LilycoveCity_ContestHall_MapScripts:: @ 821B484 .byte 0 LilycoveCity_ContestHall_EventScript_21B485:: @ 821B485 msgbox LilycoveCity_ContestHall_Text_21B74E, MSGBOX_NPC end LilycoveCity_ContestHall_EventScript_21B48E:: @ 821B48E msgbox LilycoveCity_ContestHall_Text_21B7D7, MSGBOX_NPC end LilycoveCity_ContestHall_EventScript_21B497:: @ 821B497 msgbox LilycoveCity_ContestHall_Text_21B899, MSGBOX_NPC end LilycoveCity_ContestHall_EventScript_21B4A0:: @ 821B4A0 msgbox LilycoveCity_ContestHall_Text_21B911, MSGBOX_NPC end LilycoveCity_ContestHall_EventScript_21B4A9:: @ 821B4A9 lock faceplayer msgbox LilycoveCity_ContestHall_Text_21B977, MSGBOX_DEFAULT closemessage applymovement 4, LilycoveCity_ContestHall_Movement_2725A2 waitmovement 0 release end LilycoveCity_ContestHall_EventScript_21B4C0:: @ 821B4C0 lock faceplayer msgbox LilycoveCity_ContestHall_Text_21B9DC, MSGBOX_DEFAULT closemessage applymovement 5, LilycoveCity_ContestHall_Movement_2725A2 waitmovement 0 release end LilycoveCity_ContestHall_EventScript_21B4D7:: @ 821B4D7 lock faceplayer msgbox LilycoveCity_ContestHall_Text_21BA44, MSGBOX_DEFAULT closemessage applymovement 6, LilycoveCity_ContestHall_Movement_2725A2 waitmovement 0 release end LilycoveCity_ContestHall_EventScript_21B4EE:: @ 821B4EE lock faceplayer msgbox LilycoveCity_ContestHall_Text_21BAD5, MSGBOX_DEFAULT closemessage applymovement 7, LilycoveCity_ContestHall_Movement_2725A2 waitmovement 0 release end LilycoveCity_ContestHall_EventScript_21B505:: @ 821B505 lock faceplayer msgbox LilycoveCity_ContestHall_Text_21BB84, MSGBOX_DEFAULT closemessage applymovement 8, LilycoveCity_ContestHall_Movement_2725A2 waitmovement 0 release end LilycoveCity_ContestHall_EventScript_21B51C:: @ 821B51C lock faceplayer msgbox LilycoveCity_ContestHall_Text_21BBDD, MSGBOX_DEFAULT closemessage applymovement 9, LilycoveCity_ContestHall_Movement_2725A2 waitmovement 0 release end LilycoveCity_ContestHall_EventScript_21B533:: @ 821B533 msgbox LilycoveCity_ContestHall_Text_21BC65, MSGBOX_SIGN end LilycoveCity_ContestHall_EventScript_21B53C:: @ 821B53C lock faceplayer msgbox LilycoveCity_ContestHall_Text_21BC89, MSGBOX_DEFAULT closemessage applymovement 12, LilycoveCity_ContestHall_Movement_2725A2 waitmovement 0 release end LilycoveCity_ContestHall_EventScript_21B553:: @ 821B553 lock faceplayer msgbox LilycoveCity_ContestHall_Text_21BD30, MSGBOX_DEFAULT closemessage applymovement 22, LilycoveCity_ContestHall_Movement_2725A2 waitmovement 0 release end LilycoveCity_ContestHall_EventScript_21B56A:: @ 821B56A lock faceplayer msgbox LilycoveCity_ContestHall_Text_21BD70, MSGBOX_DEFAULT closemessage applymovement 11, LilycoveCity_ContestHall_Movement_2725A2 waitmovement 0 release end LilycoveCity_ContestHall_EventScript_21B581:: @ 821B581 lock faceplayer msgbox LilycoveCity_ContestHall_Text_21BDDD, MSGBOX_DEFAULT closemessage applymovement 13, LilycoveCity_ContestHall_Movement_2725A2 waitmovement 0 release end LilycoveCity_ContestHall_EventScript_21B598:: @ 821B598 lock faceplayer msgbox LilycoveCity_ContestHall_Text_21BE16, MSGBOX_DEFAULT closemessage applymovement 14, LilycoveCity_ContestHall_Movement_2725A2 waitmovement 0 release end LilycoveCity_ContestHall_EventScript_21B5AF:: @ 821B5AF lock faceplayer msgbox LilycoveCity_ContestHall_Text_21BE77, MSGBOX_DEFAULT closemessage applymovement 15, LilycoveCity_ContestHall_Movement_2725A2 waitmovement 0 release end LilycoveCity_ContestHall_EventScript_21B5C6:: @ 821B5C6 lock faceplayer msgbox LilycoveCity_ContestHall_Text_21BEDE, MSGBOX_DEFAULT closemessage applymovement 