BattleFrontier_ReceptionGate_MapScripts:: @ 82661DA map_script 2, BattleFrontier_ReceptionGate_MapScript2_2661E9 map_script 3, BattleFrontier_ReceptionGate_MapScript1_2661E5 .byte 0 BattleFrontier_ReceptionGate_MapScript1_2661E5: @ 82661E5 setflag FLAG_UNLOCK_BATTLE_FRONTIER end BattleFrontier_ReceptionGate_MapScript2_2661E9: @ 82661E9 map_script_2 VAR_0x40D0, 0, BattleFrontier_ReceptionGate_EventScript_2661F3 .2byte 0 BattleFrontier_ReceptionGate_EventScript_2661F3:: @ 82661F3 lockall setvar VAR_0x40D0, 1 playse SE_PIN applymovement 1, BattleFrontier_ReceptionGate_Movement_272598 waitmovement 0 applymovement 1, BattleFrontier_ReceptionGate_Movement_27259A waitmovement 0 msgbox BattleFrontier_ReceptionGate_Text_266580, 4 closemessage applymovement 255, BattleFrontier_ReceptionGate_Movement_2662D2 waitmovement 0 goto BattleFrontier_ReceptionGate_EventScript_266229 end BattleFrontier_ReceptionGate_EventScript_266229:: @ 8266229 msgbox BattleFrontier_ReceptionGate_Text_2665B2, 4 msgbox BattleFrontier_ReceptionGate_Text_2665F7, 4 playfanfare MUS_FANFA4 message BattleFrontier_ReceptionGate_Text_266676 waitfanfare waitmessage msgbox BattleFrontier_ReceptionGate_Text_266695, 4 setflag FLAG_SYS_FRONTIER_PASS msgbox BattleFrontier_ReceptionGate_Text_2666C6, 4 msgbox BattleFrontier_ReceptionGate_Text_266703, 4 closemessage applymovement 1, BattleFrontier_ReceptionGate_Movement_2725A6 applymovement 2, BattleFrontier_ReceptionGate_Movement_2725A6 applymovement 255, BattleFrontier_ReceptionGate_Movement_2725A6 waitmovement 0 playse SE_PIN applymovement 1, BattleFrontier_ReceptionGate_Movement_272598 applymovement 2, BattleFrontier_ReceptionGate_Movement_272598 applymovement 255, BattleFrontier_ReceptionGate_Movement_272598 waitmovement 0 msgbox BattleFrontier_ReceptionGate_Text_266733, 4 closemessage applymovement 1, BattleFrontier_ReceptionGate_Movement_2662F0 applymovement 2, BattleFrontier_ReceptionGate_Movement_2662F6 applymovement 255, BattleFrontier_ReceptionGate_Movement_2662D7 applymovement 4, BattleFrontier_ReceptionGate_Movement_2662E0 waitmovement 0 msgbox BattleFrontier_ReceptionGate_Text_266764, 4 closemessage applymovement 4, BattleFrontier_ReceptionGate_Movement_2662E8 waitmovement 0 removeobject 4 releaseall end BattleFrontier_ReceptionGate_Movement_2662D2: @ 82662D2 step_up step_up step_left step_left step_end BattleFrontier_ReceptionGate_Movement_2662D7: @ 82662D7 step_14 step_14 step_14 step_13 step_28 step_end BattleFrontier_ReceptionGate_Movement_2662DD: @ 82662DD step_down step_down step_end BattleFrontier_ReceptionGate_Movement_2662E0: @ 82662E0 step_down step_down step_down step_down step_down step_down step_left step_end BattleFrontier_ReceptionGate_Movement_2662E8: @ 82662E8 step_right step_up step_up step_up step_up step_up step_up step_end BattleFrontier_ReceptionGate_Movement_2662F0: @ 82662F0 step_14 step_14 step_14 step_13 step_28 step_end BattleFrontier_ReceptionGate_Movement_2662F6: @ 82662F6 step_14 step_14 step_14 step_13 step_27 step_end BattleFrontier_ReceptionGate_EventScript_2662FC:: @ 82662FC lock faceplayer msgbox BattleFrontier_ReceptionGate_Text_2665B2, 4 msgbox BattleFrontier_ReceptionGate_Text_2666C6, 4 release end BattleFrontier_ReceptionGate_EventScript_266310:: @ 8266310 lock faceplayer msgbox BattleFrontier_ReceptionGate_Text_266857, 