SlateportCity_PokemonFanClub_MapScripts:: @ 8209E95 .byte 0 SlateportCity_PokemonFanClub_EventScript_209E96:: @ 8209E96 lock faceplayer checkflag FLAG_0x155 goto_if 0, SlateportCity_PokemonFanClub_EventScript_20A152 checkflag FLAG_0x156 call_if 0, SlateportCity_PokemonFanClub_EventScript_20A172 switch VAR_0x40B7 case 0, SlateportCity_PokemonFanClub_EventScript_209ED2 case 1, SlateportCity_PokemonFanClub_EventScript_209EE5 case 2, SlateportCity_PokemonFanClub_EventScript_209F3B release end SlateportCity_PokemonFanClub_EventScript_209ED2:: @ 8209ED2 setvar VAR_0x40B7, 1 msgbox SlateportCity_PokemonFanClub_Text_20A445, 4 goto SlateportCity_PokemonFanClub_EventScript_209F45 end SlateportCity_PokemonFanClub_EventScript_209EE5:: @ 8209EE5 setvar VAR_0x4002, 0 checkflag FLAG_0x0CC call_if 1, SlateportCity_PokemonFanClub_EventScript_209FD0 checkflag FLAG_0x0CB call_if 1, SlateportCity_PokemonFanClub_EventScript_209FD0 checkflag FLAG_0x0CA call_if 1, SlateportCity_PokemonFanClub_EventScript_209FD0 checkflag FLAG_0x0C9 call_if 1, SlateportCity_PokemonFanClub_EventScript_209FD0 checkflag FLAG_0x0C8 call_if 1, SlateportCity_PokemonFanClub_EventScript_209FD0 compare VAR_0x4002, 5 call_if 1, SlateportCity_PokemonFanClub_EventScript_209FCA compare VAR_0x40B7, 2 goto_eq SlateportCity_PokemonFanClub_EventScript_209F3B msgbox SlateportCity_PokemonFanClub_Text_20A62A, 4 goto SlateportCity_PokemonFanClub_EventScript_209F45 end SlateportCity_PokemonFanClub_EventScript_209F3B:: @ 8209F3B msgbox SlateportCity_PokemonFanClub_Text_20A9E1, 4 release end SlateportCity_PokemonFanClub_EventScript_209F45:: @ 8209F45 msgbox SlateportCity_PokemonFanClub_Text_20A65F, 4 setvar VAR_0x4001, 0 checkflag FLAG_0x0CC call_if 0, SlateportCity_PokemonFanClub_EventScript_20A13B checkflag FLAG_0x0CB call_if 0, SlateportCity_PokemonFanClub_EventScript_20A124 checkflag FLAG_0x0CA call_if 0, SlateportCity_PokemonFanClub_EventScript_20A10D checkflag FLAG_0x0C9 call_if 0, SlateportCity_PokemonFanClub_EventScript_20A0F6 checkflag FLAG_0x0C8 call_if 0, SlateportCity_PokemonFanClub_EventScript_20A0DF bufferleadmonspeciesname 0 switch VAR_0x4001 case 0, SlateportCity_PokemonFanClub_EventScript_209FD6 case 1, SlateportCity_PokemonFanClub_EventScript_209FE0 case 2, SlateportCity_PokemonFanClub_EventScript_20A011 case 3, SlateportCity_PokemonFanClub_EventScript_20A042 case 4, SlateportCity_PokemonFanClub_EventScript_20A073 case 5, SlateportCity_PokemonFanClub_EventScript_20A0A4 release end SlateportCity_PokemonFanClub_EventScript_209FCA:: @ 8209FCA setvar VAR_0x40B7, 2 return SlateportCity_PokemonFanClub_EventScript_209FD0:: @ 8209FD0 addvar VAR_0x4002, 1 return SlateportCity_PokemonFanClub_EventScript_209FD6:: @ 8209FD6 msgbox SlateportCity_PokemonFanClub_Text_20A66E, 4 release end SlateportCity_PokemonFanClub_EventScript_209FE0:: @ 8209FE0 checkitemspace ITEM_RED_SCARF, 1 compare VAR_RESULT, 0 goto_eq SlateportCity_PokemonFanClub_EventScript_20A0D5 msgbox SlateportCity_PokemonFanClub_Text_20A795, 4 setflag FLAG_0x0C8 giveitem_std ITEM_RED_SCARF msgbox SlateportCity_PokemonFanClub_Text_20A827, 4 release end SlateportCity_PokemonFanClub_EventScript_20A011:: @ 820A011 checkitemspace ITEM_BLUE_SCARF, 1 compare VAR_RESULT, 0 goto_eq SlateportCity_PokemonFanClub_EventScript_20A0D5 msgbox SlateportCity_PokemonFanClub_Text_20A795, 4 setflag