#include "global.h" #include "palette.h" #include "main.h" #include "task.h" #include "bg.h" #include "malloc.h" #include "window.h" #include "text.h" #include "menu.h" #include "international_string_util.h" #include "constants/songs.h" #include "constants/species.h" #include "gpu_regs.h" #include "m4a.h" #include "constants/rgb.h" #include "trainer_pokemon_sprites.h" #include "starter_choose.h" #include "decompress.h" #include "intro_credits_graphics.h" #include "sound.h" #include "trig.h" #include "graphics.h" #include "pokedex.h" #include "event_data.h" #include "random.h" enum { PAGE_TITLE, PAGE_DIRECTOR, PAGE_ART_DIRECTOR, PAGE_WORLD_DIRECTOR, PAGE_LEAD_PROGRAMMER, PAGE_PROGRAMMERS_1, PAGE_PROGRAMMERS_2, PAGE_PROGRAMMERS_3, PAGE_PROGRAMMERS_4, PAGE_GRAPHIC_DESIGNERS_1, PAGE_GRAPHIC_DESIGNERS_2, PAGE_GRAPHIC_DESIGNERS_3, PAGE_MUSIC_COMPOSITION, PAGE_SOUND_EFFECTS, PAGE_GAME_DESIGNERS_1, PAGE_GAME_DESIGNERS_2, PAGE_GAME_DESIGNERS_3, PAGE_SCENARIO_PLOT, PAGE_SCENARIO, PAGE_SCRIPT_DESIGNERS, PAGE_MAP_DESIGNERS, PAGE_BATTLE_FRONTIER_DATA, PAGE_PARAMETRIC_DESIGNERS, PAGE_POKEDEX_TEXT, PAGE_ENVIRONMENT_AND_TOOL_PROGRAMS_1, PAGE_PKMN_DESIGNERS_1, PAGE_PKMN_DESIGNERS_2, PAGE_PKMN_DESIGNERS_3, PAGE_PKMN_DESIGNERS_4, PAGE_SUPPORT_PROGRAMMERS, PAGE_NCL_PRODUCT_TESTING, PAGE_PACKAGE_AND_MANUAL, PAGE_SPECIAL_THANKS_1, PAGE_SPECIAL_THANKS_2, PAGE_SPECIAL_THANKS_3, PAGE_SPECIAL_THANKS_4, PAGE_INFORMATION_SUPERVISORS, PAGE_ARTWORK_1, PAGE_ARTWORK_2, PAGE_ARTWORK_3, PAGE_COORDINATORS, PAGE_ENGLISH_VERSION, PAGE_TRANSLATOR, PAGE_TEXT_EDITOR, PAGE_NCL_COORDINATOR, PAGE_PROGRAMMERS_5, PAGE_GRAPHIC_DESIGNER, PAGE_ENVIRONMENT_AND_TOOL_PROGRAMS_2, PAGE_NOA_TESTING, PAGE_BRAILLE_CODE_CHECK_1, PAGE_BRAILLE_CODE_CHECK_2, PAGE_SPECIAL_THANKS_5, PAGE_TASK_MANAGERS, PAGE_PRODUCERS, PAGE_EXECUTIVE_DIRECTOR, PAGE_EXECUTIVE_PRODUCERS_1, PAGE_EXECUTIVE_PRODUCERS_2, PAGE_COUNT }; #define COLOR_DARK_GREEN RGB(7, 11, 6) #define COLOR_LIGHT_GREEN RGB(13, 20, 12) enum { TDA_0 = 0, TDA_TASK_C_ID = 1, TDA_TASK_E_ID = 2, TDA_TASK_D_ID = 3, TDA_4 = 4, TDA_PLAYER_CYCLIST = 5, TDA_RIVAL_CYCLIST = 6, TDA_7 = 7, // Has something to do with the bike scene TDA_11 = 11, // Gets set depending on whether the bike or the grass scene should be shown TDA_12 = 12, TDA_13 = 13, TDA_14 = 14, TDA_TASK_B_ID = 15, // Appears to be responsible for text TDB_0 = 0, TDB_TASK_A_ID = 1, TDB_CURRENT_PAGE = 2, TDB_3 = 3, TDC_0 = 0, TDC_1 = 1, TDC_2 = 2, TDC_3 = 3, TDC_4 = 4, TDC_5 = 5, TDD_STATE = 0, TDD_TASK_A_ID = 1, TDD_2 = 2, TDD_3 = 3, TDE_0 = 0, TDE_1 = 1, TDE_TASK_A_ID = 2, }; #define NUM_MON_SLIDES 71 struct CreditsData { u16 monToShow[NUM_MON_SLIDES]; // List of Pokemon species ids that will show during the credits u16 imgCounter; //how many mon images have been shown u16 nextImgPos; //if the next image spawns left/center/right u16 currShownMon; //index into monToShow u16 numMonToShow; //number of pokemon to show, always NUM_MON_SLIDES after determine function u16 caughtMonIds[NATIONAL_DEX_COUNT]; //temporary location to hold a condensed array of all caught pokemon u16 numCaughtMon; //count of filled spaces in caughtMonIds u16 unk39C[7]; // unused padding? }; struct CreditsEntry { u8 var_0; bool8 isTitle; const u8 *text; }; static EWRAM_DATA s16 gUnknown_0203BCE0 = 0; static EWRAM_DATA u16 gUnknown_0203BCE2 = 0; // TASK A EWRAM_DATA bool8 gHasHallOfFameRecords = 0; static EWRAM_DATA u8 gUnknown_0203BCE5 = 0; static EWRAM_DATA struct CreditsData *sCreditsData = {0}; static const u16 gUnknown_085E56F0[][16] = { INCBIN_U16("graphics/credits/credits_1.gbapal"), INCBIN_U16("graphics/credits/credits_2.gbapal"), INCBIN_U16("graphics/credits/credits_3.gbapal"), INCBIN_U16("graphics/credits/credits_4.gbapal"), }; static const u32 gCreditsCopyrightEnd_Gfx[] = INCBIN_U32("graphics/credits/the_end_copyright.4bpp.lz"); static void sub_81772B8(struct Sprite *sprite); static const u8 sTheEnd_LetterTMap[] = { 0, 1, 0, 0xFF, 1, 0xFF, 0xFF, 1, 0xFF, 0xFF, 1, 0xFF, 0xFF, 1, 0xFF, }; static const u8 sTheEnd_LetterHMap[] = { 1, 0xFF, 1, 1, 0xFF, 1, 1, 2, 1, 1, 0xFF, 1, 1, 0xFF, 1, }; static const u8 sTheEnd_LetterEMap[] = { 1, 0, 0, 1, 0xFF, 0xFF, 1, 2, 2, 1, 0xFF, 0xFF, 1, 0x80, 0x80, }; static const u8 sTheEnd_LetterNMap[] = { 1, 3, 1, 1, 4, 1, 1, 5, 1, 1, 0xC4, 1, 1, 0xC3, 1, }; static const u8 sTheEnd_LetterDMap[] = { 1, 6, 7, 1, 8, 9, 1, 0xFF, 1, 1, 0x88, 0x89, 1, 0x86, 0x87, }; static const u8 gCreditsText_EmptyString[] = _(""); static const u8 gCreditsText_PkmnEmeraldVersion[] = _("POKéMON EMERALD VERSION"); static const u8 gCreditsText_Credits[] = _("Credits"); static const u8 gCreditsText_ExecutiveDirector[] = _("Executive Director"); static const u8 gCreditsText_Director[] = _("Director"); static const u8 gCreditsText_ArtDirector[] = _("Art Director"); static const u8 gCreditsText_BattleDirector[] = _("Battle Director"); static const u8 gCreditsText_MainProgrammer[] = _("Main Programmer"); static const u8 gCreditsText_BattleSystemPgrms[] = _("Battle System Programmers"); static const u8 gCreditsText_FieldSystemPgrms[] = _("Field System Programmer"); static const u8 gCreditsText_Programmers[] = _("Programmers"); static const u8 gCreditsText_MainGraphicDesigner[] = _("Main Graphic Designer"); static const u8 gCreditsText_GraphicDesigners[] = _("Graphic Designers"); static const u8 gCreditsText_PkmnDesigners[] = _("POKéMON Designers"); static const u8 gCreditsText_MusicComposition[] = _("Music Composition"); static const u8 gCreditsText_SoundEffectsAndPkmnVoices[] = _("Sound Effects & POKéMON Voices"); static const u8 gCreditsText_GameDesigners[] = _("Game Designers"); static const u8 gCreditsText_ScenarioPlot[] = _("Scenario Plot"); static const u8 gCreditsText_Scenario[] = _("Scenario"); static const u8 gCreditsText_ScriptDesigners[] = _("Script Designers"); static const u8 gCreditsText_MapDesigners[] = _("Map Designers"); static const u8 gCreditsText_MapDataDesigners[] = _("Map Data Designers"); static const u8 gCreditsText_ParametricDesigners[] = _("Parametric Designers"); static const u8 gCreditsText_PokedexText[] = _("POKéDEX Text"); static const u8 gCreditsText_EnvAndToolPgrms[] = _("Environment & Tool Programmers"); static const u8 gCreditsText_NCLProductTesting[] = _("NCL Product Testing"); static const u8 gCreditsText_SpecialThanks[] = _("Special Thanks"); static const u8 gCreditsText_Coordinators[] = _("Coordinators"); static const u8 gCreditsText_Producers[] = _("Producers"); static const u8 gCreditsText_ExecProducers[] = _("Executive Producers"); static const u8 gCreditsText_InfoSupervisors[] = _("Information Supervisors"); static const u8 gCreditsText_TaskManagers[] = _("Task Managers"); static const u8 gCreditsText_BrailleCodeCheck[] = _("Braille Code Check"); static const u8 gCreditsText_WorldDirector[] = _("World Director"); static const u8 gCreditsText_BattleFrontierData[] = _("Battle Frontier Data"); static const u8 gCreditsText_SupportProgrammers[] = _("Support Programmers"); static const u8 gCreditsText_Artwork[] = _("Artwork"); static const u8 gCreditsText_LeadProgrammer[] = _("Lead Programmer"); static const u8 gCreditsText_LeadGraphicArtist[] = _("Lead Graphic Artist"); static const u8 gCreditsText_SatoshiTajiri[] = _("Satoshi Tajiri"); static const u8 gCreditsText_JunichiMasuda[] = _("Junichi Masuda"); static const u8 gCreditsText_KenSugimori[] = _("Ken Sugimori"); static const u8 gCreditsText_ShigekiMorimoto[] = _("Shigeki Morimoto"); static const u8 gCreditsText_TetsuyaWatanabe[] = _("Tetsuya Watanabe"); static const u8 gCreditsText_HisashiSogabe[] = _("Hisashi Sogabe"); static const u8 gCreditsText_SosukeTamada[] = _("Sosuke Tamada"); static const u8 gCreditsText_AkitoMori[] = _("Akito Mori"); static const u8 gCreditsText_KeitaKagaya[] = _("Keita Kagaya"); static const u8 gCreditsText_YoshinoriMatsuda[] = _("Yoshinori Matsuda"); static const u8 gCreditsText_HiroyukiNakamura[] = _("Hiroyuki Nakamura"); static const u8 gCreditsText_MasaoTaya[] = _("Masao Taya"); static const u8 gCreditsText_SatoshiNohara[] = _("Satoshi Nohara"); static const u8 gCreditsText_TomomichiOhta[] = _("Tomomichi Ohta"); static const u8 gCreditsText_MiyukiIwasawa[] = _("Miyuki Iwasawa"); static const u8 gCreditsText_TakenoriOhta[] = _("Takenori Ohta"); static const u8 gCreditsText_HironobuYoshida[] = _("Hironobu Yoshida"); static const u8 gCreditsText_MotofumiFujiwara[] = _("Motofumi Fujiwara"); static const u8 gCreditsText_SatoshiOhta[] = _("Satoshi Ohta"); static const u8 gCreditsText_AsukaIwashita[] = _("Asuka Iwashita"); static const u8 gCreditsText_AimiTomita[] = _("Aimi Tomita"); static const u8 gCreditsText_TakaoUnno[] = _("Takao Unno"); static const u8 gCreditsText_KanakoEo[] = _("Kanako Eo"); static const u8 gCreditsText_JunOkutani[] = _("Jun Okutani"); static const u8 gCreditsText_AtsukoNishida[] = _("Atsuko Nishida"); static const u8 gCreditsText_MuneoSaito[] = _("Muneo Saito"); static const u8 gCreditsText_RenaYoshikawa[] = _("Rena Yoshikawa"); static const u8 gCreditsText_GoIchinose[] = _("Go Ichinose"); static const u8 gCreditsText_MorikazuAoki[] = _("Morikazu Aoki"); static