BattleFrontier_BattlePalaceLobby_MapScripts:: @ 824D77E map_script 2, BattleFrontier_BattlePalaceLobby_MapScript2_24D79D map_script 4, BattleFrontier_BattlePalaceLobby_MapScript2_24D789 .byte 0 BattleFrontier_BattlePalaceLobby_MapScript2_24D789: @ 824D789 map_script_2 VAR_0x4001, 0, BattleFrontier_BattlePalaceLobby_EventScript_24D793 .2byte 0 BattleFrontier_BattlePalaceLobby_EventScript_24D793:: @ 824D793 setvar VAR_0x4001, 1 turnobject 255, 2 end BattleFrontier_BattlePalaceLobby_MapScript2_24D79D: @ 824D79D map_script_2 VAR_0x4000, 0, BattleFrontier_BattlePalaceLobby_EventScript_24D7C7 map_script_2 VAR_0x4000, 1, BattleFrontier_BattlePalaceLobby_EventScript_24D7D0 map_script_2 VAR_0x4000, 2, BattleFrontier_BattlePalaceLobby_EventScript_24D908 map_script_2 VAR_0x4000, 3, BattleFrontier_BattlePalaceLobby_EventScript_24D817 map_script_2 VAR_0x4000, 4, BattleFrontier_BattlePalaceLobby_EventScript_24D873 .2byte 0 BattleFrontier_BattlePalaceLobby_EventScript_24D7C7:: @ 824D7C7 setvar VAR_0x8004, 0 special sub_81A1780 end BattleFrontier_BattlePalaceLobby_EventScript_24D7D0:: @ 824D7D0 lockall msgbox BattleFrontier_BattlePalaceLobby_Text_24E636, 4 closemessage setvar VAR_0x8004, 2 setvar VAR_0x8005, 1 setvar VAR_0x8006, 0 special sub_8195960 setvar VAR_0x8004, 2 setvar VAR_0x8005, 2 setvar VAR_0x8006, 0 special sub_8195960 setvar VAR_0x8004, 2 setvar VAR_0x8005, 0 setvar VAR_0x8006, 0 special sub_81A1780 setvar VAR_0x4000, 255 releaseall end BattleFrontier_BattlePalaceLobby_EventScript_24D817:: @ 824D817 lockall setvar VAR_0x8004, 10 special sub_81A1780 compare VAR_RESULT, 1 goto_eq BattleFrontier_BattlePalaceLobby_EventScript_24D838 msgbox BattleFrontier_BattlePalaceLobby_Text_24E497, 4 goto BattleFrontier_BattlePalaceLobby_EventScript_24D840 BattleFrontier_BattlePalaceLobby_EventScript_24D838:: @ 824D838 msgbox BattleFrontier_BattlePalaceLobby_Text_24EE81, 4 BattleFrontier_BattlePalaceLobby_EventScript_24D840:: @ 824D840 msgbox BattleFrontier_BattlePalaceLobby_Text_24EEB9, 4 setvar VAR_0x8004, 11 special sub_81A1780 msgbox BattleFrontier_BattlePalaceLobby_Text_241520, 9 message BattleFrontier_BattlePalaceLobby_Text_24E4F7 waitmessage call BattleFrontier_BattlePalaceLobby_EventScript_24D8A1 msgbox BattleFrontier_BattlePalaceLobby_Text_24E0D8, 4 closemessage setvar VAR_0x4000, 255 releaseall end BattleFrontier_BattlePalaceLobby_EventScript_24D873:: @ 824D873 lockall message BattleFrontier_BattlePalaceLobby_Text_24E41E waitmessage setvar VAR_0x8004, 2 setvar VAR_0x8005, 2 setvar VAR_0x8006, 0 special sub_8195960 call BattleFrontier_BattlePalaceLobby_EventScript_24D8A1 msgbox BattleFrontier_BattlePalaceLobby_Text_24E0D8, 4 closemessage setvar VAR_0x4000, 255 releaseall end BattleFrontier_BattlePalaceLobby_EventScript_24D8A1:: @ 824D8A1 setvar VAR_0x8004, 8 special sub_81A1780 special LoadPlayerParty special HealPlayerParty setvar VAR_0x8004, 7 setvar VAR_0x8005, 0 special sub_8195960 playse SE_SAVE waitse call BattleFrontier_BattlePalaceLobby_EventScript_23E8E0 compare VAR_RESULT, 1 goto_eq BattleFrontier_BattlePalaceLobby_EventScript_24D907 