#include "global.h" #include "battle.h" #include "battle_anim.h" #include "battle_controllers.h" #include "characters.h" #include "item_menu.h" #include "main.h" #include "malloc.h" #include "random.h" #include "test_battle.h" #include "window.h" #if defined(__INTELLISENSE__) #undef TestRunner_Battle_RecordAbilityPopUp #undef TestRunner_Battle_RecordAnimation #undef TestRunner_Battle_RecordHP #undef TestRunner_Battle_RecordMessage #undef TestRunner_Battle_RecordStatus1 #undef TestRunner_Battle_AfterLastTurn #undef TestRunner_Battle_CheckBattleRecordActionType #undef TestRunner_Battle_GetForcedAbility #endif #define INVALID(fmt, ...) Test_ExitWithResult(TEST_RESULT_INVALID, "%s:%d: " fmt, gTestRunnerState.test->filename, sourceLine, ##__VA_ARGS__) #define INVALID_IF(c, fmt, ...) do { if (c) Test_ExitWithResult(TEST_RESULT_INVALID, "%s:%d: " fmt, gTestRunnerState.test->filename, sourceLine, ##__VA_ARGS__); } while (0) #define STATE gBattleTestRunnerState #define DATA gBattleTestRunnerState->data #define RNG_SEED_DEFAULT 0x00000000 #undef Q_4_12 #define Q_4_12(n) (s32)((n) * 4096) EWRAM_DATA struct BattleTestRunnerState *gBattleTestRunnerState = NULL; static void CB2_BattleTest_NextParameter(void); static void CB2_BattleTest_NextTrial(void); static void PushBattlerAction(u32 sourceLine, s32 battlerId, u32 actionType, u32 byte); NAKED static void InvokeSingleTestFunctionWithStack(void *results, u32 i, struct BattlePokemon *player, struct BattlePokemon *opponent, SingleBattleTestFunction function, void *stack) { asm("push {r4-r6,lr}\n\ ldr r4, [sp, #16] @ function\n\ ldr r5, [sp, #20] @ stack\n\ mov r6, sp\n\ mov sp, r5\n\ push {r6}\n\ ldr r6, =SingleRestoreSP + 1\n\ mov lr, r6\n\ bx r4\n\ SingleRestoreSP:\n\ pop {r0}\n\ mov sp, r0\n\ pop {r4-r6}\n\ pop {r0}\n\ bx r0\n\ .pool"); } NAKED static void InvokeDoubleTestFunctionWithStack(void *results, u32 i, struct BattlePokemon *playerLeft, struct BattlePokemon *opponentLeft, struct BattlePokemon *playerRight, struct BattlePokemon *opponentRight, SingleBattleTestFunction function, void *stack) { asm("push {r4-r7,lr}\n\ ldr r4, [sp, #28] @ function\n\ ldr r5, [sp, #32] @ stack\n\ mov r6, sp\n\ mov sp, r5\n\ push {r6}\n\ add r6, #20\n\ ldmia r6, {r6, r7} @ playerRight, opponentRight\n\ push {r6, r7}\n\ ldr r6, =DoubleRestoreSP + 1\n\ mov lr, r6\n\ bx r4\n\ DoubleRestoreSP:\n\ add sp, #8\n\ pop {r0}\n\ mov sp, r0\n\ pop {r4-r7}\n\ pop {r0}\n\ bx r0\n\ .pool"); } // Calls test->function, but pointing its stack at DATA.stack so that // local variables are live after the function returns (and so can be // referenced by HP_BAR, or the next call, etc). // NOTE: This places the stack in EWRAM which has longer waitstates than // IWRAM so could be much slower, but a) not that much code executes, // and b) mga-rom-test isn't meaningfully limited by the GBA frame rate. static void InvokeTestFunction(const struct BattleTest *test) { STATE->parametersCount = 0; switch (test->type) { case BATTLE_TEST_SINGLES: InvokeSingleTestFunctionWithStack(STATE->results, STATE->runParameter, &gBattleMons[B_POSITION_PLAYER_LEFT], &gBattleMons[B_POSITION_OPPONENT_LEFT], test->function.singles, &DATA.stack[BATTLE_TEST_STACK_SIZE]); break; case BATTLE_TEST_DOUBLES: InvokeDoubleTestFunctionWithStack(STATE->results, STATE->runParameter, &gBattleMons[B_POSITION_PLAYER_LEFT], &gBattleMons[B_POSITION_OPPONENT_LEFT], &gBattleMons[B_POSITION_PLAYER_RIGHT], &gBattleMons[B_POSITION_OPPONENT_RIGHT], test->function.singles, &DATA.stack[BATTLE_TEST_STACK_SIZE]); break; } } static u32 SourceLine(u32 sourceLineOffset) { const struct BattleTest *test = gTestRunnerState.test->data; return test->sourceLine + sourceLineOffset; } static u32 SourceLineOffset(u32 sourceLine) { const struct BattleTest *test = gTestRunnerState.test->data; if (sourceLine - test->sourceLine > 0xFF) return 0; else return sourceLine - test->sourceLine; } static u32 BattleTest_EstimateCost(void *data) { u32 cost; const struct BattleTest *test = data; STATE = AllocZeroed(sizeof(*STATE)); if (!STATE) return 0; STATE->runRandomly = TRUE; InvokeTestFunction(test); cost = 1; if (STATE->parametersCount != 0) cost *= STATE->parametersCount; if (STATE->trials == 1) cost *= 3; else if (STATE->trials > 1) cost *= STATE->trials; FREE_AND_SET_NULL(STATE); return cost; } static void BattleTest_SetUp(void *data) { const struct BattleTest *test = data; STATE = AllocZeroed(sizeof(*STATE)); if (!STATE) Test_ExitWithResult(TEST_RESULT_ERROR, "OOM: STATE = AllocZerod(%d)", sizeof(*STATE)); InvokeTestFunction(test); STATE->parameters = STATE->parametersCount; if (STATE->parametersCount == 0 && test->resultsSize > 0) Test_ExitWithResult(TEST_RESULT_INVALID, "results without PARAMETRIZE"); STATE->results = AllocZeroed(test->resultsSize * STATE->parameters); if (!STATE->results) Test_ExitWithResult(TEST_RESULT_ERROR, "OOM: STATE->results = AllocZerod(%d)", sizeof(test->resultsSize * STATE->parameters)); switch (test->type) { case BATTLE_TEST_SINGLES: STATE->battlersCount = 2; break; case BATTLE_TEST_DOUBLES: STATE->battlersCount = 4; break; } } static void PrintTestName(void) { if (STATE->trials && STATE->parameters) { if (STATE->trials == 1) MgbaPrintf_(":N%s %d/%d (%d/?)", gTestRunnerState.test->name, STATE->runParameter + 1, STATE->parameters, STATE->runTrial + 1); else MgbaPrintf_(":N%s %d/%d (%d/%d)", gTestRunnerState.test->name, STATE->runParameter + 1, STATE->parameters, STATE->runTrial + 1, STATE->trials); } else if (STATE->trials) { if (STATE->trials == 1) MgbaPrintf_(":N%s (%d/?)", gTestRunnerState.test->name, STATE->runTrial + 1); else MgbaPrintf_(":N%s (%d/%d)", gTestRunnerState.test->name, STATE->runTrial + 1, STATE->trials); } else if (STATE->parameters) { MgbaPrintf_(":N%s %d/%d", gTestRunnerState.test->name, STATE->runParameter + 1, STATE->parameters); } } // This does not take into account priority, statuses, or any other // modifiers. static void SetImplicitSpeeds(void) { s32 i, j; u32 speed = 12; u32 hasSpeeds = 0; u32 allSpeeds = ((1 << DATA.playerPartySize) - 1) | (((1 << DATA.opponentPartySize) - 1) << 6); bool32 madeProgress; while (hasSpeeds != allSpeeds) { madeProgress = FALSE; for (i = 0; i < DATA.playerPartySize; i++) { if (!(hasSpeeds & (1 << i)) && !(DATA.slowerThan[B_SIDE_PLAYER][i] & ~hasSpeeds)) { SetMonData(&DATA.recordedBattle.playerParty[i], MON_DATA_SPEED, &speed); speed--; hasSpeeds |= 1 << i; madeProgress = TRUE; } } for (i = 0; i < DATA.opponentPartySize; i++) { if (!