4 goto BattleFrontier_ReceptionGate_EventScript_266320 end BattleFrontier_ReceptionGate_EventScript_266320:: @ 8266320 message BattleFrontier_ReceptionGate_Text_26689D waitmessage setvar VAR_0x8004, 8 special sub_813A128 waitstate switch VAR_RESULT case 0, BattleFrontier_ReceptionGate_EventScript_2663AE case 1, BattleFrontier_ReceptionGate_EventScript_2663BC case 2, BattleFrontier_ReceptionGate_EventScript_2663CA case 3, BattleFrontier_ReceptionGate_EventScript_2663D8 case 4, BattleFrontier_ReceptionGate_EventScript_2663E6 case 5, BattleFrontier_ReceptionGate_EventScript_2663F4 case 6, BattleFrontier_ReceptionGate_EventScript_266402 case 7, BattleFrontier_ReceptionGate_EventScript_266410 case 8, BattleFrontier_ReceptionGate_EventScript_26641E case 9, BattleFrontier_ReceptionGate_EventScript_26642C case 127, BattleFrontier_ReceptionGate_EventScript_26642C end BattleFrontier_ReceptionGate_EventScript_2663AE:: @ 82663AE msgbox BattleFrontier_ReceptionGate_Text_2668C2, 4 goto BattleFrontier_ReceptionGate_EventScript_266320 end BattleFrontier_ReceptionGate_EventScript_2663BC:: @ 82663BC msgbox BattleFrontier_ReceptionGate_Text_26696F, 4 goto BattleFrontier_ReceptionGate_EventScript_266320 end BattleFrontier_ReceptionGate_EventScript_2663CA:: @ 82663CA msgbox BattleFrontier_ReceptionGate_Text_266A34, 4 goto BattleFrontier_ReceptionGate_EventScript_266320 end BattleFrontier_ReceptionGate_EventScript_2663D8:: @ 82663D8 msgbox BattleFrontier_ReceptionGate_Text_266AC2, 4 goto BattleFrontier_ReceptionGate_EventScript_266320 end BattleFrontier_ReceptionGate_EventScript_2663E6:: @ 82663E6 msgbox BattleFrontier_ReceptionGate_Text_266B5D, 4 goto BattleFrontier_ReceptionGate_EventScript_266320 end BattleFrontier_ReceptionGate_EventScript_2663F4:: @ 82663F4 msgbox BattleFrontier_ReceptionGate_Text_266C24, 4 goto BattleFrontier_ReceptionGate_EventScript_266320 end BattleFrontier_ReceptionGate_EventScript_266402:: @ 8266402 msgbox BattleFrontier_ReceptionGate_Text_266CBB, 4 goto BattleFrontier_ReceptionGate_EventScript_266320 end BattleFrontier_ReceptionGate_EventScript_266410:: @ 8266410 msgbox BattleFrontier_ReceptionGate_Text_266D1C, 4 goto BattleFrontier_ReceptionGate_EventScript_266320 end BattleFrontier_ReceptionGate_EventScript_26641E:: @ 826641E msgbox BattleFrontier_ReceptionGate_Text_266DCB, 4 goto BattleFrontier_ReceptionGate_EventScript_266320 end BattleFrontier_ReceptionGate_EventScript_26642C:: @ 826642C msgbox BattleFrontier_ReceptionGate_Text_2666C6, 4 release end BattleFrontier_ReceptionGate_EventScript_266436:: @ 8266436 lock faceplayer msgbox BattleFrontier_ReceptionGate_Text_266E66, 4 goto BattleFrontier_ReceptionGate_EventScript_266446 end BattleFrontier_ReceptionGate_EventScript_266446:: @ 8266446 message BattleFrontier_ReceptionGate_Text_266EE0 waitmessage multichoice 15, 0, 95, 0 switch VAR_RESULT case 0, BattleFrontier_ReceptionGate_EventScript_2664A4 case 1, BattleFrontier_ReceptionGate_EventScript_2664B2 case 2, BattleFrontier_ReceptionGate_EventScript_2664C0 case 3, BattleFrontier_ReceptionGate_EventScript_2664CE case 4, BattleFrontier_ReceptionGate_EventScript_2664DC case 5, BattleFrontier_ReceptionGate_EventScript_2664EA case 127, BattleFrontier_ReceptionGate_EventScript_2664EA end BattleFrontier_ReceptionGate_EventScript_2664A4:: @ 82664A4 msgbox