message BattleFrontier_BattlePalaceLobby_Text_24EF16 waitmessage multichoicedefault 20, 8, 94, 1, 0 switch VAR_RESULT case 1, BattleFrontier_BattlePalaceLobby_EventScript_24D907 case 0, BattleFrontier_BattlePalaceLobby_EventScript_24D902 case 127, BattleFrontier_BattlePalaceLobby_EventScript_24D907 BattleFrontier_BattlePalaceLobby_EventScript_24D902:: @ 824D902 call BattleFrontier_BattlePalaceLobby_EventScript_23E8B4 BattleFrontier_BattlePalaceLobby_EventScript_24D907:: @ 824D907 return BattleFrontier_BattlePalaceLobby_EventScript_24D908:: @ 824D908 lockall msgbox BattleFrontier_BattlePalaceLobby_Text_24E5D8, 4 message BattleFrontier_BattlePalaceLobby_Text_24E5F6 waitmessage setvar VAR_0x8004, 7 setvar VAR_0x8005, 1 special sub_8195960 playse SE_SAVE waitse setvar VAR_0x8004, 2 setvar VAR_0x8005, 3 setvar VAR_0x8006, 0 special sub_81A1780 setvar VAR_0x4000, 255 goto BattleFrontier_BattlePalaceLobby_EventScript_24DAF3 BattleFrontier_BattlePalaceLobby_EventScript_24D944:: @ 824D944 lock faceplayer setvar VAR_FRONTIER_FACILITY, 2 setvar VAR_0x40CE, 0 goto BattleFrontier_BattlePalaceLobby_EventScript_24D968 end BattleFrontier_BattlePalaceLobby_EventScript_24D956:: @ 824D956 lock faceplayer setvar VAR_FRONTIER_FACILITY, 2 setvar VAR_0x40CE, 1 goto BattleFrontier_BattlePalaceLobby_EventScript_24D968 end BattleFrontier_BattlePalaceLobby_EventScript_24D968:: @ 824D968 setvar VAR_0x8004, 1 setvar VAR_0x8005, 0 special sub_8195960 compare VAR_RESULT, 0 goto_if 5, BattleFrontier_BattlePalaceLobby_EventScript_24D817 special SavePlayerParty compare VAR_0x40CE, 0 call_if 1, BattleFrontier_BattlePalaceLobby_EventScript_24DB9E compare VAR_0x40CE, 1 call_if 1, BattleFrontier_BattlePalaceLobby_EventScript_24DBA7 BattleFrontier_BattlePalaceLobby_EventScript_24D999:: @ 824D999 compare VAR_0x40CE, 0 call_if 1, BattleFrontier_BattlePalaceLobby_EventScript_24DBB0 compare VAR_0x40CE, 1 call_if 1, BattleFrontier_BattlePalaceLobby_EventScript_24DBB6 waitmessage multichoice 17, 6, 23, 0 switch VAR_RESULT case 0, BattleFrontier_BattlePalaceLobby_EventScript_24D9E6 case 1, BattleFrontier_BattlePalaceLobby_EventScript_24DB20 case 2, BattleFrontier_BattlePalaceLobby_EventScript_24DB94 case 127, BattleFrontier_BattlePalaceLobby_EventScript_24DB94 BattleFrontier_BattlePalaceLobby_EventScript_24D9E6:: @ 824D9E6 message BattleFrontier_BattlePalaceLobby_Text_24E119 waitmessage multichoice 17, 6, 24, 0 switch VAR_RESULT case 2, BattleFrontier_BattlePalaceLobby_EventScript_24DB94 case 127, BattleFrontier_BattlePalaceLobby_EventScript_24DB94 setvar VAR_0x8004, 15 special sub_81A1780 compare VAR_0x8004, 1 goto_eq BattleFrontier_BattlePalaceLobby_EventScript_24DB45 setvar VAR_0x8004, 2 setvar VAR_0x8005, 1 copyvar VAR_0x8006, VAR_RESULT special sub_81A1780 msgbox BattleFrontier_BattlePalaceLobby_Text_24E399, 4 fadescreen 1 call BattleFrontier_BattlePalaceLobby_EventScript_23F2B7 copyvar VAR_0x8004, VAR_RESULT setvar VAR_0x8005, 3 special sub_80F9490 waitstate compare VAR_RESULT, 0 goto_eq BattleFrontier_BattlePalaceLobby_EventScript_24DB91 msgbox