(hasSpeeds & ((1 << 6) << i)) && !(DATA.slowerThan[B_SIDE_OPPONENT][i] & ~hasSpeeds)) { SetMonData(&DATA.recordedBattle.opponentParty[i], MON_DATA_SPEED, &speed); speed--; hasSpeeds |= (1 << 6) << i; madeProgress = TRUE; } } if (!madeProgress) Test_ExitWithResult(TEST_RESULT_INVALID, "TURNs have contradictory speeds"); } } static void BattleTest_Run(void *data) { s32 i; u32 requiredPlayerPartySize; u32 requiredOpponentPartySize; const struct BattleTest *test = data; memset(&DATA, 0, sizeof(DATA)); DATA.recordedBattle.rngSeed = RNG_SEED_DEFAULT; DATA.recordedBattle.textSpeed = OPTIONS_TEXT_SPEED_FAST; DATA.recordedBattle.battleFlags = BATTLE_TYPE_RECORDED_IS_MASTER | BATTLE_TYPE_RECORDED_LINK | BATTLE_TYPE_TRAINER | BATTLE_TYPE_IS_MASTER; if (test->type == BATTLE_TEST_DOUBLES) DATA.recordedBattle.battleFlags |= BATTLE_TYPE_DOUBLE; for (i = 0; i < STATE->battlersCount; i++) { DATA.recordedBattle.playersName[i][0] = CHAR_1 + i; DATA.recordedBattle.playersName[i][1] = EOS; DATA.recordedBattle.playersLanguage[i] = GAME_LANGUAGE; DATA.recordedBattle.playersBattlers[i] = i; DATA.currentMonIndexes[i] = (i & BIT_FLANK) == B_FLANK_LEFT ? 0 : 1; } STATE->runRandomly = TRUE; STATE->runGiven = TRUE; STATE->runWhen = TRUE; STATE->runScene = TRUE; InvokeTestFunction(test); STATE->runRandomly = FALSE; STATE->runGiven = FALSE; STATE->runWhen = FALSE; STATE->runScene = FALSE; requiredPlayerPartySize = 0; requiredOpponentPartySize = 0; for (i = 0; i < STATE->battlersCount; i++) { if ((i & BIT_SIDE) == B_SIDE_PLAYER) requiredPlayerPartySize = DATA.currentMonIndexes[i] + 1; else requiredOpponentPartySize = DATA.currentMonIndexes[i] + 1; } if (DATA.playerPartySize < requiredPlayerPartySize) Test_ExitWithResult(TEST_RESULT_INVALID, "%d PLAYER Pokemon required", requiredPlayerPartySize); if (DATA.opponentPartySize < requiredOpponentPartySize) Test_ExitWithResult(TEST_RESULT_INVALID, "%d OPPONENT Pokemon required", requiredOpponentPartySize); for (i = 0; i < STATE->battlersCount; i++) PushBattlerAction(0, i, RECORDED_BYTE, 0xFF); if (DATA.hasExplicitSpeeds) { if (DATA.explicitSpeeds[B_SIDE_PLAYER] != (1 << DATA.playerPartySize) - 1 && DATA.explicitSpeeds[B_SIDE_OPPONENT] != (1 << DATA.opponentPartySize) - 1) { Test_ExitWithResult(TEST_RESULT_INVALID, "Speed required for all PLAYERs and OPPONENTs"); } } else { SetImplicitSpeeds(); } SetVariablesForRecordedBattle(&DATA.recordedBattle); if (STATE->trials) gMain.savedCallback = CB2_BattleTest_NextTrial; else if (STATE->parameters) gMain.savedCallback = CB2_BattleTest_NextParameter; else gMain.savedCallback = CB2_TestRunner; SetMainCallback2(CB2_InitBattle); STATE->checkProgressParameter = 0; STATE->checkProgressTrial = 0; STATE->checkProgressTurn = 0; PrintTestName(); } u32 RandomUniform(enum RandomTag tag, u32 lo, u32 hi) { const struct BattlerTurn *turn = NULL; if (gCurrentTurnActionNumber < gBattlersCount) { u32 battlerId = gBattlerByTurnOrder[gCurrentTurnActionNumber]; turn = &DATA.battleRecordTurns[gBattleResults.battleTurnCounter][battlerId]; if (turn && turn->rng.tag == tag) return turn->rng.value; } if (tag == STATE->rngTag) { u32 n = hi - lo + 1; if (STATE->trials == 1) { STATE->trials = n; PrintTestName(); } else if (STATE->trials != n) { Test_ExitWithResult(TEST_RESULT_ERROR, "RandomUniform called with inconsistent trials %d and %d", STATE->trials, n); } STATE->trialRatio = Q_4_12(1) / STATE->trials; return STATE->runTrial + lo; } return hi; } u32 RandomUniformExcept(enum RandomTag tag, u32 lo, u32 hi, bool32 (*reject)(u32)) { const struct BattlerTurn *turn = NULL; u32 default_; if (gCurrentTurnActionNumber < gBattlersCount) { u32 battlerId = gBattlerByTurnOrder[gCurrentTurnActionNumber]; turn = &DATA.battleRecordTurns[gBattleResults.battleTurnCounter][battlerId]; if (turn && turn->rng.tag == tag) { if (reject(turn->rng.value)) Test_ExitWithResult(TEST_RESULT_INVALID, "WITH_RNG specified a rejected value (%d)", turn->rng.value); return turn->rng.value; } } if (tag == STATE->rngTag) { if (STATE->trials == 1) { u32 n = 0, i; for (i = lo; i < hi; i++) if (!reject(i)) n++; STATE->trials = n; PrintTestName(); } STATE->trialRatio = Q_4_12(1) / STATE->trials; while (reject(STATE->runTrial + lo + STATE->rngTrialOffset)) { if (STATE->runTrial + lo + STATE->rngTrialOffset > hi) Test_ExitWithResult(TEST_RESULT_INVALID, "RandomUniformExcept called with inconsistent reject"); STATE->rngTrialOffset++; } return STATE->runTrial + lo + STATE->rngTrialOffset; } default_ = hi; while (reject(default_)) { if (default_ == lo) Test_ExitWithResult(TEST_RESULT_INVALID, "RandomUniformExcept rejected all values"); default_--; } return default_; } u32 RandomWeightedArray(enum RandomTag tag, u32 sum, u32 n, const u8 *weights) { const struct BattlerTurn *turn = NULL; if (sum == 0) Test_ExitWithResult(TEST_RESULT_ERROR, "RandomWeightedArray called with zero sum"); if (gCurrentTurnActionNumber < gBattlersCount) { u32 battlerId = gBattlerByTurnOrder[gCurrentTurnActionNumber]; turn = &DATA.battleRecordTurns[gBattleResults.battleTurnCounter][battlerId]; if (turn && turn->rng.tag == tag) return turn->rng.value; } if (tag == STATE->rngTag) { if (STATE->trials == 1) { STATE->trials = n; PrintTestName(); } else if (STATE->trials != n) { Test_ExitWithResult(TEST_RESULT_ERROR, "RandomWeighted called with inconsistent trials %d and %d", STATE->trials, n); } // TODO: Detect inconsistent sum. STATE->trialRatio = Q_4_12(weights[STATE->runTrial]) / sum; return STATE->runTrial; } switch (tag) { case RNG_ACCURACY: ASSUME(n == 2); if (turn && turn->hit) return turn->hit - 1; else return TRUE; case RNG_CRITICAL_HIT: ASSUME(n == 2); if (turn && turn->criticalHit) return turn->criticalHit - 1; else return FALSE; case RNG_SECONDARY_EFFECT: ASSUME(n == 2); if (turn && turn->secondaryEffect) return turn->secondaryEffect - 1; else return TRUE; default: while (weights[n-1] == 0) { if (n == 1) Test_ExitWithResult(TEST_RESULT_ERROR, "RandomWeightedArray called with all zero weights"); n--; } return n-1; } } const void *RandomElementArray(enum RandomTag tag, const void *array, size_t size, size_t count) { const struct BattlerTurn *turn = NULL; u32 index = count-1; if (gCurrentTurnActionNumber < gBattlersCount) { u32 battlerId = gBattlerByTurnOrder[gCurrentTurnActionNumber]; turn = &DATA.battleRecordTurns[gBattleResults.battleTurnCounter][battlerId]; if (turn && turn->rng.tag == tag) { u32 element = 0; for (index = 0; index < count; index++) { memcpy(&element, (const u8 *)array + size * index, size); if (element == turn->rng.value) return (const u8 *)array + size * index; } // TODO: Incorporate the line number. Test_ExitWithResult(TEST_RESULT_ERROR, "%s: RandomElement illegal value requested: %d", gTestRunnerState.test->filename, turn->rng.value); } } if (tag == STATE->rngTag) { if (STATE->trials == 1) { STATE->trials = count; PrintTestName(); } else if (STATE->trials != count) { Test_ExitWithResult(TEST_RESULT_ERROR, "RandomElement called with inconsistent trials %d and %d", STATE->trials, count); } STATE->trialRatio = Q_4_12(1) / count; return (const u8 *)array + size * STATE->runTrial; } } static s32 TryAbilityPopUp(s32 i, s32 n, u32 battlerId, u32 ability) { struct QueuedAbilityEvent *event; s32 iMax = i + n; for (; i < iMax; i++) { if (DATA.queuedEvents[i].type != QUEUED_ABILITY_POPUP_EVENT) continue; event = &DATA.queuedEvents[i].as.ability; if (event->battlerId == battlerId && (event->ability == ABILITY_NONE || event->ability == ability)) return i; } return -1; } void TestRunner_Battle_RecordAbilityPopUp(u32 battlerId, u32 ability) { s32 queuedEvent; s32 match; struct QueuedEvent *event; if (DATA.queuedEvent == DATA.queuedEventsCount) return; event = &DATA.queuedEvents[DATA.queuedEvent]; switch (event->groupType) { case QUEUE_GROUP_NONE: case QUEUE_GROUP_ONE_OF: if (TryAbilityPopUp(DATA.queuedEvent, event->groupSize, battlerId, ability) != -1) DATA.queuedEvent += event->groupSize; break; case QUEUE_GROUP_NONE_OF: queuedEvent = DATA.queuedEvent; do { if ((match = TryAbilityPopUp(queuedEvent, event->groupSize, battlerId, ability)) != -1) { const char *filename = gTestRunnerState.test->filename; u32 line = SourceLine(DATA.queuedEvents[match].sourceLineOffset); Test_ExitWithResult(TEST_RESULT_FAIL, "%s:%d: Matched ABILITY_POPUP", filename, line); } queuedEvent += event->groupSize; if (queuedEvent == DATA.queuedEventsCount) break; event = &DATA.queuedEvents[queuedEvent]; if (event->groupType == QUEUE_GROUP_NONE_OF) continue; if (TryAbilityPopUp(queuedEvent, event->groupSize, battlerId, ability) != -1) DATA.queuedEvent = queuedEvent + event->groupSize; } while (FALSE); break; } } static s32 TryAnimation(s32 i, s32 n, u32 animType, u32 animId) { struct QueuedAnimationEvent *event; s32 iMax = i + n; for (; i < iMax; i++) { if (DATA.queuedEvents[i].type != QUEUED_ANIMATION_EVENT) continue; event = &DATA.queuedEvents[i].as.animation; if (event->type == animType && event->id == animId && (event->attacker == 0xF || event->attacker == gBattleAnimAttacker) && (event->target == 0xF || event->target == gBattleAnimTarget)) return i; } return -1; } void TestRunner_Battle_RecordAnimation(u32 animType, u32 animId) { s32 queuedEvent; s32 match; struct QueuedEvent *event; if (DATA.queuedEvent == DATA.queuedEventsCount) return; event = &DATA.queuedEvents[DATA.queuedEvent]; switch (event->groupType) { case QUEUE_GROUP_NONE: case QUEUE_GROUP_ONE_OF: if (TryAnimation(DATA.queuedEvent, event->groupSize, animType, animId) != -1) DATA.queuedEvent += event->groupSize; break; case QUEUE_GROUP_NONE_OF: queuedEvent = DATA.queuedEvent; do { if ((match = TryAnimation(queuedEvent, event->groupSize, animType, animId)) != -1) { const char *filename = gTestRunnerState.test->filename; u32 line = SourceLine(DATA.queuedEvents[match].sourceLineOffset); Test_ExitWithResult(TEST_RESULT_FAIL, "%s:%d: Matched ANIMATION", filename, line); } queuedEvent += event->groupSize; if (queuedEvent == DATA.queuedEventsCount) break; event = &DATA.queuedEvents[queuedEvent]; if (event->groupType == QUEUE_GROUP_NONE_OF) continue; if (TryAnimation(queuedEvent, event->groupSize, animType, animId) != -1) DATA.queuedEvent = queuedEvent + event->groupSize; } while (FALSE); break; } } static s32 TryHP(s32 i, s32 n, u32 battlerId, u32 oldHP, u32 newHP) { struct QueuedHPEvent *event; s32 iMax = i + n; for (; i < iMax; i++) { if (DATA.queuedEvents[i].type != QUEUED_HP_EVENT) continue; event = &DATA.queuedEvents[i].as.hp; if (event->battlerId == battlerId) { if (event->address <= 0xFFFF) { switch (event->type) { case HP_EVENT_NEW_HP: if (event->address == newHP) return i; break; case HP_EVENT_DELTA_HP: if (event->address == 0) return i; else if ((s16)event->address == oldHP - newHP) return i; break; } } else { switch (event->type) { case HP_EVENT_NEW_HP: *(u16 *)event->address = newHP; break; case HP_EVENT_DELTA_HP: *(s16 *)event->address = oldHP - newHP; break; } return i; } } } return -1; } void TestRunner_Battle_RecordHP(u32 battlerId, u32 oldHP, u32 newHP) { s32 queuedEvent; s32 match; struct QueuedEvent *event; if (DATA.queuedEvent == DATA.queuedEventsCount) return; event = &DATA.queuedEvents[DATA.queuedEvent]; switch (event->groupType) { case QUEUE_GROUP_NONE: case QUEUE_GROUP_ONE_OF: if (TryHP(DATA.queuedEvent, event->groupSize, battlerId, oldHP, newHP) != -1) DATA.queuedEvent += event->groupSize; break; case QUEUE_GROUP_NONE_OF: queuedEvent = DATA.queuedEvent; do { if ((match = TryHP(queuedEvent, event->groupSize, battlerId, oldHP, newHP)) != -1) { const char *filename = gTestRunnerState.test->filename; u32 line = SourceLine(DATA.queuedEvents[match].sourceLineOffset); Test_ExitWithResult(TEST_RESULT_FAIL, "%s:%d: Matched HP_BAR", filename, line); } queuedEvent += event->groupSize; if (queuedEvent == DATA.queuedEventsCount) break; event = &DATA.queuedEvents[queuedEvent]; if (event->groupType == QUEUE_GROUP_NONE_OF) continue; if (TryHP(queuedEvent, event->groupSize, battlerId, oldHP, newHP) != -1) DATA.queuedEvent = queuedEvent + event->groupSize; } while (FALSE); break; } } static s32 TryMessage(s32 i, s32 n, const u8 *string) { s32 j, k; struct QueuedMessageEvent *event; s32 iMax = i + n; for (; i < iMax; i++) { if (DATA.queuedEvents[i].type != QUEUED_MESSAGE_EVENT) continue; event = &DATA.queuedEvents[i].as.message; for (j = k = 0; ; j++, k++) { if (event->pattern[k] == CHAR_SPACE) { switch (string[j]) { case CHAR_SPACE: case CHAR_PROMPT_SCROLL: case CHAR_PROMPT_CLEAR: case CHAR_NEWLINE: j++; k++; break; } } if (event->pattern[k] == EOS) { // Consume any trailing '\p'. if (string[j] == CHAR_PROMPT_CLEAR) j++; } if (string[j] != event->pattern[k]) { break; } else if (string[j] == EOS) { return i; } } } return -1; } void TestRunner_Battle_RecordMessage(const u8 *string) { s32 queuedEvent; s32 match; struct QueuedEvent *event; if (DATA.queuedEvent == DATA.queuedEventsCount) return; event = &DATA.queuedEvents[DATA.queuedEvent]; switch (event->groupType) { case QUEUE_GROUP_NONE: case QUEUE_GROUP_ONE_OF: if (TryMessage(DATA.queuedEvent, event->groupSize, string) != -1) DATA.queuedEvent += event->groupSize; break; case QUEUE_GROUP_NONE_OF: queuedEvent = DATA.queuedEvent; do { if ((match = TryMessage(queuedEvent, event->groupSize, string)) != -1) { const char *filename = gTestRunnerState.test->filename; u32 line = SourceLine(DATA.queuedEvents[match].sourceLineOffset); Test_ExitWithResult(TEST_RESULT_FAIL, "%s:%d: Matched MESSAGE", filename, line); } queuedEvent += event->groupSize; if (queuedEvent == DATA.queuedEventsCount) break; event = &DATA.queuedEvents[queuedEvent]; if (event->groupType == QUEUE_GROUP_NONE_OF) continue; if (TryMessage(queuedEvent, event->groupSize, string) != -1) DATA.queuedEvent = queuedEvent + event->groupSize; } while (FALSE); break; } } static s32 TryStatus(s32 i, s32 n, u32 battlerId, u32 status1) { struct QueuedStatusEvent *event; s32 iMax = i + n; for (; i < iMax; i++) { if (DATA.queuedEvents[i].type != QUEUED_STATUS_EVENT) continue; event = &DATA.queuedEvents[i].as.status; if (event->battlerId == battlerId) { if (event->mask == 0 && status1 == STATUS1_NONE) return i; else if (event->mask & status1) return i; } } return -1; } void TestRunner_Battle_RecordStatus1(u32 battlerId, u32 status1) { s32 queuedEvent; s32 match; struct QueuedEvent *event; if (DATA.queuedEvent == DATA.queuedEventsCount) return; event = &DATA.queuedEvents[DATA.queuedEvent]; switch (event->groupType) { case QUEUE_GROUP_NONE: case QUEUE_GROUP_ONE_OF: if (TryStatus(DATA.queuedEvent, event->groupSize, battlerId, status1) != -1) DATA.queuedEvent += event->groupSize; break; case QUEUE_GROUP_NONE_OF: queuedEvent = DATA.queuedEvent; do { if ((match = TryStatus(queuedEvent, event->groupSize, battlerId, status1)) != -1) { const char *filename = gTestRunnerState.test->filename; u32 line = SourceLine(DATA.queuedEvents[match].sourceLineOffset); Test_ExitWithResult(TEST_RESULT_FAIL, "%s:%d: Matched STATUS_ICON", filename, line); } queuedEvent += event->groupSize; if (queuedEvent == DATA.queuedEventsCount) break; event = &DATA.queuedEvents[queuedEvent]; if (event->groupType == QUEUE_GROUP_NONE_OF) continue; if (TryStatus(queuedEvent, event->groupSize, battlerId, status1) != -1) DATA.queuedEvent = queuedEvent + event->groupSize; } while (FALSE); break; } } static const char *const sEventTypeMacros[] = { [QUEUED_ABILITY_POPUP_EVENT] = "ABILITY_POPUP", [QUEUED_ANIMATION_EVENT] = "ANIMATION", [QUEUED_HP_EVENT] = "HP_BAR", [QUEUED_MESSAGE_EVENT] = "MESSAGE", [QUEUED_STATUS_EVENT] = "STATUS_ICON", }; void TestRunner_Battle_AfterLastTurn(void) { const struct BattleTest *test = gTestRunnerState.test->data; if (DATA.turns - 1 != DATA.lastActionTurn) { const char *filename = gTestRunnerState.test->filename; Test_ExitWithResult(TEST_RESULT_FAIL, "%s:%d: %d TURNs specified, but %d ran", filename, SourceLine(0), DATA.turns, DATA.lastActionTurn + 1); } while (DATA.queuedEvent < DATA.queuedEventsCount && DATA.queuedEvents[DATA.queuedEvent].groupType == QUEUE_GROUP_NONE_OF) { DATA.queuedEvent += DATA.queuedEvents[DATA.queuedEvent].groupSize; } if (DATA.queuedEvent != DATA.queuedEventsCount) { const char *filename = gTestRunnerState.test->filename; u32 line = SourceLine(DATA.queuedEvents[DATA.queuedEvent].sourceLineOffset); const char *macro = sEventTypeMacros[DATA.queuedEvents[DATA.queuedEvent].type]; Test_ExitWithResult(TEST_RESULT_FAIL, "%s:%d: Unmatched %s", filename, line, macro); } STATE->runThen = TRUE; STATE->runFinally = STATE->runParameter + 1 == STATE->parameters; InvokeTestFunction(test); STATE->runThen = FALSE; STATE->runFinally = FALSE; } static void TearDownBattle(void) { FreeMonSpritesGfx(); FreeBattleSpritesData(); FreeBattleResources(); FreeAllWindowBuffers(); } static void CB2_BattleTest_NextParameter(void) { if (++STATE->runParameter >= STATE->parameters) { SetMainCallback2(CB2_TestRunner); } else { STATE->trials = 0; BattleTest_Run(gTestRunnerState.test->data); } } static void CB2_BattleTest_NextTrial(void) { TearDownBattle(); SetMainCallback2(CB2_BattleTest_NextParameter); switch (gTestRunnerState.result) { case TEST_RESULT_FAIL: break; case TEST_RESULT_PASS: STATE->observedRatio += STATE->trialRatio; break; default: return; } if (STATE->rngTag) STATE->trialRatio = 0; if (++STATE->runTrial < STATE->trials) { PrintTestName(); gTestRunnerState.result = TEST_RESULT_PASS; DATA.recordedBattle.rngSeed = ISO_RANDOMIZE1(STATE->runTrial); DATA.queuedEvent = 0; DATA.lastActionTurn = 0; SetVariablesForRecordedBattle(&DATA.recordedBattle); SetMainCallback2(CB2_InitBattle); } else { // This is a tolerance of +/- ~2%. if (abs(STATE->observedRatio - STATE->expectedRatio) <= Q_4_12(0.02)) gTestRunnerState.result = TEST_RESULT_PASS; else Test_ExitWithResult(TEST_RESULT_FAIL, "Expected %q passes/successes, observed %q", STATE->expectedRatio, STATE->observedRatio); } } static void BattleTest_TearDown(void *data) { if (STATE) { // Free resources that aren't cleaned up when the battle was // aborted unexpectedly. if (STATE->tearDownBattle) TearDownBattle(); FREE_AND_SET_NULL(STATE->results); FREE_AND_SET_NULL(STATE); } } static bool32 BattleTest_CheckProgress(void *data) { bool32 madeProgress = STATE->checkProgressParameter < STATE->runParameter || STATE->checkProgressTrial < STATE->runTrial || STATE->checkProgressTurn < gBattleResults.battleTurnCounter; STATE->checkProgressParameter = STATE->runParameter; STATE->checkProgressTrial = STATE->runTrial; STATE->checkProgressTurn = gBattleResults.battleTurnCounter; return madeProgress; } static bool32 BattleTest_HandleExitWithResult(void *data, enum TestResult result) { if (result != TEST_RESULT_ASSUMPTION_FAIL && result != TEST_RESULT_INVALID && result != TEST_RESULT_ERROR && result != TEST_RESULT_TIMEOUT && STATE->runTrial < STATE->trials) { SetMainCallback2(CB2_BattleTest_NextTrial); return TRUE; } else { STATE->tearDownBattle = TRUE; return FALSE; } } void Randomly(u32 sourceLine, u32 passes, u32 trials, struct RandomlyContext ctx) { const struct BattleTest *test = gTestRunnerState.test->data; INVALID_IF(STATE->trials != 0, "PASSES_RANDOMLY can only be used once per test"); INVALID_IF(test->resultsSize > 0, "PASSES_RANDOMLY is incompatible with results"); INVALID_IF(passes > trials, "%d passes specified, but only %d trials", passes, trials); STATE->rngTag = ctx.tag; STATE->rngTrialOffset = 0; STATE->runTrial = 0; STATE->expectedRatio = Q_4_12(passes) / trials; STATE->observedRatio = 0; if (STATE->rngTag) { STATE->trials = 1; STATE->trialRatio = Q_4_12(1); } else { INVALID_IF(DATA.recordedBattle.rngSeed != RNG_SEED_DEFAULT, "RNG seed already set"); STATE->trials = 50; STATE->trialRatio = Q_4_12(1) / STATE->trials; DATA.recordedBattle.rngSeed = 0; } } void RNGSeed_(u32 sourceLine, u32 seed) { INVALID_IF(DATA.recordedBattle.rngSeed != RNG_SEED_DEFAULT, "RNG seed already set"); DATA.recordedBattle.rngSeed = seed; } const struct TestRunner gBattleTestRunner = { .estimateCost = BattleTest_EstimateCost, .setUp = BattleTest_SetUp, .run = BattleTest_Run, .tearDown = BattleTest_TearDown, .checkProgress = BattleTest_CheckProgress, .handleExitWithResult = BattleTest_HandleExitWithResult, }; void OpenPokemon(u32 sourceLine, u32 side, u32 species) { s32 i, data; u8 *partySize; struct Pokemon *party; INVALID_IF(species >= SPECIES_EGG, "Invalid species: %d", species); if (side == B_SIDE_PLAYER) { partySize = &DATA.playerPartySize; party = DATA.recordedBattle.playerParty; } else { partySize = &DATA.opponentPartySize; party = DATA.recordedBattle.opponentParty; } INVALID_IF(*partySize == PARTY_SIZE, "Too many Pokemon in party"); DATA.currentSide = side; DATA.currentPartyIndex = *partySize; DATA.currentMon = &party[DATA.currentPartyIndex]; DATA.gender = MON_MALE; DATA.nature = NATURE_HARDY; (*partySize)++; CreateMon(DATA.currentMon, species, 100, 0, TRUE, 0, OT_ID_PRESET, 0); data = MOVE_NONE; for (i = 0; i < MAX_MON_MOVES; i++) SetMonData(DATA.currentMon, MON_DATA_MOVE1 + i, &data); } // (sNaturePersonalities[i] % NUM_NATURES) == i // (sNaturePersonalities[i] & 0xFF) == 0 // NOTE: Using 25 << 8 rather than 0 << 8 to prevent shiny females. static const u16 sNaturePersonalities[NUM_NATURES] = { 25 << 8, 21 << 8, 17 << 8, 13 << 8, 9 << 8, 5 << 8, 1 << 8, 22 << 8, 18 << 8, 14 << 8, 10 << 8, 6 << 8, 2 << 8, 23 << 8, 19 << 8, 15 << 8, 11 << 8, 7 << 8, 3 << 8, 24 << 8, 20 << 8, 16 << 8, 12 << 8, 8 << 8, 4 << 8, }; static u32 GenerateNature(u32 nature, u32 offset) { int i; if (offset <= nature) nature -= offset; else nature = nature + NUM_NATURES - offset; return sNaturePersonalities[nature]; } void ClosePokemon(u32 sourceLine) { s32 i; INVALID_IF(DATA.hasExplicitSpeeds && !(DATA.explicitSpeeds[DATA.currentSide] & (1 << DATA.currentPartyIndex)), "Speed required"); for (i = 0; i < STATE->battlersCount; i++) { if ((i & BIT_SIDE) == DATA.currentSide && DATA.currentMonIndexes[i] == DATA.currentPartyIndex) { INVALID_IF(GetMonData(DATA.currentMon, MON_DATA_HP) == 0, "Battlers cannot be fainted"); } } UpdateMonPersonality(&DATA.currentMon->box, GenerateNature(DATA.nature, DATA.gender % NUM_NATURES) | DATA.gender); DATA.currentMon = NULL; } void Gender_(u32 sourceLine, u32 gender) { const struct SpeciesInfo *info; INVALID_IF(!DATA.currentMon, "Gender outside of PLAYER/OPPONENT"); info = &gSpeciesInfo[GetMonData(DATA.currentMon, MON_DATA_SPECIES)]; switch (gender) { case MON_MALE: DATA.gender = 0xFF; INVALID_IF(info->genderRatio == MON_GENDERLESS || info->genderRatio == MON_FEMALE, "Illegal male"); break; case MON_FEMALE: DATA.gender = 0x00; INVALID_IF(info->genderRatio == MON_GENDERLESS || info->genderRatio == MON_MALE, "Illegal female"); break; case MON_GENDERLESS: INVALID_IF(info->genderRatio != gender, "Illegal genderless"); break; } } void Nature_(u32 sourceLine, u32 nature) { INVALID_IF(!DATA.currentMon, "Nature outside of PLAYER/OPPONENT"); INVALID_IF(nature >= NUM_NATURES, "Illegal nature: %d", nature); DATA.nature = nature; } void Ability_(u32 sourceLine, u32 ability) { s32 i; u32 species; const struct SpeciesInfo *info; INVALID_IF(!DATA.currentMon, "Ability outside of PLAYER/OPPONENT"); species = GetMonData(DATA.currentMon, MON_DATA_SPECIES); info = &gSpeciesInfo[species]; for (i = 0; i < NUM_ABILITY_SLOTS; i++) { if (info->abilities[i] == ability) { SetMonData(DATA.currentMon, MON_DATA_ABILITY_NUM, &i); break; } } // Store forced ability to be set when the battle starts if invalid. if (i == NUM_ABILITY_SLOTS) { DATA.forcedAbilities[DATA.currentSide][DATA.currentPartyIndex] = ability; } } void Level_(u32 sourceLine, u32 level) { // TODO: Preserve any explicitly-set stats. u32 species = GetMonData(DATA.currentMon, MON_DATA_SPECIES); INVALID_IF(!DATA.currentMon, "Level outside of PLAYER/OPPONENT"); INVALID_IF(level == 0 || level > MAX_LEVEL, "Illegal level: %d", level); SetMonData(DATA.currentMon, MON_DATA_LEVEL, &level); SetMonData(DATA.currentMon, MON_DATA_EXP, &gExperienceTables[gSpeciesInfo[species].growthRate][level]); CalculateMonStats(DATA.currentMon); } void MaxHP_(u32 sourceLine, u32 maxHP) { INVALID_IF(!DATA.currentMon, "MaxHP outside of PLAYER/OPPONENT"); INVALID_IF(maxHP == 0, "Illegal max HP: %d", maxHP); SetMonData(DATA.currentMon, MON_DATA_MAX_HP, &maxHP); } void HP_(u32 sourceLine, u32 hp) { INVALID_IF(!DATA.currentMon, "HP outside of PLAYER/OPPONENT"); if (hp > GetMonData(DATA.currentMon, MON_DATA_MAX_HP)) SetMonData(DATA.currentMon, MON_DATA_MAX_HP, &hp); SetMonData(DATA.currentMon, MON_DATA_HP, &hp); } void Attack_(u32 sourceLine, u32 attack) { INVALID_IF(!DATA.currentMon, "Attack outside of PLAYER/OPPONENT"); INVALID_IF(attack == 0, "Illegal attack: %d", attack); SetMonData(DATA.currentMon, MON_DATA_ATK, &attack); } void Defense_(u32 sourceLine, u32 defense) { INVALID_IF(!DATA.currentMon, "Defense outside of PLAYER/OPPONENT"); INVALID_IF(defense == 0, "Illegal defense: %d", defense); SetMonData(DATA.currentMon, MON_DATA_DEF, &defense); } void SpAttack_(u32 sourceLine, u32 spAttack) { INVALID_IF(!DATA.currentMon, "SpAttack outside of PLAYER/OPPONENT"); INVALID_IF(spAttack == 0, "Illegal special attack: %d", spAttack); SetMonData(DATA.currentMon, MON_DATA_SPATK, &spAttack); } void SpDefense_(u32 sourceLine, u32 spDefense) { INVALID_IF(!DATA.currentMon, "SpDefense outside of PLAYER/OPPONENT"); INVALID_IF(spDefense == 0, "Illegal special defense: %d", spDefense); SetMonData(DATA.currentMon, MON_DATA_SPDEF, &spDefense); } void