SlateportCity_Harbor_MapScripts:: @ 820C97D map_script 3, SlateportCity_Harbor_MapScript1_20C983 .byte 0 SlateportCity_Harbor_MapScript1_20C983: @ 820C983 setescapewarp SLATEPORT_CITY, 255, 28, 13 setvar VAR_0x4001, 0 compare VAR_0x40A0, 1 call_if 1, SlateportCity_Harbor_EventScript_20C9A9 checkflag FLAG_SYS_GAME_CLEAR call_if 1, SlateportCity_Harbor_EventScript_20C9A5 end SlateportCity_Harbor_EventScript_20C9A5:: @ 820C9A5 clearflag FLAG_0x35C return SlateportCity_Harbor_EventScript_20C9A9:: @ 820C9A9 savebgm MUS_AQA_0 setobjectxyperm 4, 12, 13 setobjectmovementtype 4, 9 setflag FLAG_0x389 return SlateportCity_Harbor_EventScript_20C9BB:: @ 820C9BB lockall setvar VAR_0x8008, 0 goto SlateportCity_Harbor_EventScript_20C9F5 end SlateportCity_Harbor_EventScript_20C9C7:: @ 820C9C7 lockall setvar VAR_0x8008, 1 goto SlateportCity_Harbor_EventScript_20C9F5 end SlateportCity_Harbor_EventScript_20C9D3:: @ 820C9D3 lockall setvar VAR_0x8008, 2 goto SlateportCity_Harbor_EventScript_20C9F5 end SlateportCity_Harbor_EventScript_20C9DF:: @ 820C9DF lockall setvar VAR_0x8008, 3 applymovement 255, SlateportCity_Harbor_Movement_20CAEF waitmovement 0 goto SlateportCity_Harbor_EventScript_20C9F5 end SlateportCity_Harbor_EventScript_20C9F5:: @ 820C9F5 applymovement 7, SlateportCity_Harbor_Movement_2725AA waitmovement 0 applymovement 6, SlateportCity_Harbor_Movement_2725AA applymovement 255, SlateportCity_Harbor_Movement_2725A6 waitmovement 0 msgbox SlateportCity_Harbor_Text_20D291, 4 closemessage applymovement 6, SlateportCity_Harbor_Movement_20CAC8 applymovement 7, SlateportCity_Harbor_Movement_20CAC8 applymovement 8, SlateportCity_Harbor_Movement_20CAD2 waitmovement 0 removeobject 6 removeobject 7 removeobject 8 setvar VAR_0x40A0, 2 setflag FLAG_0x061 setflag FLAG_0x313 compare VAR_0x8008, 0 call_if 1, SlateportCity_Harbor_EventScript_20CA89 compare VAR_0x8008, 1 call_if 1, SlateportCity_Harbor_EventScript_20CA9E compare VAR_0x8008, 2 call_if 1, SlateportCity_Harbor_EventScript_20CAB3 compare VAR_0x8008, 3 call_if 1, SlateportCity_Harbor_EventScript_20CAB3 msgbox SlateportCity_Harbor_Text_20D35A, 4 closemessage setflag FLAG_0x335 setflag FLAG_0x336 moveobjectoffscreen 4 setobjectmovementtype 4, 10 releaseall end SlateportCity_Harbor_EventScript_20CA89:: @ 820CA89 applymovement 4, SlateportCity_Harbor_Movement_20CAE0 waitmovement 0 applymovement 255, SlateportCity_Harbor_Movement_2725AA waitmovement 0 return SlateportCity_Harbor_EventScript_20CA9E:: @ 820CA9E applymovement 4, SlateportCity_Harbor_Movement_20CAE6 waitmovement 0 applymovement 255, SlateportCity_Harbor_Movement_2725A8 waitmovement 0 return SlateportCity_Harbor_EventScript_20CAB3:: @ 820CAB3 applymovement 4, SlateportCity_Harbor_Movement_20CAEB waitmovement 0 applymovement 255, SlateportCity_Harbor_Movement_2725A8 waitmovement 0 return SlateportCity_Harbor_Movement_20CAC8: @ 820CAC8 step_14 step_14 step_43 step_54 step_end SlateportCity_Harbor_Movement_20CACD: @ 820CACD step_14 step_14 step_43 step_54 step_end SlateportCity_Harbor_Movement_20CAD2: @ 820CAD2 step_14 step_14 step_14 step_14 step_right