16, LilycoveCity_ContestHall_Movement_2725A2 waitmovement 0 release end LilycoveCity_ContestHall_EventScript_21B5DD:: @ 821B5DD lock faceplayer msgbox LilycoveCity_ContestHall_Text_21BF6E, MSGBOX_DEFAULT closemessage applymovement 17, LilycoveCity_ContestHall_Movement_2725A2 waitmovement 0 release end LilycoveCity_ContestHall_EventScript_21B5F4:: @ 821B5F4 lock faceplayer msgbox LilycoveCity_ContestHall_Text_21BFE3, MSGBOX_DEFAULT closemessage applymovement 18, LilycoveCity_ContestHall_Movement_2725A2 waitmovement 0 release end LilycoveCity_ContestHall_EventScript_21B60B:: @ 821B60B lock faceplayer msgbox LilycoveCity_ContestHall_Text_21C07F, MSGBOX_DEFAULT closemessage applymovement 19, LilycoveCity_ContestHall_Movement_2725A2 waitmovement 0 release end LilycoveCity_ContestHall_EventScript_21B622:: @ 821B622 lock faceplayer msgbox LilycoveCity_ContestHall_Text_21C0D8, MSGBOX_DEFAULT closemessage applymovement 21, LilycoveCity_ContestHall_Movement_2725A2 waitmovement 0 release end LilycoveCity_ContestHall_EventScript_21B639:: @ 821B639 lock faceplayer msgbox LilycoveCity_ContestHall_Text_21C137, MSGBOX_DEFAULT closemessage applymovement 20, LilycoveCity_ContestHall_Movement_2725A2 waitmovement 0 release end LilycoveCity_ContestHall_EventScript_21B650:: @ 821B650 lock faceplayer msgbox LilycoveCity_ContestHall_Text_21C1A4, MSGBOX_DEFAULT closemessage applymovement 23, LilycoveCity_ContestHall_Movement_2725A2 waitmovement 0 release end LilycoveCity_ContestHall_EventScript_21B667:: @ 821B667 lock faceplayer msgbox LilycoveCity_ContestHall_Text_21C215, MSGBOX_DEFAULT closemessage applymovement 24, LilycoveCity_ContestHall_Movement_2725A2 waitmovement 0 release end LilycoveCity_ContestHall_EventScript_21B67E:: @ 821B67E lock faceplayer msgbox LilycoveCity_ContestHall_Text_21C27F, MSGBOX_DEFAULT closemessage applymovement 25, LilycoveCity_ContestHall_Movement_2725A2 waitmovement 0 release end LilycoveCity_ContestHall_EventScript_21B695:: @ 821B695 lock faceplayer msgbox LilycoveCity_ContestHall_Text_21C2BB, MSGBOX_DEFAULT closemessage applymovement 26, LilycoveCity_ContestHall_Movement_2725A2 waitmovement 0 release end LilycoveCity_ContestHall_EventScript_21B6AC:: @ 821B6AC lock faceplayer msgbox LilycoveCity_ContestHall_Text_21C307, MSGBOX_DEFAULT closemessage applymovement 27, LilycoveCity_ContestHall_Movement_2725A2 waitmovement 0 release end LilycoveCity_ContestHall_EventScript_21B6C3:: @ 821B6C3 lock faceplayer msgbox LilycoveCity_ContestHall_Text_21C365, MSGBOX_DEFAULT closemessage applymovement 28, LilycoveCity_ContestHall_Movement_2725A2 waitmovement 0 release end LilycoveCity_ContestHall_EventScript_21B6DA:: @ 821B6DA lockall applymovement 29, LilycoveCity_ContestHall_Movement_27259E waitmovement 0 msgbox LilycoveCity_ContestHall_Text_21C3F4, MSGBOX_DEFAULT closemessage applymovement 29, LilycoveCity_ContestHall_Movement_2725A2 waitmovement 0 delay 25 msgbox LilycoveCity_ContestHall_Text_21C411, MSGBOX_DEFAULT releaseall end LilycoveCity_ContestHall_EventScript_21B705:: @ 821B705 lock faceplayer msgbox LilycoveCity_ContestHall_Text_21C4B1, MSGBOX_DEFAULT closemessage applymovement 31, LilycoveCity_ContestHall_Movement_2725A2 waitmovement 0 release end LilycoveCity_ContestHall_EventScript_21B71C:: @ 821B71C lock faceplayer msgbox LilycoveCity_ContestHall_Text_21C445, MSGBOX_DEFAULT closemessage applymovement 30, LilycoveCity_ContestHall_Movement_2725A2 waitmovement 0 release end LilycoveCity_ContestHall_EventScript_21B733:: @ 821B733 msgbox LilycoveCity_ContestHall_Text_21C512, MSGBOX_SIGN end LilycoveCity_ContestHall_EventScript_21B73C:: @ 821B73C msgbox LilycoveCity_ContestHall_Text_21C548, MSGBOX_SIGN end LilycoveCity_ContestHall_EventScript_21B745:: @ 821B745 msgbox LilycoveCity_ContestHall_Text_21C57B, MSGBOX_SIGN end LilycoveCity_ContestHall_Text_21B74E: @ 821B74E .string "This POKéMON won the BEAUTY CONTEST\n" .string "here before.