BattleFrontier_BattlePalaceLobby_Text_24E3C8, 5 switch VAR_RESULT case 0, BattleFrontier_BattlePalaceLobby_EventScript_24DB91 case 1, BattleFrontier_BattlePalaceLobby_EventScript_24DA87 case 127, BattleFrontier_BattlePalaceLobby_EventScript_24DB91 BattleFrontier_BattlePalaceLobby_EventScript_24DA87:: @ 824DA87 setvar VAR_0x4000, 0 setvar VAR_0x8004, 2 setvar VAR_0x8005, 4 special sub_81A1780 setvar VAR_0x8004, 0 special sub_8195960 setvar VAR_0x8004, 2 setvar VAR_0x8005, 2 setvar VAR_0x8006, 1 special sub_8195960 setvar VAR_0x8004, 2 setvar VAR_0x8005, 0 setvar VAR_0x8006, 1 special sub_81A1780 setvar VAR_0x8004, 2 setvar VAR_0x8005, 3 setvar VAR_0x8006, 0 special sub_81A1780 special LoadPlayerParty closemessage delay 2 call BattleFrontier_BattlePalaceLobby_EventScript_27134F setvar VAR_0x4000, 255 compare VAR_RESULT, 0 goto_eq BattleFrontier_BattlePalaceLobby_EventScript_24DB7A BattleFrontier_BattlePalaceLobby_EventScript_24DAF3:: @ 824DAF3 special SavePlayerParty setvar VAR_0x8004, 3 setvar VAR_0x8005, 3 special sub_81A1780 msgbox BattleFrontier_BattlePalaceLobby_Text_24E408, 4 closemessage call BattleFrontier_BattlePalaceLobby_EventScript_24DBBC warp BATTLE_FRONTIER_BATTLE_PALACE_CORRIDOR, 255, 8, 13 setvar VAR_0x4000, 0 waitstate end BattleFrontier_BattlePalaceLobby_EventScript_24DB20:: @ 824DB20 compare VAR_0x40CE, 1 goto_eq BattleFrontier_BattlePalaceLobby_EventScript_24DB38 msgbox BattleFrontier_BattlePalaceLobby_Text_24DE17, 4 goto BattleFrontier_BattlePalaceLobby_EventScript_24D999 BattleFrontier_BattlePalaceLobby_EventScript_24DB38:: @ 824DB38 msgbox BattleFrontier_BattlePalaceLobby_Text_24EBC2, 4 goto BattleFrontier_BattlePalaceLobby_EventScript_24D999 BattleFrontier_BattlePalaceLobby_EventScript_24DB45:: @ 824DB45 switch VAR_RESULT case 0, BattleFrontier_BattlePalaceLobby_EventScript_24DB60 case 1, BattleFrontier_BattlePalaceLobby_EventScript_24DB6D BattleFrontier_BattlePalaceLobby_EventScript_24DB60:: @ 824DB60 msgbox BattleFrontier_BattlePalaceLobby_Text_24E173, 4 goto BattleFrontier_BattlePalaceLobby_EventScript_24DB9C BattleFrontier_BattlePalaceLobby_EventScript_24DB6D:: @ 824DB6D msgbox BattleFrontier_BattlePalaceLobby_Text_24E29E, 4 goto BattleFrontier_BattlePalaceLobby_EventScript_24DB9C BattleFrontier_BattlePalaceLobby_EventScript_24DB7A:: @ 824DB7A setvar VAR_0x8004, 2 setvar VAR_0x8005, 0 setvar VAR_0x8006, 0 special sub_81A1780 goto BattleFrontier_BattlePalaceLobby_EventScript_24DB94 BattleFrontier_BattlePalaceLobby_EventScript_24DB91:: @ 824DB91 special LoadPlayerParty BattleFrontier_BattlePalaceLobby_EventScript_24DB94:: @ 824DB94 msgbox BattleFrontier_BattlePalaceLobby_Text_24E0D8, 4 BattleFrontier_BattlePalaceLobby_EventScript_24DB9C:: @ 824DB9C release end BattleFrontier_BattlePalaceLobby_EventScript_24DB9E:: @ 824DB9E msgbox BattleFrontier_BattlePalaceLobby_Text_24DD5B, 4 return BattleFrontier_BattlePalaceLobby_EventScript_24DBA7:: @ 824DBA7 msgbox BattleFrontier_BattlePalaceLobby_Text_24EB06, 4 return BattleFrontier_BattlePalaceLobby_EventScript_24DBB0:: @ 824DBB0 message BattleFrontier_BattlePalaceLobby_Text_24DDE1 