BattleFrontier_Lounge7_MapScripts:: @ 8265254 .byte 0 BattleFrontier_Lounge7_EventScript_265255:: @ 8265255 lock faceplayer setvar VAR_TEMP_C, 9 goto_if_set FLAG_MET_FRONTIER_BEAUTY_MOVE_TUTOR, BattleFrontier_Lounge7_EventScript_265276 msgbox BattleFrontier_Lounge7_Text_2656ED, MSGBOX_DEFAULT setflag FLAG_MET_FRONTIER_BEAUTY_MOVE_TUTOR goto BattleFrontier_Lounge7_EventScript_265284 end BattleFrontier_Lounge7_EventScript_265276:: @ 8265276 msgbox BattleFrontier_Lounge7_Text_2658AB, MSGBOX_DEFAULT goto BattleFrontier_Lounge7_EventScript_265284 end BattleFrontier_Lounge7_EventScript_265284:: @ 8265284 message BattleFrontier_Lounge7_Text_2658EF waitmessage special ShowBattlePointsWindow setvar VAR_TEMP_E, 0 setvar VAR_0x8004, SCROLL_MULTI_BF_MOVE_TUTOR_1 setvar VAR_0x8006, 0 special ShowScrollableMultichoice waitstate copyvar VAR_TEMP_D, VAR_RESULT switch VAR_RESULT case 0, BattleFrontier_Lounge7_EventScript_2653D7 case 1, BattleFrontier_Lounge7_EventScript_2653E2 case 2, BattleFrontier_Lounge7_EventScript_2653ED case 3, BattleFrontier_Lounge7_EventScript_2653F8 case 4, BattleFrontier_Lounge7_EventScript_265403 case 5, BattleFrontier_Lounge7_EventScript_26540E case 6, BattleFrontier_Lounge7_EventScript_265419 case 7, BattleFrontier_Lounge7_EventScript_265424 case 8, BattleFrontier_Lounge7_EventScript_26542F case 9, BattleFrontier_Lounge7_EventScript_26543A case 10, BattleFrontier_Lounge7_EventScript_265635 case MULTI_B_PRESSED, BattleFrontier_Lounge7_EventScript_265635 end BattleFrontier_Lounge7_EventScript_26532F:: @ 826532F message BattleFrontier_Lounge7_Text_2658EF waitmessage setvar VAR_TEMP_E, 0 setvar VAR_0x8004, SCROLL_MULTI_BF_MOVE_TUTOR_1 setvar VAR_0x8006, 1 special ShowScrollableMultichoice waitstate copyvar VAR_TEMP_D, VAR_RESULT switch VAR_RESULT case 0, BattleFrontier_Lounge7_EventScript_2653D7 case 1, BattleFrontier_Lounge7_EventScript_2653E2 case 2, BattleFrontier_Lounge7_EventScript_2653ED case 3, BattleFrontier_Lounge7_EventScript_2653F8 case 4, BattleFrontier_Lounge7_EventScript_265403 case 5, BattleFrontier_Lounge7_EventScript_26540E case 6, BattleFrontier_Lounge7_EventScript_265419 case 7, BattleFrontier_Lounge7_EventScript_265424 case 8, BattleFrontier_Lounge7_EventScript_26542F case 9, BattleFrontier_Lounge7_EventScript_26543A case 10, BattleFrontier_Lounge7_EventScript_265635 case MULTI_B_PRESSED, BattleFrontier_Lounge7_EventScript_265635 end BattleFrontier_Lounge7_EventScript_2653D7:: @ 82653D7 setvar VAR_0x8008, 16 goto BattleFrontier_Lounge7_EventScript_26564F end BattleFrontier_Lounge7_EventScript_2653E2:: @ 82653E2 setvar VAR_0x8008, 24 goto BattleFrontier_Lounge7_EventScript_26564F end BattleFrontier_Lounge7_EventScript_2653ED:: @ 82653ED setvar VAR_0x8008, 24 goto BattleFrontier_Lounge7_EventScript_26564F end BattleFrontier_Lounge7_EventScript_2653F8:: @ 82653F8 setvar VAR_0x8008, 24 goto BattleFrontier_Lounge7_EventScript_26564F end BattleFrontier_Lounge7_EventScript_265403:: @ 8265403 setvar VAR_0x8008, 48 goto