\p" .string "Well, guess what? Today, I made it\n" .string "win a SMARTNESS CONTEST!\p" .string "My abilities scare even me…$" LilycoveCity_ContestHall_Text_21B7D7: @ 821B7D7 .string "I’ve entered a bunch of CONTESTS,\n" .string "so I’m seeing how things work.\p" .string "If you’re in a COOLNESS CONTEST,\n" .string "cool moves go over as appeals.\p" .string "But smart moves and cute moves\n" .string "don’t go over well, for instance.$" LilycoveCity_ContestHall_Text_21B899: @ 821B899 .string "That young man who won earlier had\n" .string "a whole bunch of different {POKEBLOCK}S.\p" .string "Can you win if you had that many\n" .string "of those things?$" LilycoveCity_ContestHall_Text_21B911: @ 821B911 .string "Whoa, isn’t this place humongous!\p" .string "The tension in the air… It’s not\n" .string "like a CONTEST hall in the sticks.$" LilycoveCity_ContestHall_Text_21B977: @ 821B977 .string "MC: Okay, SMART POKéMON and their\n" .string "TRAINERS, are you ready?!\p" .string "Give it your best showing!\n" .string "Let’s appeal!$" LilycoveCity_ContestHall_Text_21B9DC: @ 821B9DC .string "JUDGE: Are you enjoying this CONTEST?\p" .string "Come back with three friends, and\n" .string "all of you may enter a CONTEST!$" LilycoveCity_ContestHall_Text_21BA44: @ 821BA44 .string "Ayayayay…\n" .string "I entered the wrong CONTEST.\p" .string "I entered this tough POKéMON in\n" .string "the SMARTNESS CONTEST…\p" .string "Come on, wow them with a smart-looking\n" .string "ROCK SMASH.$" LilycoveCity_ContestHall_Text_21BAD5: @ 821BAD5 .string "I’ve spent many a year, and all my\n" .string "wisdom besides, raising this POKéMON\l" .string "to be smart.\p" .string "It won’t be easily bested by some\n" .string "young pup’s POKéMON.\p" .string "My dear wife, are you seeing this?$" LilycoveCity_ContestHall_Text_21BB84: @ 821BB84 .string "There it is!\p" .string "If my POKéMON pulls a smart move next,\n" .string "the audience’s excitement will peak!$" LilycoveCity_ContestHall_Text_21BBDD: @ 821BBDD .string "Oh, dear, no!\p" .string "My darling ZUBAT’s LEECH LIFE is so\n" .string "cute I kept using it over and over!\p" .string "But these mean people don’t appreciate\n" .string "it at all!$" LilycoveCity_ContestHall_Text_21BC65: @ 821BC65 .string "Kiyaaah! You’re beautiful, Grandpa!$" LilycoveCity_ContestHall_Text_21BC89: @ 821BC89 .string "Even when TRAINERS enter the same\n" .string "kind of POKéMON, they all seem to use\l" .string "different moves for appeals.\p" .string "It’s just like the way people have\n" .string "different styles for battling.$" LilycoveCity_ContestHall_Text_21BD30: @ 821BD30 .string "I think the POKéMON look smarter\n" .string "than their TRAINERS. By a lot.$" LilycoveCity_ContestHall_Text_21BD70: @ 821BD70 .string "When all’s said and done, I still love\n" .string "SMARTNESS CONTESTS.\p" .string "That intellectual green color…\n" .string "It’s so… So… Cool.$" LilycoveCity_ContestHall_Text_21BDDD: @ 821BDDD .string "MC: Are you entering the BEAUTY\n" .string "CONTEST, too? Good luck!$" LilycoveCity_ContestHall_Text_21BE16: @ 821BE16 .string "JUDGE: Ah, every POKéMON here is\n" .string "a model of pristine beauty!\p" .string "Why, I almost forgot to score them!