return BattleFrontier_BattlePalaceLobby_EventScript_24DBB6:: @ 824DBB6 message BattleFrontier_BattlePalaceLobby_Text_24EB8C return BattleFrontier_BattlePalaceLobby_EventScript_24DBBC:: @ 824DBBC compare VAR_0x40CE, 0 call_if 1, BattleFrontier_BattlePalaceLobby_EventScript_24DC23 compare VAR_0x40CE, 1 call_if 1, BattleFrontier_BattlePalaceLobby_EventScript_24DC29 applymovement VAR_LAST_TALKED, BattleFrontier_BattlePalaceLobby_Movement_24DC47 applymovement 255, BattleFrontier_BattlePalaceLobby_Movement_24DC47 waitmovement 0 compare VAR_0x40CE, 0 call_if 1, BattleFrontier_BattlePalaceLobby_EventScript_24DC2F compare VAR_0x40CE, 1 call_if 1, BattleFrontier_BattlePalaceLobby_EventScript_24DC35 waitdooranim applymovement VAR_LAST_TALKED, BattleFrontier_BattlePalaceLobby_Movement_24DC49 applymovement 255, BattleFrontier_BattlePalaceLobby_Movement_24DC4C waitmovement 0 compare VAR_0x40CE, 0 call_if 1, BattleFrontier_BattlePalaceLobby_EventScript_24DC3B compare VAR_0x40CE, 1 call_if 1, BattleFrontier_BattlePalaceLobby_EventScript_24DC41 waitdooranim return BattleFrontier_BattlePalaceLobby_EventScript_24DC23:: @ 824DC23 setvar VAR_LAST_TALKED, 1 return BattleFrontier_BattlePalaceLobby_EventScript_24DC29:: @ 824DC29 setvar VAR_LAST_TALKED, 6 return BattleFrontier_BattlePalaceLobby_EventScript_24DC2F:: @ 824DC2F opendoor 5, 4 return BattleFrontier_BattlePalaceLobby_EventScript_24DC35:: @ 824DC35 opendoor 19, 4 return BattleFrontier_BattlePalaceLobby_EventScript_24DC3B:: @ 824DC3B closedoor 5, 4 return BattleFrontier_BattlePalaceLobby_EventScript_24DC41:: @ 824DC41 closedoor 19, 4 return BattleFrontier_BattlePalaceLobby_Movement_24DC47: @ 824DC47 step_up step_end BattleFrontier_BattlePalaceLobby_Movement_24DC49: @ 824DC49 step_up step_54 step_end BattleFrontier_BattlePalaceLobby_Movement_24DC4C: @ 824DC4C step_up step_up step_54 step_end BattleFrontier_BattlePalaceLobby_EventScript_24DC50:: @ 824DC50 lockall setvar VAR_0x8004, 7 setvar VAR_0x8005, 2 setvar VAR_0x8006, 0 special sub_81A1780 waitbuttonpress special RemoveRecordsWindow releaseall end BattleFrontier_BattlePalaceLobby_EventScript_24DC69:: @ 824DC69 lockall setvar VAR_0x8004, 7 setvar VAR_0x8005, 2 setvar VAR_0x8006, 1 special sub_81A1780 waitbuttonpress special RemoveRecordsWindow releaseall end BattleFrontier_BattlePalaceLobby_EventScript_24DC82:: @ 824DC82 msgbox BattleFrontier_BattlePalaceLobby_Text_24E6E3, 2 end BattleFrontier_BattlePalaceLobby_EventScript_24DC8B:: @ 824DC8B msgbox BattleFrontier_BattlePalaceLobby_Text_24E851, 2 end BattleFrontier_BattlePalaceLobby_EventScript_24DC94:: @ 824DC94 msgbox BattleFrontier_BattlePalaceLobby_Text_24E992, 2 end BattleFrontier_BattlePalaceLobby_EventScript_24DC9D:: @ 824DC9D msgbox BattleFrontier_BattlePalaceLobby_Text_24EA4B, 2 end BattleFrontier_BattlePalaceLobby_EventScript_24DCA6:: @ 824DCA6 lockall msgbox BattleFrontier_BattlePalaceLobby_Text_24EF66, 4 goto BattleFrontier_BattlePalaceLobby_EventScript_24DCB5 end BattleFrontier_BattlePalaceLobby_EventScript_24DCB5:: @ 824DCB5 message BattleFrontier_BattlePalaceLobby_Text_24EF88 