@ the fourth big chunk of data .include "asm/macros.inc" .include "constants/constants.inc" .section .rodata gBirchBagGrassPal:: @ 85B0A00 .incbin "baserom.gba", 0x5b0a00, 0x80 gBirchBagTilemap:: @ 85B0A80 .incbin "baserom.gba", 0x5b0a80, 0x18c gBirchGrassTilemap:: @ 85B0C0C .incbin "baserom.gba", 0x5b0c0c, 0x1f8 gBirchHelpGfx:: @ 85B0E04 .incbin "baserom.gba", 0x5b0e04, 0xfc8 gUnknown_085B1DCC:: @ 85B1DCC .incbin "baserom.gba", 0x5b1dcc, 0x10 gUnknown_085B1DDC:: @ 85B1DDC .incbin "baserom.gba", 0x5b1ddc, 0x8 gUnknown_085B1DE4:: @ 85B1DE4 .incbin "baserom.gba", 0x5b1de4, 0x8 sPokeballCoords:: @ 85B1DEC .incbin "baserom.gba", 0x5b1dec, 0x6 gStarterChoose_LabelCoords:: @ 85B1DF2 .incbin "baserom.gba", 0x5b1df2, 0x6 sStarterMon:: @ 85B1DF8 .incbin "baserom.gba", 0x5b1df8, 0x8 gUnknown_085B1E00:: @ 85B1E00 .incbin "baserom.gba", 0x5b1e00, 0xc gUnknown_085B1E0C:: @ 85B1E0C .incbin "baserom.gba", 0x5b1e0c, 0x1c gUnknown_085B1E28:: @ 85B1E28 .incbin "baserom.gba", 0x5b1e28, 0xa8 gUnknown_085B1ED0:: @ 85B1ED0 .incbin "baserom.gba", 0x5b1ed0, 0x8 gUnknown_085B1ED8:: @ 85B1ED8 .incbin "baserom.gba", 0x5b1ed8, 0x10 gUnknown_085B1EE8:: @ 85B1EE8 .incbin "baserom.gba", 0x5b1ee8, 0x10 gUnknown_085B1EF8:: @ 85B1EF8 .incbin "baserom.gba", 0x5b1ef8, 0x18 sSpriteTemplate_Hand:: @ 85B1F10 .incbin "baserom.gba", 0x5b1f10, 0x18 sSpriteTemplate_PokeBall:: @ 85B1F28 .incbin "baserom.gba", 0x5b1f28, 0x18 gUnknown_085B1F40:: @ 85B1F40 .incbin "baserom.gba", 0x5b1f40, 0x18