->fallDist_Col2; berries->fallDist[3] = packet->fallDist_Col3; berries->fallDist[4] = packet->fallDist_Col4; berries->fallDist[5] = packet->fallDist_Col5; berries->fallDist[6] = packet->fallDist_Col6; berries->fallDist[7] = packet->fallDist_Col7; berries->fallDist[8] = packet->fallDist_Col8; berries->fallDist[9] = packet->fallDist_Col9; berries->fallDist[10] = packet->fallDist_Col0; berries->ids[0] = packet->berryId_Col0; berries->ids[1] = packet->berryId_Col1; berries->ids[2] = packet->berryId_Col2; berries->ids[3] = packet->berryId_Col3; berries->ids[4] = packet->berryId_Col4; berries->ids[5] = packet->berryId_Col5; berries->ids[6] = packet->berryId_Col6; berries->ids[7] = packet->berryId_Col7; berries->ids[8] = packet->berryId_Col8; berries->ids[9] = packet->berryId_Col9; berries->ids[10] = packet->berryId_Col0; player1->pickState = packet->pickState_Player1; player1->ateBerry = packet->ateBerry_Player1; player1->missedBerry = packet->missedBerry_Player1; player2->pickState = packet->pickState_Player2; player2->ateBerry = packet->ateBerry_Player2; player2->missedBerry = packet->missedBerry_Player2; player3->pickState = packet->pickState_Player3; player3->ateBerry = packet->ateBerry_Player3; player3->missedBerry = packet->missedBerry_Player3; player4->pickState = packet->pickState_Player4; player4->ateBerry = packet->ateBerry_Player4; player4->missedBerry = packet->missedBerry_Player4; player5->pickState = packet->pickState_Player5; player5->ateBerry = packet->ateBerry_Player5; player5->missedBerry = packet->missedBerry_Player5; *numGraySquares = packet->numGraySquares; *berriesFalling = packet->berriesFalling; *allReadyToEnd = packet->allReadyToEnd; return TRUE; } return FALSE; } struct PickStatePacket { u8 id; u8 ALIGNED(4) pickState; }; static void SendPacket_PickState(u8 pickState) { struct PickStatePacket packet; packet.id = PACKET_PICK_STATE; packet.pickState = pickState; Rfu_SendPacket(&packet); } static bool32 RecvPacket_PickState(u32 playerId, u8 *pickState) { struct PickStatePacket *packet; if ((gRecvCmds[0][0] & 0xFF00) != RFUCMD_SEND_PACKET) return FALSE; packet = (void *)&gRecvCmds[playerId][1]; if (packet->id == PACKET_PICK_STATE) { *pickState = packet->pickState; return TRUE; } return FALSE; } struct ReadyToEndPacket { u8 id; bool32 ready; }; static void SendPacket_ReadyToEnd(bool32 ready) { struct ReadyToEndPacket packet; packet.id = PACKET_READY_END; packet.ready = ready; Rfu_SendPacket(&packet); } static bool32 RecvPacket_ReadyToEnd(u32 playerId) { struct ReadyToEndPacket *packet; if ((gRecvCmds[0][0] & 0xFF00) != RFUCMD_SEND_PACKET) return FALSE; packet = (void *)&gRecvCmds[playerId][1]; if (packet->id == PACKET_READY_END) return packet->ready; return FALSE; } static const struct BgTemplate sBgTemplates[] = { { .bg = BG_INTERFACE, .charBaseIndex = 0, .mapBaseIndex = 30, .screenSize = 0, .paletteMode = 0, .priority = 0, .baseTile = 0 }, { .bg = BG_TREE_LEFT, .charBaseIndex = 2, .mapBaseIndex = 12, .screenSize = 1, .paletteMode = 0, .priority = 1, .baseTile = 0 }, { .bg = BG_TREE_RIGHT, .charBaseIndex = 2, .mapBaseIndex = 14, .screenSize = 1, .paletteMode = 0, .priority = 1, .baseTile = 0 }, { .bg = BG_SCENERY, .charBaseIndex = 3, .mapBaseIndex = 31, .screenSize = 0, .paletteMode = 0, .priority = 2, .baseTile = 0 }, }; static const struct WindowTemplate sWindowTemplate_Dummy = DUMMY_WIN_TEMPLATE; static const struct WindowTemplate sWindowTemplates_Results[] = { { .bg = BG_INTERFACE, .tilemapLeft = 1, .tilemapTop = 1, .width = 28, .height = 2, .paletteNum = 13, .baseBlock = 0x13, }, { .bg = BG_INTERFACE, .tilemapLeft = 1, .tilemapTop = 5, .width = 28, .height = 14, .paletteNum = 13, .baseBlock = 0x4B, } }; static const struct WindowTemplate sWindowTemplate_Prize = { .bg = BG_INTERFACE, .tilemapLeft = 1, .tilemapTop = 5, .width = 28, .height = 7, .paletteNum = 13, .baseBlock = 0x4B, }; enum { WIN_PLAY_AGAIN, WIN_YES_NO, }; static const struct WindowTemplate sWindowTemplates_PlayAgain[] = { [WIN_PLAY_AGAIN] = { .bg = BG_INTERFACE, .tilemapLeft = 1, .tilemapTop = 8, .width = 19, .height = 3, .paletteNum = 13, .baseBlock = 0x13, }, [WIN_YES_NO] = { .bg = BG_INTERFACE, .tilemapLeft = 22, .tilemapTop = 7, .width = 6, .height = 4, .paletteNum = 13, .baseBlock = 0x4C, } }; static const struct WindowTemplate sWindowTemplate_DroppedOut = { .bg = BG_INTERFACE, .tilemapLeft = 4, .tilemapTop = 6, .width = 22, .height = 5, .paletteNum = 13, .baseBlock = 0x13, }; static const struct WindowTemplate sWindowTemplate_CommStandby = { .bg = BG_INTERFACE, .tilemapLeft = 5, .tilemapTop = 8, .width = 19, .height = 3, .paletteNum = 13, .baseBlock = 0x13, }; // Unused duplicate of sActiveColumnMap static const u8 sActiveColumnMap_Duplicate[MAX_RFU_PLAYERS][MAX_RFU_PLAYERS][NUM_BERRY_COLUMNS] = { { {0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 0}, }, { {0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 3, 8, 9, 0}, {0, 1, 2, 5, 6, 3, 4, 5, 8, 9, 0}, }, { {0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 2, 9, 0}, {0, 1, 4, 5, 6, 7, 2, 3, 4, 9, 0}, {0, 1, 6, 7, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 9, 0}, }, { {0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 1, 0}, {0, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 1, 2, 3, 0}, {0, 5, 6, 7, 8, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 0}, {0, 7, 8, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 0}, }, { {0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 0}, {2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 0, 1, 2}, {4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 0, 1, 2, 3, 4}, {6, 7, 8, 9, 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6}, {8, 9, 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8}, }, }; // Unused duplicate of sDodrioHeadToColumnMap static const u8 sDodrioHeadToColumnMap_Duplicate[MAX_RFU_PLAYERS][MAX_RFU_PLAYERS][3] = { { {4, 