MossdeepCity_House1_MapScripts:: @ 8221FD5 .byte 0 MossdeepCity_House1_EventScript_221FD6:: @ 8221FD6 lock faceplayer bufferleadmonspeciesname 0 msgbox MossdeepCity_House1_Text_22200F, 4 specialvar VAR_RESULT, sub_81391D0 compare VAR_RESULT, 0 goto_eq MossdeepCity_House1_EventScript_221FFC msgbox MossdeepCity_House1_Text_22201D, 4 release end MossdeepCity_House1_EventScript_221FFC:: @ 8221FFC msgbox MossdeepCity_House1_Text_222068, 4 release end MossdeepCity_House1_EventScript_222006:: @ 8222006 msgbox MossdeepCity_House1_Text_222099, 2 end MossdeepCity_House1_Text_22200F: @ 822200F .string "Hmm!\n" .string "Your {STR_VAR_1}…$" MossdeepCity_House1_Text_22201D: @ 822201D .string "It likes {STR_VAR_1}S,\n" .string "doesn’t it?\p" .string "No, I’m positive of it! It definitely\n" .string "likes {STR_VAR_1}S!$" MossdeepCity_House1_Text_222068: @ 8222068 .string "It doesn’t appear to like or dislike\n" .string "any {POKEBLOCK}S.$" MossdeepCity_House1_Text_222099: @ 8222099 .string "My husband can tell what kind of\n" .string "{POKEBLOCK}S a POKéMON likes at a glance.$"