FLAG_0x0C9 giveitem_std ITEM_BLUE_SCARF msgbox SlateportCity_PokemonFanClub_Text_20A880, 4 release end SlateportCity_PokemonFanClub_EventScript_20A042:: @ 820A042 checkitemspace ITEM_PINK_SCARF, 1 compare VAR_RESULT, 0 goto_eq SlateportCity_PokemonFanClub_EventScript_20A0D5 msgbox SlateportCity_PokemonFanClub_Text_20A795, 4 setflag FLAG_0x0CA giveitem_std ITEM_PINK_SCARF msgbox SlateportCity_PokemonFanClub_Text_20A8D7, 4 release end SlateportCity_PokemonFanClub_EventScript_20A073:: @ 820A073 checkitemspace ITEM_GREEN_SCARF, 1 compare VAR_RESULT, 0 goto_eq SlateportCity_PokemonFanClub_EventScript_20A0D5 msgbox SlateportCity_PokemonFanClub_Text_20A795, 4 setflag FLAG_0x0CB giveitem_std ITEM_GREEN_SCARF msgbox SlateportCity_PokemonFanClub_Text_20A933, 4 release end SlateportCity_PokemonFanClub_EventScript_20A0A4:: @ 820A0A4 checkitemspace ITEM_YELLOW_SCARF, 1 compare VAR_RESULT, 0 goto_eq SlateportCity_PokemonFanClub_EventScript_20A0D5 msgbox SlateportCity_PokemonFanClub_Text_20A795, 4 setflag FLAG_0x0CC giveitem_std ITEM_YELLOW_SCARF msgbox SlateportCity_PokemonFanClub_Text_20A984, 4 release end SlateportCity_PokemonFanClub_EventScript_20A0D5:: @ 820A0D5 msgbox SlateportCity_PokemonFanClub_Text_20A719, 4 release end SlateportCity_PokemonFanClub_EventScript_20A0DF:: @ 820A0DF specialvar VAR_RESULT, sub_8139004 compare VAR_RESULT, 1 call_if 1, SlateportCity_PokemonFanClub_EventScript_20A0F0 return SlateportCity_PokemonFanClub_EventScript_20A0F0:: @ 820A0F0 setvar VAR_0x4001, 1 return SlateportCity_PokemonFanClub_EventScript_20A0F6:: @ 820A0F6 specialvar VAR_RESULT, sub_8139030 compare VAR_RESULT, 1 call_if 1, SlateportCity_PokemonFanClub_EventScript_20A107 return SlateportCity_PokemonFanClub_EventScript_20A107:: @ 820A107 setvar VAR_0x4001, 2 return SlateportCity_PokemonFanClub_EventScript_20A10D:: @ 820A10D specialvar VAR_RESULT, sub_813905C compare VAR_RESULT, 1 call_if 1, SlateportCity_PokemonFanClub_EventScript_20A11E return SlateportCity_PokemonFanClub_EventScript_20A11E:: @ 820A11E setvar VAR_0x4001, 3 return SlateportCity_PokemonFanClub_EventScript_20A124:: @ 820A124 specialvar VAR_RESULT, sub_8139088 compare VAR_RESULT, 1 call_if 1, SlateportCity_PokemonFanClub_EventScript_20A135 return SlateportCity_PokemonFanClub_EventScript_20A135:: @ 820A135 setvar VAR_0x4001, 4 return SlateportCity_PokemonFanClub_EventScript_20A13B:: @ 820A13B specialvar VAR_RESULT, sub_81390B4 compare VAR_RESULT, 1 call_if 1, SlateportCity_PokemonFanClub_EventScript_20A14C return SlateportCity_PokemonFanClub_EventScript_20A14C:: @ 820A14C setvar VAR_0x4001, 5 return SlateportCity_PokemonFanClub_EventScript_20A152:: @ 820A152 checkflag FLAG_0x156 goto_eq SlateportCity_PokemonFanClub_EventScript_20A168 msgbox SlateportCity_PokemonFanClub_Text_20A233, 4 setflag FLAG_0x156 release end SlateportCity_PokemonFanClub_EventScript_20A168:: @ 820A168 msgbox SlateportCity_PokemonFanClub_Text_20A3EE, 4 release end SlateportCity_PokemonFanClub_EventScript_20A172:: @ 820A172 msgbox SlateportCity_PokemonFanClub_Text_20A233, 4 setflag FLAG_0x156 return SlateportCity_PokemonFanClub_EventScript_20A17E:: @ 820A17E lock faceplayer checkflag FLAG_0x116 goto_eq SlateportCity_PokemonFanClub_EventScript_20A1DE msgbox SlateportCity_PokemonFanClub_Text_20AA77, 4 specialvar VAR_RESULT, sub_8138C04 compare VAR_RESULT, 4 goto_if 