RustboroCity_MapScripts:: @ 81E06BD map_script 3, RustboroCity_MapScript1_1E06C8 map_script 2, RustboroCity_MapScript2_1E070B .byte 0 RustboroCity_MapScript1_1E06C8: @ 81E06C8 setflag FLAG_VISITED_RUSTBORO_CITY call RustboroCity_EventScript_271ED7 compare VAR_0x405A, 6 call_if 1, RustboroCity_EventScript_1E0707 getplayerxy VAR_0x4000, VAR_0x4001 compare VAR_0x405A, 6 goto_eq RustboroCity_EventScript_1E06EC end RustboroCity_EventScript_1E06EC:: @ 81E06EC compare VAR_0x4000, 11 goto_eq RustboroCity_EventScript_1E06FF setobjectxyperm 15, 12, 15 end RustboroCity_EventScript_1E06FF:: @ 81E06FF setobjectxyperm 15, 11, 15 end RustboroCity_EventScript_1E0707:: @ 81E0707 setflag FLAG_SPECIAL_FLAG_0x4000 return RustboroCity_MapScript2_1E070B: @ 81E070B map_script_2 VAR_0x405A, 6, RustboroCity_EventScript_1E0715 .2byte 0 RustboroCity_EventScript_1E0715:: @ 81E0715 lockall setvar VAR_0x4063, 1 applymovement 255, RustboroCity_Movement_1E0850 waitmovement 0 playse SE_KAIDAN delay 10 addobject 15 applymovement 15, RustboroCity_Movement_1E0852 waitmovement 0 playse SE_PIN applymovement 15, RustboroCity_Movement_272598 waitmovement 0 applymovement 15, RustboroCity_Movement_27259A waitmovement 0 applymovement 255, RustboroCity_Movement_2725A6 waitmovement 0 applymovement 15, RustboroCity_Movement_1E084E waitmovement 0 msgbox RustboroCity_Text_1E22A5, 4 closemessage setflag FLAG_HAS_MATCH_CALL applymovement 15, RustboroCity_Movement_2725A4 waitmovement 0 playse SE_TK_KASYA delay 10 playse SE_TK_KASYA delay 10 playse SE_TK_KASYA delay 10 playse SE_TK_KASYA delay 20 applymovement 15, RustboroCity_Movement_2725AA waitmovement 0 msgbox RustboroCity_Text_1E2331, 4 closemessage delay 20 goto RustboroCity_EventScript_1E07BD RustboroCity_EventScript_1E07AC:: @ 81E07AC msgbox RustboroCity_Text_1E2449, 4 closemessage delay 10 goto RustboroCity_EventScript_1E07BD RustboroCity_EventScript_1E07BD:: @ 81E07BD setflag FLAG_0x130 special sp106_CreateStartMenu waitstate switch VAR_RESULT case 0, RustboroCity_EventScript_1E07AC case 1, RustboroCity_EventScript_1E07AC case 2, RustboroCity_EventScript_1E07AC case 4, RustboroCity_EventScript_1E07AC case 5, RustboroCity_EventScript_1E07AC case 6, RustboroCity_EventScript_1E07AC case 7, RustboroCity_EventScript_1E07AC case 127, RustboroCity_EventScript_1E07AC special sub_81C72A4 waitstate delay 20 msgbox RustboroCity_Text_1E2464, 4 closemessage applymovement 15, RustboroCity_Movement_1E085D waitmovement 0 playse SE_KAIDAN removeobject 15 setflag FLAG_0x34C setvar VAR_0x405A, 7 clearflag FLAG_SPECIAL_FLAG_0x4000 releaseall end RustboroCity_Movement_1E084E: @ 81E084E step_1d step_end RustboroCity_Movement_1E0850: @ 81E0850 step_down step_end RustboroCity_Movement_1E0852: @ 81E0852 step_down step_14 step_end RustboroCity_Movement_1E0855: @ 81E0855 step_14 step_left step_down step_down step_right step_26 step_14 step_end RustboroCity_Movement_1E085D: @ 81E085D step_up step_end RustboroCity_EventScript_1E085F:: @ 81E085F lock faceplayer checkflag FLAG_0x08E goto_eq RustboroCity_EventScript_1E0874 msgbox RustboroCity_Text_1E123F, 4 release end RustboroCity_EventScript_1E0874:: @ 81E0874 msgbox RustboroCity_Text_1E12AC, 4 release end RustboroCity_EventScript_1E087E:: @ 81E087E lock faceplayer msgbox RustboroCity_Text_1E1407, 4 release end RustboroCity_EventScript_1E088A:: @ 81E088A msgbox RustboroCity_Text_1E1480, 2 end RustboroCity_EventScript_1E0893:: @ 81E0893 lock faceplayer checkflag FLAG_BADGE01_GET goto_eq RustboroCity_EventScript_1E08A8 msgbox RustboroCity_Text_1E130D, 4 release end RustboroCity_EventScript_1E08A8:: @ 81E08A8 msgbox RustboroCity_Text_1E139E, 4 release end RustboroCity_EventScript_1E08B2:: @ 81E08B2 lock faceplayer checkflag FLAG_0x0BC goto_eq RustboroCity_EventScript_1E08C7 msgbox RustboroCity_Text_1E1520, 4 release end RustboroCity_EventScript_1E08C7:: @ 81E08C7 msgbox RustboroCity_Text_1E1589, 4 release end