BattleFrontier_Lounge1_MapScripts:: @ 825E774 .byte 0 BattleFrontier_Lounge1_EventScript_25E775:: @ 825E775 lock faceplayer checkflag FLAG_0x153 call_if 0, BattleFrontier_Lounge1_EventScript_25E7AD checkflag FLAG_0x153 call_if 1, BattleFrontier_Lounge1_EventScript_25E7B6 setflag FLAG_0x153 goto BattleFrontier_Lounge1_EventScript_25E792 end BattleFrontier_Lounge1_EventScript_25E792:: @ 825E792 special sub_81B94B0 waitstate compare VAR_0x8004, 255 goto_if 5, BattleFrontier_Lounge1_EventScript_25E7BF compare VAR_0x8004, 255 goto_eq BattleFrontier_Lounge1_EventScript_25E943 end BattleFrontier_Lounge1_EventScript_25E7AD:: @ 825E7AD msgbox BattleFrontier_Lounge1_Text_25E95F, 4 return BattleFrontier_Lounge1_EventScript_25E7B6:: @ 825E7B6 msgbox BattleFrontier_Lounge1_Text_25EEF6, 4 return BattleFrontier_Lounge1_EventScript_25E7BF:: @ 825E7BF specialvar VAR_RESULT, sub_81396E0 compare VAR_RESULT, 412 goto_eq BattleFrontier_Lounge1_EventScript_25E7FF special sub_8139D98 compare VAR_0x8005, 90 goto_if 3, BattleFrontier_Lounge1_EventScript_25E87F compare VAR_0x8005, 120 goto_if 3, BattleFrontier_Lounge1_EventScript_25E88D compare VAR_0x8005, 150 goto_if 3, BattleFrontier_Lounge1_EventScript_25E89B compare VAR_0x8005, 151 goto_if 4, BattleFrontier_Lounge1_EventScript_25E8A9 end BattleFrontier_Lounge1_EventScript_25E7FF:: @ 825E7FF msgbox BattleFrontier_Lounge1_Text_25EF5E, 4 goto BattleFrontier_Lounge1_EventScript_25E792 end BattleFrontier_Lounge1_EventScript_25E80D:: @ 825E80D compare VAR_0x8006, 0 goto_eq BattleFrontier_Lounge1_EventScript_25E8B7 compare VAR_0x8006, 1 goto_eq BattleFrontier_Lounge1_EventScript_25E8C5 compare VAR_0x8006, 2 goto_eq BattleFrontier_Lounge1_EventScript_25E8D3 compare VAR_0x8006, 3 goto_eq BattleFrontier_Lounge1_EventScript_25E8E1 compare VAR_0x8006, 4 goto_eq BattleFrontier_Lounge1_EventScript_25E8EF compare VAR_0x8006, 5 goto_eq BattleFrontier_Lounge1_EventScript_25E8FD end BattleFrontier_Lounge1_EventScript_25E850:: @ 825E850 compare VAR_0x8007, 15 goto_if 3, BattleFrontier_Lounge1_EventScript_25E90B compare VAR_0x8007, 25 goto_if 3, BattleFrontier_Lounge1_EventScript_25E919 compare VAR_0x8007, 30 goto_if 3, BattleFrontier_Lounge1_EventScript_25E927 compare VAR_0x8007, 31 goto_if 4, BattleFrontier_Lounge1_EventScript_25E935 end BattleFrontier_Lounge1_EventScript_25E87D:: @ 825E87D release end BattleFrontier_Lounge1_EventScript_25E87F:: @ 825E87F msgbox BattleFrontier_Lounge1_Text_25EA92, 4 goto BattleFrontier_Lounge1_EventScript_25E80D end BattleFrontier_Lounge1_EventScript_25E88D:: @ 825E88D msgbox BattleFrontier_Lounge1_Text_25EAD9, 4 goto BattleFrontier_Lounge1_EventScript_25E80D end BattleFrontier_Lounge1_EventScript_25E89B:: @ 825E89B msgbox BattleFrontier_Lounge1_Text_25EB2A, 4 goto BattleFrontier_Lounge1_EventScript_25E80D end BattleFrontier_Lounge1_EventScript_25E8A9:: @ 825E8A9 msgbox BattleFrontier_Lounge1_Text_25EB6F, 4 goto BattleFrontier_Lounge1_EventScript_25E80D end BattleFrontier_Lounge1_EventScript_25E8B7:: @ 825E8B7 msgbox BattleFrontier_Lounge1_Text_25EBBB, 4 goto BattleFrontier_Lounge1_EventScript_25E850 end BattleFrontier_Lounge1_EventScript_25E8C5:: @ 825E8C5 msgbox BattleFrontier_Lounge1_Text_25EBF8, 4 goto BattleFrontier_Lounge1_EventScript_25E850 end BattleFrontier_Lounge1_EventScript_25E8D3:: @ 825E8D3 msgbox BattleFrontier_Lounge1_Text_25EC39, 4 goto BattleFrontier_Lounge1_EventScript_25E850 end BattleFrontier_Lounge1_EventScript_25E8E1:: @ 825E8E1 msgbox BattleFrontier_Lounge1_Text_25ED0E, 4 goto BattleFrontier_Lounge1_EventScript_25E850 end BattleFrontier_Lounge1_EventScript_25E8EF:: @ 825E8EF msgbox BattleFrontier_Lounge1_Text_25EC7B, 4 goto BattleFrontier_Lounge1_EventScript_25E850 end BattleFrontier_Lounge1_EventScript_25E8FD:: @ 825E8FD msgbox BattleFrontier_Lounge1_Text_25ECC4, 4 goto BattleFrontier_Lounge1_EventScript_25E850 end BattleFrontier_Lounge1_EventScript_25E90B:: @ 825E90B msgbox BattleFrontier_Lounge1_Text_25ED4E, 4 goto BattleFrontier_Lounge1_EventScript_25E87D end BattleFrontier_Lounge1_EventScript_25E919:: @ 825E919 msgbox BattleFrontier_Lounge1_Text_25ED87, 4 goto BattleFrontier_Lounge1_EventScript_25E87D