BattleFrontier_Lounge7_EventScript_26564F end BattleFrontier_Lounge7_EventScript_26540E:: @ 826540E setvar VAR_0x8008, 48 goto BattleFrontier_Lounge7_EventScript_26564F end BattleFrontier_Lounge7_EventScript_265419:: @ 8265419 setvar VAR_0x8008, 48 goto BattleFrontier_Lounge7_EventScript_26564F end BattleFrontier_Lounge7_EventScript_265424:: @ 8265424 setvar VAR_0x8008, 48 goto BattleFrontier_Lounge7_EventScript_26564F end BattleFrontier_Lounge7_EventScript_26542F:: @ 826542F setvar VAR_0x8008, 48 goto BattleFrontier_Lounge7_EventScript_26564F end BattleFrontier_Lounge7_EventScript_26543A:: @ 826543A setvar VAR_0x8008, 48 goto BattleFrontier_Lounge7_EventScript_26564F end BattleFrontier_Lounge7_EventScript_265445:: @ 8265445 lock faceplayer setvar VAR_TEMP_C, 10 goto_if_set FLAG_MET_FRONTIER_SWIMMER_MOVE_TUTOR, BattleFrontier_Lounge7_EventScript_265466 msgbox BattleFrontier_Lounge7_Text_265A6C, MSGBOX_DEFAULT setflag FLAG_MET_FRONTIER_SWIMMER_MOVE_TUTOR goto BattleFrontier_Lounge7_EventScript_265474 end BattleFrontier_Lounge7_EventScript_265466:: @ 8265466 msgbox BattleFrontier_Lounge7_Text_265C2C, MSGBOX_DEFAULT goto BattleFrontier_Lounge7_EventScript_265474 end BattleFrontier_Lounge7_EventScript_265474:: @ 8265474 message BattleFrontier_Lounge7_Text_2658EF waitmessage special ShowBattlePointsWindow setvar VAR_TEMP_E, 1 setvar VAR_0x8004, SCROLL_MULTI_BF_MOVE_TUTOR_2 setvar VAR_0x8006, 0 special ShowScrollableMultichoice waitstate copyvar VAR_TEMP_D, VAR_RESULT switch VAR_RESULT case 0, BattleFrontier_Lounge7_EventScript_2655C7 case 1, BattleFrontier_Lounge7_EventScript_2655D2 case 2, BattleFrontier_Lounge7_EventScript_2655DD case 3, BattleFrontier_Lounge7_EventScript_2655E8 case 4, BattleFrontier_Lounge7_EventScript_2655F3 case 5, BattleFrontier_Lounge7_EventScript_2655FE case 6, BattleFrontier_Lounge7_EventScript_265609 case 7, BattleFrontier_Lounge7_EventScript_265614 case 8, BattleFrontier_Lounge7_EventScript_26561F case 9, BattleFrontier_Lounge7_EventScript_26562A case 10, BattleFrontier_Lounge7_EventScript_265635 case MULTI_B_PRESSED, BattleFrontier_Lounge7_EventScript_265635 end BattleFrontier_Lounge7_EventScript_26551F:: @ 826551F message BattleFrontier_Lounge7_Text_2658EF waitmessage setvar VAR_TEMP_E, 1 setvar VAR_0x8004, SCROLL_MULTI_BF_MOVE_TUTOR_2 setvar VAR_0x8006, 1 special ShowScrollableMultichoice waitstate copyvar VAR_TEMP_D, VAR_RESULT switch VAR_RESULT case 0, BattleFrontier_Lounge7_EventScript_2655C7 case 1, BattleFrontier_Lounge7_EventScript_2655D2 case 2, BattleFrontier_Lounge7_EventScript_2655DD case 3, BattleFrontier_Lounge7_EventScript_2655E8 case 4, BattleFrontier_Lounge7_EventScript_2655F3 case 5, BattleFrontier_Lounge7_EventScript_2655FE case 6, BattleFrontier_Lounge7_EventScript_265609 case 7, BattleFrontier_Lounge7_EventScript_265614 case 8, BattleFrontier_Lounge7_EventScript_26561F case 9, BattleFrontier_Lounge7_EventScript_26562A case 10, BattleFrontier_Lounge7_EventScript_265635 case MULTI_B_PRESSED, BattleFrontier_Lounge7_EventScript_265635 