const u8 gCreditsText_KojiNishino[] = _("Koji Nishino"); static const u8 gCreditsText_KenjiMatsushima[] = _("Kenji Matsushima"); static const u8 gCreditsText_TetsujiOhta[] = _("Tetsuji Ohta"); static const u8 gCreditsText_HitomiSato[] = _("Hitomi Sato"); static const u8 gCreditsText_TakeshiKawachimaru[] = _("Takeshi Kawachimaru"); static const u8 gCreditsText_TeruyukiShimoyamada[] = _("Teruyuki Shimoyamada"); static const u8 gCreditsText_ShigeruOhmori[] = _("Shigeru Ohmori"); static const u8 gCreditsText_TadashiTakahashi[] = _("Tadashi Takahashi"); static const u8 gCreditsText_ToshinobuMatsumiya[] = _("Toshinobu Matsumiya"); static const u8 gCreditsText_AkihitoTomisawa[] = _("Akihito Tomisawa"); static const u8 gCreditsText_HirokiEnomoto[] = _("Hiroki Enomoto"); static const u8 gCreditsText_KazuyukiTerada[] = _("Kazuyuki Terada"); static const u8 gCreditsText_YuriSakurai[] = _("Yuri Sakurai"); static const u8 gCreditsText_HiromiSagawa[] = _("Hiromi Sagawa"); static const u8 gCreditsText_KenjiTominaga[] = _("Kenji Tominaga"); static const u8 gCreditsText_YoshioTajiri[] = _("Yoshio Tajiri"); static const u8 gCreditsText_TeikoSasaki[] = _("Teiko Sasaki"); static const u8 gCreditsText_SachikoHamano[] = _("Sachiko Hamano"); static const u8 gCreditsText_ChieMatsumiya[] = _("Chie Matsumiya"); static const u8 gCreditsText_AkikoShinozaki[] = _("Akiko Shinozaki"); static const u8 gCreditsText_AstukoFujii[] = _("Astuko Fujii"); static const u8 gCreditsText_NozomuSaito[] = _("Nozomu Saito"); static const u8 gCreditsText_KenkichiToyama[] = _("Kenkichi Toyama"); static const u8 gCreditsText_SuguruNakatsui[] = _("Suguru Nakatsui"); static const u8 gCreditsText_YumiFunasaka[] = _("Yumi Funasaka"); static const u8 gCreditsText_NaokoYanase[] = _("Naoko Yanase"); static const u8 gCreditsText_NCLSuperMarioClub[] = _("NCL Super Mario Club"); static const u8 gCreditsText_AtsushiTada[] = _("Atsushi Tada"); static const u8 gCreditsText_TakahiroOhnishi[] = _("Takahiro Ohnishi"); static const u8 gCreditsText_NorihideOkamura[] = _("Norihide Okamura"); static const u8 gCreditsText_HiroNakamura[] = _("Hiro Nakamura"); static const u8 gCreditsText_HiroyukiUesugi[] = _("Hiroyuki Uesugi"); static const u8 gCreditsText_TerukiMurakawa[] = _("Teruki Murakawa"); static const u8 gCreditsText_AkiraKinashi[] = _("Akira Kinashi"); static const u8 gCreditsText_MichikoTakizawa[] = _("Michiko Takizawa"); static const u8 gCreditsText_MakikoTakada[] = _("Makiko Takada"); static const u8 gCreditsText_TakanaoKondo[] = _("Takanao Kondo"); static const u8 gCreditsText_AiMashima[] = _("Ai Mashima"); static const u8 gCreditsText_GakujiNomoto[] = _("Gakuji Nomoto"); static const u8 gCreditsText_TakehiroIzushi[] = _("Takehiro Izushi"); static const u8 gCreditsText_HitoshiYamagami[] = _("Hitoshi Yamagami"); static const u8 gCreditsText_KyokoWatanabe[] = _("Kyoko Watanabe"); static const u8 gCreditsText_TakaoNakano[] = _("Takao Nakano"); static const u8 gCreditsText_HiroyukiJinnai[] = _("Hiroyuki Jinnai"); static const u8 gCreditsText_HiroakiTsuru[] = _("Hiroaki Tsuru"); static const u8 gCreditsText_TsunekazIshihara[] = _("Tsunekaz Ishihara"); static const u8 gCreditsText_SatoruIwata[] = _("Satoru Iwata"); static const u8 gCreditsText_KazuyaSuyama[] = _("Kazuya Suyama"); static const u8 gCreditsText_SatoshiMitsuhara[] = _("Satoshi Mitsuhara"); static const u8 gCreditsText_JapanBrailleLibrary[] = _("Japan Braille Library"); static const u8 gCreditsText_TomotakaKomura[] = _("Tomotaka Komura"); static const u8 gCreditsText_MikikoOhhashi[] = _("Mikiko Ohhashi"); static const u8 gCreditsText_DaisukeHoshino[] = _("Daisuke Hoshino"); static const u8 gCreditsText_KenjiroIto[] = _("Kenjiro Ito"); static const u8 gCreditsText_RuiKawaguchi[] = _("Rui Kawaguchi"); static const u8 gCreditsText_ShunsukeKohori[] = _("Shunsuke Kohori"); static const u8 gCreditsText_SachikoNakamichi[] = _("Sachiko Nakamichi"); static const u8 gCreditsText_FujikoNomura[] = _("Fujiko Nomura"); static const u8 gCreditsText_KazukiYoshihara[] = _("Kazuki Yoshihara"); static const u8 gCreditsText_RetsujiNomoto[] = _("Retsuji Nomoto"); static const u8 gCreditsText_AzusaTajima[] = _("Azusa Tajima"); static const u8 gCreditsText_ShusakuEgami[] = _("Shusaku Egami"); static const u8 gCreditsText_PackageAndManual[] = _("Package & Manual Illustration"); static const u8 gCreditsText_EnglishVersion[] = _("English Version Coordinators"); static const u8 gCreditsText_Translator[] = _("Translator"); static const u8 gCreditsText_TextEditor[] = _("Text Editor"); static const u8 gCreditsText_NCLCoordinator[] = _("NCL Coordinator"); static const u8 gCreditsText_GraphicDesigner[] = _("Graphic Designer"); static const u8 gCreditsText_NOAProductTesting[] = _("NOA Product Testing"); static const u8 gCreditsText_HideyukiNakajima[] = _("Hideyuki Nakajima"); static const u8 gCreditsText_HidenoriSaeki[] = _("Hidenori Saeki"); static const u8 gCreditsText_YokoWatanabe[] = _("Yoko Watanabe"); static const u8 gCreditsText_SakaeKimura[] = _("Sakae Kimura"); static const u8 gCreditsText_ChiakiShinkai[] = _("Chiaki Shinkai"); static const u8 gCreditsText_SethMcMahill[] = _("Seth McMahill"); static const u8 gCreditsText_NobOgasawara[] = _("Nob Ogasawara"); static const u8 gCreditsText_TeresaLillygren[] = _("Teresa Lillygren"); static const u8 gCreditsText_KimikoNakamichi[] = _("Kimiko Nakamichi"); static const u8 gCreditsText_SouichiYamamoto[] = _("Souichi Yamamoto"); static const u8 gCreditsText_YuichiroIto[] = _("Yuichiro Ito"); static const u8 gCreditsText_ThomasHertzog[] = _("Thomas Hertzog"); static const u8 gCreditsText_MikaKurosawa[] = _("Mika Kurosawa"); static const u8 gCreditsText_NationalFederationBlind[] = _("National Federation of the Blind"); static const u8 gCreditsText_PatriciaAMaurer[] = _("Patricia A. Maurer"); static const u8 gCreditsText_EuropeanBlindUnion[] = _("European Blind Union"); static const u8 gCreditsText_AustralianBrailleAuthority[] = _("Australian Braille Authority"); static const u8 gCreditsText_RoyalNewZealandFederationBlind[] = _("Royal New Zealand Federation for the Blind"); static const u8 gCreditsText_MotoyasuTojima[] = _("Motoyasu Tojima"); static const u8 gCreditsText_NicolaPrattBarlow[] = _("Nicola Pratt-Barlow"); static const u8 gCreditsText_ShellieDow[] = _("Shellie Dow"); static const u8 gCreditsText_ErikJohnson[] = _("Erik Johnson"); static const struct CreditsEntry gCreditsEntry_EmptyString[] = {0, FALSE, gCreditsText_EmptyString}; static const struct CreditsEntry gCreditsEntry_PkmnEmeraldVersion[] = {7, TRUE, gCreditsText_PkmnEmeraldVersion}; static const struct CreditsEntry gCreditsEntry_Credits[] = {11, TRUE, gCreditsText_Credits}; static const struct CreditsEntry gCreditsEntry_ExecutiveDirector[] = {8, TRUE, gCreditsText_ExecutiveDirector}; static const struct CreditsEntry gCreditsEntry_Director[] = {12, TRUE, gCreditsText_Director}; static const struct CreditsEntry gCreditsEntry_ArtDirector[] = {10, TRUE, gCreditsText_ArtDirector}; static const struct CreditsEntry gCreditsEntry_BattleDirector[] = {10, TRUE, gCreditsText_BattleDirector}; static const struct CreditsEntry gCreditsEntry_MainProgrammer[] = {10, TRUE, gCreditsText_MainProgrammer}; static const struct CreditsEntry gCreditsEntry_BattleSystemPgrms[] = {8, TRUE, gCreditsText_BattleSystemPgrms}; static const struct CreditsEntry gCreditsEntry_FieldSystemPgrms[] = {7, TRUE, gCreditsText_FieldSystemPgrms}; static const struct CreditsEntry gCreditsEntry_Programmers[] = {12, TRUE, gCreditsText_Programmers}; static const struct CreditsEntry gCreditsEntry_MainGraphicDesigner[] = {7, TRUE, gCreditsText_MainGraphicDesigner}; static const struct CreditsEntry gCreditsEntry_GraphicDesigners[] = {9, TRUE, gCreditsText_GraphicDesigners}; static const struct CreditsEntry gCreditsEntry_PkmnDesigners[] = {10, TRUE, gCreditsText_PkmnDesigners}; static const struct CreditsEntry gCreditsEntry_MusicComposition[] = {13, TRUE, gCreditsText_MusicComposition}; static const struct CreditsEntry gCreditsEntry_SoundEffectsAndPkmnVoices[] = {4, TRUE, gCreditsText_SoundEffectsAndPkmnVoices}; static const struct CreditsEntry gCreditsEntry_GameDesigners[] = {11, TRUE, gCreditsText_GameDesigners}; static const struct CreditsEntry gCreditsEntry_ScenarioPlot[] = {11, TRUE, gCreditsText_ScenarioPlot}; static const struct CreditsEntry gCreditsEntry_Scenario[] = {13, TRUE, gCreditsText_Scenario}; static const struct CreditsEntry gCreditsEntry_ScriptDesigners[] = {10, TRUE, gCreditsText_ScriptDesigners}; static const struct CreditsEntry gCreditsEntry_MapDesigners[] = {11, TRUE, gCreditsText_MapDesigners}; static const struct CreditsEntry gCreditsEntry_MapDataDesigners[] = {9, TRUE, gCreditsText_MapDataDesigners}; static const struct CreditsEntry gCreditsEntry_ParametricDesigners[] = {9, TRUE, gCreditsText_ParametricDesigners}; static const struct CreditsEntry gCreditsEntry_PokedexText[] = {11, TRUE, gCreditsText_PokedexText}; static const struct CreditsEntry gCreditsEntry_EnvAndToolPgrms[] = {6, TRUE, gCreditsText_EnvAndToolPgrms}; static const struct CreditsEntry