BattleFrontier_ReceptionGate_Text_266F04, 4 goto BattleFrontier_ReceptionGate_EventScript_266446 end BattleFrontier_ReceptionGate_EventScript_2664B2:: @ 82664B2 msgbox BattleFrontier_ReceptionGate_Text_266F69, 4 goto BattleFrontier_ReceptionGate_EventScript_266446 end BattleFrontier_ReceptionGate_EventScript_2664C0:: @ 82664C0 msgbox BattleFrontier_ReceptionGate_Text_267080, 4 goto BattleFrontier_ReceptionGate_EventScript_266446 end BattleFrontier_ReceptionGate_EventScript_2664CE:: @ 82664CE msgbox BattleFrontier_ReceptionGate_Text_26716A, 4 goto BattleFrontier_ReceptionGate_EventScript_266446 end BattleFrontier_ReceptionGate_EventScript_2664DC:: @ 82664DC msgbox BattleFrontier_ReceptionGate_Text_267298, 4 goto BattleFrontier_ReceptionGate_EventScript_266446 end BattleFrontier_ReceptionGate_EventScript_2664EA:: @ 82664EA msgbox BattleFrontier_ReceptionGate_Text_2666C6, 4 release end BattleFrontier_ReceptionGate_EventScript_2664F4:: @ 82664F4 lock faceplayer msgbox BattleFrontier_ReceptionGate_Text_267357, 4 goto BattleFrontier_ReceptionGate_EventScript_266504 end BattleFrontier_ReceptionGate_EventScript_266504:: @ 8266504 message BattleFrontier_ReceptionGate_Text_26737C waitmessage multichoice 16, 4, 11, 0 switch VAR_RESULT case 0, BattleFrontier_ReceptionGate_EventScript_26654C case 1, BattleFrontier_ReceptionGate_EventScript_26655A case 2, BattleFrontier_ReceptionGate_EventScript_266568 case 3, BattleFrontier_ReceptionGate_EventScript_266576 case 127, BattleFrontier_ReceptionGate_EventScript_266576 end BattleFrontier_ReceptionGate_EventScript_26654C:: @ 826654C msgbox BattleFrontier_ReceptionGate_Text_2673A1, 4 goto BattleFrontier_ReceptionGate_EventScript_266504 end BattleFrontier_ReceptionGate_EventScript_26655A:: @ 826655A msgbox BattleFrontier_ReceptionGate_Text_2674F3, 4 goto BattleFrontier_ReceptionGate_EventScript_266504 end BattleFrontier_ReceptionGate_EventScript_266568:: @ 8266568 msgbox BattleFrontier_ReceptionGate_Text_26761C, 4 goto BattleFrontier_ReceptionGate_EventScript_266504 end BattleFrontier_ReceptionGate_EventScript_266576:: @ 8266576 msgbox BattleFrontier_ReceptionGate_Text_2666C6, 4 release end BattleFrontier_ReceptionGate_Text_266580: @ 8266580 .string "Is it your first time here?\n" .string "Please step this way!$" BattleFrontier_ReceptionGate_Text_2665B2: @ 82665B2 .string "The front lines of POKéMON battling!\n" .string "Welcome to the BATTLE FRONTIER!$" BattleFrontier_ReceptionGate_Text_2665F7: @ 82665F7 .string "For a first-time visitor, we issue\n" .string "the FRONTIER PASS.\p" .string "It’s for use at all the facilities\n" .string "in the BATTLE FRONTIER.\p" .string "Here you are!$" BattleFrontier_ReceptionGate_Text_266676: @ 8266676 .string "{PLAYER} obtained\n" .string "the FRONTIER PASS.$" BattleFrontier_ReceptionGate_Text_266695: @ 8266695 .string "{PLAYER} placed the TRAINER CARD\n" .string "in the FRONTIER PASS.$" BattleFrontier_ReceptionGate_Text_2666C6: @ 82666C6 .string "We hope you enjoy all that the BATTLE\n" .string "FRONTIER has to offer!$" BattleFrontier_ReceptionGate_Text_266703: @ 8266703 .string "???: Well, if it isn’t {PLAYER}{KUN}!\n" .string "You came out here!$" BattleFrontier_ReceptionGate_Text_266733: @ 8266733 .string "GUIDE: Oh! MR. SCOTT, sir!\n" .string "Good day to you, sir!