end BattleFrontier_Lounge1_EventScript_25E927:: @ 825E927 msgbox BattleFrontier_Lounge1_Text_25EDC1, 4 goto BattleFrontier_Lounge1_EventScript_25E87D end BattleFrontier_Lounge1_EventScript_25E935:: @ 825E935 msgbox BattleFrontier_Lounge1_Text_25EDF6, 4 goto BattleFrontier_Lounge1_EventScript_25E87D end BattleFrontier_Lounge1_EventScript_25E943:: @ 825E943 msgbox BattleFrontier_Lounge1_Text_25EE37, 4 release end BattleFrontier_Lounge1_EventScript_25E94D:: @ 825E94D msgbox BattleFrontier_Lounge1_Text_25EFDD, 2 end BattleFrontier_Lounge1_EventScript_25E956:: @ 825E956 msgbox BattleFrontier_Lounge1_Text_25F020, 2 end BattleFrontier_Lounge1_Text_25E95F: @ 825E95F .string "For 70 years I have raised POKéMON!\n" .string "I am the man they revere as\l" .string "the legendary top POKéMON BREEDER!\p" .string "If you ever become as seasoned as me,\n" .string "you’ll see the abilities of POKéMON\l" .string "at a glance.\p" .string "You’re a TRAINER. Doesn’t it interest\n" .string "you to know your own POKéMON’s\l" .string "abilities?\p" .string "Here!\n" .string "Let’s have a look at your POKéMON!$" BattleFrontier_Lounge1_Text_25EA92: @ 825EA92 .string "…Hmm…\p" .string "This one, overall, I would describe\n" .string "as being of average ability.$" BattleFrontier_Lounge1_Text_25EAD9: @ 825EAD9 .string "…Hmm…\p" .string "This one, overall, I would describe as\n" .string "having better-than-average ability.$" BattleFrontier_Lounge1_Text_25EB2A: @ 825EB2A .string "…Hmm…\p" .string "This one, overall, I would say is\n" .string "quite impressive in ability!$" BattleFrontier_Lounge1_Text_25EB6F: @ 825EB6F .string "…Hmm…\p" .string "This one, overall, I would say is\n" .string "wonderfully outstanding in ability!$" BattleFrontier_Lounge1_Text_25EBBB: @ 825EBBB .string "Incidentally, the best aspect of it,\n" .string "I would say, is its HP…$" BattleFrontier_Lounge1_Text_25EBF8: @ 825EBF8 .string "Incidentally, the best aspect of it,\n" .string "I would say, is its ATTACK…$" BattleFrontier_Lounge1_Text_25EC39: @ 825EC39 .string "Incidentally, the best aspect of it,\n" .string "I would say, is its DEFENSE…$" BattleFrontier_Lounge1_Text_25EC7B: @ 825EC7B .string "Incidentally, the best aspect of it,\n" .string "I would say, is its SPECIAL ATTACK…$" BattleFrontier_Lounge1_Text_25ECC4: @ 825ECC4 .string "Incidentally, the best aspect of it,\n" .string "I would say, is its SPECIAL DEFENSE…$" BattleFrontier_Lounge1_Text_25ED0E: @ 825ED0E .string "Incidentally, the best aspect of it,\n" .string "I would say, is its SPEED…$" BattleFrontier_Lounge1_Text_25ED4E: @ 825ED4E .string "That stat is relatively good.\n" .string "…Hm… That’s how I call it.$" BattleFrontier_Lounge1_Text_25ED87: @ 825ED87 .string "That stat is quite impressive.\n" .string "…Hm… That’s how I call it.$" BattleFrontier_Lounge1_Text_25EDC1: @ 825EDC1 .string "That stat is outstanding!\n" .string "…Hm… That’s how I call it.$" BattleFrontier_Lounge1_Text_25EDF6: @ 825EDF6 .string "It’s flawless! A thing of perfection!\n" .string "…Hm… That’s how I call it.$" BattleFrontier_Lounge1_Text_25EE37: @ 825EE37 .string "What?\n" .string "You have no time for my advice?\p" .string "You should always be eager to learn\n" .string "from the experiences of your elders!$" BattleFrontier_Lounge1_Text_25EEA6: @ 825EEA6 .string "Yes, what is it now?\p" .string "I have business that needs tending!\n" .string "Save it for next time!$" BattleFrontier_Lounge1_Text_25EEF6: @ 825EEF6 .string "Ah, youngster! Do your POKéMON’s\n" .string "abilities intrigue you?\p" .string "Here, here!\n" .string "Let’s have a look at your POKéMON!$" BattleFrontier_Lounge1_Text_25EF5E: @ 825EF5E .string "An expert I am, but even I can’t tell\n" .string "anything about an unhatched POKéMON!\p" .string "Show me a POKéMON!\n" .string "A POKéMON is what I need to see!$" BattleFrontier_Lounge1_Text_25EFDD: @ 825EFDD .string "He said my POKéMON is outstanding!\n" .string "I’m glad I raised it carefully!$" BattleFrontier_Lounge1_Text_25F020: @ 825F020 .string "He said my POKéMON is outstanding!\n" .string "But I didn’t do anything special\l" .string "raising it…$"