gCreditsEntry_NCLProductTesting[] = {11, TRUE, gCreditsText_NCLProductTesting}; static const struct CreditsEntry gCreditsEntry_SpecialThanks[] = {10, TRUE, gCreditsText_SpecialThanks}; static const struct CreditsEntry gCreditsEntry_Coordinators[] = {11, TRUE, gCreditsText_Coordinators}; static const struct CreditsEntry gCreditsEntry_Producers[] = {11, TRUE, gCreditsText_Producers}; static const struct CreditsEntry gCreditsEntry_ExecProducers[] = {7, TRUE, gCreditsText_ExecProducers}; static const struct CreditsEntry gCreditsEntry_InfoSupervisors[] = {10, TRUE, gCreditsText_InfoSupervisors}; static const struct CreditsEntry gCreditsEntry_TaskManagers[] = {8, TRUE, gCreditsText_TaskManagers}; static const struct CreditsEntry gCreditsEntry_BrailleCodeCheck[] = {10, TRUE, gCreditsText_BrailleCodeCheck}; static const struct CreditsEntry gCreditsEntry_WorldDirector[] = {10, TRUE, gCreditsText_WorldDirector}; static const struct CreditsEntry gCreditsEntry_BattleFrontierData[] = {8, TRUE, gCreditsText_BattleFrontierData}; static const struct CreditsEntry gCreditsEntry_SupportProgrammers[] = {10, TRUE, gCreditsText_SupportProgrammers}; static const struct CreditsEntry gCreditsEntry_Artwork[] = {12, TRUE, gCreditsText_Artwork}; static const struct CreditsEntry gCreditsEntry_LeadProgrammer[] = {10, TRUE, gCreditsText_LeadProgrammer}; static const struct CreditsEntry gCreditsEntry_LeadGraphicArtist[] = {9, TRUE, gCreditsText_LeadGraphicArtist}; static const struct CreditsEntry gCreditsEntry_SatoshiTajiri[] = {11, FALSE, gCreditsText_SatoshiTajiri}; static const struct CreditsEntry gCreditsEntry_JunichiMasuda[] = {11, FALSE, gCreditsText_JunichiMasuda}; static const struct CreditsEntry gCreditsEntry_KenSugimori[] = {11, FALSE, gCreditsText_KenSugimori}; static const struct CreditsEntry gCreditsEntry_ShigekiMorimoto[] = {11, FALSE, gCreditsText_ShigekiMorimoto}; static const struct CreditsEntry gCreditsEntry_TetsuyaWatanabe[] = {11, FALSE, gCreditsText_TetsuyaWatanabe}; static const struct CreditsEntry gCreditsEntry_HisashiSogabe[] = {11, FALSE, gCreditsText_HisashiSogabe}; static const struct CreditsEntry gCreditsEntry_SosukeTamada[] = {11, FALSE, gCreditsText_SosukeTamada}; static const struct CreditsEntry gCreditsEntry_AkitoMori[] = {11, FALSE, gCreditsText_AkitoMori}; static const struct CreditsEntry gCreditsEntry_KeitaKagaya[] = {11, FALSE, gCreditsText_KeitaKagaya}; static const struct CreditsEntry gCreditsEntry_YoshinoriMatsuda[] = {11, FALSE, gCreditsText_YoshinoriMatsuda}; static const struct CreditsEntry gCreditsEntry_HiroyukiNakamura[] = {11, FALSE, gCreditsText_HiroyukiNakamura}; static const struct CreditsEntry gCreditsEntry_MasaoTaya[] = {11, FALSE, gCreditsText_MasaoTaya}; static const struct CreditsEntry gCreditsEntry_SatoshiNohara[] = {11, FALSE, gCreditsText_SatoshiNohara}; static const struct CreditsEntry gCreditsEntry_TomomichiOhta[] = {11, FALSE, gCreditsText_TomomichiOhta}; static const struct CreditsEntry gCreditsEntry_MiyukiIwasawa[] = {11, FALSE, gCreditsText_MiyukiIwasawa}; static const struct CreditsEntry gCreditsEntry_TakenoriOhta[] = {11, FALSE, gCreditsText_TakenoriOhta}; static const struct CreditsEntry gCreditsEntry_HironobuYoshida[] = {11, FALSE, gCreditsText_HironobuYoshida}; static const struct CreditsEntry gCreditsEntry_MotofumiFujiwara[] = {11, FALSE, gCreditsText_MotofumiFujiwara}; static const struct CreditsEntry gCreditsEntry_SatoshiOhta[] = {11, FALSE, gCreditsText_SatoshiOhta}; static const struct CreditsEntry gCreditsEntry_AsukaIwashita[] = {11, FALSE, gCreditsText_AsukaIwashita}; static const struct CreditsEntry gCreditsEntry_AimiTomita[] = {11, FALSE, gCreditsText_AimiTomita}; static const struct CreditsEntry gCreditsEntry_TakaoUnno[] = {11, FALSE, gCreditsText_TakaoUnno}; static const struct CreditsEntry gCreditsEntry_KanakoEo[] = {11, FALSE, gCreditsText_KanakoEo}; static const struct CreditsEntry gCreditsEntry_JunOkutani[] = {11, FALSE, gCreditsText_JunOkutani}; static const struct CreditsEntry gCreditsEntry_AtsukoNishida[] = {11, FALSE, gCreditsText_AtsukoNishida}; static const struct CreditsEntry gCreditsEntry_MuneoSaito[] = {11, FALSE, gCreditsText_MuneoSaito}; static const struct CreditsEntry gCreditsEntry_RenaYoshikawa[] = {11, FALSE, gCreditsText_RenaYoshikawa}; static const struct CreditsEntry gCreditsEntry_GoIchinose[] = {11, FALSE, gCreditsText_GoIchinose}; static const struct CreditsEntry gCreditsEntry_MorikazuAoki[] = {11, FALSE, gCreditsText_MorikazuAoki}; static const struct CreditsEntry gCreditsEntry_KojiNishino[] = {11, FALSE, gCreditsText_KojiNishino}; static const struct CreditsEntry gCreditsEntry_KenjiMatsushima[] = {11, FALSE, gCreditsText_KenjiMatsushima}; static const struct CreditsEntry gCreditsEntry_TetsujiOhta[] = {11, FALSE, gCreditsText_TetsujiOhta}; static const struct CreditsEntry gCreditsEntry_HitomiSato[] = {11, FALSE, gCreditsText_HitomiSato}; static const struct CreditsEntry gCreditsEntry_TakeshiKawachimaru[] = {11, FALSE, gCreditsText_TakeshiKawachimaru}; static const struct CreditsEntry gCreditsEntry_TeruyukiShimoyamada[] = {11, FALSE, gCreditsText_TeruyukiShimoyamada}; static const struct CreditsEntry gCreditsEntry_ShigeruOhmori[] = {11, FALSE, gCreditsText_ShigeruOhmori}; static const struct CreditsEntry gCreditsEntry_TadashiTakahashi[] = {11, FALSE, gCreditsText_TadashiTakahashi}; static const struct CreditsEntry gCreditsEntry_ToshinobuMatsumiya[] = {11, FALSE, gCreditsText_ToshinobuMatsumiya}; static const struct CreditsEntry gCreditsEntry_AkihitoTomisawa[] = {11, FALSE, gCreditsText_AkihitoTomisawa}; static const struct CreditsEntry gCreditsEntry_HirokiEnomoto[] = {11, FALSE, gCreditsText_HirokiEnomoto}; static const struct CreditsEntry gCreditsEntry_KazuyukiTerada[] = {11, FALSE, gCreditsText_KazuyukiTerada}; static const struct CreditsEntry gCreditsEntry_YuriSakurai[] = {11, FALSE, gCreditsText_YuriSakurai}; static const struct CreditsEntry gCreditsEntry_HiromiSagawa[] = {11, FALSE, gCreditsText_HiromiSagawa}; static const struct CreditsEntry gCreditsEntry_KenjiTominaga[] = {11, FALSE, gCreditsText_KenjiTominaga}; static const struct CreditsEntry gCreditsEntry_YoshioTajiri[] = {11, FALSE, gCreditsText_YoshioTajiri}; static const struct CreditsEntry gCreditsEntry_TeikoSasaki[] = {11, FALSE, gCreditsText_TeikoSasaki}; static const struct CreditsEntry gCreditsEntry_SachikoHamano[] = {11, FALSE, gCreditsText_SachikoHamano}; static const struct CreditsEntry gCreditsEntry_ChieMatsumiya[] = {11, FALSE, gCreditsText_ChieMatsumiya}; static const struct CreditsEntry gCreditsEntry_AkikoShinozaki[] = {11, FALSE, gCreditsText_AkikoShinozaki}; static const struct CreditsEntry gCreditsEntry_AstukoFujii[] = {11, FALSE, gCreditsText_AstukoFujii}; static const struct CreditsEntry gCreditsEntry_NozomuSaito[] = {11, FALSE, gCreditsText_NozomuSaito}; static const struct CreditsEntry gCreditsEntry_KenkichiToyama[] = {11, FALSE, gCreditsText_KenkichiToyama}; static const struct CreditsEntry gCreditsEntry_SuguruNakatsui[] = {11, FALSE, gCreditsText_SuguruNakatsui}; static const struct CreditsEntry gCreditsEntry_YumiFunasaka[] = {11, FALSE, gCreditsText_YumiFunasaka}; static const struct CreditsEntry gCreditsEntry_NaokoYanase[] = {11, FALSE, gCreditsText_NaokoYanase}; static const struct CreditsEntry gCreditsEntry_NCLSuperMarioClub[] = {11, FALSE, gCreditsText_NCLSuperMarioClub}; static const struct CreditsEntry gCreditsEntry_AtsushiTada[] = {11, FALSE, gCreditsText_AtsushiTada}; static const struct CreditsEntry gCreditsEntry_TakahiroOhnishi[] = {11, FALSE, gCreditsText_TakahiroOhnishi}; static const struct CreditsEntry gCreditsEntry_NorihideOkamura[] = {11, FALSE, gCreditsText_NorihideOkamura}; static const struct CreditsEntry gCreditsEntry_HiroNakamura[] = {11, FALSE, gCreditsText_HiroNakamura}; static const struct CreditsEntry gCreditsEntry_HiroyukiUesugi[] = {11, FALSE, gCreditsText_HiroyukiUesugi}; static const struct CreditsEntry gCreditsEntry_TerukiMurakawa[] = {11, FALSE, gCreditsText_TerukiMurakawa}; static const struct CreditsEntry gCreditsEntry_AkiraKinashi[] = {11, FALSE, gCreditsText_AkiraKinashi}; static const struct CreditsEntry gCreditsEntry_MichikoTakizawa[] = {11, FALSE, gCreditsText_MichikoTakizawa}; static const struct CreditsEntry gCreditsEntry_MakikoTakada[] = {11, FALSE, gCreditsText_MakikoTakada}; static const struct CreditsEntry gCreditsEntry_TakanaoKondo[] = {11, FALSE, gCreditsText_TakanaoKondo}; static const struct CreditsEntry gCreditsEntry_AiMashima[] = {11, FALSE, gCreditsText_AiMashima}; static const struct CreditsEntry gCreditsEntry_GakujiNomoto[] = {11, FALSE, gCreditsText_GakujiNomoto}; static const struct CreditsEntry gCreditsEntry_TakehiroIzushi[] = {11, FALSE, gCreditsText_TakehiroIzushi}; static const struct CreditsEntry gCreditsEntry_HitoshiYamagami[] = {11, FALSE, gCreditsText_HitoshiYamagami}; static const struct CreditsEntry gCreditsEntry_KyokoWatanabe[] = {11, FALSE, gCreditsText_KyokoWatanabe}; static const struct CreditsEntry gCreditsEntry_TakaoNakano[] = {11, FALSE, gCreditsText_TakaoNakano}; static const struct CreditsEntry