step_right step_right step_18 step_18 step_18 step_18 step_18 step_18 step_end SlateportCity_Harbor_Movement_20CAE0: @ 820CAE0 step_left step_left step_left step_left step_up step_end SlateportCity_Harbor_Movement_20CAE6: @ 820CAE6 step_left step_left step_up step_left step_end SlateportCity_Harbor_Movement_20CAEB: @ 820CAEB step_left step_left step_left step_end SlateportCity_Harbor_Movement_20CAEF: @ 820CAEF step_up step_end SlateportCity_Harbor_EventScript_20CAF1:: @ 820CAF1 lock faceplayer checkflag FLAG_SYS_GAME_CLEAR goto_eq SlateportCity_Harbor_EventScript_20CB06 msgbox SlateportCity_Harbor_Text_20CE20, 4 release end SlateportCity_Harbor_EventScript_20CB06:: @ 820CB06 msgbox SlateportCity_Harbor_Text_20CE87, 4 message SlateportCity_Harbor_Text_20CF1C waitmessage goto SlateportCity_Harbor_EventScript_20CB1A end SlateportCity_Harbor_EventScript_20CB1A:: @ 820CB1A checkflag FLAG_0x1D0 goto_eq SlateportCity_Harbor_EventScript_20CB50 multichoicedefault 18, 8, 56, 2, 0 switch VAR_RESULT case 0, SlateportCity_Harbor_EventScript_20CB92 case 1, SlateportCity_Harbor_EventScript_20CC2D case 127, SlateportCity_Harbor_EventScript_20CC2D end SlateportCity_Harbor_EventScript_20CB50:: @ 820CB50 multichoicedefault 17, 6, 52, 2, 0 switch VAR_RESULT case 0, SlateportCity_Harbor_EventScript_20CB92 case 1, SlateportCity_Harbor_EventScript_20CBBA case 2, SlateportCity_Harbor_EventScript_20CC2D case 127, SlateportCity_Harbor_EventScript_20CC2D end SlateportCity_Harbor_EventScript_20CB88:: @ 820CB88 msgbox SlateportCity_Harbor_Text_20CEC1, 4 release end SlateportCity_Harbor_EventScript_20CB92:: @ 820CB92 msgbox SlateportCity_Harbor_Text_20CF93, 5 compare VAR_RESULT, 0 goto_eq SlateportCity_Harbor_EventScript_20CBDD setvar VAR_PORTHOLE, 1 call SlateportCity_Harbor_EventScript_20CBE9 warp SS_TIDAL_CORRIDOR, 255, 1, 10 waitstate release end SlateportCity_Harbor_EventScript_20CBBA:: @ 820CBBA msgbox SlateportCity_Harbor_Text_20CFAE, 5 compare VAR_RESULT, 0 goto_eq SlateportCity_Harbor_EventScript_20CBDD call SlateportCity_Harbor_EventScript_20CBE9 warp BATTLE_FRONTIER_OUTSIDE_WEST, 255, 19, 67 waitstate release end SlateportCity_Harbor_EventScript_20CBDD:: @ 820CBDD message SlateportCity_Harbor_Text_20CFFA waitmessage goto SlateportCity_Harbor_EventScript_20CB1A end SlateportCity_Harbor_EventScript_20CBE9:: @ 820CBE9 msgbox SlateportCity_Harbor_Text_20CFCB, 4 closemessage applymovement VAR_LAST_TALKED, SlateportCity_Harbor_Movement_2725A6 waitmovement 0 delay 30 hideobjectat VAR_LAST_TALKED, SLATEPORT_CITY_HARBOR compare VAR_FACING, 2 call_if 1, SlateportCity_Harbor_EventScript_20CC42 compare VAR_FACING, 4 call_if 1, SlateportCity_Harbor_EventScript_20CC37 delay 30 hideobjectat 255, PETALBURG_CITY setvar VAR_0x8004, 5 call SlateportCity_Harbor_EventScript_2721E2 return SlateportCity_Harbor_EventScript_20CC2D:: @ 820CC2D msgbox SlateportCity_Harbor_Text_20CF71, 4 release end SlateportCity_Harbor_EventScript_20CC37:: @ 820CC37 applymovement 255, SlateportCity_Harbor_Movement_20CC4D waitmovement 0 return SlateportCity_Harbor_EventScript_20CC42:: @ 820CC42 applymovement 