4, SlateportCity_PokemonFanClub_EventScript_20A1A3 release end SlateportCity_PokemonFanClub_EventScript_20A1A3:: @ 820A1A3 playse SE_PIN applymovement VAR_LAST_TALKED, SlateportCity_PokemonFanClub_Movement_272598 waitmovement 0 applymovement VAR_LAST_TALKED, SlateportCity_PokemonFanClub_Movement_27259A waitmovement 0 msgbox SlateportCity_PokemonFanClub_Text_20AB63, 4 giveitem_std ITEM_SOOTHE_BELL compare VAR_RESULT, 0 goto_eq SlateportCity_PokemonFanClub_EventScript_272054 setflag FLAG_0x116 release end SlateportCity_PokemonFanClub_EventScript_20A1DE:: @ 820A1DE msgbox SlateportCity_PokemonFanClub_Text_20ABC4, 4 release end SlateportCity_PokemonFanClub_EventScript_20A1E8:: @ 820A1E8 msgbox SlateportCity_PokemonFanClub_Text_20AC47, 2 end SlateportCity_PokemonFanClub_EventScript_20A1F1:: @ 820A1F1 msgbox SlateportCity_PokemonFanClub_Text_20ACF9, 2 end SlateportCity_PokemonFanClub_EventScript_20A1FA:: @ 820A1FA lock faceplayer waitse playmoncry SPECIES_SKITTY, 0 msgbox SlateportCity_PokemonFanClub_Text_20AD5A, 4 waitmoncry release end SlateportCity_PokemonFanClub_EventScript_20A20D:: @ 820A20D lock faceplayer waitse playmoncry SPECIES_ZIGZAGOON, 0 msgbox SlateportCity_PokemonFanClub_Text_20AD6E, 4 waitmoncry release end SlateportCity_PokemonFanClub_EventScript_20A220:: @ 820A220 lock faceplayer waitse playmoncry SPECIES_AZUMARILL, 0 msgbox SlateportCity_PokemonFanClub_Text_20AD80, 4 waitmoncry release end SlateportCity_PokemonFanClub_Text_20A233: @ 820A233 .string "Er-hem! I am the CHAIRMAN of the\n" .string "POKéMON FAN CLUB!\p" .string "Being the CHAIRMAN, I am naturally\n" .string "the most important!\p" .string "No one can best me when it comes\n" .string "to raising POKéMON. No one!\p" .string "Well, let me tell you about\n" .string "POKéMON CONTESTS.\p" .string "They’re events where one can show off\n" .string "POKéMON for the world to see!\p" .string "However, they’re held in far-off towns,\n" .string "so I cannot participate often enough.\p" .string "That is why we gather here to show\n" .string "off our POKéMON, and have others\l" .string "show us theirs.$" SlateportCity_PokemonFanClub_Text_20A3EE: @ 820A3EE .string "The POKéMON of a TRAINER who has\n" .string "entered a POKéMON CONTEST…\l" .string "That, I would like to see.$" SlateportCity_PokemonFanClub_Text_20A445: @ 820A445 .string "Er-hem! I see you’ve participated in\n" .string "a POKéMON CONTEST!\p" .string "Please! Allow me to examine how you\n" .string "have raised your POKéMON.\p" .string "It delights me no end to see POKéMON\n" .string "raised by other TRAINERS.\p" .string "The happy expressions of POKéMON\n" .string "raised with proper care…\p" .string "The kindly eyes of the TRAINER that\n" .string "nurtured and raised the POKéMON…\p" .string "The very thought fills my heart to\n" .string "overwhelming with joy.\p" .string "Oh! I do beg your pardon!\n" .string "Forgive me for prattling on so!\p" .string "Please! Allow me to examine how much\n" .string "your POKéMON has grown!$" SlateportCity_PokemonFanClub_Text_20A62A: @ 820A62A .string "How is your POKéMON growing?\n" .string "Allow me to examine it.$" SlateportCity_PokemonFanClub_Text_20A65F: @ 820A65F .string "Hm, hm…\n" .string "I see…$" SlateportCity_PokemonFanClub_Text_20A66E: @ 820A66E .string "Hmmm… It’s not bad, but it’s not\n" .string "good, either…\p" .string "You, the TRAINER, must put more\n" .string "effort into raising this POKéMON!