gCreditsEntry_HiroyukiJinnai[] = {11, FALSE, gCreditsText_HiroyukiJinnai}; static const struct CreditsEntry gCreditsEntry_HiroakiTsuru[] = {11, FALSE, gCreditsText_HiroakiTsuru}; static const struct CreditsEntry gCreditsEntry_TsunekazIshihara[] = {11, FALSE, gCreditsText_TsunekazIshihara}; static const struct CreditsEntry gCreditsEntry_SatoruIwata[] = {11, FALSE, gCreditsText_SatoruIwata}; static const struct CreditsEntry gCreditsEntry_KazuyaSuyama[] = {11, FALSE, gCreditsText_KazuyaSuyama}; static const struct CreditsEntry gCreditsEntry_SatoshiMitsuhara[] = {11, FALSE, gCreditsText_SatoshiMitsuhara}; static const struct CreditsEntry gCreditsEntry_JapanBrailleLibrary[] = {9, FALSE, gCreditsText_JapanBrailleLibrary}; static const struct CreditsEntry gCreditsEntry_TomotakaKomura[] = {11, FALSE, gCreditsText_TomotakaKomura}; static const struct CreditsEntry gCreditsEntry_MikikoOhhashi[] = {11, FALSE, gCreditsText_MikikoOhhashi}; static const struct CreditsEntry gCreditsEntry_DaisukeHoshino[] = {11, FALSE, gCreditsText_DaisukeHoshino}; static const struct CreditsEntry gCreditsEntry_KenjiroIto[] = {11, FALSE, gCreditsText_KenjiroIto}; static const struct CreditsEntry gCreditsEntry_RuiKawaguchi[] = {11, FALSE, gCreditsText_RuiKawaguchi}; static const struct CreditsEntry gCreditsEntry_ShunsukeKohori[] = {11, FALSE, gCreditsText_ShunsukeKohori}; static const struct CreditsEntry gCreditsEntry_SachikoNakamichi[] = {11, FALSE, gCreditsText_SachikoNakamichi}; static const struct CreditsEntry gCreditsEntry_FujikoNomura[] = {11, FALSE, gCreditsText_FujikoNomura}; static const struct CreditsEntry gCreditsEntry_KazukiYoshihara[] = {11, FALSE, gCreditsText_KazukiYoshihara}; static const struct CreditsEntry gCreditsEntry_RetsujiNomoto[] = {11, FALSE, gCreditsText_RetsujiNomoto}; static const struct CreditsEntry gCreditsEntry_AzusaTajima[] = {11, FALSE, gCreditsText_AzusaTajima}; static const struct CreditsEntry gCreditsEntry_ShusakuEgami[] = {11, FALSE, gCreditsText_ShusakuEgami}; static const struct CreditsEntry gCreditsEntry_PackageAndManual[] = {0, TRUE, gCreditsText_PackageAndManual}; static const struct CreditsEntry gCreditsEntry_EnglishVersion[] = {0, TRUE, gCreditsText_EnglishVersion}; static const struct CreditsEntry gCreditsEntry_Translator[] = {0, TRUE, gCreditsText_Translator}; static const struct CreditsEntry gCreditsEntry_TextEditor[] = {0, TRUE, gCreditsText_TextEditor}; static const struct CreditsEntry gCreditsEntry_NCLCoordinator[] = {0, TRUE, gCreditsText_NCLCoordinator}; static const struct CreditsEntry gCreditsEntry_GraphicDesigner[] = {0, TRUE, gCreditsText_GraphicDesigner}; static const struct CreditsEntry gCreditsEntry_NOAProductTesting[] = {0, TRUE, gCreditsText_NOAProductTesting}; static const struct CreditsEntry gCreditsEntry_HideyukiNakajima[] = {0, FALSE, gCreditsText_HideyukiNakajima}; static const struct CreditsEntry gCreditsEntry_HidenoriSaeki[] = {0, FALSE, gCreditsText_HidenoriSaeki}; static const struct CreditsEntry gCreditsEntry_YokoWatanabe[] = {0, FALSE, gCreditsText_YokoWatanabe}; static const struct CreditsEntry gCreditsEntry_SakaeKimura[] = {0, FALSE, gCreditsText_SakaeKimura}; static const struct CreditsEntry gCreditsEntry_ChiakiShinkai[] = {0, FALSE, gCreditsText_ChiakiShinkai}; static const struct CreditsEntry gCreditsEntry_SethMcMahill[] = {0, FALSE, gCreditsText_SethMcMahill}; static const struct CreditsEntry gCreditsEntry_NobOgasawara[] = {0, FALSE, gCreditsText_NobOgasawara}; static const struct CreditsEntry gCreditsEntry_TeresaLillygren[] = {0, FALSE, gCreditsText_TeresaLillygren}; static const struct CreditsEntry gCreditsEntry_KimikoNakamichi[] = {0, FALSE, gCreditsText_KimikoNakamichi}; static const struct CreditsEntry gCreditsEntry_SouichiYamamoto[] = {0, FALSE, gCreditsText_SouichiYamamoto}; static const struct CreditsEntry gCreditsEntry_YuichiroIto[] = {0, FALSE, gCreditsText_YuichiroIto}; static const struct CreditsEntry gCreditsEntry_ThomasHertzog[] = {0, FALSE, gCreditsText_ThomasHertzog}; static const struct CreditsEntry gCreditsEntry_MikaKurosawa[] = {0, FALSE, gCreditsText_MikaKurosawa}; static const struct CreditsEntry gCreditsEntry_NationalFederationBlind[] = {0, FALSE, gCreditsText_NationalFederationBlind}; static const struct CreditsEntry gCreditsEntry_PatriciaAMaurer[] = {0, FALSE, gCreditsText_PatriciaAMaurer}; static const struct CreditsEntry gCreditsEntry_EuropeanBlindUnion[] = {0, FALSE, gCreditsText_EuropeanBlindUnion}; static const struct CreditsEntry gCreditsEntry_AustralianBrailleAuthority[] = {0, FALSE, gCreditsText_AustralianBrailleAuthority}; static const struct CreditsEntry gCreditsEntry_RoyalNewZealandFederationBlind[] = {0, FALSE, gCreditsText_RoyalNewZealandFederationBlind}; static const struct CreditsEntry gCreditsEntry_MotoyasuTojima[] = {0, FALSE, gCreditsText_MotoyasuTojima}; static const struct CreditsEntry gCreditsEntry_NicolaPrattBarlow[] = {0, FALSE, gCreditsText_NicolaPrattBarlow}; static const struct CreditsEntry gCreditsEntry_ShellieDow[] = {0, FALSE, gCreditsText_ShellieDow}; static const struct CreditsEntry gCreditsEntry_ErikJohnson[] = {0, FALSE, gCreditsText_ErikJohnson}; #define _ gCreditsEntry_EmptyString static const struct CreditsEntry *const gCreditsEntryPointerTable[][5] = { { _, gCreditsEntry_PkmnEmeraldVersion, gCreditsEntry_Credits, _, _ }, { _, gCreditsEntry_Director, gCreditsEntry_ShigekiMorimoto, _, _, }, { _, gCreditsEntry_ArtDirector, gCreditsEntry_KenSugimori, _, _, }, { _, gCreditsEntry_WorldDirector, gCreditsEntry_JunichiMasuda, _, _, }, { gCreditsEntry_LeadProgrammer, gCreditsEntry_HisashiSogabe, gCreditsEntry_LeadGraphicArtist, gCreditsEntry_MotofumiFujiwara, _, }, { gCreditsEntry_Programmers, gCreditsEntry_HisashiSogabe, gCreditsEntry_TomomichiOhta, gCreditsEntry_NozomuSaito, gCreditsEntry_EmptyString, }, { gCreditsEntry_Programmers, gCreditsEntry_AkitoMori, gCreditsEntry_HiroyukiNakamura, gCreditsEntry_MasaoTaya, _, }, { gCreditsEntry_Programmers, gCreditsEntry_SatoshiNohara, gCreditsEntry_MiyukiIwasawa, gCreditsEntry_YoshinoriMatsuda, gCreditsEntry_KeitaKagaya, }, { gCreditsEntry_Programmers, gCreditsEntry_TetsuyaWatanabe, gCreditsEntry_SosukeTamada, gCreditsEntry_TakenoriOhta, _, }, { _, gCreditsEntry_GraphicDesigners, gCreditsEntry_MotofumiFujiwara, gCreditsEntry_SatoshiOhta, _, }, { gCreditsEntry_GraphicDesigners, gCreditsEntry_KenkichiToyama, gCreditsEntry_AsukaIwashita, gCreditsEntry_TakaoUnno, _, }, { gCreditsEntry_GraphicDesigners, gCreditsEntry_KenSugimori, gCreditsEntry_HironobuYoshida, gCreditsEntry_AimiTomita, gCreditsEntry_KanakoEo, }, { gCreditsEntry_MusicComposition, gCreditsEntry_GoIchinose, gCreditsEntry_JunichiMasuda, gCreditsEntry_MorikazuAoki, gCreditsEntry_HitomiSato, }, { _, gCreditsEntry_SoundEffectsAndPkmnVoices, gCreditsEntry_GoIchinose, gCreditsEntry_MorikazuAoki, _, }, { gCreditsEntry_GameDesigners, gCreditsEntry_ShigekiMorimoto, gCreditsEntry_TeruyukiShimoyamada, gCreditsEntry_TakeshiKawachimaru, gCreditsEntry_AkihitoTomisawa, }, { gCreditsEntry_GameDesigners, gCreditsEntry_SuguruNakatsui, gCreditsEntry_TetsujiOhta, gCreditsEntry_HitomiSato, gCreditsEntry_KenjiMatsushima, }, { gCreditsEntry_GameDesigners, gCreditsEntry_JunichiMasuda, gCreditsEntry_KojiNishino, gCreditsEntry_ShigeruOhmori, gCreditsEntry_TadashiTakahashi, }, { gCreditsEntry_ScenarioPlot, gCreditsEntry_AkihitoTomisawa, gCreditsEntry_JunichiMasuda, gCreditsEntry_KojiNishino, _, }, { gCreditsEntry_Scenario, gCreditsEntry_AkihitoTomisawa, gCreditsEntry_HitomiSato, gCreditsEntry_ToshinobuMatsumiya, _, }, { gCreditsEntry_ScriptDesigners, gCreditsEntry_TomomichiOhta, gCreditsEntry_SatoshiNohara, _, _, }, { gCreditsEntry_MapDesigners, gCreditsEntry_SuguruNakatsui, gCreditsEntry_TeruyukiShimoyamada, gCreditsEntry_ShigeruOhmori, gCreditsEntry_TetsujiOhta, }, { _, gCreditsEntry_BattleFrontierData, gCreditsEntry_TetsujiOhta, _, _, }, { gCreditsEntry_ParametricDesigners, gCreditsEntry_TeruyukiShimoyamada, gCreditsEntry_ShigekiMorimoto, gCreditsEntry_TetsujiOhta, gCreditsEntry_KojiNishino, }, { _, gCreditsEntry_PokedexText, gCreditsEntry_KenjiMatsushima, _, _, }, { gCreditsEntry_EnvAndToolPgrms, gCreditsEntry_HisashiSogabe, gCreditsEntry_SosukeTamada, gCreditsEntry_HiroyukiNakamura, gCreditsEntry_AkitoMori, }, { gCreditsEntry_PkmnDesigners, gCreditsEntry_KenSugimori, gCreditsEntry_MotofumiFujiwara, gCreditsEntry_ShigekiMorimoto, _, }, { gCreditsEntry_PkmnDesigners, gCreditsEntry_HironobuYoshida, gCreditsEntry_SatoshiOhta, gCreditsEntry_AsukaIwashita, _, }, { gCreditsEntry_PkmnDesigners, gCreditsEntry_TakaoUnno, gCreditsEntry_KanakoEo, gCreditsEntry_AimiTomita, _, }, { gCreditsEntry_PkmnDesigners, gCreditsEntry_AtsukoNishida, gCreditsEntry_MuneoSaito, gCreditsEntry_RenaYoshikawa, gCreditsEntry_JunOkutani, }, { _, gCreditsEntry_SupportProgrammers, gCreditsEntry_SatoshiMitsuhara, gCreditsEntry_DaisukeHoshino, _, }, { _, gCreditsEntry_NCLProductTesting, gCreditsEntry_NCLSuperMarioClub, _, _, }, { _, gCreditsEntry_PackageAndManual, gCreditsEntry_KenSugimori, _, _, }, { _, gCreditsEntry_SpecialThanks, gCreditsEntry_KenjiTominaga, gCreditsEntry_