255, SlateportCity_Harbor_Movement_20CC50 waitmovement 0 return SlateportCity_Harbor_Movement_20CC4D: @ 820CC4D step_right step_26 step_end SlateportCity_Harbor_Movement_20CC50: @ 820CC50 step_up step_end SlateportCity_Harbor_EventScript_20CC52:: @ 820CC52 lock faceplayer checkflag FLAG_SYS_GAME_CLEAR goto_if 0, SlateportCity_Harbor_EventScript_20CC89 setvar VAR_0x8004, 0 checkflag FLAG_0x1BE call_if 1, SlateportCity_Harbor_EventScript_20CC93 checkflag FLAG_0x1BF call_if 1, SlateportCity_Harbor_EventScript_20CC93 compare VAR_0x8004, 2 goto_eq SlateportCity_Harbor_EventScript_20CC89 msgbox SlateportCity_Harbor_Text_20D08E, 4 release end SlateportCity_Harbor_EventScript_20CC89:: @ 820CC89 msgbox SlateportCity_Harbor_Text_20D01C, 4 release end SlateportCity_Harbor_EventScript_20CC93:: @ 820CC93 addvar VAR_0x8004, 1 return SlateportCity_Harbor_EventScript_20CC99:: @ 820CC99 msgbox SlateportCity_Harbor_Text_20D194, 2 end SlateportCity_Harbor_EventScript_20CCA2:: @ 820CCA2 lock faceplayer checkflag FLAG_BADGE07_GET goto_eq SlateportCity_Harbor_EventScript_20CD00 checkflag FLAG_0x10F goto_eq SlateportCity_Harbor_EventScript_20CCF6 checkflag FLAG_0x070 goto_eq SlateportCity_Harbor_EventScript_20CCE9 compare VAR_0x40A0, 2 goto_eq SlateportCity_Harbor_EventScript_20CCDF msgbox SlateportCity_Harbor_Text_20D232, 4 closemessage applymovement VAR_LAST_TALKED, SlateportCity_Harbor_Movement_2725A2 waitmovement 0 release end SlateportCity_Harbor_EventScript_20CCDF:: @ 820CCDF msgbox SlateportCity_Harbor_Text_20D35A, 4 release end SlateportCity_Harbor_EventScript_20CCE9:: @ 820CCE9 setflag FLAG_0x10F msgbox SlateportCity_Harbor_Text_20D42B, 4 release end SlateportCity_Harbor_EventScript_20CCF6:: @ 820CCF6 msgbox SlateportCity_Harbor_Text_20D58A, 4 release end SlateportCity_Harbor_EventScript_20CD00:: @ 820CD00 compare VAR_0x4001, 1 goto_eq SlateportCity_Harbor_EventScript_20CE11 checkitem ITEM_SCANNER, 1 compare VAR_RESULT, 1 goto_eq SlateportCity_Harbor_EventScript_20CD38 checkflag FLAG_SYS_GAME_CLEAR goto_eq SlateportCity_Harbor_EventScript_20CD2E msgbox SlateportCity_Harbor_Text_20D65C, 4 release end SlateportCity_Harbor_EventScript_20CD2E:: @ 820CD2E msgbox SlateportCity_Harbor_Text_20D6CB, 4 release end SlateportCity_Harbor_EventScript_20CD38:: @ 820CD38 message SlateportCity_Harbor_Text_20D76C waitmessage goto SlateportCity_Harbor_EventScript_20CD44 end SlateportCity_Harbor_EventScript_20CD44:: @ 820CD44 multichoice 0, 0, 46, 0 switch VAR_RESULT case 0, SlateportCity_Harbor_EventScript_20CD7B case 1, SlateportCity_Harbor_EventScript_20CDBB case 2, SlateportCity_Harbor_EventScript_20CDFB case 127, SlateportCity_Harbor_EventScript_20CDFB end SlateportCity_Harbor_EventScript_20CD7B:: @ 820CD7B msgbox SlateportCity_Harbor_Text_20D8BC, 5 compare VAR_RESULT, 0 goto_eq SlateportCity_Harbor_EventScript_20CE05 giveitem_std ITEM_DEEP_SEA_TOOTH compare VAR_RESULT, 0 goto_eq SlateportCity_Harbor_EventScript_272054 takeitem ITEM_SCANNER, 1 msgbox SlateportCity_Harbor_Text_20D94A, 4 setflag FLAG_0x126 goto SlateportCity_Harbor_EventScript_20CE11 end SlateportCity_Harbor_EventScript_20CDBB:: @ 