SSTidalCorridor_MapScripts:: @ 823BFCF map_script 2, SSTidalCorridor_MapScript2_23BFD5 .byte 0 SSTidalCorridor_MapScript2_23BFD5: @ 823BFD5 map_script_2 VAR_0x40D4, 0, SSTidalCorridor_EventScript_23C219 map_script_2 VAR_PORTHOLE, 1, SSTidalCorridor_EventScript_23BFFF map_script_2 VAR_PORTHOLE, 5, SSTidalCorridor_EventScript_23C015 map_script_2 VAR_PORTHOLE, 9, SSTidalCorridor_EventScript_23C067 map_script_2 VAR_PORTHOLE, 10, SSTidalCorridor_EventScript_23C07D .2byte 0 SSTidalCorridor_EventScript_23BFFF:: @ 823BFFF special sub_8137F90 setvar VAR_PORTHOLE, 2 lockall playse SE_PINPON msgbox SSTidalCorridor_Text_23C462, 4 releaseall end SSTidalCorridor_EventScript_23C015:: @ 823C015 setvar VAR_PORTHOLE, 6 lockall playse SE_PINPON msgbox SSTidalCorridor_Text_23C4E3, 4 releaseall end SSTidalRooms_EventScript_23C028:: @ 823C028 special sub_8137F90 setvar VAR_PORTHOLE, 7 playse SE_PINPON msgbox SSTidalRooms_Text_23C462, 4 return SSTidalRooms_EventScript_23C03C:: @ 823C03C special sub_8137FB0 setvar VAR_PORTHOLE, 4 playse SE_PINPON msgbox SSTidalRooms_Text_23C553, 4 return SSTidalCorridor_EventScript_23C050:: @ 823C050 compare VAR_PORTHOLE, 2 goto_eq SSTidalCorridor_EventScript_23C067 compare VAR_PORTHOLE, 7 goto_eq SSTidalCorridor_EventScript_23C07D end SSTidalCorridor_EventScript_23C067:: @ 823C067 special sub_8137FB0 setvar VAR_PORTHOLE, 3 lockall playse SE_PINPON msgbox SSTidalCorridor_Text_23C4E3, 4 releaseall end SSTidalCorridor_EventScript_23C07D:: @ 823C07D special sub_8137FB0 setvar VAR_PORTHOLE, 8 lockall playse SE_PINPON msgbox SSTidalCorridor_Text_23C50F, 4 releaseall end SSTidalRooms_EventScript_23C093:: @ 823C093 special sub_8137FB0 setvar VAR_PORTHOLE, 8 playse SE_PINPON msgbox SSTidalRooms_Text_23C50F, 4 return SSTidalRooms_EventScript_23C0A7:: @ 823C0A7 switch VAR_PORTHOLE case 2, SSTidalRooms_EventScript_23C03C case 3, SSTidalRooms_EventScript_23C03C case 6, SSTidalRooms_EventScript_23C028 case 7, SSTidalRooms_EventScript_23C093 return SSTidalCorridor_EventScript_23C0D9:: @ 823C0D9 msgbox SSTidalCorridor_Text_23C6EC, 2 end SSTidalCorridor_EventScript_23C0E2:: @ 823C0E2 lock faceplayer waitse playmoncry SPECIES_WINGULL, 0 msgbox SSTidalCorridor_Text_23C7E1, 4 waitmoncry release end SSTidalCorridor_EventScript_23C0F5:: @ 823C0F5 msgbox SSTidalCorridor_Text_23C7F8, 3 end SSTidalCorridor_EventScript_23C0FE:: @ 823C0FE msgbox SSTidalCorridor_Text_23C800, 3 end SSTidalCorridor_EventScript_23C107:: @ 823C107 msgbox SSTidalCorridor_Text_23C808, 3 end SSTidalCorridor_EventScript_23C110:: @ 823C110 msgbox SSTidalCorridor_Text_23C810, 3 end SSTidalCorridor_EventScript_23C119:: @ 823C119 lock faceplayer compare VAR_PORTHOLE, 4 goto_eq SSTidalCorridor_EventScript_23C13B compare VAR_PORTHOLE, 8 goto_eq SSTidalCorridor_EventScript_23C15A msgbox SSTidalCorridor_Text_23C596, 4 release end SSTidalCorridor_EventScript_23C13B:: @ 823C13B