5, 6}, }, { {3, 4, 5}, {5, 6, 3}, }, { {4, 5, 6}, {6, 7, 2}, {2, 3, 4}, }, { {3, 4, 5}, {5, 6, 7}, {7, 8, 1}, {1, 2, 3}, }, { {4, 5, 6}, {6, 7, 8}, {8, 9, 0}, {0, 1, 2}, {2, 3, 4}, }, }; // Unused duplicate of sDodrioNeighborMap static const u8 sDodrioNeighborMap_Duplicate[MAX_RFU_PLAYERS][MAX_RFU_PLAYERS][3] = { { {1, 0, 1}, }, { {1, 0, 1}, {0, 1, 0}, }, { {2, 0, 1}, {0, 1, 2}, {1, 2, 0}, }, { {3, 0, 1}, {0, 1, 2}, {1, 2, 3}, {2, 3, 0}, }, { {4, 0, 1}, {0, 1, 2}, {1, 2, 3}, {2, 3, 4}, {3, 4, 0}, }, }; // Unused duplicate of sPlayerIdAtColumn ALIGNED(4) static const u8 sPlayerIdAtColumn_Duplicate[MAX_RFU_PLAYERS][NUM_BERRY_COLUMNS] = { {9, 9, 9, 9, 1, 1, 1, 9, 9, 9, 9}, {9, 9, 9, 0, 0, 1, 1, 0, 9, 9, 9}, {9, 9, 2, 2, 0, 0, 1, 1, 1, 9, 9}, {9, 3, 3, 0, 0, 1, 1, 2, 2, 3, 9}, {3, 3, 4, 4, 0, 0, 1, 1, 2, 2, 3}, }; // Unused duplicate of sUnsharedColumns static const u8 sUnsharedColumns_Duplicate[MAX_RFU_PLAYERS][MAX_RFU_PLAYERS] = { {5}, {4, 6}, {3, 5, 7}, {2, 4, 6, 8}, {1, 3, 5, 6, 9}, }; static const u16 sBg_Pal[] = INCBIN_U16("graphics/dodrio_berry_picking/bg.gbapal", "graphics/dodrio_berry_picking/tree_border.gbapal"); static const u16 sDodrioNormal_Pal[] = INCBIN_U16("graphics/dodrio_berry_picking/dodrio.gbapal"); static const u16 sDodrioShiny_Pal[] = INCBIN_U16("graphics/dodrio_berry_picking/shiny.gbapal"); static const u16 sStatus_Pal[] = INCBIN_U16("graphics/dodrio_berry_picking/status.gbapal"); static const u16 sBerries_Pal[] = INCBIN_U16("graphics/dodrio_berry_picking/berries.gbapal"); static const u32 sBerries_Gfx[] = INCBIN_U32("graphics/dodrio_berry_picking/berries.4bpp.lz"); static const u16 sCloud_Pal[] = INCBIN_U16("graphics/dodrio_berry_picking/cloud.gbapal"); static const u32 sBg_Gfx[] = INCBIN_U32("graphics/dodrio_berry_picking/bg.4bpp.lz"); static const u32 sTreeBorder_Gfx[] = INCBIN_U32("graphics/dodrio_berry_picking/tree_border.4bpp.lz"); static const u32 sStatus_Gfx[] = INCBIN_U32("graphics/dodrio_berry_picking/status.4bpp.lz"); static const u32 sCloud_Gfx[] = INCBIN_U32("graphics/dodrio_berry_picking/cloud.4bpp.lz"); static const u32 sDodrio_Gfx[] = INCBIN_U32("graphics/dodrio_berry_picking/dodrio.4bpp.lz"); static const u32 sBg_Tilemap[] = INCBIN_U32("graphics/dodrio_berry_picking/bg.bin.lz"); static const u32 sTreeBorderRight_Tilemap[] = INCBIN_U32("graphics/dodrio_berry_picking/tree_border_right.bin.lz"); static const u32 sTreeBorderLeft_Tilemap[] = INCBIN_U32("graphics/dodrio_berry_picking/tree_border_left.bin.lz"); static const struct OamData sOamData_Dodrio = { .y = 0, .affineMode = ST_OAM_AFFINE_OFF, .objMode = ST_OAM_OBJ_NORMAL, .mosaic = 0, .bpp = ST_OAM_4BPP, .shape = SPRITE_SHAPE(64x64), .x = 0, .matrixNum = 0, .size = SPRITE_SIZE(64x64), .tileNum = 0, .priority = 2, .paletteNum = 0, .affineParam = 0 }; // Used by the status bar and the results screen berry icons static const struct OamData sOamData_16x16_Priority0 = { .y = 0, .affineMode = ST_OAM_AFFINE_OFF, .objMode = ST_OAM_OBJ_NORMAL, .mosaic = 0, .bpp = ST_OAM_4BPP, .shape = SPRITE_SHAPE(16x16), .x = 0, .matrixNum = 0, .size = SPRITE_SIZE(16x16), .tileNum = 0, .priority = 0, .paletteNum = 0, .affineParam = 0 }; static const struct OamData sOamData_Berry = { .y = 0, .affineMode = ST_OAM_AFFINE_OFF, .objMode = ST_OAM_OBJ_NORMAL, .mosaic = 0, .bpp = ST_OAM_4BPP, .shape = SPRITE_SHAPE(16x16), .x = 0, .matrixNum = 0, .size = SPRITE_SIZE(16x16), .tileNum = 0, .priority = 2, .paletteNum = 0, .affineParam = 0 }; static const struct OamData sOamData_Cloud = { .y = 0, .affineMode = ST_OAM_AFFINE_OFF, .objMode = ST_OAM_OBJ_NORMAL, .mosaic = 0, .bpp = ST_OAM_4BPP, .shape = SPRITE_SHAPE(64x32), .x = 0, .matrixNum = 0, .size = SPRITE_SIZE(64x32), .tileNum = 0, .priority = 3, .paletteNum = 0, .affineParam = 0 }; static const union AnimCmd sAnim_Dodrio_Normal[] = { ANIMCMD_FRAME(0, 20), ANIMCMD_JUMP(0) }; static const union AnimCmd sAnim_Dodrio_PickRight[] = { ANIMCMD_FRAME(64, 20), ANIMCMD_JUMP(0) }; static const union AnimCmd sAnim_Dodrio_PickMiddle[] = { ANIMCMD_FRAME(128, 20), ANIMCMD_JUMP(0) }; static const union AnimCmd sAnim_Dodrio_PickLeft[] = { ANIMCMD_FRAME(192, 20), ANIMCMD_JUMP(0) }; static const union AnimCmd sAnim_Dodrio_Down[] = { ANIMCMD_FRAME(256, 20), ANIMCMD_JUMP(0) }; static const union AnimCmd *const sAnims_Dodrio[] = { [PICK_NONE] = sAnim_Dodrio_Normal, [PICK_RIGHT] = sAnim_Dodrio_PickRight, [PICK_MIDDLE] = sAnim_Dodrio_PickMiddle, [PICK_LEFT] = sAnim_Dodrio_PickLeft, [PICK_DISABLED] = sAnim_Dodrio_Down, // There is an unused 6th frame of Dodrio's graphic }; static const union AnimCmd sAnims_StatusBar_Yellow[] = { ANIMCMD_FRAME(0, 20), ANIMCMD_JUMP(0) }; static const union AnimCmd sAnims_StatusBar_Gray[] = { ANIMCMD_FRAME(4, 20), ANIMCMD_JUMP(0) }; static const union AnimCmd sAnims_StatusBar_Red[] = { ANIMCMD_FRAME(8, 20), ANIMCMD_JUMP(0) }; static const union AnimCmd *const sAnims_StatusBar[] = { [STATUS_YELLOW] = sAnims_StatusBar_Yellow, [STATUS_GRAY] = sAnims_StatusBar_Gray, [STATUS_RED] = sAnims_StatusBar_Red }; static const union AnimCmd sAnim_Berry_Blue[] = { ANIMCMD_FRAME(0, 20), ANIMCMD_JUMP(0) }; static const union AnimCmd sAnim_Berry_Green[] = { ANIMCMD_FRAME(4, 20), ANIMCMD_JUMP(0) }; static const union AnimCmd sAnim_Berry_Gold[] = { ANIMCMD_FRAME(8, 20), ANIMCMD_JUMP(0) }; static const union AnimCmd sAnim_Berry_BlueSquished[] = { ANIMCMD_FRAME(12, 20), ANIMCMD_JUMP(0) }; static const union AnimCmd sAnim_Berry_GreenSquished[] = { ANIMCMD_FRAME(16, 20), ANIMCMD_JUMP(0) }; static const union AnimCmd sAnim_Berry_GoldSquished[] = { ANIMCMD_FRAME(20, 20), ANIMCMD_JUMP(0) }; static const union AnimCmd sAnim_Berry_Eaten[] = { ANIMCMD_FRAME(24, 20), ANIMCMD_JUMP(0) }; static const union AnimCmd sAnim_Berry_Empty1[] = { ANIMCMD_FRAME(28, 20), ANIMCMD_JUMP(0) }; static const union AnimCmd sAnim_Berry_Empty2[] = { ANIMCMD_FRAME(32, 