$" BattleFrontier_ReceptionGate_Text_266764: @ 8266764 .string "SCOTT: It’s great to see you here,\n" .string "it really is!\p" .string "I hope you’ll take your time and\n" .string "explore everywhere.\p" .string "Naturally, I hope you’ll also experience\n" .string "the pure essence of battling.\p" .string "I also have my quarters here, so feel\n" .string "free to visit if you have time.$" BattleFrontier_ReceptionGate_Text_266857: @ 8266857 .string "I’m your guide to the various facilities\n" .string "here in the BATTLE FRONTIER.$" BattleFrontier_ReceptionGate_Text_26689D: @ 826689D .string "Which would you like to learn about?$" BattleFrontier_ReceptionGate_Text_2668C2: @ 82668C2 .string "It is the gigantic tower considered\n" .string "to be the BATTLE FRONTIER’s symbol.\p" .string "There are four kinds of BATTLE ROOMS\n" .string "in the tower for SINGLE, DOUBLE, MULTI,\l" .string "and LINK MULTI BATTLES.$" BattleFrontier_ReceptionGate_Text_26696F: @ 826696F .string "The BATTLE DOME is the large building\n" .string "shaped like a huge egg.\p" .string "Events named Battle Tourneys are held\n" .string "in this facility.\p" .string "The Battle Tourneys are offered in\n" .string "two courses--for SINGLE and DOUBLE\l" .string "BATTLES.$" BattleFrontier_ReceptionGate_Text_266A34: @ 8266A34 .string "The BATTLE PALACE is the red building\n" .string "on the right of the BATTLE FRONTIER.\p" .string "There are two kinds of BATTLE HALLS\n" .string "for SINGLE and DOUBLE BATTLES.$" BattleFrontier_ReceptionGate_Text_266AC2: @ 8266AC2 .string "The BATTLE ARENA is the dojo-like\n" .string "building at the center-right of\l" .string "the BATTLE FRONTIER.\p" .string "An event called the Set KO Tourney\n" .string "takes place at the BATTLE ARENA.$" BattleFrontier_ReceptionGate_Text_266B5D: @ 8266B5D .string "The BATTLE FACTORY is the large\n" .string "building that is the closest to us.\p" .string "An event called the Battle Swap\n" .string "is conducted there.\p" .string "The Battle Swap event is offered in\n" .string "two courses for SINGLE and DOUBLE\l" .string "BATTLES.$" BattleFrontier_ReceptionGate_Text_266C24: @ 8266C24 .string "The BATTLE PIKE is the building shaped\n" .string "like a POKéMON at the center-left of\l" .string "the BATTLE FRONTIER.\p" .string "An event called the Battle Choice\n" .string "is conducted there.$" BattleFrontier_ReceptionGate_Text_266CBB: @ 8266CBB .string "The BATTLE PYRAMID is the enormous\n" .string "pyramid.\p" .string "An event called the Battle Quest\n" .string "is conducted there.$" BattleFrontier_ReceptionGate_Text_266D1C: @ 8266D1C .string "The RANKING HALL is located near\n" .string "the BATTLE TOWER.\p" .string "There, you may see the most fantastic\n" .string "records left by the TRAINERS that\l" .string "took on the many challenges of\l" .string "the BATTLE FRONTIER.$" BattleFrontier_ReceptionGate_Text_266DCB: @ 8266DCB .string "The EXCHANGE SERVICE CORNER is near\n" .string "the BATTLE TOWER.\p" .string "The Battle Points you have earned in\n" .string "the BATTLE FRONTIER may be exchanged\l" .string "for fabulous prizes there.$" BattleFrontier_ReceptionGate_Text_266E66: @ 8266E66 .string "I’m your guide to the basic rules that\n" .string "are common to all the challenges\l" .string "offered by the facilities in the BATTLE\l" .string "FRONTIER.