HirokiEnomoto, _, }, { gCreditsEntry_SpecialThanks, gCreditsEntry_KazuyaSuyama, gCreditsEntry_KenjiroIto, gCreditsEntry_MichikoTakizawa, gCreditsEntry_MakikoTakada, }, { gCreditsEntry_SpecialThanks, gCreditsEntry_MikikoOhhashi, gCreditsEntry_TakanaoKondo, gCreditsEntry_RuiKawaguchi, _, }, { gCreditsEntry_SpecialThanks, gCreditsEntry_TakahiroOhnishi, gCreditsEntry_NorihideOkamura, gCreditsEntry_ShunsukeKohori, _, }, { gCreditsEntry_InfoSupervisors, gCreditsEntry_KazuyukiTerada, gCreditsEntry_YuriSakurai, gCreditsEntry_YumiFunasaka, gCreditsEntry_NaokoYanase, }, { _, gCreditsEntry_Artwork, gCreditsEntry_SachikoNakamichi, gCreditsEntry_FujikoNomura, _, }, { _, gCreditsEntry_Artwork, gCreditsEntry_HideyukiNakajima, gCreditsEntry_HidenoriSaeki, _, }, { gCreditsEntry_Artwork, gCreditsEntry_YokoWatanabe, gCreditsEntry_SakaeKimura, gCreditsEntry_ChiakiShinkai, _, }, { gCreditsEntry_Coordinators, gCreditsEntry_KazukiYoshihara, gCreditsEntry_AkiraKinashi, gCreditsEntry_RetsujiNomoto, _, }, { _, gCreditsEntry_EnglishVersion, gCreditsEntry_HiroNakamura, gCreditsEntry_SethMcMahill, _, }, { _, gCreditsEntry_Translator, gCreditsEntry_NobOgasawara, _, _, }, { _, gCreditsEntry_TextEditor, gCreditsEntry_TeresaLillygren, _, _, }, { _, gCreditsEntry_NCLCoordinator, gCreditsEntry_KimikoNakamichi, _, _, }, { gCreditsEntry_Programmers, gCreditsEntry_TerukiMurakawa, gCreditsEntry_SouichiYamamoto, gCreditsEntry_YuichiroIto, gCreditsEntry_AkiraKinashi, }, { _, gCreditsEntry_GraphicDesigner, gCreditsEntry_AkiraKinashi, _, _, }, { gCreditsEntry_EnvAndToolPgrms, gCreditsEntry_TerukiMurakawa, gCreditsEntry_SouichiYamamoto, gCreditsEntry_KimikoNakamichi, _, }, { gCreditsEntry_NOAProductTesting, gCreditsEntry_ThomasHertzog, gCreditsEntry_ErikJohnson, gCreditsEntry_MikaKurosawa, _, }, { gCreditsEntry_BrailleCodeCheck, gCreditsEntry_NationalFederationBlind, gCreditsEntry_PatriciaAMaurer, gCreditsEntry_JapanBrailleLibrary, gCreditsEntry_EuropeanBlindUnion, }, { _, gCreditsEntry_BrailleCodeCheck, gCreditsEntry_AustralianBrailleAuthority, gCreditsEntry_RoyalNewZealandFederationBlind, _, }, { gCreditsEntry_SpecialThanks, gCreditsEntry_HiroyukiUesugi, gCreditsEntry_MotoyasuTojima, gCreditsEntry_NicolaPrattBarlow, gCreditsEntry_ShellieDow, }, { _, gCreditsEntry_TaskManagers, gCreditsEntry_AzusaTajima, gCreditsEntry_ShusakuEgami, _, }, { gCreditsEntry_Producers, gCreditsEntry_HiroyukiJinnai, gCreditsEntry_HitoshiYamagami, gCreditsEntry_GakujiNomoto, gCreditsEntry_HiroakiTsuru, }, { _, gCreditsEntry_ExecutiveDirector, gCreditsEntry_SatoshiTajiri, _, _, }, { _, gCreditsEntry_ExecProducers, gCreditsEntry_SatoruIwata, _, _, }, { _, gCreditsEntry_ExecProducers, gCreditsEntry_TsunekazIshihara, _, _, }, }; #undef _ static const struct BgTemplate sBackgroundTemplates[] = { { .bg = 0, .charBaseIndex = 2, .mapBaseIndex = 28, .screenSize = 0, .paletteMode = 0, .priority = 0, .baseTile = 0 }, }; static const struct WindowTemplate sWindowTemplates[] = { { .bg = 0, .tilemapLeft = 0, .tilemapTop = 9, .width = 30, .height = 12, .paletteNum = 8, .baseBlock = 1 }, DUMMY_WIN_TEMPLATE, }; static const u8 sMonSpritePos[][2] = { {104, 36}, {120, 36}, {136, 36}, }; static const union AnimCmd gUnknown_085E6F84[] = { ANIMCMD_FRAME(0, 8), ANIMCMD_FRAME(64, 8), ANIMCMD_FRAME(128, 8), ANIMCMD_FRAME(192, 8), ANIMCMD_JUMP(0), }; static const union AnimCmd gUnknown_085E6F98[] = { ANIMCMD_FRAME(0, 4), ANIMCMD_FRAME(64, 4), ANIMCMD_FRAME(128, 4), ANIMCMD_FRAME(192, 4), ANIMCMD_JUMP(0), }; static const union AnimCmd gUnknown_085E6FAC[] = { ANIMCMD_FRAME(256, 4), ANIMCMD_FRAME(320, 4), ANIMCMD_FRAME(384, 4), ANIMCMD_END, }; static const union AnimCmd gUnknown_085E6FBC[] = { ANIMCMD_FRAME(384, 30), ANIMCMD_FRAME(320, 30), ANIMCMD_FRAME(256, 30), ANIMCMD_FRAME(256, 30), ANIMCMD_END, }; static const union AnimCmd *const gUnknown_085E6FD0[] = { gUnknown_085E6F84, gUnknown_085E6F98, gUnknown_085E6FAC, gUnknown_085E6FBC, }; static const union AnimCmd gUnknown_085E6FE0[] = { ANIMCMD_FRAME(0, 8), ANIMCMD_FRAME(64, 8), ANIMCMD_FRAME(128, 8), ANIMCMD_FRAME(192, 8), ANIMCMD_JUMP(0), }; static const union AnimCmd gUnknown_085E6FF4[] = { ANIMCMD_FRAME(0, 4), ANIMCMD_FRAME(64, 4), ANIMCMD_FRAME(128, 4), ANIMCMD_FRAME(192, 4), ANIMCMD_JUMP(0), }; static const union AnimCmd gUnknown_085E7008[] = { ANIMCMD_FRAME(0, 4), ANIMCMD_END, }; static const union AnimCmd *const gUnknown_085E7010[] = { gUnknown_085E6FE0, gUnknown_085E6FF4, gUnknown_085E7008, }; static const struct SpriteSheet gUnknown_085E701C[] = { { gDecompressionBuffer, 6144, 1001 }, { NULL }, }; static const struct SpritePalette gUnknown_085E702C[] = { { (const u16 *)(gDecompressionBuffer + 0x1800), 1001 }, { NULL }, }; static const struct OamData gUnknown_085E703C = { .y = 160, .affineMode = ST_OAM_AFFINE_OFF, .objMode = ST_OAM_OBJ_NORMAL, .mosaic = 0, .bpp = ST_OAM_4BPP, .shape = SPRITE_SHAPE(64x64), .x = 0, .matrixNum = 0, .size = SPRITE_SIZE(64x64), .tileNum = 0, .priority = 1, .paletteNum = 0, .affineParam = 0, }; static const union AnimCmd gUnknown_085E7044[] = { ANIMCMD_FRAME(0, 8), ANIMCMD_END, }; static const union AnimCmd gUnknown_085E704C[] = { ANIMCMD_FRAME(64, 8), ANIMCMD_END, }; static const union AnimCmd gUnknown_085E7054[] = { ANIMCMD_FRAME(128, 8), ANIMCMD_END, }; static const union AnimCmd *const gUnknown_085E705C[] = { gUnknown_085E7044, gUnknown_085E704C, gUnknown_085E7054, }; static const struct SpriteTemplate gUnknown_085E7068 = { .tileTag = 1001, .paletteTag = 1001, .oam = &gUnknown_085E703C, .anims = gUnknown_085E705C, .images = NULL, .affineAnims = gDummySpriteAffineAnimTable, .callback = sub_81772B8, }; static void Task_WaitPaletteFade(u8 taskIdA); static void Task_ProgressCreditTasks(u8 taskIdA); static void sub_8175808(u8 taskIdA); static void c2_080C9BFC(u8 taskIdA); static void Task_CreditsLoadGrassScene(u8 taskIdA); static void sub_81758A4(u8 taskIdA); static void Task_CreditsTheEnd1(u8 taskIdA); static void Task_CreditsTheEnd2(u8 taskIdA); static void Task_CreditsTheEnd3(u8 taskIdA); static void Task_CreditsTheEnd4(u8 taskIdA); static void Task_CreditsTheEnd5(u8 taskIdA); static void Task_CreditsTheEnd6(u8 taskIdA); static void Task_CreditsSoftReset(u8 taskIdA); static void ResetGpuAndVram(void); static void sub_8175DA0(u8 taskIdB); static u8 CheckChangeScene(u8 page, u8 taskIdA); static void sub_81760FC(u8 taskIdA); static void sub_817651C(u8 taskIdA); static void sub_817624C(u8 taskIdA); static bool8 sub_8176AB0(u8 data, u8 taskIdA); static void ResetCreditsTasks(u8 taskIdA); static void LoadTheEndScreen(u16, u16, u16); static void sub_8176E40(u16 arg0, u16 palette); static void sub_8176EE8(struct Sprite *sprite); static void sub_8176F90(struct Sprite *sprite); static u8 MakeMonSprite(u16 species, s16 x, s16 y, u16 position); static void DeterminePokemonToShow(void); static void CreditsVBlankCallback(void) { LoadOam(); ProcessSpriteCopyRequests(); TransferPlttBuffer(); } static void CB2_RunCreditsSequence(void) { RunTasks(); AnimateSprites(); if ((JOY_HELD(B_BUTTON)) && gHasHallOfFameRecords != 0 && gTasks[gUnknown_0203BCE2].func == Task_ProgressCreditTasks) { CreditsVBlankCallback(); RunTasks(); AnimateSprites(); gUnknown_0203BCE5 = 1; } BuildOamBuffer(); UpdatePaletteFade(); } static void sub_8175548(void) { ResetBgsAndClearDma3BusyFlags(0); InitBgsFromTemplates(0, sBackgroundTemplates, 1); SetBgTilemapBuffer(0, AllocZeroed(BG_SCREEN_SIZE)); LoadPalette(gUnknown_085E56F0, 0x80, 0x40); InitWindows(sWindowTemplates); DeactivateAllTextPrinters(); PutWindowTilemap(0); CopyWindowToVram(0, 3); ShowBg(0); } static void sub_81755A4(void) { void *ptr; FreeAllWindowBuffers(); ptr = GetBgTilemapBuffer(0); if (ptr) Free(ptr); } static void PrintCreditsText(const u8 *string, u8 y, bool8 isTitle) { u8 x; u8 color[3]; color[0] = 0; if (isTitle == TRUE) { color[1] = 3; color[2] = 4; } else { color[1] = 1; color[2] = 2; } x = GetStringCenterAlignXOffsetWithLetterSpacing(1, string, 0xF0, 1); AddTextPrinterParameterized4(0, 1, x, y, 1, 0, color, -1, string); } void CB2_StartCreditsSequence(void) { u8 taskIdA; s16 taskIdC; u8 taskIdB; ResetGpuAndVram(); SetVBlankCallback(NULL); InitHeap(gHeap, HEAP_SIZE); ResetPaletteFade(); ResetTasks(); sub_8175548(); taskIdA = CreateTask(Task_WaitPaletteFade, 0); gTasks[taskIdA].data[TDA_4] = 0; gTasks[taskIdA].data[TDA_7] = 0; gTasks[taskIdA].data[TDA_11] = 0; gTasks[taskIdA].data[TDA_13] = 1; while (TRUE) { if (sub_8176AB0(0, taskIdA)) break; } taskIdC = gTasks[taskIdA].data[TDA_TASK_C_ID]; gTasks[taskIdC].data[TDC_0] = 40; SetGpuReg(REG_OFFSET_BG0VOFS, 0xFFFC); taskIdB = CreateTask(sub_8175DA0, 0); gTasks[taskIdB].data[TDB_TASK_A_ID] = taskIdA; gTasks[taskIdA].data[TDA_TASK_B_ID] = taskIdB; BeginNormalPaletteFade(0xFFFFFFFF, 0, 16, 0, RGB_BLACK); EnableInterrupts(INTR_FLAG_VBLANK); SetVBlankCallback(CreditsVBlankCallback); m4aSongNumStart(MUS_CREDITS); SetMainCallback2(CB2_RunCreditsSequence); gUnknown_0203BCE5 = 0; sCreditsData = AllocZeroed(sizeof(struct CreditsData)); DeterminePokemonToShow(); sCreditsData->imgCounter = 0; sCreditsData->nextImgPos = 0; sCreditsData->currShownMon = 