820CDBB msgbox SlateportCity_Harbor_Text_20D8F1, 5 compare VAR_RESULT, 0 goto_eq SlateportCity_Harbor_EventScript_20CE05 giveitem_std ITEM_DEEP_SEA_SCALE compare VAR_RESULT, 0 goto_eq SlateportCity_Harbor_EventScript_272054 takeitem ITEM_SCANNER, 1 msgbox SlateportCity_Harbor_Text_20D94A, 4 setflag FLAG_0x126 goto SlateportCity_Harbor_EventScript_20CE11 end SlateportCity_Harbor_EventScript_20CDFB:: @ 820CDFB msgbox SlateportCity_Harbor_Text_20D841, 4 release end SlateportCity_Harbor_EventScript_20CE05:: @ 820CE05 message SlateportCity_Harbor_Text_20D926 waitmessage goto SlateportCity_Harbor_EventScript_20CD44 end SlateportCity_Harbor_EventScript_20CE11:: @ 820CE11 setvar VAR_0x4001, 1 msgbox SlateportCity_Harbor_Text_20D970, 4 release end SlateportCity_Harbor_Text_20CE20: @ 820CE20 .string "I beg your pardon?\n" .string "You’re looking for a ship?\p" .string "I’m sorry, the ferry service isn’t\n" .string "available at present…$" SlateportCity_Harbor_Text_20CE87: @ 820CE87 .string "Hello, are you here for the ferry?\n" .string "May I see your TICKET?$" SlateportCity_Harbor_Text_20CEC1: @ 820CEC1 .string "{PLAYER} doesn’t have the TICKET…\p" .string "I’m terribly sorry.\p" .string "You must have a TICKET to board\n" .string "the ferry.$" SlateportCity_Harbor_Text_20CF1C: @ 820CF1C .string "{PLAYER} flashed the TICKET.\p" .string "Perfect! That’s all you need!\p" .string "And where would you like to go?$" SlateportCity_Harbor_Text_20CF71: @ 820CF71 .string "Please sail with us another time!$" SlateportCity_Harbor_Text_20CF93: @ 820CF93 .string "LILYCOVE CITY it is, then!$" SlateportCity_Harbor_Text_20CFAE: @ 820CFAE .string "BATTLE FRONTIER it is, then!$" SlateportCity_Harbor_Text_20CFCB: @ 820CFCB .string "Please board the ferry and wait for\n" .string "departure.$" SlateportCity_Harbor_Text_20CFFA: @ 820CFFA .string "Then, where would you like to go?$" SlateportCity_Harbor_Text_20D01C: @ 820D01C .string "A journey to the bottom of the sea…\n" .string "I wonder what it’d be like?\p" .string "I’d love to go deep underwater like\n" .string "that someday.$" SlateportCity_Harbor_Text_20D08E: @ 820D08E .string "For a ship to sail safely, we need to\n" .string "know about the weather!\p" .string "Speaking of weather, I heard something\n" .string "from a guy at the WEATHER INSTITUTE.\p" .string "He was saying abnormal weather has\n" .string "been reported all over the place!\p" .string "You should visit the WEATHER INSTITUTE\n" .string "and ask around!$" SlateportCity_Harbor_Text_20D194: @ 820D194 .string "I wanted to go with CAPT. STERN on\n" .string "the ocean floor exploration.\p" .string "But the sub’s too small for me.\p" .string "If I squeezed in, there wouldn’t be\n" .string "any room for the CAPTAIN…$" SlateportCity_Harbor_Text_20D232: @ 820D232 .string "CAPT. STERN: Those thugs…\p" .string "They’re the same lot who tried to rob\n" .string "the DEVON GOODS at the MUSEUM.$" SlateportCity_Harbor_Text_20D291: @ 820D291 .string "ARCHIE: Oh?\n" .string "Not you again…\p" .string "You are tenacious to track us here,\n" .string "that much I will give you.