setrespawn 8 msgbox SSTidalCorridor_Text_23C64F, 4 checkflag FLAG_0x104 call_if 1, SSTidalCorridor_EventScript_23C179 warp LILYCOVE_CITY_HARBOR, 255, 8, 11 waitstate release end SSTidalCorridor_EventScript_23C15A:: @ 823C15A setrespawn 4 msgbox SSTidalCorridor_Text_23C64F, 4 checkflag FLAG_0x104 call_if 1, SSTidalCorridor_EventScript_23C179 warp SLATEPORT_CITY_HARBOR, 255, 8, 11 waitstate release end SSTidalCorridor_EventScript_23C179:: @ 823C179 setflag FLAG_0x3B7 return SSTidalCorridor_EventScript_23C17D:: @ 823C17D lockall compare VAR_PORTHOLE, 2 goto_eq SSTidalCorridor_EventScript_23C19E compare VAR_PORTHOLE, 7 goto_eq SSTidalCorridor_EventScript_23C19E msgbox SSTidalCorridor_Text_23C6C3, 4 releaseall end SSTidalCorridor_EventScript_23C19E:: @ 823C19E special sub_80FB7A4 waitstate end SSTidalCorridor_EventScript_23C1A3:: @ 823C1A3 lock faceplayer checkflag FLAG_0x0F7 goto_eq SSTidalCorridor_EventScript_23C1BD call SSTidalCorridor_EventScript_23C1C7 msgbox SSTidalCorridor_Text_23C65E, 4 release end SSTidalCorridor_EventScript_23C1BD:: @ 823C1BD msgbox SSTidalCorridor_Text_23C6B0, 4 release end SSTidalCorridor_EventScript_23C1C7:: @ 823C1C7 checktrainerflag TRAINER_PHILLIP goto_if 0, SSTidalCorridor_EventScript_23C218 checktrainerflag TRAINER_LEONARD goto_if 0, SSTidalCorridor_EventScript_23C218 checktrainerflag TRAINER_COLTON goto_if 0, SSTidalCorridor_EventScript_23C218 checktrainerflag TRAINER_MICAH goto_if 0, SSTidalCorridor_EventScript_23C218 checktrainerflag TRAINER_THOMAS goto_if 0, SSTidalCorridor_EventScript_23C218 checktrainerflag TRAINER_LEA_AND_JED goto_if 0, SSTidalCorridor_EventScript_23C218 checktrainerflag TRAINER_GARRET goto_if 0, SSTidalCorridor_EventScript_23C218 checktrainerflag TRAINER_NAOMI goto_if 0, SSTidalCorridor_EventScript_23C218 setflag FLAG_0x0F7 goto SSTidalCorridor_EventScript_23C1BD return SSTidalCorridor_EventScript_23C218:: @ 823C218 return SSTidalCorridor_EventScript_23C219:: @ 823C219 lockall applymovement 5, SSTidalCorridor_Movement_23C26D waitmovement 0 applymovement 255, SSTidalCorridor_Movement_2725A8 waitmovement 0 msgbox SSTidalCorridor_Text_23C28F, 4 closemessage applymovement 255, SSTidalCorridor_Movement_23C27D applymovement 1, SSTidalCorridor_Movement_23C284 applymovement 5, SSTidalCorridor_Movement_23C275 waitmovement 0 playse SE_KAIDAN waitse removeobject 5 applymovement 1, SSTidalCorridor_Movement_23C28B waitmovement 0 delay 30 setflag FLAG_0x1D0 setvar VAR_0x40D4, 1 releaseall end SSTidalCorridor_Movement_23C26D: @ 823C26D step_left step_left step_left step_left step_left step_left step_left step_end SSTidalCorridor_Movement_23C275: @ 823C275 step_25 step_14 step_14 step_14 step_14 step_down step_left step_end SSTidalCorridor_Movement_23C27D: @ 823C27D step_14 step_14 step_14 step_14 step_13 step_25 step_end SSTidalCorridor_Movement_23C284: @ 823C284 step_14 step_right step_right step_26 step_14 step_27 step_end SSTidalCorridor_Movement_23C28B: @ 823C28B step_left step_left step_26 step_end SSTidalCorridor_Text_23C28F: @ 823C28F .string "SCOTT: Well, hi, hi!