0; gUnknown_0203BCE2 = taskIdA; } static void Task_WaitPaletteFade(u8 taskIdA) { if (!gPaletteFade.active) gTasks[taskIdA].func = Task_ProgressCreditTasks; } static void Task_ProgressCreditTasks(u8 taskIdA) { u16 data1; if (gTasks[taskIdA].data[TDA_4]) { s16 taskIdC; taskIdC = gTasks[taskIdA].data[TDA_TASK_C_ID]; gTasks[taskIdC].data[TDC_0] = 30; gTasks[taskIdA].data[TDA_12] = 0x100; gTasks[taskIdA].func = Task_CreditsTheEnd1; return; } gUnknown_0203BCE0 = 0; data1 = gTasks[taskIdA].data[TDA_11]; if (gTasks[taskIdA].data[TDA_11] == 1) { gTasks[taskIdA].data[TDA_13] = data1; gTasks[taskIdA].data[TDA_11] = 0; BeginNormalPaletteFade(0xFFFFFFFF, 0, 0, 16, RGB_BLACK); gTasks[taskIdA].func = sub_8175808; } else if (gTasks[taskIdA].data[TDA_11] == 2) { gTasks[taskIdA].data[TDA_13] = data1; gTasks[taskIdA].data[TDA_11] = 0; BeginNormalPaletteFade(0xFFFFFFFF, 0, 0, 16, RGB_BLACK); gTasks[taskIdA].func = sub_81758A4; } } static void sub_8175808(u8 taskIdA) { if (!gPaletteFade.active) { SetGpuReg(REG_OFFSET_DISPCNT, 0); ResetCreditsTasks(taskIdA); gTasks[taskIdA].func = c2_080C9BFC; } } static void c2_080C9BFC(u8 taskIdA) { u16 backup; SetVBlankCallback(NULL); if (sub_8176AB0(gTasks[taskIdA].data[TDA_7], taskIdA)) { BeginNormalPaletteFade(0xFFFFFFFF, 0, 16, 0, RGB_BLACK); EnableInterrupts(INTR_FLAG_VBLANK); SetVBlankCallback(CreditsVBlankCallback); gTasks[taskIdA].func = Task_WaitPaletteFade; } } static void sub_81758A4(u8 taskIdA) { if (!gPaletteFade.active) { SetGpuReg(REG_OFFSET_DISPCNT, 0); ResetCreditsTasks(taskIdA); gTasks[taskIdA].func = Task_CreditsLoadGrassScene; } } static void Task_CreditsLoadGrassScene(u8 taskIdA) { switch (gMain.state) { default: case 0: { u16 i; u16 *temp; ResetSpriteData(); ResetAllPicSprites(); FreeAllSpritePalettes(); gReservedSpritePaletteCount = 8; LZ77UnCompVram(gBirchHelpGfx, (void *)VRAM); LZ77UnCompVram(gBirchGrassTilemap, (void *)(BG_SCREEN_ADDR(7))); LoadPalette(gBirchBagGrassPal[0] + 1, 1, 31 * 2); for (i = 0; i < 0x800; i++) gDecompressionBuffer[i] = 0x11; for (i = 0; i < 0x800; i++) (gDecompressionBuffer + 0x800)[i] = 0x22; for (i = 0; i < 0x800; i++) (gDecompressionBuffer + 0x1000)[i] = 0x33; temp = (u16 *)(&gDecompressionBuffer[0x1800]); temp[0] = RGB_BLACK; temp[1] = RGB(31, 31, 20); // light yellow temp[2] = RGB(31, 20, 20); // light red temp[3] = RGB(20, 20, 31); // light blue LoadSpriteSheet(gUnknown_085E701C); LoadSpritePalette(gUnknown_085E702C); gMain.state += 1; break; } case 1: gTasks[taskIdA].data[TDA_TASK_D_ID] = CreateTask(sub_81760FC, 0); gTasks[gTasks[taskIdA].data[TDA_TASK_D_ID]].data[TDD_STATE] = 1; gTasks[gTasks[taskIdA].data[TDA_TASK_D_ID]].data[TDD_TASK_A_ID] = taskIdA; gTasks[gTasks[taskIdA].data[TDA_TASK_D_ID]].data[TDD_2] = gTasks[taskIdA].data[TDA_7]; BeginNormalPaletteFade(0xFFFFFFFF, 0, 16, 0, RGB_BLACK); SetGpuReg(REG_OFFSET_BG3HOFS, 0); SetGpuReg(REG_OFFSET_BG3VOFS, 32); SetGpuReg(REG_OFFSET_BG3CNT, BGCNT_PRIORITY(3) | BGCNT_CHARBASE(0) | BGCNT_SCREENBASE(7) | BGCNT_16COLOR | BGCNT_TXT256x256); SetGpuReg(REG_OFFSET_DISPCNT, DISPCNT_MODE_0 | DISPCNT_OBJ_1D_MAP | DISPCNT_BG0_ON | DISPCNT_BG3_ON | DISPCNT_OBJ_ON); gMain.state = 0; gUnknown_0203BD28 = 0; gTasks[taskIdA].func = Task_WaitPaletteFade; break; } } static void Task_CreditsTheEnd1(u8 taskIdA) { if (gTasks[taskIdA].data[TDA_12]) { gTasks[taskIdA].data[TDA_12] -= 1; return; } BeginNormalPaletteFade(0xFFFFFFFF, 12, 0, 16, RGB_BLACK); gTasks[taskIdA].func = Task_CreditsTheEnd2; } static void Task_CreditsTheEnd2(u8 taskIdA) { if (!gPaletteFade.active) { ResetCreditsTasks(taskIdA); gTasks[taskIdA].func = Task_CreditsTheEnd3; } } static void Task_CreditsTheEnd3(u8 taskIdA) { ResetGpuAndVram(); ResetPaletteFade(); LoadTheEndScreen(0, 0x3800, 0); ResetSpriteData(); FreeAllSpritePalettes(); BeginNormalPaletteFade(0xFFFFFFFF, 8, 16, 0, RGB_BLACK); SetGpuReg(REG_OFFSET_BG0CNT, BGCNT_PRIORITY(0) | BGCNT_CHARBASE(0) | BGCNT_SCREENBASE(7) | BGCNT_16COLOR | BGCNT_TXT256x256); EnableInterrupts(INTR_FLAG_VBLANK); SetGpuReg(REG_OFFSET_DISPCNT, DISPCNT_MODE_0 | DISPCNT_OBJ_1D_MAP | DISPCNT_BG0_ON); gTasks[taskIdA].data[TDA_0] = 235; //set this to 215 to actually show "THE END" in time to the last song beat gTasks[taskIdA].func = Task_CreditsTheEnd4; } static void Task_CreditsTheEnd4(u8 taskIdA) { if (gTasks[taskIdA].data[TDA_0]) { gTasks[taskIdA].data[TDA_0] -= 1; return; } BeginNormalPaletteFade(0xFFFFFFFF, 6, 0, 16, RGB_BLACK); gTasks[taskIdA].func = Task_CreditsTheEnd5; } static void Task_CreditsTheEnd5(u8 taskIdA) { if (!gPaletteFade.active) { sub_8176E40(0x3800, 0); BeginNormalPaletteFade(0xFFFFFFFF, 0, 0, 0, RGB_BLACK); gTasks[taskIdA].data[TDA_0] = 7200; gTasks[taskIdA].func = Task_CreditsTheEnd6; } } static void Task_CreditsTheEnd6(u8 taskIdA) { if (!gPaletteFade.active) { if (gTasks[taskIdA].data[TDA_0] == 0 || gMain.newKeys) { FadeOutBGM(4); BeginNormalPaletteFade(0xFFFFFFFF, 8, 0, 16, RGB_WHITEALPHA); gTasks[taskIdA].func = Task_CreditsSoftReset; return; } if (gTasks[taskIdA].data[TDA_0] == 7144) FadeOutBGM(8); if (gTasks[taskIdA].data[TDA_0] == 6840) m4aSongNumStart(MUS_END); gTasks[taskIdA].data[TDA_0] -= 1; } } static void Task_CreditsSoftReset(u8 taskIdA) { if (!gPaletteFade.active) SoftReset(0xFF); } static void ResetGpuAndVram(void) { SetGpuReg(REG_OFFSET_DISPCNT, 0); SetGpuReg(REG_OFFSET_BG3HOFS, 0); SetGpuReg(REG_OFFSET_BG3VOFS, 0); SetGpuReg(REG_OFFSET_BG2HOFS, 0); SetGpuReg(REG_OFFSET_BG2VOFS, 0); SetGpuReg(REG_OFFSET_BG1HOFS, 0); SetGpuReg(REG_OFFSET_BG1VOFS, 0); SetGpuReg(REG_OFFSET_BG0HOFS, 0); SetGpuReg(REG_OFFSET_BG0VOFS, 0); SetGpuReg(REG_OFFSET_BLDCNT, 0); SetGpuReg(REG_OFFSET_BLDALPHA, 0); SetGpuReg(REG_OFFSET_BLDY, 0); DmaFill16(3, 0, (void *)VRAM, VRAM_SIZE); DmaFill32(3, 0, (void *)OAM, OAM_SIZE); DmaFill16(3, 0, (void *)(PLTT + 2), PLTT_SIZE - 2); } static void sub_8175DA0(u8 taskIdB) { int i; switch (gTasks[taskIdB].data[TDB_0]) { case 0: case 6: case 7: case 8: case 9: default: if (!gPaletteFade.active) { gTasks[taskIdB].data[TDB_0] = 1; gTasks[taskIdB].data[TDB_3] = 0x48; gTasks[gTasks[taskIdB].data[TDB_TASK_A_ID]].data[TDA_14] = 0; gUnknown_0203BCE0 = 0; } return; case 1: if (gTasks[taskIdB].data[TDB_3] != 0) { gTasks[taskIdB].data[TDB_3] -= 1; return; } gTasks[taskIdB].data[TDB_0] += 1; return; case 2: if (gTasks[gTasks[taskIdB].data[TDB_TASK_A_ID]].func == Task_ProgressCreditTasks) { if (gTasks[taskIdB].data[TDB_CURRENT_PAGE] < PAGE_COUNT) { for (i = 0; i < 5; i++) PrintCreditsText( gCreditsEntryPointerTable[gTasks[taskIdB].data[TDB_CURRENT_PAGE]][i]->text, 5 + i * 16, gCreditsEntryPointerTable[gTasks[taskIdB].data[TDB_CURRENT_PAGE]][i]->isTitle); CopyWindowToVram(0, 2); gTasks[taskIdB].data[TDB_CURRENT_PAGE] += 1; gTasks[taskIdB].data[TDB_0] += 1; gTasks[gTasks[taskIdB].data[TDB_TASK_A_ID]].data[TDA_14] = 1; if (gTasks[gTasks[taskIdB].data[TDB_TASK_A_ID]].data[TDA_13] == 1) BeginNormalPaletteFade(0x00000300, 0, 16, 0, COLOR_LIGHT_GREEN); else BeginNormalPaletteFade(0x00000300, 0, 16, 0, COLOR_DARK_GREEN); return; } gTasks[taskIdB].data[TDB_0] = 10; return; } gTasks[gTasks[taskIdB].data[TDB_TASK_A_ID]].data[TDA_14] = 0; return; case 3: if (!gPaletteFade.active) { gTasks[taskIdB].data[TDB_3] = 0x73; gTasks[taskIdB].data[TDB_0] += 1; } return; case 4: if (gTasks[taskIdB].data[TDB_3] != 0) { gTasks[taskIdB].data[TDB_3] -= 1; return; } if (CheckChangeScene((u8)gTasks[taskIdB].data[TDB_CURRENT_PAGE], (u8)gTasks[taskIdB].data[TDB_TASK_A_ID])) { gTasks[taskIdB].data[TDB_0] += 1; return; } gTasks[taskIdB].data[TDB_0] += 1; if (gTasks[gTasks[taskIdB].data[TDB_TASK_A_ID]].data[TDA_13] == 1) BeginNormalPaletteFade(0x00000300, 0, 0, 16, COLOR_LIGHT_GREEN); else BeginNormalPaletteFade(0x00000300, 0, 0, 16, COLOR_DARK_GREEN); return; case 5: if (!gPaletteFade.active) { FillWindowPixelBuffer(0, PIXEL_FILL(0)); CopyWindowToVram(0, 2); gTasks[taskIdB].data[TDB_0] = 2; } return; case 10: gTasks[gTasks[taskIdB].data[TDB_TASK_A_ID]].data[TDA_4] = 1; DestroyTask(taskIdB); sub_81755A4(); FREE_AND_SET_NULL(sCreditsData); return; } } static u8 CheckChangeScene(u8 page, u8 taskIdA) { // Starts with bike + ocean + morning if (page == 6) { // Grass patch gTasks[taskIdA].data[TDA_11] = 2; } if (page == 12) { // Bike + ocean + sunset gTasks[taskIdA].data[TDA_7] = 1; gTasks[taskIdA].data[TDA_11] = 1; } if (page == 18) { // Grass patch gTasks[taskIdA].data[TDA_11] = 2; } if (page == 24) { // Bike + forest + sunset gTasks[taskIdA].data[TDA_7] = 2; gTasks[taskIdA].data[TDA_11] = 1; } if (page == 30) { // Grass patch gTasks[taskIdA].data[TDA_11] = 2; } if (page == 36) { // Bike + forest + sunset gTasks[taskIdA].data[TDA_7] = 3; gTasks[taskIdA].data[TDA_11] = 1; } if (page == 42) { // Grass patch gTasks[taskIdA].data[TDA_11] = 2; } if (page == 48) { // Bike + town + night gTasks[taskIdA].data[TDA_7] = 4; gTasks[taskIdA].data[TDA_11] = 1; } if (gTasks[taskIdA].data[TDA_11] != 0) { // Returns true if changed? return TRUE; } return FALSE; } static void sub_81760FC(u8 taskIdD) { u8 r2; switch (gTasks[taskIdD].data[TDD_STATE]) { case 0: break; case 1: if (sCreditsData->nextImgPos == 0 && gTasks[gTasks[taskIdD].data[TDD_TASK_A_ID]].data[TDA_14] == 