RustboroCity_EventScript_1E08D1:: @ 81E08D1 msgbox RustboroCity_Text_1E1633, 2 end RustboroCity_EventScript_1E08DA:: @ 81E08DA msgbox RustboroCity_Text_1E1695, 3 end RustboroCity_EventScript_1E08E3:: @ 81E08E3 msgbox RustboroCity_Text_1E20A6, 3 end RustboroCity_EventScript_1E08EC:: @ 81E08EC msgbox RustboroCity_Text_1E2128, 3 end RustboroCity_EventScript_1E08F5:: @ 81E08F5 msgbox RustboroCity_Text_1E2167, 3 end RustboroCity_EventScript_1E08FE:: @ 81E08FE msgbox RustboroCity_Text_1E21B3, 3 end RustboroCity_EventScript_1E0907:: @ 81E0907 msgbox RustboroCity_Text_1E220B, 3 end RustboroCity_EventScript_1E0910:: @ 81E0910 msgbox RustboroCity_Text_1E2253, 3 end RustboroCity_EventScript_1E0919:: @ 81E0919 msgbox RustboroCity_Text_1E2296, 3 end RustboroCity_EventScript_1E0922:: @ 81E0922 lock faceplayer msgbox RustboroCity_Text_1E16F4, 4 applymovement 7, RustboroCity_Movement_2725A2 waitmovement 0 release end RustboroCity_EventScript_1E0938:: @ 81E0938 lock faceplayer msgbox RustboroCity_Text_1E174B, 4 applymovement 8, RustboroCity_Movement_2725A2 waitmovement 0 release end RustboroCity_EventScript_1E094E:: @ 81E094E lock faceplayer msgbox RustboroCity_Text_1E1789, 4 release end RustboroCity_EventScript_1E095A:: @ 81E095A lockall setobjectxyperm 9, 14, 21 setobjectmovementtype 9, 10 setvar VAR_0x8004, 0 goto RustboroCity_EventScript_1E09CD end RustboroCity_EventScript_1E0971:: @ 81E0971 lockall setobjectxyperm 9, 14, 21 setobjectmovementtype 9, 10 setvar VAR_0x8004, 1 goto RustboroCity_EventScript_1E09CD end RustboroCity_EventScript_1E0988:: @ 81E0988 lockall setobjectxyperm 9, 14, 21 setobjectmovementtype 9, 10 setvar VAR_0x8004, 2 goto RustboroCity_EventScript_1E09CD end RustboroCity_EventScript_1E099F:: @ 81E099F lockall setobjectxyperm 9, 14, 21 setobjectmovementtype 9, 10 setvar VAR_0x8004, 3 goto RustboroCity_EventScript_1E09CD end RustboroCity_EventScript_1E09B6:: @ 81E09B6 lockall setobjectxyperm 9, 14, 21 setobjectmovementtype 9, 10 setvar VAR_0x8004, 4 goto RustboroCity_EventScript_1E09CD end RustboroCity_EventScript_1E09CD:: @ 81E09CD msgbox RustboroCity_Text_1E17FE, 4 closemessage playbgm MUS_AQA_0, 0 addobject 10 addobject 9 applymovement 10, RustboroCity_Movement_1E0AA0 waitmovement 0 removeobject 10 applymovement 9, RustboroCity_Movement_1E0AB1 waitmovement 0 msgbox RustboroCity_Text_1E1817, 4 closemessage applymovement 9, RustboroCity_Movement_1E0AB9 waitmovement 0 fadedefaultbgm removeobject 9 setobjectxyperm 9, 30, 10 clearflag FLAG_0x2DC setflag FLAG_0x08E setvar VAR_0x405A, 2 setvar VAR_0x409A, 2 setvar VAR_0x406F, 1 clearflag FLAG_0x37B clearflag FLAG_0x370 clearflag FLAG_0x36E setflag FLAG_0x2E3 setflag FLAG_0x371 releaseall end RustboroCity_EventScript_1E0A3B:: @ 81E0A3B msgbox RustboroCity_Text_1E1904, 4 return RustboroCity_EventScript_1E0A44:: @ 81E0A44 msgbox RustboroCity_Text_1E194D, 4 return RustboroCity_EventScript_1E0A4D:: @ 81E0A4D applymovement 9, RustboroCity_Movement_1E0AC1 waitmovement 0 return RustboroCity_EventScript_1E0A58:: @ 81E0A58 applymovement 9, RustboroCity_Movement_1E0AC5 waitmovement 0 return RustboroCity_EventScript_1E0A63:: @ 81E0A63 applymovement 9, RustboroCity_Movement_1E0ACA waitmovement 0 return RustboroCity_EventScript_1E0A6E:: @ 81E0A6E applymovement 9, RustboroCity_Movement_1E0ACF waitmovement 0 return RustboroCity_EventScript_1E0A79:: @ 81E0A79 applymovement 9, RustboroCity_Movement_1E0AD5 waitmovement 0 applymovement 255, RustboroCity_Movement_2725A6 waitmovement 0 return RustboroCity_Movement_1E0A8E: @ 81E0A8E step_30 step_30 step_18 step_18 step_18 step_18 step_16 step_16 step_16 step_16 step_16 step_16 step_16 step_16 step_16 step_16 step_16 step_end RustboroCity_Movement_1E0AA0: @ 81E0AA0 step_30 step_30 step_18 step_18 step_18 step_18 step_18 step_16 step_16 step_16 step_16 step_16 step_16 step_16 step_16 step_16 step_end RustboroCity_Movement_1E0AB1: @ 81E0AB1 step_right step_right step_right