Speed_(u32 sourceLine, u32 speed) { INVALID_IF(!DATA.currentMon, "Speed outside of PLAYER/OPPONENT"); INVALID_IF(speed == 0, "Illegal speed: %d", speed); SetMonData(DATA.currentMon, MON_DATA_SPEED, &speed); DATA.hasExplicitSpeeds = TRUE; DATA.explicitSpeeds[DATA.currentSide] |= 1 << DATA.currentPartyIndex; } void Item_(u32 sourceLine, u32 item) { INVALID_IF(!DATA.currentMon, "Item outside of PLAYER/OPPONENT"); INVALID_IF(item >= ITEMS_COUNT, "Illegal item: %d", item); SetMonData(DATA.currentMon, MON_DATA_HELD_ITEM, &item); } void Moves_(u32 sourceLine, const u16 moves[MAX_MON_MOVES]) { s32 i; INVALID_IF(!DATA.currentMon, "Moves outside of PLAYER/OPPONENT"); for (i = 0; i < MAX_MON_MOVES; i++) { if (moves[i] == MOVE_NONE) break; INVALID_IF(moves[i] >= MOVES_COUNT, "Illegal move: %d", moves[i]); SetMonData(DATA.currentMon, MON_DATA_MOVE1 + i, &moves[i]); SetMonData(DATA.currentMon, MON_DATA_PP1 + i, &gBattleMoves[moves[i]].pp); } DATA.explicitMoves[DATA.currentSide] |= 1 << DATA.currentPartyIndex; } void MovesWithPP_(u32 sourceLine, struct moveWithPP moveWithPP[MAX_MON_MOVES]) { s32 i; INVALID_IF(!DATA.currentMon, "Moves outside of PLAYER/OPPONENT"); for (i = 0; i < MAX_MON_MOVES; i++) { if (moveWithPP[i].moveId == MOVE_NONE) break; INVALID_IF(moveWithPP[i].moveId >= MOVES_COUNT, "Illegal move: %d", &moveWithPP[i].moveId); SetMonData(DATA.currentMon, MON_DATA_MOVE1 + i, &moveWithPP[i].moveId); SetMonData(DATA.currentMon, MON_DATA_PP1 + i, &moveWithPP[i].pp); } DATA.explicitMoves[DATA.currentSide] |= 1 << DATA.currentPartyIndex; } void Friendship_(u32 sourceLine, u32 friendship) { INVALID_IF(!DATA.currentMon, "Friendship outside of PLAYER/OPPONENT"); SetMonData(DATA.currentMon, MON_DATA_FRIENDSHIP, &friendship); } void Status1_(u32 sourceLine, u32 status1) { INVALID_IF(!DATA.currentMon, "Status1 outside of PLAYER/OPPONENT"); INVALID_IF(status1 & STATUS1_TOXIC_COUNTER, "Illegal status1: has TOXIC_TURN"); SetMonData(DATA.currentMon, MON_DATA_STATUS, &status1); } static const char *const sBattlerIdentifiersSingles[] = { "player", "opponent", }; static const char *const sBattlerIdentifiersDoubles[] = { "playerLeft", "opponentLeft", "playerRight", "opponentRight", }; static const char *BattlerIdentifier(s32 battlerId) { const struct BattleTest *test = gTestRunnerState.test->data; switch (test->type) { case BATTLE_TEST_SINGLES: return sBattlerIdentifiersSingles[battlerId]; case BATTLE_TEST_DOUBLES: return sBattlerIdentifiersDoubles[battlerId]; } return ""; } static void PushBattlerAction(u32 sourceLine, s32 battlerId, u32 actionType, u32 byte) { u32 recordIndex = DATA.recordIndexes[battlerId]++; if (recordIndex >= BATTLER_RECORD_SIZE) Test_ExitWithResult(TEST_RESULT_INVALID, "Too many actions"); DATA.battleRecordTypes[battlerId][recordIndex] = actionType; DATA.battleRecordSourceLineOffsets[battlerId][recordIndex] = SourceLineOffset(sourceLine); DATA.recordedBattle.battleRecord[battlerId][recordIndex] = byte; } void TestRunner_Battle_CheckBattleRecordActionType(u32 battlerId, u32 recordIndex, u32 actionType) { // An illegal move choice will cause the battle to request a new // move slot and target. This detects the move slot. if (actionType == RECORDED_MOVE_SLOT && recordIndex > 0 && DATA.battleRecordTypes[battlerId][recordIndex-1] != RECORDED_ACTION_TYPE) { s32 i; const char *filename = gTestRunnerState.test->filename; for (i = recordIndex; i > 0; i--) { if (DATA.battleRecordTypes[battlerId][i-1] == RECORDED_ACTION_TYPE && DATA.recordedBattle.battleRecord[battlerId][i-1] == B_ACTION_USE_MOVE) { u32 line = SourceLine(DATA.battleRecordSourceLineOffsets[battlerId][i-1]); Test_ExitWithResult(TEST_RESULT_INVALID, "%s:%d: Illegal MOVE", filename, line); } } Test_ExitWithResult(TEST_RESULT_INVALID, "%s:%d: Illegal MOVE", filename, SourceLine(0)); } if (DATA.battleRecordTypes[battlerId][recordIndex] != RECORDED_BYTE) { DATA.lastActionTurn = gBattleResults.battleTurnCounter; if (actionType != DATA.battleRecordTypes[battlerId][recordIndex]) { const char *actualMacro = NULL; const char *filename = gTestRunnerState.test->filename; u32 line = SourceLine(DATA.battleRecordSourceLineOffsets[battlerId][recordIndex]); switch (DATA.battleRecordTypes[battlerId][recordIndex]) { case RECORDED_ACTION_TYPE: switch (DATA.recordedBattle.battleRecord[battlerId][recordIndex]) { case B_ACTION_USE_MOVE: actualMacro = "MOVE"; break; case B_ACTION_SWITCH: actualMacro = "SWITCH"; break; case B_ACTION_USE_ITEM: actualMacro = "USE_ITEM"; break; } break; case RECORDED_PARTY_INDEX: actualMacro = "SEND_OUT"; break; } if (actualMacro) { switch (actionType) { case RECORDED_ACTION_TYPE: Test_ExitWithResult(TEST_RESULT_INVALID, "%s:%d: Expected MOVE/SWITCH, got %s", filename, line, actualMacro); case RECORDED_PARTY_INDEX: Test_ExitWithResult(TEST_RESULT_INVALID, "%s:%d: Expected SEND_OUT, got %s", filename, line, actualMacro); } } Test_ExitWithResult(TEST_RESULT_ERROR, "%s:%d: Illegal battle record", filename, line); } } else { if (DATA.lastActionTurn == gBattleResults.battleTurnCounter) { const char *filename = gTestRunnerState.test->filename; Test_ExitWithResult(TEST_RESULT_FAIL, "%s:%d: TURN %d incomplete", filename, SourceLine(0), gBattleResults.battleTurnCounter + 1); } } } void OpenTurn(u32 sourceLine) { INVALID_IF(DATA.turnState != TURN_CLOSED, "Nested TURN"); if (DATA.turns == MAX_TURNS) Test_ExitWithResult(TEST_RESULT_ERROR, "%s:%d: TURN exceeds MAX_TURNS", gTestRunnerState.test->filename, sourceLine); DATA.turnState = TURN_OPEN; DATA.actionBattlers = 0x00; DATA.moveBattlers = 0x00; } static void SetSlowerThan(s32 battlerId) { s32 i, slowerThan; slowerThan = 0; for (i = 0; i < STATE->battlersCount; i++) { if (i == battlerId) continue; if (DATA.moveBattlers & (1 << i)) { if ((i & BIT_SIDE) == B_SIDE_PLAYER) slowerThan |= 1 << DATA.currentMonIndexes[i]; else slowerThan |= (1 << 6) << DATA.currentMonIndexes[i]; } } DATA.slowerThan[battlerId & BIT_SIDE][DATA.currentMonIndexes[battlerId]] |= slowerThan; } void CloseTurn(u32 sourceLine) { s32 i; INVALID_IF(DATA.turnState != TURN_OPEN, "Nested TURN"); DATA.turnState = TURN_CLOSING; for (i = 0; i < STATE->battlersCount; i++) { if (!