end BattleFrontier_Lounge7_EventScript_2655C7:: @ 82655C7 setvar VAR_0x8008, 16 goto BattleFrontier_Lounge7_EventScript_26564F end BattleFrontier_Lounge7_EventScript_2655D2:: @ 82655D2 setvar VAR_0x8008, 24 goto BattleFrontier_Lounge7_EventScript_26564F end BattleFrontier_Lounge7_EventScript_2655DD:: @ 82655DD setvar VAR_0x8008, 24 goto BattleFrontier_Lounge7_EventScript_26564F end BattleFrontier_Lounge7_EventScript_2655E8:: @ 82655E8 setvar VAR_0x8008, 24 goto BattleFrontier_Lounge7_EventScript_26564F end BattleFrontier_Lounge7_EventScript_2655F3:: @ 82655F3 setvar VAR_0x8008, 24 goto BattleFrontier_Lounge7_EventScript_26564F end BattleFrontier_Lounge7_EventScript_2655FE:: @ 82655FE setvar VAR_0x8008, 48 goto BattleFrontier_Lounge7_EventScript_26564F end BattleFrontier_Lounge7_EventScript_265609:: @ 8265609 setvar VAR_0x8008, 48 goto BattleFrontier_Lounge7_EventScript_26564F end BattleFrontier_Lounge7_EventScript_265614:: @ 8265614 setvar VAR_0x8008, 48 goto BattleFrontier_Lounge7_EventScript_26564F end BattleFrontier_Lounge7_EventScript_26561F:: @ 826561F setvar VAR_0x8008, 48 goto BattleFrontier_Lounge7_EventScript_26564F end BattleFrontier_Lounge7_EventScript_26562A:: @ 826562A setvar VAR_0x8008, 48 goto BattleFrontier_Lounge7_EventScript_26564F end BattleFrontier_Lounge7_EventScript_265635:: @ 8265635 special CloseBattleFrontierTutorWindow special CloseBattlePointsWindow msgbox BattleFrontier_Lounge7_Text_265A0E, MSGBOX_DEFAULT release end BattleFrontier_Lounge7_EventScript_265645:: @ 8265645 msgbox BattleFrontier_Lounge7_Text_265A0E, MSGBOX_DEFAULT release end @ VAR_0x8004 here is used to determine which move name to buffer @ VAR_0x8005 here is used to determine which move tutor was spoken to BattleFrontier_Lounge7_EventScript_26564F:: @ 826564F copyvar VAR_0x8004, VAR_TEMP_D copyvar VAR_0x8005, VAR_TEMP_E special BufferBattleFrontierTutorMoveName buffernumberstring 1, VAR_0x8008 copyvar VAR_0x8004, VAR_TEMP_C msgbox BattleFrontier_Lounge7_Text_265921, MSGBOX_YESNO compare VAR_RESULT, NO goto_if_eq BattleFrontier_Lounge7_EventScript_2656CA specialvar VAR_TEMP_1, GetFrontierBattlePoints compare VAR_TEMP_1, VAR_0x8008 goto_if_ge BattleFrontier_Lounge7_EventScript_265696 msgbox BattleFrontier_Lounge7_Text_265997, MSGBOX_DEFAULT goto BattleFrontier_Lounge7_EventScript_2656CA end BattleFrontier_Lounge7_EventScript_265696:: @ 8265696 msgbox BattleFrontier_Lounge7_Text_26595A, MSGBOX_DEFAULT special GetBattleFrontierTutorMoveIndex fadescreen 1 special CloseBattlePointsWindow special CloseBattleFrontierTutorWindow special ChooseMonForMoveTutor waitstate compare VAR_RESULT, 0 goto_if_eq BattleFrontier_Lounge7_EventScript_265645 msgbox BattleFrontier_Lounge7_Text_2659C7, MSGBOX_DEFAULT copyvar VAR_0x8004, VAR_0x8008 special TakeFrontierBattlePoints release end BattleFrontier_Lounge7_EventScript_2656CA:: @ 82656CA compare VAR_TEMP_E, 0 goto_if_eq BattleFrontier_Lounge7_EventScript_26532F goto BattleFrontier_Lounge7_EventScript_26551F end BattleFrontier_Lounge7_EventScript_2656DB:: @ 82656DB msgbox BattleFrontier_Lounge7_Text_265C6F, MSGBOX_NPC end BattleFrontier_Lounge7_EventScript_2656E4:: @ 82656E4 msgbox BattleFrontier_Lounge7_Text_265D17, MSGBOX_NPC end BattleFrontier_Lounge7_Text_2656ED: @ 82656ED .string "Buhahaha!