step_right step_right step_right step_26 step_end RustboroCity_Movement_1E0AB9: @ 81E0AB9 step_up step_up step_up step_up step_up step_up step_up step_end RustboroCity_Movement_1E0AC1: @ 81E0AC1 step_down step_right step_right step_end RustboroCity_Movement_1E0AC5: @ 81E0AC5 step_down step_down step_right step_right step_end RustboroCity_Movement_1E0ACA: @ 81E0ACA step_down step_down step_right step_right step_end RustboroCity_Movement_1E0ACF: @ 81E0ACF step_down step_down step_down step_right step_right step_end RustboroCity_Movement_1E0AD5: @ 81E0AD5 step_down step_down step_down step_right step_right step_right step_25 step_end RustboroCity_EventScript_1E0ADD:: @ 81E0ADD lock faceplayer checkflag FLAG_0x08F goto_eq RustboroCity_EventScript_1E0AF2 msgbox RustboroCity_Text_1E1904, 4 release end RustboroCity_EventScript_1E0AF2:: @ 81E0AF2 waitse setvar VAR_0x4001, 4 goto RustboroCity_EventScript_1E0C5B end RustboroCity_EventScript_1E0AFE:: @ 81E0AFE lockall setvar VAR_0x4001, 0 goto RustboroCity_EventScript_1E0B2E end RustboroCity_EventScript_1E0B0A:: @ 81E0B0A lockall setvar VAR_0x4001, 1 goto RustboroCity_EventScript_1E0B2E end RustboroCity_EventScript_1E0B16:: @ 81E0B16 lockall setvar VAR_0x4001, 2 goto RustboroCity_EventScript_1E0B2E end RustboroCity_EventScript_1E0B22:: @ 81E0B22 lockall setvar VAR_0x4001, 3 goto RustboroCity_EventScript_1E0B2E end RustboroCity_EventScript_1E0B2E:: @ 81E0B2E compare VAR_0x4001, 0 call_if 1, RustboroCity_EventScript_1E0B6F compare VAR_0x4001, 1 call_if 1, RustboroCity_EventScript_1E0B9B compare VAR_0x4001, 2 call_if 1, RustboroCity_EventScript_1E0BC7 compare VAR_0x4001, 3 call_if 1, RustboroCity_EventScript_1E0BF3 setflag FLAG_0x09F setvar VAR_0x405A, 3 moveobjectoffscreen 9 msgbox RustboroCity_Text_1E183E, 4 releaseall end RustboroCity_EventScript_1E0B6F:: @ 81E0B6F applymovement 9, RustboroCity_Movement_2725A6 waitmovement 0 playse SE_PIN applymovement 9, RustboroCity_Movement_272598 waitmovement 0 applymovement 9, RustboroCity_Movement_27259A waitmovement 0 applymovement 255, RustboroCity_Movement_2725AA waitmovement 0 return RustboroCity_EventScript_1E0B9B:: @ 81E0B9B applymovement 9, RustboroCity_Movement_2725A4 waitmovement 0 playse SE_PIN applymovement 9, RustboroCity_Movement_272598 waitmovement 0 applymovement 9, RustboroCity_Movement_27259A waitmovement 0 applymovement 255, RustboroCity_Movement_2725AC waitmovement 0 return RustboroCity_EventScript_1E0BC7:: @ 81E0BC7 applymovement 9, RustboroCity_Movement_2725AA waitmovement 0 playse SE_PIN applymovement 9, RustboroCity_Movement_272598 waitmovement 0 applymovement 9, RustboroCity_Movement_27259A waitmovement 0 applymovement 255, RustboroCity_Movement_2725A6 waitmovement 0 return RustboroCity_EventScript_1E0BF3:: @ 81E0BF3 applymovement 9, RustboroCity_Movement_2725AA waitmovement 0 playse SE_PIN applymovement 9, RustboroCity_Movement_272598 waitmovement 0 applymovement 9, RustboroCity_Movement_27259A waitmovement 0 applymovement 9, RustboroCity_Movement_1E0C29 waitmovement 0 applymovement 255, RustboroCity_Movement_2725A6 waitmovement 0 return RustboroCity_Movement_1E0C29: @ 81E0C29 step_down step_end RustboroCity_EventScript_1E0C2B:: @ 81E0C2B lockall setvar VAR_0x4001, 0 goto RustboroCity_EventScript_1E0C5B end RustboroCity_EventScript_1E0C37:: @ 81E0C37 lockall setvar VAR_0x4001, 1 goto RustboroCity_EventScript_1E0C5B end RustboroCity_EventScript_1E0C43:: @ 81E0C43 lockall setvar VAR_0x4001, 2 goto RustboroCity_EventScript_1E0C5B end RustboroCity_EventScript_1E0C4F:: @ 81E0C4F lockall setvar VAR_0x4001, 3 goto RustboroCity_EventScript_1E0C5B end RustboroCity_EventScript_1E0C5B:: @ 81E0C5B compare VAR_0x4001, 0 call_if 1, RustboroCity_EventScript_1E0CDC compare VAR_0x4001, 1 call_if 1, RustboroCity_EventScript_1E0D08 compare VAR_0x4001, 2 call_if 1, RustboroCity_EventScript_1E0D34 compare VAR_0x4001, 3 call_if 1, RustboroCity_EventScript_1E0D60 