(DATA.actionBattlers & (1 << i))) Move(sourceLine, &gBattleMons[i], (struct MoveContext) { move: MOVE_CELEBRATE, explicitMove: TRUE }); } DATA.turnState = TURN_CLOSED; DATA.turns++; } static struct Pokemon *CurrentMon(s32 battlerId) { struct Pokemon *party; if ((battlerId & BIT_SIDE) == B_SIDE_PLAYER) party = DATA.recordedBattle.playerParty; else party = DATA.recordedBattle.opponentParty; return &party[DATA.currentMonIndexes[battlerId]]; } void Move(u32 sourceLine, struct BattlePokemon *battler, struct MoveContext ctx) { s32 i; s32 battlerId = battler - gBattleMons; struct Pokemon *mon = CurrentMon(battlerId); u32 moveId, moveSlot; s32 target; INVALID_IF(DATA.turnState == TURN_CLOSED, "MOVE outside TURN"); if (ctx.explicitMove) { INVALID_IF(ctx.move == MOVE_NONE || ctx.move >= MOVES_COUNT, "Illegal move: %d", ctx.move); for (i = 0; i < MAX_MON_MOVES; i++) { moveId = GetMonData(mon, MON_DATA_MOVE1 + i); if (moveId == ctx.move) { moveSlot = i; break; } else if (moveId == MOVE_NONE) { INVALID_IF(DATA.explicitMoves[battlerId & BIT_SIDE] & (1 << DATA.currentMonIndexes[battlerId]), "Missing explicit %S", gMoveNames[ctx.move]); SetMonData(mon, MON_DATA_MOVE1 + i, &ctx.move); SetMonData(DATA.currentMon, MON_DATA_PP1 + i, &gBattleMoves[ctx.move].pp); moveSlot = i; moveId = ctx.move; break; } } INVALID_IF(i == MAX_MON_MOVES, "Too many different moves for %s", BattlerIdentifier(battlerId)); } else if (ctx.explicitMoveSlot) { moveSlot = ctx.moveSlot; moveId = GetMonData(mon, MON_DATA_MOVE1 + moveSlot); INVALID_IF(moveId == MOVE_NONE, "Empty moveSlot: %d", ctx.moveSlot); } else { INVALID("No move or moveSlot"); } if (ctx.explicitMegaEvolve && ctx.megaEvolve) moveSlot |= RET_MEGA_EVOLUTION; if (ctx.explicitUltraBurst && ctx.ultraBurst) moveSlot |= RET_ULTRA_BURST; if (ctx.explicitTarget) { target = ctx.target - gBattleMons; } else { const struct BattleMove *move = &gBattleMoves[moveId]; if (move->target == MOVE_TARGET_RANDOM || move->target == MOVE_TARGET_BOTH || move->target == MOVE_TARGET_DEPENDS || move->target == MOVE_TARGET_FOES_AND_ALLY || move->target == MOVE_TARGET_OPPONENTS_FIELD || move->target == MOVE_TARGET_ALL_BATTLERS) { target = BATTLE_OPPOSITE(battlerId); } else if (move->target == MOVE_TARGET_SELECTED) { INVALID_IF(STATE->battlersCount > 2, "%S requires explicit target", gMoveNames[moveId]); target = BATTLE_OPPOSITE(battlerId); } else if (move->target == MOVE_TARGET_USER) { target = battlerId; } else if (move->target == MOVE_TARGET_ALLY) { target = BATTLE_PARTNER(battlerId); } else { INVALID("%S requires explicit target", gMoveNames[moveId]); } } if (ctx.explicitHit) DATA.battleRecordTurns[DATA.turns][battlerId].hit = 1 + ctx.hit; if (ctx.explicitCriticalHit) DATA.battleRecordTurns[DATA.turns][battlerId].criticalHit = 1 + ctx.criticalHit; if (ctx.explicitSecondaryEffect) DATA.battleRecordTurns[DATA.turns][battlerId].secondaryEffect = 1 + ctx.secondaryEffect; if (ctx.explicitRNG) DATA.battleRecordTurns[DATA.turns][battlerId].rng = ctx.rng; if (!(DATA.actionBattlers & (1 << battlerId))) { PushBattlerAction(sourceLine, battlerId, RECORDED_ACTION_TYPE, B_ACTION_USE_MOVE); } if (!ctx.explicitAllowed || ctx.allowed) { PushBattlerAction(sourceLine, battlerId, RECORDED_MOVE_SLOT, moveSlot); PushBattlerAction(sourceLine, battlerId, RECORDED_MOVE_TARGET, target); } if (DATA.turnState == TURN_OPEN) { if (!DATA.hasExplicitSpeeds) SetSlowerThan(battlerId); DATA.actionBattlers |= 1 << battlerId; DATA.moveBattlers |= 1 << battlerId; } } void ForcedMove(u32 sourceLine, struct BattlePokemon *battler) { s32 battlerId = battler - gBattleMons; INVALID_IF(DATA.turnState == TURN_CLOSED, "SKIP_TURN outside TURN"); PushBattlerAction(sourceLine, battlerId, RECORDED_ACTION_TYPE, B_ACTION_USE_MOVE); if (DATA.turnState == TURN_OPEN) { if (!DATA.hasExplicitSpeeds) SetSlowerThan(battlerId); DATA.actionBattlers |= 1 << battlerId; DATA.moveBattlers |= 1 << battlerId; } } void Switch(u32 sourceLine, struct BattlePokemon *battler, u32 partyIndex) { s32 i; s32 battlerId = battler - gBattleMons; INVALID_IF(DATA.turnState == TURN_CLOSED, "SWITCH outside TURN"); INVALID_IF(DATA.actionBattlers & (1 << battlerId), "Multiple battler actions"); INVALID_IF(partyIndex >= ((battlerId & BIT_SIDE) == B_SIDE_PLAYER ? DATA.playerPartySize : DATA.opponentPartySize), "SWITCH to invalid party index"); for (i = 0; i < STATE->battlersCount; i++) { if (battlerId != i && (battlerId & BIT_SIDE) == (i & BIT_SIDE)) INVALID_IF(DATA.currentMonIndexes[i] == partyIndex, "SWITCH to battler"); } PushBattlerAction(sourceLine, battlerId, RECORDED_ACTION_TYPE, B_ACTION_SWITCH); PushBattlerAction(sourceLine, battlerId, RECORDED_PARTY_INDEX, partyIndex); DATA.currentMonIndexes[battlerId] = partyIndex; DATA.actionBattlers |= 1 << battlerId; } void SkipTurn(u32 sourceLine, struct BattlePokemon *battler) { s32 battlerId = battler - gBattleMons; INVALID_IF(DATA.turnState == TURN_CLOSED, "SKIP_TURN outside TURN"); DATA.actionBattlers |= 1 << battlerId; } void SendOut(u32 sourceLine, struct BattlePokemon *battler, u32 partyIndex) { s32 i; s32 battlerId = battler - gBattleMons; INVALID_IF(DATA.turnState == TURN_CLOSED, "SEND_OUT outside TURN"); INVALID_IF(partyIndex >= ((battlerId & BIT_SIDE) == B_SIDE_PLAYER ? DATA.playerPartySize : DATA.opponentPartySize), "SWITCH to invalid party index"); for (i = 0; i < STATE->battlersCount; i++) { if (battlerId != i && (battlerId & BIT_SIDE) == (i & BIT_SIDE)) INVALID_IF(DATA.currentMonIndexes[i] == partyIndex, "SEND_OUT to battler"); } if (!(DATA.actionBattlers & (1 << battlerId))) Move(sourceLine, battler, (struct MoveContext) { move: MOVE_CELEBRATE, explicitMove: TRUE }); PushBattlerAction(sourceLine, battlerId, RECORDED_PARTY_INDEX, partyIndex); DATA.currentMonIndexes[battlerId] = partyIndex; } void UseItem(u32 sourceLine, struct BattlePokemon *battler, struct ItemContext ctx) { s32 i; s32 battlerId = battler - gBattleMons; bool32 requirePartyIndex = ItemId_GetType(ctx.itemId) == ITEM_USE_PARTY_MENU || ItemId_GetType(ctx.itemId) == ITEM_USE_PARTY_MENU_MOVES; // Check general bad use. INVALID_IF(DATA.turnState == TURN_CLOSED, "USE_ITEM outside TURN"); INVALID_IF(DATA.actionBattlers & (1 << battlerId), "Multiple battler actions"); INVALID_IF(ctx.itemId >= ITEMS_COUNT, "Illegal item: %d", ctx.itemId); // Check party menu items. INVALID_IF(requirePartyIndex && !ctx.explicitPartyIndex, "%S requires explicit party index", ItemId_GetName(ctx.itemId)); INVALID_IF(requirePartyIndex && ctx.partyIndex >= ((battlerId & BIT_SIDE) == B_SIDE_PLAYER ? DATA.playerPartySize : DATA.opponentPartySize), \ "USE_ITEM to invalid party index"); // Check move slot items. if (ItemId_GetType(ctx.itemId) == ITEM_USE_PARTY_MENU_MOVES) { INVALID_IF(!ctx.explicitMove, "%S requires an explicit move", ItemId_GetName(ctx.itemId)); for (i = 0; i < MAX_MON_MOVES; i++) { if (GetMonData(CurrentMon(battlerId), MON_DATA_MOVE1 + i, NULL) == ctx.move) break; } INVALID_IF(i == MAX_MON_MOVES, "USE_ITEM on invalid move: %d", ctx.move); } else { i = 0; } PushBattlerAction(sourceLine, battlerId, RECORDED_ACTION_TYPE, B_ACTION_USE_ITEM); PushBattlerAction(sourceLine, battlerId, RECORDED_ITEM_ID, (ctx.itemId >> 8) & 0xFF); PushBattlerAction(sourceLine, battlerId, RECORDED_ITEM_ID, ctx.itemId & 0xFF); PushBattlerAction(sourceLine, battlerId, RECORDED_ITEM_TARGET, ctx.partyIndex); PushBattlerAction(sourceLine, battlerId, RECORDED_ITEM_MOVE, i); DATA.actionBattlers |= 1 << battlerId; } static const char *const sQueueGroupTypeMacros[] = { [QUEUE_GROUP_NONE] = NULL, [QUEUE_GROUP_ONE_OF] = "ONE_OF", [QUEUE_GROUP_NONE_OF] = "NONE_OF", }; void OpenQueueGroup(u32 sourceLine, enum QueueGroupType type) { INVALID_IF(DATA.queueGroupType, "%s inside %s", sQueueGroupTypeMacros[type], sQueueGroupTypeMacros[DATA.queueGroupType]); DATA.queueGroupType = type; DATA.queueGroupStart = DATA.queuedEventsCount; } void CloseQueueGroup(u32 sourceLine) { u32 groupSize = DATA.queuedEventsCount - DATA.queueGroupStart; if (groupSize > 0) { DATA.queuedEvents[DATA.queueGroupStart].groupType = DATA.queueGroupType; DATA.queuedEvents[DATA.queueGroupStart].groupSize = groupSize; DATA.queueGroupType = QUEUE_GROUP_NONE; } } void QueueAbility(u32 sourceLine, struct BattlePokemon *battler, struct AbilityEventContext ctx) { #if B_ABILITY_POP_UP s32 battlerId = battler - gBattleMons; INVALID_IF(!STATE->runScene, "ABILITY_POPUP outside of SCENE"); if (DATA.queuedEventsCount == MAX_QUEUED_EVENTS) Test_ExitWithResult(TEST_RESULT_ERROR, "%s:%d: ABILITY exceeds MAX_QUEUED_EVENTS", gTestRunnerState.test->filename, sourceLine); DATA.queuedEvents[DATA.queuedEventsCount++] = (struct QueuedEvent) { .type = QUEUED_ABILITY_POPUP_EVENT, .sourceLineOffset = SourceLineOffset(sourceLine), .groupType = QUEUE_GROUP_NONE, .groupSize = 1, .as = { .ability = { .battlerId = battlerId, .ability = ctx.ability, }}, }; #endif } void QueueAnimation(u32 sourceLine, u32 type, u32 id, struct AnimationEventContext ctx) { s32 attackerId, targetId; INVALID_IF(!STATE->runScene, "ANIMATION outside of SCENE"); if (DATA.queuedEventsCount == MAX_QUEUED_EVENTS) Test_ExitWithResult(TEST_RESULT_ERROR, "%s:%d: ANIMATION exceeds MAX_QUEUED_EVENTS", gTestRunnerState.test->filename, sourceLine); attackerId = ctx.attacker ? ctx.attacker - gBattleMons : 0xF; if (type == ANIM_TYPE_MOVE) { targetId = ctx.target ? ctx.target - gBattleMons : 0xF; } else { INVALID_IF(ctx.target, "ANIMATION target set for non-ANIM_TYPE_MOVE"); targetId = 0xF; } DATA.queuedEvents[DATA.queuedEventsCount++] = (struct QueuedEvent) { .type = QUEUED_ANIMATION_EVENT, .sourceLineOffset = SourceLineOffset(sourceLine), .groupType = QUEUE_GROUP_NONE, .groupSize = 1, .as = { .animation = { .type = type, .id = id, .attacker = attackerId, .target = targetId, }}, }; } void QueueHP(u32 sourceLine, struct BattlePokemon *battler, struct HPEventContext ctx) { s32 battlerId = battler - gBattleMons; u32 type; uintptr_t address; INVALID_IF(!STATE->runScene, "HP_BAR outside of SCENE"); if (DATA.queuedEventsCount == MAX_QUEUED_EVENTS) Test_ExitWithResult(TEST_RESULT_ERROR, "%s:%d: HP_BAR exceeds MAX_QUEUED_EVENTS", gTestRunnerState.test->filename, sourceLine); if (ctx.explicitHP) { type = HP_EVENT_NEW_HP; address = (u16)ctx.hp; } else if (ctx.explicitDamage) { INVALID_IF(ctx.damage == 0, "damage is 0"); type = HP_EVENT_DELTA_HP; address = (u16)ctx.damage; } else if (ctx.explicitCaptureHP) { INVALID_IF(ctx.captureHP == NULL, "captureHP is NULL"); type = HP_EVENT_NEW_HP; address = (uintptr_t)ctx.captureHP; } else if (ctx.explicitCaptureDamage) { INVALID_IF(ctx.captureDamage == NULL, "captureDamage is NULL"); type = HP_EVENT_DELTA_HP; *ctx.captureDamage = 0; address = (uintptr_t)ctx.captureDamage; } else { type = HP_EVENT_DELTA_HP; address = 0; } DATA.queuedEvents[DATA.queuedEventsCount++] = (struct QueuedEvent) { .type = QUEUED_HP_EVENT, .sourceLineOffset = SourceLineOffset(sourceLine), .groupType = QUEUE_GROUP_NONE, .groupSize = 1, .as = { .hp = { .battlerId = battlerId, .type = type, .address = address, }}, }; } void QueueMessage(u32 sourceLine, const u8 *pattern) { INVALID_IF(!STATE->runScene, "MESSAGE outside of SCENE"); if (DATA.queuedEventsCount == MAX_QUEUED_EVENTS) Test_ExitWithResult(TEST_RESULT_ERROR, "%s:%d: MESSAGE exceeds MAX_QUEUED_EVENTS", gTestRunnerState.test->filename, sourceLine); DATA.queuedEvents[DATA.queuedEventsCount++] = (struct QueuedEvent) { .type = QUEUED_MESSAGE_EVENT, .sourceLineOffset = SourceLineOffset(sourceLine), .groupType = QUEUE_GROUP_NONE, .groupSize = 1, .as = { .message = { .pattern = pattern, }}, }; } void QueueStatus(u32 sourceLine, struct BattlePokemon *battler, struct StatusEventContext ctx) { s32 battlerId = battler - gBattleMons; u32 mask; INVALID_IF(!STATE->runScene, "STATUS_ICON outside of SCENE"); if (DATA.queuedEventsCount == MAX_QUEUED_EVENTS) Test_ExitWithResult(TEST_RESULT_ERROR, "%s:%d: STATUS_ICON exceeds MAX_QUEUED_EVENTS", gTestRunnerState.test->filename, sourceLine); if (ctx.none) mask = 0; else if (ctx.sleep) mask = STATUS1_SLEEP; else if (ctx.poison) mask = STATUS1_POISON; else if (ctx.burn) mask = STATUS1_BURN; else if (ctx.freeze) mask = STATUS1_FREEZE; else if (ctx.paralysis) mask = STATUS1_PARALYSIS; else if (ctx.badPoison) mask = STATUS1_TOXIC_POISON; else if (ctx.frostbite) mask = STATUS1_FROSTBITE; else mask = ctx.status1; DATA.queuedEvents[DATA.queuedEventsCount++] = (struct QueuedEvent) { .type = QUEUED_STATUS_EVENT, .sourceLineOffset = SourceLineOffset(sourceLine), .groupType = QUEUE_GROUP_NONE, .groupSize = 1, .as = { .status = { .battlerId = battlerId, .mask = mask, }}, }; } void ValidateFinally(u32 sourceLine) { // Defer this error until after estimating the cost. if (STATE->results == NULL) return; INVALID_IF(STATE->parametersCount == 0, "FINALLY without PARAMETRIZE"); } u32 TestRunner_Battle_GetForcedAbility(u32 side, u32 partyIndex) { return DATA.forcedAbilities[side][partyIndex]; }