20), ANIMCMD_JUMP(0) }; static const union AnimCmd *const sAnims_Berry[] = { [BERRY_BLUE] = sAnim_Berry_Blue, [BERRY_GREEN] = sAnim_Berry_Green, [BERRY_GOLD] = sAnim_Berry_Gold, [BERRY_BLUE + BERRY_MISSED] = sAnim_Berry_BlueSquished, [BERRY_GREEN + BERRY_MISSED] = sAnim_Berry_GreenSquished, [BERRY_GOLD + BERRY_MISSED] = sAnim_Berry_GoldSquished, [ANIM_EATEN] = sAnim_Berry_Eaten, sAnim_Berry_Empty1, sAnim_Berry_Empty2 }; static const union AnimCmd sAnim_Cloud[] = { ANIMCMD_FRAME(0, 20), ANIMCMD_JUMP(0) }; static const union AnimCmd *const sAnims_Cloud[] = { sAnim_Cloud }; static void LoadDodrioGfx(void) { void *ptr = AllocZeroed(0x3000); struct SpritePalette normal = {sDodrioNormal_Pal, PALTAG_DODRIO_NORMAL}; struct SpritePalette shiny = {sDodrioShiny_Pal, PALTAG_DODRIO_SHINY}; LZ77UnCompWram(sDodrio_Gfx, ptr); if (ptr) { struct SpriteSheet sheet = {ptr, 0x3000, GFXTAG_DODRIO}; LoadSpriteSheet(&sheet); Free(ptr); } LoadSpritePalette(&normal); LoadSpritePalette(&shiny); } static void CreateDodrioSprite(struct DodrioGame_MonInfo * monInfo, u8 playerId, u8 id, u8 numPlayers) { struct SpriteTemplate template = { .tileTag = GFXTAG_DODRIO, .paletteTag = monInfo->isShiny, // PALTAG_DODRIO_NORMAL / PALTAG_DODRIO_SHINY .oam = &sOamData_Dodrio, .anims = sAnims_Dodrio, .images = NULL, .affineAnims = gDummySpriteAffineAnimTable, .callback = SpriteCB_Dodrio, }; sDodrioSpriteIds[id] = AllocZeroed(4); *sDodrioSpriteIds[id] = CreateSprite(&template, GetDodrioXPos(playerId, numPlayers), 136, 3); SetDodrioInvisibility(TRUE, id); } #define sState data[0] #define sTimer data[1] #define sUnused1 data[2] #define sUnused2 data[3] #define sUnused3 data[4] static void SpriteCB_Dodrio(struct Sprite *sprite) { switch (sprite->sState) { case 0: break; case 1: DoDodrioMissedAnim(sprite); break; case 2: DoDodrioIntroAnim(sprite); break; } } static void StartDodrioMissedAnim(u8 unused) { struct Sprite *sprite = &gSprites[*sDodrioSpriteIds[GetMultiplayerId()]]; sprite->sState = 1; sprite->sTimer = 0; sprite->sUnused1 = 0; sprite->sUnused2 = 0; sprite->sUnused3 = 0; } static void StartDodrioIntroAnim(u8 unused) { struct Sprite *sprite = &gSprites[*sDodrioSpriteIds[GetMultiplayerId()]]; sprite->sState = 2; sprite->sTimer = 0; sprite->sUnused1 = 0; sprite->sUnused2 = 0; sprite->sUnused3 = 0; } // Do animation where Dodrio shakes horizontally after reaching for a berry and missing static u32 DoDodrioMissedAnim(struct Sprite *sprite) { s8 x; u8 state = (++sprite->sTimer / 2) % 4; if (sprite->sTimer >= 3) { switch (state) { default: x = 1; break; case 1: case 2: x = -1; break; } sprite->x += x; if (++sprite->sTimer >= 40) { sprite->sState = 0; sprite->x = GetDodrioXPos(0, GetNumPlayers()); } } return 0; } // Does the intro animation where the player's Dodrio // cycles through extending each head twice #define FRAMES_PER_STATE 13 #define NUM_INTRO_PICK_STATES PICK_DISABLED // Cycle through 'Normal' and each head, but exclude the Disabled state static u32 DoDodrioIntroAnim(struct Sprite *sprite) { u8 pickState = (++sprite->sTimer / FRAMES_PER_STATE) % NUM_INTRO_PICK_STATES; // Play a sound effect at the start of each head extension if (sprite->sTimer % FRAMES_PER_STATE == 0 && pickState != PICK_NONE) PlaySE(SE_M_CHARM); if (sprite->sTimer >= FRAMES_PER_STATE * NUM_INTRO_PICK_STATES * 2) { // End animation sprite->sState = 0; pickState = PICK_NONE; } SetDodrioAnim(GetMultiplayerId(), pickState); return 0; } #undef sState #undef sTimer #undef sUnused1 #undef sUnused2 #undef sUnused3 static void FreeDodrioSprites(u8 numPlayers) { u8 i; for (i = 0; i < numPlayers; i++) { struct Sprite *sprite = &gSprites[*sDodrioSpriteIds[i]]; if (sprite) DestroySpriteAndFreeResources(sprite); #ifdef BUGFIX FREE_AND_SET_NULL(sDodrioSpriteIds[i]); // Memory should be freed here but is not. #endif } } static void SetDodrioInvisibility(bool8 invisible, u8 id) { gSprites[*sDodrioSpriteIds[id]].invisible = invisible; } static void SetAllDodrioInvisibility(bool8 invisible, u8 count) { u8 i; for (i = 0; i < count; i++) SetDodrioInvisibility(invisible, i); } static void SetDodrioAnim(u8 id, u8 pickState) { StartSpriteAnim(&gSprites[*sDodrioSpriteIds[id]], pickState); } static void SpriteCB_Status(struct Sprite *sprite) { } static void InitStatusBarPos(void) { u8 i; for (i = 0; i < NUM_STATUS_SQUARES; i++) { struct Sprite *sprite = &gSprites[sStatusBar->spriteIds[i]]; sprite->x = (i * 16) + 48; sprite->y = -8 - (i * 8); sStatusBar->entered[i] = FALSE; } } static void CreateStatusBarSprites(void) { u8 i; void *ptr = AllocZeroed(0x180); struct SpritePalette pal = {sStatus_Pal, PALTAG_STATUS}; LZ77UnCompWram(sStatus_Gfx, ptr); // This check should be one line up. if (ptr) { struct SpriteSheet sheet = {ptr, 0x180, GFXTAG_STATUS}; struct SpriteTemplate template = { .tileTag = GFXTAG_STATUS, .paletteTag = PALTAG_STATUS, .oam = &sOamData_16x16_Priority0, .anims = sAnims_StatusBar, .images = NULL, .affineAnims = gDummySpriteAffineAnimTable, .callback = SpriteCB_Status, }; sStatusBar = AllocZeroed(sizeof(*sStatusBar)); LoadSpriteSheet(&sheet); LoadSpritePalette(&pal); for (i = 0; i < NUM_STATUS_SQUARES; i++) sStatusBar->spriteIds[i] = CreateSprite(&template, (i * 16) + 48, -8 - (i * 8), 0); } Free(ptr); } static void FreeStatusBar(void) { u8 i; for (i = 0; i < NUM_STATUS_SQUARES; i++) { struct Sprite *sprite = &gSprites[sStatusBar->spriteIds[i]]; if (sprite) DestroySpriteAndFreeResources(sprite); } FREE_AND_SET_NULL(sStatusBar); } // Progress an animation where each square of the // status bar drops down into view, bounces up, // then settles into position. // Returns TRUE if the animation is complete static bool32 DoStatusBarIntro(void) { u8 i; bool32 animActive = FALSE; for (i = 0; i < NUM_STATUS_SQUARES; i++) { struct Sprite *sprite = &gSprites[sStatusBar->spriteIds[i]]; sStatusBar->yChange[i] = 2; if (sStatusBar->entered[i] && sprite->y == 8) continue; animActive = TRUE; if (sprite->y == 8) { if (sStatusBar->entered[i]) continue; // Square has entered screen, play click // sound and reverse direction sStatusBar->entered[i] = TRUE; sStatusBar->yChange[i] = -16; PlaySE(SE_CLICK); } sprite->y += sStatusBar->yChange[i]; } if (animActive) return FALSE; else return TRUE; } // The status bar at the top changes color depending on the game performance. // The squares start out yellow. For every berry missed, a square is colored gray. // If there are 4 or fewer yellow squares left they also flash red static void UpdateStatusBarAnim(u8 numEmpty) { u8 i; if (numEmpty > NUM_STATUS_SQUARES) { // All squares gray for (i = 0; i < NUM_STATUS_SQUARES; i++) StartSpriteAnim(&gSprites[sStatusBar->spriteIds[i]], STATUS_GRAY); } else { // At least 1 square is yellow for (i = 0; i < NUM_STATUS_SQUARES - numEmpty; i++) { if (numEmpty > 6) { // Flash the yellow squares red // The flash cycles faster the fewer yellow squares remain sStatusBar->flashTimer += numEmpty - 6; if (sStatusBar->flashTimer > 30) sStatusBar->flashTimer = 0; else if (sStatusBar->flashTimer > 10) StartSpriteAnim(&gSprites[sStatusBar->spriteIds[i]], STATUS_RED); else StartSpriteAnim(&gSprites[sStatusBar->spriteIds[i]], STATUS_YELLOW); } else { // Set yellow squares, no flash StartSpriteAnim(&gSprites[sStatusBar->spriteIds[i]], STATUS_YELLOW); } } // Set remaining squares gray for (; i < NUM_STATUS_SQUARES; i++) StartSpriteAnim(&gSprites[sStatusBar->spriteIds[i]], STATUS_GRAY); } } static void SetStatusBarInvisibility(bool8 invisible) { u8 i; for (i = 0; i < NUM_STATUS_SQUARES; i++) gSprites[sStatusBar->spriteIds[i]].invisible = invisible; } static const u8 sUnusedSounds[] = { SE_M_CHARM, SE_NOTE_C, SE_NOTE_D, SE_NOTE_E, SE_NOTE_F, SE_NOTE_G, SE_NOTE_A, SE_NOTE_B, SE_NOTE_C_HIGH, SE_RG_CARD_OPEN }; static void LoadBerryGfx(void) { void *ptr = AllocZeroed(0x480); struct SpritePalette pal = {sBerries_Pal, PALTAG_BERRIES}; LZ77UnCompWram(sBerries_Gfx, ptr); if (ptr) { struct SpriteSheet sheet = {ptr, 0x480, GFXTAG_BERRIES}; LoadSpriteSheet(&sheet); } LoadSpritePalette(&pal); Free(ptr); } static const s16 sBerryIconXCoords[] = {88, 128, 168, 208}; static void CreateBerrySprites(void) { u8 i; s16 x; struct SpriteTemplate berry = { .tileTag = GFXTAG_BERRIES, .paletteTag = PALTAG_BERRIES, .oam = &sOamData_Berry, .anims = sAnims_Berry, .images = NULL, .affineAnims = gDummySpriteAffineAnimTable, .callback = SpriteCallbackDummy, }; struct SpriteTemplate berryIcon = { .tileTag = GFXTAG_BERRIES, .paletteTag = PALTAG_BERRIES, .oam = &sOamData_16x16_Priority0, .anims = sAnims_Berry, .images = NULL, .affineAnims = gDummySpriteAffineAnimTable, .callback = SpriteCallbackDummy, }; // Create berry sprites that fall during gameplay for (i = 0; i < NUM_BERRY_COLUMNS; i++) { sBerrySpriteIds[i] = AllocZeroed(4); x = i * 16; *sBerrySpriteIds[i] = CreateSprite(&berry, x + (i * 8), 8, 1); SetBerryInvisibility(i, TRUE); } // Create berry icon sprites for results screen for (i = 0; i < NUM_BERRY_TYPES; i++) { sBerryIconSpriteIds[i] = AllocZeroed(4); if (i == BERRY_MISSED) *sBerryIconSpriteIds[i] = CreateSprite(&berryIcon, sBerryIconXCoords[i], 49, 0); else *sBerryIconSpriteIds[i] = CreateSprite(&berryIcon, sBerryIconXCoords[i], 52, 0); StartSpriteAnim(&gSprites[*sBerryIconSpriteIds[i]], i); } SetBerryIconsInvisibility(TRUE); } static void FreeBerrySprites(void) { struct Sprite *sprite; u8 i; for (i = 0; i < NUM_BERRY_COLUMNS; i++) { sprite = &gSprites[*sBerrySpriteIds[i]]; if (sprite) DestroySprite(sprite); FREE_AND_SET_NULL(sBerrySpriteIds[i]); } for (i = 0; i < NUM_BERRY_TYPES; i++) { sprite = &gSprites[*sBerryIconSpriteIds[i]]; if (sprite) DestroySprite(sprite); FREE_AND_SET_NULL(sBerryIconSpriteIds[i]); } } static void SetBerryInvisibility(u8 id, bool8 invisible) { gSprites[*sBerrySpriteIds[id]].invisible = invisible; } static void SetBerryIconsInvisibility(bool8 invisible) { u8 i; for (i = 0; i < NUM_BERRY_TYPES; i++) gSprites[*sBerryIconSpriteIds[i]].invisible = invisible; } static void SetBerryYPos(u8 id, u8 y) { gSprites[*sBerrySpriteIds[id]].y = y * 8; } static void SetBerryAnim(u16 id, u8 animNum) { StartSpriteAnim(&gSprites[*sBerrySpriteIds[id]], animNum); } // Unused static void UnusedSetSpritePos(u8 spriteId) { gSprites[spriteId].x = 20 * spriteId + 50; gSprites[spriteId].y = 50; } // Gamefreak made a mistake there and goes out of bounds for the data array as it holds 8 elements // in turn overwriting sprite's subpriority and subsprites fields. #ifdef UBFIX #define sFrozen data[1] #else #define sFrozen data[10] #endif // UBFIX static void SpriteCB_Cloud(struct Sprite *sprite) { u8 i; static const u8 moveDelays[] = {30, 20}; if (sprite->sFrozen != TRUE) { for (i = 0; i < NUM_CLOUDS; i++) { if (++sCloudSpriteIds[i][1] > moveDelays[i]) { sprite->x--; sCloudSpriteIds[i][1] = 0; } } } } static const s16 sCloudStartCoords[NUM_CLOUDS][2] = { {230, 55}, { 30, 74} }; static void CreateCloudSprites(void) { u8 i; void *ptr = AllocZeroed(0x400); struct SpritePalette pal = {sCloud_Pal, PALTAG_CLOUD}; LZ77UnCompWram(sCloud_Gfx, ptr); if (ptr) { struct SpriteSheet sheet = {ptr, 0x400, GFXTAG_CLOUD}; struct SpriteTemplate template = { .tileTag = GFXTAG_CLOUD, .paletteTag = PALTAG_CLOUD, .oam = &sOamData_Cloud, .anims = sAnims_Cloud, .images = NULL, .affineAnims = gDummySpriteAffineAnimTable, .callback = SpriteCB_Cloud, }; LoadSpriteSheet(&sheet); LoadSpritePalette(&pal); for (i = 0; i < NUM_CLOUDS; i++) { sCloudSpriteIds[i] = AllocZeroed(4); *sCloudSpriteIds[i] = CreateSprite(&template, sCloudStartCoords[i][0], sCloudStartCoords[i][1], 4); } } Free(ptr); } static void ResetCloudPos(void) { u8 i; for (i = 0; i < NUM_CLOUDS; i++) { struct Sprite *sprite = &gSprites[*sCloudSpriteIds[i]]; sprite->sFrozen = TRUE; sprite->x = sCloudStartCoords[i][0]; sprite->y = sCloudStartCoords[i][1]; } } static void StartCloudMovement(void) { u8 i; for (i = 0; i < NUM_CLOUDS; i++) { struct Sprite *sprite = &gSprites[*sCloudSpriteIds[i]]; sprite->sFrozen = FALSE; } } static void FreeCloudSprites(void) { u8 i; for (i = 0; i < NUM_CLOUDS; i++) { struct Sprite *sprite = &gSprites[*sCloudSpriteIds[i]]; if (sprite) DestroySprite(sprite); FREE_AND_SET_NULL(sCloudSpriteIds[i]); } } static void SetCloudInvisibility(bool8 invisible) { u8 i; for (i = 0; i < NUM_CLOUDS; i++) gSprites[*sCloudSpriteIds[i]].invisible = invisible; } #undef sFrozen static s16 GetDodrioXPos(u8 playerId, u8 numPlayers) { s16 x = 0; switch (numPlayers) { case 1: x = 15; break; case 2: switch (playerId) { case 0: x = 12; break; case 1: x = 18; break; } break; case 3: switch (playerId) { case 0: x = 15; break; case 1: x = 21; break; case 2: x = 9; break; } break; case 4: switch (playerId) { case 0: x = 12; break; case 1: x = 18; break; case 2: x = 24; break; case 3: x = 6; break; } break; case 5: switch (playerId) { case 0: x = 15; break; case 1: x = 21; break; case 2: x = 27; break; case 3: x = 3; break; case 4: x = 9; break; } break; } return x * 8; } static void ResetBerryAndStatusBarSprites(void) { u8 i; for (i = 0; i < NUM_BERRY_COLUMNS; i++) { SetBerryInvisibility(i, TRUE); SetBerryYPos(i, 1); } SetStatusBarInvisibility(FALSE); } static void LoadWindowFrameGfx(u8 frameId) { LoadBgTiles(BG_INTERFACE, GetWindowFrameTilesPal(frameId)->tiles, 0x120, 1); LoadPalette(GetWindowFrameTilesPal(frameId)->pal, 0xA0, 0x20); } static void LoadUserWindowFrameGfx(void) { LoadUserWindowBorderGfx_(0, 0xA, 0xB0); } static void ResetGfxState(void) { sGfx->finished = FALSE; sGfx->state = 0; sGfx->loadState = 0; sGfx->cursorSelection = 0; sGfx->playAgainState = PLAY_AGAIN_NONE; } static void DrawYesNoMessageWindow(const struct WindowTemplate *template) { u8 pal = 10; FillBgTilemapBufferRect(BG_INTERFACE, 1, template->tilemapLeft - 1, template->tilemapTop - 1, 1, 1, pal); FillBgTilemapBufferRect(BG_INTERFACE, 2, template->tilemapLeft, template->tilemapTop - 1, template->width, 1, pal); FillBgTilemapBufferRect(BG_INTERFACE, 3, template->tilemapLeft + template->width, template->tilemapTop - 1, 1, 1, pal); FillBgTilemapBufferRect(BG_INTERFACE, 4, template->tilemapLeft - 1, template->tilemapTop, 1, template->height, pal); FillBgTilemapBufferRect(BG_INTERFACE, 6, template->tilemapLeft + template->width, template->tilemapTop, 1, template->height, pal); FillBgTilemapBufferRect(BG_INTERFACE, 7, template->tilemapLeft - 1, template->tilemapTop + template->height, 1, 1, pal); FillBgTilemapBufferRect(BG_INTERFACE, 8, template->tilemapLeft, template->tilemapTop + template->height, template->width, 1, pal); FillBgTilemapBufferRect(BG_INTERFACE, 9, template->tilemapLeft + template->width, template->tilemapTop + template->height, 1, 1, pal); } static void DrawMessageWindow(const struct WindowTemplate *template) { u8 pal = 11; FillBgTilemapBufferRect(BG_INTERFACE, 10, template->tilemapLeft - 1, template->tilemapTop - 1, 1, 1, pal); FillBgTilemapBufferRect(BG_INTERFACE, 11, template->tilemapLeft, template->tilemapTop - 1, template->width, 1, pal); FillBgTilemapBufferRect(BG_INTERFACE, 12, template->tilemapLeft + template->width, template->tilemapTop - 1, 1, 1, pal); FillBgTilemapBufferRect(BG_INTERFACE, 13, template->tilemapLeft - 1, template->tilemapTop, 1, template->height, pal); FillBgTilemapBufferRect(BG_INTERFACE, 15, template->tilemapLeft + template->width, template->tilemapTop, 1, template->height, pal); FillBgTilemapBufferRect(BG_INTERFACE, 16, template->tilemapLeft - 1, template->tilemapTop + template->height, 1, 1, pal); FillBgTilemapBufferRect(BG_INTERFACE, 17, template->tilemapLeft, template->tilemapTop + template->height, template->width, 1, pal); FillBgTilemapBufferRect(BG_INTERFACE, 18, template->tilemapLeft + template->width, template->tilemapTop + template->height, 1, 1, pal); } static void InitGameGfx(struct DodrioGame_Gfx *ptr) { sGfx = ptr; sGfx->finished = FALSE; sGfx->state = 0; sGfx->loadState = 0; sGfx->cursorSelection = 0; sGfx->playAgainState = PLAY_AGAIN_NONE; sGfx->taskId = CreateTask(Task_TryRunGfxFunc, 3); SetGfxFunc(LoadGfx); } // Unused static void FreeAllWindowBuffers_(void) { FreeAllWindowBuffers(); } // Data used by functions below. struct WinCoords { u8 left; u8 top; }; enum { COLORID_GRAY, COLORID_RED, COLORID_BLUE, COLORID_GREEN, // Unused }; static const u8 sTextColorTable[][3] = { [COLORID_GRAY] = {TEXT_COLOR_WHITE, TEXT_COLOR_DARK_GRAY, TEXT_COLOR_LIGHT_GRAY}, [COLORID_RED] = {TEXT_COLOR_WHITE, TEXT_COLOR_RED, TEXT_COLOR_LIGHT_RED}, [COLORID_BLUE] = {TEXT_COLOR_WHITE, TEXT_COLOR_BLUE, TEXT_COLOR_LIGHT_BLUE}, [COLORID_GREEN] = {TEXT_COLOR_WHITE, TEXT_COLOR_GREEN, TEXT_COLOR_LIGHT_GREEN}, }; static const struct WinCoords sNameWindowCoords_1Player[] = {{12, 6}}; static const struct WinCoords sNameWindowCoords_2Players[] = {{9, 10}, {15, 6}}; static const struct WinCoords sNameWindowCoords_3Players[] = {{12, 6}, {18, 10}, {6, 10}}; static const struct WinCoords sNameWindowCoords_4Players[] = {{9, 10}, {15, 6}, {21, 10}, {3, 6}}; static const struct WinCoords sNameWindowCoords_5Players[] = {{12, 6}, {18, 10}, {23, 6}, {1, 6}, {6, 10}}; static const struct WinCoords *const sNameWindowCoords[MAX_RFU_PLAYERS] = { sNameWindowCoords_1Player, sNameWindowCoords_2Players, sNameWindowCoords_3Players, sNameWindowCoords_4Players, sNameWindowCoords_5Players, }; static const u8 *const sRankingTexts[MAX_RFU_PLAYERS] = { gText_1Colon, gText_2Colon, gText_3Colon, gText_4Colon, gText_5Colon, }; static const u16 sResultsXCoords[] = {92, 132, 172, 212}; static const u16 sResultsYCoords[] = {33, 49, 65, 81, 97}; static const u16 sRankingYCoords[] = {17, 33, 49, 65, 81}; struct { u8 id; void (*func)(void); } const sGfxFuncs[] = { {GFXFUNC_LOAD, LoadGfx}, // Element not used, LoadGfx is passed