compare VAR_0x4001, 4 call_if 1, RustboroCity_EventScript_1E0D96 msgbox RustboroCity_Text_1E194D, 4 giveitem_std ITEM_GREAT_BALL compare VAR_RESULT, 0 call_if 1, RustboroCity_EventScript_1E0CD3 msgbox RustboroCity_Text_1E1A21, 4 closemessage setflag FLAG_0x090 setflag FLAG_0x2DC setvar VAR_0x405A, 5 delay 30 warp RUSTBORO_CITY_DEVON_CORP_3F, 255, 2, 2 waitstate releaseall end RustboroCity_EventScript_1E0CD3:: @ 81E0CD3 msgbox RustboroCity_Text_1E19E5, 4 return RustboroCity_EventScript_1E0CDC:: @ 81E0CDC applymovement 9, RustboroCity_Movement_2725A6 waitmovement 0 playse SE_PIN applymovement 9, RustboroCity_Movement_272598 waitmovement 0 applymovement 9, RustboroCity_Movement_27259A waitmovement 0 applymovement 255, RustboroCity_Movement_2725AA waitmovement 0 return RustboroCity_EventScript_1E0D08:: @ 81E0D08 applymovement 9, RustboroCity_Movement_2725A8 waitmovement 0 playse SE_PIN applymovement 9, RustboroCity_Movement_272598 waitmovement 0 applymovement 9, RustboroCity_Movement_27259A waitmovement 0 applymovement 255, RustboroCity_Movement_2725AE waitmovement 0 return RustboroCity_EventScript_1E0D34:: @ 81E0D34 applymovement 9, RustboroCity_Movement_2725AA waitmovement 0 playse SE_PIN applymovement 9, RustboroCity_Movement_272598 waitmovement 0 applymovement 9, RustboroCity_Movement_27259A waitmovement 0 applymovement 255, RustboroCity_Movement_2725A6 waitmovement 0 return RustboroCity_EventScript_1E0D60:: @ 81E0D60 applymovement 9, RustboroCity_Movement_2725AA waitmovement 0 playse SE_PIN applymovement 9, RustboroCity_Movement_272598 waitmovement 0 applymovement 9, RustboroCity_Movement_27259A waitmovement 0 applymovement 9, RustboroCity_Movement_1E0C29 waitmovement 0 applymovement 255, RustboroCity_Movement_2725A6 waitmovement 0 return RustboroCity_EventScript_1E0D96:: @ 81E0D96 applymovement 9, RustboroCity_Movement_2725A4 waitmovement 0 playse SE_PIN applymovement 9, RustboroCity_Movement_272598 waitmovement 0 applymovement 9, RustboroCity_Movement_27259A waitmovement 0 return RustboroCity_EventScript_1E0DB8:: @ 81E0DB8 lockall checkflag FLAG_0x120 call_if 0, RustboroCity_EventScript_1E0DD1 applymovement 14, RustboroCity_Movement_27259E waitmovement 0 goto RustboroCity_EventScript_1E0FF3 Route104_EventScript_1E0DD1:: @ 81E0DD1 RustboroCity_EventScript_1E0DD1:: @ 81E0DD1 checkplayergender compare VAR_RESULT, 0 goto_eq RustboroCity_EventScript_1E0DE9 compare VAR_RESULT, 1 goto_eq RustboroCity_EventScript_1E0DEE return RustboroCity_EventScript_1E0DE9:: @ 81E0DE9 playbgm MUS_GIRL_SUP, 1 return RustboroCity_EventScript_1E0DEE:: @ 81E0DEE playbgm MUS_BOY_SUP, 1 return RustboroCity_EventScript_1E0DF3:: @ 81E0DF3 lockall call RustboroCity_EventScript_1E0DD1 applymovement 14, RustboroCity_Movement_2725AA waitmovement 0 playse SE_PIN applymovement 14, RustboroCity_Movement_272598 waitmovement 0 applymovement 14, RustboroCity_Movement_27259A waitmovement 0 applymovement 14, RustboroCity_Movement_1E120E waitmovement 0 applymovement 255, RustboroCity_Movement_2725A6 waitmovement 0 goto RustboroCity_EventScript_1E0FF3 RustboroCity_EventScript_1E0E33:: @ 81E0E33 lockall call RustboroCity_EventScript_1E0DD1 applymovement 14, RustboroCity_Movement_2725AA waitmovement 0 playse SE_PIN applymovement 14, RustboroCity_Movement_272598 waitmovement 0 applymovement 14, RustboroCity_Movement_27259A waitmovement 0 applymovement 14, RustboroCity_Movement_1E1215 waitmovement 0 applymovement 255, RustboroCity_Movement_2725A6 waitmovement 0 goto RustboroCity_EventScript_1E0FF3 RustboroCity_EventScript_1E0E73:: @ 81E0E73 lockall call RustboroCity_EventScript_1E0DD1 applymovement 14, RustboroCity_Movement_2725AA waitmovement 0 playse SE_PIN applymovement 14, RustboroCity_Movement_272598 waitmovement 0 applymovement 14, RustboroCity_Movement_27259A waitmovement 0 applymovement 14, RustboroCity_Movement_1E121B waitmovement 0 applymovement 255, RustboroCity_Movement_2725A6 