0) break; gTasks[taskIdD].data[TDD_STATE]++; break; case 2: if (sCreditsData->imgCounter == NUM_MON_SLIDES || gTasks[gTasks[taskIdD].data[TDD_TASK_A_ID]].func != Task_ProgressCreditTasks) break; r2 = MakeMonSprite(sCreditsData->monToShow[sCreditsData->currShownMon], sMonSpritePos[sCreditsData->nextImgPos][0], sMonSpritePos[sCreditsData->nextImgPos][1], sCreditsData->nextImgPos); if (sCreditsData->currShownMon < sCreditsData->numMonToShow - 1) { sCreditsData->currShownMon++; gSprites[r2].data[3] = 50; } else { sCreditsData->currShownMon = 0; gSprites[r2].data[3] = 512; } sCreditsData->imgCounter++; if (sCreditsData->nextImgPos == 2) sCreditsData->nextImgPos = 0; else sCreditsData->nextImgPos++; gTasks[taskIdD].data[TDD_3] = 50; gTasks[taskIdD].data[TDD_STATE]++; break; case 3: if (gTasks[taskIdD].data[TDD_3] != 0) gTasks[taskIdD].data[TDD_3]--; else gTasks[taskIdD].data[TDD_STATE] = 1; break; } } static void sub_817624C(u8 taskIdC) { switch (gTasks[taskIdC].data[TDC_0]) { case 0: gUnknown_0203BD26 = Sin((gTasks[taskIdC].data[TDC_5] >> 1) & 0x7F, 12); gTasks[taskIdC].data[TDC_5]++; break; case 1: if (gUnknown_0203BD26 != 0) { gUnknown_0203BD26 = Sin((gTasks[taskIdC].data[TDC_5] >> 1) & 0x7F, 12); gTasks[taskIdC].data[TDC_5]++; } else { gSprites[gTasks[taskIdC].data[TDC_2]].data[0] = 2; gTasks[taskIdC].data[TDC_5] = 0; gTasks[taskIdC].data[TDC_0]++; } break; case 2: if (gTasks[taskIdC].data[TDC_5] < 64) { gTasks[taskIdC].data[TDC_5]++; gUnknown_0203BD26 = Sin(gTasks[taskIdC].data[TDC_5] & 0x7F, 20); } else { gTasks[taskIdC].data[TDC_0]++; } break; case 3: gSprites[gTasks[taskIdC].data[TDC_2]].data[0] = 3; gSprites[gTasks[taskIdC].data[TDC_3]].data[0] = 1; gTasks[taskIdC].data[TDC_4] = 120; gTasks[taskIdC].data[TDC_0]++; break; case 4: if (gTasks[taskIdC].data[TDC_4] != 0) { gTasks[taskIdC].data[TDC_4]--; } else { gTasks[taskIdC].data[TDC_5] = 64; gTasks[taskIdC].data[TDC_0]++; } break; case 5: if (gTasks[taskIdC].data[TDC_5] > 0) { gTasks[taskIdC].data[TDC_5]--; gUnknown_0203BD26 = Sin(gTasks[taskIdC].data[TDC_5] & 0x7F, 20); } else { gSprites[gTasks[taskIdC].data[TDC_2]].data[0] = 1; gTasks[taskIdC].data[TDC_0]++; } break; case 6: gTasks[taskIdC].data[TDC_0] = 50; break; case 10: gSprites[gTasks[taskIdC].data[TDC_3]].data[0] = 2; gTasks[taskIdC].data[TDC_0] = 50; break; case 20: gSprites[gTasks[taskIdC].data[TDC_2]].data[0] = 4; gTasks[taskIdC].data[TDC_0] = 50; break; case 30: gSprites[gTasks[taskIdC].data[TDC_2]].data[0] = 5; gSprites[gTasks[taskIdC].data[TDC_3]].data[0] = 3; gTasks[taskIdC].data[TDC_0] = 50; break; case 50: gTasks[taskIdC].data[TDC_0] = 0; break; } } static void sub_817651C(u8 taskIdE) { s16 taskIdC; switch (gTasks[taskIdE].data[TDE_0]) { default: case 0: if (gTasks[taskIdE].data[TDE_1] != 0x7FFF) { if (gTasks[gTasks[gTasks[taskIdE].data[TDE_TASK_A_ID]].data[TDA_TASK_B_ID]].data[TDB_CURRENT_PAGE] == 2) { gTasks[gTasks[gTasks[taskIdE].data[TDE_TASK_A_ID]].data[TDA_TASK_C_ID]].data[TDC_0] = 20; gTasks[taskIdE].data[TDE_1] = 0x7FFF; } } sub_817B540(0); break; case 1: sub_817B540(0); break; case 2: if (gTasks[taskIdE].data[TDE_1] != 0x7FFF) { taskIdC = gTasks[gTasks[taskIdE].data[TDE_TASK_A_ID]].data[TDA_TASK_C_ID]; // Floor to multiple of 128 if ((gTasks[taskIdC].data[TDC_5] & -128) == 640) { gTasks[taskIdC].data[TDC_0] = 1; gTasks[taskIdE].data[TDE_1] = 0x7FFF; } } sub_817B540(1); break; case 3: if (gTasks[taskIdE].data[TDE_1] != 0x7FFF) { if (gTasks[taskIdE].data[TDE_1] == 0x248) { gTasks[gTasks[gTasks[taskIdE].data[TDE_TASK_A_ID]].data[TDA_TASK_C_ID]].data[TDC_0] = 10; gTasks[taskIdE].data[TDE_1] = 0x7FFF; } else { gTasks[taskIdE].data[TDE_1] += 1; } } sub_817B540(1); break; case 4: sub_817B540(2); break; } } static void sub_817664C(u8 data, u8 taskIdA) { switch (data) { case 0: gSprites[gTasks[taskIdA].data[TDA_PLAYER_CYCLIST]].invisible = FALSE; gSprites[gTasks[taskIdA].data[TDA_RIVAL_CYCLIST]].invisible = FALSE; gSprites[gTasks[taskIdA].data[TDA_PLAYER_CYCLIST]].pos1.x = 272; gSprites[gTasks[taskIdA].data[TDA_RIVAL_CYCLIST]].pos1.x = 272; gSprites[gTasks[taskIdA].data[TDA_PLAYER_CYCLIST]].pos1.y = 46; gSprites[gTasks[taskIdA].data[TDA_RIVAL_CYCLIST]].pos1.y = 46; gSprites[gTasks[taskIdA].data[TDA_PLAYER_CYCLIST]].data[0] = 0; gSprites[gTasks[taskIdA].data[TDA_RIVAL_CYCLIST]].data[0] = 0; gTasks[taskIdA].data[TDA_0] = CreateBicycleAnimationTask(0, 0x2000, 0x20, 8); break; case 1: gSprites[gTasks[taskIdA].data[TDA_PLAYER_CYCLIST]].invisible = FALSE; gSprites[gTasks[taskIdA].data[TDA_RIVAL_CYCLIST]].invisible = FALSE; gSprites[gTasks[taskIdA].data[TDA_PLAYER_CYCLIST]].pos1.x = 120; gSprites[gTasks[taskIdA].data[TDA_RIVAL_CYCLIST]].pos1.x = 272; gSprites[gTasks[taskIdA].data[TDA_PLAYER_CYCLIST]].pos1.y = 46; gSprites[gTasks[taskIdA].data[TDA_RIVAL_CYCLIST]].pos1.y = 46; gSprites[gTasks[taskIdA].data[TDA_PLAYER_CYCLIST]].data[0] = 0; gSprites[gTasks[taskIdA].data[TDA_RIVAL_CYCLIST]].data[0] = 0; gTasks[taskIdA].data[TDA_0] = CreateBicycleAnimationTask(0, 0x2000, 0x20, 8); break; case 2: gSprites[gTasks[taskIdA].data[TDA_PLAYER_CYCLIST]].invisible = FALSE; gSprites[gTasks[taskIdA].data[TDA_RIVAL_CYCLIST]].invisible = FALSE; gSprites[gTasks[taskIdA].data[TDA_PLAYER_CYCLIST]].pos1.x = 120; gSprites[gTasks[taskIdA].data[TDA_RIVAL_CYCLIST]].pos1.x = 272; gSprites[gTasks[taskIdA].data[TDA_PLAYER_CYCLIST]].pos1.y = 46; gSprites[gTasks[taskIdA].data[TDA_RIVAL_CYCLIST]].pos1.y = 46; gSprites[gTasks[taskIdA].data[TDA_PLAYER_CYCLIST]].data[0] = 0; gSprites[gTasks[taskIdA].data[TDA_RIVAL_CYCLIST]].data[0] = 0; gTasks[taskIdA].data[TDA_0] = CreateBicycleAnimationTask(1, 0x2000, 0x200, 8); break; case 3: gSprites[gTasks[taskIdA].data[TDA_PLAYER_CYCLIST]].invisible = FALSE; gSprites[gTasks[taskIdA].data[TDA_RIVAL_CYCLIST]].invisible = FALSE; gSprites[gTasks[taskIdA].data[TDA_PLAYER_CYCLIST]].pos1.x = 120; gSprites[gTasks[taskIdA].data[TDA_RIVAL_CYCLIST]].pos1.x = -32; gSprites[gTasks[taskIdA].data[TDA_PLAYER_CYCLIST]].pos1.y = 46; gSprites[gTasks[taskIdA].data[TDA_RIVAL_CYCLIST]].pos1.y = 46; gSprites[gTasks[taskIdA].data[TDA_PLAYER_CYCLIST]].data[0] = 0; gSprites[gTasks[taskIdA].data[TDA_RIVAL_CYCLIST]].data[0] = 0; gTasks[taskIdA].data[TDA_0] = CreateBicycleAnimationTask(1, 0x2000, 0x200, 8); break; case 4: gSprites[gTasks[taskIdA].data[TDA_PLAYER_CYCLIST]].invisible = FALSE; gSprites[gTasks[taskIdA].data[TDA_RIVAL_CYCLIST]].invisible = FALSE; gSprites[gTasks[taskIdA].data[TDA_PLAYER_CYCLIST]].pos1.x = 88; gSprites[gTasks[taskIdA].data[TDA_RIVAL_CYCLIST]].pos1.x = 152; gSprites[gTasks[taskIdA].data[TDA_PLAYER_CYCLIST]].pos1.y = 46; gSprites[gTasks[taskIdA].data[TDA_RIVAL_CYCLIST]].pos1.y = 46; gSprites[gTasks[taskIdA].data[TDA_PLAYER_CYCLIST]].data[0] = 0; gSprites[gTasks[taskIdA].data[TDA_RIVAL_CYCLIST]].data[0] = 0; gTasks[taskIdA].data[TDA_0] = CreateBicycleAnimationTask(2, 0x2000, 0x200, 8); break; } gTasks[taskIdA].data[TDA_TASK_E_ID] = CreateTask(sub_817651C, 0); gTasks[gTasks[taskIdA].data[TDA_TASK_E_ID]].data[TDE_0] = data; gTasks[gTasks[taskIdA].data[TDA_TASK_E_ID]].data[TDE_1] = 0; gTasks[gTasks[taskIdA].data[TDA_TASK_E_ID]].data[TDE_TASK_A_ID] = taskIdA; gTasks[taskIdA].data[TDA_TASK_C_ID] = CreateTask(sub_817624C, 0); gTasks[gTasks[taskIdA].data[TDA_TASK_C_ID]].data[TDC_0] = 0; gTasks[gTasks[taskIdA].data[TDA_TASK_C_ID]].data[TDC_1] = taskIdA; gTasks[gTasks[taskIdA].data[TDA_TASK_C_ID]].data[TDC_2] = gTasks[taskIdA].data[TDA_PLAYER_CYCLIST]; gTasks[gTasks[taskIdA].data[TDA_TASK_C_ID]].data[TDC_3] = gTasks[taskIdA].data[TDA_RIVAL_CYCLIST]; gTasks[gTasks[taskIdA].data[TDA_TASK_C_ID]].data[TDC_4] = 0; if (data == 2) gTasks[gTasks[taskIdA].data[TDA_TASK_C_ID]].data[TDC_5] = 0x45; } static bool8 sub_8176AB0(u8 data, u8 taskIdA) { u8 spriteId; switch (gMain.state) { default: case 0: SetGpuReg(REG_OFFSET_DISPCNT, 0); SetGpuReg(REG_OFFSET_BG3HOFS, 8); SetGpuReg(REG_OFFSET_BG3VOFS, 0); SetGpuReg(REG_OFFSET_BG2HOFS, 0); SetGpuReg(REG_OFFSET_BG2VOFS, 0); SetGpuReg(REG_OFFSET_BG1HOFS, 0); SetGpuReg(REG_OFFSET_BG1VOFS, 0); SetGpuReg(REG_OFFSET_BLDCNT, 0); SetGpuReg(REG_OFFSET_BLDALPHA, 0); ResetSpriteData(); FreeAllSpritePalettes(); gMain.state = 1; break; case 1: gUnknown_0203BD24 = 34; gUnknown_0203BD26 = 0; sub_817B1C8(data); gMain.state += 1; break; case 2: if (gSaveBlock2Ptr->playerGender == MALE) { LoadCompressedSpriteSheet(gUnknown_085F5334); LoadCompressedSpriteSheet(gUnknown_085F53BC); LoadCompressedSpriteSheet(gUnknown_085F5354); LoadSpritePalettes(gUnknown_085F5384); spriteId = intro_create_brendan_sprite(120, 46); gTasks[taskIdA].data[TDA_PLAYER_CYCLIST] = spriteId; gSprites[spriteId].callback = sub_8176EE8; gSprites[spriteId].anims = gUnknown_085E6FD0; spriteId = intro_create_may_sprite(272, 46); gTasks[taskIdA].data[TDA_RIVAL_CYCLIST] = spriteId; gSprites[spriteId].callback = sub_8176F90; gSprites[spriteId].anims = gUnknown_085E7010; } else { LoadCompressedSpriteSheet(gUnknown_085F5344); LoadCompressedSpriteSheet(gUnknown_085F53AC); LoadCompressedSpriteSheet(gUnknown_085F5354); LoadSpritePalettes(gUnknown_085F5384); spriteId = intro_create_may_sprite(120, 