directly to SetGfxFunc {GFXFUNC_SHOW_NAMES, ShowNames}, {GFXFUNC_SHOW_RESULTS, ShowResults}, {GFXFUNC_MSG_PLAY_AGAIN, Msg_WantToPlayAgain}, {GFXFUNC_MSG_SAVING, Msg_SavingDontTurnOff}, {GFXFUNC_MSG_COMM_STANDBY, Msg_CommunicationStandby}, {GFXFUNC_ERASE_MSG, EraseMessage}, {GFXFUNC_MSG_PLAYER_DROPPED, Msg_SomeoneDroppedOut}, {GFXFUNC_STOP, StopGfxFuncs}, {GFXFUNC_IDLE, GfxIdle}, }; static void SetGfxFuncById(u8 funcId) { u8 i; for (i = 0; i < ARRAY_COUNT(sGfxFuncs); i++) { if (sGfxFuncs[i].id == funcId) SetGfxFunc(sGfxFuncs[i].func); } } static void Task_TryRunGfxFunc(u8 taskId) { // Continue calling function until it // has reached its finished state. // Another will not be called until // readied by SetGfxFunc if (!sGfx->finished) GetGfxFunc()(); } static void LoadGfx(void) { switch (sGfx->state) { case 0: InitBgs(); sGfx->state++; break; case 1: if (LoadBgGfx() == TRUE) sGfx->state++; break; case 2: CopyToBgTilemapBuffer(BG_SCENERY, sBg_Tilemap, 0, 0); CopyToBgTilemapBuffer(BG_TREE_LEFT, sTreeBorderLeft_Tilemap, 0, 0); CopyToBgTilemapBuffer(BG_TREE_RIGHT, sTreeBorderRight_Tilemap, 0, 0); CopyBgTilemapBufferToVram(BG_SCENERY); CopyBgTilemapBufferToVram(BG_TREE_LEFT); CopyBgTilemapBufferToVram(BG_TREE_RIGHT); sGfx->state++; break; case 3: ShowBg(BG_INTERFACE); ShowBg(BG_SCENERY); ShowBg(BG_TREE_LEFT); ShowBg(BG_TREE_RIGHT); sGfx->state++; break; case 4: LoadWindowFrameGfx(gSaveBlock2Ptr->optionsWindowFrameType); LoadUserWindowFrameGfx(); sGfx->state++; break; default: sGfx->finished = TRUE; break; } } static void ShowNames(void) { u8 i, numPlayers, playerId, colorsId, *name; u32 left; struct WindowTemplate window; const struct WinCoords *coords; switch (sGfx->state) { case 0: numPlayers = GetNumPlayers(); coords = sNameWindowCoords[numPlayers - 1]; window.bg = BG_INTERFACE; window.width = 7; window.height = 2; window.paletteNum = 13; window.baseBlock = 0x13; for (i = 0; i < numPlayers; coords++, i++) { colorsId = COLORID_GRAY; playerId = GetPlayerIdByPos(i); left = (56 - GetStringWidth(1, GetPlayerName(playerId), -1)) / 2u; window.tilemapLeft = coords->left; window.tilemapTop = coords->top; sGfx->windowIds[i] = AddWindow(&window); ClearWindowTilemap(sGfx->windowIds[i]); FillWindowPixelBuffer(sGfx->windowIds[i], PIXEL_FILL(1)); if (playerId == GetMultiplayerId()) colorsId = COLORID_BLUE; name = GetPlayerName(playerId); AddTextPrinterParameterized3(sGfx->windowIds[i], 1, left, 1, sTextColorTable[colorsId], -1, name); CopyWindowToVram(sGfx->windowIds[i], 2); window.baseBlock += 0xE; DrawMessageWindow(&window); } sGfx->state++; break; case 1: if (!IsDma3ManagerBusyWithBgCopy()) { numPlayers = GetNumPlayers(); for (i = 0; i < numPlayers; i++) PutWindowTilemap(sGfx->windowIds[i]); CopyBgTilemapBufferToVram(BG_INTERFACE); sGfx->state++; } break; default: if (++sGfx->state > 180) { numPlayers = GetNumPlayers(); for (i = 0; i < numPlayers; i++) { ClearWindowTilemap(sGfx->windowIds[i]); RemoveWindow(sGfx->windowIds[i]); } FillBgTilemapBufferRect_Palette0(BG_INTERFACE, 0, 0, 0, 30, 20); CopyBgTilemapBufferToVram(BG_INTERFACE); sGfx->finished = TRUE; } break; } } static void PrintRankedScores(u8 numPlayers_) { u8 i, ranking = 0, rankedPlayers = 0; u8 numPlayers = numPlayers_; // Needed to match u8 *name; u32 x, numWidth; u8 numString[32]; u8 playersByRanking[MAX_RFU_PLAYERS] = {0, 1, 2, 3, 4}; struct DodrioGame_ScoreResults temp, scoreResults[MAX_RFU_PLAYERS]; // Get all players scores and rankings for (i = 0; i < numPlayers; i++) { playersByRanking[i] = i; GetScoreResults(&temp, i); scoreResults[i] = temp; } // Sort player ids by ranking if (GetHighestScore() != 0) { do { for (i = 0; i < numPlayers; i++) { if (scoreResults[i].ranking == ranking) { playersByRanking[rankedPlayers] = i; rankedPlayers++; } } ranking = rankedPlayers; } while (rankedPlayers < numPlayers); } // Put any player with a score of 0 at lowest ranking for (i = 0; i < numPlayers; i++) { if (scoreResults[i].score == 0) scoreResults[i].ranking = numPlayers - 1; } // Print text x = 216 - GetStringWidth(1, gText_SpacePoints, 0); for (i = 0; i < numPlayers; i++) { u8 colorsId = COLORID_GRAY; u8 playerId = playersByRanking[i]; u32 points = scoreResults[playerId].score; AddTextPrinterParameterized(sGfx->windowIds[1], 1, sRankingTexts[scoreResults[playerId].ranking], 8, sRankingYCoords[i], -1, NULL); if (playerId == GetMultiplayerId()) colorsId = COLORID_BLUE; name = GetPlayerName(playerId); AddTextPrinterParameterized3(sGfx->windowIds[1], 1, 28, sRankingYCoords[i], sTextColorTable[colorsId], -1, name); ConvertIntToDecimalStringN(numString, points, STR_CONV_MODE_LEFT_ALIGN, 7); numWidth = GetStringWidth(1, numString, -1); AddTextPrinterParameterized(sGfx->windowIds[1], 1, numString, x - numWidth, sRankingYCoords[i], -1, NULL); AddTextPrinterParameterized(sGfx->windowIds[1], 1, gText_SpacePoints, x, sRankingYCoords[i], -1, NULL); } } static void ShowResults(void) { u8 i, j, prizeState, numPlayers = GetNumPlayers(); u8 *name; u32 strWidth, x; switch (sGfx->state) { case 0: SetScoreResults(); sGfx->timer = 0; sGfx->state++; break; case 1: sGfx->windowIds[0] = AddWindow(&sWindowTemplates_Results[0]); sGfx->windowIds[1] = AddWindow(&sWindowTemplates_Results[1]); ClearWindowTilemap(sGfx->windowIds[0]); ClearWindowTilemap(sGfx->windowIds[1]); DrawMessageWindow(&sWindowTemplates_Results[0]); DrawMessageWindow(&sWindowTemplates_Results[1]); sGfx->state++; break; case 2: FillWindowPixelBuffer(sGfx->windowIds[0], PIXEL_FILL(1)); FillWindowPixelBuffer(sGfx->windowIds[1], PIXEL_FILL(1)); strWidth = GetStringWidth(1, gText_BerryPickingResults, -1); x = (224 - strWidth) / 2; AddTextPrinterParameterized(sGfx->windowIds[0], 1, gText_BerryPickingResults, x, 1, -1, NULL); AddTextPrinterParameterized(sGfx->windowIds[1], 1, gText_10P30P50P50P, 68, 17, -1, NULL); for (i = 0; i < numPlayers; i++) { u8 colorsId = COLORID_GRAY; if (i == GetMultiplayerId()) colorsId = COLORID_BLUE; name = GetPlayerName(i); AddTextPrinterParameterized3(sGfx->windowIds[1], 1, 0, sResultsYCoords[i], sTextColorTable[colorsId], -1, name); for (j = 0; j < 4; j++) { u32 width; u16 berriesPicked = Min(GetBerryResult(i, j), MAX_BERRIES); u16 maxBerriesPicked = Min(GetHighestBerryResult(j), MAX_BERRIES); ConvertIntToDecimalStringN(gStringVar4, berriesPicked, STR_CONV_MODE_LEFT_ALIGN, 4); width = GetStringWidth(1, gStringVar4, -1); // If player got the most of a berry type, highlight their number in red if (maxBerriesPicked == berriesPicked && maxBerriesPicked != 0) AddTextPrinterParameterized3(sGfx->windowIds[1], 1, sResultsXCoords[j] - width, sResultsYCoords[i], sTextColorTable[COLORID_RED], -1, gStringVar4); else AddTextPrinterParameterized(sGfx->windowIds[1], 1, gStringVar4, sResultsXCoords[j] - width, sResultsYCoords[i], -1, NULL); } } CopyWindowToVram(sGfx->windowIds[0], 2); CopyWindowToVram(sGfx->windowIds[1], 2); sGfx->state++; break; case 3: if (!IsDma3ManagerBusyWithBgCopy()) { PutWindowTilemap(sGfx->windowIds[0]); PutWindowTilemap(sGfx->windowIds[1]); } CopyBgTilemapBufferToVram(BG_INTERFACE); SetBerryIconsInvisibility(FALSE); sGfx->state++; break; case 4: if (++sGfx->timer >= 30 && JOY_NEW(A_BUTTON)) { sGfx->timer = 0; PlaySE(SE_SELECT); SetBerryIconsInvisibility(TRUE); sGfx->state++; } break; case 5: FillWindowPixelBuffer(sGfx->windowIds[0], PIXEL_FILL(1)); FillWindowPixelBuffer(sGfx->windowIds[1], PIXEL_FILL(1)); strWidth = GetStringWidth(1, gText_AnnouncingRankings, -1); x = (224 - strWidth) / 2; AddTextPrinterParameterized(sGfx->windowIds[0], 1, gText_AnnouncingRankings, x, 1, -1, NULL); sGfx->state++; break; case 6: PrintRankedScores(numPlayers); CopyWindowToVram(sGfx->windowIds[0], 2); CopyWindowToVram(sGfx->windowIds[1], 2); sGfx->state++; break; case 7: if (!IsDma3ManagerBusyWithBgCopy()) { PutWindowTilemap(sGfx->windowIds[0]); PutWindowTilemap(sGfx->windowIds[1]); } CopyBgTilemapBufferToVram(BG_INTERFACE); sGfx->state++; break; case 8: if (++sGfx->timer >= 30 && JOY_NEW(A_BUTTON)) { sGfx->timer = 0; PlaySE(SE_SELECT); if (GetHighestScore() < PRIZE_SCORE) { sGfx->state = 127; // Skip to end, past giving prize } else { StopMapMusic(); sGfx->state++; } FillBgTilemapBufferRect_Palette0(BG_INTERFACE, 0, 0, 5, 30, 15); RemoveWindow(sGfx->windowIds[1]); sGfx->windowIds[1] = AddWindow(&sWindowTemplate_Prize); ClearWindowTilemap(sGfx->windowIds[1]); DrawMessageWindow(&sWindowTemplate_Prize); } break; case 9: PlayNewMapMusic(MUS_LEVEL_UP); FillWindowPixelBuffer(sGfx->windowIds[0], PIXEL_FILL(1)); FillWindowPixelBuffer(sGfx->windowIds[1], PIXEL_FILL(1)); strWidth = GetStringWidth(1, gText_AnnouncingPrizes, -1); x = (224 - strWidth) / 2; AddTextPrinterParameterized(sGfx->windowIds[0], 1, gText_AnnouncingPrizes, x, 1, -1, NULL); DynamicPlaceholderTextUtil_Reset(); CopyItemName(GetPrizeItemId(), gStringVar1); DynamicPlaceholderTextUtil_SetPlaceholderPtr(0, gStringVar1); DynamicPlaceholderTextUtil_ExpandPlaceholders(gStringVar4, gText_FirstPlacePrize); AddTextPrinterParameterized(sGfx->windowIds[1], 1, gStringVar4, 0, 1, -1, NULL); prizeState = TryGivePrize(); if (prizeState != PRIZE_RECEIVED && prizeState != NO_PRIZE) { DynamicPlaceholderTextUtil_Reset(); CopyItemName(GetPrizeItemId(), gStringVar1); DynamicPlaceholderTextUtil_SetPlaceholderPtr(0, gStringVar1); if (prizeState == PRIZE_NO_ROOM) DynamicPlaceholderTextUtil_ExpandPlaceholders(gStringVar4, gText_CantHoldAnyMore); else if (prizeState == PRIZE_FILLED_BAG) DynamicPlaceholderTextUtil_ExpandPlaceholders(gStringVar4, gText_FilledStorageSpace); AddTextPrinterParameterized(sGfx->windowIds[1], 1, gStringVar4, 0, 41, -1, NULL); } CopyWindowToVram(sGfx->windowIds[0], 2); CopyWindowToVram(sGfx->windowIds[1], 2); sGfx->state++; break; case 10: if (!IsDma3ManagerBusyWithBgCopy()) { PutWindowTilemap(sGfx->windowIds[0]); PutWindowTilemap(sGfx->windowIds[1]); } CopyBgTilemapBufferToVram(BG_INTERFACE); FadeOutAndFadeInNewMapMusic(MUS_RG_VICTORY_WILD, 20, 10); sGfx->state++; break; case 11: if (++sGfx->timer >= 30 && JOY_NEW(A_BUTTON)) { sGfx->timer = 0; PlaySE(SE_SELECT); sGfx->state++; } break; default: ClearWindowTilemap(sGfx->windowIds[0]); ClearWindowTilemap(sGfx->windowIds[1]); RemoveWindow(sGfx->windowIds[0]); RemoveWindow(sGfx->windowIds[1]); FillBgTilemapBufferRect_Palette0(BG_INTERFACE, 0, 0, 0, 30, 20); CopyBgTilemapBufferToVram(BG_INTERFACE); sGfx->finished = TRUE; break; } } static void Msg_WantToPlayAgain(void) { u8 y; switch (sGfx->state) { case 0: // Create windows sGfx->windowIds[WIN_PLAY_AGAIN] = AddWindow(&sWindowTemplates_PlayAgain[WIN_PLAY_AGAIN]); sGfx->windowIds[WIN_YES_NO] = AddWindow(&sWindowTemplates_PlayAgain[WIN_YES_NO]); ClearWindowTilemap(sGfx->windowIds[WIN_PLAY_AGAIN]); ClearWindowTilemap(sGfx->windowIds[WIN_YES_NO]); DrawMessageWindow(&sWindowTemplates_PlayAgain[WIN_PLAY_AGAIN]); DrawYesNoMessageWindow(&sWindowTemplates_PlayAgain[WIN_YES_NO]); sGfx->state++; sGfx->cursorSelection = PLAY_AGAIN_NONE; sGfx->playAgainState = PLAY_AGAIN_NONE; break; case 1: // Print text FillWindowPixelBuffer(sGfx->windowIds[WIN_PLAY_AGAIN], PIXEL_FILL(1)); FillWindowPixelBuffer(sGfx->windowIds[WIN_YES_NO], PIXEL_FILL(1)); AddTextPrinterParameterized(sGfx->windowIds[WIN_PLAY_AGAIN], 1, gText_WantToPlayAgain, 0, 5, -1, NULL); AddTextPrinterParameterized(sGfx->windowIds[WIN_YES_NO], 1, gText_Yes, 8, 1, -1, NULL); AddTextPrinterParameterized(sGfx->windowIds[WIN_YES_NO], 1, gText_No, 8, 17, -1, NULL); AddTextPrinterParameterized(sGfx->windowIds[WIN_YES_NO], 1, gText_SelectorArrow2, 0, 1, -1, NULL); CopyWindowToVram(sGfx->windowIds[WIN_PLAY_AGAIN], 2); CopyWindowToVram(sGfx->windowIds[WIN_YES_NO], 2); sGfx->state++; break; case 2: // Draw windows if (!IsDma3ManagerBusyWithBgCopy()) { PutWindowTilemap(sGfx->windowIds[WIN_PLAY_AGAIN]); PutWindowTilemap(sGfx->windowIds[WIN_YES_NO]); } CopyBgTilemapBufferToVram(BG_INTERFACE); sGfx->state++; break; case 3: // Handle input y = sGfx->cursorSelection; if (y == PLAY_AGAIN_NONE) y = PLAY_AGAIN_YES; FillWindowPixelBuffer(sGfx->windowIds[WIN_YES_NO], PIXEL_FILL(1)); AddTextPrinterParameterized(sGfx->windowIds[WIN_YES_NO], 1, gText_Yes, 8, 1, -1, NULL); AddTextPrinterParameterized(sGfx->windowIds[WIN_YES_NO], 1, gText_No, 8, 17, -1, NULL); AddTextPrinterParameterized(sGfx->windowIds[WIN_YES_NO], 1, gText_SelectorArrow2, 0, ((y - 1) * 16) + 1, -1, NULL); CopyWindowToVram(sGfx->windowIds[WIN_YES_NO], 3); // Increment state only if A or B button have been pressed. if (JOY_NEW(A_BUTTON)) { PlaySE(SE_SELECT); if (sGfx->cursorSelection == PLAY_AGAIN_NONE) sGfx->cursorSelection = PLAY_AGAIN_YES; sGfx->state++; } else if (JOY_NEW(DPAD_UP | DPAD_DOWN)) { PlaySE(SE_SELECT); switch (sGfx->cursorSelection) { case PLAY_AGAIN_NONE: sGfx->cursorSelection = PLAY_AGAIN_NO; break; case PLAY_AGAIN_YES: sGfx->cursorSelection = PLAY_AGAIN_NO; break; case PLAY_AGAIN_NO: sGfx->cursorSelection = PLAY_AGAIN_YES; break; } } else if (JOY_NEW(B_BUTTON)) { PlaySE(SE_SELECT); sGfx->cursorSelection = PLAY_AGAIN_NO; sGfx->state++; } break; default: sGfx->playAgainState = sGfx->cursorSelection; ClearWindowTilemap(sGfx->windowIds[WIN_PLAY_AGAIN]); ClearWindowTilemap(sGfx->windowIds[WIN_YES_NO]); RemoveWindow(sGfx->windowIds[WIN_PLAY_AGAIN]); RemoveWindow(sGfx->windowIds[WIN_YES_NO]); FillBgTilemapBufferRect_Palette0(BG_INTERFACE, 0, 0, 0, 30, 20); CopyBgTilemapBufferToVram(BG_INTERFACE); sGfx->finished = TRUE; break; } } static void Msg_SavingDontTurnOff(void) { switch (sGfx->state) { case 0: DrawDialogueFrame(0, FALSE); AddTextPrinterParameterized2(0, 1, gText_SavingDontTurnOffPower, 0, NULL, 2, 1, 3); sGfx->state++; break; case 1: CopyWindowToVram(0, 3); sGfx->state++; break; case 2: if (!IsDma3ManagerBusyWithBgCopy()) { CreateTask(Task_LinkSave, 0); sGfx->state++; } break; case 3: if (!FuncIsActiveTask(Task_LinkSave)) sGfx->state++; break; default: FillBgTilemapBufferRect_Palette0(BG_INTERFACE, 0, 0, 0, 30, 20); CopyBgTilemapBufferToVram(BG_INTERFACE); sGfx->finished = TRUE; break; } } static void Msg_CommunicationStandby(void) { switch (sGfx->state) { case 0: sGfx->windowIds[0] = AddWindow(&sWindowTemplate_CommStandby); ClearWindowTilemap(sGfx->windowIds[0]); DrawMessageWindow(&sWindowTemplate_CommStandby); sGfx->state++; break; case 1: FillWindowPixelBuffer(sGfx->windowIds[0], PIXEL_FILL(1)); AddTextPrinterParameterized(sGfx->windowIds[0], 1, gText_CommunicationStandby3, 0, 5, -1, NULL); CopyWindowToVram(sGfx->windowIds[0], 2); sGfx->state++; break; case 2: if (!IsDma3ManagerBusyWithBgCopy()) PutWindowTilemap(sGfx->windowIds[0]); CopyBgTilemapBufferToVram(BG_INTERFACE); sGfx->state++; break; default: sGfx->finished = TRUE; break; } } static void EraseMessage(void) { ClearWindowTilemap(sGfx->windowIds[0]); RemoveWindow(sGfx->windowIds[0]); FillBgTilemapBufferRect_Palette0(BG_INTERFACE, 0, 0, 0, 30, 20); CopyBgTilemapBufferToVram(BG_INTERFACE); sGfx->finished = TRUE; } static void Msg_SomeoneDroppedOut(void) { switch (sGfx->state) { case 0: sGfx->windowIds[0] = AddWindow(&sWindowTemplate_DroppedOut); ClearWindowTilemap(sGfx->windowIds[0]); DrawMessageWindow(&sWindowTemplate_DroppedOut); sGfx->state++; sGfx->timer = 0; sGfx->cursorSelection = 0; sGfx->playAgainState = PLAY_AGAIN_NONE; break; case 1: FillWindowPixelBuffer(sGfx->windowIds[0], PIXEL_FILL(1)); AddTextPrinterParameterized(sGfx->windowIds[0], 1, gText_SomeoneDroppedOut, 0, 5, -1, NULL); CopyWindowToVram(sGfx->windowIds[0], 2); sGfx->state++; break; case 2: if (!IsDma3ManagerBusyWithBgCopy()) PutWindowTilemap(sGfx->windowIds[0]); CopyBgTilemapBufferToVram(BG_INTERFACE); sGfx->state++; break; case 3: if (++sGfx->timer >= 120) sGfx->state++; break; default: sGfx->playAgainState = PLAY_AGAIN_DROPPED; ClearWindowTilemap(sGfx->windowIds[0]); RemoveWindow(sGfx->windowIds[0]); FillBgTilemapBufferRect_Palette0(BG_INTERFACE, 0, 0, 0, 30, 20); CopyBgTilemapBufferToVram(BG_INTERFACE); sGfx->finished = TRUE; break; } } static void StopGfxFuncs(void) { DestroyTask(sGfx->taskId); sGfx->finished = TRUE; } static void GfxIdle(void) { } static void SetGfxFunc(void (*func)(void)) { sGfx->state = 0; sGfx->finished = FALSE; sGfx->func = func; } static void (*GetGfxFunc(void))(void) { return sGfx->func; } static bool32 IsGfxFuncActive(void) { if (sGfx->finished == TRUE) return FALSE; else return TRUE; } static u8 GetPlayAgainState(void) { return sGfx->playAgainState; } static void InitBgs(void) { DmaClearLarge16(3, (void *)VRAM, VRAM_SIZE, 0x1000); DmaClear32(3,(void *)OAM, OAM_SIZE); DmaClear16(3, (void *)PLTT, PLTT_SIZE); SetGpuReg(REG_OFFSET_DISPCNT, 0); ResetBgsAndClearDma3BusyFlags(0); InitBgsFromTemplates(0, sBgTemplates, ARRAY_COUNT(sBgTemplates)); ChangeBgX(0, 0, 0); ChangeBgY(0, 0, 0); ChangeBgX(1, 0, 0); ChangeBgY(1, 0, 0); ChangeBgX(2, 0, 0); ChangeBgY(2, 0, 0); ChangeBgX(3, 0, 0); ChangeBgY(3, 0, 0); InitStandardTextBoxWindows(); InitTextBoxGfxAndPrinters(); SetGpuReg(REG_OFFSET_DISPCNT, DISPCNT_OBJ_ON | DISPCNT_OBJ_1D_MAP); SetBgTilemapBuffer(BG_SCENERY, sGfx->tilemapBuffers[0]); SetBgTilemapBuffer(BG_TREE_LEFT, sGfx->tilemapBuffers[1]); SetBgTilemapBuffer(BG_TREE_RIGHT, sGfx->tilemapBuffers[2]); } static bool32 LoadBgGfx(void) { switch (sGfx->loadState) { case 0: LoadPalette(sBg_Pal, 0, sizeof(sBg_Pal)); break; case 1: ResetTempTileDataBuffers(); break; case 2: DecompressAndCopyTileDataToVram(BG_SCENERY, sBg_Gfx, 0, 0, 0); break; case 3: DecompressAndCopyTileDataToVram(BG_TREE_LEFT, sTreeBorder_Gfx, 0, 0, 0); break; case 4: if (FreeTempTileDataBuffersIfPossible() == TRUE) return FALSE; break; case 5: LoadPalette(GetTextWindowPalette(3), 0xD0, 0x20); break; default: sGfx->loadState = 0; return TRUE; } sGfx->loadState++; return FALSE; }