SlateportCity_SternsShipyard_2F_MapScripts:: @ 820863D .byte 0 SlateportCity_SternsShipyard_2F_EventScript_20863E:: @ 820863E msgbox SlateportCity_SternsShipyard_2F_Text_208650, MSGBOX_NPC end SlateportCity_SternsShipyard_2F_EventScript_208647:: @ 8208647 msgbox SlateportCity_SternsShipyard_2F_Text_2086BA, MSGBOX_NPC end SlateportCity_SternsShipyard_2F_Text_208650: @ 8208650 .string "Designing a large ship is more like\n" .string "making a big building than putting\l" .string "together a transportation vehicle.$" SlateportCity_SternsShipyard_2F_Text_2086BA: @ 82086BA .string "Don’t you think it’s strange that\n" .string "a ship made of heavy iron floats?\p" .string "It floats because of a principle\n" .string "called buoyancy.$"