$" BattleFrontier_ReceptionGate_Text_266EE0: @ 8266EE0 .string "What would you like to learn about?$" BattleFrontier_ReceptionGate_Text_266F04: @ 8266F04 .string "All the challenges at the BATTLE\n" .string "FRONTIER’s facilities come in\l" .string "two courses--Level 50 and Open Level.$" BattleFrontier_ReceptionGate_Text_266F69: @ 8266F69 .string "The Level 50 course is open to POKéMON\n" .string "up to and including Level 50.\p" .string "Please keep in mind, however, that\n" .string "no TRAINER you face will have any\l" .string "POKéMON below Level 50.\p" .string "This course is the entry level for\n" .string "battles at the BATTLE FRONTIER.\p" .string "To begin, we hope you will challenge\n" .string "this course.$" BattleFrontier_ReceptionGate_Text_267080: @ 8267080 .string "The Open Level course places no limit\n" .string "on the levels of POKéMON entering\l" .string "challenges.\p" .string "The levels of your opponents will\n" .string "be adjusted to match the levels of\l" .string "your POKéMON.\p" .string "However, no TRAINER you face will\n" .string "have any POKéMON below Level 60.$" BattleFrontier_ReceptionGate_Text_26716A: @ 826716A .string "Virtually any kind of POKéMON may take\n" .string "on the challenges at all facilities.\p" .string "EGGS and certain kinds of POKéMON,\n" .string "however, are not permitted.\p" .string "The numbers of POKéMON required for\n" .string "challenges will depend on the facility.\p" .string "At all facilities, however, two or more\n" .string "of the same kind of POKéMON are not\l" .string "permitted.$" BattleFrontier_ReceptionGate_Text_267298: @ 8267298 .string "When entering a challenge at a BATTLE\n" .string "FRONTIER facility, POKéMON may not\l" .string "be holding the same kind of item.\p" .string "Please make sure that all POKéMON\n" .string "entering a challenge are holding\l" .string "different items.$" BattleFrontier_ReceptionGate_Text_267357: @ 8267357 .string "I’m your guide to the FRONTIER PASS.$" BattleFrontier_ReceptionGate_Text_26737C: @ 826737C .string "Which would you like to learn about?$" BattleFrontier_ReceptionGate_Text_2673A1: @ 82673A1 .string "There are seven facilities at\n" .string "the BATTLE FRONTIER.\p" .string "TRAINERS who gain recognition for\n" .string "their abilities may be rewarded with\l" .string "symbols from each of the facilities.\p" .string "To earn a symbol, TRAINERS may need\n" .string "to defeat other TRAINERS in a row,\l" .string "and may need to win events repeatedly.\p" .string "It’s certainly not easy to win symbols.\n" .string "I wish you the best of luck!$" BattleFrontier_ReceptionGate_Text_2674F3: @ 82674F3 .string "It is possible to record one battle\n" .string "on your FRONTIER PASS.\p" .string "You may record a battle you had with\n" .string "a friend or friends.\p" .string "Or you may record a battle conducted\n" .string "at the BATTLE FRONTIER excluding\l" .string "matches at the BATTLE PIKE or\l" .string "the BATTLE PYRAMID.\p" .string "You may choose to record your match\n" .string "at the end of a battle.$" BattleFrontier_ReceptionGate_Text_26761C: @ 826761C .string "Battle Points are rewards given to\n" .string "TRAINERS who battled outstandingly\l" .string "at the BATTLE FRONTIER.\p" .string "You may trade in your Battle Points\n" .string "for prizes at the EXCHANGE SERVICE\l" .string "CORNER.$"