\p" .string "You couldn't tell it from looking now,\n" .string "but I used to be one tough TRAINER.\p" .string "I had a reputation as the toughest\n" .string "BEAUTY around, I tell you!\p" .string "… … … … … …\p" .string "What is it now?\n" .string "You don't believe me.\p" .string "I'm not like that blowhard woman over\n" .string "there. I'm actually talented!\p" .string "Let me prove it to you.\n" .string "I can teach your POKéMON special and\l" .string "yet cute moves.\p" .string "But my lessons don't come free.\n" .string "How about paying for the moves I teach\l" .string "with a wee bit of Battle Points?$" BattleFrontier_Lounge7_Text_2658AB: @ 82658AB .string "Buhahaha!\p" .string "Are you back to learn special and\n" .string "yet cute POKéMON moves?$" BattleFrontier_Lounge7_Text_2658EF: @ 82658EF .string "Fine, fine, look here!\n" .string "Which move should I teach?$" BattleFrontier_Lounge7_Text_265921: @ 8265921 .string "The move {STR_VAR_1}, is it?\n" .string "That will be {STR_VAR_2} Battle Points, okay?$" BattleFrontier_Lounge7_Text_26595A: @ 826595A .string "Fine, fine, now pick the POKéMON\n" .string "I should teach the move to.$" BattleFrontier_Lounge7_Text_265997: @ 8265997 .string "What the…\n" .string "You haven't got enough Battle Points!$" BattleFrontier_Lounge7_Text_2659C7: @ 82659C7 .string "Do you see how skilled I am now?\n" .string "I'll take your Battle Points, thanks!$" BattleFrontier_Lounge7_Text_265A0E: @ 8265A0E .string "What's that?\n" .string "You don't want to…\p" .string "If you want to see how skilled I am,\n" .string "you come see me anytime!$" BattleFrontier_Lounge7_Text_265A6C: @ 8265A6C .string "Ihihihi!\p" .string "I know it's hard to see now, but I used\n" .string "to be one fantastic TRAINER.\p" .string "I had a reputation as the most\n" .string "invincible SWIMMER around, I tell you!\p" .string "… … … … … …\p" .string "What's wrong?\n" .string "You don't believe me.\p" .string "I'm not like that buffoonish woman over\n" .string "there. I'm actually experienced!\p" .string "I can prove it to you.\n" .string "I can teach your POKéMON hard and\l" .string "yet pretty moves.\p" .string "But my lessons don't come free.\n" .string "How about paying for the moves I teach\l" .string "with a wee bit of Battle Points?$" BattleFrontier_Lounge7_Text_265C2C: @ 8265C2C .string "Ihihihi!\p" .string "Have you come to learn hard and\n" .string "yet pretty POKéMON moves?$" BattleFrontier_Lounge7_Text_265C6F: @ 8265C6F .string "Those ladies, the way they bad-mouth\n" .string "each other, you probably think that\l" .string "they don't get along.\p" .string "But if that were true, they wouldn't\n" .string "stay out here together, would they?