waitmessage multichoice 16, 0, 100, 0 switch VAR_RESULT case 0, BattleFrontier_BattlePalaceLobby_EventScript_24DD13 case 1, BattleFrontier_BattlePalaceLobby_EventScript_24DD21 case 2, BattleFrontier_BattlePalaceLobby_EventScript_24DD2F case 3, BattleFrontier_BattlePalaceLobby_EventScript_24DD3D case 4, BattleFrontier_BattlePalaceLobby_EventScript_24DD4B case 5, BattleFrontier_BattlePalaceLobby_EventScript_24DD59 case 127, BattleFrontier_BattlePalaceLobby_EventScript_24DD59 end BattleFrontier_BattlePalaceLobby_EventScript_24DD13:: @ 824DD13 msgbox BattleFrontier_BattlePalaceLobby_Text_24EFAB, 4 goto BattleFrontier_BattlePalaceLobby_EventScript_24DCB5 end BattleFrontier_BattlePalaceLobby_EventScript_24DD21:: @ 824DD21 msgbox BattleFrontier_BattlePalaceLobby_Text_24F049, 4 goto BattleFrontier_BattlePalaceLobby_EventScript_24DCB5 end BattleFrontier_BattlePalaceLobby_EventScript_24DD2F:: @ 824DD2F msgbox BattleFrontier_BattlePalaceLobby_Text_24F190, 4 goto BattleFrontier_BattlePalaceLobby_EventScript_24DCB5 end BattleFrontier_BattlePalaceLobby_EventScript_24DD3D:: @ 824DD3D msgbox BattleFrontier_BattlePalaceLobby_Text_24F2E8, 4 goto BattleFrontier_BattlePalaceLobby_EventScript_24DCB5 end BattleFrontier_BattlePalaceLobby_EventScript_24DD4B:: @ 824DD4B msgbox BattleFrontier_BattlePalaceLobby_Text_24F3F4, 4 goto BattleFrontier_BattlePalaceLobby_EventScript_24DCB5 end BattleFrontier_BattlePalaceLobby_EventScript_24DD59:: @ 824DD59 releaseall end BattleFrontier_BattlePalaceLobby_Text_24DD5B: @ 824DD5B .string "Where the hearts of TRAINERS\n" .string "are put to the test.\p" .string "I welcome you to the BATTLE PALACE.\p" .string "I accept challenges to the SINGLE\n" .string "BATTLE HALLS.$" BattleFrontier_BattlePalaceLobby_Text_24DDE1: @ 824DDE1 .string "Do you wish to take\n" .string "the SINGLE BATTLE HALL challenge?$" BattleFrontier_BattlePalaceLobby_Text_24DE17: @ 824DE17 .string "In the BATTLE PALACE, there are\n" .string "several auditoriums for SINGLE BATTLES\l" .string "that are named SINGLE BATTLE HALLS.\p" .string "The SINGLE BATTLES are conducted in\n" .string "the usual way, except with one crucial\l" .string "rule that must be obeyed.\p" .string "TRAINERS are permitted only to switch\n" .string "their POKéMON in and out.\p" .string "TRAINERS are otherwise forbidden to\n" .string "command their POKéMON.\p" .string "The POKéMON are to behave according\n" .string "to their nature and battle on their own.\p" .string "You must put your trust in your\n" .string "POKéMON and watch over them.\p" .string "If you achieve the honor of beating\n" .string "seven TRAINERS in succession,\l" .string "we will present you with Battle Points.\p" .string "If you want to interrupt your\n" .string "challenge, you must save the game.\p" .string "If you don’t save before interrupting,\n" .string "you will be disqualified.$" BattleFrontier_BattlePalaceLobby_Text_24E0D8: @ 824E0D8 .string "When you have fortified your heart\n" .string "and POKéMON, you must return.$" BattleFrontier_BattlePalaceLobby_Text_24E119: @ 824E119 .string "There are two BATTLE HALLS,\n" .string "Level 50 and Open Level.