waitmovement 0 goto RustboroCity_EventScript_1E0FF3 RustboroCity_EventScript_1E0EB3:: @ 81E0EB3 lockall call RustboroCity_EventScript_1E0DD1 applymovement 14, RustboroCity_Movement_2725AA waitmovement 0 playse SE_PIN applymovement 14, RustboroCity_Movement_272598 waitmovement 0 applymovement 14, RustboroCity_Movement_27259A waitmovement 0 applymovement 14, RustboroCity_Movement_1E1220 waitmovement 0 applymovement 255, RustboroCity_Movement_2725A6 waitmovement 0 goto RustboroCity_EventScript_1E0FF3 RustboroCity_EventScript_1E0EF3:: @ 81E0EF3 lockall call RustboroCity_EventScript_1E0DD1 applymovement 14, RustboroCity_Movement_2725AA waitmovement 0 playse SE_PIN applymovement 14, RustboroCity_Movement_272598 waitmovement 0 applymovement 14, RustboroCity_Movement_27259A waitmovement 0 applymovement 14, RustboroCity_Movement_1E1224 waitmovement 0 applymovement 255, RustboroCity_Movement_2725A6 waitmovement 0 goto RustboroCity_EventScript_1E0FF3 RustboroCity_EventScript_1E0F33:: @ 81E0F33 lockall call RustboroCity_EventScript_1E0DD1 applymovement 14, RustboroCity_Movement_2725AA waitmovement 0 playse SE_PIN applymovement 14, RustboroCity_Movement_272598 waitmovement 0 applymovement 14, RustboroCity_Movement_27259A waitmovement 0 applymovement 14, RustboroCity_Movement_1E1227 waitmovement 0 applymovement 255, RustboroCity_Movement_2725A6 waitmovement 0 goto RustboroCity_EventScript_1E0FF3 RustboroCity_EventScript_1E0F73:: @ 81E0F73 lockall call RustboroCity_EventScript_1E0DD1 applymovement 14, RustboroCity_Movement_2725AA waitmovement 0 playse SE_PIN applymovement 14, RustboroCity_Movement_272598 waitmovement 0 applymovement 14, RustboroCity_Movement_27259A waitmovement 0 applymovement 14, RustboroCity_Movement_1E122B waitmovement 0 applymovement 255, RustboroCity_Movement_2725A6 waitmovement 0 goto RustboroCity_EventScript_1E0FF3 RustboroCity_EventScript_1E0FB3:: @ 81E0FB3 lockall call RustboroCity_EventScript_1E0DD1 applymovement 14, RustboroCity_Movement_2725AA waitmovement 0 playse SE_PIN applymovement 14, RustboroCity_Movement_272598 waitmovement 0 applymovement 14, RustboroCity_Movement_27259A waitmovement 0 applymovement 14, RustboroCity_Movement_1E1230 waitmovement 0 applymovement 255, RustboroCity_Movement_2725A6 waitmovement 0 goto RustboroCity_EventScript_1E0FF3 RustboroCity_EventScript_1E0FF3:: @ 81E0FF3 checkplayergender compare VAR_RESULT, 0 goto_eq RustboroCity_EventScript_1E100B compare VAR_RESULT, 1 goto_eq RustboroCity_EventScript_1E1114 end RustboroCity_EventScript_1E100B:: @ 81E100B checkflag FLAG_0x0D3 goto_eq RustboroCity_EventScript_1E10C1 checkflag FLAG_0x120 goto_eq RustboroCity_EventScript_1E1070 setflag FLAG_0x120 msgbox RustboroCity_Text_1E1A49, 4 closemessage delay 30 playfanfare MUS_ME_TORE_EYE msgbox RustboroCity_Text_1E1ADB, 4 waitfanfare closemessage delay 30 setflag FLAG_0x0FD setvar VAR_0x405A, 8 setvar VAR_0x4063, 2 setvar VAR_0x8008, 0 msgbox RustboroCity_Text_1E1AFA, 5 compare VAR_RESULT, 1 goto_eq RustboroCity_EventScript_1E1092 msgbox RustboroCity_Text_1E1BD3, 4 call RustboroCity_EventScript_1E10D6 releaseall end RustboroCity_EventScript_1E1070:: @ 81E1070 setvar VAR_0x8008, 1 msgbox RustboroCity_Text_1E1C48, 5 compare VAR_RESULT, 1 goto_eq RustboroCity_EventScript_1E1092 msgbox RustboroCity_Text_1E1BD3, 4 releaseall end RustboroCity_EventScript_1E1092:: @ 81E1092 msgbox RustboroCity_Text_1E1C84, 4 switch VAR_FIRST_POKE case 0, RustboroCity_EventScript_1E10DB case 1, RustboroCity_EventScript_1E10EE case 2, RustboroCity_EventScript_1E1101 end RustboroCity_EventScript_1E10C1:: @ 81E10C1 msgbox RustboroCity_Text_1E1CE7, 4 compare VAR_0x8008, 0 call_if 1, RustboroCity_EventScript_1E10D6 releaseall end RustboroCity_EventScript_1E10D6:: @ 81E10D6 savebgm MUS_DUMMY fadedefaultbgm return RustboroCity_EventScript_1E10DB:: @ 81E10DB trainerbattle 3, TRAINER_MAY_14, 0, RustboroCity_Text_1E1CC1 setflag FLAG_0x0D3 