\p" .string "For instance, may I suggest that\n" .string "you give it more {POKEBLOCK}S?$" SlateportCity_PokemonFanClub_Text_20A719: @ 820A719 .string "Oh, my…\p" .string "Your POKéMON is growing quite well,\n" .string "so you deserve a reward.\p" .string "Unfortunately, you have no space for\n" .string "this in your BAG.$" SlateportCity_PokemonFanClub_Text_20A795: @ 820A795 .string "Your {STR_VAR_1}, it is growing in\n" .string "a most impressive manner!\l" .string "It is one fine specimen!\p" .string "But! If you were to give it this,\n" .string "it would grow even better! Indeed!$" SlateportCity_PokemonFanClub_Text_20A827: @ 820A827 .string "Let a POKéMON hold that RED SCARF.\p" .string "Everyone will recognize the coolness\n" .string "of that POKéMON!$" SlateportCity_PokemonFanClub_Text_20A880: @ 820A880 .string "Let a POKéMON hold that BLUE SCARF.\p" .string "Its beauty will be accentuated much\n" .string "more than now!$" SlateportCity_PokemonFanClub_Text_20A8D7: @ 820A8D7 .string "Let a POKéMON hold that PINK SCARF.\p" .string "It will draw out the cuteness of\n" .string "the POKéMON some more!$" SlateportCity_PokemonFanClub_Text_20A933: @ 820A933 .string "Let a POKéMON hold that GREEN SCARF.\p" .string "That will enhance the\n" .string "smartness of POKéMON!$" SlateportCity_PokemonFanClub_Text_20A984: @ 820A984 .string "Let a POKéMON hold that YELLOW SCARF.\p" .string "It will bolster your POKéMON’s\n" .string "toughness so much more!$" SlateportCity_PokemonFanClub_Text_20A9E1: @ 820A9E1 .string "I’m sorry, but I’ve nothing else to\n" .string "give you! None at all!\p" .string "After all, you’re blessed with the gift\n" .string "of raising POKéMON without resorting\l" .string "to any items!$" SlateportCity_PokemonFanClub_Text_20AA77: @ 820AA77 .string "I love seeing POKéMON that love\n" .string "their TRAINERS.\p" .string "POKéMON are very sensitive to\n" .string "the feelings of their TRAINERS.\p" .string "If you treat your POKéMON with love\n" .string "and care, they’ll love you back.\p" .string "When your POKéMON grow to love you,\n" .string "please come show me.$" SlateportCity_PokemonFanClub_Text_20AB63: @ 820AB63 .string "Your POKéMON really adores you.\p" .string "For you, a most compassionate\n" .string "TRAINER, a gift from the FAN CLUB!$" SlateportCity_PokemonFanClub_Text_20ABC4: @ 820ABC4 .string "POKéMON are very sensitive to\n" .string "the feelings of their TRAINERS.\p" .string "If you treat your POKéMON with love\n" .string "and care, they’ll love you back.$" SlateportCity_PokemonFanClub_Text_20AC47: @ 820AC47 .string "If you keep letting a POKéMON faint\n" .string "in battle, it’ll come to resent it.\p" .string "Soon, it will become less trusting\n" .string "of the TRAINER.\p" .string "In other words, it certainly won’t\n" .string "like you very much.$" SlateportCity_PokemonFanClub_Text_20ACF9: @ 820ACF9 .string "Do POKéMON enjoy having items used\n" .string "on them?\p" .string "Mine acted really happy when I gave\n" .string "it some PROTEIN.$" SlateportCity_PokemonFanClub_Text_20AD5A: @ 820AD5A .string "SKITTY: Fffnyaaaah…$" SlateportCity_PokemonFanClub_Text_20AD6E: @ 820AD6E .string "ZIGZAGOON: Kyuuu…$" SlateportCity_PokemonFanClub_Text_20AD80: @ 820AD80 .string "AZUMARILL: Marimari?$"