\l" .string "Which is your choice of a challenge?$" BattleFrontier_BattlePalaceLobby_Text_24E173: @ 824E173 .string "Sigh…\p" .string "You do not have the three POKéMON\n" .string "required for the challenge.\p" .string "To enter, you must provide three\n" .string "different kinds of POKéMON.\p" .string "These POKéMON must all be of\n" .string "Level 50 or lower.\p" .string "They also must not be holding\n" .string "the same kinds of items.\p" .string "EGGS{STR_VAR_1} ineligible.\p" .string "Come back when you have made\n" .string "your preparations.$" BattleFrontier_BattlePalaceLobby_Text_24E29E: @ 824E29E .string "Sigh…\p" .string "You do not have the three POKéMON\n" .string "required for the challenge.\p" .string "To enter, you must provide three\n" .string "different kinds of POKéMON.\p" .string "They also must not be holding\n" .string "the same kinds of items.\p" .string "EGGS{STR_VAR_1} ineligible.\p" .string "Come back when you have made\n" .string "your preparations.$" BattleFrontier_BattlePalaceLobby_Text_24E399: @ 824E399 .string "Good. Now, you must select your\n" .string "three POKéMON.$" BattleFrontier_BattlePalaceLobby_Text_24E3C8: @ 824E3C8 .string "I must save before I show you to\n" .string "the BATTLE HALL. Is that okay?$" BattleFrontier_BattlePalaceLobby_Text_24E408: @ 824E408 .string "Good.\n" .string "Now, follow me.$" BattleFrontier_BattlePalaceLobby_Text_24E41E: @ 824E41E .string "I feel privileged for having seen\n" .string "your POKéMON’s exploits.\p" .string "The results will be recorded.\n" .string "I must ask you to briefly wait.$" BattleFrontier_BattlePalaceLobby_Text_24E497: @ 824E497 .string "To achieve a 7-win streak…\p" .string "The bonds that bind your heart with\n" .string "your POKéMON seem firm and true.$" BattleFrontier_BattlePalaceLobby_Text_24E4F7: @ 824E4F7 .string "Your feat will be recorded.\n" .string "I must ask you to briefly wait.$" BattleFrontier_BattlePalaceLobby_Text_24E533: @ 824E5333 .string "For the feat of your 7-win streak,\n" .string "we present you with Battle Point(s).$" VerdanturfTown_BattleTentLobby_Text_24E57B: @ 824E57B .string "You seem to have no space for\n" .string "our prize.\p" .string "You should return when you have\n" .string "organized your BAG.$" BattleFrontier_BattlePalaceLobby_Text_24E5D8: @ 824E5D8 VerdanturfTown_BattleTentLobby_Text_24E5D8: @ 824E5D8 .string "We have been waiting for you…$" BattleFrontier_BattlePalaceLobby_Text_24E5F6: @ 824E5F6 VerdanturfTown_BattleTentLobby_Text_24E5F6: @ 824E5F6 .string "I must save before I show you to\n" .string "the BATTLE HALL. Is that okay?$" BattleFrontier_BattlePalaceLobby_Text_24E636: @ 824E636 VerdanturfTown_BattleTentLobby_Text_24E636: @ 824E636 .string "Sigh…\p" .string "You failed to save before you ended\n" .string "your challenge the last time.\p" .string "As a result, your challenge has been\n" .string "disqualified. It is most unfortunate.$" BattleFrontier_BattlePalaceLobby_Text_24E6C9: @ 824E6C9 .string "{PLAYER} received the prize\n" .string "{STR_VAR_1}.