goto RustboroCity_EventScript_1E10C1 end RustboroCity_EventScript_1E10EE:: @ 81E10EE trainerbattle 3, TRAINER_MAY_15, 0, RustboroCity_Text_1E1CC1 setflag FLAG_0x0D3 goto RustboroCity_EventScript_1E10C1 end RustboroCity_EventScript_1E1101:: @ 81E1101 trainerbattle 3, TRAINER_MAY_10, 0, RustboroCity_Text_1E1CC1 setflag FLAG_0x0D3 goto RustboroCity_EventScript_1E10C1 end RustboroCity_EventScript_1E1114:: @ 81E1114 checkflag FLAG_0x0D3 goto_eq RustboroCity_EventScript_1E11C0 checkflag FLAG_0x120 goto_eq RustboroCity_EventScript_1E1174 setflag FLAG_0x120 msgbox RustboroCity_Text_1E1D7D, 4 closemessage delay 30 playfanfare MUS_ME_TORE_EYE msgbox RustboroCity_Text_1E1E11, 4 waitfanfare closemessage delay 30 setflag FLAG_0x0FD setvar VAR_0x405A, 8 setvar VAR_0x4063, 2 msgbox RustboroCity_Text_1E1E34, 5 compare VAR_RESULT, 1 goto_eq RustboroCity_EventScript_1E1191 msgbox RustboroCity_Text_1E1F2F, 4 call RustboroCity_EventScript_1E10D6 releaseall end RustboroCity_EventScript_1E1174:: @ 81E1174 msgbox RustboroCity_Text_1E1F76, 5 compare VAR_RESULT, 1 goto_eq RustboroCity_EventScript_1E1191 msgbox RustboroCity_Text_1E1F2F, 4 releaseall end RustboroCity_EventScript_1E1191:: @ 81E1191 msgbox RustboroCity_Text_1E1FA9, 4 switch VAR_FIRST_POKE case 0, RustboroCity_EventScript_1E11D5 case 1, RustboroCity_EventScript_1E11E8 case 2, RustboroCity_EventScript_1E11FB end RustboroCity_EventScript_1E11C0:: @ 81E11C0 msgbox RustboroCity_Text_1E2002, 4 compare VAR_0x8008, 0 call_if 1, RustboroCity_EventScript_1E10D6 releaseall end RustboroCity_EventScript_1E11D5:: @ 81E11D5 trainerbattle 3, TRAINER_BRENDAN_10, 0, RustboroCity_Text_1E1FE9 setflag FLAG_0x0D3 goto RustboroCity_EventScript_1E11C0 end RustboroCity_EventScript_1E11E8:: @ 81E11E8 trainerbattle 3, TRAINER_BRENDAN_12, 0, RustboroCity_Text_1E1FE9 setflag FLAG_0x0D3 goto RustboroCity_EventScript_1E11C0 end RustboroCity_EventScript_1E11FB:: @ 81E11FB trainerbattle 3, TRAINER_BRENDAN_11, 0, RustboroCity_Text_1E1FE9 setflag FLAG_0x0D3 goto RustboroCity_EventScript_1E11C0 end RustboroCity_Movement_1E120E: @ 81E120E step_down step_left step_left step_left step_left step_down step_end RustboroCity_Movement_1E1215: @ 81E1215 step_down step_left step_left step_left step_down step_end RustboroCity_Movement_1E121B: @ 81E121B step_down step_left step_left step_down step_end RustboroCity_Movement_1E1220: @ 81E1220 step_down step_left step_down step_end RustboroCity_Movement_1E1224: @ 81E1224 step_down step_down step_end RustboroCity_Movement_1E1227: @ 81E1227 step_down step_right step_down step_end RustboroCity_Movement_1E122B: @ 81E122B step_down step_right step_right step_down step_end RustboroCity_Movement_1E1230: @ 81E1230 step_down step_right step_right step_right step_down step_end RustboroCity_EventScript_1E1236:: @ 81E1236 msgbox RustboroCity_Text_1E249D, 2 end RustboroCity_Text_1E123F: @ 81E123F .string "The DEVON CORPORATION…\n" .string "We all just shorten it to DEVON.\p" .string "That company makes all sorts of\n" .string "convenient products.$" RustboroCity_Text_1E12AC: @ 81E12AC .string "Hm? A sneaky-looking man?\p" .string "Come to think of it, yes, a shady-\n" .string "looking guy went around the corner.$" RustboroCity_Text_1E130D: @ 81E130D .string "Have you taken the POKéMON GYM\n" .string "challenge?\p" .string "When you get that shiny GYM BADGE\n" .string "in hand, I guess TRAINERS begin to\l" .string "realize what is required of them.$" RustboroCity_Text_1E139E: @ 81E139E .string "Hey, that’s RUSTBORO’s GYM BADGE!\p" .string "Out of all the POKéMON GYM BADGES,\n" .string "RUSTBORO’s is the coolest, I’d say.$" RustboroCity_Text_1E1407: @ 81E1407 .string "Oh? Who might you be?\n" .string "You’re a new face around these parts.\p" .string "Have you just transferred into the\n" .string "POKéMON TRAINER’S SCHOOL?