\p" .string "But now…\n" .string "No one can stop us! No one!\p" .string "Or, will you follow us back to our\n" .string "HIDEOUT in LILYCOVE CITY?\p" .string "Fwahahahaha…$" SlateportCity_Harbor_Text_20D35A: @ 820D35A .string "CAPT. STERN: Why…\p" .string "Why would TEAM AQUA steal my\n" .string "SUBMARINE EXPLORER 1?\p" .string "They can’t be after the slumbering\n" .string "POKéMON at the bottom of the sea…\p" .string "But even if I were to chase them,\n" .string "I don’t stand a chance against them…$" SlateportCity_Harbor_Text_20D42B: @ 820D42B .string "CAPT. STERN: Oh, {PLAYER}{KUN}…\p" .string "Okay… So TEAM AQUA left before you\n" .string "could stop them…\p" .string "Oh, no, don’t blame yourself.\n" .string "You’re not responsible for this.\p" .string "Trying to catch a submarine…\n" .string "It’s impossible for most people.\p" .string "You would need a POKéMON that knows\n" .string "how to DIVE…\p" .string "Perhaps if you went out to\n" .string "MOSSDEEP CITY…\p" .string "A lot of divers live out there, so\n" .string "someone might teach you…$" SlateportCity_Harbor_Text_20D58A: @ 820D58A .string "CAPT. STERN: Trying to catch a\n" .string "submarine… It’s impossible.\p" .string "You would need a POKéMON that knows\n" .string "how to DIVE…\p" .string "Perhaps if you went out to\n" .string "MOSSDEEP CITY…\p" .string "A lot of divers live out there, so\n" .string "someone might teach you…$" SlateportCity_Harbor_Text_20D65C: @ 820D65C .string "CAPT. STERN: Oh, yes.\n" .string "MR. BRINEY came to our SHIPYARD.\p" .string "It won’t be long now before we finish\n" .string "making the ferry!$" SlateportCity_Harbor_Text_20D6CB: @ 820D6CB .string "CAPT. STERN: {PLAYER}{KUN}!\p" .string "We finally finished making the ferry\n" .string "S.S. TIDAL!\p" .string "We couldn’t have done it without\n" .string "your friend MR. BRINEY.\p" .string "Please go for a short cruise on it!$" SlateportCity_Harbor_Text_20D76C: @ 820D76C .string "CAPT. STERN: Oh?\n" .string "{PLAYER}{KUN}, that item you have…\p" .string "That’s a SCANNER! That would sure\n" .string "help us on our explorations.\p" .string "{PLAYER}{KUN}, would you trade your\n" .string "SCANNER for something?\p" .string "Like, say, a DEEPSEATOOTH or\n" .string "a DEEPSEASCALE that I have?$" SlateportCity_Harbor_Text_20D841: @ 820D841 .string "CAPT. STERN: Are you certain?\n" .string "It’s useless to you, {PLAYER}{KUN}…\p" .string "Well, okay, then. If you want to trade\n" .string "your SCANNER, let me know.$" SlateportCity_Harbor_Text_20D8BC: @ 820D8BC .string "CAPT. STERN: So you’ll trade it for\n" .string "my DEEPSEATOOTH?$" SlateportCity_Harbor_Text_20D8F1: @ 820D8F1 .string "CAPT. STERN: So you’ll trade it for\n" .string "my DEEPSEASCALE?$" SlateportCity_Harbor_Text_20D926: @ 820D926 .string "CAPT. STERN: Which one do you want?$" SlateportCity_Harbor_Text_20D94A: @ 820D94A .string "{PLAYER} handed the SCANNER to\n" .string "CAPT. STERN.$" SlateportCity_Harbor_Text_20D970: @ 820D970 .string "CAPT. STERN: Thanks, {PLAYER}{KUN}!\n" .string "This will help our research a lot!$"