$" BattleFrontier_BattlePalaceLobby_Text_24E6E3: @ 824E6E3 .string "For a hardy fellow like me,\n" .string "hardy POKéMON are the best.\p" .string "Offense is the best defense!\n" .string "A relentless attack is the ultimate!\p" .string "But that’s not what I wanted to chat\n" .string "about.\p" .string "Every so often a really cute lady\n" .string "swings by here.\p" .string "She says that she can tell what\n" .string "POKéMON are thinking.\p" .string "I don’t know about that part,\n" .string "but she is really cute.\p" .string "Huh?\n" .string "Why are you looking at me like that?$" BattleFrontier_BattlePalaceLobby_Text_24E851: @ 824E851 .string "Hmm…\p" .string "It appears that the nature of POKéMON\n" .string "and the moves that they have been\l" .string "taught are the keys to battle here.\p" .string "To be more precise, it’s how well\n" .string "the moves match the nature of\l" .string "the POKéMON.\p" .string "If your POKéMON is in trouble and\n" .string "unable to live up to its potential,\l" .string "you may need to examine how well\l" .string "its moves match its nature.$" BattleFrontier_BattlePalaceLobby_Text_24E992: @ 824E992 .string "My POKéMON is usually very docile.\p" .string "But when it’s in a BATTLE HALL,\n" .string "it sometimes seems to become\l" .string "transformed into something wicked!\p" .string "It becomes totally intimidating.\n" .string "It’s shocking, even.$" BattleFrontier_BattlePalaceLobby_Text_24EA4B: @ 824EA4B .string "I wonder what sort of nature a POKéMON\n" .string "would have if it favored enfeebling its\l" .string "opponents and chipping away slowly.\p" .string "I’d be surprised if it was a LAX nature.\p" .string "But, nah, that can’t be right.$" BattleFrontier_BattlePalaceLobby_Text_24EB06: @ 824EB06 .string "Where the hearts of TRAINERS\n" .string "are put to the test.\p" .string "I welcome you to the BATTLE PALACE.\p" .string "I accept challenges to the DOUBLE\n" .string "BATTLE HALLS.$" BattleFrontier_BattlePalaceLobby_Text_24EB8C: @ 824EB8C .string "Do you wish to take\n" .string "the DOUBLE BATTLE HALL challenge?$" BattleFrontier_BattlePalaceLobby_Text_24EBC2: @ 824EBC2 .string "In the BATTLE PALACE, there are\n" .string "several auditoriums for DOUBLE BATTLES\l" .string "that are named DOUBLE BATTLE HALLS.\p" .string "The DOUBLE BATTLES are conducted in\n" .string "the usual way, except with one crucial\l" .string "rule that must be obeyed.\p" .string "TRAINERS are permitted only to switch\n" .string "their POKéMON in and out.\p" .string "TRAINERS are otherwise forbidden to\n" .string "command their POKéMON.\p" .string "The POKéMON are to behave according\n" .string "to their nature and battle on their own.\p" .string "You must put your trust in your\n" .string "POKéMON and watch over them.\p" .string "If you achieve the honor of beating\n" .string "seven TRAINERS in succession,\l" .string "we will present you with Battle Points.\p" .string "If you want to interrupt your\n" .string "challenge, please save the game.\p" .string "If you don’t save before interrupting,\n" .string "you will be disqualified.