\n" .string "{PLAYER}{KUN}, {PLAYER}{KUN}!\p" .string "Something’s come up, so I have to\n" .string "disembark, but am I glad to see you!\p" .string "Congratulations, LEAGUE CHAMPION!\p" .string "There’s a place I’d like to invite\n" .string "someone like you.\p" .string "It’s the…\n" .string "BATTLE FRONTIER!\p" .string "What’s the place like?\n" .string "You’ll understand when you see it!\p" .string "I’ve spoken with the ship’s CAPTAIN\n" .string "about this.\p" .string "The next time you take a ferry,\n" .string "you should be able to sail to\l" .string "the BATTLE FRONTIER.\p" .string "Okay, {PLAYER}{KUN}, I’ll be waiting for you\n" .string "at the BATTLE FRONTIER!$" SSTidalCorridor_Text_23C462: @ 823C462 SSTidalRooms_Text_23C462: @ 823C462 .string "This ferry is built to plow through\n" .string "fast-running currents.\p" .string "We hope you enjoy your voyage with us.\n" .string "Feel free to explore the ship.$" SSTidalCorridor_Text_23C4E3: @ 823C4E3 .string "We hope you enjoy your voyage on\n" .string "our ferry.$" SSTidalCorridor_Text_23C50F: @ 823C50F SSTidalRooms_Text_23C50F: @ 823C50F .string "We have made land in SLATEPORT CITY.\n" .string "Thank you for sailing with us.$" SSTidalRooms_Text_23C553: @ 823C553 .string "We have made land in LILYCOVE CITY.\n" .string "Thank you for sailing with us.$" SSTidalCorridor_Text_23C596: @ 823C596 .string "It’ll be some time before we make land,\n" .string "I reckon.\p" .string "You can rest up in your cabin if you’d\n" .string "like. Your cabin’s No. 2.\p" .string "The bed in there is soft and plushy.\n" .string "I can attest to how comfy it is!$" SSTidalCorridor_Text_23C64F: @ 823C64F .string "We’ve arrived!$" SSTidalCorridor_Text_23C65E: @ 823C65E .string "Go visit other cabins.\n" .string "TRAINERS bored of the boat trip will\l" .string "be itching to battle.$" SSTidalCorridor_Text_23C6B0: @ 823C6B0 .string "Enjoy your cruise!$" SSTidalCorridor_Text_23C6C3: @ 823C6C3 .string "The horizon spreads beyond\n" .string "the porthole.$" SSTidalCorridor_Text_23C6EC: @ 823C6EC .string "MR. BRINEY: Welcome aboard, {PLAYER}{KUN}!\p" .string "They made me honorary captain of\n" .string "the S.S. TIDAL!\p" .string "You can call me CAPTAIN BRINEY now!\p" .string "You know, I retired once before,\n" .string "but when I saw this majestic ship…\p" .string "Let me just say, it stirred my sleeping\n" .string "soul as a sailor!$" SSTidalCorridor_Text_23C7E1: @ 823C7E1 .string "PEEKO: Pihyo pihyohyo…$" SSTidalCorridor_Text_23C7F8: @ 823C7F8 .string "Cabin 1$" SSTidalCorridor_Text_23C800: @ 823C800 .string "Cabin 2$" SSTidalCorridor_Text_23C808: @ 823C808 .string "Cabin 3$" SSTidalCorridor_Text_23C810: @ 823C810 .string "Cabin 4$"