$" BattleFrontier_Lounge7_Text_265D17: @ 8265D17 .string "When I was just a wee YOUNGSTER,\n" .string "those ladies were strong and beautiful.\p" .string "They were idols among us TRAINERS.\p" .string "Even now, age hasn't dulled their\n" .string "abilities.\p" .string "In fact, their POKéMON moves have\n" .string "grown even more polished.\p" .string "But… For some reason, I can't help\n" .string "but feel this…\p" .string "Time is so cruel…$" BattleFrontier_Lounge7_Text_265E30:: @ 8265E30 .string "Recovers up to\n" .string "half the user's\n" .string "maximum HP.$" BattleFrontier_Lounge7_Text_265E5B:: @ 8265E5B .string "Inflicts damage\n" .string "identical to the\n" .string "user's level.$" BattleFrontier_Lounge7_Text_265E8A:: @ 8265E8A .string "Recovers half the\n" .string "damage inflicted\n" .string "on a sleeping foe.$" BattleFrontier_Lounge7_Text_265EC0:: @ 8265EC0 .string "A strong punch\n" .string "thrown with\n" .string "incredible power.$" BattleFrontier_Lounge7_Text_265EED:: @ 8265EED .string "An extremely\n" .string "powerful kick with\n" .string "intense force.$" BattleFrontier_Lounge7_Text_265F1C:: @ 8265F1C .string "A full-body slam\n" .string "that may cause\n" .string "paralysis.$" BattleFrontier_Lounge7_Text_265F47:: @ 8265F47 .string "Large boulders\n" .string "are hurled. May\n" .string "cause flinching.$" BattleFrontier_Lounge7_Text_265F77:: @ 8265F77 .string "Retaliates any\n" .string "physical hit with\n" .string "double the power.$" BattleFrontier_Lounge7_Text_265FAA:: @ 8265FAA .string "A weak jolt of\n" .string "electricity that\n" .string "paralyzes the foe.$" BattleFrontier_Lounge7_Text_265FDD:: @ 8265FDD .string "A fighting dance\n" .string "that sharply\n" .string "raises ATTACK.$" BattleFrontier_Lounge7_Text_26600A:: @ 826600A .string "Curls up to con-\n" .string "ceal weak spots\n" .string "and raise DEFENSE.$" BattleFrontier_Lounge7_Text_26603E:: @ 826603E .string "A loud attack\n" .string "that can be used\n" .string "only while asleep.$" BattleFrontier_Lounge7_Text_266070:: @ 8266070 .string "Hurls mud in the\n" .string "foe's face to re-\n" .string "duce its accuracy.$" BattleFrontier_Lounge7_Text_2660A6:: @ 82660A6 .string "Sprays star-\n" .string "shaped rays\n" .string "that never miss.$" BattleFrontier_Lounge7_Text_2660D0:: @ 82660D0 .string "A chilling attack\n" .string "that lowers the\n" .string "foe's SPEED.$" BattleFrontier_Lounge7_Text_2660FF:: @ 82660FF .string "Endures any at-\n" .string "tack for 1 turn,\n" .string "leaving 1HP.$" BattleFrontier_Lounge7_Text_26612D:: @ 826612D .string "Copies the foe's\n" .string "effect(s) and\n" .string "gives to the user.$" BattleFrontier_Lounge7_Text_26615F:: @ 826615F .string "An icy punch\n" .string "that may\n" .string "freeze the foe.$" BattleFrontier_Lounge7_Text_266185:: @ 8266185 .string "An electrified\n" .string "punch that may\n" .string "paralyze the foe.$" BattleFrontier_Lounge7_Text_2661B5:: @ 82661B5 .string "A fiery punch\n" .string "that may burn\n" .string "the foe.$"