$" BattleFrontier_BattlePalaceLobby_Text_24EE81: @ 824EE81 .string "To defeat the PALACE MAVEN\n" .string "and seven TRAINERS in a row…$" BattleFrontier_BattlePalaceLobby_Text_24EEB9: @ 824EEB9 .string "In honor of the bond you share with\n" .string "your POKéMON, we present you with\l" .string "these Battle Point(s).$" BattleFrontier_BattlePalaceLobby_Text_24EF16: @ 824EF16 .string "Would you like to record your latest\n" .string "BATTLE PALACE match on your\l" .string "FRONTIER PASS?$" BattleFrontier_BattlePalaceLobby_Text_24EF66: @ 824EF66 .string "The BATTLE HALL rules are listed.$" BattleFrontier_BattlePalaceLobby_Text_24EF88: @ 824EF88 VerdanturfTown_BattleTentLobby_Text_24EF88: @ 824EF88 .string "Which heading do you want to read?$" BattleFrontier_BattlePalaceLobby_Text_24EFAB: @ 824EFAB VerdanturfTown_BattleTentLobby_Text_24EFAB: @ 824EFAB .string "Here, POKéMON are required to think\n" .string "and battle by themselves.\p" .string "Unlike in the wild, POKéMON that live\n" .string "with people behave differently\l" .string "depending on their nature.$" BattleFrontier_BattlePalaceLobby_Text_24F049: @ 824F049 VerdanturfTown_BattleTentLobby_Text_24F049: @ 824F049 .string "Depending on its nature, a POKéMON\n" .string "may prefer to attack no matter what.\p" .string "Another POKéMON may prefer to protect\n" .string "itself from any harm.\p" .string "Yet another may enjoy vexing or\n" .string "confounding its foes.\p" .string "Due to its nature, a POKéMON\n" .string "will have favorite moves that it is good\l" .string "at using.\p" .string "It may also dislike certain moves that\n" .string "it has trouble using.$" BattleFrontier_BattlePalaceLobby_Text_24F190: @ 824F190 VerdanturfTown_BattleTentLobby_Text_24F190: @ 824F190 .string "There are offensive moves that inflict\n" .string "direct damage on the foe.\p" .string "There are defensive moves that are\n" .string "used to prepare for enemy attacks or\l" .string "used to heal HP and so on.\p" .string "There are also other somewhat-odd\n" .string "moves that may enfeeble the foes with\l" .string "stat problems including poison and \l" .string "paralysis.\p" .string "POKéMON will consider using moves in\n" .string "these three categories.$" BattleFrontier_BattlePalaceLobby_Text_24F2E8: @ 824F2E8 VerdanturfTown_BattleTentLobby_Text_24F2E8: @ 824F2E8 .string "When not under command by its TRAINER,\n" .string "a POKéMON may be unable to effectively\l" .string "use certain moves.\p" .string "A POKéMON is not good at using any\n" .string "move that it dislikes.\p" .string "If a POKéMON only knows moves that\n" .string "do not match its nature, it will often\l" .string "be unable to live up to its potential.$" BattleFrontier_BattlePalaceLobby_Text_24F3F4: @ 824F3F4 VerdanturfTown_BattleTentLobby_Text_24F3F4: @ 824F3F4 .string "Depending on its nature, a POKéMON may\n" .string "start using moves that don’t match its\l" .string "nature when it is in trouble.\p" .string "If a POKéMON begins behaving oddly\n" .string "in a pinch, watch it carefully.$"