$" RustboroCity_Text_1E1480: @ 81E1480 .string "I challenged the GYM LEADER, but…\p" .string "It’s not going to be easy winning with\n" .string "my FIRE-type POKéMON…\p" .string "FIRE-type POKéMON don’t match up\n" .string "well against ROCK-type POKéMON…$" RustboroCity_Text_1E1520: @ 81E1520 .string "The old sailor MR. BRINEY lives in\n" .string "a cottage by the sea.\p" .string "He goes for walks in the tunnel every\n" .string "so often.$" RustboroCity_Text_1E1589: @ 81E1589 .string "The old sailor MR. BRINEY lives in\n" .string "a cottage by the sea.\p" .string "He said he was going shopping in\n" .string "SLATEPORT for his pet, PEEKO.\p" .string "That old sea dog, he must really love\n" .string "that PEEKO.$" RustboroCity_Text_1E1633: @ 81E1633 .string "Wow, you have POKéMON with you, too.\p" .string "When I get bigger, I’m going to go\n" .string "places with POKéMON, too.$" RustboroCity_Text_1E1695: @ 81E1695 .string "POKéMON TRAINER’S SCHOOL!\p" .string "If I go to this school, will I be able\n" .string "to catch rare POKéMON easily?$" RustboroCity_Text_1E16F4: @ 81E16F4 .string "If a POKéMON gains experience in\n" .string "battles, it can sometimes change in\l" .string "the way it looks.$" RustboroCity_Text_1E174B: @ 81E174B .string "A POKéMON changes shape?\n" .string "If one did that, I would be shocked!$" RustboroCity_Text_1E1789: @ 81E1789 .string "A POKéMON you get in a trade from\n" .string "someone grows fast.\p" .string "But if you don’t have certain GYM\n" .string "BADGES, it may not obey you…$" RustboroCity_Text_1E17FE: @ 81E17FE .string "Get out!\n" .string "Out of the way!$" RustboroCity_Text_1E1817: @ 81E1817 .string "Wait! Pleeeaaase!\p" .string "Don’t take my GOODS!$" RustboroCity_Text_1E183E: @ 81E183E .string "Oh, it’s you!\p" .string "You’re that fantastic TRAINER who\n" .string "helped me in PETALBURG WOODS!\p" .string "Help me! I was robbed by TEAM AQUA!\n" .string "I have to get the DEVON GOODS back!\p" .string "If I don’t…\n" .string "I’m going to be in serious trouble.$" RustboroCity_Text_1E1904: @ 81E1904 .string "That shady character, I think he took\n" .string "off towards the tunnel over there.$" RustboroCity_Text_1E194D: @ 81E194D .string "Oh! How did it go?\n" .string "The DEVON GOODS?\p" .string "You did!\n" .string "You got them back!\p" .string "You really are a great TRAINER!\p" .string "I know! As my thanks, I’ll give you\n" .string "another GREAT BALL!$" RustboroCity_Text_1E19E5: @ 81E19E5 .string "You’re loaded with items.\n" .string "I can’t give you this GREAT BALL.$" RustboroCity_Text_1E1A21: @ 81E1A21 .string "Excuse me, please!\n" .string "Please come with me!$" RustboroCity_Text_1E1A49: @ 81E1A49 .string "MAY: Oh, hi, {PLAYER}{KUN}!\p" .string "You had a MATCH CALL feature put\n" .string "on your POKéNAV!\p" .string "Let’s register each other so we can\n" .string "contact one another anytime!\p" .string "… … … … … …$" RustboroCity_Text_1E1ADB: @ 81E1ADB .string "Registered MAY\n" .string "in the POKéNAV.$" RustboroCity_Text_1E1AFA: @ 81E1AFA .string "MAY: Oh, by the way, I passed\n" .string "MR. BRINEY in PETALBURG WOODS.\p" .string "I guess he’s on his way home to his\n" .string "cottage by the sea.\p" .string "How’s your POKéDEX coming along,\n" .string "{PLAYER}{KUN}? Mine’s looking pretty decent!\p" .string "So…\n" .string "How about a little battle?$" RustboroCity_Text_1E1BD3: @ 81E1BD3 .string "MAY: Oh, what’s the matter?\p" .string "Haven’t you caught or raised your\n" .string "POKéMON very much?\p" .string "That’s not very good for a TRAINER!$" RustboroCity_Text_1E1C48: @ 81E1C48 .string "MAY: So, what do you think?\n" .string "How about a little battle here?$" RustboroCity_Text_1E1C84: @ 81E1C84 .string "MAY: You just became a TRAINER,\n" .string "{PLAYER}{KUN}. I’m not going to lose!$" RustboroCity_Text_1E1CC1: @ 81E1CC1 .string "Yikes!\n" .string "You’re better than I expected!