46); gTasks[taskIdA].data[TDA_PLAYER_CYCLIST] = spriteId; gSprites[spriteId].callback = sub_8176EE8; gSprites[spriteId].anims = gUnknown_085E6FD0; spriteId = intro_create_brendan_sprite(272, 46); gTasks[taskIdA].data[TDA_RIVAL_CYCLIST] = spriteId; gSprites[spriteId].callback = sub_8176F90; gSprites[spriteId].anims = gUnknown_085E7010; }; gMain.state += 1; break; case 3: sub_817664C(data, taskIdA); sub_817B3A8(data); gMain.state = 0; return TRUE; } return FALSE; } static void ResetCreditsTasks(u8 taskIdA) { if (gTasks[taskIdA].data[TDA_0] != 0) { DestroyTask(gTasks[taskIdA].data[TDA_0]); gTasks[taskIdA].data[TDA_0] = 0; } if (gTasks[taskIdA].data[TDA_TASK_C_ID] != 0) { DestroyTask(gTasks[taskIdA].data[TDA_TASK_C_ID]); gTasks[taskIdA].data[TDA_TASK_C_ID] = 0; } if (gTasks[taskIdA].data[TDA_TASK_E_ID] != 0) { DestroyTask(gTasks[taskIdA].data[TDA_TASK_E_ID]); gTasks[taskIdA].data[TDA_TASK_E_ID] = 0; } if (gTasks[taskIdA].data[TDA_TASK_D_ID] != 0) { DestroyTask(gTasks[taskIdA].data[TDA_TASK_D_ID]); gTasks[taskIdA].data[TDA_TASK_D_ID] = 0; } gUnknown_0203BD28 = 1; } static void LoadTheEndScreen(u16 arg0, u16 arg1, u16 arg2) { u16 baseTile; u16 i; LZ77UnCompVram(gCreditsCopyrightEnd_Gfx, (void *)(VRAM + arg0)); LoadPalette(gIntroCopyright_Pal, arg2, sizeof(gIntroCopyright_Pal)); baseTile = (arg2 / 16) << 12; for (i = 0; i < 32 * 32; i++) ((u16 *) (VRAM + arg1))[i] = baseTile + 1; } static u16 sub_8176D78(u8 arg0) { u16 out = (arg0 & 0x3F) + 80; if (arg0 == 0xFF) return 1; if (arg0 & (1 << 7)) out |= 1 << 11; if (arg0 & (1 << 6)) out |= 1 << 10; return out; } static void sub_8176DBC(const u8 arg0[], u8 baseX, u8 baseY, u16 arg3, u16 palette) { u8 y, x; const u16 tileOffset = (palette / 16) << 12; for (y = 0; y < 5; y++) { for (x = 0; x < 3; x++) ((u16 *) (VRAM + arg3 + (baseY + y) * 64))[baseX + x] = tileOffset + sub_8176D78(arg0[y * 3 + x]); } } static void sub_8176E40(u16 arg0, u16 palette) { u16 pos; u16 baseTile = (palette / 16) << 12; for (pos = 0; pos < 32 * 32; pos++) ((u16 *) (VRAM + arg0))[pos] = baseTile + 1; sub_8176DBC(sTheEnd_LetterTMap, 3, 7, arg0, palette); sub_8176DBC(sTheEnd_LetterHMap, 7, 7, arg0, palette); sub_8176DBC(sTheEnd_LetterEMap, 11, 7, arg0, palette); sub_8176DBC(sTheEnd_LetterEMap, 16, 7, arg0, palette); sub_8176DBC(sTheEnd_LetterNMap, 20, 7, arg0, palette); sub_8176DBC(sTheEnd_LetterDMap, 24, 7, arg0, palette); } static void sub_8176EE8(struct Sprite *sprite) { if (gUnknown_0203BD28 != 0) { DestroySprite(sprite); return; } switch (sprite->data[0]) { case 0: StartSpriteAnimIfDifferent(sprite, 0); break; case 1: StartSpriteAnimIfDifferent(sprite, 1); if (sprite->pos1.x > -32) sprite->pos1.x -= 1; break; case 2: StartSpriteAnimIfDifferent(sprite, 2); break; case 3: StartSpriteAnimIfDifferent(sprite, 3); break; case 4: StartSpriteAnimIfDifferent(sprite, 0); if (sprite->pos1.x > 120) sprite->pos1.x -= 1; break; case 5: StartSpriteAnimIfDifferent(sprite, 0); if (sprite->pos1.x > -32) sprite->pos1.x -= 1; break; } } static void sub_8176F90(struct Sprite *sprite) { if (gUnknown_0203BD28 != 0) { DestroySprite(sprite); return; } switch (sprite->data[0]) { case 0: sprite->pos2.y = 0; StartSpriteAnimIfDifferent(sprite, 0); break; case 1: if (sprite->pos1.x > 200) StartSpriteAnimIfDifferent(sprite, 1); else StartSpriteAnimIfDifferent(sprite, 2); if (sprite->pos1.x > -32) sprite->pos1.x -= 2; sprite->pos2.y = -gUnknown_0203BD26; break; case 2: sprite->data[7] += 1; StartSpriteAnimIfDifferent(sprite, 0); if ((sprite->data[7] & 3) == 0) sprite->pos1.x += 1; break; case 3: StartSpriteAnimIfDifferent(sprite, 0); if (sprite->pos1.x > -32) sprite->pos1.x -= 1; break; } } static void sub_8177050(struct Sprite *sprite) { if (gUnknown_0203BD28) { FreeAndDestroyMonPicSprite(sprite->data[6]); return; } sprite->data[7] += 1; switch (sprite->data[0]) { case 0: default: sprite->oam.affineMode = ST_OAM_AFFINE_NORMAL; sprite->oam.matrixNum = sprite->data[1]; sprite->data[2] = 16; SetOamMatrix(sprite->data[1], 0x10000 / sprite->data[2], 0, 0, 0x10000 / sprite->data[2]); sprite->invisible = FALSE; sprite->data[0] = 1; break; case 1: if (sprite->data[2] < 256) { sprite->data[2] += 8; SetOamMatrix(sprite->data[1], 0x10000 / sprite->data[2], 0, 0, 0x10000 / sprite->data[2]); } else { sprite->data[0] += 1; } switch (sprite->data[1]) { case 1: if ((sprite->data[7] & 3) == 0) sprite->pos1.y += 1; sprite->pos1.x -= 2; break; case 2: break; case 3: if ((sprite->data[7] & 3) == 0) sprite->pos1.y += 1; sprite->pos1.x += 2; break; } break; case 2: if (sprite->data[3] != 0) { sprite->data[3] -= 1; } else { SetGpuReg(REG_OFFSET_BLDCNT, BLDCNT_EFFECT_BLEND | BLDCNT_TGT2_BG0 | BLDCNT_TGT2_BG1 | BLDCNT_TGT2_BG2 | BLDCNT_TGT2_BG3); SetGpuReg(REG_OFFSET_BLDALPHA, BLDALPHA_BLEND(16, 0)); sprite->oam.objMode = ST_OAM_OBJ_BLEND; sprite->data[3] = 16; sprite->data[0] += 1; } break; case 3: if (sprite->data[3] != 0) { int data3; sprite->data[3] -= 1; data3 = 16 - sprite->data[3]; SetGpuReg(REG_OFFSET_BLDALPHA, (data3 << 8) + sprite->data[3]); } else { sprite->invisible = TRUE; sprite->data[0] = 9; } break; case 9: sprite->data[0] += 1; break; case 10: SetGpuReg(REG_OFFSET_BLDCNT, 0); SetGpuReg(REG_OFFSET_BLDALPHA, 0); FreeAndDestroyMonPicSprite(sprite->data[6]); break; } } static u8 MakeMonSprite(u16 nationalDexNum, s16 x, s16 y, u16 position) { u8 spriteId; u8 spriteId2; spriteId = CreateMonSpriteFromNationalDexNumber(nationalDexNum, x, y, position); gSprites[spriteId].oam.priority = 1; gSprites[spriteId].data[1] = position + 1; gSprites[spriteId].invisible = TRUE; gSprites[spriteId].callback = sub_8177050; gSprites[spriteId].data[6] = spriteId; spriteId2 = CreateSprite(&gUnknown_085E7068, gSprites[spriteId].pos1.x, gSprites[spriteId].pos1.y, 1); gSprites[spriteId2].data[0] = spriteId; StartSpriteAnimIfDifferent(&gSprites[spriteId2], position); return spriteId; } static void sub_81772B8(struct Sprite *sprite) { if (gSprites[sprite->data[0]].data[0] == 10 || gUnknown_0203BD28) { DestroySprite(sprite); return; } sprite->invisible = gSprites[sprite->data[0]].invisible; sprite->oam.objMode = gSprites[sprite->data[0]].oam.objMode; sprite->oam.affineMode = gSprites[sprite->data[0]].oam.affineMode; sprite->oam.matrixNum = gSprites[sprite->data[0]].oam.matrixNum; sprite->pos1.x = gSprites[sprite->data[0]].pos1.x; sprite->pos1.y = gSprites[sprite->data[0]].pos1.y; } static void DeterminePokemonToShow(void) { u16 starter = SpeciesToNationalPokedexNum(GetStarterPokemon(VarGet(VAR_STARTER_MON))); u16 page; u16 dexNum; u16 j; // Go through the Pokedex, and anything that has gotten caught we put into our massive array. // This basically packs all of the caught pokemon into the front of the array for (dexNum = 1, j = 0; dexNum < NATIONAL_DEX_COUNT; dexNum++) { if (GetSetPokedexFlag(dexNum, FLAG_GET_CAUGHT)) { sCreditsData->caughtMonIds[j] = dexNum; j++; } } // Fill the rest of the array with zeroes for (dexNum = j; dexNum < NATIONAL_DEX_COUNT; dexNum++) sCreditsData->caughtMonIds[dexNum] = 0; // Cap the number of pokemon we care about to NUM_MON_SLIDES, the max we show in the credits scene (-1 for the starter) sCreditsData->numCaughtMon = j; if (sCreditsData->numCaughtMon < NUM_MON_SLIDES) sCreditsData->numMonToShow = j; else sCreditsData->numMonToShow = NUM_MON_SLIDES; // Loop through our list of caught pokemon and select randomly from it to fill the images to show j = 0; do { // Select a random mon, insert into array page = Random() % sCreditsData->numCaughtMon; sCreditsData->monToShow[j] = sCreditsData->caughtMonIds[page]; // Remove the select mon from the array, and condense array entries j++; sCreditsData->caughtMonIds[page] = 0; sCreditsData->numCaughtMon--; if (page != sCreditsData->numCaughtMon) { // Instead of looping through and moving everything down, just take from the end. Order doesn't matter after all. sCreditsData->caughtMonIds[page] = sCreditsData->caughtMonIds[sCreditsData->numCaughtMon]; sCreditsData->caughtMonIds[sCreditsData->numCaughtMon] = 0; } } while (sCreditsData->numCaughtMon != 0 && j < NUM_MON_SLIDES); // If we don't have enough pokemon in the dex to fill everything, copy the selected mon into the end of the array, so it loops if (sCreditsData->numMonToShow < NUM_MON_SLIDES) { for (j = sCreditsData->numMonToShow, page = 0; j < NUM_MON_SLIDES; j++) { sCreditsData->monToShow[j] = sCreditsData->monToShow[page]; page++; if (page == sCreditsData->numMonToShow) page = 0; } // Ensure the last pokemon is our starter sCreditsData->monToShow[NUM_MON_SLIDES-1] = starter; } else { // Check to see if our starter has already appeared in this list, break if it has for (dexNum = 0; sCreditsData->monToShow[dexNum] != starter && dexNum < NUM_MON_SLIDES; dexNum++); // If it has, swap it with the last pokemon, to ensure our starter is the last image if (dexNum < sCreditsData->numMonToShow - 1) { sCreditsData->monToShow[dexNum] = sCreditsData->monToShow[NUM_MON_SLIDES-1]; sCreditsData->monToShow[NUM_MON_SLIDES-1] = starter; } else { // Ensure the last pokemon is our starter sCreditsData->monToShow[NUM_MON_SLIDES-1] = starter; } } sCreditsData->numMonToShow = NUM_MON_SLIDES; }