$" LilycoveCity_ContestHall_Text_21BE77: @ 821BE77 .string "A POKéMON this beautiful…\n" .string "There isn’t another one like it.\p" .string "Everyone’s eyes will be glued to\n" .string "my beauty.$" LilycoveCity_ContestHall_Text_21BEDE: @ 821BEDE .string "Waaaah!\p" .string "I brushed and groomed my POKéMON\n" .string "carefully for this CONTEST…\p" .string "But I overdid it…\n" .string "My POKéMON’s coat turned all scraggly…\p" .string "What should I do?$" LilycoveCity_ContestHall_Text_21BF6E: @ 821BF6E .string "This AURORA BEAM is so dazzling,\n" .string "the JUDGE won’t be able to see it.\p" .string "Uh, wait a second…\n" .string "That’ll be meaningless, then!$" LilycoveCity_ContestHall_Text_21BFE3: @ 821BFE3 .string "This pretty POKéMON looks just like\n" .string "me when I was younger.\p" .string "Right when I said that, my husband\n" .string "spewed the coffee he was drinking.\p" .string "Did I say something funny?$" LilycoveCity_ContestHall_Text_21C07F: @ 821C07F .string "You know, if I win at a BEAUTY\n" .string "CONTEST, sure it makes me\l" .string "happy. More than usual, anyway.$" LilycoveCity_ContestHall_Text_21C0D8: @ 821C0D8 .string "Wahahahah!\p" .string "Will you take a gander at all those\n" .string "pretty POKéMON!\l" .string "I just love this sort of glitz!$" LilycoveCity_ContestHall_Text_21C137: @ 821C137 .string "You can’t always win on just beauty\n" .string "alone.\p" .string "You have to groom your POKéMON so\n" .string "it’s nice and glossy like mine.$" LilycoveCity_ContestHall_Text_21C1A4: @ 821C1A4 .string "MC: Uh-oh! Hello!\n" .string "We’re in the middle of a CONTEST!\p" .string "Please enter at our registration\n" .string "counter and come out, okay?$" LilycoveCity_ContestHall_Text_21C215: @ 821C215 .string "JUDGE: Oh, such charming and cute\n" .string "appeals!\p" .string "Oh, my goodness! What a perfectly\n" .string "adorable WATER SPORT appeal!$" LilycoveCity_ContestHall_Text_21C27F: @ 821C27F .string "Oh, no… My sweet AZURILL was\n" .string "distracted by another POKéMON.$" LilycoveCity_ContestHall_Text_21C2BB: @ 821C2BB .string "My POKéMON has never won in a battle,\n" .string "but put it in a CONTEST and look out!$" LilycoveCity_ContestHall_Text_21C307: @ 821C307 .string "My POKéMON’s PETAL DANCE is a marvel\n" .string "of elegance.\p" .string "I won’t let anyone disturb its\n" .string "performance.$" LilycoveCity_ContestHall_Text_21C365: @ 821C365 .string "Everyone’s POKéMON are very cute.\p" .string "However, if my POKéMON were to make\n" .string "a cute appeal…\p" .string "I’m sure that it would be so much \n" .string "cuter than the others.$" LilycoveCity_ContestHall_Text_21C3F4: @ 821C3F4 .string "My child is in this CONTEST.$" LilycoveCity_ContestHall_Text_21C411: @ 821C411 .string "Come on, dear. Go for it!\n" .string "Your POKéMON is the best!$" LilycoveCity_ContestHall_Text_21C445: @ 821C445 .string "I think that girl over there is\n" .string "the cutest of the lot.\p" .string "What’s that? They’re judging\n" .string "POKéMON by their looks?$" LilycoveCity_ContestHall_Text_21C4B1: @ 821C4B1 .string "Ohh, seeing all these cute POKéMON,\n" .string "they make we want to get my own!\p" .string "I’m going to go catch some!$" LilycoveCity_ContestHall_Text_21C512: @ 821C512 .string "BEAUTY CONTEST STAGE\n" .string "BE ALLURED BY BEAUTIFUL POKéMON!$" LilycoveCity_ContestHall_Text_21C548: @ 821C548 .string "CUTENESS CONTEST STAGE\n" .string "BE CHARMED BY CUTE POKéMON!$" LilycoveCity_ContestHall_Text_21C57B: @ 821C57B .string "SMARTNESS CONTEST STAGE\n" .string "BE IMPRESSED BY SMART POKéMON!$"