$" RustboroCity_Text_1E1CE7: @ 81E1CE7 .string "MAY: Oh, by the way, MR. BRINEY, who\n" .string "I just passed…\p" .string "{PLAYER}{KUN}, you just moved here so you\n" .string "might not know this, but MR. BRINEY\l" .string "was once a revered seafarer.$" RustboroCity_Text_1E1D7D: @ 81E1D7D .string "BRENDAN: Oh, hey, {PLAYER}!\p" .string "You had a MATCH CALL feature put\n" .string "on your POKéNAV! Cool!\p" .string "Let’s register each other so we can\n" .string "get in touch anytime!\p" .string "… … … … … …$" RustboroCity_Text_1E1E11: @ 81E1E11 .string "Registered BRENDAN\n" .string "in the POKéNAV.$" RustboroCity_Text_1E1E34: @ 81E1E34 .string "BRENDAN: By the way, {PLAYER}, I walked\n" .string "by MR. BRINEY in PETALBURG WOODS.\p" .string "I bet he was on his way home to his\n" .string "cottage by the sea.\p" .string "{PLAYER}, how’s your POKéDEX?\n" .string "Have you filled in any pages yet?\p" .string "Mine rules.\p" .string "Want to have a battle to test how\n" .string "far you’ve progressed?$" RustboroCity_Text_1E1F2F: @ 81E1F2F .string "BRENDAN: What’s the matter? Don’t have\n" .string "any confidence in your POKéMON?$" RustboroCity_Text_1E1F76: @ 81E1F76 .string "BRENDAN: What’s up?\n" .string "Want to have a battle with me?$" RustboroCity_Text_1E1FA9: @ 81E1FA9 .string "BRENDAN: I know you just became\n" .string "a TRAINER, but I won’t go easy!$" RustboroCity_Text_1E1FE9: @ 81E1FE9 .string "Hmm…\n" .string "You’re pretty good.$" RustboroCity_Text_1E2002: @ 81E2002 .string "BRENDAN: By the way, you know\n" .string "MR. BRINEY? The guy I just passed?\p" .string "I bet you didn’t know this, since you\n" .string "just moved here, {PLAYER}, but\l" .string "MR. BRINEY was once a great sailor.$" RustboroCity_Text_1E20A6: @ 81E20A6 .string "“Timesaving tunnel nearing\n" .string "completion!”\p" .string "…Is what it says on the sign, but\n" .string "there’s also a big “X” splashed\l" .string "across it in red paint…$" RustboroCity_Text_1E2128: @ 81E2128 .string "DEVON CORPORATION\p" .string "“For all your living needs, we make\n" .string "it all.”$" RustboroCity_Text_1E2167: @ 81E2167 .string "RUSTBORO CITY POKéMON GYM\n" .string "LEADER: ROXANNE\p" .string "“The ROCK-loving honors student!”$" RustboroCity_Text_1E21B3: @ 81E21B3 .string "DEVON CORP. BRANCH OFFICE\p" .string "“Access limited to DEVON employees\n" .string "and authorized personnel.”$" RustboroCity_Text_1E220B: @ 81E220B .string "RUSTBORO CITY\p" .string "“The city probing the integration of\n" .string "nature and science.”$" RustboroCity_Text_1E2253: @ 81E2253 .string "POKéMON TRAINER’S SCHOOL\p" .string "“We’ll teach you anything about\n" .string "POKéMON!”$" RustboroCity_Text_1E2296: @ 81E2296 .string "CUTTER’S HOUSE$" RustboroCity_Text_1E22A5: @ 81E22A5 .string "I’ve been developing an added feature\n" .string "for the POKéNAV…\p" .string "And it turned out great!\p" .string "{PLAYER}, may I see that POKéNAV?\n" .string "The one our PRESIDENT gave you?$" RustboroCity_Text_1E2331: @ 81E2331 .string "There you go, {PLAYER}!\p" .string "I added a new feature named\n" .string "MATCH CALL to your POKéNAV.\p" .string "Using the MATCH CALL feature,\n" .string "you can chat with people who have\l" .string "been registered in your POKéNAV.\p" .string "{PLAYER}, our PRESIDENT STONE should\n" .string "be registered in your POKéNAV.\p" .string "Test it out.\n" .string "Please give our PRESIDENT a call.$" RustboroCity_Text_1E2449: @ 81E2449 .string "Please select the POKéNAV.$" RustboroCity_Text_1E2464: @ 81E2464 .string "Okay, I’d better get back to work.\n" .string "Please take care, {PLAYER}!$" RustboroCity_Text_1E249D: @ 81E249D .string "Did you know this?\p" .string "You can have a 2-on-2 battle even\n" .string "if you’re not with another TRAINER.\p" .string "If you catch the eyes of two TRAINERS\n" .string "when you have two or more POKéMON,\l" .string "they’ll both challenge you.\p" .string "Don’t you think it’d be cool if you\n" .string "could beat two TRAINERS by yourself?$"