Route104_MrBrineysHouse_MapScripts:: @ 8229D2E map_script 3, Route104_MrBrineysHouse_MapScript1_229D34 .byte 0 Route104_MrBrineysHouse_MapScript1_229D34: @ 8229D34 setflag FLAG_0x89D compare VAR_0x4090, 1 call_if 1, Route104_MrBrineysHouse_EventScript_229D50 checkflag FLAG_0x0BC call_if 1, Route104_MrBrineysHouse_EventScript_229D4C end Route104_MrBrineysHouse_EventScript_229D4C:: @ 8229D4C setflag FLAG_0x32E return Route104_MrBrineysHouse_EventScript_229D50:: @ 8229D50 setobjectxyperm 1, 9, 3 setobjectmovementtype 1, 50 setobjectxyperm 2, 9, 6 setobjectmovementtype 2, 51 return Route104_MrBrineysHouse_EventScript_229D67:: @ 8229D67 lock faceplayer checkflag FLAG_0x093 call_if 0, Route104_MrBrineysHouse_EventScript_229D8A checkflag FLAG_0x0BD goto_if 0, Route104_MrBrineysHouse_EventScript_229DE1 checkflag FLAG_0x095 goto_if 0, Route104_MrBrineysHouse_EventScript_229DFA goto Route104_MrBrineysHouse_EventScript_229DAE end Route104_MrBrineysHouse_EventScript_229D8A:: @ 8229D8A setflag FLAG_0x093 msgbox Route104_MrBrineysHouse_Text_229E70, 4 msgbox Route104_MrBrineysHouse_Text_229E9B, 5 compare VAR_RESULT, 0 goto_eq Route104_MrBrineysHouse_EventScript_229E13 goto Route104_MrBrineysHouse_EventScript_229E27 end Route104_MrBrineysHouse_EventScript_229DAE:: @ 8229DAE message Route104_MrBrineysHouse_Text_22A268 waitmessage multichoicedefault 20, 8, 14, 1, 0 switch VAR_RESULT case 0, Route104_MrBrineysHouse_EventScript_229E27 case 1, Route104_MrBrineysHouse_EventScript_229E1D case 127, Route104_MrBrineysHouse_EventScript_229E1D end Route104_MrBrineysHouse_EventScript_229DE1:: @ 8229DE1 msgbox Route104_MrBrineysHouse_Text_22A0AD, 5 compare VAR_RESULT, 0 goto_eq Route104_MrBrineysHouse_EventScript_229E13 goto Route104_MrBrineysHouse_EventScript_229E27 end Route104_MrBrineysHouse_EventScript_229DFA:: @ 8229DFA msgbox Route104_MrBrineysHouse_Text_22A18F, 5 compare VAR_RESULT, 0 goto_eq Route104_MrBrineysHouse_EventScript_229E13 goto Route104_MrBrineysHouse_EventScript_229E27 end Route104_MrBrineysHouse_EventScript_229E13:: @ 8229E13 msgbox Route104_MrBrineysHouse_Text_22A041, 4 release end Route104_MrBrineysHouse_EventScript_229E1D:: @ 8229E1D msgbox Route104_MrBrineysHouse_Text_22A2C3, 4 release end Route104_MrBrineysHouse_EventScript_229E27:: @ 8229E27 msgbox Route104_MrBrineysHouse_Text_229FE9, 4 call Route104_MrBrineysHouse_EventScript_271E95 setvar VAR_0x408E, 1 clearflag FLAG_0x2E2 setflag FLAG_0x2E3 setflag FLAG_0x371 setvar VAR_0x405A, 8 setvar VAR_0x4063, 2 setflag FLAG_0x32E setflag FLAG_0x2CF warp ROUTE_104, 255, 13, 51 waitstate releaseall end Route104_MrBrineysHouse_EventScript_229E5D:: @ 8229E5D lock faceplayer waitse playmoncry SPECIES_WINGULL, 0 msgbox Route104_MrBrineysHouse_Text_22A337, 4 waitmoncry release end Route104_MrBrineysHouse_Text_229E70: @ 8229E70 .string "MR. BRINEY: Hold on, lass!\n" .string "Wait up, PEEKO!$" Route104_MrBrineysHouse_Text_229E9B: @ 8229E9B .string "Hm? You’re {PLAYER}{KUN}!\n" .string "You saved my darling PEEKO!\l" .string "We owe so much to you!\p" .string "What’s that?\n" .string "You want to sail with me?\p" .string "Hmhm…\p" .string "You have a LETTER bound for DEWFORD\n" .string "and a package for SLATEPORT, then?\p" .string "Quite the busy life you must lead!\p" .string "But, certainly, what you’re asking is\n" .string "no problem at all.\p" .string "You’ve come to the right man!\n" .string "We’ll set sail for DEWFORD.$" Route104_MrBrineysHouse_Text_229FE9: @ 8229FE9 .string "MR. BRINEY: DEWFORD it is, then!\p" .string "Anchors aweigh!\n" .string "PEEKO, we’re setting sail, my darling!$" Route104_MrBrineysHouse_Text_22A041: @ 822A041 .string "MR. BRINEY: Is that so?\n" .string "Your deliveries can wait?\p" .string "You just go on and tell me whenever\n" .string "you want to set sail!$" Route104_MrBrineysHouse_Text_22A0AD: @ 822A0AD .string "MR. BRINEY: Ahoy!\n" .string "I know exactly what you want to say!\p" .string "You’re to deliver a LETTER to DEWFORD\n" .string "and a package to SLATEPORT.\p" .string "What you need me to do is no problem\n" .string "at all--I’m the man for the job!\p" .string "First, we’ll set sail for DEWFORD.$" Route104_MrBrineysHouse_Text_22A18F: @ 822A18F .string "MR. BRINEY: Ahoy!\n" .string "I know exactly what you want to say!\p" .string "You’re to deliver a package to\n" .string "CAPT. STERN in SLATEPORT.\p" .string "What you need me to do is no problem\n" .string "at all--I’m the man for the job!\p" .string "First, we’ll set sail for DEWFORD.$" Route104_MrBrineysHouse_Text_22A268: @ 822A268 .string "MR. BRINEY: Ahoy!\n" .string "For you, I’ll go out to sea anytime!\p" .string "Now, my friend, where are we bound?$" Route104_MrBrineysHouse_Text_22A2C3: @ 822A2C3 .string "MR. BRINEY: Is that so?\n" .string "Well, PEEKO owes her life to you.\p" .string "You just go on and tell me whenever\n" .string "you want to set sail!$" Route104_MrBrineysHouse_Text_22A337: @ 822A337 .string "PEEKO: Pii piihyoro!$"